Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jun 1900, p. 3

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b.eead nh poingsudifohny mi n sg mt at ast, for - to. I boueofeundeo caudoumnai olA. Walac. os A tBOX. TRT ET m otPRCarET salve NTIAuirid. WewulWnctht V and bav reomne.mt o neu4 finm GR5mtaO At crs SltFN u DES1-mTrckphpog RYe. &r. aso n xcelet uvete.st4le U@M.*bf Local News. nt aa.Yof Lludm*jc. Cotton )-t' Ge,, Ling injoid up wth qnyoptenua e' otc u 0 m Of oppenho t M )ise Kais L.uo.oy. Who bu beeoisit- andto to Miss Leurs Poter of Te- intgln Mh.hizan. reloroed homefaotI o.tto. spo:t Sttdoy in toton. Satrday. . Mon Eilroftok. of Gaylord, Mich., in John leabeiistonm mado à*4.oo htp n't..ttto gifrc nother, Mo. T. H. laaery. ment of stock front tbe C.P.R. yards on onf y 25cttoit n f Lindsays Pink natier 3 alvasOi5tau 2o0osbos. y Salmton .t on rohîls, had asy ofitfo ouc yet 1Wallac Dioin, mho la in the rn Wnt.Fofo, o...otOOInI he ~ ~. . of nPatterson Bru., han becs con- w ni oy, a osis gfoomat th tC.oP.fR. ed te he bourenne lentot FridOyr gtton. oh o o rotioo [om ato hinh oforeveoluçfrusuthe rosunloinuries ne. gri, ýicbc.,find ini tebisboue o ioed^ uarawsy accidenl t t eG. o oopr of veeoks. T. R. station. While beoud Neil Patter. R. M. ron.of the Simmers Seed so ve driving near the rousng the Co. Toronto,. sot otfo the ilet ime borsgot frightrooid if a train oinbe ontordaVt thot hing ld op on i, yard, became tosmosogemble and rms homer hor hy a-otoro ataok of pneu- 5gwaY. Mr. Patîrriuo or -ped ionury. t otghtbut Wallace in sortie way gol etanglodl in the ln as dtr.ggeda ononderable Somt irighthre ow,0fan# Lind- dustance Iefore ho ooid get froc. sav irdy wtoh Undoreusfur rlsowas sevrly briseil ndnîoained and and wtoon4c , 5. oS.. uî.-and lotu bord te lietpke omin theobus. oithe stoottet Laces and Embroidories evc, R ogss IOt Aur".-lThe subsoribor f.ttO:Motoon oramesntret. n wmut udt by ooctton 0f tho Wallace Hou"o Th ooday rooong. twon door ho ys, tiedon Saturdoy. jar3oth, igue, at a p.m. together. the trgor onr hinged. The (utess previoonty disposer! of hy priroto froro r %if tfbligehy fooiog aI tbesale). the foltowing proprrtv, vî. :two- tttg O O ufh-tory frame dooling on lot 22. South I:.ott1t:r Oltto.Mill Street. Milton, trd oc.ner5otnnis, Rrtrnd Ct.ttr and Tfnothy Seed, itoheu aoudWoord ehedgond oliar, L h.ierNotth.oototonoof ed Oats, weltOad citerO5gonddnrchardefrunit t oto bh.lsoftiSo.,d Pros froc from bug trut: aluie roogh fot dwlliugou lot 7. and5o tooritsýH.oy,at HU.ME BROS.' Kig Street, sot of Cort Housot>j tord t-ro. ooTencah. 4otf torten. 5 rocns, itoheo anddmnnd shed. Jattgrhtt:frr.andtrtD. Gavilt ,rolelandoisteru. stbl,ochoieofruit er ftrees.Veryreasnablrterms.-GronRGF lîaotfttr Jnttge Mohihhon anod Mo. Loosso 49-4t. f0of t llti,o, nrofront fihingt Frida t tre:preserro of the Milo! COONTY OCno,.