Travellers'Gulide. CANADIAN PACIM7C RAILWAY 7.00 arn.,.1.-40 a-M., .% .5 8.57 arn., 5.2i; p.r..8.4$ p.M.. (JuRa Wsn&Wt.8.57 ss. montif i T GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY (E. *& 14«W. D5,lda. Canadian Champion. MILiTON, NOV. s.,s19M Nousrtosirrut for the electoral diatrir rtf Haitrua tech place bere ycstcrda: IrrIore D. Robertson, returrisg officet Il. Iloudetsuonu Istomlatesi by th, I osrvairsuaad S. P. MoKlusoa. t Truoro, by the Liberla. A publit rrrtrtirog un bld aite tbe nomination %r irrîîr as largely attnîeded by the edo tors. Speechsbetteo delivred by lbi candriaes and T. C. Robisstte, otTo r..rro, fur te Lrberals. Alltthet spcai r ro ror itoced 5feoit loteatteutiror Nrominatons more droyleildycustedal r l or(rofOtea213 contSlaeocr'm oft i r,,rroTircrmrs buttsorirtioni 01>0 rntrar oegoing So te lut o lsinQrebeo, uritre Mr. Larergui mrsruuoposdrtn Drummod andAr trhbu, and the Coroerroîrres enr irrgtrr.CrondtanGOtario, chercer b.'rgrorrtas delrurd eledtfor North Wa rrterloroite absenerofotano oppenul I, u nsarr 10 crne e 00Nrpissiug is ltri, Vile aod Criboood Borrarr ilrBrtrhClomblo and Gasa Chitoutimiin Çlorbeo, al ofliemof vast e oen. aundcotaurig eichmany pits difulurtroofri aosyuceuu. Thr e r .rrluuarr fer Ilion rroaaltere ý;Iutrrogrrruthrco or toor. Su s8q6 000 eetor toLiboralsone >0Con- rvtv n n ndependent. . 'l'h rrt rr or-c ore cat suorsc(ts itre un'mrtirrs.lIr Qarber Ltberoaoran 'Il-r\r.itro'uharo ruoh doriird oncr rIl % .îrr ali tn South Huron. WesL nadorrtNIrhNorfuolihror arr t r t inrt r te irtrl Joitn M rr.rruulrog rrruh HurromwtlMrMac- l" uIWrut Elgro Geo. R. Court M111 l t.otgolrr 'L.ibrelu, and jabel 'rl , Pltro,re orr rrooting, anrd i)Nt, Norotk Mr. Churitoro ru botut IJIý d l'y J, (7 Rou, alto r, Iiborul. 1 ,ic)eSriolrrrr Cror, r' rtout if (ruor rrltrs, ruor,,ti rui ,neto. A. M Farro rtrrulîto rrr. rli argroe andHW rusrtdig asIt irOryrdents in l. rr'npg the o rrrooruî rrrtbitguro 1 leoNr.r l'o lorand E. MIartin, lui-h ooecre(]rwih the FotI. ".i r.y br odetrlhtlt ririi, ;,,rrrr roulso t.. rrrtrdoa urJO rrr.u rrrltry, oroorly. io Brr, _'.rrtJr . J frrrîrorry. mou Monitoba Cboet Sworo In. t 'tttaog Mu. Ot.r lirr. ugi "rt htatrui, ltr'rnrr 1,t i.'te-oo t 't,,, illl,', 'l'lil- 'rurtrrrtotCabtrîro 'rtrrld.ry andrruroof lI, Obl. i rru-l'reirorruad Pro- rlr t f heCiurrori ourri Minrotoo tIJ. A .t.rut ClintrIl. Caumpbell, Q.C.-At., , irs-rri t boith-e ruuoort',,,rrîr.uOrrr tI 1R i b'titn, 'tbil udc y, i g toe lrud ,I,ýlftr lIr rî,. ittoo senbr or Or and ,tobt t forthertre Fem So,h Afrionato "I e "tr ( . îrr , tr tr F (ru îioid o o(rttt 2.1 ccrdinprtoroaode. r CapreioTottutori o uho ,r ord atce adsr IlI r1 In tl, r, baunrdakîtr,.Ir mon. inr rrrtîotit. crori> itt Ir rtrrr hIlo OIg h oloniaCln>.. ilci atdL ortu rtcd uThe Bmoerls ot r.euil,'tiborre lralrtlyhom oli W ItîtOffcehou.,rctord ihe foi- trIrg ordioi i-bro,dormi Pro. uICoCu4fIltyoe'gogrlDe