8.57 ar.. 5.22 P.l... Sfl&u 0Go-9 W.na&KIl. si gen A"7»P GRAND TRIJNK RA[LWAY - elw*a a ni (13. AIM.W.liielda.> VV 1 COeIN-NORTH. nOise SOUTf. hos e 500. hue pi. tlsu Sopu T ,~alal ~ M a Canadlan Champion. iis â T tb*ntw4 lwe Mi.oa ey .. 90 ____ - . - *M- Parlilcent îproeogued ut Ottawa yen.. JiJV ai. -------- te rsday eteroon. aterSinttng ,dm Mr- and MrIL if. .i ,et »~lu. *Fersery Iuni î65daysthie lnegnuen v n utow sm ndày liss. sinexresptit tOf 185. Businessna es neled ibrougb touint8aday. rerld hy long andmecie, debate onu Mmn.J. fGiban. c e lmilon. sceau. Tho. ufer... sn the iddirecc, the South Atrinun cueill. puliteilby er twiel &ne bareturnede t I>elm . .... .. 2 8 ?rhdst 6 Yku n mOne, ater peud&Ug ue a qtsW" * tado gentsg.otherbuett. Ykn dted p tneuda n lu is isiuIdty. th 'oanecml.pindi Mi. Ruston. nf Toronto isiaitite - uming lpsena iefflu front ier Sro . ete eerrfrein the bermiaitr. LJumela rereutly. aceuverts 1 h roIlert IlheHOuee con grugsltted on , Mien M. Speeci. of Eilnbak. ayant a the c-rs r h Cnaabe n hrStoiue ulth friendeila Ibm place l« am "W1»CO .. 3S do hCnulurepi ak. Ç. JOuesW.i. liseori... 0 Souith Africocand the generai pronpeitp W. J. Boutnnpeunt lait unuduy t Alun ceeoinedd tbatafutbeým Il n preitieg lhroogbout the Derin. GýriiunbyPark. ii.4 ubapld 9.alyneoue hean1 s li .cruuip. et B.uiet, viited ber abat coucha,, hbcased foi nana nda ton. _____ daliler. lice. W. Youg, Ltant ueek. ainenusta abudy pid. iun ceautac J. Irving etMilou, Eue in tecrure- uithbngrnnet. Th ie nreenenin Chioaecoin Canada and the United rented tbat ordenbdaien n thelrc riiSts avebsr etoieg and passng C. kArimstrong. of MorIon. W« luuin avoreaimlce.argaret C4hdebehI i-s..eiens ciedeejg hir counry- lOUnlhit Sudy. i.inteitb illistentntl artenut. p mnfor the mesîtsoetfreige devido' S. J. Greer einlîcd uith frienda lunnnne,, fer Ibilecm adiyas n&d la fano Lowveilie receuîly. uf Lavina Anderson fer Pue, uitk in liciiaon.njesotihenhaverofferddto Fre!stof uai kiade i heingisbippd lu ertat ame rate; sld Amaubavii es i te nite Statce re.yto go tu large0e iiitiee ,by sunocf oer bel beeu bauned ttbeuiuu4lclaltyeofth, Chnaad fighi egaiest the Boxera. It citînene. and escryoee bau te bielle Town ua(lMilton.-Report udopted. 