EN -. li. t.~ Con. rrrri'4. 1 .1-'at 210her yrr r.. 27f4- aiit or theo , y Strrrtund r.a r-r t )ulenr BOX. h,- Sik-h riflf rthe i . ng- Di, ].I,-n., ., rrld u- M-1 tu rrrr i,'.' hie fF1 IIIONS. r'r3-t. , ti ar- it )NA' S. t 1 i h a r Ba- rt- . Nrn l' r ishrr . , r 'tuI. CHOLER aSaw REMEDY thoea and di i boutle at Iligg STUARTS pILLS~- 5c. or 2 foii ELY PAS-AîI kiîdal at HiWO lnsect Powder, il, bulk or tins. }'.jîk PUiS 35c.n-, or %* CietSPille 15C. 1,on Tonic Pille 206-. _01o At HjgginbothaI ihOt L. uggi « ÎtSb8 ti III W1 - Local News- P... Wiutba0b0Ustoioi '..n .t.nAir. oito- -ob R dbtait.h 1s.ataBet o1. o it a bu Lesini onidto-. UtWls. tajetattgnq W. H. Stewart, Te r- ~~ti Mias Mnaal. ueti"bu-n. iat p'-iden-r'lic tOo apoon- ing at Mmj.l80 r tto t.nt-' .arp-o--otton DIo-tSIONnConoIt.-Jind£O uAnnîtoi@t r.en.d' o.tor-l'ar-t'.0 holding Dittinin Cout ittun ttba lil-y pr-o-1trr-ir.g the weel. IW. H. Pbilipo nIl dauglter. 0u t Bt - O rro.nt Of Str-oetsi Cathao-ines, allent SnaaY o-lin freoo r-t l no tino oh intot.. i tro-n. tr- r-' . ýie ilb n-t. inrter.d oSai the Rd. PencSOfi. SDoliit. i.Y..wmn in toma ycnoeeday. Mis oIfe.and obint facttompontod Mm. ror oertroOd Stfoto Mrs. Georget= Î., rnds n Ton h- re o-o otertatOr-d atnolt Lavnare ntu tionn n r. trMonoFar.lita MtcWol. nstenldy teeW. Fi-mo-y llo-oderorn.oldest H. Lîndff os cnvat year, inen onb lnder-r'. of o Miltonr bas S;tuodey for Vicoria. C.obroi toar. h-t-tttaosittiont. bas ncured a gond posion. li irro-D'oinionEnpireon Adats Chinlbo. lats OfHegbotbikm Cirrr-rtQrio-o'r. & C% rindig Stoe. cnrnnencen btholn- C- Fr-Rn 000 it ho-. tf Pon- loge course081 Teconsto -daY-. h r-.otneo- SePOt. 5- Mi« Voet aer bu eturuedbme Get rttracotin âbnehecto ater a tino- e-eli' iit in Toonte' noo-ni o-tratesoroaioays. Moto Lottie Ditecin aonmpostdd lier. ti ntino-V oluon. R. Booisg tmale a delroY Of f<n-i A torn poonen oo-erOak- tuo-in th ie oiciit y o To00tol5t -tek. atto-rnnon.Ltgting Thirs.desptete b dP&«-nOttai tores j r reo-npntcge trio-C r Cbte oIrnsttaleBondieten boire o- ,plirtotigthentoeotoaa on MoainSt. on LaCor Dayand no-o-4 dtu thrirr. eN po-ioas cauito-bite 9g1119at o uiVeil Pace iy Tbo. 10o-s Il ser-r rrvieo o-ifi bo ietd Mo. and Mo-n.Bogie of the Hortb00St rr6Masnewoaontdosaoreistisg Ibo tatteo-n boollirf.Dont. t'o-coonducrte ho Hario-n, n ortinor o-lstlivoand famonle P.11-nntr 0 âÏSabob in ta s niginboritood. r, tth mml.. t lorgin at Cnmpllv'itt ia4 a allon o 1idaY 'r"ienoEitiO to tinoe eatogis noo-oto opi. R. J.Cinn mo"Att teic.me. ingintu.Tinwt niet oao ey oain ,tin oftri S. Labori'buta oPleamt tVenng anspont. r. rilixinrd thirn-elri Wrn Cttmen1 tnoe a letter Cent ser,.g.rvttice on '. W bis nott John B.. Nelsont. B.C, o-o G. -o-pi inîth. Ret- n. t oo time nt oerît .tn.'ino t go-tittn that taon tth a paotir for thoe Kondike r-lireao-.