W'te ba irlog thn.lBer rtcsat xIn tleWrO ointe Rertbnr'g lif.TierBOCrtorut oooriderably and tit ro i (ii' iisad tronowagossir itro rlid. Aoohr mmarsition ". arrru vrs blorro 0F b>. o tbcl. Tbe li, t, h r. rr.rtoitrr-eri. iftoOirgoStherJc oîridaiaffairr.Lord R oupu (tys l mo ue o thle treacbecy oftr Ciliahrîoooo cho admtted the IlIvrsiootirr' trrnsieuliS urgt. They 'i Cndfre tdupirsal. Frsroeen ues miroC b:lied arrd hirteru were wooaded, nirrut>ly ape Highlanders. Troopu druparoiel rom the Modder Rvrtre offthecBoers. 'Te houeon thliteScereosulhahi. tat eedessroyrd. Commsandassa Oi.,,n ras liliot. A epatrb rereived hem. trousPre- bi, .. ete death trous .esic r erofPrinoe Churitlas Victoar cf Scheimg - Holtein, a grndsan cf (QuormrXîVitoria. lHe oas rlun1867 ond oa a umajor iluthe Kings Raya *Rifles. London. Oct. 3.-A beateddsssc f romt Preorcia telle ufth. SamlIne. tab Bitsai ssgtiaticus oith ItOnoal du"h toc tiste sunamd'.ndtfhufiu.n Btha reseio.d Goa"caiPuga t of trace aaSrtoudiay a"damai i detosa, but ialW lekt rnpa i treat fc bSsesadieU Barghsemra l eolui j rolasi ni" ict be Of ac la. c- àe k. ty le 25 le r. ýd d )f y D - 1 e ýù ýeSpoird ballots ill. BVutcs polie-t413. 1 No. 27 BaYnec.......... 84 78 n r' anIramqain ....... 12a 61 'r 29 PoStrile ".".. it76 sot 5 " 30 Dundou Stror... 58 74 r, 30Paieo......... 69 48 y 32 Braote .......... 72 9. t 481 473 KSpoitcd balotstu31. Votes bpotion 985. Ttrloi.......... 24&00 2376 Maorit>. for Hcndcrsorr 84. Spr.iialtsil r70. "BobesPOlictI îoof. COAL WILL STÂT UP. The SSrrcy of te WloiouoicCool Deolers' Protruriro Atsociotrrn uoy ' "lb rutl bo impossîie for au>.of thc companie o tropb auat thirminsufor tio mcuons. SInbthe licubplace, mauy ot theo miocr. mbr arr mosbl5 Woiobmcrs Itart or ad ugarioul. havo gooe iatoEu Rrope, ond ir t(e 0000 paoe the proracteà drougbo in bbe anthraorte rrobas troatod a shorSoge ut mater. Asth (omiretownmors arc payilrg o1p cent.jinrearoOoin mutcoOl iOlitrrain ottuwioterlongret ast o t i75 cents a bar iigitor (hon itfore ther uttthco malter hum mort is mirrcr. Thfrut coaotohe(om thcmirnen ontrroomp. iroof aorh milgo trthliiitradc ; orurîhebcroroltbo upptrrd. becaato brgbco proot arc obtooîard ru (ho mot. îint oto onbo market' 0 , r.aod,.letoof aoh, the orth irolode." ONE OF NATURES ODTIES. Frm orolilo toho trSri or rtihe nu phiairod s o0f 5cm Yorkaeh wr 01> tre rgin t lrhe ac. olorbo rmos îlt otcru rarb opttheohi or0fho stroobh ron- dn'tror Iir trt. EisISb een hiurrrdr srite. simost due outh fr.m New York, lie. the liOtli tropcal (oloîrd of Trioidnd. n Brtisb possession aoff heCorast of orthrn Soth Auscrio. At5 the soutbwsmorri raScemiterof tIia roiorSthe loarri .PiSoh labo 1.I ottcd onth ..mcait of a sailIbill leu, bha 200 fel rslors the lIcclo f thaeIra. lu crrcortnc thoce e s otlung oheomoual aouto 1m worder of bbc trortlorsbtua riaitthe bbc a. u Sii .fnmiliiai'y alird. utc fis oneofthe mcst