To thei Peui il alîyohe el o Local Newos. eabs Fi-4 Dewar, of Toirofto.ile tffWiî ep. MIkoë H- 11o-liirake, of Ingereill. vale amne. ton i Tasday. The $pver lIstChereh Judgo MaGbh<n aid J. Md. Rais. of Brampoi, arie in tovn. rh qe M - S Syr and children, ara vsiting Mele De. ilt\ iSt. Caharinea. vereinle i M .144a1ndM s. W. H. Richardson.sI A farMrà 4htb, ayant Sondai in tnwn. came. frantsni th.nlice tie M , l;eiair Slian.of Bfi,i!Sîhe on Caîrdip at,liieaunt, Mrs. S. Bradl.ey. thill it du forelforî1 he ovek trial. 1~ :NZI OR~. TY 1il st desiral mdy- ;the 'ao Dr lhî ue Ciesor *arh Looepoe w0.01velbë pas& >r gy cas tbat, Il uiC eDot prarmel Te"n sesl rhe mmcii met on MondaY aveunig me ili be chaIr. ari, Atm-. eeg Remet Mci>nwei. Andar- e idChiabolai.' n milntai nIla" mating warridn mocntixig 1teSOaf.62.Repart adopted. The eo jttee an vatervorbo aed repotedeicmieding permetof ccoiet.asmciing ta o 6.u.The con- litte. recommeiad that ai <ffort h. mde tae ecora mars vwalseray havîeg prlegn cleaied oit aid tirauicedi ire hrokei or ramoved. Rport The ommttee an fiance reportvi rommeediog payementt of account. «sied hy other committer, aio se0t Joues, vateruarbe lipecter. Re- rt adopted. Cooocil adjonrned. A atch hetveai the boandae of tSi. Wallace Houe id the lavo tenniseclub at Priday hronjht Ont naine gnod avesevhabilt iai~t beau n ioisi ido= of theet may figoresinthe lurs in mors impotatagamci. Th. Grenti teta he dlappntment 0t he ocal fans the expeec gamne botae] GIitn aod Si. Aies did net com off n 3tirday afteaeooe. Several of 1h. St. %,u'e men bSud oiher liportant engage- nenta aid thefe vers s nuheil38tse tvnilahta. The Slerbe of 1h, tain van frOin th. hast nîne by a anars of 20olo 13 ou Frl- iryafternaoitaBt. - There vera ruaîy ptcaierroro inltoteehasreiort' the MMtai-Watea. de bawebaii match. EHarfler uni argd ilS 4 arris lniteAd 0f ont> ',i id Brueh vas credlîed wlth baving ruot003 bittera laead 0f 4. Th. mrach Frailton team Who bave ilayed fast hall mii Ibis season viii play te iccata an Setardar, at 1hnssglOliri gsaando. Preo MibOieY. 0fMitoii 197 team, viii pitch, and John R. ohe- ion Wtho plaid bae for sez osa- seZ vil gouard th. BiraI ag. A gond Sain may ha loohed for. The Libor D)ay CMSmît oid1,283 ticket. for th.eIsahor Dar damomtratlon at 1h.etExhibition, mani bave paid 1he association *bocs.lo for thom. The toal Paitr eelpta ara 08%%356,sacoim- pardeih580 h ejo i sp>. a de cm f U0944- 1 ut of U~iin e elIbeva V, PtwÇ For sale li* Tender~ ,A large heek Mn Idd**Uvlllbhome ?slbevlil-iar- ,ieIg>~p drnBox 5 MltaPo . CG' Buildfing Our determination. is to build up' dependable, snb- stautial busines and we are continually addieg to our stock seasonable, up-to-date novel- tise that are both attractive and usef ni. Our aim is to, serve our outomers,thatboth parebaser and ourselves wil be satisfied with every transaction. I Sahr ulyBlit., «Ch 25t. B.teBadad Bales. .. 050. * Satin Bath Veleet RiSbons * Biahedi3cduagwiss s hortelaeeve, ach .......i We lnielattes. par yd.. 7c. OLadies' Lace Ties. regotar * 25 t= o.. e h ..........s ExtIra emn Ctto aiue. 'n'MeWsTvemW Paît., pa Sîso. * Boys' BineOveralu. pair 43c MI. , ni MiiOvura la rge var- 'ui' lty. per pais ......... 