Canadian Champion. TANSLEY. MILTON,'oue0, 1901. Qote or oer trois bore attended The muSa eMole! oen Rino' îg Bros. ircoo tu Hamnilton on Satoeday v- u it --aied u Ex-Premieor Hardy Dead. ' .husros5eii Scrly E.PeirHdylied ai IL, %V. L.BinonoooesinofouMondaiy1 li. a"Mms.Wm. Sslesset on "' r c Ceoor ofl Hasiltor iaoisiting uatSssetfTnu 551 Oout t b liea ' rogrie tr frrîr:rR Clroo'. Mr. nd M e " oSiedie. c oUs- O 4 frreHopîlf,,hrv roorrerd Mark Ta iilry. of Cila .spool aseo.and Mr. and lir.W.l eldvlc 8b eok s'i by anoprrivnrferrthe r0ro:,r .l f1the rhL ori ror ek reoewnoharqsaiol. Vicooa..C.. ours the. gnsWaoif bsaw sicb . si tesà 'rnlief,,rrî plil.xvhil , ir- . _ bc D. A. Vas5leon ud Ooo«mWlleu o-lu hItIsiuiin .rr.ndao'-L l.MXi elrot of tHamiltons paslRev.T. W. K.olSv.boL a s Teýi oi Xî.:r'îrl1. itdngt) l Midv r0 tit. ofs.theKIiibride sitCrà l lîrorred îri iil Frrr: l:g t proî5oondav iHamil'Cbrcbonffor the.liatdYa t rs. *llcm baq io the ss » du ' s"lrr.gL.îr ,:i rmretatonatu5 being bumedltuby f ~ v i 0CIii: go Te to gsion lles tsta. PeJ.tsSa sot-8Aeib rir1b tu o Sooda agoan"a '1 at soolie 'a bnohs. All t thswyoinathJ~5 fAil!! l 1oolr rr ererrattrodrd is regard 10 attendaisce aod d esare n l"der thet.i5 a- i rlh Modri P'erroTbe sîngina inas ronducteitbyStaasassbd'sssdwSaetnS c Fvy' hoir. and rssh to tins vater front. NdredaE 1 eC. A. Dalley, of Hamsilton. preqohn «0 dLu nbns adasu bnat x EE. of the Lxsesoe Fisb Club, bas sldout l iiyod Luiaal niabl Wtu wtoSi be jal - ....sAoTOu.... SIX rEHN. iisleros inthe club tuMr. Mdrdok. i"ils0'fthel'ceand 'ILsea Uibt Wor'th I .o r. î:rrr tof Toronto. L1 eabsneseooOs M ilI.- r rioni The largost nperblod frontoflofIe ms.asd- bou o oier prioessas tbaugS h Bcce o il -I,.Iky.o..,r ,so was casgbl by Postalianer Vaniteel. Ibey wtom oorb. Tinero ours 11011 osuta0n MiLTOINy. Ileriged i lb. and 6 cas. and orsa 5j raie suitubo Neat omm roer iae b- ,,iI-nd borner "'l'"' > . Van doolliare logo I'ac sre. .> I-boîs oma Wbubies m lsd.aum orrk :0,:eîF~'ob rrNorh Bay for 10001. He oinasgel aftrlboejaoihallbrobenanud Ibr as soyo Sdn. ia nn esnsO libî,'ro ellao icutoaithome. 1s Bb irîb fesîof lear lisoand overlae t wio>.<»hrsrtI. n, o int r vAaron Nitord Peer ofnot Boba> Rsou.Ob.bowd yn eras nsRU . r:ob:r :i. ol erry ireot iisg a Inn daysagil Bob lbbli1Il betheoîcomanIh ribule tîrro.h!dsrvsin herrk and At llg tiiacountryr o drears' in the rsaT'bss 'rlitr eoed 'DLad' ohat made the spiasb ltime in ilo foor moli of sommer. AIt edGdsit h.a il i : I0* \~,lr:'îo,,o "[)a Dd' sad il oas o rool abot font prescritlitreare haeiog frilial day. 5decond hand Wheels ai aIlpricos. 