5iny betic lt they havec irserd by their thene days. Couricil adjourned. exe c -ltAneîrsc tha the foeign t»tAGH. The Cepei te Vent. hl~ ostheoreuin. Jif 6. Winuipeg, Jetp 16. -The Norlher cinlAnna but it i.. teetikeiy thai lim. J. A. Beoîp and Ms. M.end purifie crop report.,reeiirdlto-duy. bei-r- hio,;hae ee îscmetd hy MissOliver Kndrce vsieddTorenteoimor favrarulethonreer. Theceeatbe t,-:Irtthaîittlrp eîghît bcpeishedf4r fied ls ek. coibidothave bea ettcr for grown tie io,i f the Ceerre. Sich trser Mr.sand Mmr. lVeiOsir aud Maîer crep thunli hu e e inuil partsdur snb.Chrir and Mise Os et ofToronto, are ieg 1he pust orteight. On the portage ltccc3n't' hrboiuiiyieg ci Mr. lior'r. bruor h 1e utlhant yield cill rue fron t li. l a isto e hlie tht e ili Ee. C. T. Toegh. pasotr et Ornagh hall o creli loiit busest,10he acre.an I t l be. a, cit., -epecr.îhf, enithe and Herehp Prehbytercie rhurrhe. i, çonte ma i nu e lcit ciii hbeeagondlai abs enil on is hetidupe. Rer. Ms. Shaw, riep. 0e the Morri-Brueden brunil et Torento, slot charge oet 5ese icere 1epredietioni arc e tt sconfidet. ue oneSunda .the yird will on fron 6h l mbucel Mr. ce cMmo. Thee. Bsooessdge. et per acrre lthough l ine nxdisctseleI Th Otri rohiiîtion eAlaneet mnBeer.sitend thes triedc. Mr. aed yield wcil ont be ieethaue15sheehels e a reir..ît.on wintrespert Msenrry Robinson, cIe ereing aorme. On the SourisRiver branrith ugo. agetspredict tron t h 6heuheteppi lrgih.tiiecm mectte s Mri. ced Mss. FE. P.tterscee ad Maler acric le hit a rep .t,.i.teMiichoti iericsletlowneg Eret Pcllreoe risiite tMrc. A. Thecruieregri. a ell ate mot îîliîiuieeurrcteeio lohîrioniSuedaà-. cr.spaneî topares tcrruly repoiled (ItCn-îoeîeg the tiouiio-Gir Christ Chormh Socda ch-1 hehcd a eon dua% armis theis yirl id tîea eii,t i lrciet ,,I t.en-t p-,shîbi- pco in o MmCrney*s groe. Beper, on lair aerarge 0nu e i ldistricts, tion u~enedc a fen I.«g[thc epîlg t e ihci gotl Wheatcl meiiiegs necry hished ie NEWS ITEMS. freli oirnithe ceo f 1-vc . 16Te rep le cateir ygon ih.- il' IOtand loe hisvr. an d con e wil hearthe Keieei heebentcelcttcedhbyth 1'lril ershooitu rcthershingiimachine. roiet n ec ommanud et Colone, a i,ig'trçeut t hea- Mm.V. P. Hautcandtchidrof it ctrc. -ii,.1is thr ,rsemscî Brlltille.tr oevi-siiîgiH. Ribioool - Work on the ProrlvtdW Winer Pai tî',ot WMr .îîvho basceheme cirkinin busiinog aiGueltph hae bego. The t.r h 11--iiilLgisl.tcr.uaitilsîc, le or t ays.hbasceîernd. buidig ocupis part theimarket ,f a.esrc mpsîhibi-ing Ber p-sk neg 0 the oe et the day. isquare. f -I. h q inur ie îPtroncetf ou. . l.eeacitr-. oc et thierlrcinsîty 1, t i,fllsiîî e, of s iterc ovesiereif yecrsc gîi. ll ohiselit Jamies Twck, aed 7b. et Coyegi, I tîîtpîî.iî.,osm.lieee tiecmila icrnc rîtewdys cge. Hre ds hstcd hil;ele i timhoicer and 16en 1 ,ait cdîorîoglle rithiosci dcud. Tbcr scie, Harey le, t ti ue oi oppoîse tjIîrit etrhcner..have toieptae r ojh tiodies s 1- 1 Illo li OrLo lave Mr.. lfilsei