-Tho roustyr 0000 frih andtttkrtrecl:tlorCmbetllille. cil mitt mccl on Tnendoy. nth nt., f:Thi pt -s s pottl h y heavy ron. mhen tho prtuoto# oluesu s itt e he Dr. W. E. Robeortson, on ni Dr D. oquainalion nfi-the asocsmet. Under lttRtot gttroo.Mtlton, hou posued' By.Ow No. 243 in acoodanue witt h.. fonat -onsnttoottn 10 cdiZueat ohapler 27, ho Vi., tatote nioflOrio, Totoonto ntsty oed hou ooeie the otrrk of eey muiipnltty iu the dgtoo of M.IBE Hoeo au poohuounty. exoopt Nasaozameyo, tout ho lttrrt ty-,tt .rot. hfrete eiotrored 1 to leilh tho oouty otrh, (,to1 . trohe meeting. a opy of lnt year' auesmet rofor thenueof the ouroiti Re,-.T I. .Wala.ff.oerty of Nor- in thte equllotion. Copies ni the onttn -1,.h.toreootood potmisston fronthe mut be fied eery third yeao. In the Artftt:tnftt fOlCoîoohrg te at as itervetiug years certified staternent of -rt oRo. E. A. LesterBiulîop- asersmeutt wlî besuicienut. os ttOotrEttgf.:ott. Ho hopesnnuto otbrie ordrrd bylthe oouOcit. ntotttttt itototomuaomc- Brsto.oofCoroTVRsso-Frask Rt- Et E't.Mt n oou.T.AteuIoOledge Frank Dnyco aud Fred Harrosu 1"11 1 b MAI ARK.T.Attntinmore'armted nI Chioago ou Priday. isirc-lto lcfrO tottning annODe- Thny arc the matn otho gagged a police- tiretaF> WWalesofhEat End meat mon and ried to fob the Parhdaleo rrtof ftt ho n prrd tOn unFItt brauoh of the Standard Bank a thool rttttottoh rctothe hcquarer o intimeaeagnd Cerner ted uooessful bar- ý;go r , nttltfquantifies i sPeoll glaries et Anroon a day or tmo lter. ,ortttfr cotit M. Wotono fta un otd Rttdge 10 ?oett ietsmontntcd baoik ,ýt.bftftd nfttftttOO0..burgtooumbhi hCanod ccerpennlncd. lfttftf,ttt,ffnth..and f1hc otdfashiOnodiHerau bonuaI trectsvittd. audsohou T,tfo.. f:f.ott to ttoo hgsjnno bogu. i porriofni age ommilted. a burgtary .toerl)illa.tn ooietandinederu-uon- thore. For Iiublirewasuontecedat oot:tfndoduwmpadc rBamptntn'iveyeOs et Kingstonnud ,artfo ttfttg crîawlsor flicem enab-lie babd tmo uded frn atlomP. iinal iiieosthiu seaoouaud de- tef0caPainUhfhilhcnearly kilidatjatî tooti the oloonl vigilance of bonnle- guard aI Bruampton whlie omaitng 10000. hitior oatf grtoltnrist. fer te Kingtu. Aller donng four yoOOf lic mouepartui.Hecdidtitrimon Mýj,,s .t..oCNOnOttOtO.-The OulY Cotoado. US., fer teaing bicycles. 1 hat:ge ioMtlou Ditrict in the Stationu.aud lbe bas bhencaro i otd ith a lrcat .g ttoonittttocuilludoitf.adoyted manuyCani n kand goernmOolt fýu a *to aa.s. onthe oating ni Re. C. G. offichurglaries. f Utr .t Noroat. Rer. A. E. Ruse, f..rototly of Miltonu. mous spcraunuatedl A Roa tPET.-mturdoty'u issuc Of the .noo:ttt of filug bon Ifh. At the Torouto Globe soiained o pitrOfi n :tti,sottoetng Editor H. P. Monre. onif mosou go, al.oagbf tienrGolden, ho Att, Poo Prm. otfere ns .C.Themme f wauthe ubjctofn týttheActn Fee res, dEýeed n .os he sanion n illustration in the n.ohal. Jnc oth ojl boomon-May nuher onieTtSrand Magazine, t.ýi Sohhth aiMnscsood UP. Cbnroh. 1:r sfh Jeo .Fed iIl os lto ommunion services itI beu- te pt wschompbolf the at thedmnf d.ofod hy Re,. W. 1. Gllepie. DD.thetmgooot rsLandaot ine h Anytumoît, Pa., on Thnmsday and Fi- aoble id bu5;BeV foy ocOIiO o I otonh Befmeof nId Oudbrougbt ifitO bthrvlag.A lienîh and the Resrrtion t heu ho doe .bi osabIlii fteodif lctI of the fot seronuin thecourse on ro ryandoraine I, lho a il edith frooro oand tillf ho oecahd abbath r. Fictdu nson, hrne el h otoning, jarre ,oîh. Striebetî7.1. dng bn tion tf. e fie