FC CEG SinMI in insize, w_"'hy1 ly l M.ý"è.O«B. trate to the causéd te o~et e i5C.8 Botüe, Bw lor SOId rin Milton by Bi lhabCo We are ready to supply yoor wants inueM~. Qsi~ always the bet.' You cam depend ou geting ýgod seeds only at this store. Spe ial seleotion -8w« eie bu 1tlb. Thàs us the verSeo et the le Bn mber of isitorB I iraem Booms on Openng'Days te admire thei aish display of Faui L4pIt$'- FiNE IIEADWMA u".,diwe show suCIj, beantifol adeotion in.. auleoosceirbe dsgot "Emm.. omo,, f you knowh Ie li.a Mr atmr, you woudn't PTTME HATS ND BONN AND MILLINER.Y NOVELTIESr' New Curtalns I r ton' ýStore We made sjecjàýl importal bowmre go s.nother . tains and are ownsou TEE NSIrn, UlUN. cg. t<and Ca .,.U' va et fonnd elsewhere. ton.gRgiribo1111h11111130uwithteir old Wall uaa ' syc -TIRE ba linsSIving Fesen he - Wite Laee Curtains, Heavy Union Carpets e«M va 1liLtie, ORN covrLaoeFrCurnteons, Ai-olCe atrpes, . 0. r Lo-----m- s coeh u . .M -oeu~ = c t n iofut" 8yds. long, per yd. 90 , $1, 1.15nie at rn . 0,r ow oogcee g lru . P ad ' t e t hi a date tccll rube brutsnnt M aOi" lIC * lftM ASR -O.ad m eans lots of oom fort. 8 y s. ~ r yd, $1.75, $2.25 regular 75e for . .....i s ~teth decmaic mcc aecanyhvngac&=unts againais roctfbli theCni hate.SMN-LYo-At thebom«of A.ýP. ~tlrmtee ro. ahcJi i pee cthehecme ii.Misn tchta inC-etd yon brother cf the gromuTr. WieCutinNe, ery, 812, CRurino hde 5 s\ lmIt ccist Srator. coottmaire slet lts ttrosidoega ercMa.icm -afotu ne annt. on WdceMâi arM&. 1,&Co. CranS~i ,11 uti oe.... are d . v e r M cdc . S e d ,c id m, a y of t b o e, st i o f A . s i t u a. cf th e llrm f S y m n & 'i i ,~James A. Hall, cf treeman. n ié h hne e-ndtep jdMCni e. Sa' Si MAi OntsusArt Mualin, dpery .ttrn, l Weare H-gqat e.. Illgo resort h f Nr-ali eparal re cfe tgelMr.eHal ceeOSYdobstaclE wqtelAuere, narsotfor per yd ................. 10, 124,1,5c-CUTlN; i, sitrd Mn. (Df ) Kelee, ~tbeirclychi. atw&eyear.oiddaugbter. in crryinon ce ommia eh ef loe lebe.hacrtercf J, gI..SlActou.mn e rtons 'l'chad lon. o KLqo b is t at week 14m. Hall, mo ies tH- mh ay l ncDw taicg 0opec-d fop tee, - aelq , f otlM teier. Ver.7INS il aet.Mr. and Mr.John milieu. e g0o paimirieocfftgechâiât tho emicroeoff Chu isiocaciei toihReir mcci. Tocie AIlgti-cO Srn.lot. in pretty olorings, yd....12i, 15C. C R E S et orotomee Srllgto md eck er a. s. tationsc, and ehe experte te, renve ier MuuLa-RoîccON-At the reidecce cf coc nugma. Toc pur ceci. 11PRevérsible Cretonnes, per yd. 15 WiALL-PA PE j ot fTrno eeHall me madfe>r kidnapping on the work ic China le the fai. T-.Mthl.Gogeee nWd ah alnemgague ieecent. ,; nsio r. and Mrs. jas. Field comlaet cfi b h.iacd. A. E. W. LeSoAne iDeA-A. . welî enday, April 3rd. by huelier. L. WILLIAM RH ID . le J.,cueLry. que. William Campbll.li lgten LeSarce died t the Gecrai Pftrcu. Lewis Miller. ofliqceingiet Campbilillie cdMcjh ra. c f Loch- clo! b f the couaty ccot a et ham oeiital yterdal after ociy a fow days' Min Fenne A. Robiinsonc erge- C-t 1pn h a ter