Travellers' Guide. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY EASTC.t. cice 7-0t , .4coopt...7.38P--- t'RtiNit TRUNK RAILWAY ci. & N. W. ihrtrtro.t C.A N ADI A NM e. OUH - etbeter t t Iloct ertrTHi et.. ee cSAVED THEIR BOY. liE HAD BEEN VEAK AND AIL« TMG EROM INFAIfaT. A, Be irret Bler it Treiî Buu .II Ierre e d Ric PteetoTitongt io Dererti te ceuIceatrît ILite- Dr. Vil' lieote.s Piek Pito Cered Htt Witeî Hopier lid Atecot Deperîrd. l, 1t, Ct krcette erertientttofctire' tor Ilhecetierfiy ter a 'l" , t tc ih,eegh ho' te e- t .Iee terletDr. t1r, tel 1,11 e tek thter r oghtitet t . rty bec'YS-e If 1,t ctt'eherteufrer tceteec gr. intt Cet tl elr ftaet ,c t ee n th If Ib ltye le r t, et t ceCi e ofCet itrtic t t e tc tee ereie Cre gtraerr et. tee' tir ir 1, ti-et, vr echich coutardly bu eaptateecc- l - th oupd ha"y . les veu rie î uIpitclau? Bacachltiduy Tblts eau- aticdY t Wacgo b1 0tUc echLu rnif itelgetly caed. cure.Il kidiiey AM nota sice intance bh e b ae a troubed teda u obr 5 cati tor helP. 1 bALye Pulled Puccouis e s a it liacd t a algab'c frrnttice uatur cithin aa w etrcOtbe i ontrfci iduey actiount- aalej coL ico receutrggIc~ . ttuaud ailop by tbe Poit1ei-tar f diM rafut eocre ruecl astg frlifatcy tetiteufy Of Bone repatae pesO.i 't vscoctp hat I bappenrd t notice ~~cebtga5dW h their peortiar acoteau inth e ter, aurOfbe ccridtW.bureautuobt cet tthe cose they made that iitpeltud tclatosp estict ul cf a. W.e rintai. mete go attr theit. Tttcr and ogotu 1t o Fdiclg St., Tochto, bcteraa bave tuec poor cuctmeut tart a choe' eutb. acd hara oct the datte tbat it, la tocr ttrOtccp cc cod od go iluad dabt for the vauagr unetr. t irthe icot rutcokabtc thiciug deaed-ý a imaginable that tOry gior ne signal of Mc. Etou raya. *Dr. Pitchra5ak dteetoc. ucecoblliiste te tr. tbave acthe Rtdury Toblttobave becu ufthee ettrn asked rettrd peot tttty they gtitctut hccuttteme. Ltrutrly 1Ibid di e al o ep btt t oudgv e mrch bachachu it ecrtuded te Mx toexrplanrtone. Tboy kuer ery veine hipsancd litmbe. At tieeathere cêcitîd dreoteeig. bt thrertny egnofetthetr bu ce aotr taterceca tc ce hips acd à pccleecrbc reteoor rerigothotrouig cat caoses vry. ttogreeable t m 1bae ebcomer se cesteed to eetic Ificd ch.tatmttuth in- cthietsorttbiog-tbt peeuliorcrr igorctd>incr I otedacboulte oDr.t in whecir e dceecrtog prrrohrot Oup PtheBachache krdoey Tabrts. My his aoeg a scretbof~ bath e akhbasrecuvrerd trom ta te aceues. dee'egdetegoand pihig aboutîI ond Icm sleeping rer1t ighto. Frocit Icuit retIthe oerindanrin anrintant. ayuxpcieetin ig the Tablettt1 "We bc ergoeredew tte et,eth thebavhe uochconcfiduncer in thoat, acdtI ttcod tree'r tur bock. A the rocecch ightyrcootitecd thue." werheoeeethe tacet ontes te had. Aycredorthtiu pair ecntetthe 0Thee t io'iy dirprer, gitttg