11 , AlI. f I .r. lr,îAtl.og, rcaneaiiiy 9:r=a otoie5>inn'mpyZsddi.aanue yog. Loi ail 'od s' big liefait loff alit l, 12. J. 2and 3 o'clob. Ose mo rssianods.I5asnoisa r: j' .~~ '. " \0 .î.~ If r le.- tfr hoock worhe rexcepion of the 9 lb. frrmc, b-day mo iiil nkbonoo'ht>w lln~ ie. sd=iio17 r iror Aorowjoxitstrockcrmpatiyhasheeo ity paroer wiiomI l ook î tboos- Wsoim'd flotmpeiieninooMM 1,l,F rOCi..rrk irored inthîr villagr foro theraiog of pilami. idbla. aoalrarao an'aemlg T. A. LOGAN, Prop. r-- rIo0."iaor. rerenrad Misro e Va. wu Bl ogo on andltell youof fetrot rorrf Proerrsor C. Lrrv popils. the ime I bldcomiogtfrom Gold Bot- rsod.ra.very ryeditabirrooor:ional tomîro asoi21miesîbhroogbnisd. :irrerrraytloe r.riiodOO.I's awoiider LsI nl M ,i' f 'r trThe edfinrtlboat miii leavo for White M-ý .G ,rs LOW'bILLE. Horse ai h 'eioob ie.oigbl. andmaiî 1 jolie00017. rclvoset4. eThe finIitseamer lineapool' Mîr,. (Rer,! ri s edto10arriv, from White Horse viî.ersîrorl frirorlelu îhbolîms'aiaar a-Tor:oto oite. I mnuitfinsh, iîhbbsî loveroniaa 'liML Fle( l tr obrime.ecrso olt x rmnt onB. Ciomoi. îrok litrl rart, rrr hhi i Y 'r o i:. T ro f G hor g e To r e h e Aits o a n sb m le i i i~~~~e ohrb irderali h o popl etai yrvair-Wpahrega rder ,te risr-ie ooo IIa1ýV tII'cIItý you~ir trvalable s aac in rert xln iee cure. 0!il hor':!! irhres orgr:rrrr:ih:. 1rthr VWrreeolly putinolargwire111 WIIomade pbologroptinsalongand R. ilArr:rrrrogii on Suîy. larnehor frmailinghrick. Itle, e., madie thonsne trou.and mode socmany. 'l; t IL ýVat(InAltot ad. Isr and îMiss F. ond founeod ifitrl in o gtting mon ibat yo houid fel prttysure IhalIbhis oîn -tdLtJ. i". Rirerirdo'cvroogbIr ron tis m achine. Woad-is the paer egel god pbotgrapbs. S -layý xrt:istina nor ofriithoity papans c ,quirrit. andi ire r rorol y.reommended ri Jororr18- hy ailrgre fotinre ,nufacturer tetr i bgo.A iîîo:rfilonre ris rlae oo:k rnrandigeaforoAroierioci, as liebad a -i-anecXLrnt, ihr 0. A.L., nrnebrr:iihoriit rhicrelyeandifeod :;lI)I l' aaIî:.uî tihnor, r',.cl orkmeo n nd ren - i firei (Ilor:isicin:r re w0i Ici: g:oi ib.ts. We hrr i. froefimen, M ILgi:fo.i.:v .'irrr:iirrrhernmer plaid tr refront Toronto, andwheu r irthy crrit :rrour e rr led wrerbon IIllcl i lirrrrli:ig:Intrro r ris n r tr e ainerrrogroredrs'ih tbeni,eitheegh Ii l'a et, -Le tIiiwsnrtCCOecssry te asoie i w h .fti il hal aver 1,eau.rilrrea hi:rt Yo ii,:oidersciuerfihatibhesemen o "f .... aierbelg tirtherr.::1:rring dirriiktareiheplac.eofanyorl en, aiehIL ra abuttain:g.rrrr. and h.i:i orbenableiotr Su he vacao y F.i.::-rig ldyionte r:ri:rhhbol,. r'olrd Cri hureemloryedianyho 1: u, -Il :...c :Loue oif 'ilooc mer. :i:d roi pper a,1 no g(:n.r-i::ootrirg early wh.t wa1e caue of the trou- ER J a1 e. iforor:rur rrr ir.iîashrherrodgeof Engisîh s tirrrri:rhelrrriîrroare al co ý,newohat li:tiit. Thry ierrre oaee 'J'le tiietas is r uy et J..lir i.: 'ra GOnincrriiiee r. ohoian- l ,ru bar.grago iltOr, ten,00 are aiir witoh.He Mt:r ,,r\,i:iofilr1:ir'iar rîplineorririheriithatir men orrd qui 1 IIr.Illrrr:i ,kurrrib.:ig afw lcr el wstiiis i: -iriiihese ur S i"., , ait rlaiui:on:the :::r:riti.e r rrrrrrciscsrer srold nettir of O retg Iircr.rf Uartiri:le, spri:ircr:iv wrkg :th thermnenonthe plant, r F: tr:Fr .. :gcounry iliopr duo. fbs re uoîrfrema xiiplies a good deal nmore than JunerWeddings. îh:0 ueenA:1rorIo.f ihese moe sîîîuîlar sîgus. Fi': 1-rt: cali lvr.rlii'r .reior colr rir v ihey wo oirce Ji iitr irlhcirerrohio.gcli Frui. . crig l) iteu adihey lireow. oîîieht t althîemselves wl r:: iroif rorilro iro ru::ni.Mr. ELoti r.hai thr îhrer TlrCi'o::gl: 'Thr greeo-,. u pil irwrroolrrir ohi aerTe, p :oF::rrn::rr odoeioyto:1lc r.: ri rotrser ioinr agents. Teyhavea i 01: o j: ':0:11 hi hril:r bI oi rk orhbtail lbandsi. omailistock ou baud, and can 1:: FrolrrrF:rrreooyOrh.îry voc trl.geî auy paper osoS uonthae Liero F ::rvv:gitrai:i or Iatt.ieI and t.:ohe han'0 îireorrr We bave a great big stock FF. , . . lor o FoirMiltoon Prrvcied Brook Ce. ou baud. XVe are dealers, not 'L A 1:,:: r iirly I10 nOv anreol liFg 55a Clls. We have everytbing il: li', I- r.FFrrCFC.i"ai're l rsoivne Tt1 rr ta fnr,ýîrs' stables ar desirable. F :1 Il~~~r:..I: rurrolf ieu.'Eq., ira ihe ;ti: Ootorr ihh lîoii or F F Fr0li1: 11r:j'l, vrror:: got dc ghîrr,Salei, cf goîg rîo err ilht. pintrr rentila. Ba td & Co 10:..,: \z, i.dil uarag o0.A lawie'. aneoerperdrrangeÀ -yeara,' Co rForvihr Nov J.H. Fletchre i r o hsec tr: nisikriy tearcase much MAIN STREET. . MILTON. Ilý-IniiorrIF:ri'oocr2.ior'o:v.h- sueroohito theanimsisand loslo ______tu_____ biee itLe i he rawiog.roo nu n ho tht oroîir. If thr erle 10tondarkr. i:,i:, 'a-ali f ler fîchrlor errchariogrstethe îhrfr9ichi fel, aimaltsîicj:ol. roSuShAfAca. - iI'j ovorî,gl:rro:rl .i.roirrtravellirg alothernamre re whhooigIt LitdnJun 7CaifrotPe inFi i,1-1uffw avcrloih. bisoc eoereIn odcbtryîftremî tjh, eî' ,r . FgrePr .ou nit dro yrr..rduir" date,.1lordU if r FN.:ooo.oy i'lace or.'ooir Ice oadd treirIhot. Erra ilght loves lOfierrays: .o:ttiooorlein darrrbwhteoIII adIl.nmal widewoesernîi.. rtar W'oiroooîîiic. 