olidays ithi d f a C. P. R. train cunr M Itou ami illoiec. Hf eeiered thu huepiai ichave toue.. lIT are . muwi .0 W"ile i. fils widaw enlured coit ani operatincod fraadictie. vve are . si, liallor, o Bothwelîl. seccaantCucmaT leiECa h ut eecmdCCe0r . rDR.leerg New Spring Novelties... dAeCtbr moter. Mmo.Armi- dcci f Ibm vetbbule cf tib, car were mac an excellent meelclac. and waemwell bIcCi.Lcax-At Brampton. en April 5. FSiar vhgilrlemliadicc. %The c cmeu . the known in Toronto musical ciecies. Tace Thomaso hcCollnt, ageSiyas sog Sara ctet a. Chathamx A* cm la ce tntheeCeora in iiiCae place to.daYfrn13 csu-tT6hoonAilJhnEa mnig I'. tickie-,e. A.ýO , l ain t f" 1o-,i ihnt cone.. 'ueon.st oa be Unioc Station. Te 0 e M o àtis ewS itW itFoulard Silkeline ....... fteMicsH li eFciay. Dutil ceheLeo Lcce.-Jtcsph bdy mibaiaken taoOavlle forb riai. M ceGeci. cgd s y5 . ae f ad Il bluda cf oum g dooo Ladie' New Shirt W aistss Ww i ereDie ig OL ?I&a If i om er nCuJri mibleaVe. at .. Bumrt« m .on the hlntbctaide. AU - meut ofDnN twrto mie s tri s.........50, 75C. aen&iketEfetJ c o fflcT temca od. He46. l icr -Cu nmdo n cf th. tate mas the con cf hu late Andrew LcBarn e Editil imali. beOedcC f ere TOlIN A.. .cc bm umilAchaCera ,aadp.aneiilcsa agf hederfud, il ms....acof g$1.25.ca-IeNacnd c Aril41. niud.*e. an . Nw.a..ea, or ..des ,ic Neocu nePnT u m oui t a 46T-mac IH e asa Music teacher. J. reenieec. ln ber 79th yeur. R U Y Thmsi On. &,d w aznnmarried. Hia cf Oakvltlu. 15e Mal aed mpire, kh Parsols......... 7...up i- errd c' C lccc , O h ety.bawherever bu was known acd bisoleatil Music-Terot6 alc npre t h ioti. Sopiea. cfe cf Gerge Hicks. Ne oenSitns Lacdres'tic Eeer bcthityc as la widoacduidtncerly moxreed.The April. oan md ier cf Mo%. Jcmec Drummond. Ermfer *ù Concndtingsthlac on Monay ced tc Itt Ch tew bU Tcrdayevenicg Georgetowc. aeud 38 -7m -.-Ou e. ___Ofe tti,,ccciBrodicy ed aceion ioteed and.the SnethaltOfferhall jetertcent wffl at Paie-mo. lasta a lnii1 audience liiteced Ce a EAoNrain-At Brampton, atltheresidence Bratletyh ttS. t Bifoe Heret0ce men a duposiier in te veryi~ nturlie trtred1rre o f lber seon.iam Sicen Deevuu. on aSing hu WMWa.af et L-'4Ne.y 8 St thtt rinie f fertiloclilciedpatcet Sihltianly McKewn Brome, he mac cor- April IC. Maryirant relit o tee Co. 4, N.-CS.. Nuioim. ~Holda tilI ail the Victoria Silver Tes Spoons are given ai he toitidmoe ony cf hcineY fre thce rienct of ibe Mail and CEmpre. laie j cph Easaey, agd67 Yean. acres: hanite bacc, Coornue hocco.oe cula)berl eceve ne * 'uocday eenater spndinf Tisprevenel a gruat manry fromt le- Soldiere" Mr. Bromes disceurce mac Dougherty. religi cf hu laCe lames and n'h'cl' I b oîSca& o !*1i Ecser hliIdaYs witb ticir parents esticnq in thac Instituton. But nom the anedotal and epinedicalinîecharaCr, Doghcrty. aged 71 years., -ter .lpyt onTriil ooie l W.Miîto ruoC . d061511 ,fla t,% o cy edthat ait pot- and l6e gave an iima ieca ftan MNNING-At ic ahera reidente. 