0 .p. GROCERMIES Sardines ... .. . 2 Tins SWaion .... 25c. 6 Bari Eîwipae.So0ap ....250. Ub.S6....... ....2c ýibber Jar$uis. le. pate-lbWilli9. AD MWZIiRyAS m$I lU ÏEIsue lid Is, Dàqftsui ed wÙ6epheaed ailthe Ile MSt wl i lb. promptly attended to. - 555 ÉTi[ÉWBALTH OiP EEAUTY THERE DISPLAYED....... L IE'FINE = We bave on view a Fiuer Collection of DRESS DRESS FABRicSi COSTUME FABRIOS than we have ever sho . ........ Costume Tweeds,i Melton Cloths, m ieies, Ladies' Clothe Estamiae Friees, Camels' HairEflects, 4 Homespuns. L.Serges. i4 MW stykh [fut àiSKIRT COSTUME LENGINS. 4 OrshewingNe la't M .aa& 4 'p (Plain and Fignred) la large and coniprehennive. O:UR DISPLAY OF 4 -New FaIl Mantles= iBs eual Never had such values. The fit, style and finish of the garlneu* '4 i qa otailor-*made. We e splendid ftting and most styliàh ones 0 4 'p$3.00 UP. S nBlck & B Ready-to-wear Dress SkirtS Serge and B4 & They are Biting aid Sineiy Bfniîhed. Arn gotien ap in mont op-to-dale modea. (Plain and PîgurÀýI 4 Pd price are mot inaderale. '4 I$ I M ý-S pec i 1 Carpet Val ue Uion5c ., t h65~c. 'p ... Hollinrake & Soun- ODEAS GO TO-.--In Featherstone Confederation Lîfe Buding. TORONTO. PHOT«O STUDIO, îve aed np tu date arbool. hlghî -M L O -t auj cheerfùl roonua,, pew feralahiegi.M L ON .- ho ng tattinila Bookimelg o Bhhud. PTypsvetiig. ieau= For.irst-ulasé Work of ail,' ~'~ ~"PICTUIE FRAMES, ET C. W Do'tKnow you want to LOÂN money, WWNyou waiit to BORROW monoy It 1' >a yon watat to IUVMr mouey lu ýi enre D tiIWWJ o hi, W. T. Pronler.of Tarnio, la ireneiter the min or bmu aotiwvaeo.- ULM-la EiI g - - lits.ran-it ni, islerr.Mrs. S. Convay. Hamlton Spertator. hindi. fr h lin n thtoul vlth h. con L rLm.Pl rais. Thiaii y, Octalier ig, willibethe day FoR SLL-HOUe aind twoilt. Good à ,rgreal thanksgiving throtghion orchard. hord and eoft wloter. good Aith var correpodet& who par. il!i c anada.nsable. Hanse navly peted sand piper. th Soth Afrcn emPi non Ralii laaahs ar a te aîar e.. hroghuct. Terni eany. For par. vllt recelve medlo le recognitiono Robet Drra isbac aitheWalaceticlari appty on promis«i In Mr. Mc. thoir services. The Caiadlii neya. cm quealler adîndiol h nommer nt Cutctleon. Commercial St; Milton. g.î piper me, aMwolnisail colonial cor. ,4lîagtou iand liothere. 'Te ipain lteai n h. O w hs folsved tbeir res- ns Th shating orarrin opeed on Satnr- renterad in Mr. jarvhs. the eetiteblteî , rn, ll .icldd ea cai. (laod laigsofa patrdge baie heem tenor of Derot-hoenever faida toiarouée1hIl. miae liy saa HMilton sportsmen. the mosnt ene e ataniana-there le A Parla daipatclitc,10th.PNew Yorkare WaalrJed.-A gead trierai servant. luit thrtU. taenees ad pawnon ia ie Tiais Saye an Important tiectiseary of M eil icspaiS ta right party. Applg roce vhlch bhte the moaliagglh out h Germnan orel n Office. esv le mi- li.WA. Clark, Bon Io. Milton, of theiiele.-Cleelaid. Mr. jarvin Parliaiayi that lui wnasuh.generaily ai0 iaH. E.