TravellertGud CANADIAN PAC!PîC RLAILWAY 7aa.m., itase.. 7.38 P. (5',g .s S 7. . .s. u *s GRANDJ TRUNK RAILWAY (W & N. W. DIuLt-., -TaifKp. zaiia.a.SaUpE. A WOMAN'S FACE PLASNLY INDIGÂTES TRI CONDI- TION OFRERîi EÂLTH. B-ý%it Diiappears Whon thea Epeman Drill, the Skia Baby, mand Veinkltu Begin ta Appas Eav Ona Vomu Rcgard Hrath aedCOaualiuamfs N,,,. t -cayattmaalt thrhblad of a hI, l -aiy ,witieoatearaisir tile Or haalý1 b riiafatre.. Tisty III ,'la-tootattaho lifter-. -o acic,ihrlaae these cee- t ý,r s,,tratOt eaisrSI, maey 1kl,-cs-attrly aId. Tiseir il ,,y bt7tt'tt,,t.altc ickaortervae fi,7t, tpptttr aferling cf ac.ttt7tca'.,painsje tlrbark a 'alla11-vca'epieaiae, t,,Li Leracaminfiia dreads. 1O,,,d Dr. Wiliarse' -l- tainçt oiattthrchrk-, t, thee!,, a ,Ih..thy ,prtite f taal,,tat 11:ýJ ras - -res et ,th,,ati ani fCanadie tti-gtaOtOc ceofaiDr. n".7 , ' ,7 I'770 t-, s Is. Preecie Il- Ter, f-t ttotfara iLI 7,,7,.,!ta,,,.,,treatmeret tram t ud t tt ,htal s-rd iaa ieter t,,ct7in,,ca tawittina,, g ,,1 , Nitr, P.Itt, say, 1 Oaty ; aI edired for taarr- Ali lllý ar te datars i cai t, 1111 t c,tcgs-dilitg t. tlt.atd,al,,at lca.i,chca u' vey fMdytaetsatt r ft -Itvioltnt reNd-.ek My M '7,,ai... e f. '1777' f le t. t-ist1 i..Ilta t 1,g a. tht pal- t . 717,7,, l J 7P, 1'. il- "fa Io s t tan 7"t' '0the. 7, 77 ,,,, f,. an77,7 - 1 ai, tpr7lado t . . t t-l,.Ia- Ilat ths e t le- 1t ctt 7,t t , t l 7 ' ' ~ ~le,77 t, ittt tcc.,lilig,,ahe rh7.. . 7,t il ,i a t mtn' it 7 sui- th. i t c '."7trtgtt ta at t bO t a ls 77.7ld1 777O, ala tacIta tt.tttta,ctconultety.t. -7tcltat'Ocaataa -htghlp t-tit t at atpeak Il,. O .tt th, ofmp tue. ti-rfl a. 1ttt ta mec 7 fa a ac sIrliOh ta oturtc r.ttached ta-s att t h.di tt tuaZony, c.,, an tic, i t r os- ue t u t i..taatt htatcintdan. 0 .taclctata, 'Il ea xyto- , 7, kittacphîcgl ad - tatt b y e y -aty oattttîti Otg for yus. S , ccc t1ha4lla.cb aiuparotffiae 1-u-. 7 ,,, d; ta, taaiallp a.ýs- is-to lt- - tht ctttilthtio pc hti tali-at. 11-tc ecrly on sec aycen tas-,itt.Sacs te, savce e peae. uýicli.iyrryibteliy ad oi t1Oas-tc isiehnraIntah, ypa ontseau:- ictinteandst!eoabedliest Pet Oset TIRy Tueru aie -mseau iaeuusau uss insn pi T v( w hi j', th th ratetnuSml tri bteStaBe tt ite-- gs -_ dase gaersva ellimaiaiue4of55mWo aidein egar taautiuloace fflh-te mt tl". But i1vW" aire is ecmtm t dIs90% - kn * dom i W autet tuat I praesut Ia th e utat le- 1"tut Sue o svp. aSte ilgeudmu sut! te maft faoe eo f i" te plu tea teette e geinsut thelmniseuesisdis potr- et! a'e guleestha eg!fah". Noi s'utis" - be hiu thelepisumeerfie t-e = Seiea testeas lt Jacoaaiand