uaaeruabis oddtios cf naurc la the eneoss f oatrvesl.t The tarîist Dtruc arce passage ta tae rland 0f bbheliommîco bird." a. Trluînid peopl 0kti cc oranitato tnbe rilird. sod ntor uoeîrr'lsccomrumodaton t theb oîy derentbhote]in the Slony roced tu the lie b>. one uf thcesusol fuoeuseut stearsoru nuerostoîsu chre, lImes orokic. dimmbaob st tbo Brighton pier nndîrroceod tothe ccsrsof te "rig gtog.' Of .il the orodr. roach and ceude m"s f rtrutiuf oroith from llotbor litrbth.6Trinddd bc asphait opera., iort a r'c absmosu strlhîug. Tht isîtos arvson a fairly lccl plitaarspnttad hom acd Iboeetit tiap pools of oatsr. lierrot i o he lsoft. hisip substance huroaas aIpalSt litîcrs ln the rsolece tien.orf as Ororotoroul suan. Sosttered onlrlthecnrfetaofntthe IsIre daacu. of imsrtby tearovi are pîpSaa'ptoh asnd han, extlrtlsrcthc tus coalp ioisa tuf fr'am te artit. One mu>.ailt lanthe aaidc cf a LcLshp shrrsb 0 tor tr erotectonaMstde o an trcbrella and onst hthe acasues.pile hea» afsrr bs-ap outhe nusîs SbIntabshecdieus ohîlu rof tub. that hnrr alag tut h. isc freen obioh un ba. huarecently tasdrd outil a ysouîg cgsavoations f 20 ormor étrt estrs tus ths apervsainhl dusky that the ior hasconueu sa mueaàbit fIe. thsrn. latherosuseta ler.oiumn thecavatsionsrmuitiona trosStais. .-, lac's tisas gbaianastaisoklmes e iand hy s.crstlde h, %pot trou ohisis mure tobotfire or sos tous hase bu_" dota-M aaislrr lrl othe as urrcu~aeis* admaoyta hodeg ovehy thse SMseh ioisy blach».. Fruncthlie pie t tf b tac the pierle ibut a mile c oa af.uet M esisandrormat. Maaed ts sMe bit .niig csuisa ad msneïtues ne ers. luts Wouu upelnua. icstiseý riubacrgeabsepîach s isà Iei 3M1 asu pas. day. e Onuaise voyaga sTdclutd q& dlss.anddissahiMt lenucc *W IObM » OetaP ostu la fs spusl faÈ.L SpolietI hallosh Vote s llet283. 3o Ton Hall ..87 92 -, 4 Readisg Roc.... 6o 63 lipailatIbalata 5. VaotespIl 7d2s157 Nu. aproaa'a-......62 80 6C Nos.cài......... i33 lit 7 St.oafaaawn .... 18tl 75 536 478 Spoiled bSallots 3s. Vots polSd sutil. Ososotrrwot. tNo. il ToosnIlal...... 76 80 12 Csle's Hosse... i 8 103 eSpellesi ballots iS. Votes polell:327. f Msr".r. zNO. 13 Town Hall...... 54 41 14 .unrsag Office,. 48 38 5 Courtlisse .... 46 64 Spoiled bialiots 5. Votes poled 303. NAsAAEA Noz6 Camnpbeliiile ... 14 5 s7 Boorrbile...... sas 107 t8 Kutobbol...... 6u8 sliq 284 321 SpoiletIbulotu r. VotesoledtI616. NEO.. No. is Frecan ........ 39 67 oo Nolson ""r"'.' 67 l4 'r1o Kibride. ........ fr6 63 r'2a Boîta Sobool .... 83 79 23 Aplby...... ir 5 376 343 Spoiltotballt.55. B'Vos polotI 764. OAVLE No. 4 Toon Hall ..... itn 39 5~ Maaouic Hah. .... 