Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jul 1901, p. 3

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o uuein mot d Inini'd 1-1&'uis Cream of 'W tretBrose, NEY! e idle Mare if Wrk for yoD, ACON, I ilitulBroker. .BE HAD ~GEO. LIG -jj i -b 2111 .;~ti lrl T1la izie io ei 'i i i tk a e«-t Ou lu argeO stiook of sngr goodfl must be.moved off. We'rç, boan to push thse ~ I mSs ount aniak gnd nrices will do it. ".- ;, : - r, - - 1 1; .a.l , ' ý ý11 X 1 à 411ffîiam - e- ___V___________i_______orr Iu1IILT B qiargIns arethe O-er-of.he Dl Il I, 1 . % __ il r M a s- oa i e ar a n -ni tnd e ' n4 2 d' i- -o t , ý; ,rs, _.tog UooorP. . . P rin e . . . . ..- ý - - - --- " - _ - - ,is-1 ý l , PU R P R IS"-&N- 5o b., 5l s. ,_ ,e _,I_ ,: '- - iII, every, 4- thD ollar '41 Gre :B th e rd0,4of&t e0D aa Atm.iOurapeth a U aiifa,, -w'od ' -ts.... bnP$ ïs 32222 beck tUnailnau-,-as-rs ýf- Wide irbite C reag a s yd e 5 A t.....g..b.t.a m.&.C.'.M. a......OiOe2 choly - m afe O l o t h i n gadu r - ilBa r fi nesC ottonmm e r : d i 1 lot ' - vir;2 M Has- rie d Hra tsa i.N ld rgr o- ~ti 1!eesE tro o-al,25. bite L2Ite m Nh of Au Y. + SEE OUR Tnmmîd Ratsat.$100. : ..... 5......lcP . i mus ItIanaNIOTIIAN & CO, , MUtai. Ro-e,4%b. 4 naidregardle-o and Har ît14i' . Whiteand FimmeChekatsslat, $ot0'O . cde- par> -t. rriso . - . tdrnggfmtn efond Otanmoney Arm tron......... 253C. On.oreE '- tfa S IndPans t seec frm . S TALE.iqes emtisLns DessMuisemdGîghm, om o i C nia.ILdts Boace ...............a..... - Strmw H.4>0 O 2men andioy àDIctile 1FbA.ndis ad.-vert.1ies dhiesToehs.gondnizeofor............725.hoots gandrUnaecar o .....le....c 25ON.i iSc T tPsnS da m ari 3. ....... 0S 001il P 1 , .c2 - - m g a m n -oîe nr etio nefo ro n dspe n d i. e . /aa1.eiao, dcag--t. cH3mltn, miii n7m1 -aad 000P ,rat h!od.tha.ho...iton ...02.225c. - mc sort> t... brat >4'tbo1d5ath. 1 -Tes-1 1ss d Ja..>...d.rm. ..............r...oreiTeo baae bits, R am e, H o.t........m- t PURE PARISjono £0. G oREEN aOos i.; eaasd$his0dasrdsant,,.Bh, .M.chrrll,....Jordatt5 ca iin c . G e r f, o ttiry lh. lor hie It l _ oy. Ho saciertficoaces bits, ... ....aeoc.h1H ali axiweedo daab. ..o Maanot Do. htnnfoods pret. hfooi imiifbe ieet- ichonrd . .. tcbclst>n, Rogers.rs i c C lntiAcowiihonry g rcmri ngad b hralmi h, Ht s..n «, Wabo: tr.b... b>ic4hDr1il2ia 1tte rdPui ar1 Wo. K a siofg 1.E P-OiAT a,~~~ ita1.tbsfaobetOln tRa.amhieie ::ch,:c:::Rs: s ciod iapras opnd ab cetg drt irMdciFacoy adci td icptigda teid pîcb ,nns . Uttr .Pnymtb t shcy od C oOct L lyat - Pi-coctaaotîiîoaioo. CSutamcOerN-A. W otooiamict5 >0pOt o atlSaErai.ys.am.aninlOromin o siU R iaadog Demo. mcnneocfdtt>$r1itc1tt>'Hptr. Motif, Dc. Ciotito'- Lttic Reti 1>11-. caaclscoltttc la rîîdy ri me H to oa il y1u5s0. în Bar. N ce o up tt d, il\\b _aat _ 1 e crse iHaer. HomoIn m aoo al oi, gante. er c on i2 tar.... a. t o otiOMia>td hema pc tyat pnoS n ofy ticccocic aS Coai l i af ola, NY. Nand.asi d ano r a)IN oms.n d tbriaitab.ncfoct& . a>3, 90.b....a>ioaL giîuSi.