GRINPonRToAgaodoupartttuldco hod endeovor tu ca. ilbrard tfeoauspcesof the ladis' aid of Boston tlobehIal niofhW pricei wontd Churoh wmli bu hetd aI the home ni Mr. bolug if it ivec. i ly, m0 ut kidl mou Jonathan Smnith, lttet, 2md hue. Rs- n rmd s ou ed a fet mabo q.toing. on Fridop, f1h jounc. The annoilnooed fi R eb thpeOPt tffomtng btal honbasbeeu cugnged : and pridcnofthe V8Lâge. At analho ha llonry Stm on. Toroufo, vctiloqit; ooorronl narruwa peeleoia the dongs Mis ttMa& MoLelas2d. Toronuto. lOnuýof ntbenoighohm onuauPîd tttnt: . on. Barber, ýoiniut. and MiýtermesoOcn ith tbp. lengefrot t.nboom bond. Tom urced froonhtoI. whmbiulain bia lkunli. cetralir Admission 5ents. n h2 uooufroolu bar OsNe. but Hooing hrd tht hereiea report in swfmsM. Fild sn a- ricatofiltaf cbaoe disos i o o nsesMoatildbar-".t5 Cfydesdale Mtillions nnd 0aise oneo that MooLaootthe Gt;ooeouo 1I1. han been disibled. me iuh eo..nanglsOd forcaIt the attention oni ml intcrented inThe prie te u 1,i orils i. dltait hoooe"heeding ftlt boltbouSce O- 0of ifitbeing bndilu u mie reotOs arc flbo and ftatime haveeot arivatnLondos,:d t Io~ poent f mn ualiou t fao service at bu little doubt abolit h i tnonfablms, 4 mile nortb ni Bnlingfonnsaid f0 bu the &1*. station, aud are prepaed tnacommuno- and the int te l l n dte ony in uocd ai a fiot'dons boome. tbeio anousl il.uil5sewy Grandeur I. mounuit prise atMitoun C f0tbuor in' spriug lir and lb pronoouoeSd by Kuo j usa lo rues bu bu on. o h ien t ifynu amna 1 Ctydedl aI ltions in Canada. Veto Alpe-= 6 Reasons TW/z» Yu shztdbuyyr on.l PRC THERE O UR GOODS GooDNMesoono g= a := I!leu Misse' and Ladies' rini ats aia asmo aou~snt~m --Wash Skirto. âw W'f lt es day oo tasu for tlb. Our uoalng ni. Pique and and( once ablch alIlibu rsquioed. The bricks Linon Shieto appo nYu abo mer ObWain f oum telbMitos Brick bna the comnfot.giviug quai- White Dr & Tera CCo. Thome le a gemat de. - lUes tlsey poussin mai foc bicks t Presenrion greal tbat l ane>', at the abuivse ompanys moobo Ilere le Wbite Coeded Pique Vraiem Skirto. A.d ndlkine.1tbem cool and th" Ém -11.- p. Nom Irer tabac ftom the iles "met ed bol. L"d' L.uu rs ....î8C.p. bhokia The Torontfo TerrC'a CoC. Io -fuoing Very Sylisb Lîueu Eirn. ilh Na Gini ouf, boudas brink, a gret d of oufrna- l ano>' bald and cototriai1dm. mentliterra cotta aurb, Pr lions, ie '. Ar.t is5aenmready fur oipmusf. Tan Ming% .........u1.0up. oftcmatgo te Cn Un.-Jml aun ue5tt r ofbeAROetS otsBern.- Mi aM sPrit Wrappers Mer rrired bre frontmIreland inibent s (readv4o-wear) S yugtrabout Ysu ycnouago. Labe ,,O« n t o:Utnokcdth. CP. R.hsieraaaeoction $.ça e mou and tilt laer travclled altb Col l cr blreo u trel. Nwom onni"lru bo sa a s mb adocto. at Ielie o ananu caseda asaumibaf lâtifle. tracele iith a cou. Randsom *oo compmuy tler tbo uyleofl the Xiek B o e apo Medinte Co., but un a mller B o s snose. andlland alaed urcala iSsISs par huite f0 ucheru.A shot tOmeo gn qfl W aists... LDE hbe ptoed bsteut atborubyoand did a roariug Itrade, taiug lu, if lin aid, about ' asoy tmlpod Blouîses- Ai-ON Swo in oausbk. Jlcoui ua glib Imîer l lsoc and 65r. l nWl phleulp of ure ad aHoroby man lb and WhI EfopednBlouses- l myohebimpocodnmolheonocha00 epentht hyhd usimitod faftb l Vry Chotce Bltutes- iluhitonue payin g hlm eSu5ior troal- * ttbpîqno yohc. $1.on Fa ne' meut aud anthco 08ilo. If this moo. - White Mnulin soisl- et j immie haf becis oonisg a gttd Il îh emhrody finertion $xt5on to deul ni riait suloesi alleged de"rin tu Black Eatoen'stso-nln. S.25 t bonsa ide. Anynse may Yiîl medtoîso by the bole,totolhbeulioened poan- titiouor roqnaoh aho attomplu te ret- flu.P g-.