4t *~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~z ta W.A arce ted i iy eiccett doot ie its oftheunt cerstoftheiip ad i. Bampton. ce Satarday. April ith.J W. A. ctMret. edge ltGbesheIltoO-m ithi cee odee. , ithu camp, muet the audiece e ry ach B. Maning, eîdet eoneof the Rer. 0 . STEV SN ILC O SA . or. t Jde loy. ui= tin e dvs.- rtefr ok njoyed. The tortore mac ilstrated by M. and. JbMrick .li ce jodr NeGbecmc a ay BOOK . INVoe. ffrd i e l targecnambareof mongcandnstureopticon ya.-The iron.roofed. thece-storey brc lug cGb l, ateted l bindlcg tirait be ift aC this of0e.ICpictarms. The atair mas ceder tlu building. 46e eet. Lot 1,xc : B . oc:c c Crt<Ceeeh BamCci.bam ic efmaaolumce ta"g M woolstirt edagrandsic.le mi a. bi4iZs re, MiltnnownFr nkdfe I--- * gt. te ît e od at tic reIrY ile coricllZ 6m ncea co hm a uspecf thue Pmorti rug.eftw .Mi' W@@AIOsch5d acSre.Mle e M~~cdeyrS.cctcf. C6~~tey are omethat solid freoM m.ch reMW'.ese E F ank Pern'u iotee leeS tte or'tecens.-OBadbec- handlig.eBoche.ettacan.sIn oriperbldckceas.he -Oeln-hiln. rliagit necty prlea ctccetK.Wlen platudmin. .nombgr.. too. e tIc e.. c te THE iiUP-TO-DATE....... il acre-. lt 8, con.3'Trfaar.;14gl a e, i 1eaal 'te uetylOeGI.IL e ICE leS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ine ue. Apy aRbaO er ci.cte pes iakbcs eCailtrnia gicci (mecarraed on 1ang e 08% ag res fer utmve sto1biom cce. harit v eci eaem ePia 'ak OOus rIen-=., Cpinsu T . oandan g - ecMlonApl u Y yas g i -smt t Icl W InueOaIlAND tItlten teri. 4.p-2td ntigfa, acf ,mno.Ori edOersh, dcyabookms.i 0de rocas. n ti S Cite. ced Je tt ie ecy J u. ic my tte Iylled cf rt. m ad e t oarder. cem m en for tee fctivu and evretbu zy re e Me ttl ýn v u i 1[i0 lai on an dell iAo's c uP A N E N s ~ c P re e. R c t cm ii ,c ac A Il A i n r e cd if nT iBOeor ,M na it aoo ivu y, dm e iig on cc . a d lo r.- - m e P AEa ail.adJhn n l.Ai okwrane itl-Tasoic cai n- ,l i,0 m Gcii s otuldnand irut-lan l *'& COAPE RH.Am& G,, porter, Rob . Ramsha ~~~carry hein Cleic ra.cd 9 occasion- plytaS Dc, ito.orN pd Htery Ptrer* sgogafo.RxceoJOIcT.-TeFeePtcsaYs al heu mnd ba od bytheblcue?- »0weic,...--. Appldo aCc e.xDicu, Milten erNe trtugo omnayeenifie atcnodhacî ist e t istnes D ha in nJ.Steveson, iOSSQueu-et. West, te acccctoccuuEactestuceeiegW-arche3i5ch .t remut teFr r ce cttc r e trd hmen Mm.W ati 'cile eimtRt le 'f b acex sgla-,le thtdvsilage te mlle1 gambling mas t 128arl Ecf slat Jirtemnih stret e pt xil. ote m - New.ZI Gmaû.'oeto dtfIs.iu o oai Or p gwr. ic lICeame., htmself fcslige v ocdn-coe nad , m ae intcd. biqeor mas etrac tirem hu tram cf a cliche. x-mnaNwG~ aprsmlst hw eyc 'li etttcg ailthtcos off bsr eh oi od. Pu ohm "veedicv mdS ac dl rsg a golf eogget ralcef ---ADMINISTRATOK'S t11Ie ehoppief en tee bosl. lyig tilr eon neemeeyd, Pu utaad olrAsieraeu aeti TO UREA 9 bt wreideifidnatve ne b* .Tiesprlngtctioc TOD INS GO O NE o ï D A Y t ,piy ig sardc ormeie h ypd e t eia . n ecthea. b a c ctt- 1 1.i. ro e Qen ce 'ab ct lagst c d a. es ed'tetfid o tl bC k el 5eOeat eo o o C r i it r S eneome s r e~C Aut deoggictc refond tbche ecY if ittaile Cary Nation att lot a pack a1 tard. store for Bccday dieiner. The lady basnbum tter et 'te Etale c c ecitcmet. Ou -rc îokyrldrsduifftelae Icngget esocted oce JotiKulaco f the Tome cf Mieleo- Dboyer bncm mhat esSce. ecW.eccuS imtrti n wa -i J eat dctCr .Tepuyreaidero s t eaca ide o aveth ila umae a.