îîlit>.a2î. a2if g Pp r am0a oshw. Y ry cct Theb an ird p a ts e en ce aartaative Bgn amsuinie be .Oi r, gAioit d .r...t.d Ac loncoI 1td 0 t an0 . itti a cp y a toîtlD gar en atai r o a M tnd . H rUbad b en inrr fon A ti m the e if lain .a toi pt» l ,1f . . .5 l 1 3 0 0an dA or ica n o .t it o lcc ttic Rc o ua la. c ti Oi P A T B E 1 P q e , D m t e , L a n , D e s M si s a -d G ng a s o l f t l -,' 4 lc Can nBlt of e Ti rnt ope ia n y oearoi on n J hn A ne t ln r n, rfdrd.t..tt4 tn0 0 0ii 4% OFrrrcaptoWothc20e per ytroabirh oice or........i..t...... 10tiattît O 'JflO '- cn ndee i niecotat>. n bsPnm...Rohi.ion..d53tnnto2bot C " i )Rient.re Intadooendi FetdSupryofiltotttfr hole ho rae îthuîlExhaneoer,,,i,,, 0 ccacd flotr it te.okînsid .rn.lR.coarMoeayind . Gali cet ta t. abattors a> atat- oaltco.ct is tRacds rsen cas od ndrilesa aoorosasanh-Fr isibn-c> >-q-a t-Te jcAcaséirto-ar i treotisiaatSavirseOtyeuxittrtaiash----c-h- C AcksT.+ msica.l G rgan o pc' ,n .0 oristit o 1hi d a he arig o d al ntmb3soi )b G 6ttrisR Rye ccoe tr Hc1 c .oAit > To>NioiA o'. 4% .too o t do e 'wi4naoc i an tot arpse 'ono in t tnhae .nholtcncoe. ronrePon. oMcots. encotandc.îtorcîîmontiaît.Rotott ntca- aen an.*t~ - ree to .. aniit. he cîtisi moe te Mit acoi c Moion.rrcitr bi Ti Gontoeotaitl ouis crotr Tua cat icotooito ad dapath b--- --- --- A iil ac i ctyrt necofctacd ~ fic otodoa Cii o ýýiday. AheGog et C o wnp ra l d a>Rates . o na. aq. R tle ho eob isri gd Tir 1 tfre nc t b cfoîgaicogao aiSic agi-io ocattoitir Iît c&biS O N . at. oi Th ay Hlo redso . .c-4,cta-Mlto iontnapia aiobîoîî set Aoo Ofic otfoncrce. li iotc iltc-Rd it cittconoîday osyrt. houhrds aicied on.....gibe i o o I tio R pot-8 jc d > i D poton> itom m rai. s r t . f am lt n il ion a b st e i l maWsBr . o h Lelie Mion -. .. ...R.dr 0r0ia2In cd M2 ta i i o aia r cio0în a îc ai-6i o o. tc t o o ot o t laat ta ra M nat. At ention a ttiowi>peW.Bon aus robs eat t>fAOtattSam.Biuh a.BtcnbJordan ti ; o; îaîh cpaali---îtc i iiticolî lai C [here tobas fclln a s1e t impnOvenoc. wyt. a nin. BR.Cc ais dG s a- tre il - ois, nnpts n d rch o n lo io gtcatl-aiarr- -ieocsdng c dO--i cty-ill- ,l ' ot dit nof .ir G .itir an t n d e ,n i i cl rly M it , o D c l M ci nt m nbo . F a crpfcetai., caco, H lso ;houb e tha otioco- h___- _o