spete 1 îeinj Hamilt- The Scoute has kitted Ms. Muoek' the.n hîtltonbilrcducieg the postage on iiewspapei I I i i.lirlllciýient iâM-s FE. Nerris je etîrediot 6cr heti. and t6eclausofetthm jodiciosy 6ill prc IlIIt-o h i lcodas ai6cr, honte. iding new Jidge;rsteQueber. .tLigIll, ti..icst rorMiitiîotre The Tac je Afrilo. fttuty ijued ilet cens otiuîrdriebieg It- ItcI, l ,iiiiii,iiOriii l.ee1 odee, Jet'ly6.-A dreicî1 fsont euih a cciijeintihe îorbedofthe LI Irc te. u,,biiîg üled SicîiSioutîeh Atsjcano Ittbi .1etcty. dji et ofocju 01t:1te hiepitl. P 'I, n, I ililie te Miiti ie.îtt.upoîi.î dtcec ys ilîc. sas rIelti et The officiai reports front South Atrir i i îîîî~clii Mîtîi. titilsi tsiiirytigltiî o liii cerne di e n t h e se of t ydditce nttefaehave tt1 I;Ii bai.i. IisIîiirrmtoe liseusssmiig gse(Iilinctp ic hree so tisfatoiespthatthe G,îrc s iî..e.rliangeiirons. nreiish.ee.ui re cii. Cierysfo trcet. ment bh ec erded tlemanufatretyiidiîî V-la,-1rgead11 ',mhv ýlpin n t heljinhhe senoal.,jin die. ,i lu icle ilii sgarding pro. lit ighii t re th e rtih Robert Hamilton,, u eharge oetthe figiîg etrsîiteih BiiohCceodieo feuiehjhj rit16e Perle En- ,-Li.iiepe rrcthealii ticiiiherse cuiic.:Two aeT'hrecc. fi iciofSitiinfeee Heiersso-cedefins tet fAgriculture, eluieg tisai the S fetedwassueta es atioji tteTc li Iitftistariliîkriy TTrtec rehom. a ff ot ttîrcia rthe Hreveefirst pri.e ere ecaaded là liIeiietiproiciloi rîi-. ere ccuptured. ionce. '..11-li Iftleicerccism sic lit Otisiro JîtYî17.A cabeiruthe GervBRS hIclilieliiue up ice'.c csoiis.tleest eeeiiciirc thol MaorBRN b.0 1 lnIl uc I[i ' lîîî, in, eibi. hesiien. soneoet hicM ijter et Mîlttje MOsî-At GergretonToedu>, Joiy a, kiitirdie action yesiey. ipih, thcelle iii Rcr. Hors> E. Muioe. - frty at nel T h te ,.Ilintieligeercccht]îthe cf a cn Ilt ,1 lîkily i 1 ,, erdcit ises cf Ceoîoes abot cilcipasîteeou IV . lu, al .în.îig l andiiico . c ticouegh lie lobis ie 16 cit iARREID. ires. L caesme itescicyrof a messacge JiinssO-sMTrFoio--At St. Liihe'c Tlîc, Chiores Trouble. rios Lert Robersit Psetrisîc le c Ciîrch, Bitiogc, Montaea, on the t.iîcsierrGsosraIt, iithe fisiiiiinest i h ii., hp Sec.. A. Cacc-ei,tcJa-es [III 7 iiîle aghai cor- loc :~Rgreti 10repot enti. Bordte H. Jehertoe. aitIisep.eiteo.,f Mies Id î11 l'Ilie I îiîiîî ii.iilj- Mai] ii,1ulen crio estsesdcy, Ctylo AnecBetrisecondil iaogéer I Ic-i ILInr IfJ'il),ih. l, London,itîl> il.-PsTbes 011cftic ls et J. D. Maiheson, toscesiy o Miltcn ic Iilllll ie ii rt li .iict crrciithe Iculiiiîg drcpacc res DED -ZIlciiite ris, 'riro t'iu'tp,- 1-1Y1- esie iheSTOE-nlethe lispiiet et Goeiph. 