20emie oibe f Il A iF io hir litir Cvi i- cobiiol.. la îoî allcient In SOlito r Mse l iitrg. î2eo X'fterian Monted I rrir't. 0.0 il'iui E rvrrCorrecncer ltniObv gîie eIrghloreded for Rflesfro enerîiBeaon'teelliono 't he :::oale1,,~C!t.miOO lOobor. it, hrsiheof thereyes. SrOabLa ts ererr o0rsertn camp Obhteenbeel- Fiof orr' ,Itfbohr Oaribruiît cmpfehiy wtltrgbb Oand at srtre'îy ac erior forcercf Boeeroet l':orviat 1,,, irrnlhe rernrfiaie ,i 30oPom.. Jone12. Theoroemy crept cp rrîvolllr he toltirdanod the blc ie b e te rotio rbeî. ran7r.aind poe il a elilFter olororgoroor o.rlCrr o i rnsotabes horome s plbrtaleddy ie io e Iocamp, hiiiegtire atp], a, drofd ciil e e hait ca ('L otirlrvc lcr et odhr aI eba oors. inrludlng oeficiers andthiimen,.and e'ondedtfour Il, ticni Ittr onIv t n.e: rioto theoorbeir arid gcstrom'helogsofficers nd 3meneof hom 28 wre ,1:,Iet 1 Le 'If iti, abmais.sisigbtiy woueniteit. OOtytelefce n actinglOut:vrrrroefin, lmi IfIn add.iîtolbtheem Ilrsoo "'I. i p, re ilthIn drelvîg la pol, be ctonre la' 50ereaped to enracBeaton's fio oilorroct ae -camp. Tf.e remaioder wcr aien1mI p< "f lj~i'ormoooandcre; edcforthe urinetrentaieb, te o n173 and rrleonri.'riepomposwore OIC r v' olhiroedsbrwn ff .mm iSa Ils eaplered hy the enemy. Foil delaxîn IIuf iewafi.ihfooi ororor, oner tbaanimal ci esvaiibnoyeleovîet o Io n s10cme cf the haron i aladiZ la1" Uniter rabet jone i 5tbLord Kitrlh- 1-1-nfavrte [h o .:rg 1mhleb thry are kePl al ulontor. lts. mer aiso reports; r' r oce ltrd1 blo herd ho onsruceed an blhlm Doing tbe marchbfrom Vrede (Orange Ijorr iirr loterr0 oeid weo osiblo, fluattb. drain. Rivr Ceie.îy) ERilîîs cltimait gagoit ~~:li rdlth::oghlîclleteiro]ocesooetî g.,Obrhrmsh sordtisthe emyconder DeWre n jcne6 *~~~~ F ......o:glor r. bIoooi- g &CcLamIloes PrOpcrlîns. Ia stable phallad ftrr serere fighbîcg oaptcred a Ni Ll "Fi ,i. FF'l'lie, OOuyoOorstly aC4 10iehornaatrsctod on àlevel l. tceOvOYctf71 ied ns,45 prs>oers, Il, rille opritof rdýoîboj ro sod btakn t e hatillaserifles, I.oerondsof ammonition o..perfecîiy dtalood, sanoolthat theodrato and.t.oo attio. mnef riogard UV. and tb. urina The Boors loIt 17 killed and 3 wound. m-l'Iiýe ofMis Lia Roers foI bak l vol the. I tased n te field. Our cesuateto er IFIl' t Iirgero. 'q.,ofIi.rooo drainage lla ir cie aitîeratIa nd2 e mone iid. defe 1*>rafarcilgaor o Orivoer Petigror, Lis îeouse a largo quinsalî-Of abaorh.. As Imperial Parllamentary paprrte T It<,'::,, .0o'1: rock plu-onr0tirs-luron eamalerlal. bY tho assistance uf netit dby the bilitia Departisent gires T r î'lFor g l'o cilyrLesideneron tohe whi e Ibeue Mas' ho tabonu P agithe nrengtb of the British forces ici r r 111. or high vro oaswroncorsermoem. .aEven In stables that hars& ot tiao ly asa olis L0 large and cC fi hoalr gubrrirg. gond drainae, absorbonts obold b. RegSouhAr. >3on00ay eoliasela, oOni otorrrciveomarniage oseittla a coasîiderabls aIOl.