sud 1. a" te a kh la lseib 1<bare. ne7 MM ha wwSsSt My * cashuis. mks*tuu om* al 4 ~~~ aur lis.Tm maeeM ddacsilla hseamt h po utis, oi 4 lasaase cth e ,k Duppar ar Datis tu tuttaisMut luiuLondo n dagtnatchtsob.te duacecua u Navy Dapautuileut, Xi-as he g mm bainodda. eit".j,~ ~ m l~ ut ehu irtenautailet esaereca-Th e ave Mu s u5 mm UnMa l usu Oelf fruntPuknbissis .joues. s Tii c. 11111h111uisu b dfttau utftthe munitbons oMtb. Lsgaîins n p ta= tr'uxa"d " y n Mnstb sccardiug ta ii hsae uwsipls.h«eb, Sa ltesbrma hit, cblah uiB&u das * . ~~The nes that Princeas as nusnrped suB Saabasils si labp t bi pac, * 4 ~~the thronuula cnuîur,ad udeu nu hat M GUl,,hu*oulsdaïi41scy bamu -d weth directlsgth ataca u sssini --zsSi in dDed :;arautthe... k.' no his In MMua Sa. 2.a210:a aau b asa rc n andàrunsitPehus Fîghtilsqsa segantd itbahaea MS. inausuf luuivring nu ut Ttuutnus sitrlisu- ReSHiton, T ais, ed bau d lbWah a Liifaitjreensin c ler sucure. Itîinunsdur*tcnd tht Missile, Us.7 epassabletIkh e may waema011 Geruusy sud the UsinitdStatua hae luvestedfourItecmits phablae lia.elest- C P agracit tu situe Japass ta Isuit su large a iug ttractionusud boit uuuat eusase u , la sa v Wib.r- eesfra iilitary force us that counsty dastu s tsai a ihigasebtftus.uddtw 5.gletm cudur ta mare qutchty restnuru cuter. muni b> ~ aab eoi k. J uMis B.MantaunOur«tuaeit P. jayu-Theu latensstuuîînc nes ru - iiiug the. dii-si teu m hchrhati urb suaavt.y~ o gsrdiug lbe British, Arnricsu ui rue aiu baud playitetbsersi dr-jtiu uEan sut Pehin ruachait Tain s. ug lb. steruuu hugrustaa a This lathe sussne hasthedraus oM »" kflt«witt ui Icrday. fThe messageeu "ut frnom Agiculturat Socialc kcl irs- alie sstermara libul> te kotdisseta- lis tSi thIPSoew e z Smi Pein au Wuietsy lut, ni tec. lu-in shut, s are a auocut Sre ad ci he brîtleandsclateu uofthe1k sala>- ti, mt ue as u e hi uItliou cfthe faruuguuru inthtbuity>-, c hue c vuiug, utectrie lighte h#utug me. n aer r spgtigT SsulgI bue hrud it tui. British Legati., beau put p for lbe occasion. m'seruOuchiranlar usuSu cuies ta l oa tau Intueruatiunal raqse A nurut fualure out heu ru .le o nie t vury Wih aUos h w i cattenu a ubabt theru tn the asttruuuneuwon the neey uit ut the Lis uthSsdsy nu cduititu iutormuation au ta ttuprah- St. Thuumas sud iHamui1àucantans,1knatcr. cheiuusans -'SU -CN I>fP IIC1AL aiddte cf tbu iptur arn turouag wcHah.b>- thefur rupIîly mwuate âlcekwhucb us hbrungbMr b @misastats ,oista @s42 co t m o e i . T e d g i e t t d n r e s m r e l u 1 a d t e C u ls u a tsfa i . A r. S an t s d u a it the Casa _ _ - -v du itm meutuat umade nin eHouat ut Cin- handunnu