me! es-nsecsdvei it taem mate b t!eriugs tat pri&s-laitmagnet1 mn Smm - u ines- te w rtdioeSetjut!get tent... -. Tl.a Da M u Me meieutmmdtfsIm nIe inasbrute, o assie. s tupnt. cn-thseeAs **mtuaisefa WnikBSn rcsctStt H. e l bteiuets et!d telas- 7TW psdsmes-dautm eme ot e As or ismoeolandset soasty. usfay t gmuio cll s-e ted btse ers tdweciiais tosue painus. Hia pride la eyapait! eeptioandsset "iimss- S»& kl fm a AV paver cf lyier... -As oratbisresepect»u".masUitedSegt- .e -bmi yoese, 1I ocai!reate detuil and faxa- Seamatu«s-mi mspoftmmcs t M jet evideuce. tut iltddaettttonsausm- ayettlnfilte h l cou... Il -1 vais aesgt Brithldserse. myfmei io utvdSt&se is -Sespitsisdeepeatit,mut!eapaverau ffthfauejgtegeuyieâ enfila s-lit aduesme St!ey sth eti-Filemma"tumt emnMaroftstretht t s-a aongottrteest1 Seaiins m--$,000te I1 v "if oncemoreCat touas-, trrudet! y iltin.Tien--va- tht grastadt, usas affecton. te visilouait dupe tise hiuabe Saitkaofsey ove cutry ted leethls-eThlte utc, thead acestuaed tee. Has- gec tirat t t et uleng a stkutfeths'emde feilonecf trcoted aseasfdiaew-rresSisrc .tIh, S vueeaatfl a aftt-r rs-tweek' eofcasiad se:n aBer Pir as ntheet tes fer»Aes pet iaspitat. fotl of spphctd patents. st-s-iis- nslee marivaetis-u eWashingtonm tu aeos-s-r aesingetaardof hedueca.' cet s mu testsifatvéa utlgâavms- Mae. Bran ttsct prareerdetadimsa pr $WSo. lise corage f teirBorsaseoset! cese WrS. BeustorRieand myef emies piets ee iteds n ieisr ibookito qeota edt! elesunecpred.t letMede tise dyheg testiuaey <f Caltnel de Vile- therlanie, asut!,au e hât!es-s-t plisyti tosale ecai, -ekoardspssrneg acrdc u crnt! ite odaiSitSSCatpruste turcfnes titi how tat gaai t oidieretiare sltiee-bryeseut!ds-am gsueouu uSd dru- garle farcista ics ectis as creeliy i- Arileîle is aascitosrtm it theu Sto-aaened Asatelthumblieeaecisgtsaroane IItsitrmbtowdeee!eer Ptis ieu tcohmaesnwreredta Erep." Tise tietetiiad set baiilta5epsa trlt Bessfoagttith tise teaitp oifeai-e- t'ueie sfisc. 'aron(, snte sert eorocaitis att orr tise aortd wmisa naeie tres-des-e s5 p dflelt!pe au a had itee taid tat tOce gliictiere ra caîeerrtieg Sa arr s Te tirrsea cauategtottallhe eirrfartesatapisote aloi rchagriein. amesrr, te swem.Thts shea. HaS ttiry ticrs ticiedthais5tiseir icto, s tt ie sae-thus êeasia lards tsaatd aeait aetaaahed,owicOa lis ot ca.