-d. IopeiaivYeomanry,.104to; voînumeurs, i IF l orMr0Il CieroSremri e re onerai9.385; MîBitia, 20,104; total, 24.4>5. F \~ i::iirrr ri brrrîc-llr eoieranUp Io ArIl30nlast 402OfficeOranad je. i:ro oergrres Oreitily teoratnd Anînm- asu iî.. L.- mon bad Ilnbilled b72o ad bhon Icsueoftelutins. eominrdoIIItb 1e filetlenow generally egostsi. tMModr w od 0.56 a dorld FocFrrr:Drset blonrta the Uh Te. îiht . baor :.r o ore 1floral deoratiocs. prodoeed a b4Is om lc ato~r oos een acidenals 'I', iocrirgneft. The gemne more by lailofor tho Producetion Oanuinma The nnmber diasanrand dlmhared or b, idrendl hnnîister m'beaced as oninttrljambe. Il lastheom06trIl lîuIh ,ot noba n. ni ri eîuid wloeooeatifllwhoite ergan. abfe aimes the habit cf brocflng tIb IS. litt1o 77s î uboptas 111 l, uay 'J oinýetivtrinmrd ilh pointlaier la muet troly engralledaon the Dor. 39ueShsatl Ili! reILfor i athe bridai s-eui antas-' osts. The osets are ahlsgrat Ci t mil orange blossemo. Cbarlsesîlterna and the lajobu have caad up- r 1oIll'o cn b ce hr f P -oîn.tro he.go-mn- etîen.Sotos - __ eît.-ris-sîp elf EÀ LI 1861. D* au& why? For tgo r. thârIon est the omarket podsthat is gw.on ad o r Mt Yhi. oa h" botter haep yoar eye on 1h. mus ho ofr bgiv y , ii prios than la ruling W.p t o b.rgt pisayour Wool conflts fli weight With lis- Ps youno t.fai n ality YODtsenlus. &YThereo ougbt tobIe no otiher way tisai this.. It ougist o b. the only way Of doia b"sans, but ps.rkape YOD may appreciate the fact that Al is worth teilig and Worth pou knowing it. Wlevan ithie test of shape this season ho take ail thse wooi tha± you üau bring us and wiUl give yon in returu cash to smre extent as you may W~ant it, sud the beat values wss have ever given in our tbirty-four years' experieuîce in goods mannfaotured by ourselves or ;n iùnported gooda. -lu tof «a," o oanuf5otur-tb5n nrib there are nnebrîler-pre have. &InISte al-uabianets. 2 yards iide and .2j yards long. 05.25 par pair; or if _ara ude and 2j yards lon g. 04.50prpa. -Uinblankein 0white or grey, Jye.,alrid., *3 5o per pair. -Sbeeting. wbite or grey. 36 in. wide. 35c. and 40c. par yard: 72 in. nide 70c. -F&anebbs.9 nienchs iide. boas-y quaaliy. and alâo fin quai>ly.35. par yard. -Sbirting, 29 inches 35c., 54 mon >50c., 70c., 15r. -Yarn. seelS scosarod.jIL. koina In 2. 3 and 4 pSy, 400. par lb. -HOmnePan$. 54 iorbos iide. in the leadîog pppsar coloriog%, 85c. ; the beavier linos for ladies' sailor-inado naito asd aolined akirlo 0101.00 and 01.25. -Tw'eeds, for sinon moar. aingle widtha, 40c, 50c, 650. 