Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jan 1902, p. 3

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t04~ DY EL444N -4,4 44e'444 t 1, 444> 1 4 Cl ho 44444'4 4,44 454 21.44 44 t5 N40 *44404 IL444 lu*4444 444 4h '4 2y.44 'J'Y . hile., t'Il~44 '44) 44444 44. 44 8 I44 t 44 44,f 4 4,,4 du Nelgh0or In 444444444 1 '&ru , a d, ilLu i A T HIG(INIBOTI 444 Pi14,35c. box. IL~ .4 '4)444 I Litle Devfls I'SC boi.2 for Cre , wt %Mt".~ê4- ' .44444ose 'bas. > I Whirh hndtfRe o w-r à, 2oc box, ewhnicjs , A,, IBTOAM&COMeLL ndÀp il thaï re ouar a. c rue 1Ir forntyte "~Fo h er eeou arn ni ilii 0Cliaa ne T Ialillr . wS band ts fwprn. ?nan 0,,o Il'tnFI syo 4c nde5c. ean ttiVe $&O nd Il 41 aBd aakw e b P*mubd, h>h oditmyoni cu1 00as4 roaue wbhah s lattete de 75c.nnScng.hum fW ed in Monqir oi m o Our large stock (b.).arke'#Yoln 114 re.iriggn 0 godsno rad. ouknw o!~Ceb~s..... atdwill be ourdeendeavor .tols what a well assort....tock weive.an.88 U44e 1 or thne ver gn youparon- cary. Youknw al bou or :...... .. 53 Îh0111ld bave45f4444 hCARlog .TOtONT. uring heh yea 1902. 8tede low pices. Corn ea Kl..We1. H P.rsWoodC R. otoulCmal.4440 tR appecateyliarad. ot ......f20 4os. P. Good Wor'4,re44isE Tise Dr Y u ggîsts. isle Cmpbell ......* "' P-H- Vata 4 Mar b 44ot, sy'4'4orig ran'g4.l s3 uL arevei tiecllget ' 90O b îC>bo, . 4 o Caoxso r. Cl4444444 's iteRe ne frtenw en f w n mk ue i uies ot, '4'44î4~ooko. 4) 144g048444 , c44 44 0h 4 ........4 . 8 4044pive . s did, 4444more 4'4444'44ha44444 w h at a w ell a s s orp0t e,4 st o ck4 .e44.ua Laing4 . . . 8442 th 44444vla 4ti 44444'44444444.>444cri4444'444444444444 4.4..44444~44'4444 '444 ~Mc 4~40. 1 .......4'.4'4444444'44 HAMILTON444444 BUSINESS4'44o"44444,T',4'4mo4reatest lvale ser t y r c n .4..44.4444444444444444o F44444444444444........444754P21.1441'>MePa44444Ro44t . 44 4 4 4 4 4 4P.4& c a rr y.44444 4 4440Y.e4 k ow4ll a o ut054et. n44.44444.- -.4444 I bave meri, 5o"r- ill f- .44444444.44444,44444 4 "44444444T4444444444'4n>.444aMyK44... tinIffbconfidence and patronag Edw Amsrog .. .. 9 tonah robl4ad 4ud hen 4wn-Y.M.C.A.Buldng 444404.,,'Pearl444M'in 1 der.h4 Y4t4o 44 f C4444444g4 Cote444ta4444444444a 4.IITON lo w p ri c e s . C o400m 44444, Rh ,44 y 040444 444444 A444 * o44 ...*..*...53 0444444cure. 44C.44R.4445544444444. ( 0444 Finp l. HAON i AnMILT BO kerON . 444 ~4 . 44444444A.444,444. 46May444444444Dalian' 414444444,4 L ...4o44.4........0464444404p04441___________the_______________1902._____ E l a L n d Y . . . . . .04r444.444i e e P ll r e a e 4 4 44 44 44 44c 444.444, 4444444 444 4.bo44 4P arti 4 .... . . 84 an4ur4or4 tm at sa a th M , a r ..~44.,44 ~ 454~. 