Linder utritrc etDcrtceuctttoekacbrt<tdcrP n tinhty ineh. oei ms cTobitsreteruby reoigtwoecents d Tire, et eebrg tidreeterI e ryttccfoc triai package te The Ptterc ] Oe etechit, t haerheerd eeety torete Vet Ce, T'rcto. Oct. Regleart et a dceeteteg pecrsn nilg a gtuot icr t.,cents per botte. Foc saeobp racet teeattrat aotttetn tetbt Ideo it Hrggrchttoth & C. tr1crlereeter Whe oe trhac ecé pcer ij, e in aner 1tbaerkreerc et cIsbt tee .et-tbly they cate rteetthe Mainal Training ic the Publie Sohoola. ýo"e"ho c.te d ide eeoeegheo te s ndreircg eiitthiecehreet incthe l e eet buit ehtt er eit ecbrerg the Echbitter Neebuet ofTire Fercrteg cerovn, acoher 'he ene in tO We,, rofce. toecretop c eccttteteirteepiy ger ueeceeitt ..y . t 1rei iae bee itttOtiYgond cEdoatior bugece teirtitre ttl'r C it.'eitiotttat otrd ofteruing.eitheeetreger. tcto reseo' lc, etteh-. ,tti e c ,eie.rh'.tee ttcand I' ieeltetiee îthtcetieeehteti thcteycreree.eerei rtrehch gobetere ad.oed tceit tic 0Oneetii ,suppoe ctoc eapercer etc rteettrene tetdrt'ieprret ofeti t wmý-I ceep bo ic he metetoprteer t t.,ett. Beitter ttrerd.,titrrerithe moetofcedaneretheecheteigoes otcchooet t iecceirg dcc et ack tetherrt assitaetc.and tMost o teduottteOt serestbrrcd. Ilft elt, efobe tcteier eegy tere ttgtttan«)ceee.eeetsp itttcbtti e- e .11 yeuet. Pe...ebiy ihry aet lie teecrereoreedrreed ttcd bede- con tee.tereteotheycy otehcY aeed gir ee shoe hetti aree reetertet -Let.t.tteetcreeteetttg. Whrer t cret e dc, iege vthtie hir hoeeiOad te re lotte]yttrtloteetOetcttetite the ttegscabtot tttcco It istrtereh .. 'i oe1t irtk oet ttepiae ofrtet tc q rr1rrrt that rdrcatertcitothe sceioot te rerete9,,ye have i r tecd lirrer dcvcleitg te gectai itetligece, Il'teee1. ti-t,1 ae eetecenereceheetthtey eiteeed thavre utivtçed thcjr eetto ttttt.xit lenet.rc Ttettrui-eerecrtrttct beeeead aetctad te reportereecer etiýu1ddb eetr.tetetedhpeterrîtattte -ttt lseritte eriandicitly oerr etolieati rtetrd I inte lrittegeiltte t t recttie c iti cote ter. Thot teperestiere mirrtftoc ter. tttr.rcr oed ercethtlrrtteerer výgeet qerorreqtperetceeufe et'ttofttYetr ',e h toeeceoecteee.' Nette the ee hol ,r 'Thcee mrtetesintlit a c,)ttrttg er-thehecdroandeebietretted teehct sotee eret thcetufae treeeLitee caretdiet aed srirtttlthitp ttrire reofetthe 11mýacIntact, ite etecasroesie greee r id Ttietc ttemtctetrrttengetf e l, n ad tey, her.rrtterteseec rhretiee.otritire hoedreand eves rceet t eam~ Edison, Jt girls of tit' rird catk Turc tit Citaniai T. inDail t George wbiuhbeb bretu. wtt taler. gsged fee busbacd's mci, bliti Lee. Mur. end ta tahea lcdies thie deed ecri. cf tenci Yca Lihu Tire t noe teit tretche ir Tbe y-e t.t) Ser chierri . neet gai delpitebo1 Irceeple t.ier li fi te terc iteere fo le'.' I V Tî e" (r e , VI I ~". ' G 1,1cr ce v J ~'i' e J cI\lS 'i t ce" t e e., t e t ccc,' t car tplie re tsrtiS t. sineanta ue"Y 5f5 =uesbutt-3nl ush, .es cite pepa ete là ate D atdiaittiatioa f aitbisfai=. Titbe Adreetures ut Frsasel" cteL'.stage X ta Abierose mwhyti srt gales a trofeisattoue uft. ab Wud ýi rsuno. Titeepertct-7la le- rtj. Il icciadri Tbu Marcbent e "Fou Fate Virgiuia. "À» a l,' ..Triihye DaOt Tunder,» Swift tland Bskait THE VERDICT. ceu] blortthy dietInteile, ati lact bas dote the satan. le pou sn@ ecthuciaai. bu ecreiutBot. tcng Ciinsectperor icYctit ce' Id the doucacernarpecale ber umth cbaopicat. IDe bcd t,-e t reotns ce buiug aclgront tul becacre fr oct- teiChico. PaIS- ccp e tinlmebueomte Colp ree- cý tire AroteIcot ptg.-Wablctg 7ela eceetit ocitord ceu lte ceeu manrandtbe cet usici girl, re tite haroc' elacgeus chers' eta ceenc re ertbtt-Phiic. behe,.berer utpteu ibti JaPouu ton i ode ebtu dueir, cAumreavr- -rIceadirobleirarbirita If go. lb errt euctateýmouly du>e cge s.tacn croa is acicae t1 eo terlre. Thr emthidis- - ilat and liraehcttitebcath, hmand iccpa bis rucebicu. Of tire e.r.irtrtet bimte huuccs.- fic ,etc Tbenird ttiegdona ia etete eiered of atthe utbcc prie- tee ne reeetrthol. irgiettîttiuti MOtih tb tccre ciii t4e eeted o 2 1trt occilnir iredlri.ieru of Itla th siplen act cbe dcerchi c. bu adecîD teeutSIsec- cciia Oas ptetd as scarcne icss oCfreltreifp irpcontinu tir Ire. Tit eI. adotetdl> a 'eef etue.litiuc,ftberoubleter' get ie .c.c eeteIl. Ifle.r oiecor b. ut agotecmareket lo tbc." il cOut t eabupoturolnfor atc aed bcd ctattrrccuc. TH-E PEDAGOGUE. h as rctbcheuti reerets. oer chu erinioirf leocra. teen Outeeerbwo reigord tite fpeibotccp ic tire Univesity cf Ittna tote ili aaimtlotts position auifrsetyof Havae. hac citait- bre c iccenaletltti Ireicta de laTropical. drrrc cf dets aif phiieoinbp ettly ovreeta ioncTa or lt ir e uUrtveril oC Heitiet- l'île ubjet ofthe esopas cet. oe,. Tis ns sthetructuantace ceey of t deeturu deree buig tea snatve cf Siami. ale CollCharlcu esSt Vesirlu ceaire cof theUnCiersuityte Vie- ceocu ofithe greoirul beefsetoe institution. ccd. esb igcars rccred, chiercch bis tattuea. ,the tleIer Cý roit Lueuder bieCor- di gurierrd trtthe$7.01X) Coeils rut. 'HeWas theaethoraof micy tacn textbook. 1OUSEHOILD HINTS. t icet ehouid crue reabeet In s ias tleut ucttitsoatc f0 the rir bu . nrla .ctusnd at cigbt. 'c rnt aa ucst raitin c atesli ffv Ptsu bicarte sscielus et c troctroccltof aiere dey tut The arocrmawI houp tir e t eicao of soda and cacao. applieti dit raem-bethecerna trecrs lu am boots amodeaipetimonet1, pcnt5 actee. se spots Or eccritte ciiieid te et sitir CleBettrs uh. Il shouid leItca Pcste cir asficuonggin- el occ aiouc.wd te etend t2 A Secd trcrtmtartWtt Ceces@ in If titi fisc dors et THE CYNIO. mse.rte.cue hp5~. peuple Jetouitste btitga;-thc, :Dw titet. l5tle"gonti ieureeti" peopls lot titmesc rtpetticas. te Wtuc est cifou pou. tutits le lle yen aiscuetrs VISIte utU Sai f me Cua)iiruthal iche' ia boum the', Iurapaeci,itpc1 t bun, chat peuple cay of pFM 'aour itsei. peu tecit fit. Doal tbst Fcu nurapu. &' " enothescf às tnicci v. C e ui, egreltmerupruinersbe. hbu bibas htcrrttelu,,,ci« i lrer tbsat l egisu cgai.