- Bastodo hansrssmedber w r pwîhaoîoegl emdtatGray retBuen aendnpan arein accord"Ito thapaiilY ad ,:*s~ i dawiog and panting, and John Smth, af Witerdovn, wua hiit. oUrloeii hnadta U plaaarýýsdtrecruvee popils. "ing frstone onder a re. an h Gain l1iilon ta thelr pistaocmai rlnclpilty Dr.T.T. ariswas on ete-itock forai.Eat laitoro, o Priday=tRamola. iti uhom. ofcourse., ce Dr T Iirra asjetaw tr lari sen the reaiton hiai n- Princ. WcdierdaIlOct. x. PanE hock. Phdcamfisc hla The Parlcorrepudeita15e 414ailli beonWdch inOt.1. beohe.aid bis condition P LIlaMilaa, ai Sondav ereeing, vety critical. Saith la married aid hmai'lim"arsp: Mt slie1h rne Isii îla ili tc.Th Cde ut tira hildren. Promuic hwan athe penice of th. vorld llayls whie ilg taT teCapo ui ae ehchers ieed- h en s ncb danger aîtlappeusaeh ii 1, eýn ta h hmin TiLTi.NwsbciesSm to-day. ifever. il vonid eeon], ha i t fice iig ai 30 celtse vu reeelvs th.Chait- hbeu nseaay forai-poetooeuor. The Pîîl i v4rip lPti1liecaoidscted ai pion and the Weehty ii a" Empire charicterintic n heo hasituaait ai hli. atralaenig. s3ad it., ai 7.30. ail op ta the aid of the pr-enstymar-the a eote vhlcb maai Il dangeroi&s M the Adan, Al.aade'q. eia. hby Re. A. 100 for lus than the price f ither. rspcmladistrsotfthepowem rsrse Gîliaîaai, Maaewaad. Shcae o.Alr h. end of tht. je mnhieg their action fit In Chna a maîth the rite viie h. aet.firhe op n omd aWnie a ier tu Mia P liîhiiek and lier lile boy.,isho tlm Plirs. cc o r Cmiilitli*omliWîofru it i fi te l4.4,4t- peniaSthe sIlie amer wth. .- ththraClfnaitrsh . i ,.:a Ms. Thas. Laacry, retînt- Capt. Mat. Battie aid Dr Mc. their maket in gond condition. fruit 'talal4ala40Idihiailai Mn.Toggart vers in towe yetrdar oder- fron t Dtaria, vhlch oily hms oiafoorthla o y. iogith priomeî of Mh.higan tîntsforothethe dlisance ta go, la niSIfor homan M nteahritiai of lb.prsa Uisforteafoduen it arrivai.vngtatheapoor Sa Eî . i EBastada lias hrco iccss AgitureJSorieîy, ,hîch Win liebel vay£It hab henpicbsd. Ma.7c- Ai zaes iha pafor pictursat at CampbelUrille onTuOsay. OcLt. 1hlad.tietdhvatai1r -W,,ter Fair, L.nodaigare le There are manyay ea rl pIsion h. avay al lie.Il le eoggetittat a' ,tercri S, Satacit in a tracolor aid i ilage'c mr . aMi t le fruit, even th hardier kinds ihaapis itel icrtai4 . e chat the fair villlieh. Lait suc- lh.pached tn craIe.. ieslaud of hirreta. Pha :ieddiog i Miss Edith Solder,.ch.d fmorer ttara aichtfa omb'Srome do rigt iaaiglîlcaofai juSe Sniler. ta Earr ENDo AMearlfuar-.-Aàlin af the Amertrin ihippere lira hegining I piE. Yaahg, oai.raronto, yl taiee1.dirscted ta the foloeviOllranffesica. ta pack he! ppe I ime r it ýace iiiaferio.naaoaIAil Saint. ment f F. Wla of h.ait End ruait1 woppere.nmailler ta ho « c L raIC, fHatamilo. market. ibat lh.lah pceared tau.aippiy.oranges. ci boy lti .A pempioyedhy imeaisfrseh mail hjr tbeequart«ror inai Nah Ilarailaan, Esqaciog, han dipi. large-or sIaiiieiaititiosail ipecl B la a t i wei d ig ad othe gaeat- terms for cash. à,fr.W . 