74 56 ai t rmperaure Holt 73 It Misas(tutoie Smstih, of Faleruso. rboted Misses Csllingham oa Sanda>. jas. Pecoroh Applaby. patted titrotgb towa on Sauda>. Mc. and Mms. J. C. Ryts, of AppSdby. calied in tomu onruaSnda>. The V.P.S.C.E. umeeting woli ho eltI sou Frsday eeinç. Toplo, "Are vsa dosug yonr bmli? tu be led hy Mise Nichais. Mr. Ezra Smsithb ha sSote ta tay olth bis son Albert oun the MitdIleroatI. Misées Thirstos. cf Palseuso. apent Snda>. mitis Mca. lioussa. James Sroosrdge4 cf Gleusthy. esied lu toot os Sunday. Tite totad af o.tddng belle oas heard lent onoh. Mr. sud Mro. Pests spent Ssnday Mss. T. Cossîtot, of Lamubtea huIa. OMAGH. Oct. uîth. Mss.G. Robisn visIteSI Mm .M. Eludreo one day haut womis. - Mi. Matg*'aHIsciin spannlga fao MisShaw, cf fsrauc Md Mm asy lntI = =iLLl* . c"Z . lludlh 96MAR fia Immwi ult Thodal p.sic U tuOslng. ?h. Ç5LL55 tbe ii dSth lice..The t5iL cSnnd aia hgg.1 anad thc.m usl oroaiscbgef .t ChInaS ScSsbth. witbi. . tons. et of t8h. icocf ahe acidnt the newT. tH. srn.hln Abolit :o.apys dat h. om tise Oud T5Ik'L.pclise branchos off ali' ah. sorth. Ta contTol thostwo placesaand peaesr abnng trisafrotta danger s derilic ad gsoitc-h m-oving appacatua has beeL put in. The wtrisas allbt c tped ohen the allait bappeL.d. uartise direction cf ForemonaNichai- pou. Mr. Nicholaon stifed urh.. que&. tioaed chat the aoitch csaa th. oc- cidethlatanttheeflconLect!Ysp wlti t Ob2.. but oaa spied ta allîotrains .. p Uottetanlie. Tvsothen. ries Laggest hemnselvett.ono chat th. nr owfages on the engine obeola foscd te soitch opea the otheT that the soitch OLs opeL. whea th. onginoe troch l. Atter leavinug the rails lbe englisa bumpsrt alsg te tdes for 2noor 30 yards andithea plnLged iato th. ditch on ls left acde. The trieadso as completely tredtovec and coeriag it eethe 100 aga aecars, the Crt one oith tise itou nead domsanadthe secod one is anopposite poitiont, te too ftn'mlag a pyrimid over the rab and tender of the rîgias. Soarcely a rod or pipe of the latte, but ohat waa haut andistI oid in odd antfatic uhapers. The oatttlg of danger camee so sud- deali t Se ssglueer and fCrsmaa thât tbeyhadnol!meoto sace temselre ansd ocre pitted inu ttder the orsch. Hol- den w w edged it belmees the frs bos asnd part of the rab and it took isarly anhorrbetre lbe contd lh.rel=aei His legn oerecroabod and scalded. but lie brarely tood the terrible trais. faintisg 0151> once just h.fore bie a reeaed from bis perilos ptositos. It wnu aller foiîy hait au bout oS searbrsg beotre iemas Sotbersttoaz dlcovr.rd. He wau fotnd nder the tender oomplrtcty rorereti oitb roal attd debrin. Sbortly alter lie oas fotud bie regainstc onsiuinunad talhed tu bis resiuteru and a geued to thess diftert meaauaoftreao. Foturmen withuitorels and axe, were relieeed by nesrm'orherrueoery ire minutte aad attor 100 itorruof bard abor the debris mat rernoed. thetensder preppedttapby jaks and thefiremau remoeed V(m whtorearly came to iebhis grave. lHe .a badly batred up and brttiuedand mot takentu te rity bospital oberet Esgiucrr Holdrt hadt becs conureyed preriruly. LaSer te fressn as a taen tro hbomne, obere lhe 00w lieu inu o prsar onoditios. EairrHnldcss unfiered terrible agoSSy- Hsu loftIleg