1,I, ..I ult u,ýI4. ant encrny malea eteiiidatck onthe IY 7th. Jcene. daghte of thece lic(,or. iiisîti ticot coîîocnedii y Hiiion.yas ucW.. ,i.l. i.îec.ie fciths ths CcaiaianceMouîtcd Itsfcoi yunedes HAG.E~RT-At Braeipton. on JuiP 316, Lîst-Ct. titssc, ose tic coîco. ohn ewarousHaggerri, gd 34 Vainer. I I .11,5 llicoiii ]ys p irlsdrd. Theie rseîmacîle sepealed Dois Ai Bronîpîee, Soeduy eigbI, Joit ilîîi.i.idiîtp.and eîissipsîocssauetithîe siiuoo. ceing 1îîth. Heery Dote. leiet. inhbis îoi hîlliît(Ir ii,-ise rantge droliuieg tieFuiirsc eor. --.iuîîlic iie:lcr.îsssureesiîc. The ereycostedIersc l lJu ]r. y. Thcp hcd iteco iiied andeiiSli pa Ii nChiiîrss oTe-.nd,an ou te ri sonersc Tuse 'IlS ELECTION 5ET. I' t ii lic , irgnes..ciPse lîBitish ceîsilieçsc rsoserekitînd.in- illi Iilclil i.The clediog the Cenoitiei 1.eiîeoctsîs Br A uiutn buCenadSan I ict,I.iit. ,ra3tite1 cciiandturei. thirty 'coeodrd, ood A Prnnidnniincasaistil t i"Iii ,iltssc uelp.oeussîig. tAiernupluiensentutnit st.. lli.lillcctlâcksî 11i mmlIns oui dvne uriftet tei enpericeiu0ndst auch -lî,l nd i-.îîieîsAetiusW0a5rafyessîeryîîoopîîîsced00db.an d t- I ruved lu "vndraattea"ud uucb c rceedt lmn' ra. Id for a mubleir t pateRid A Ifte niiîce Pisce hoeiirdliees,withfiegunsee 'I wattlunChieuigu lu 1884, tuhos iîOifiicsge tbre throZh th odon renCueuuedlie. liillîiyeirst u isoiiu îîî'e d Rofirr irîn. optoins cadidatsfor pecudini. On 1111 ilOc e î, iîîlI ,Ic ht 1 oits hi ed ttrthshcnc aedtjrhnherg.ibe alubi ofcineduy risetecruslUeI i alndii- ,îi u- tes tushey werre minoSîg tiudsLiedicy 022 t trienexentent lu plaina usene li.uiilllemîîiuroîcctîîîmtîeeptIltuedby Puget'ecud Brand. ettas vai n , sa.ud the rnre a -I it%- uil%eecscelisit, mides cadie bleds ut chanelu aubsoelune. Tba iiiIl Ilîsh,\iî,bl, petthc ales. Losrd itoherm upays o trihuetleLie.Bepublicunu usrc enlaug tt ledoutIn ~lî.i ii ie.miticocfetenainîstts B anod Bosch. 1 e sapu8«: A"d Iere utirlien u« bm s I@l lubd se i i, 1. 51111 .1 isbl,îs. s t1. lliy scrse il i lu e ltnnty ituheyuum nlnt. 1IW» eeanue t ltb ii. îîu lîrcsîs t tih ices tiheis et hta reht!1 iy r ie ebleffl beaualtet Ge micu . cii1411 clicli~ililtssi 0elit yis -iispotchc 1r giIocîrp cedlî!trep&d4ibo uu W«l Ue n f Ma& ilI Iil., l îîii emcetone r - ciiiiîtei icalai beeoutir 'e" -adMM .ea#eun b ici l.itiî, il e stoiritu 4i- -t l'ue lrsg 'Ont u he9rcsuin 6,OthefioTeeellc.uni titey.e tl otl 'ih& ull l 1li t'mtitt t.îcsgessse Meetteet oitl-tlisait Iltno t hî ihaiîheilPiunioiEated fitbced battnes beM.L blW» a l"Il IiIileel.us us reiele oîtchosi.lcoues 000h ecroe ay aoud "n Il auteler hmina I' l 1 l , tsucIlle. i isy iiust rqeiietet.z% Ilir tit. outts. miaccinîht itfi lee pr ided forth. ut ws W bil :, itlli u..