-Oin r H. H.FreeomoD j.ho-of Brl<.0r- 1,,,ltottpao-thiliobjeto--. etlOIiday in t aYPat O t 11 ano-Soc-i i-l11egiveotW weritoi% oofaboS nrtFoo-ot sr., lase at tbeteidoo-00 oS bis sise, irm.)IN onder-tririrpies the tor1 tot. tro ItoiObY Mathodit 1 -111,-v.nîng001 Mondriy îoth Hry McDoo-eU. oS Van3c00Ver t iprorammoote po-ided. C_ iiin-îtin is sjeter.m joeuoNul Io rBtt . Am lsot o.- oSp totoonîngo and réon alt~ ed an Ajotn quaiotncsinnla iriiniY. aforo >", rkrtnnrt Milton no-sh taofowi nisyataoflk. i-th nI Septetobor i We jH. MoCOltO01.en.015o- tr ii t'ih ttit nuttng b~as o-tsMd oRgood ýton at HatuitO '.Jr-od theotlItoo- k, tooge-ft,-C1a'drtog store; rIrgh3jritP" el-y Knt-B., m-Tm ,ill bcbaPy lat- oit4'. howeto. oeoo-¶d0cltain 1otouttflCietds. ai.trl' i trt.aadays lOE Tine Ladies' Aid i m Mtle j fr o-id'..sîinoy oti il borCittri ol ,d a grnd oelr~t in riotrroTninthirSe. r hO iý,E BROS. tee.l it h b, otd at the too- troin'ited. AL" - j îhrtr ec-'rt trotuiK&"8" 'I he o toltri5E eor er r, fito tr htio-Milton Go ..,-o hot On an-Y ...... ...-. i ..rit-r ...-- - i o-oi.0eots c. Gi rjeirio' p p al'rtr i l 1C 3. FoMri r ,.-noo-. . ,eotoOOt r' .rdator-o-dthis olis cr... prr pt ttri r g 0 o -tu 'd Itr.dt e n m r nv iAbout a M- Mu o-Snealy nlvo- Ra M. ý IWb Dr. Cla Ovuy wu ~emu~ i. I~! oupns o ch purchises. These entîile you to get Sver- 0"~s~ P si rBtouga is. ring yor cash checks. HN'S W-AR-. i Extraordiflary A t o- l1! .........in . .40 p air oo ff e r i n C a rp e ts H e s w y b fll t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o c . Ot 8 c t eea si s it ........ * ........... SOC F ao q 902mb ri .bT W -, ....tO urCaopt vale s o-jo co um m end thoN - -.-a . ..,......t....r3U wl1) butex, in the..r- 3 Oit. i08in 0.Te mont ntsilbro anç otheo dirm e bunt. yaddir. Prn hesoe oc r0ne = 8Gea saIo utsleofB kns f u me wnyO ld h n rbamr ox1tr î k aîoo s eno t *.o D.Core adinotde j o! . nnut thea dorsin.11 l orii o"utomerdiarectnoto tyl i il , d__ _ _ - bb -l b d e e n o- o- -t il e te n r e&m Can ada C a nt . ..n n o nito o e tt o l s to trn tton ntl n m - o a lv 1 0 0 d a b ýIaeodawttid tht pretted Ca am o-n -a m to lit be tpod t nto n erL ginsa t io bon t ie l un rt a titig 1 l e o o l nei ît O t l ni, m am n i e i le r I t in N O o g e p S-h ob b i e s .o o n ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oatduresi bdle A . - tul me " oeo Tbot anthete bn poninobo-«td thea g~A. Double Furrowfer PlowSek di Lok trO tdm Mt. hogbb;stng mo-n0' Ob 0 al ot