- -theCounty cf HaIxon. Gentleman- _______ ie mas doingef bn CR recuiS havat uedChoCr bteupg OA heit Ch o X 5C.icrli f fut o ou ot a-am s A ru scr i nd wtm H nraif ruepis ex O 150c Wul tte uma tca d h s C o htr a e Ift e sT c u o . d i re . Dla ne t 11n Iii un e f b r A k x f W flNt s h eic e te .O 0 T .tOi 5 8 - îO MR R Oh om d e nom e m d .i.h.t.toer ttaitcs'tehetlu iîtb pbit sctc. e ictarus vla.CBicdycllxcear BIyce W o ks <.Unar bi c n le c trpt mnsfatre b CeCaotta avditha atCbata"th ema , c teaïsJhn aebig Pued etisoc.rS dplynwnd. fui leta . r er N e gt cy t caend t s ts oi pbiff e - w .v i .l an le a. . c h l i S m I. i 5 m , ?~ o o .ta.. e. . I - tleynsowm m la tl dep le to k W e d p a e m i e o i.icdBorde. f Nst. pil.t.i ,M5 .e.ttalabout Cace.eiter atien Touroi, teîl Wee - heap Whf ,<cus l"! aibts Almtiratn cticetalc cf urm 6e Y Gîle Omn. ai pb Milon. bnd WleeIc I Z .eot.»MaWs. -,on, botte. rieco- - fertC. micmd eul3 emd.FURNITURE -ený' Allminletatm u.ec.ceti Seatof Cantir erm.Leictiru Heer. Sas-BmisncoLt.Ax etecattit Meeting siferef. ad jat as gon as tee.lest. jues. edI. Omtn ouas m e tforforlprcg.alr iingtu n e-r uts n enst iiy.A prî eLo t 1 cej .S elston, erefHucybch 'witc ore book%' of crgoeilelg a lacese eieaxsmxs.umil eP& tha w"UOr " oome pety'n figucruinth - f "rusda', Arc iot, ai un e-nuOit ber f Idily booksa a«*fofldortheircoicr.tenlai01constanti. l l uptstic stke cbin s cii. aal flcd amamice ctn. E. Chitpctae.Act. Ilutctae Mmai'cero frcte.mas.t teon -he__ ten 11gitaigdect faSermi '. C Ail Uba tbuo p INma601090oa ogiaer, onmu UNDERTAKING J. Il. MeCne.cî,fmantcgieg , acecC". Coepolian b hc primant mud tbeeeIc n'tei 0»cor eu. t trMiton P,eecd tekC .. a c andi MafzS - =-it t . H t Forgrais atende ta prmptcois pucuomi ccc-se uisýtretttrced ronxt' ittcbceg. Peen.. cnIlcod.e -Tfr h.oxfoawm S i c rse,,n __ h m A W ma ' ttecelie parebctcd machinese Ccrmal- sod. IAbif. Wts'nrixui:ono. oin. A stoe,;pir sm i is " a ai theimar b e. sioOPTWNH L tcg 1ingndciefcddewalh bick. Pc, jSoucti A CgUnGeogeW sau n licet. . renai; W.SxPr e cL oin mnrir S k umnt agn t et b mu 11,1RI&?Y A oan atFnraaatnR t rmpi. rs-icsersu 'ite eombee oC depty sgitee ,eoedt au bard ft r, uaiLJackls ceyionJ rcc adereA . Em 30rj qmoln X wbt46 cbTiet e at n smicheaP ToT-c3 Acco eJobmst'y burg1Sote Afrda. Ln Genibas; esrmas. rdRyder; Mac- T . e1VA.Wr>I"o bLMer dsifs Tlîu ILO ... haILeg eal edeeed. n.J Aeeolerain.dtrC.uite vlmcmnosL th teprcettot e tocte GaveCon . .traD Bg -M4ds s e r.u] c1icceettherec ar eîy tWO it un t a ta bulatale us ain V À o, SeaClie; enr.smuiitcm.th &eras f , liio uryCrawford. Campb el- art 1inCteAanS Chat utile mmm -c g i . -nn~m.cm.w