-ir-Ttu r patientsoansd obooges lom for il lut able Ou e d -o W a te 000 fout nf the Medirat Act. Os Mondayolt tat wmek Jsnmle deceuded Clot i g D p r ons Miton, bt bu nId otqnaintaures h n e a Iooknonstonk tu bis oltogcd dogree in modiitocteoro sot imposdb bsnt .CONTAINS SOIE SPECIAL VALUES- bat and long bni -Pdroin lisf b charred bybis pcnui 1tqco. ~ B -oseSis Aert o u nIta frouI D. jinîie y ioldcd biu lest and froObed te Kîtbidn. (sizes 26-27-28) ombre, t l 1 rporlod. ho ban farcit tît L Yoîths' Suite (sizes 30-32- "dyallr sme sre ban donotod aIh' Suitu (sizes 34-35) ie.ady $1c eodugeoboopr - Yn 5.00, Worth W. 0. T. U. Clonveution. IL Beys' Bînit Serge Suite $1 The W. C. T. U.conuyrconrcnons ni Boys' Tweed Suits, $2.50 WoOImOolb and Hlfos. 1e bu hodîsin, Miltonu ons 1dIb and fh ni Jone pron- miss t beuneuofiuns l tmî.and HOLLINRAKE as thsin t he Eorst one te bu hetd in Ml- maho it asoccn. The day sesmions ailt bue hod bu the Methodjt . uhonf-ronm, bgnunsg nifh eontioc meeting aoffi ont. Aitor- suon Session a 2.30 .m., and feu uoooed in the corrh parooouai 6p.m. forodeto- gaies and membuosni ltonal union. Thoos etingnuthe oeuis nI joueo,,thmilIZubeildi. the om Hl, tohen a gond po n m iI bu gleen, connosigno %feddms i om n Zbu hoti ni the toms by Mayo Deaoon addoomsofmotoome from loa nonnby Mmn. Dr. Robertson ; goeltingn fronnthe Royol Templamofn Temrpeoanoo and the misioarysoiefimsof. the lomo. Pinot minutecupeecbes mIlbu goos hy eaoh pomsideuf nI unions oin he ononlies. Solos b Mo. Dempator, ni Hamilton. and Miss Mitie Jobion, Milton ; duets by Mo. Iumau and Mr. MrKay. Mitu Dewar. pianiste nudMissuLawrecerasd Mos. McKay aonntfs. A ibrl olerisg isaskcdifo an the doo. Twoo noeions on Friday. morningoandmalter- n Ooo et.Los iSa l'lie ompaisafoenobof nri îng- Ion mill go to that village noaf rnmsdoy on aospeciotrain hwlblitpansfhogh Miton 0f .5na.m.. aboun ounr eooier tItan in former ycoo. The rugimeos iti omhorh 0f Bfsoinionson o steamer whbloîlwiU lente or oNiagara af s p.m. on accomi1 ni the present igb mages anduonarcitiynofmon. enoiig iumore difitilothoOinfomer ycOou. Mot of the menmwhngotoamp in auyyeor Ths yar fitartree ~Il be ater thaun uu. The miliia shoutd sot bu ashcd 10 buso if ail. The itiess of Canda gcemeallp shoutd hars in ifby as inom nite ypofnithe mou. Cop1. HoObOOritiOson of N 7 CO- pandbis exnination fooaseonnd lane -B" ertilicofe At the Royal Ethool of InfantlT.Toronto.lenf ask and O- turood 10 is homo a Pslerno. He will bu promnltef.lo the raub of colîoser geont. NO 700. mill dritl afthe armnoy, and Monda>' evenIOgu. f)nly teub srnO f the nomimsue of uoiformos due In Lorues Ibis year bave beeu aelced. It in IbAt tais mneunuthalIbe mes aII10 alldrillealOd oppear t Ail -PradentaIheboonmîng camp in f1h.,préposeti neasffit.urg troufes. m5lelbelle. are giSauel aubil £.d finia estasti d thIe tmlatter aci ls il1bu isuietià ou seaothe>' ewrilvethetIMlafarO. On Ioma'tW elg b.tms035, W gamre blCX7On h.