su o îit g F r n k t st at. Co e iooa toc. Ioyu oti tc oaprcpand o opptf i> llem al mdJo n rde ,and d l l its o ola d t pcacknc, a> te ..cn ,tc cîîco asi irai.iiiclc cc a- utc G casC. c. a l tons in oi d Jry on.owtlonia ndithebaals. R i Hll.W2.Brr.A.Wuk n, itBrs 0 D.ClNk'sLHAeiedPlltae Rn K lBU RLINGH.P- :AT ....... t Ion oic>tmbat i os l a le tiar g aat Ca D . .G il . i a R co. O 5bnii e. tntckre l e e o l a rc co eo rtes a s is o li a be Ss appcii i ertic îl t he dc' a l a t lic y n al ki d o r p ir:d u e. T i n bo rd tb nbaiti b g ce i e po t. M a ic a.sc iid t ue Bo tS c T odP uttrcceolcla.. S uc a li b ."c .Pii .. j) u u t oioi ttp eiBuff apilc a tio, wil in icte oca Sîîo iannte et h r > t eet a s Rco E t eB iren- M t D lCh i toatiS cai2. tUn i ogi Pen arb t et B se ,a d C .Ot-at c a î ctl l calot a. Milton, Ont. tI coo. Tr bapt ub a lS.to r adletysir.d mRnd inRtown>. sicte of M D war. masiaba.fA drsat b uricc e n s pi cia r . lrosLtl e il u , nek ietptt(ýtý"\ý1 Biidibn gai si L odi g it sl98 esteemas eancgro d aie in on ndba lonjuios- ay icnpexhibiSana bT Majat rafl emc as dCci I rayt do l] ou sp gm r teean Avencd o rconeti ra Hen. A asottiir ee arbnroea b etsi .D hr S t ura ftroi a'aloe teralpoerya tp e un oiic eumtsc 2 1.0 fer - a irsa pe os ow eyc an asi ane o rwnn, a th iawi s , orno. teanda, Hattîog.taecM ccito i s c thrrcal Chd itie.tI. B t si m t'. t badi> oncSrd. a dlpb b all tai o se d b ak c ditat W . tc. ' Ptiosioc nS ou onicta. icoidculeoltur .ig le k th St e Ma i e.-ai i "Acc i Pî a i n i g _ _ .-- _ _ - _ _- - Octal. Rr. Vas. Fndo.ci Brlin masrtoned. iss obioonciWîcnpei.ban nca i ' n rci ytaitttti tiilotîtr. ID ili o-n cdan l b s i nc idan To t oincrrt.no T h e a> n ine- tanitngta>ootynsoafdAaod it>iii.a b -ý I ,I ' ite tl lilf , I 'r,. TrafalgarrtooonoioitcoaaasiiHel accaaieti iinihZtal>icéîl> ýog trr r omii i nao>P is n to Cma erd aon aiiCccc pi Trot. is dti Hotbis o>Mad thePMii ou \aIncdien caoa G cati lacanrntnsniTai teeoRadaleRolîma>fsomcdbillbistehmiirrola ianan-teagarai tChîecgatgoilit tiractonS 1)ce.i dnAt4a..t Iratis Ba tl g t e . eTh e o f Ia. mi for a s i yr l diS tiront a nmc a s dc, a tami t he ctiran i D lîiof o d # sat+rd a ot O ittt itath ou . tir~~ Malctltadimcasa>id iaitm hh înn i>iid t. Mns. Ccci iton, laad cuea CriÂt arr Lord.al Roirtic.....# e ta brgco oîîldbigspTratîotsbofetm n Oc isctit ottic t an> paitonior ssliing nlatiAcofulM>ttic.