- Pou ()ere Pifty TY4,. Mý et Matisesa ecIcs mirt~c ~ c Painiagtua Ziam- ceci MiiL. Pcti Flncer at fruit, frotasture, Mica Baley Mise . Maffat. Pcui rsrapeaIronsi-abject. P. C. P thrtuMieBattey. Chscc..iM portrait. Mica L. Fard, Mite Ba ty.' P,%ci dfbtegnj. ccv other cabjecte Mie Carter, Mrs. G. 0. Rall. Portrait lascrayon ur pastel, . E.C Featherti. Misa luro McDresgail. Painticn.,aial sobjeot, Mita BalIep. bil. Lateiret. ilrcac ùdçawicg.. E. C. Peatiteestatl. Mc. Dr. Stuarc., Peffu sl cttetfb. Miss Bai uy. Ute Plaveurs in cil, Min"uBciluy. Mite L. Ford. Painting oc cties, Miss Edco R lipeccuMira Bailup. Pcihcinn l au sriratin or rleet. Mita Bitey. bitai Edua C. Spuur. Oit 'iaicg. ccc ettbru. Cal- vert, )Ï050 aL.Fod Laudocape inwacer colttct.Miss Car- le, Miss u ley. Dr4wicg trota caturai cjet, rhaded. b amteuors, Mies J. Muffat. E. C. Fcathurstoc. Dipatcofetpaittiugi, tep protuusoacls isis L ceteda. 1Prechaad dracicg, scoot citdreti. MbeciDatoab.tice I'atersoc. P. H. Daceci especiastcr cnitiag by publie icholci hitdreu-llirta. Mia- ni lutcd.Berthas Nopes. Marcha Curd- rrli. LittraCaieroa. Bacs. Hcrrp Gardioer, Arhor R. 0cr, R. M. Botter- fietd, John Rote Ors. LADIES' VORK. jedges-M r. t. Zùcreermta. Ms, (Dri) McCinancd Miteaianceort. Coletn ofa etcot naedieentr, bitte hpcecitis MeVuaa. D ypipof tilincry. Heetteeut Bros. Table dccpeep. bitta McVeue hIr. D Catapbell. Crotcet woeit(oottosit, MitabcCutcit- roc, Mit eiVucu. Crotobut tacrir wooii. MitesbicColci- con, M ite MoVeau. Facoy kittiiog (côtiers),Mite Mc Coeoaca.Mute McVucu. Pacp itirigluot).MiteabicCotot- coc. bisr Spes. Farilp hariog, Mm., E. Biauchurd. EcebecidMryon cottea, Mie McVcau& Miffs Mcoltbeuoo. Totttcg, Mtss McCutcheojt, Mite C. Stlir etairoidrrp, Mite McVeaa, Mes. T. D. Hotae. Brardieg ou otof or tubk, Mite Mc- Ctobror. Mitt e MVcau. r Brodrg onirtonorteuiciic.'rs. R. C. Nixone, Miss MeVeai. Point lac, Mr, G. B. Mai, Mite Speers. Hoitoe acer. Mite MoVetto, Mis t, Capbelt. Bantueborg lacu, Mim. J, A. Hecduc- sec, Mtee Sprecr. Lacc, mOrcteu or tercue, Mitej. M.