1. . an ad hîlepblnoil oene orSlit.h- ce s haîag talirs ta pîret thaetablinbed hbusimes.. tott ot. Humilia. BalmIe ilon edrP eatiaa ham praiog. Weil!IWel! Ltook boiret Milton la smcdiia(George Sand tn iehaMWihir lui tl ,,.i.1Williiait. i lireMarayHoose. c' oin thave thbigestswo n Oearth.lg î. 91 0îilhtl ii . B. SlippardOfWh o hy ars gurus aà pelifor the - foliot ber le ber dreintg gaie. a fie addierseaitoKeitsakY hast iankig girl on the sho ru i imebteg an afier diner elgir brouIr eby pJasa Harpra, of Ken- weU;.1IIhikIvil SayAic e. aeI ulmb om liW"C aakp.L)_alaaila New Era. Have rasueer sntc iy iona te Bpoyraienlieroom h v N.w s lbliaiela aranr Why. be tat hauoan.tlh aid er pet elo eier vti ie onaet Hat inknock the spota s Jt aIbadlie offtteha"omlge aedred iria tb,4 Alta rCrt aap Samnantha Jane aid ait elb gila Irouere. Phyelcilly eba eqîstt ca 1i al;alia the liet grades aaid hersho thinkh bm redades. a doihie ci 1a canoo n. Bite bhs& Ul l ai and 1Rradyniade Clothieg. aid if thon loin boy @ igve My nl a sinegle wite bnlr. 1ntvlthate11141 u ic ruiasa. îala.-W. Bris Sanis. 01t Saiip Anethe prlse theraWUiNêII0 I-ng ber t«rrblemlaftumei.Ber botte- Rai i',%Ir.rgary, of BntonnChurcli. -SAN. t1a ya amsellaet »ateIIos e "r. 1l aIL ,,e.k fiant i is vacatin, Agrid concert. udeacileipcea Whni ualtnah t. th hoabolit$e0t Tî,îia gindsa. 55 tof the Ladles*Aid M01the Mathiodst aetOM d&faieeW-lI Me l aid mber ýit te lflghladsofOnari." Chîirch. viii hsgireninla 1heTbvi Hall an seVrilgber-. the epressionlof * dlîghial i tllibis expericoces ai the ereileg of Fair da%. BWi8th. ber fae flWbOllIint.ber ie.. The foitoorl vel-kiovntn viii 5h.itegeste W il a la h. mores- A,-,îiiri; 1,ol 1atSîî.alR.-SiXtY luke part:.-¶aroid ri.Cnado<a lo, a" i rIailaInomi.5hlte an ai- iîadaiia.îrdfan outl Africa. grastest tenor; Mr. Blinth àcltIa c lfl enmth« ori PE ïby Sp he hI- lai forîCanada an theeîcamîship Port Hope; Mini lhestopran ,minsus. Amn gt iliro aPte. L. eolet L New York; î... e itr i liat 51h Lsanr Rfles, vho mrcd lA.T.C.X.. Miton ; XMo<s Da aid 0golta boy'. me idthaa H atiaay R.C.A. *vac.p ias Ustlhe i.otvRpis~ieiss f' M Editai R. tD. Waaaen af the George- rance, icbmpeis.malsBi eMieee bal.l an Hralid nataa bis taay bhamafrtrmRzaauu 4w ~U ia ai arvelood onaboard the stamer City of mni W* PtapOet 5,-V5tn, 5i Si51,511 mi5the111 r 15l las wrrli then thlihrrarnie camaeg5eit1lhW W0 i The mlv lit aS a narrai s ocape. Haal ad eeiySaS teirdy oftiin Ma. Htlule, of hstli i îîiatadypaftr about 017 vath silherfo»tT aîlîîhng aIItîe tiare nI the T H te b,-Ï I.J q t Ca li vas elîserd at the radiai 'P-J. fnaIhebe W.tb ha nShf raMs. Hlmee cîlidomle e a 5hdiai 0heronda l* o~Sd!fWleu#-, itlotnirbodi' eise Cmaraud il avay.- il,, t . ele <. >,atir.ho" l)aliilla Pair ender the aispicci of W ig. t Trafalga Agiculture Society, vili forcaie l 1, 0 lle l hrhaaay and FrldaV, Oct. directon. le 41and 5tli and la apee, lea eraiy t l ,[ t at hearak e. hh lil dam ncety. Doit giaI ardît Itlai iicy eson and th Jout, , - 1,e oalfioc qaity edme5 A j, itiauaiy tastefol fV ýPira AC., ias a rIi goI. ýr«otacame ;0 \VEiaiY SaN.-The a ý,rae af the exceIMeU uhirli bas bei5 i,s iaed Io 01. ai, îo thon carere a.4ettialot tuai ,iz,îdhng maîîer and- aimnn oand apayiig 1!eithe Cils pion lii ditiielno tranis. aLsgood uork nds w, Ve- t Life i.... 109, * e t We appreciate yot, endeavor to Bell bet î sible prices, we feel ik. our power to sbo'%! hia iýï appreciation of yoa Uade. Yours ti HIGGI NBI F.,1H. DEACIONS ee- lia É. ai" aff cal Agim au t 4, ISaHge tio fo4jây of the g 4: A, E,) On bm . Newl