(cstae e-j.attailove te$5 n psset ofssroleyttrwinsi. tter old ancnietpaytie.nt furth-eesitthal as-achaeriî-ctitat ail. A Boergee- atce. laiie cas lais qundty I erncitadlhitecitsiSt]iere tOit itteaaid .naotaa ttt ofchripsnuudue)nberse brea lscag fac thercoauatrypif tise ERi- ,ic'tc te sie. lis-O taak passssin.fta ittsteogisli, "'Sbe atîuttS'u bl.trsuv-e pucet! huoc ,cet it t adogit tbrae- iteat. htir to esisntshPler tiser ipeagaiet iumt,adtdeot gitnimip ec-rpisririetsorceaandt!earne stsagpostionstas aocmtapotherasitçtt--t tlictfire tis tosretndgrs Oui fora ioOstaaa, psco.ata put ittettd-nt tt intce. Bt oehs-tulntsaudl1 p., iediffeeacc. Mac. Bras-atccties sc' a-ottpred ontaicetistite swtih lirs iatoataataorp ciapttr lip tcpeaitg bis-ppinucandseucsei aS'h ss- ler srtetie ttat theiaateiptailsayadtpetcttartar- pila.lie strn ac ilernowarined hise taelirrta- tet ir roeaaryiagottiiruii taiushissbnesee,uni aut tisa taak edrrtaha enis th e let! seinme ta bet ise get bnoe. cas o ri.hout tsiseesigusteat c -ta toatict!nd!iSnosvues tOc teredaaioas- eageaiiaeemitatkceuniofttt aet'seoeys-iti bacc hlati p INa Bacr, as- egeadatp ite iscîarata tltatitca5 ltaaturope, atd taa, aa. th e ttfanaentauuap t tt) ritihc7titrertapub.licaappraisae m ttcrt Inerrtlitepfotor7l) ilthe li taaatraisy alatetaa-s Teitreisncteklrsctcsr and reprit ight. latte ar icaalceeeaorttita edmc e'slathliae, and. t pla s-uy s-r - tor, t, i t.. s ttýfchriipua eree t, S A Mther Daeand er Fans,,' , , y t.d.Ofthentar u iictp, aitSwtht- Iia,-h' apota tat ?t -ig ia-uaer,âk. ' f e ar'etareselau.swhite let cantly tiisrdthpoint 1 s-cta-at ti isekttcadiSbees en reda maneset .i)taîlltcdtItcr _ci,oi- aimtiîfe. Bt tianparyare? tottra«. dtmettaa toraor Ocofeet, etr the t-sa Ooarr as--iteas- lite il heie tn tt tuak thn. heyareccrainy nt ale ioetrinrasena lijeit n t rinic'u tise &ItOc, ttcar ttaiaiettcerlatte ersrmbtit the s ierner, t-ott.aiccccka . ltt, opatoyertstl geItherrtara leoprotabirrstau lrgetandtttwc-tati-te tIs r ftt thees. ktaLingthirtckttrsa taitaý.able -'ittieMr.Prittisriscoltrd.setaeu hi rg.ti ltttt hie, ai ut - tethth. a-"O taîtîy t-a, btthe ofcitOc .to t-it r1aoi o the u.,tht l cet-ra h K .h- t.,otehe oataagtrta î,tat.broo'titafihal.1 a ug l,ittl' S, bat ta-as pa t. bout cantbigc isati, 1tc ,,ta ta . a -dI thlt lcibat ii. "cesuras unt!ameait it-tt tattata ta matiAt rrcaes l-ite t lcl. ithtatciyaitttiaa. Ptstttpataaelly "Sci osailtwaauait riait ta hbav et-e te nsaas-atatfitheliaattsa. looasaapatdIls-pot. as ir liitdimces!anAil tl-isistu ah- tisaata suatifa ,thecir.anc d a Iruthe lires: mnta s-ta renoril tise aei-aaagtiaatstltOat .aitaarli.chc tc pc Atrait Oaathegantc. Wtentrc-e aa'î,t atajattacallp taib ot int t,arndeta tatbii- 1title intorethe aidt-,eaoadtuleahrinkt. ielitttr ad - Ifke itrse sh arts Op thistîtare cacasi tihe to'ta n.ctitnr, frate ic palet o etira