4444W44444,44444'4,44444J4444. C64 V.444,44Tis44- -.43 M4,44 ec.ze-.4V a, 44444044 4 . 44444d44444414440444444444444~44Walter4444444444444ache,44hindigestion,.. . . F .444 4441440444444444 .64444 444.4044444444'..444444-o&444C o.x ..444444"444-44troubles,444444 44444g4344444 . 7 M44444.0444444o4'4 0444444.4 u s ix ri ec Ch 4a4dRHarrison ........ 70 the45i44,44r4444 R4e4n standing Ao4many MONEY 1 MONEY 440 4444,44.446.. .. ...-4D r.44444,4ur4C re4or4734, h n 444,g s, un ci al4r oua co p o ati ns.4 .be tue- M E 44..4444444,44444 4Rn444H . . 4444444444 44,4444....... M44444and4r. 54444444, a Sur ureM f r E, - 0., tck,di bonds F r40 4 444444444 1,444or 1 114411r -,, 1414bc 4o '4 44 4444444444444V 44of44 [ ge r o , 4r Ag44446444444t a p,. ...653 sain, priC. M404y, 04I '4'4,454bc 4' ci4 y W. cnx44twn .. 'l 441,y Min..> ........ . 50 caIli" wll no cure C4H44t. ati 4'y ttreddsioldbetwen on I 44043t 444.F ret]4444.4444ce Of H a milton,4is h o m e A nna 4Scott . ......444 y..44..'44944 44 444 4444 44 îîp es io c lf ya I 44443 n. il,, 5 Tire44 4144 ,t fora - dy.46 44r 444444444- . s .Bot -Values, 44444444. ,c,4444444444444444443M44440 g4444M04 &,v44 R obertson 44 . ...... 3"4404 4444444of4y4. O, _____Ls__ il il, J. If4 4414Luton, 4 (if Toronto, ilT renexsi44rg4May44Kelly44........ . : ..... 26 Municipal444!4 No'4.4a44,4s, K N( X C U l CH 3 t . y b ve el. rep q e F . M.444C N , i nL e a d i ngke r Mil4446 64f 44'4.lien Afrd . C4444.4....4644444!) 5no 1t444-44't Mon44' 4444444 ,44a,4444'4444 64444444444'.4 LOCAL NEWI. ~ ~ C'iA tu 444 l'lit, ber a 4rui 4MI.,. 14444444N 4,4444 CartwightS 41444 ..... 4 Oo 4 3 ~ 4 ) 44 4444,44 44 4~4. 44444 44 4444.4A44 4 In. .. 4444Il44'44444444'4 4-44444444440444h44444444 Milton444 T 44 44 44.44 4444 '44 44444 4. 044444444 44444444446444 4444 M444444404444 44444 F044~4444.444 . RFA R4 G S4E4A T 444.144444,44444 .46444444444 4444J444444.44...........E Y TE, . N GH MS t r 4444444,il444 0447A " 444444 444644444444 4 TT ayl or4.......... E;3 'I'4'4loir,4244P4c4'.4NI- .444444444444444 ,- .44444,444 MC,444, 0604444,4 - S. Dice. W.0 44014. 444444g E o w s t P ic Il, -444 - o!4 W444,14y, t'on,4I , , tel, I-y 4of 44t - ck ith M ary5 Scott ........444 F4444. 1S.6444 -41)4.44R .444K .64.34 c45 , , .4 4 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 ir B arrit 4 fri54-4 4 i!,4444444444440444 t v. G eorg e D olby . ....M .......M l 21 si .4M4Ili44444'In'4444.4444444 f.40Il. lire4644,iM oo 4444614 Con16440446 44. Ea444444. 01RACEC44444444and 4th- re444444 Ing il, W, 4i4,Aitkc 4404... 44....... 