75c. ln double tridîho Oi os and O0.5 The imported goodu eznbrace a wide selection and count iu roller towei- Iing, crash, cotton shirtinga, spring ginghatns, fancy cotton skirtings, heavy tickirsg of the best quality, twill sheetings, cottonades, denîsus, flauneh,, butchers' linen and nuuch else. -Tac i il sp on the door or aoywhor were yoor ryr sorl atch il. thol when yo s it wol bore you always gel foll wright and fair inspecton........... HA.RRIS& COMPANY, Limited, --'I-ROCKWOOD, ONT. At HEM5TREET BRO"'S. WlALL -AES The largest stock at Ion est possible prices. Tapestry, Al nool, Union, Heîîîp-fiîîe variety at very closest rîces. ia CUR TAÀINS. Tapestry Craius, At Milins, Art iDraperies, Laie Curtains,3 ds.Inneptterîns, 75c. pr. RollrWndow Shdes FURNITURE. Everything nw and p-tlite. See our Beti rooni Suites, 3pie b hadwod nîral finîish, for $10. AgeorN e w RAY O DegM ac on. the itefrilcotmachinefofet ho ici *aApprnieto h rýsmkn aed MAIN STREET, - MILTON. OTINWAREflBOUGHIAI A SACRIFICE! ___ __ __ ~ ..A BigStock. DOES -OF- INTEREST YOU P sT lise gorali and see 0cr immen.s, Smcured at a Lsw Prias, stec ý of ......L Crem ai u JAS. 9'BRIEN Cream Caris, 27 Kinîg Street East, Strainer Pails,. .LIAMILTON... Dairy Pails, Milk Pans, HAS jnst made a big deai of which bis eIl5ton ii' 1: e H tise ienefit. Reeia purchased the I)ollgJ'rrn r': k (if ....AIl home-made. Boots & Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Hand Bage. nulidil!s'I Why bnyfactory-made Tiotare t starting prices. These gooda were bongbt 0friý;vl ,i n10f tue yo os gl ood home. manulacturent rcs adwi od5 lwtll i mado for Cant Coboo lbe siam. rcsan ilbe sl olwta , '\bj Pliec? As ino haro s store full must buy. WkZpepairisgand aill Tinnor AUl tise latest styles and makes will be fofi in . ig i piamoyate ed o. bargaiîn stock. The stock will ise cleared oxît in nlio:î :W --SUGG ITT Be on hand eariy and avoid tise rush. là CO. >~ JAS. O'BRIEN, 27 KING ST. EAST, 1V 1.!u' Nt dom WltotretmBran.L- lA Onuimon lufm amie,. tSe n tie m e uàm i ctar est hW -b«tekoww epau up-to-date socrk of d -b -mb. th tà»pro. Tw"&d, Serges, Worateds, etc.> whicb are tivligý esU an iad nitoss.o aa>. tien rssiOn colssequently our buiniiess iv' nias- ouusnd~aoi~,~ ~poasbe you don't known that yoî cati ~~ b .A&tbFt.W5sg Suit, Overasoat or Pants, made: '14a MW"s patherna in tse laheat style. IS0diWOM Patterns tho chaos. froîîî at ~~The Talior. UREae..u Paris ()-N 1Il , .,- ( HIGGINBYT SCULLCAp INDIAN OIL Notice Ntî's.l;'lîtî> No ti ce tî C rc ,;F i: 1,S 'OtSLivel S 1 'Not ive tot'îî'. us pahore' D.t. iS M Me