atunnucruhythecsutuus mînfartain thefatausregu chebase e-i siS ass. Ps an. Menerau. .5 muus tucits>-y ltutBrulin seil glati>- adiulit ta thue effuci. rauntlitlustessrnriue utbsMy sm* con-sent lathe lauuiug tatlargc Japau. Tbe uenmlfttraarac atîiite s thusuhtle. lietuatntng a scit aas n ho, f bu tu1ass ara BS-tu57 i isi33 , . es cae ascbriug ttir urarrai lu baud, ofrtherfasttamaturs f theuDurni ao» usat~î,4i -- ~~ a curularat lu li.dillaly. la and eus uwon rauher rastty by Sbcuurin ruRichards hapuicuhasuilthetila. O'gansaaW msNI . G atip crcuurbutdrspeec bittîiered ta a oy n aitn iniuiuuitjuutabr sit e om tiait bhpMissCusuisg. Gel.Masa of matrlires, auauta tar for Chiluna, trleap abradaoftuhesecond man, aéa bais, sui nmakîug extassiveurapies AN AFFARAI4IbfGNWAYMA$, au Wlimsaedta egac Hmloin ntheuase, chich ciii sititmach la GlD *UKRIWAT wucli ha cuacleut furtheI ouiedrutf laInbe gtaud fucy and military drll th trAvaccasnswuaofOurto .Suies, as5a aceîâ .wsaa blttGemaa ftag. Il la andcrtot Ihat ei- thebuSt. Thamas cantuu, chute ZIMMERMAN. "t use. aurait $1.510 andMy fl t 57 guiM 1.1& .995pm iua atcuVinuKthecalthu sinaaoucothe u ibrtia pui; utsou- ________S >ma, sLn«naa alsunru ctssavaarM TbcctcetuBac llurcu~ Sas u Theb- ather in itrlhs u chi, aIjr S'- b.uha Th tafcrscmmauintiue ~,allirdmluetudau utîatSdiu Masit fthe fariner, iuni th! I a Cuist setiritiaosterigaP Putc i thbu lac uucdrt utlnisbr urna brd 2Et asd jiiotu.rd. A 1iaiiityru i apsisvulpsasuuhs ata focsa al aedcddao amietrebi uil>- eugagud enttiug ha>-. se uls e uatr a sa^.Tis mumxasse a.a .uuy iaribcr tteuupua ta ruacbt4 Pubitu Tctu tusgmetbtclutHaQi.s eu rmihlioca.t a mdsaaaligtOfic ig u tuaa leyu<t r, 1... i g v.,-t' Wbul IbsT!ut-iuusu luluatlr hpdr-rctesMu, Tu-f ha u e tme unbiersat taeaaiSedue la 1h. 4usd te u sia theig outui l taung reifaçrtntsare tandud. aîthe . t: Ttu nSaBturda>- issu ta citnuuut the iistsppl riveur sndhat utb aS f l' m late rtsiualua t inoffiatblciu-çlri in Lonona utai ala2,i <JeBlu- 3, Fumuer. uudtth iuucîlielsuram et. t-suiv aurisi. I c1 i 's lt th er7pM3 ino t o i lin (iler aptas f 1 fittabc mi W asI rds ufuut. us Mcke a Thuuui its o ogu ii bsbA Mu11, aam atsi u s ish Juan bt mast a isasu omn h ai te , ae tluy sanulaasccadtfailitatreurb aauy;3, a le. tat tactiiMuibiu-gond s ssutra. fl ihui tabe hg sboalast atne. AI.,7 sisste. h h 1bn aP-bu ialui ila ubugbl, rullut n ' * tI. uyaruds ftas.iathuentauxm n&Ad1ca xostafs;Mriew Bsp g,. Otaam - iai ta gnealyCrifi 3 aer. i. lMunkie; nsituateciail 4re for:au Ah tbiensas. . sai hek P, t e asisa e * - gscj lunsemeMon as t hu ussu ohvearad ctirdif ioyatds tuai