44435 A,40444444 W is .4î A T U LL ýr s OF9 ,Ii t h1ý ; ()R u; (n SH O L L I NA K E 5 S O A4 .1.4444644.444444444444, 444-64 a44444444I Cild w il. La l44444444 ... ..64 ..4 i.4as0e opT ... M CDO 11. V> 1, a. M 444 1 1I , h , a Clar,464 C I n4s F .4ittl4III4il444' e l a nd4u b b r B44)Ls44v e s h o a n ci 4444441Stewart ...........4S54A. 44.44444É.4G4P,4David4444o4,4 44444144044 1644 ,44444444444 444a M,44444.4 ........ 82 W . G. 444444,4n44 ren s o u b e s ,d H o k y B O L' it r ad ng ir nt i M id04D4W 44 .A d an, '4 M cK 4444 4.4ANI)4f4 4 '4 K.4C.411,-,444 F44444444044n4D,4-,ir,4 Clehe4t4 and HaJ.ley and Dr. Wi4 kso4 4444 ý044444444444.I>nyiCted of44444444,44 .a rd H.ro... ....... 6.and 4h44..44444444.344.444 jaii bribes44in44t4e444444444444444444444444444444 55444MC 4L44444.... .....4 ,, keeet d b a cc h t e ýik e S p o t lS ,i ld 1,i ay ni.tha4 R.B 4terfebî.4..3..... - 444,dic i '44444î,4Boots4444444 I l trou,4 4444444444444 tr444 Milton0444444444 e e4444444 .44)54- b W i A a t. 4 4 44 44Iller,44 of4 L4e444444444Miss444444 004 444444 R444 44 M 444444444 J.A W444 44 .44444loAg tCe ilo Ci .v'an i e4-4e d 44 4 44 4 44 4 64 4 d44 44 4 .44 M S M 4,4V N, ,44444 4 4A . 4444'44J . 44NI. 4',4o ..c ,4 Cr,, fi .1 , c f te4 44I O E P L S I N - 1 -j -, 1 I l L OC A L N E W S . A 444444 3 44 746,4444 4444444444c i, J4 I e4 N riaa 4 ir,,oabe C mpb ll L o n 4i ard D r 144 0l'er oi a 1 eu 4447444 c rit an E44464444o B ack - 444 3444 44if44444'a'4.44444.44 444604h 344,,-., 444.tl Hal 444, 446444,4 444444.4444, 04444 ' 5 0rnc uu -rer i.T I- a ,t, ou l.i, m4, l44 se M4e D ut haird, 044444444 44444) n 44 Lori, 454440444a 4t'0y>l Mlla Taylor. 4 T4 'i l ...... 4 P44RING A S44,4444 andPav44ol-46444444 FI-'444Fifon ool 44tei ro gir, From J,. tu Int. IV.44'404444444.444444,3 I - D,.444443 il u t444 r4 4444444but 4vert 44boit, 444444444444 04 440044 , 044o 44444444Harrio .4k.4.44444 4,Mange4444444444444,44rp. t o r 1 l 0444land 44ut 44 T4441 4 44444444444 R440oo-4444St eart, 444Elgin 644or 444 '(-bar- bFf..T7T7VK r7TT71nT'1.,.44 T >Jas, i44444 4t 4644i4- 44'marc,44 the444444444 444444, oni Ne,4 ailv u.s.. j± seJ2 , .aie ,.c..o uo 4444445444,44444444444444 Campbell444444, b.Myrtle Moore, 444 4444444Wilfrid4'444441 Lit il1, ;', il, %, r l in le',th. i. d - M a ,ý. hit , M bel D iýk n, ,,I,,44,g Nlcjannett Si ' 1 "je ns oceor ehir. Stephn44.4.n544, Wliam Reeve44 , John 44'44"', Nai,444,4V'LFE7. the44444444.444n®rd4British4Columbia4. 