mat literaIt>. roasted trom anhle to ip. He was alto »iu y itjstred interuali>.. He dietI ou Sos. day aflerorot. Rer. Mr. White, tof Grace Cbtsrch. and Mtr. Maxted. oNorval cho waaon blo mac here tb riait bis itrotiter. oes onte abore mentiosed traiu. Tite> arrired aI Milton about II O'rloch. t Correspondence0 SIXTEEN. Ot.f9 e~ ihQ 4y. r ~t '~ ' wsIuIeIOum sfVeh cO0" -&d'cea in a a ia<I nlgtsnd mastru rouii cougbu end bmenchidu fin a short ime. Constump- aon lu uureiy and cer- aaly prove nled, and cured, ton, If taken luI rime. A 25c. borde for a freubs cold; 50c. slze for aider coîds; $1 sîze forchroalc coughsand consumption. «e 1 gft - 1tonaad.Oh .1 IL l1.-IfcsmldlaUte 0un . actIon. ta.StS l m, TSU. tlo.anîr. Usu Joba Scott'a. mcurtain. on Fridn>. cren- iug aest. andI reort n rrry cjoyabie time. E. Ciatpmu antI R. S. Laiug Sattd ed the aoia nat Woodstocit Isat oehk in couuecliromI ithtecoseorocdamages "!'.*st tht C. P. R. an aoresît of te deaIl of a braheman. aboot a yer agor at Guelpitjonction. RobI. Mourn, Gaelphit. umoicg loto te villiage thino meni.. TAN SLEY. Oct. 30. E. Dalton bat gose So Mubobo tor the iutuiug esn Mm.Evansiitcd fricrodooStGrimsby Mom. Rogers. of Hauitru. i"id a las. Gcer'tuor atcowdayu Iasteb. M.oand Mrs. Geo. Sherdantof To- route, rlited intoouw tator Gar. lirol. of Grisbyit>. isited olth triensthere tbis morb. li"Scotiandîs Share in Civilizing the World"1 CANNON MACKENZIE. A Marvelloits Story of Marstel"iosî ewulta Produced by Seotsnsen. Eoeryone olit a drop of Scotch blonod l i bins oi thrsll oltb delight in Tmaling this wonderfui eoOTd rtf Ssrotch eneTgy. pluck and gesisa. SR-ence antI PoetT7 Meobanlcs and Religion ; Electricity and Sculpture; Agriculture and War; Citemistcy andI Educatirs-eery dvaàno abat tends tss ririliine mankiod inda Scotch nica andI Scotch entet'pTis in the vn. Cold, bard faclo. bold inso eay, inteeting mauner 5ha5 hulds the eade's attention with coniui s urprlte frrm cover tu coer. Berstittliy boond in lotita. Sent to any address ou ceceîpt of pice. 0ne DollaT. TIM DANADIAN aIAXPIoN. MILTON, Ossràaîo. Fced. sud JohntuArmstrong, of Mcr. Nffl.laadlussadsaXUmilbyA.LBooa. à:., ton. osllcdis ntoou rereoti-. A J. Olsuaessa" as inHgItlthn-a*Oo N.aL. n. W. Suitit. socompanied by his daogh. OtCEum UA. S nM tec. viited inisStrootacille laat Suruday. -FeidY, O.00 â0 In uialirday, INo. UnM Ee. RobI. McIul>-cs. ot St. Thorso Th. tonship ot Wbitby ha beau At _%Ingi.Ffrst.CIQ M F a former potor of St. Paoi'n Ghurcb. ordcered by Ilr. Jstice Strict to pay Os.