(bief, bs iscand n acdrn iai ta theîocc crciiotCaaita Orliiti.,a\taot1 i , , a g ii; . tp e n .T o a S $ 1 0 ; g c a r s r a ti g[ W . r s o t m S t i c T d i l o ga s m at r e p o n o t ic o a e t a c i r i . o n p r c n . o oyl y n Y k n ý d s - c , , u e r i g > t , e t n s o k W c i p a n w n o >l .Nindy, ug 5 Cea r"wy a dti o 135,-indin a th a t ing F R H..it.eaTmenSiotat t Aoisa Office>alVancovr. at r.ocatît actac itia tleRdPlsisc er ca atnol >rttsa o.onmidcn. t fteG ana>a f aaaalH -mthe ui te alanrc fthe. es- RortîsrcidininthD>a aîioc>t taitn ,r c or u ipit.tot ,iati G O O D S PI T r e s th e L!w e i killce b Jct st.theflo iganuc-W a nt .Conmc caitaesandeGfo .0- , 1 ecat ue nteltS einada h (\etpsil l ar ouaknwnexersîndar'i OtaiocmnMatictte ndbacsi.i.cc h , ..I On - ietaan-1 - bca, la atebur.nsanldset n tok.dSatndexmie Ile to .W lso h a tE d oe t hSt ry M cil tn tD.ai icst mb a-n c ond itiso cian a GC i cad roit . ir an in >t oplar. int, .t..rate oiooicwhen t AT.a ;ucat BaittdgtenJancsiaolHc maso a i h is B> adl yt r ee tî i tc Mio s cJ.oo.c E q cBo . a o sad e e ll it oiicic cctr i'ic irO tan ingc fortî iît oîo .ia ctiîîîîitioa d 1 4 -2 -cm a cet, td on ia rtittue m di. nlat ta te r ph ne tn;g Oa r ot gondtmenail. Tnis nooeS laho. aodu.atiintd'tht a'i-leatit..ii.Oiittofitiait ,tta-t* - -hii i,. R t ai o S ai to to oR .C .>K . A nd erisosnnac>. I or S asMi - o n s p e ma u ac u ere. at i a 5 , ct , p e t ouaiB a r a i P r ceuO U Ik- - N E Roi S T f r O c n iîu ii c o ta i r s n t p p d f ft ie q r t or a c i d m ntia t e H . i mn r o . c, i to g n i o ae _ , n a ed 4. Heot i a a sl ' Ona a i h te tbtul a .f or&h eCo .yTtee y t i C u t t o g a t l i î t--- ,rite dryt a the i a-ngasei n cihoi-ci Bob, obi nson.bO Srak i DrandM e 8n R btoa rrciitno a eord t a csmdallan ictt saS Oihtttit lkcS r e-fr"i,,' P .T WN H L, 1ý îonc drdaiir asatdo-oidnr mashegndeondathf ea ctie andoir Meis Ccair Pstca t Ctair.i T heo ocishtr. oaS tikasaaacdciil 1.tt Uîîde'CSurecCurei.r 25c. - I 1-w ol Biie Se ge.ut..i. afec n tecrosdo ingrdE i r s c onte an ms l atitb#cr attc Ilstl iil>g ito>1 cioOd iad br cc reicr adce alitilc o iii irc t hpo i nc t iie. gnas h bred tatclie unr b a i uts ond irgcd e o aptir Sbt oar d sa o fT i aci ng ar N1 o tl,1>ic. .i(,ho lcre dai to rs C hildim ilil U îîdarvCi0tSc c****m.**** **O** tcotsga bc ci toadaîtea cn gctîtgot i itmo, asro athoeý . DS t urtn SD meri ngadcsCi cn îeg aist oor. nS aS r-g t 1.0110 l trot cuillii.Ctlc .cho 1îdaîM ai Bose,$ 2Nie T ed S L t - - sI gani1> itent in etrailge andonte~tin eTicspn tc> doccpd on MseG----n lilnai la ciao -rn ct i&o>icataco* louy but gr itnandbo>mmcamcin Ian lthfni t .D pbatloffeonpntSrly htMjr ieofn atrd ouq-a , % c t> B changCeinthe ood i r Aonm arrd oeaddthe otOnnhtr iG-gt . pa ad>cil encd b h ipa fi N ok ocai tta Iasdeid o nn-oo. Tofaoami w 2.00 0bni. is he.dadats ttimor