0,444, F444) ',4I 4 F4444 044444 344 '444a4,4444444______________________________________ éi. Happ iJIi .v oea i-hoi il nd Ch44 ow44a444fIg thice t44e.,. hco, 4o.vilit Il, 40Ph, Ethe' Andrson (t04444,4444.444.44444,444444444444444 4"i" '4'"' 444444644> Il11 hud Ic li. Il44 ,044444444Albert404444444.4444444 , , » M 1 n lt ý ed b , -th e , P . R '.4 4e n4h e4M ar46 4l44 r4rtal44, 444444446o n t he444 1444 il4444141, hi,44444 0 n44 g444,,4. il,0440444 n., 44 ,\l rM,,P644 0444t0444444,51444444444 A Wor4 44 Scotch 4416.. T o.Ail 44 g444 44444 44444,4..F,444444404444.44 A44 o ntI n t.4,4 44444, S .4r4I4V. il l il4LI n. File4ha: 444444in B,44444Colr rii -, D l- c en y ovB ale ,A tli c- 4W.N o M D6 c f opA llla Ji444 lýt 444 4 o 4 hi,4 4hast vi4oo444,t44 Miltonlo . 44444444444 ,,,444444'44444W444 Il4444444 - 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i bong44444h444b~44444444ht .rr K'4tir.4Le445444Wilim 444440444444444444 Bell,444. 4j-, .444A, 1).~ 11 J[4 4 4'I 4 f444444 4440444444444444444440444444444444444 4464.r.A44%'. 404444 G b44444444444 ld44M4a4444 day4 1 444 44 - .4. 4 44 41R.II1 4444 44010444440 .44 7444444444IL44444C444-94444444444 Allure 74444044. 'Îli444404,44'd4lie 4 PL rii NitIE Roi A N D il4oi r4444414>44,4444 M4eekof raer il4bcObsrv,' 44. M4,4444, 4444340 too - a 144 114tire4444,44. 'l'li444404444-44 i n M444 4 ,j b ,44*.4 -411 1 . 4444 4444444444444,44holding0 44if 4444144444M44,44 44-IC4 'PA ERHA GER 4 1 1 0444444-4 44 444,4 ~ 444 'In el ,4 ce,4444444444444.44 the404il444444.64 44004444A4foi',3464an44444t4he44444444444440444444444.444 44444444 444444444 444414444pv 34,« 04444 of444444 UneI 444444444 4.44444,4444444444 A g h44444444o4 and bicth.dit athleyn Il.n444,444444 0404H44444.0444444,44444444 4.44 N44444'444-44liait-4444 1 r44d ,4 dî4433 444 14 4. 44 '4'ýî 44Il.\\4] T 4le meeti0gs4-Il4.444i.ld4art, Mary MI 4, , 4 44Nol 44- it444 J.4 A.44444444II4444444444444on44about.4 'et~4444444 4 4444444. - F r o a e lW ..( Dh h rocvrgeFlo lt IUIl . .KnA l"CoeW Salrsui, ru ,ýCIi"g -1144 F4444446.he444444444444444the 04444644444044.444444-4444Fis444,444 4E. 444444444044044S44II444,,.4444444444444. 4.44 1,cd' a4Aline. T e .444444M444go44444 .4444 o n.4444444 4444444444444444440444,'41~4 4 44444 434 44 44444444444444 e6444,46o.44 s44 , Clara M6444 4444444444464444444444444444444.4F444Ri,44444444444 444.44 ii 4444 . 4444il4b gin4 ach 44404I644.44444 t4 13 Jo44ne 4444 04, 4444W44lliam44 '444 444444444 44444.44444g44T he444 46444444 44 T îlr Pl -l et mr - 4er #le DigoU ar4 io , o41c .1 At4h4rSie)l 444444444 14444444 do-a4.ge terar- - A 444444,444 L4444P44444f. 444444444444444444J-.4.4 . 44ILTON... 'f of, i, i t 444444444perfor rai4a44r444m any as ,ils 04 B r w n, HW li m 00B r 0ow n, [,cils M 4444 464444444444 d4b ,4444H44pA 4N e w Y. 4 --4,t.awn l en f p - - Ffron44.t4 l44 ait.444444444,444 t o044444444444444S4.44444.4444HI,446~~ b =4444 0 al, 4444 41but,44,46 040 044444 4444 44 44.4 64444444444444444 .,44 44444 44i.n. 4.4 in o o ae 444444 444444 04444 . ..L O 0.444oo h44e0P1earl AndersonM uriel404444044. 