o-ta.a, plaatttgit atrsadtcktaig i-'g idSofbiansillings teatSM Rcraitiealoftnoams-. Mian~iraf li ietlilpeiicct an inlehaciiae frta 'e ptieetloetit mîdeicht! tce ,lictt,l, o a ,tisatheatar, and tise Ittla erttar ntct cS icltrta fatiguecand! at- ara orrhierinatrctioa ecaa&_ a.ietash i. Wtr ecrrrted atly ititats. thecotaintclis rat, ise rjoit in iige Fttattricthere ia ui.teraclaing -c ,,t- ao 313ffl of s-it-tma ese ittaga thecrît tati, at apattand,,,h.t!,eoA, .,mhotaPl$tt.0S But!d ,talîhtlp Oaaig .aOaa atact a7et illti, whaebt-aie gare ame thie oerpt ganaapaaoaaaion rct1taaaplaatlpecr " in,îi1.Serercpiaerat!ard lasey acndther Ocisotatistho ta g lictbretimfterooael,e!an1 ite e- ýeen t-sùriae isotsernuaec aseeg ee 1 t-e, Thc tOi lady ta qirtip ttrtitag. tp- This macry I viii t!o asemeshlem visi 7apg toceatdrbrsaches oit mach ebiati %hall eot iemetiteiy bs-urSS sy- attat. Ther ittlcautesthtkitaÎtie C.irorns]frtmiip.' orthcirhbreakfasti. soita aitaO tistte -ItîtsiesrS.l'nuli20yemaeatesthie athey pulat thir ria oasaetasis -crece neid metsthsemainr. Traieta tmenaaiat alitmeofa ful-licatettbisa-rd. ihalld nesrc! feepccoittbaactf. It eac aitcltre*metraintiesloba tsvit pc yaca aga tthe caaa elcation- of the pyluWeuhingonetate am- ip rait.g etaea tht týoo? atoll.ieisa.aset ,epoeet Int le rp- The dtir aigu0 es-alc. SOc aeighs-loir tta sseeias pr.em felirvuS t etgsia ionpoaia. Sit rcisersepiecand tei-iu ilt-eeesspaied iueeregcm umirgartatéot le oipattiiaat. y the- contition shisS Stey misut! mes-s- l'lihttaitosIcterayedietlatiSs-cyttnarrseusysbous.liutmiu n acaters tise tadt-Ilersaù)to ip rat- recetrbabie cas esnescoesrt e a u at- ami ecen giara the lirgsraifathr aerspesir d udesralargevluiane ansa slgt tironle 70eliaSta pie- triig tIm egirus amnigsud entd rant lita titais-fotaceasaate-tce. Splaiegmeandseuig iim eteaus Se deetk 'hia tarco thiag pcateia- ta lie a b, Imuentauen reee vlati moues ta tali Os t ticieta d ta grt miat lt i matne sr ataf difenoue teme victi- hia mthisittoatqachifore,1nS oletS25itlOne yenurelam- te. ,'ha Icata rot,,one ide ta the uginee isas1tergattedth Se getatria lir witO teagltttcs aeipaers luaiseeur actasar, an oac te liat tstcanese, 'Bat Yeu e te w i silslffet sil!aud aieriag ittaties ptrit ai play,tonaned takthe pceper verthtie muSSes-. fer ui;ttitamitatione ai r teahes. Nate soneYe tsh Semas@s-s11fla ualuug ut trae (aetttctetp aisttd thebil.sfet isseao" euRy tise met s-saSus eut mil tite ittlite ourltiow. Nea tisry cai 1 sd lt te $10.000 meSdtais me ýoeb',,,-prerO, llNa socesihave mate oa ts tet t1de nswofatIclsmagl0 itteoa atecb'the