îlis.t 551 e qooinc ceIcti. Mid sheinà"eaeun"la$motd, ossîseci l'yiasîorccenestîe hr if he htmr ec budaie 1gW Ir tigerp e lllirithultbreeinpla Cina h 1tebs i 11t s Shcssghai l tt ha. 1 e itien . , M , a iI tu b r v ed f tll 12 . m t * à w 11'lsc,itthe"isîe t' smreier riis rde îcEeyw pbenedcotb mm ci Ilsts asssiccieii. A rmuh jrent16e ..I h Ltutl in s5,1.syisi troc itrotheii nI Iho n iutLtbiLp " slrogghenec e enren.The be te- Sul _______th ______r de5poirhteott hi' ie.sBrooeriekiuhbn Han e eBtisenieee ycclrdsp ingcm.trou, . Lghaa iNhul@ tek" i niadate poetin. Abreaind uuJliel.thtuelisaitb à- -to cbetantgte he csdenut the ont ebult.t.rnil The niaziumà, f6 Adale- 13 Ialiet Dalton z~ CessneRob -j5 Fleva McDonald 1n Et6el Chopinuf lq Weller Nixon 21 Enoua Cuampbell 22BeseicAgec 23 Marlon M. Pauni, 24 Alire MCCeOrueu 25 Ulin Conb 26 Maul Li!tle su7t fies M i, aà! s 617 n. Te.ga. 607 10.1 a~gftm. 604 10. 604i Milion. R. W~ain. aVsl Oc M'Macray T, Il 5014 15 Spabugur A J MeLeunun. Mina JOnce ?~Suon W. I. MelillIan. Mien k0~lîtleoa. ie c8 Rîlie Sbeberd . ... i01 2eiNol". 7M. Spriger . or e9 Chrintin ac Sue... 007. Teaiaigar, Lnuny ' If pan «at 3o MeelonPueton .... 598 Millon,. J. M. P&ttiuen. beiltibisim et 31 Sedie Ors ... 597 10, Trafalgar, Boubui. Cycle Vertsà ed 32 Fred Hucote ...... g595 d. NiloÏnu. J. S. Stuiu e. ta 33 Fred InEau . ..... 57 Mltohn, .umeJ. ai. Peulsu. & m 34 AneJ. Neccin ....".'575 35 Agun Bell .... 57 f. Nuenogguepa, J. B. lieGregot. 4% 3h Agie Mille 573 Milteu. MiensJ.M. Pattinen. 37 Nelile Becn ..... 571 i. Rsqneieg. "L.Ehiiet. Tbey maie& he 38 Peurl Min .... 565i ltîon, "J. M. Pattiqe. Caute sud i el 39 F'rank Hodley ..... s4'1. Trafalgar, ThlrstOe. 4o Elenu Lindsay .... 62 MilIon ' J. M. putîl... ti 41 VictrJ. Norrsn .... 559 ".' j le 42 tenuaCrâai ...... 556 .tTrafagar. '~G. Youug. et 43 biuera>' J. Cuiepteli .... e55 MilIu, J.M. Pastinon.______ 44i ItîeArnett ..... 5514 )aquenug. ileusu. a.4 Muggic Rluot ... 550 Ni. lanecya. H.MeNlvenu M e46 Saueimhi .....h . 50 1 'Y 4Goerdone Wriggieecorth .. 550 3. Raqeensing. G. H. Molinos. M A 'FIUNG" UPON sE[AT& b erbr uef rp eot 0____ceverd 4t Wnnipeg o nuedsy, ein Ri A "m-galcantns, h't fneena 0h e Ti. eallierconuld net baie esiner eCtai hn~ boiher than illb sala in mounhthuSTILL CR as nanur ai put tirei u.edue tg The 'Iiue" etera imar ditila thepsi sreuleb. ule elueauer? delie enaiten, oeueeau. criot ,cle autorg su iutreenely CA- a -o elwyL ucut ailn.Il lu decete s natten »b» ,e but the Sufidentiui emplepoya e.W i- ie le charenofth1e eutte.Whwbeuub u The eu edeeeleeusuiaum reoeiul IL The dit. Ti ao Sroery la made enhy atter theoieloc«er. CP& t Ms. Peol Oftmni t b a serltid sud the USE (pa51 IqIR Fuiig u n enuior'.s mtl ut im, C L*ao ¶hP n our nuame down toc Il la anticipationuf ýp CPS i hnbdb Slteint eeued. Tn aie ou aatulI@@.