NsaagCholem inrnJadish.Culivator in eoilb t u t e ap înOod al 051 a t a e ia -i. ali e o- l s" co paD on K is eo rt d The an. ootbtt s ttiatcn thedotaile-jtxsiadtesteX G I U T R L I P E E T i rootor lie RorCl. noi bowlingllrM A ..It A " . t -C LL A D S R T E rtrt og teito the b ok re o litOt g e up-'.tr i lb Rer CeTA rt14 r ev.A .B i .D o b e F r w o s ,.Id: ia do-k 0W . *i d mon t o s at blotoD i c 4r o lT . a t a d u p o o it n u t. t m r o etb r S c o H o-o f M " et B itl . 0 - o li o i - o 10 le eau- b lndî « bYtBu*.ntLooini o-e oooo-talieO 3ob o boeI rrn o- t -i. Ring. de f litsger t y dtorn - - ý bois footlen- e a ongi eO it erneo A E - A -.no. Oain . 7 .n on 't K lo ee ri l s nffot-i-hig ooltonrt.me1ildayt b- a tnoo. ja, C ueOavne, h N e t r t e R a non t r e l to -enA .IT.G n t o n r - m o- - -o o r ilv n B roiordouell OPund B 'od thot mo- eclIAthr Hr" £L A D oioooio On-......r h O e t p tl inted b av lto- e s uo e.s0 tit o on t h g r n - t -oe t n oo tf eu b n 'r e C o 0 m n oo ' I E S U A C A- do tr O r- n n - m ,d o wo o. O n e O o b o n i e lie d os aeo foB rio-ogl . B u t e o o w t t'L  O . 0 0 0 A O A N m o t e r i 6 a nA g e n to- dM i l t on o t Ioo o elo-OOArthur.nt îot ,i b l e e r tip i. o e aie t tet . la ,te - t Lm b> o n O- o R N > A E ,t eorot1 oO O A0 0 0 0- A p lrp o e o n r ot ow ino ro, b arieBroa dgoadiwayto. carC ris e-e inardTperat ooo-oo- u yYL.bTOIrLFEC.,o Mnrel 'O coro t tolai. o Iil00n 4 On-alototont e oo-bniin- Oooo-tlro to-r--otOfoo MO .s 7 0 0 0 0.e - M A IN-s - n o -Nkvi l e lo-bo oao8 tr imie dt0iin .0051t8 erla t r ýh offi ent alio ti2 00o 1gR e a s Kg o g a rIt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ca r rou tO u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __t R i s t p ti o khis te n -o gmigit is o N lso n. M a M uR A N CE~ n e tmo-tkonIt' io-to- - 1 lbtrd n t iglt WeOf OR. eaniod in t he 6t e ar 00 theo- ccf yonu want to LOAN nîo*nLI EryS il81 n W on taR - el1n âti e o pW o osfint al.A HSS OLR' OTtM rI octh t n in o tu10 111 7do fil .c la te t Itigu o -t baio in l toA . Z mo A u . 0 < Ar-A MW NL m y o a u w a 1n - d ,bt O R W O f l d. - do ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l r taetbçsneoltbthinr b-aite - .-0 D a gcd8o eayonte t want t ud o I V E T on y n tO k.e mab ns OO nb os dTbt' odeo -bntdld tr' .bettheooni4ilflUttW r-ye Gi' EndowmAtît L i dmron opobie t i nd ooen ht t .