twot sohsnt I ýaotr T t a. c t 0 i'O C ito tit tti O i oic %ý - "*' ' ý - ý ý - . , l. Hev.Vn do eln a lcei iobnsnrdfont, usfWinsnan mas ccnrannima ihedcaIls. Cast>rfctitiip - C raîtptfl* "nir»Coset tanpaeii icon la 3.30. tan HySoon nramt-Tlo laninsbnt of thnc idi igMs .e.Pii anr oiinGvr sýaý,ý.a,ýuthcCountyof11a1-H Tx R. a cnrr o n te i i e r s bn otili anti d. aîr s a P >-u , oP rtoi nt o, isG. hH arr sn J P ftononetois . cset înt ao t o tirdm oncato iota1 ais an..atocc Itttt'd t. Ou-l.î co ot tag r an ot a sr nit ower C ink mieut heriie oa t ,t'itic. P PUnderw aX S uri ieriFargo.in g toi ri a d n rfcn t r a i co bmh ralda C h C - aîto matispen moaa>s.maRRuntecO. a fveth .'P" ". trcprctte a veditsrae s i lbo h ug ci ,t W abo o ld o .bl u ngha u nta. ofMc- ngoigoR in ,ainssrst'dmRobertson.saataaca oo ýtt-,I.-, ', , atît., o-c8tua l 3 1 r a n t > ri~ e i k t o i r u d C fo theîl iiaitv nob herns ostm nih> >ý aobt la ici- lto. TGo treîor M m. Leio mithnand Son Cei..are HLo r >R berstheoi .dr n d. eaoîi An," hdtcOnt>aîîcc thýIo îorîcdî,tcIî ,-tîîrtd p i 5 .-P aiC ird H to etit cp t e nmna the et eHqn lt. Iid Jnmiitch eo T a Minto pntSator2> 500 todi nfti r y o fChrsa re itac a d ý ate solO ,r-ttotat I iii Oiittttti),Lti Nou. s nihe asr t i-i. s-oiimnd. ddrWaos bon, ein.d:onredSad>arein. Hacit.rie> anitrciJthe. oolcwoîîtî0 raccar , u 'nou Huacn r T ao M ss-tnt> eas i ge son ia oh W ie, ao d V. Chin boi a ome J.T . nnnt ar le s Co ape o f ti Enant on acivesel- iiiciiih ,ý,r>OI oi O 1,1tacs 1u I a1 aIcc. 25c oasvl bo gnjolins niai902. p n d Qabo t ri imo nt tpe t he me .ePac R.dun.nbiWg 0cr Mach hn aadImasnatanee 0 10'a> w ccxc, v, Rlk-NmO s n MNmcî> .- n on- onta non n aouti rerbo foranhome in ssai h Co Land .. BowHare vont-vic an M entneuves.!,,fO,,erauos uit. 1d5 Furniîherothl- Ion -, G . Iai an rocuetit C ip o n ,ntat. sidt Tas nt et e s t. as t monoeb sd.,eo ,iIw1 m The Mn a d I, > . co ti cInlId a ticc1.tai stI,,t . M ciii-S-mmer S urie_44e. icyoie.. e . rfsd aSythi a hmoaigfied nMak e t go> home In uar l iga r o Sada , f aWide1., . StrîW Ritauo t,.I, 20 e06**.****>ýb***** acciootonctrno sjo t -n'oIli-ton o Mond> iro I/oi-tdpua--nnp--AaTt--Jhn D-0.-agd----ea-n tacBýiin tnie msdivrroontiei uti adhe icontorefil, fS>,oe s iiin orbotiedte drestho- pointy o-dbytu 3ý Hda bc tnpr eois mas ato -M .SfoOsa.ih ma o gn b Ilia de n rt pywibS ee hi l,,adIotat , Iil,.ý I ýý't o sio c o rn os to n C h i O n . n e o r e iP foni t i W on r e ;O uth e T p g o -W a h e. M issesd A n d eo ,ofsm u s n .