-%W rnt sî o milli, batt«~ . foc tke coup. The aet Sbo1tJ Y"'est Tonstey ou bawe.nWaiesý sssy -b>' ow 113111-The W la 3 xi'-4 09~ The Lireate Holdors Associationsni Manitoba han petiliond the Loginature fo copensationnluthe coosî nf the poohibilnmn'ars pauisg. Asn oder hou bren mode ly Jmdgo Solder finloy dissontoig Tho Tempîno Pubiohing Company of Hamitonuaod cauceling 53o,o n oomae. Theesln groond for blirisg Ibos Lord Saisurny contomptes reiring frontheMiitlyofniForeign Affailouor the leadership ni is paty. Ho has ocrer mostinned suob a conningency. asd i spirits*ore gonýd.' een to the polttoni that for bio is unuutnjonu. F-IniIy. hile bis lnteomst in homo and oeign affairu bu hooner llan evoo. MARRIED. Mtfo.mk-ATKIN Os Solurday. juns.2 by Rer. A. H. BaldwilkfAI Sains- Cbnreb, Toronto. Haroey Harold Mill., f0 Agnen Z, yog«ufdaugh- ter of EnhI. Aithes, Roi.. Brampton. Mbto.MNon T-WHTOf'foot-0IÈ Monday, Mayo28, by Rer. G. Agar, 0f Bramup fosnIWest Pasooagc. Hntnsillo Brt Maoobmeut, Cboochvillc. 10 Ethol Whlbck, Brampton. Eînus.oLu InTrfalgar. onu rido>', Jsso i, Fredeolcb Herbert Elbbatd. aged mu yeas, 9monh andS5days. Coit-Is Namagamopo. ou Friday. May 25, Mary, ile o niW. C0o,aged 63 Pînootta-As Oakille, ou May sofAlan Geoaod Fishehr, uged iu moutb. WILSON-At l)ahoille on 'Mu>' 2l. Thon. Arthur Wilso ged sm yeaen WossssN-Af hS ruide, t. LOUSo Missori, nu Tbursdy.May 3sat. Audrca Warren, in is bita yea. MGusON-At Goocastomu. nu atar. day, joue 2md. David Darlng. inant sunifM. and Mms S. B.MNeGibbdo. aged 9 mon"boand m1 doe., Why CoughP Wb en car COUGH DROPB aiB eaucI, ?Try tace. Oairebatby wuue- A. Eei~QW~~ Piques' GRnghams De s, Plqeu.rded and at ....... i5C. anc 2m esPIque ln bine and at .... z,j 15îame ,erised ' BeuS... dinotl. blue and blok. le Wo hlno. tuu shirts-3c SOMMER VESIS TC . ver Laces-~ tck, creaut, whitie. làI y Gimps and ik onl Trimmings rtment ' $3.50 wortb $5.00 1 2-33) $4, worth $6 1k fi 86.50 and $7.00 1 DWorth $3.00.1 E&SON." Plastering, Kalsomining and aît bîndu ni repatng' doute o the thorîcul înoice.Ali t oologoarauleod. J0111 A. W. XENNZDT, 40-4t , Pearl Bf., Mblton, Near Publc Enhont Buildings. SPaper Hanging jIf Yn ompîny us t0 papr any roin your hOuse, thceoîl bu whentejobsdon. se.R au mdenluelsslnc.asu FRANK PEAREN, lEm"au PITo tâîe id. ISIWUaL PAP' CÂRPErTS AND Cu TOIS MOt4TH.- We aeà rpl g h epie wlth values ln Furnitureî .Bedrom Suites, solid hardwood-Dresser, Washstand and Bed-S10.00, N, antique finish. Psrlor Suit, mahogany framne, ricbly upholstered in fine velour, for e,000 Natural Finish ]ireh Sideboards from 87.00 up. Splendid variety of Rockers; EBasy Chairs, Couches and everything pertaini * first-clas furniture stock. I s~-CAL-L AND INSPECT--~ I HEMSTREET BR(1 OLIR -B- Straw liats Rog ris.... SELL Are fi. Sollers t - 1Wehbavetohkisd yon toont. t Priso aonauohI Balbriggan ( IN ALI, IZEhI. Beut value in market 4 at $1.00) per suit. PATRIOTIC NECKWEAR Att the somes thodro anddesigns.... W. Bews' Bastedo 000& Co.D OUR STOCK0' la centînually heing added to, with noveltiep in sett- senoble goeds and ait pro- sent Centamtmn- This easonus styles n.. -Dress Goode- and Pretty Blouse Plaida om sîtyenin Navy and Gotd, Nent Blousud Red.. PRINTS OINOHAUS will ho wern this seasen. We have a splendid range; plaids and trips, new- est patterns and celero, 10e , 121c., 15c. and 20c. Cotton Shirtings et LOVEDONS.SIOJ j .v"LIFE ASSURANCE to.N'àO. j THE ROYAL-VICTORIA LIFE CO., If MunirU- e y l h* ,lo I f@lto" 111d-, c-nosbaemhudho moyordllno -Y' *bioonlris. Th.o ln.sd aloes dommnn four 1. Ioa o .oenoborlttif thnb Irbmfd.luP., OMM Ie TOM SAO<CWOIART OF CAMILT LICE. Foorta-, .p-,so.&,., p',frt.0 G, E. BCK, GUI Wusonn 4 O t. r itu.. Soi e yuwant to LOAN moneyi WH Nyou want to BORROWmnoney, yon want te INVEST money in Séoch.t De- CONSU T' F. H. DEACON, Financiai Agent. Gooronlecd ratep ni interenf, payable hou yoarîy. ýe@mmlgoMiIton1. 01 4. 41,5. () Or opoords pe0rcent., and principalten. pidolo ntd of s.1,3,4, 5O1 Toyon.as inesfoo desioco. Haotltg glen n p buiness nî Dabitll mtilbu' lond qimystlt:t phooonery day. We dobuiumss'in the propoo.form. ~ doit tî plonse ontoonsfomers, noto penoueolves. Our wnrb be fon;t up-to-date in coery porîlonîno. Homos Irm 8 .m. lta 6p.mf 'don Oit 4Iwaysfinmaonhere. Foi Fit-Cia:: Piotes fi Euery Dsrptb Att oloon and indu,conîno f0onufnstdio and bu coioôdned. Eveoyfhing Up-Io-DaIO Newo Bachgroondsn! Nom Aroomnoriro Eocyling NewmndtPteasnau! ---mr:CRAYON PORTRAITS-eff- With iramen oompîoftoIt lhand mooh and nI air brusk waok. a oI stPricen. Stisfactooion gunoonleott. NVotond ontne agentsn. EêPjctrInoo rhmcs ni Roeoy Descripion nI Betiouf ___E. C. FEATHERSTON E.J Take Your Timeý' O WHEM yoff00 bnyisg cînthes, Boy caeflly andy bsy wsiely. bucomse yoII libly boy bore. Wormc rigbttlo okb arond-tn esamine gondu clnoy-1 xtylen 1 otisise qonîbtien ho ges prires-and 1, pur mbooo pou can do soto adrautage. We areanxioul ht yt thatf-ir yno gond and ours. Weresuse of onogounni taatnoprioe arebinynsrlfanor. Wcbnm thot ornieri lateut pîoluctiensuoIf bc bout manufactsrera. Coiltsud lookb Ml MoKEIZIE, - Mai. trut,- - 10 and Flannelettes. !-- t--ols-Wl-- A hnoolcon ue kWnnpg nTues- day niglit. damollablua a 'ot homse. MENS ID EYS uroofing a buoa luesbock and klheg a M ASS~~E fatS AU CaS' boy named Atacil.sbrNO, H lion tobe buldln a lu a col STIZLL '109Ta Pur yeooum e hooe =d,=bs e.T. ThoumsFortune, addmWang mu. zmeut ofa t= » o orI ia aerl bundreticlnei eple omebi bséoeesbtsu.InBroklyn t t elesabe me bsni- a u W. bous for tais ne-»upImm.seil drethitaaulucur>' aitas M ai lu I.waysLoea t 1 a st o ckok f l110s bm lu , Brona od ora teu aotait u b dsbadSit lala-tahlsg ahpes.îmmu berWfthe lymnof aithe negase nt ar» jeet abat our custammers a med b ts lois omeute 0lem by their nio mome wuhas r to e b.leokleg fo. derobos Fn a usr Pedora Hala- s &,pp& RIS ONT! -Follow l'eedfngs in odtt lPe - treal, înded lît by o, le 40 ,~ -, h - r. - fot 'h Il ~ I;J O hi A i 't. t' - 1 mcksle - i ai t,

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