*5P r osIletI on tosends hcrc llast eb. . dausages o elandowner isaued sauclale rU.qd ua busness ébru ouei Quite a large nusber oft ur yossg for lte dam due tsoto bis property by __isw'a fredatne aivertacy usricec adefective colvert, casnss a doon O a"n lmdAui Zinusencan MethadiatCtoi tl qs-1 rpr1. Ris Lsrdahip directed -osm - 41f ulaiau s11 dsy leus. The lecture atd ceamecisg that the pîsnti h. htbsoed coulé an ah.e iuh ,lmbs..oe i. os y Morsula woaisatalto oell at. H igb Cosrt saabl, ohiah la sonrty dubsle ceuded truan be. nrt ab te owr cores.0 tatI anted as o.. vinOM Their usauy Iiondo in ti(place ca- trous cusisg a Cjus pcs thc plaintils a tesd conugratulations lu MisEdrtb landsuilutch.fture. Wlher astI jas. Dote, aitomere mar. _____ ried os Wedamsday last at hier bouseiru -Par Ovar Pfft7TisesU. 4i5Ora u aa Eoeyby boittroounrertion thete 5.itIhy t mii.dsid timas sud al plitiralminissart e ~ita o ci i attendod. even ou darb rsisy nigisn. aaspsi« hi A desateh trom CapeTon sapa abat mojhas aq.cV' 5h M. Ceil Risrdeu la suilersug trous fevsit 1 ---- Sir Wilfrid Laurier ban comsusteil t about iL. adolrem a smaïs;umeeting in Hauiltot on tu Monday evenine, usaI . iaths . Faur bundred tret <>1 tue clS fatL iis h rie OLP. pltg le adLtnete t tiL hghsis >.sdusa. ocs : Cousmsrialrai Aà@ Toa" ýSTAR Cycle WORKSI Tisane oluhing ta, psrehaue a uculos bassi WsanI olîl duo eIl ta do sacac as chocoilîl sac, trous 5 ta sopsg.est.. becasse ch. commuecest orftes. a sot aloayu brings tise p(es» - c ah. Stan CYold WcskBs ats. Esriu on pour machin. workch.eaning sud re- pairlsg. stidttscluaranteed. Prireu Ti bL Clippessgroasd. nheacqahadseu- nd asIn i ids af assIs asteinLisise Csisordcr. Reusmerctho alarCYc:le T. A. LOGAN, stevenonBlanck. Milton. lNo làe du tisab, isuourordeso fus CoaI and Woodbeo.aeht lut cmi, to cul, EU Cul, ihiâmWsh lkîdwidSon" tg »àlh a aure petampt ddtoey cImS 4ieoî - rdigcsý laver "' can gt WOOL lAN -ALL AT ROCK BoTlma VERY DECENTu-l7 A YARD WIDE Are being sold at -the Oheap Store 25c, 30c, à71c, 50c and 75c. yd. If you are Iooking for a carpet, eall and see the abcve' ,'t os f su iited f -ictant .rr.rt. sur bertretrr r'. I rhI lalliriri.r$Ir0 wat a on, lna lsri b&l E- f«P.g Jaw IU ver . at the uJita Dadw tu lie 0, Pie ple la0 U »b. op'étin Lsl ir I. fi75.cU5dllee irmss i eni r '&',htrahmadeee n.allsgourtdei'x hiaIl Iiibali s M11béeted sI oa loase , no dlUarLt sals 0 th mstcu.Nrot bre d o hmd spîr. m. dA BEF. D)ZZES. Combleihu«ld àelosys beh nsdled mitb c«s, as the, anrt nsDltjly ,,r' Dsesg th. oists.r 01fasl ird rrlônu oemdmdo51nUt oc ILsIT5 sm-hgu ttur r'1rrritrr If chau bines ase. att u od for rirtror us- they shonshl v h. nisdonSrar' Tise ec, molsleIoun s sisstt lnh trivill aater. Bcss comasne more httsrY ohm olu. loro s umme atan5ds. bot liordlp douethe. h.quastia3. If gs.*Ltlatm lah otéd Irlirrrid for pis- lnshe ccssért1,s ing orrtcr Be, equl:.e sis.Oa. cf the rli'sort sud brut oays af isisplî'iag 19 Irrir 5ý mala barreS chat ha. jus es hcoo corîrrîd. dss.pcs il asd pace 1la osoe tlýir ho eoa have acccreR.I As ocrssoply af droae s oîla 't"r alesI. sthey esalm. rrrtrul9 qn.stityor of bSL57acf do rot ùii à pslorcels lyuag as orsa. Thir r.;i'ttr' of tISsus usy h.iedestied b>. lic u- of Cssushbuilding le disse bhut onreraod satisognsno rbnsigc ahisifsrtr. Itrd honeyesrushu. If oeIl c..'es four. aso bu made to do aerrlc for 20 yenr» or' Wh'ss fissa made' lsy aLes af purro liro THE VERDICT. ChirLge, la bosudi au have ber forger lu the . . hc suipcd tshralldntorfite Texas elekm..