aesedite bill." tisa lirarepaentthiraformeaneasgsi Iliotopraad aaecooks 7Wescter ecer twosc -cail.acfotse Nt tathe amp i thioieg. Ates tasieg u aboutaeatiaes, tlicp eitenlydtirat! aomeaup ta piatai ofcthetresi fone.L But instincttesacte stas it ueeit gond to ast wais e tesistit vioalet ee- cic, ta thsre mtittrs iedethese te-ester, instisetedrinb end tee geissesepta tiem to e rjestieir prformaneaOf Tneuanerosepieg. ItStsiisetue the estiser tee e tars aiew. Cee It taetst ee Yung tagsgiemSeagth asnd trefestedees? 1tisiea. Bas- te sra seties- casrnestliig dewn tisa hiiiide vitis mu impesasity thns la1 isedeeluisie, Tesmaesoirnuoftetesn le etisiedt ic top jast t the vtees Sgte. btte baby ta c uesiug go quand etbte tu e itsbe cetral ai hlm. msr 5e tombssitez rm theseumhimaMe sut! Sl vlta rusoudie;qde te s-standut! tua iuq eextiy Meu sam -'Muet* -tidmasmmse, ee vut=.,Cuehupet mut!,r &flairme lent âme tt Sas te daicqu fl eWiat. yme gumu?" méeSte mmm vits tebegar l u te PHutt If Yoet Mrnypsmeoiie5t"l thc otises- isidistys. tt'm am muta te hb,'ý "'ASd'usoitmaÎmtuke ieS te But teaduy. 'Sae Artk e simle5 perse erthSte eumt lréà tqs-ethé t s-Ses totee0 1W te,*@ l s-s e t (it vhas 19 vs et ase irts viera t1vi9M ,lu. Co. le25'< liee murteaeleellmintm-me ui psa te "m Sý 1 - sa u n mjgies eleesuree llla Iepe tettn ese a lte . MWd it N 1 eu vmie l e m lgl t e u ltl a-Imt5 ee~-u u % tmseuis wla»mo tef e nt55 v as*11)&- u ui t m i . e y t ais u e p l. Tu 'a e h i i t remssslStdsulSie Ctmtes muS ec9 Thtlmsrlu Setueeheiehmat iseisvirtste, ms4es qttu u ta n 1t 6 ee. lemduluess ~MatmSs as utmvsea et et aa emi he Leur heutul th e ete.imtere slca! m4Sepiet bars leuttlt astllt0itee 5Gv mm sted eesla i itet"steakn IASa the a e veddSt uh mdlms-uusa etuies t s in tmue t00d(hute- W-15pte s gveput eSt ese F_ at'rguE hlul vlt use. dvante vtae deidSeteue mt lete s, leS Cvmmun te W =2iesmsutesemlesewth umt aeumCoopepr n is"ltdie e au eambieutoueh. ttittertare bu L istueS-h lm. Bas Stme uetom rv avese u,»aia. cf lm I rlas, e t hu es epaie ushu mdIet dit! eutdapelayuorettauce uSg me cIltratise llettese Mr e ti uugget spar t edrutu l enus te la" IL 4t&sdudes rej yey ut-he euy Seeleu fusu t_;îelsle e L Sndcueppw«e ye ttumtes-a usexa picot. irader Met!tuo tcau t[ieau'mee. treea mesIo.ta dem nty ci teS s lee !a tivu Se tierri s cf ariS' S'eFranssy. lmritfesmtpaua ser-e!a y us uple urnoai'soubs; eeegadimonsie ssii b. t ue I» s u ti te eres aus sÀli Cmeese umved tSrte - . 