- Coediugly. birs, Biaheeti, beicioueairreiderp.Mite t. Dire, Mrt, T. D. Home. SeoaPiltore, Mite 'MoCrtobu, Mite Keoctcgtonc rek, Mite S, Camtell Mies Mea. PtiotaRumstatMite OSpe rra. a.J. A.1 Ttdp <ccp mi). Mic Bîasard, Mite R.' L. Carey. C.ipure . uttiug, MtMc cae., bMiu Etebroidury ou trît, Mite 'McVecse, M i.,Biooîhoed, tu tte bteMoCuîcheusi, Mc. Biancitard. M Embroiderp o holticg retit, mise Appliqore d etehrcidery, Mitsýe Sit, iseMoVuar.1 H Drednt Mite Bell, M". G.B. MPetr sippecu, Mres, Btausitarti, Mite CrappPatchwreki, Mite E. L. Ciity, Mite Speci. Fac ucprg, Mite t: Cguphejli Mis Spura. NOtipper hoider, Miss Bell, ut' R. C. PArcZapeon, Mie MCutchecaý., it Ritebua eont, Mita MeVeau Lutep sheads, Mm,. G. B. Iliai Nettugi, Mite Bll, Mite MéV.esu Orcatueilal sereesMicas du ê p Mss F. M. Balieje. 1 - . ;l Hacdtaciip ascbcl teJ saal Miss McCatcheo; is J. i.t ; Toilet mtst, MiteBss cpr~l'Ms Bliesharti. TattetcchiueMt, Mc Spess. lm l Set table, mats,Mia Ia t Ess .L. Cae -ipA, EL Mca MgVcsM tttod~~8 ~e8swO4 vaut to etîrr moi>ey ii a pOtlBXIOfhlpleadBàVOloYnelt, uta cm10, !rORO O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W& tofNOISRREE t h£OAR 155W flAvKNr. OOPtONc huuge ln Marketir Wta Sewing-Mi ÉW. due hicte yr Ulatraistegta tirth suad detudird pctc tuofs aigh.gcadc ses cas chfer, ithee iimat& aa.This S wcIi ail ~ta 4~Ib.~I f fsetase~ ~ f hesltpi~u% yoC av eC au lS siuhis ~5 et t-day. Addreeail IU T DOP5t1AÀ-1 aCVCI HÂDWAI W.B. CLEMENi Carnies, a large and fine stock of -FJ]elf .aud Heavy Harn uAlETs, CILS, OLASS, PIJITTI TC. CUT-LERtY, SPECTACLES, )QiBÂ'sBLoc; MI c ' t t 'ire o cee .'et1t-ir t" 'et ttc1 et 'te4~ eec~ 40.. w IIAN CHAMPI( THIURSDAX ttli 'T.. ItII tic outili cee t r0cr rtE.. eer.rtt' trd.e 5lge ti -ingt c. cec actttc tec ccc.t ufacii o . MaccroctiE',, dictr machin tean P.t. Vc TC. ST.c, cOr utara. T, ditcctt c ce op. laill, S ~E JitEtIAL A IM t w!i.1 ,dr'i~. el ... .... .e. o ttertre re onn ofthttetcts o ctet'o I lett rîtetettiî e rer'e itee cenatre er lPrectical te te rce. ed sr ctionerteMai' 1ee1 ev t'I', ccu crtrettteil.tlgtt lIet eegteer eee- ecuni retraiin s e en d eve ececetsire, c e. ee.. lt>'ee 1e ' a l lcsra eerut'hote ttr Ieclectr1 et' . te e.. i'r ~ irtrrctrrtitteertt TESTED HItS PATIENCE. sibiOilctt cttt'to<rdelngsf,,le l ,tc t hettt o . il[tteetrttrtt. t t tet1 1, eeeetee1 ercet te tcgond 0.0 of t tcirrectr f tic'scr.itittrrret t .te c .ivt tte. e eteteteryety itirerf n al etsoedrddtelhrI otn1lg t e roi, 1 e'teon li eeirac ceetcIg il trttrtr tteerrc -tte td ctcrcctt ,"r, et te c eei e ottîer retilteereteerrtere rl .Oebiceirneeei. s:e ,teha'ellctIci r0 c t tbcetsterreheteeetetO tt tccettttr ctecr Ivtc t e cior har sen eceteece e e rty f or tr et ee . f lcou - tto " t e i er1 et tirefbere? ai,," l e, in' 'tteeer1 !.theer 'eettti..eto tiyeeereer ietctttrteterto- rccuetactte. hide rc, c l Li I,-,eT' eer repot te ie r; rnnae ae li ." rhc ia r i l..eci ia T i c CCC r , ttre1 tret ctorer:n ,,eeeretyaeeemer e (1-liicrtctetcr tecceltet- e i o B upone t tcà1o .'1tetec ed.ctt'deteetet e h e p ed - n o ltuece4 ctcttttdcr, ctt irehou"', ucl. fT Pluteetteliscdttphswinitestettea d e c l hecest re eclY ate,c crcilcrr,. tta ire Pcegodrtit'titetccttrli e tc rabrd ir rt ec c . . e. 1cî .tlt t te rire co egoost. t Tirt'ct l rt ieerd r't 1 dcrec te jeter Ietd n th atU n 'et of uAeerytvtec creeittetlt ecertt trsontndceliteertneet r treepgi te e t 1-Pi t.t r vgilac eod efl one e cett ettyâ eeco. emplo er c icce1andth.