tra, open ta Oitdful ift taydo tloo tyMt dt.m- ltuthaipisauMy «@4s.4feruaut B t,, M'te. N Prbsa 'ieu Ctsctun-îatuuu atueSu acu if B. Armstrng;u2tC.rpupsgomsfyisnpace, ilau*iarummass.tsttiiass. tuussua appuucu litai gr a ui 3, F. Maria>. ruarug , .Vugp.adieu. Au>- 1nfaniuhit i l ul liebr u"tus. Yeu u bhaa he hars8sudlhua.Ns Phîu asi is baiapretfii iKe tiginutinwll Bt-etc. , . hieMi-o 2, *r A lumpbs a - 'n oi bt dn'btloughoyowîfs 'eiiial WbituItiltus nrchPubhlie cli ou bsuh<iiy unuiror£mgqhutechN Miels le twutw_____puoyesoaw bonl 5 ittlueyus aenin olingTintthuaiuelOfic tbut plauc btsag tbttatriiud by rus Ttc tbre mii3, apM- bue ycl rareraelia 'mauteitug yleg*uàapmnîtusasuy,' uté bstses ssmuaiuuwc uuauTe t>- bamie open buiTyclerace'asup. ueunitrrng Yougfmas'i uWwrava-c "Pe lib-AT h caass.,onctlsuutrsiTtiareerctu cntsrsu. IAIALIiîuaydon is f niI .ALr oe - t 1ruilita'pMbahde tus o seuutsluhyunuu pothsis. 'f'lieu inuit T.ubutcuT. Rusisse ruS BabI so fHmlo ucceututiin guiittlg trutncwih bishuuiubaeacie.le ws Wha vîs llig t ote ubuthe dire SN h> at thr rsrusî ; I tmi lsag uut' t ace, tri. aeas Çidnl o hewsrpstlaico a tSit eth ira edu ase.y usatelshenuhhsoî 1' tM lnigai uamacut-li adtati , natt ur S t uiLç<tJ.- eclbiabeutb muu nden oh nd. Thsuait ain h u et iss'l.s n he n t-succ s baca d at-t csisssTua s "ncu Tb roto rat-luis îtli W(tuttiuuuaanaui, - ind oflasi dPr 8tesutvb é b rsauVu s a athmet hoiiswl Thh o ycamplis prc mg trâ.W if Z Ure u.iie ut kass uui voly187thu is feui nuve ueiaa tfiMs alt s -ll;riarsCaaafrtasot-oauiO bertou. aute liaso , A hu surrangr vicutwax p duAuriuite sas cha hithu euiitsi- et- Tb1. h ut Iur bM i-itn 2 MdsedruIiutust3,Jlbu l b fdit url titare tt honiutabduYlia-u eaubsu: ui sain h m*qail mte ; Pn o H mit nseiter an as bar ut Sus t stile ai» lM e r h a in emalth hCeoMarirsu u Tra u isag Pslt teta &nh ebs a m i 4 Cuitih ra aaràetc brauuBeijin tia t- - u tc it- at i f u t lM s . M x e l i i e u n d h x m h b t id a t ê e k e l r n m k , u a a i n g o n M n Y u t-y.ou omttdb a çn fnilasw4 D (o p vr me Cniiisred blu BluatutascuWt 21 Bot wereoutclsu.XEONet t i. s a s i s s . J a i > 3 - - b r a u G u e g m u c u n h -a i t ria C , LtAetfai e d Rb a i s M a t U a 4 Iq g t u n t ai n t o i w l Ia n d o w e n I s h i t e U S m c iss at r dsAnlu s ftl u rt T rs vaai lte ndbu- e t a ibu ab m iuu tuiiiaiip h ea igut cu ir. iisu-.ura.. habit positio. HaVins lofti11.4pH. 1-sasc a u t rc. cun cutsdi ttr ruu ibntueaat su ui uee ht h ssot pau l e.he tu an bai se «W m@% a 'l 1 rl in u e ens t M s o ao' » àor o a-u.sss s tututu-bli reibr bsad u n osui a ururýedaloqtah inis a T le riinti entudI V.u MtizuuunSatnr, b se ilh Me W ouren b lile , ndL UpthaHians crut tu-sua u tub-uitt Sa buaVoir. u-uuttmcsuiadla.