a - rz .,J.xttaet ville, 'Id C. S. Racey. Miltn. do nc tîl e S clmc. Ce bc C . Jit ilo. Idfer; tI atrlae Cr _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ anecard f oulhsle mus epm le 899. m..c p O~lU i jao c le foua ur.ci1 R. J. Campell marut yuterdat Cr saa*Clat tog& leRg sacc.di.umaedindtse c ea- ltriaWh1 lr is Trafagar fcim te tie bickids- we cmeheiaaydtlcier- ece. opposite te tiat oi Jofre Hamiltonx. gn cY. Be bla bi s' ea»olary Inarsdd u it te tee rarion t.CL'ctutOrs aeO«o t 'eth le bogt a short ineu m go acrciu roms bis>dontheb-a ote Chu y vite ariew te faim-q. -. ee lewera l o a t M e C m p w c n ig bo tem . e gu s h c at f la tn a tee uetor cf teeHtatu cf O Oces u e emirmeine de-u- o ' e g b r I e C m ate n _t e r _ G a . m c c m M c l c u O c m Ofo catilm io nle Ivlb a s I Several f Mr. CnIPbell ginnin rof eshe cf tee MOtte, dIgî thA atabagati bats a ,viti ibeir tourae epef hies te movu i__M___agto- éé,CAFODXKMB;ýciyo itteoiTheu.auter Cservcsn Of ymure -d 1 t r cl ;'%'VI te.C b Cui c ,.s tcpevlegeelsTNOROILY iluTOURCH l fudntef eîefilmc onc-tr- eco.teMuif ai M ilOMoC hu e» Tonofmacei.hepeaitfaie EAT EN E ActIcARYCiont entiom 1gemmmtb t Sndy a II gx..AôfoitlcéU.Hatouýser es. . i attolerr prcet_______ pdrce otefolwn orc rimeeet ,c h mrguSpo icg iie go . nclmdmothe ,icest assortxent eoejt. tlat le in preparud ta neppiy dcci. g igreait on la î ,duAp Wlio f m6eL,,« Diig fr$S Cre ut ly Clu quarter orr l0e rT. W .te n"lieOr til u ft ou oOmuiipadeCel prme rsumes anituca soiat autîsa'Cifmt t =- tas Bat.Trselg m aeevrbd(o m bu Il quanities.'Il anTha.Shirt Wald gjngoo rcpuitstionr.. termes fr cal.- r. Walas'ssa n od eub e rvic. sartDe m& W Dits peo. .osl w esalse.becinecu.. mercfrmthskimaitepro" a iteY)ecûam W. J. Armistrong repgorts a --s urler amaver" wm Tho!. , e urac stii a .te et ithe C. W. A.- acte.iait et:nsa." mas ooeg-1 rt teen teonGe Friday f Geirodm Cilirhe S- achi ceeaet Tht-saxc11cedmaGlerI mcs erepreche Cs piîOi e sc m WMCs lae FURNU H NG a TE -a and Mati gnr.s wer pins f'«_ cATS..y« owsrni a e ae lefnc int __ g Wou lc d are"c ailti.f tromr 12 bw-cC t Vtitatnul locauelc. citp are muli .p asd a9a ee feistgfOe. Richardsiuo. fn e wasttbe-g7 eng FRi'tbe emukabdurueS-lt' es8l Cty Aiietia Cil.m blub ms - m Otat dcof Grace nC meon - s Te gilils » itemrsae ri 12 a th ecce op n tc t hc d eeg tte afo niie B la c i' C a skmonOfi ures ao s..w Ton .Gcc.-S5iinigtoe ced liltoun eru. Re. A. B . tm A WH « eulic mainreue vo TOI ea" ladeer mie j;.cua bat smmatch. aire Maeà*6 eafarofter etaI wbveeubilori, h e o n G o n d F tld a y . B ln o c um _ _ _ _ _ d l 3 e . p le r ,etecesef. BrnW os JoesofMito,,wh mdebi dboy l;P eilings. CoLLARS%.The Rigi. Turo Dçms50 th e tr p c d ti g u i a hoe d b las e "-oiflç l m k , e le ra t e b ouefgo. tenteF.aInunwusee ettntet Teoprifyblt tryou 49C. 1.50 -tes'. ewestUt of 'wr 'wtina val'ie 'wr 5c ... 6 C Z,' I,,25 y 22 ofUr-U 15eyd trsotApfu m5 0. ' CN. -Ï NETIES 25I11 c 1 d. ' , ,20.en. ' ,22ce. If re it uge i i E.-. S-- -~t~ -~