4464-44Douglas,44446444.444444444444044444444 ,44 0.4 AIddi, p, t,1o ic, bbIt,, F r a n k P e arSf444e4, 4o444o4d5)4o4444o4444444444444-44444444444"A444IL44 44444 4i l'c,4id4 si144i4on44444444Kart4rown,44rgatJ à ord Ii. 044444444. 4 4444 44 444444444'444444444.444 444 ooo, fis",,î. 4PP4,l 4enyl lv44(Ont of 44444444h4441î44ph4o4 444444444444.4444.444-44.444'444 ,.Robert ' 4 , 444444.44 . 4, 4444 adi ietten,,tdfi ul l - f444044d4y6o44 44hil0444444444444o44g44 444 'C4 4. ~ 44,4444,444444444444444444 444444444444444444 N4 IL4444 F1l eming Chlte, Fat, William 44444464444444m04-44T4444e64,4444,44s44444444 ,le 444il44 444444.44 44 444444444444 -14444 S 4C 4 il 4the 444cadin mg,4444 t he 4464444444444 44044.z 444L 4444i ýr .44. 444p404444444 4444444t4444444444 4444.404444444444444444444444of4 4 4 bon- t ri 1 hom Percival seemscleiltined 44444444101 .44044gW4i4, W04lli.444 4inith, \4.bel 44g44 .4Lres,44C44e4l445444444444444-111444.44> 4 4 4 4.I4444444.44 44 4 3ir44! THE IlVP M ", 4 4 444 4.4Th444fin4444444444444f444ils4444,44 is..44444 Mc4S444hl, Thomas Bàde44u (tr..__ __. wInie_ _aihng___onil,,__-Il______ ___h-,______ ______ 44 ~ ~ ti o 4 I 4 a44fe 444,,<44fA4the444444 044444444. 4I 444444 4 4054444444 44444and440r-44444, 0641 ,44D443> 0444 K,4h.4vas4 ,444444,C,4,444), 44 4444a44the 444444444, 444of44444444s Il 4 ~ 4 44 og o.0c6rientA, w 4. 044 44 44 Y o4g M444'44 46444144444Aanti I. l ap py e w Y e r ai, 4,44,4P").45r44P444441. t-44444II.44n4044.44l4or 4444444 !il(_444 44 044 0441 004, 4s;,6444Il444le,4444444444444444444444 644444 444446 04in444M.ilton.40 ,g vire,44404and4444444464444 .11.M AP A PE4 R . ni (L I- n iEhR M I , - , , . , n h , b i i h a r M o e a e a i S s n th e 041 u44o n.4f444444644 46444444 444444 m lp in M 4444444444 q a pp444444 Festival4444f4 t.4-John054 he444440 ge'i40t, the 44ar 444444w4ar 444A 44.PI544.John44Forci44and44444444h'444444 A4 '44444444 444444in,4Clair4444444444 G l-neiY 5Robinson4444444l,4Aile,404444444444binai4a,,4p y44.g o L o anhoro, iciRM- 1 Oo to'n ie. 2 , à o oîke 44444444444444044' 0l'y W. t,,.4Part.4 Ml.rgi Houa044. R Aselbord M ermah4t444 . 4-644 il-il444444d4044.44444 60,444444 ,; '444444do444444444q)4. 44>44ik4Nic 1 I, - , l444 \i4 r, 44444 104 J.40î4444444U4. 46 4444NI - 000 f44444 44.440444. Il.4,14444. oeh4514444444044440044d 4444444444 44444444444,4 4444 Ir4Iio\444.0 .04 '4 1 ', ' 444, 30441444474g 444444-4 r.44 R.44444 p4441g4444 14444 Ann0a44 Little,4044 plait. 44440 0444, J hn Fa,- a longg4444444444 . -5444444444644444 444444444.546044 I f k 44i414t44441445Ilt tleod 60440440'.04444a4. 654404Jda44o444 lg444 4.4 'T ' 44 444o. 4Nl o '444, N444 -444J441.6A 44. 