- Cpit n PR inatbet. uit Plie lle thrt Iilie ha caetd.and ;p]a ÏCPS Mareneu I mntenu unareeuefiy sensitive about hay. pa pa ot nI net thse i iatrtnne then aatielpated. It CPS < ..Imrm 1. parteniuriy painfie Aond ihat taie ceeu gr bas ben doue by antilend. The et, lu CPM Duriug Seanof ouvi- lOue'fer tbiujee thle aenuie are net Aieh euaiiy deutlel. oPa galion Uppor Loae e.UNI, Pi onot. Wbee a desicelds mat la &bout Se hava- CPS ablpu 'Aiberla.." Athabu. CPR m pl nq -cated, uai»naeture cbo are net atinfue. CPS eàý and -Manitoba,, ciii VIS bandi. dGt leelY etae usttheir oye, dupa, IL. CPM letre Outu SoundOTurc' CPS qu raupautg esenti te uens tg bla lUISdX,à% TTberdapa and Saler. CPit q' - duoutfied sud decroeus userettnecuaehlr oiadâjIu ut 5.20 part.. afier ut. UpE Alsc L4e6. tun o S ten u, luI thare la unuiehhios CîrivlnifeSteaEnblp* Rapreon opa eceneeulu uuanming teemn a A it a iavlog Torontoeat .3sp. o. Cp Ultiva4mr "aiuliih acated. opa Conuetin clilie ande oPa Rakes,'ft Il requiru dliceate dluurnentnte C u At Scuit Ste. MaieuandPort oPB ohuerveite propretieu lu thin enute. opR Arthur and Port Wila.otalofhebu le enater mniuba abard Sgbit fern e Cigfoc ail poinqtl cmi. Cilliuin CPS ailIe Ilb eletie fon ebtaiorne e--e"anneî pCPa theeCd; m kuou nnh-ba, Bled un bisemeut. Il "s Pan A. H. NOTMAN OCPA lndena aIe, litc e doin. Me in Mm ea ena, CPS P uta4c eae e rtndeelb. sud thu unkuece m aOt- Gignentl PàmumuennAset CPS SolO by the oli iprophnl ot,cevil la u su uhctet aremlent-.1Opa 1 Opa tu pe]te. Ment. Wbea hai e nla e suad lb.hemaiCS pa tabru, lbe tben disecerieWho wcee 5eml OPSI-.CPR-CPSm-CPS....CPS- CPS le unîlpuhe blaseniuletun, but hie nni. _______________________ nIt tell hoetainadvmeeo ite l.va- eaner the applieutionfotale e ma o fliai. Tbot lu u secret ket Irais u"esy uwnstale iiuuy àa nten desont w O Bod eireu aga àcealurna mmaho 4-LIFE ASSURANCe tins. but uho telt conifdeu t rumeu% etmeanm , maetbluo dinSveorenatulnme oau utfbisnSuni. bu .,ainillu n u osima; Alý y~ Iiaeues bdliatBed un hlm mat ent i, nq n telcho It rue. but thne kuclimnu I TuU LOT Vmwàhh #LC , enade bidenlaut cofidenea luehie gW.i 61.Elenltun.uu Hie r'enetient cus n sardaithutihoet tmete. M i uxaeni. ailie uheut nytutitBy tluttil