> e a g k t t rtettete ct 1, geeer ,,er . do-,tr abotr trttltr rice ta i., reeer i i d o-,ecc rtî rr e rg h , 1 l'l le jli.,t a lu ,l 'ttetd trrereta to rt etrr Oc er s ocet lif te a ete rcr ecs iccrcr r i , t s bc t p le ett et ectterti te .rtt'to tI re btete the c tod erc ai Oas .trrh e lttrc 1. erre. ette oty tertrtrerr' 'tr ir o rsrerttre. borte hOeja rtdrer cet, teo Cett. ticer'r.teee'ctrrrttet idhtti,.tctrtrtte rerpicreOfrttheceid 'NIr cpcrtrterMgazin .ttt d t tt ete n t s i huerid e gc Te rar q,.. i ete .e Ie rtt rcttabe.tanhrd t. lIreciete it e otttouthlfîtcr. suoti ta ofttr cd r n tee "tire lere citi aer etivei.'I I it t .ccttteet (Iett ft r tte t1ctl, tl' tteitetgcof :,cribt-' a 'nd ,tif a ri nt sori reutur tliret tien gIn te e t ~~~tte1 cltr.teerrtrtO irenoetetct,ile eitoertitrrrorctct icrtrcet w er c e', tcof er ýt, i it ceete. 'ttpocretel trrcrhtccaiier . ilete i ccr ant ao lt fi l, ep e h ilrtotd t- Icete rrte e.rr e arr ircthrerIl e teceettr cttttt,'e~irrtetr.trtt.eeeiteer Oi t r r tttrctctr. lleîrr ort Itet Weilhkd ala t t. t te te t e r k ett t . r l l'e ic.csh t , e c c e u e e "ie'd r nirt rt ice 't itrecerc il Y o c clt b ta e e . ln l!, t 'ra a r c t .ttt rev l IteI tee ' ' ' ' "a rip t a iiy t i d wit w s %al e cl 'lcllrttr, r yt specia tritero . ecr tog.e 0, Inter. eeelctt ite te' hetcottrrtr jur e y rt er Ac ea Actelatec ci. emtbacnt t.e eecO nt i hcse rriî nieg e.eeeretcîee art teCflicte '*%t',,IIetoer. agto. A icr br taciee r'tretl cceeeeeeeeetreeeieerttcitirei..îr, eter . Srtr o ec hruactert a di,trrttecteta.entic iud&n r t ~ ~ ~ u ce t . ttrr ett r eti l tee iSoettt, eAeu,,'or c. bre ie ciutrett icpt ice pu sin ceer , ee lerrfte'criee rnb. teeere c ttrhetoc'ln -e belecwid th ie ctero ti Iaebu etC. 'tteceritdettcr tcccr ti ire , rtheirtraOpe. W (Intcr TOthI e ecce it e oet re fil- Duat ce t. ereir lc i e 1!cpp trtc t.taspecetueafarS, vibcs r hete it ,d h ortt e uicr eo rc nueritrdui Ite" sesif A out ,, " t iteeoittreteere te tre oerr eur. lire- Oc thr me iioet îey car .Irig tr te triger le t tca eeteeeecy ttrrtirfirt c rrrIrerr oitieottryof l cited.cire ralleit ibucaveru.rici-rh pserbl -eeererheg ,crrrteteebcuert.ilyitrydOtrtecu, ictritruufi>àticttte.. tu.n eeeceeîrî,eterî tetrirertret rchtraeee and reinag' ilhupocJuiv t t i[rloe 1-t th. ibp et cttee andrt pueie teo u îtr e.riAt ltc ICl, ccd chu te 511e l ii s -piougt tu5t maeire bo u r it le pt il . i'c ,,the tetdte fusescrir errleeeofTttco