- lossphls Cmo'rs AppesL The llciescar flânerai la nsIwlos sn esttshlihestInnsovatiaon. Th.ies, r -bon made mtapfLaners. lui l là)I) rîrr Weil sev, s. à hoas i. -SL . rýi( Pfrli-Di.ffleIL. With Losfil Robera. asetrusmasrrd" is rhicf sud LrdtKisu'hssu. urcr,.w'r ln the mrmgsulad Easllsh robiSîlle 'r rrorld hbc acateod ssstllsg ot lIhe dtkd The suceeaut propagation of as'dls.i feruits aoly riag ahe deathhtilofl 7tire appcsdlcitis fad. bhssIla ollI nol tirIr' ho aaoe.rssrlaag sedirals loag tu druroer saurethilaoPasr as est afcr-Drorce post. The shlp tiseusljed ta celîrre Prar y Io oant. btut beret# oh . rwb s aorerl StW lbf ahips tha IheuýIsen n-.d rt or tut osa du saeh lu nid ornti r' searoh. Tloy c ens I r. St. Ls>tle Psss'*'uspaaeis A tacs affolale, s àBausînote trrrSau camp rs.tttd l t dern t utorslrs sud abs. asiie:tf7heIaadesi. t0a tîs lu.. Coutaset oshelclloi.,u ýDroi* the noble ced L hW trrrta masles ienactu a oman.. sîuha ss8 a lady Dord Dot ber.M inru4t hospa;" tibsa s aqusIly st.a.on- Whsu hooet. i de Dot uri amie- slo, about, 5 ady e noce. sror't o Iia ah.giltienne o ervehcr o Wiss.s olfe. te tIr.' roir- or a7.-sv~*~ u are aryio Mloltaf bis la nd h ~urla 1bcIsîirol ia.Ioe,"Mf lhe girl Who rdr-s.0r th.ransptoate fa rm '08 a" cendiesî rite lady. -M d eui 9b . Inabitsal PL& morell e sp aPdi ti O!,adt-tisa fflle 5led jh Scuflcap 1 .rgtnd retttcdy .,0t' the best U~sa]Je 18 ripid Higgiîîbothanî c For SCompound Syrup Noreboued ,etice tpgreat fit Tiseasron forr t atrt' Mh HUPypofrct-j coib ttîr on h, INBOTMAM Local Nerws. Romelrt i t aber tIhe'. ,Arles Ti ho. Cl B B arr -urIt g the Rarruev tkeon ttr'r artin bat J.B t îba, iourIl A lt of tth, Fair. trib. erîy souod liltou. LMIill'r, i t. 1herdiru r t s ago. Scouloir, g o- Prtbar ltoCtttr ee paod wtr Ili k Peareotrlia' I bre rt.ltC ,k Hitriroha,- he south iit r ft r oI lte d,,1111t-l hy tbs loto Wtt11 "t A. BscrI-ftt H, : luatiug otrro. upilal. hbasr, t sn tbe statff AI. in tytl . B A. P. Grtto'pi.l" Royal Trorrir'. t-tl I caSlto-nr.oghi B.,- proot (it "ru t athein rrrtrrrrt ('t.' hsartrrll',ttrrrtrrrur st off Il ,ttt,,t mica t(rr rite' :nigîell r.lra rrt, e "~on'"grrtr'iry rr'- . rItO Ma. Mi' r. .. B mard bitsrrt 1. turo1 rec.atly ocr.,q id tbv rhe etuoîiao ret it,,.t re. Allrr't mill h.bch t.A.Ladî' 'on of Jas. Li arrieli te itti'.t iou Wedacr.rl'i MeikilSas, Pr, the auptial kli,t,' gb Pastton, ofltttro' hbo tiopoucri rrot rd wlit brs f rtttt ,sa 'is . r I lt Fclday. Nrr at m belda Mj'.utrV ren% Chuc. Lo,, woill h. giveso bu' týl on. of St. Olour'sCB hwIare oorlally irrite, Ina" servielua iti itr po' ~oud. l, ot 4.N a .àmey pobiero cOý. bstfrnSu . oad roîrerrî M NeroDu St. Site r Ch 'oho bast M eiln1