CHO PlLLI FLY ? lnsect POr fo ,vker fetkof ca ndinesTuCsl, tii gle grasd ipin 'nt ,. ttttt'tRd oreelSDC p 'lirtef and lit CselS * t Clited Ne.Thes Halar oo Bo E tb Sep ib tbit elivsb oi I,,ttr t.-d aned t e f ieueoinnt. n' SBtff Nil iii Fer Of L tsg m u Vett-tlpr albe ibeo-ir th îy O Secel $Mm If ' W an ýl!stn0î'c -n t$soUI A Tt.i J BytO C . X-- lit$ el tf. go. ~ 0, *t'ttt .edy tor mr nifl Sai 1 5 ltbtbOdW. t Cle cf fots O f tdHoe tnes le tM torpe Shet iffCledon 'M deîM ti t t tttt y boy oftaYsb is &C aUcu ex Ahýtst rcpg-OfboisSblaer î. eeeT- ae.t tth tb. r. OfBohwll &Lbt t t i i eltv s nlI t i. b sn te " jsy ththeet b t Ni i t.. Det ofEeDs!.S'g« ,"l Nilierat HUMif IO.'Fnl a tttc 2thehnul bo. nolabwîhel0 atlt ke reindspOtstock or tdm On Lte OdW ea t eîîestn' B wunslà Tht' ltod w5 draThoe- Id aeretth t i, i tct t erd to he i n s atinE l er r jal of ui t od but ge Oth- alter 'ea. f'i nlg i iept- bis ti4 t hVdOffctOi iin l m mtt tim îo e a d h Mttb u W 0' , ft.t itii aro. Moeisgfrteluh an a ggive n . na os Il tti ays ou lie s 4t ti nen »m 1 '. " . ageii ue it ee s C i h pillipb e sadcmeCi (M ofc. iek ou27t0tl T c-Tbe ptyIlieOIU bf ýieteat t H M RS oulai îant.e eý.saintoï bri oad w-- i -pinot 0.Oý- 'a ÏbBS "I t~ he, we5%.ever show'. ffeets,. Seres; Oui g ew >esÀ casé a S iBesaa09ncrM lilii ilv S tbs4sdd I N.~ lit e ftn' tlt G E aner.2% Mrk.ùý C V1 EaiS~ O I ~ tg~~Ot.MAR 11 OP~~~.--.- ~ ntis illa ai Pilaare . nelay Se>t 4-' M Inate r nl ttec s c h enlà s fl P u e nab 'rm0 i M s ! S ~ l g n 5 u h i l.e 5, s i . 13 s n p e r b . N e e r h â d ma a Ie da oa nn;bn. .n' W ort h. iiis Sent 'relentR bbo s a qual to tador u a -"eimen bu "s.. on talon iaont felSlat.Pt Bso,hI for Smithbt w M"ILeu, nSîgethU len' a . '145C. 4% ~ IP o 1of aB . M s n TnPanl . pa. $u 1180Oeai.lag u- t Tbey are an('ttinnnd r - letypat-P are V«- e..îup t a e n'9t0onL . .i . .uin...4 à . : ...e IntbeOba ~ ~ ~ ~ I rWne'>. S in lst m untE m d ad M . ja 'sM . E Ô f C flot s i . V. l'bc. G OV . 1 ~11 e ~ C L O T HIN G - IU onitdrl GNoux.-lE Y tiI 5755c IO tlieni f as Y±t l* e .... ... 1alkmin O enSt s BdMnt1.- S20 macl O5e n bel- 9. C . iLEALw 5 ,ta é%773- *d eatssudsoap*«*... mIe;of . h e D n't K no - wanUi &&HO 51I55/XC B5MNÛ peBr o dtinI Îhe Piscin of W -104 6 . .... MIater! NilMillinïery - 'a so values. The ftt style aud finish of tbe garment ii e. We have splendid ,fittsng and mot stylîsh ones at à enBak & Biu ar Dress Skirts Srge and Ba Lustrs. g OÏlI.d Arw ste p n'e t .-dts modes, (Ploainast i Fîgoed.~ Aeâ e 'est n' imale. P Vau _Uwôol 65e., worth 80c. d Carpet VleÙUion 50e., wcrth 65c. QIOlaSETS from 61c., worth 75e.- .Frost & Wood., AGRIGULTURAL I1OALEME SDouble Furrow plows mise Harrows SprijN<Tooth Cultivator Séed..uPills 'i HOOTr Mn and 'cM, but :r maku. page Illlas Unes. anbtain hrchase of au oppOr- 1- iware ETC.e ETC.Mro C. ILOC Me Ito jç-pý W- nse stock. Lot of Tweed Pants $1.40, worth $2.1 Hollinrake, & 80n-l