evey ute, ir ropnIh uei" e 5 lmbna, '" - frMu onu bbidNeeortibheduaher ubat ho th-nuget lute m- uho hbdituen atiel, Imm al Oà»d S4 4dq pai hl itenft.belug en<Alm " tin uc rates. Piana. &a.. mely lt*a~ stur i e ,ld usabe lue ulitmnisa ireily!ec te ho u etubi iohl m le laanil al ut ttettuand that lue ma nwuuîuuuUaJiuaaui.............. unua luteuaumen te uutlsns hho b" demanu. ed tig luioknownu cbb paniiemlrInesto. semaIlaenifvu.-amblslu tur. 70=1VS7 ~ ~. ~ . ~ on i"toi k thueugaige Iké u sUcSl t ls 5 at gn auuo u L tiSfflf- upai -bt À ARi e And for the Nt SIMlWDays 'le wilI mail the bs _________A- REMAFRKAE8LY L.OW PRICES- md but Neyer FoIlow ________ Coule if yeu want Bargains in lace, buttonb or lo.w Shoes. we bave a.... They are the best made'in Canada. of roe n albaig JA*. O'#RIEN, -27 Kig-IL East, HAMILTON. tavlng only 6) mj~ved ta. --.. m- - Aine a _ _ _ _ _ _ h "lihtdritV our at Improved Drills, -plim e 9, Diue Harrcqws, ~ HN reNM buying ciethen Boy retul sdyoo I kety gong, &c., te7»T w bruTY. beenene pou'il i tbey hhre. Mweeogni or e qualt a&U ilà[un terzio liok arOnnd-to examlXne ocda loiaely-niclee le Cnda.Cdat et , -y t e uimie quaities-te gel prsce-and le rbarjeet em yen :c=toand l dantuge. Wearêanxioustatyeeuld ido that-fer yn-nr gad and nomr Were %are ef nue greuud. Wr know iiebeleencalg that our .pelin ae uour fayot. -We hno shaour ~g aPegre the t rllataaget Sr oue J latent lee4uctlaip the henatue cînmeo. anad lo« err dock. 00 O .mmcý- Feath~eso~ PH~ ail KiÉRtS -For ound by ti! 'Dthrow it i only JI& c WJUL ei day> Wede bdei of Phi relativee. uiAiderson i of pee ineni mwian. et Bu Wcestfthert jgale. etf ite,, Mr. H. aniishorc'. of tih MiloI b is office last et Stors>', ho aie home hese I 1),A, Va'eert. ait of Mec. A. 6M Werner, ciii cnt et bis 6e Certes, lite cf osesperlor R aid Milton e Èujdred A. hies net fliscF slceet . ýBces andMis ! the icttirs Liieheoce. Inbhhse&i r. BackachroK, jltsesth paes ugîo leseuse 0ers n nA pîr n e adilis LHendrsOeile eghter. Mssý à Mh,,lsAgi su Ircoîs. c oeer srn't 1 cr foIst thlis1-11l missns CulîsuI ,me titiTiel. ig e teel it teei i h alisuI Ho.pryrs. t richetitir thse I Long. ,f Pre hase ti ejinsg un Lt illage. partie hng. rSI, a MI v. A. P. tt ei AmeIiî ee se. Ju rd euh titNi s.Il MciI. cisppnis- iliuîeitmr e d .4 bos le bl Folsof a t1sihegoc tm%-nIngercss gst -thîetit hOrt.lidayint 0, . orsI Hc) ou-h tie Wiot c luiy trtnt. t. Toroget. C. 4h lemy butliipî bfti. ngsily bu. tics mofegei abigguis .bsr ut cOf coen melion>'itie le Al. TR.sieo of eiuieg. r. Won. etHB prote niiay Ir lsowebel îpheforith Ir due etfilic