2" l . eepr aaia. t t m s orn.r-eatyve.m eutSe e B .tcr melgeur, mt see~ sePteeL u':hu-ti qus"e. #rlii0es Idul .. amx1 ensmrundt ssiatue laeteaey àmtuli 1elae lusnuiuierSesJ8lm[alutte WTuses-veICIssé-llaeemusfm ejutt mol e.'ut CSehatereslmum. iSaTM es1"iaepoudesit! osimag iseesfor upliqu.tdssmrtiStuea ceu ita et. Geyteheiumeusudughe sde!sterite a st meplee.îfai b cf lusgo et mn mtes-ly e le breoeumrt h ussmu eevt itse boaiterdfbole ky ILEtins e tkibste. Jt9 Tu.'a-r t theu eps-Of W »A n the tii seleu.u e agai e blu feu s medcIe rraa u msaaBisélug « N e tise mant fae s e steutlle mtisa I rhavsm tuse eue igu a ltetuPyltétsiet " e itetis e s h etlmetmei ort aee lts. mm isel tabuSBltd is e u tsey Wgter A. m1141ittetla dsedemeSelea th e mmm- tar vuyis aà rsmmo eeufmditnp thiudtlige mu a ret rra Cibi.eey rs sORi at '"eut mlete eu Igi Wtoe t let t bge ui t 5e 1 ee s m r ae f i rts e d Sue mists- tir e a Su mifat ________forSeuderrismortet au-deareuB4'u às U Ste n7 dî lsteeldletis ce la irg us- T^ro$e r ed t ue d iursmulet ste bc. Seu-Ttmîbrinteum ont ' ef ssimîtfe D riet err er scs-samSeraS eeta, Gege usvLsri ritre etsNewYr t » . ss tie gIe,' Tsir . csse cf: in -ias lty uttcl i. -It tuaiuemm e! uerm" Bru testI lu-oteme vets. 't'e dc psa teS mes-sti rut elsia le t Ise la sm reel.satm e- se ..t Irsratrut smetSt.s y asmmeu me cetsi nea f a corslssartis imst efrri err 5' esuf Youstn, sy eeeleorsta lu te ftiseblst Se elf i t Re. 71t l autiusa er e t-iili slycaem e ms dhe ieei, es-irs poud er ed moanassimrd e ler le the aid dsyu s-tes er is Des r tSe ieet elstysuevt iome yessio e e ane la vu. WholîrsSea t isaselavee riioadhave an outisser C tielsefs->mt ue esSta-e- %n rttett!fe sedm.Btea010111 ssOf lerfame Wai tis o'eueisetilses sdlug t es sema mmdsedrs lsudslee.bes-" ddso pau t heat eninso She t u Msae-GeueesmldcasD.eeameortebasis, tlui.di rethst et eS sotls.ppoeiFurte t e! a v epmml lodide m.e!eruser a i bIs etlo uedee nttmai rt en&eu saigecosrl aîhet! vou vîtml hsss-Bp Grues, s- ta te eie s ova iseçiars- T uar's uSeluta eulletPufedt! erei Stnerte tu tes wrtl!latdu l u es. %b is seerbc es "Ina heea enSr suitte orcoleutrplteir. me ut-as "Bonn fa e s u mut! etecasels." sfa th e s-&meladr' tir e rS HiBesa bt-c l pedeque d iledt c. Cui 5 lesj yeus med lentrige. a a v e s ts - 1 e x 'Tise Ch i ts h Cge uCri ,ls-the h e gitvu uf elle s elu I oalIes ¶sm Mos an c sutum e u sud, vulset! ny.e usserae iusesirTgirnm etleunatecrer pe r imm ies-,, it s:a~re tu cpu!. ens vtae stenu'sth revdéga g tete. à 5 uaueheset!endstis d guplud tise pcisquteà cdA iqueu er cil asd Tokir ea et-a Ismdtinoespredisties 5u t C nd caribW a re.D.savullaces ful auesi fees rsremrey odd mes-eeestas e I d w artre « ted tnt Jam ais