eripurtosetfil hu1d? Y..IIoo ', t'es tain atret tie y terr r.luc theRr etVar Othori acoubrte uThea a tkiloc. emd finalr ertibererte iclcthet bBtlpastent set culeu lu lhaltter 0 e -taeieîp deg tpMeicdP'tb e gtcI tll î rt ruaiaboe loi 1 e bou. A IIeettetocr1e . lerrer ep'f.aruecr bacuateee sreaibr'lr ce ic loi.y tha A teittriret.rtetttrOrriecetocodThe WhuuctaP- llatbeou r citiutitt ut tuc1u. Ie cidceretl crce ldehtexot rbcoes i te A rlu b c eI it o hii'i re.eieeg e ier toercr Tieeret gc aratc cacl ofathaeschiesgte iti- eO le OM cuiMict.aeir trcret. ieerrr. to reth h e cm e tgopitg tbebictoryg cn P s andde- might reubectu ai s mefutredîeianddlu te---ere ci rrolt ity tirer orTh, cf itedi g Lieteanudthear cuwntrss ag5ii. t er c .. tata tmaied o t -rIter lco- rtul g. t tet brde etecireotteadbi W eubu ta s oaupiy su te1 In p art-icht el t-ril, thcr di -ete -- eehofo, otthe dc ete e Teî ainstae n b eiais ae cn o.Telte undaltl sgaos Ms ir, Iog.iceiipoo toe. cdontire ,lddwt nacui ftefnlsp h iimo i - adud o' n recer ir orrc ootat huadac ehslofiIlehorraible trai c at .Teas1' alita d i1iMay asteit i cteccitsort .11d cf 1irirde tbr foorur buiulcui uste A p e o C a k c nt n e is rfs-bu t n rl n o a o h r l u c are vWht ulb ce tahe'ceo ,vighteie ofao taet nathe o .iuaelalplieli mcw .casasgb ucioti ite iids II. d-atta f~ Il fce o teit bas srtin o h sres he 0Iftm bttheuiu ues ,aytts t ired cf itti o fh unoicife tro ftt tr Iý hmli-tdcok ru i il, t5e t i rse es. cs h )aIyinTI- riel 'Pura, heP ineo V ew a d ta1 sor l th el . i cu son o mhart r lOt l c n -H ul o t l h ilcu w ntodI i agi e cuver f the ctobernumberje frotea Attct gor. t a ____ f -l *OC olStYI51-11 bcst therIetohite alE Sb Thisilnulonly Il s » .u aill bu Yebwaicailit cf hie esbt O t r ai t e i - v ,al5at xt b o s n a i n u o iie r t b t h e mra e w 1 l . t h sa 1 ng m nio tel f rc r Y-e tcrrl a l i n l n y W i.d oi h c 't wo l a ete '11 be I)rllg t P'ce rum'ngLor Sîratcona th Ceadia Hih kep monIlh rd inour bai deart sel M a 'lai Il E. .:BU and mid it. Aga. Bu.#a Ehey Ar «tithaofrIai cesih.saet Àseni teciît'ru. Ace ci iuc tgo lp cae A"teh hsep4l tprau - arcet-Is. eu.cuIi.Wuui A. Celre bea iae eItalieeCarte the fure reint crct ltati p4liss#144 peplut-e a ep ri l.cualr ,rti.. psisl Tey tby huit-fil c C, ilaf1 che butisse la nolifit, tm ls ,iigti faitunh tiesîliurues snd bacs, thuiceu Qusees la eaebeelay. - uEcal" e ielsg MW,$p a teapatu 19 as etelveeswtlsg sAndIf trrtitsg te sut proaseloidcuéià. or U lm teIrtre- suits. Atiti cpe ieles 'us epesas £aut au the ralitissil lIa apth e .'e thyIf biouet-yeclu can l f Lh.'et the b...'atane a ary eniqtititit teeees, quft.alcas cflules are t* "s at eausrrbbeatitl-as e oui »A sou iebp lheresboualti'sotbeia eclinn ritbaiic soqura No, c JOute lm ette, fsbe s. tieasige t cebur.