404444444444144 F404 4444.446 P. 4444. 44444040444and 4444'4440444464444 .4444 f444 1444444 54444444444 6444444 I4 4 4 4444444 4.4 her 4444444il (Ille.4But444444444444II 'f. h 44444W444444il, 4W . '444 0S ons - 44 1il,44CI.4.Toc44 wat Pl.,4,4c% 4.4,d Cr. , , 4a th due4h4ni -4th4.d and .4e,44te4t4", 444 il, S44444l4 4444 , -aa C44 444 4 440 S it. J. 041)44. Kelly, PG F044460444444044 . W4444. nati4os 40444ho claim the honor of 044 g44 544A44,4,Sf4.04 0444 004444 g04t 0- ,41).14of C.44 Il4 il). Ai. D444444144LI,404"pi .4- 444444444,44444444.4444444404'Front 44444444-14t5. Sr.000 4' Il0 . invention f he last e l ;C444444444 . 46 i444444 4444404. 444SlMp1 ..r1 1 11v .4 4 14 4 144444 eory, i "M4 'Il,44 t4a4p44 b4 S.4 4 '>4 44 4 bC s44 444 4 1,,-44H04 -e.icon 0urOO44'>4' 54 ' IiW .j. 4 4 4 4 4Finc , Ge m.p00 n,044 . t44 e4th,,4004444.ngfoi'25.'t ri i'i1 4 4 '4 h 44,44 1 4 4 6 444444444444,5t5e45541.440444 I540d444 r44 P eine, Bertha G d F4444 444404110 444 M4lt he4T44nronion 4 444 lyC, 41 , e s Fros Bed las orh d ~ 't', 44 444. A344444F A 30.440 ruîe 50 44 ploS 404 4 544 004 , HJeen A444444. A my Mo4144444, - te 44o Str 5044444 e044 5ANIF, i-04,44me.4 A- S.. -446-444444444 H44 l44404n4Gou E up 44z744 ) p A 454444." 042 î o lAOie Ho -l .oc 44444440144044444 F4b0c a y o rt a l tyesýrl , 444 ,, - e t ý " il ] 0b c 4b e l li u t 0 t o J . W.Io r e RI a b r u sh , M l o dT . 1cr c t l e r p n t9po e i O s o h e p r , L S a i r o i l l .4 I l ; " " o enda.-cor n 44,44William Shpbe4d. onSey 4.00, W h e n t he4M i ss4 4o w e s ',4R o c ou . W h o Fn v4 4t r4 4 4 4 0 . S fy pei rWsb otn54-n40044eYr. tin. Li, M teo tio t. 440 vieel ie wo pb14id 00444fr Wotreh5 \iaFak ashw iui 1 and B1ys'VBrigades to the wrld ? MARRIED, 04414 44444044444444a m lie444 il44444 4o.4444 44 t 44410s 'on y 0 ce thn ie poo01 s lS 5S e c o! 445 -gtEour. he, arc5.5 ler 40o d 4in wiît4 4 ie444454 bo Trafalgar,6444444 I 4 4544 4444 044 a g to ] f Cli 44444ironie44n4444ec44t40 64l4uWagon se main- Browntenarry Harris H facec .letie, i Fvw cfL the00i-44ot 444444 444 4444 rooloe r ilie ra wgersdbolE, 1mu l 'oc e evrt rn H mtet Bs i-the qjrftyof 4014. 44 Ma iîl, -l iiitd 4444 13.40D5 -si41411544 ere wiLo HaroldnOffe .vth tIseescendants wSsitol4s4h il, 34444 0 114S44 i 1444 O Aîrsletoi e041 toe fr oP4o444444444 'Il4444444444., 4444444, 1e d lap <0450e olcutfP 151 trou~, - tturtghd.dob5eb a o r o! o . 44itowo ucn a nd4444 1e 140444444444444404444 '.h0146org 4hileoStar 4404thet4mtato..sol44 4plld t4tt* Eric Hil, tanecot, Lu44e S04. a1nw wil now boo en4f -14444 Te fi 444444,4.64444444,ifg 4000 dagei4ton 10044 nfl00 4415444441.! 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