- 1 p , ýýýi t >d ý , b t, I , - ý f ' , a n p c i g teiia s e1 . Thi A cio .b .O n R d o a s d t h ,la i>-S ritu forp ao re-C v e r ,1p e ;coo>manr anbelote tic ChnintitinlI oco.I ho mOt.OU'L libaturthetssfrotaeiccdiditbi-,!a Heisol> ppo ffsnthe iranta oid Gooe tlph niy .e tssg imasntHo.Jndo leo rgetmon, miiteda rt n ssc-Ate Rent rP, itnoo. oute uib" a ga n P i ti rac .c onew o sable Ostrom o. T he inN ow a e w datborn eek P oil-h - ., , cu. " oýi " .l illageo aiw a h e a e p u o- t ie , 1 i i lielin h anSC . B ômests o f N - Y o k, s v tng ee t son o s a sS a ebr n Yl, .Il ýEX,. . w y t e it a d f e n y pl e oisp ie. H aaI2 ate f ae iawiic hreiiO.sad a blcr t MittcI o at oo. Mn-o kn hra S c iiNTraed i cir. gioing tiher tnubm me fr i thn od 1 tb the hoat-AmiriaitaBuM a o ta b e OoceeSaascraauorrot a tn lo.tiioen M, eus Fimnciett lve Sr S eî Cc i R ESia> c emps aciod. a oft nrath grat itLe m a srntwog. he ln pmnt. vraabi bndgin n. Mpsandmoos.cn Tgionsof. Ud _ranS> -nruc -an -_act -fsLe tan for SOc.er e uis ( ýý1 - 'l n i ir ied aloitebs badrend c taîs enothn e p t ng Sthesdier Ca ie s iziamt ~ j0c oist , t h rines ope 301> iti, Eande tb o iadasinf enbar -- - nn- emtnciscrtomr Pl-.t2cc.*. n15j lind 64e.ig. op es am tnd gne eeo n ii ada H o iteald Cis iin r i ens n70>oad oai ae.bnýmpoýdt ipnea c . icreho tn to Ca. S.F.GP.S tmsal t al hs mpat o.iitNot lOiitme C 0 ci-- psitt0irC idelsU drv te 1 ooO vthle lg ased oneaof the rits a d clddhattb cn M 'Lanhy ,tsef.Oebmo:>,. 02ý ABntota.olcd- aian ro il rde he s ee he evl pe nnh S ancslacnas - , t >mtenJI boN anc e t e brnn.a iatlc ld i shuyaftr ilir amgeabut45 be Misf rr ud Hof nae isrturne The - .,tb.h o u eis paetl c - FIatclat L adis' uslscloues,$1.5____________-_- - ý1 Pol ino oG . M es -OtD. na ot o is nB ms ith ibo a l dhme Mn teO ta ai es-ol-comng anuianc, an a ang r ,In' ait ae Ingtem tanct'fWlie fo ,I $20 fr$17 MIo' uon uss F' d R ois, o en bot o ead hotmeen e Gnrasia n St o ferslgep h iad 't f. thoonewhosye b inn nbeStaisîaoî son t ^'to_._ist> sdfmisco nOn- sraciacî t TiR orotmoan o wIon te oa ded egteni>tn.- reardrumîS hjuiltinso h n * 4~Z n nJi0 o abT.eb Sasalio r ce i s ETDO WS FCM ECALHTL ITl ,lo. I i, Coumba, ndbarierave 'r an Me A BfWiMn. ndSanM o f f e cIr nsarme c. - . oràBistegsttOIN. s ih ýý l . ristop th e C o ut ter of eorg t w n . e nt S un.do r noM an n b th s. A . Z1mer ano .a ndo o3 0ctic h.h nti etalre T ef nl1thi at n . e W-i . Oth cooSonm san idM fa iy lifn mth o a iir io et n een saiih or 9 S ic s fln Tbird Osc,2;.ianos nOs, 8--- -- _ tc mbithbore taay tnenitho 5taties'Hmp8ats. Patincb tsb Ohe Sot pn iiai a alt aiplc t hi o aftny, tohalane1.a axtho mon hy Fsniinn b ter .a-arn nr-gId -OnyE1G.on.ofm eIh eli, Maai,-the Arct ob, srSnda> SIi;,aant ýýît. Jo> SP