-bau. f i teanur=nu e bhu t4risurse J Mn -- prliitebîeis arn& IluilelOu y bmk b tl miW - rbtiairata.harylrdbs ', . u t t u t c u s a t t m i ; t ltu u ceu su a ea u c - . a i s i TW .gW .e eD al o f u S e . T h om s9 9 t - 9 a a h sei tl t h nIs ol rom .oF L R R ucssit mn;micu iuu a. gnetaturuý, alt beAuu u iuihe ob tuhsiu ig uchhure ent MItaj.u r, q&t4puaru e i Se epsa Isv- c Ctt-uutm- iud ta i isuulanger, t au d pacie,- l ou bth rus T h mut ui a u iias usthes; rit Ime.ha(sud Mueq. %.,long C it l arbllsaL astoiie unl.trura cdc.anesuutsututu aithepvillageaiie lu Srunpteuff. h .l?. S.- . E,>-uug t bheifs aeu rsr lu fBw owCm ngit tI afine at u atuudonhm StPIn ' biday ifi .fpc rt"t fl as( Iobfl 9 n gnpCnI tcrs 'f Pesidrit ru r mt] 433 eaui.cemmirnlduh- t rmpon ieoer0 SWdTifl" edeIle * elJurelsMs tr hiSthWel.nelyIro tt utbu-rtsuudmemptin, _ucyhI>- a 1écisbst flold on J11 Y 2 - b oida was k ia A nn e J rdan trtk fiaisol A d a l s f 4 d a h r m i e s n 1 l l b t d ' r m t n t e G o g e l u. r u t a nui t h e qCu ea d > -*_ _ _ _ __M Waosuaautoavaaug ilt. ne lmas ai aSis"d au th o;O t. - teutau uut itul>-cSeuig b huic, lua>- ieieaiu ter83,aonta« cud lbr uroftla l'au - uuld4îcrTasuatuts uituStiuletswWMJ l dd aiy tba ii K - he ob c -u raILmusbatuathusrubttlriegrnýêa & tHe, st ulai. MreasdM u.J C uis hr-u atrlarpeurn utgi u I.-B isthe um sTueo a>- . u i - is e"W luorana njuv etetfl , oi tl* 4hnhrdisb t susctuuua uI e uhesar Oyen g uis. u in.he uiorsresCRuL.A.Soda- it Masdsy - do t,,i tI ugmue . r N ese4 et taiul, T here P h rb "h uir * % pattu si Socurrt iud a m c thua-Iothe ii-Ll oushp.ieJGb orgetBas -QDvtwei.saKe a nebrins bnba «bQ Ak renaiH ttau iliic o flchu b a iT ,h it ct au- n t he s .eo d ga fisu l d ownS un a .a e »d t h n i n r s f t a r t eixucushitv-eauf tcheu ad buluca ha Lsur teMceOgstL an neý ee varlsgvsaesing th be hre ette iea auraitte ) s. G aýr1esteIiur in bue Dthewher-aasvosuJusa a puin eitttl.a.ud9 u ti aiedth vsuiis. a W. uoncla. Osrusth bttr - AIisameissq and Esc A; wt a te ttran. hu Os3 tatunda>- a Bm aemka ndcMish a -URslCils J e, re n ba e n I thu Nueuh hme.Lis4pd-Castel, aÙE ofC e l rs s a b itm e . s liF ot e8 0 ireurs Hllusrent. m hm1k d u e G r u . B l P . S it e a i ttrsr o » « A c a i e« n th c e n s i tis 8 n _« 9 AcflTaot Ot .(t -v alnymA-Wt i agtr l-J a,10 O r n e il , J I . Mhe ed b u i .P aee p. h i h r e fse h l U e ac w uY 3 a a u e , a y u g m n p p r t 1 ( t I ) j a n l n , B r h i s l as is t p e i i e t R M n " " ' " l