-o -* W antti-ýtLi e d .O fd y, * F A K P A E N H O A -IT Oss RA LIE CD , O nt die make o p o lod.Tino g 2t son- Building f&ONSULTi V e e 9nlooe uoc nt ro-k în d f i or-ied 000 ttait, but Fil vn -on btt; '.dhogeh.pp.t.U bc 10n er0 vê nmePet -uersrtionToerminatiofOFl iIs toF ott I b ave td In verd bwldYU aedeeodateSolh- à"o-oOeo-d -ota oS jirorot.3p7 Gn E . bIJor-lo Ge~ ni g6 Il* ni t , h o d o w & f o d i e n t lo t b uin o n voinv aet .al " . b a n d poi J s a s t nu. n i- - Me0 1 tppe ona cack-h m niat Teor-at1tt.o- Sr-bot.l&Sout bin 0 o f o .r- totflBI digOorsok dtIt .00 pon tli ot o nee l . H e.ord l optet o sNtoin- , ib. t h a e b h a ta tv mont o t . o eino oto- adI! e pie n" fa tIep rowrr n r ai d intt o g v* 1o O N ni n Y )nMom»ef 10istT-sdn.lHo o tierdO-mIlneebonrMo- l u.0l l .lit.A O o att O R l m n to-lt go d.tin t'it J'lot e StAyJ 1-ifrusd H NV 2 onyi tks .l o-ostcnow i siin tdW n thon 0 , lel'tî In t n'asobu t. 1 i g o r- l _ _a d o r el e il h a i fe d,,cioDy shortnstock inverelottn10,oon. to b . 11ert hee ro t1 ip ,t3rTh W N S.. NOlO lIr on th oi n "s a ai io o r r on a od n u l d n D N S L - A t be eem e O a ir te o-o- III. od 1800,00 b itrva t w e apotur te gi r -br- - -F U N T 'osP , Me iepi t lb.-TotboV Sicor oobs ui M yF .ngirtor- - - - -H .on- ltgoOm o d E A Cnt O '~ N, 10uîo «li nt e 90te betro b atSUARinTAn.. a-..Fna OdrAge t C in n n d me o 0 4 b r. O r-o r a m i o gn d t o y l r t e C.p o a e o fa t n aTr a d ee t Rir so n B a ntkn to -i-o fi a d n a n o e.oli neit1-2tiHeiltIl Ou Snde d Belaon oenie tn nt-n pottneonre teO oS ewr O f th@ eth olino-in tt an ttdEssanUoLeCooratesoof inoao-oo goodo.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.Ml -r-t lu tu n h ir pe up rgl o 110 do-o se _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _p_ _ i e dann bln e er te s p r ed t ro ndî p , o - ieoHý e ett n So o a ,o ut1 0 t h e e n t h o f aW a n t d . b i'd ne t 4.o4t 5 ,6lo vpé . oo r ee ron bo-m oltn a A tr -alno-dt ar-o-onne t anr Borne ai__eendo_1,_2..4,_5Or_10_____as_____ ,,Il ko-bin gvner et h tc x chngeaot. il. erxs Te go-- oento r T for Sale by e n d.5 er (coni> illad dintio egnstock te many 11 Onthse e01150 hn r wn. ana leo tro- uarter< n ut e e r. Ap l cai ns s Ir, -sd t n o-l'acti vesê m M e o- - -m -r h e u entt o i b b â - d R ... .0 .8 M I T CnHE L L ,5 1 - - - e c r S. -. .ra'é é é*, Ren sautlMnoToted Raid tV 1.0 ___________and________________ , e-t bs rens 93t elonP 0 stuGOt sre u fýj gretht f t verbeam DcrooFer Ahe EtOfl AndrOI'1 anaS o-liai' lena. in- adt inrdiese - - q 0Li1b, - pHOTrO ,STUDIO, Work of ailE pnFRAMEn MTC. Thein00 Tinnth Ceortin, )ro-rio- Nov rsý.' Th'o- otote is go hot b t i is lacOl 'iThe- rr.rruid pao-lt is i,'oeo-W oeled ieo-trd porto-iii rfltd groose.ý t'.irrooted to tbe meo-t oh F. WaiB.O torikot, tintir ero lo mi r li à3n 4 bu Iho ottin Eo- ban sel,.e Eiv prar g tiuU~ I rc. ILTn .8 .'~ un -~ e1~ ~rio-