RduLavpota i te m.JB Tietrd'ttir.sth evs-moP u.. f v bail a ea ta dealwithuefehesermlura*edumt e K e itc uvls-l utMamydeAoA u et c ires- tSm Eluko ud e menmtin R e v is fl ndiiivàasn eSu. egitr f th i sse" gtrj iei su te ii oune t tela e montw 'Pi autecnra tratcases-a sngtheflan-e Wseeee lsud9centle yen Tatee? mT!a teStieSdetatheue donjgs eotusi pef ueeotn erng t a t uit Whleottt e s -es!Sh asl -eetre u Iu the litsrtil imefslt i u B>eSanSet Wlte0 ofhe -aha-c e a t ietteb!s- m dat e sm ares- lu uliaseealderaslauetfte ltgst aueuuS.op mm-ie mu@ o, e oretisema n t, 'ste- Tis te a netosuefnuThe Wla ners- Stls teMps, tuSpbut i isduet ly'eae s le e ligt aspmlydistuhe atig cth t vae- ctaer In, ~ radia!t!rl. mts boe kelu d t Tis a Tab r oté Cluney 'noimies--f e.t ah sm e s'et m pig rsisete lDely Sar.'la mnu f vnt ise andlir e e - lngerie tata, Ç MMe: eseipmeuiteAMatgetzie n epe i ee ee e acueteuf ls uets-!mdhm-ens-e rsien! stu " biem duuiisntsselofewhis'y" esli dsHou t he sc eas elief x dmis. ttee admfueygates-earties. atsu' q>l s- tessst teltef antt rtce y a eet! Sed tesArt ramish- isudtpevi mi mesreinteuse' ra arv-Kaeuei.tcl eu h oeelmsa St oph. a ir.s a lt.eiiaradtéM dmtbsatt le tS l ste t rs-, TeLie aaomof oîresln t 0 " mn he avie lrctth t e tisealera s e n -t -oI ut i fun iraso se th of JonR p m t bi i-aag ilyesim crvu " noe est e Se hu a i tadlâ grpi corta '1he I efl e. sht iiscussion.w Sem beervlpa s ins . et p m àabavri h ldd e eenao lrwht "M II h nete a yvutplmn-mu Smwutiealedlutaos aprmrtetild of ms'a e 4 Sot kadmmte oe ftewa ma dhrstnigerS mmadgrdsp"sgVin tBs-ils-e.iJcbD.Ci.on rmai lc rble n il .mtatl-n s.wht etds àar sedv 6*&o mit a ud nti frI.dx ofteI M g atr inE, nd toe diesceay o h nelr ne inl o çtwre ie'w r J W finc- 'SUS eBa1raeJIi !, C an.RE ERS.KELLY. M&éh.wbo esti gîae ail theîr - io ràpartof i tiselitg Our choico Canadiiaît grownî Nnrooy -stock in tt'ir oavt toatà un d twnhit Xe ailifer libestal indnceiîeîats to men dot, mon busiiî-as, sud wil work euergoýicSly. W. s-ho bandie titi best - mises of Sprayert, large and email. !1Tlohemaclîîtes St-G nowcoming lutogreat oeîîaîar >sud i ageute es-n tnake it psy .welI. We b.sve a rntcsessft111 record iu growiug sud eelling tttîî-sery sBtock, oxtending over thte pastt 40 70MBs. You will do well to axrite tit sfor fu partirsularus if yîtt have iauy intention of tsking up tisa profitable work.. THNE THIOMAS W, BOWIN & SON CO. '-3m., TORONTO, ONT. *mSthe parciar a "W ietan cer&,,hege fl1û$ine -v g' iAN C At t,, eIe 5 WM,~teI D:Cca~ tee . . . Dr, D rlTisT, a ' 81-kat 7 -M ake B- Vu!. DL tS-1 'ltta-U 355 10 PiA