f hno t oo t u cca esadicti B.oS. Portrnca .m o eanbi s milOhe oe 4n 4-. T o iCu . omigar. tea25 ns G. H.Knne dy,80 JN.gP.a of Gerti own. a n iî4th. iinm eM asaties. od b3uOt Comtoocit>s.ho noný,d,,iuhnIý o out1-n Oe bassoolve-eSifnite nistateeso aNdimsoncPasiinebthenaeth-RohettyeBarmasterian-uuIt aylIdft ss A. i).iiaodea-mostbs perpair 50c.emM7bonde du-m&rlonguen gsc, Onte o Jo s ! inon ra r e iarb- ahr). Jon MoLaryonooais astr ns A Wdd 35ah IL etmtntme Pot. Beefd Ram a i fll f ourst. A Oavile au Dro ne Of B rligt i -. n n TLoay.peplameberiledSte n1. snay os iir,->nln,(r . to -,t endaiLIriibo 1 tab isg tird a ird, avnied nn. eid or>aid ILfJa ghtaa r*rnsai n. oiR.Oit,. to ..la.antistinn-t 't:o.c 'f'per.t-ru 18 eWm. liasoae , omieO Sg - ogh f eas-onS.24h.Bhhnd-B1m l .ntm n mo nnn '- aI" CanCoredB e,2e5in1c. Lake, b> te e. o ne tei asd, o -G b'ta- NeiWia f ,ao or Niad ra Falsiand ufflweele - - AR ID---- im,' onor 1 i northr.I,"', ' ot ta asSf B sn hit cos l otied f alaie ewt Y-len a e ason. hi II'tr h_ h Vc1 II1l flgsitnitlslei2O. bden. ns. o gt Ame, .'ce.5,d 1 S.i , ,1e. r Cnoa'S SET ph da.C as.Coer, o es nThln Billes -W'Vnnpnr tO-tsy. t.3op. -min lost ,II20etiP" iS,JYli ? n,.'ýa.J aduSnObeOf g ests reistered. Edgar: MrlaroJMrs.Ool.iWSik aeft eoi SnOoK-Co px sAt Br mpton, Rnrilii_ f lu Tom atoi i.aue ,5e. t'Cn'ah$orWTrrde0cionaBaig tor U de Sw Rgg,. mTe it i l i tlass an e . eand Jams C nninad;m lghet ni ngfr t o ek'uin lEgn 1t l h eiec 'th ,d ' ,,>. t.dh a.ft lo rms aln. 3 yS . idi 0 et ji.r1 0 e.e k is olr n uf ,ý rnepect_tO ant hem do i ais da n OS 20 _____or anfel, cskk. ahhotate o. ilim et-dehldb tllu. uy eion. tourits inNorthrn Onario, ... .mi reurneA.und. c font>rret, rdes augh*r of ohn P ,JellyliPowder, p 1 .or ninen n-as o ae einof o ha le o neof V.CC hlman JUptoonnsa- Dte tisarmalyhtJly AD.MO. 9 Fu nihe - iak nul elnsm he euiarian Men', eMole O.gowOtt lto7Sc fntebp grerions tavtboriaoeosthroiGoten meeatndam inotstntaadf rtblaankbPar-ndDohoaamiDDoRiccaBOci -lierait ni-n n d M i o g n s 5 rW tN o I. . - -.1oi B an.f-Con-t  ' m o o n n o m I o f he b o t e r i a i i e # o i a n e lOerban S g r o o m . - n go t h i s e e k -l C o L a k e , r i e utr e e o l onH am n i ai l m e t S m k e n y f n t h e p o n i n o n Y o r t o î O l p d e i i r M D leventh entury, ut the . rà just ff Buaodgton oabone y fom tleabtrip temurope.and veJoh Dillonhannn74ccc dnnicaynd fo l-vi t ee d inr ._J n pSoi nt lMr . Sp4V 'sbeat ,r-c n t god. .-- te' - -s p r -- - - --- ___ mii bea ede to Lord obettebbraog-sontO oe tc tret ~is*.,MILTON.bnOoçr.a j tidc 0gb. t iii ci

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