Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 1900, p. 3

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FARr gocsoeilrefnod yoersOfif b" ntî *H*ggfin bothalfl Sun PEAREN'S SAIIPLES of Wall Paper ina.N 1)8s ean at Hig- ientham & Co's Druli and St.ationory store. They are fihe bu ciapoat and best papers on the Market. Prices-from 50. f 11P. Lovely papers at (;, 8, 10, 12j, 15C. and upwards. Cailnet id exatmine. Yoiî cati bîy any quantity, fronti une rotl up. li Comupare pricea. The rest romains wth you, whetheryjOUuma I) y or flot. I(emenîber, you mnay buy paper bore and do of fle papering 3ourself if so desired. W A mectinofi te binoulingCsubSb' Local Ne.ws. sili h be ll in W. 1. Dks office onses Giergetowno criabetravoerganizeil aconit eein exMay .t,at 8.Tc forthecomng ;esti an ar opn o ndlý.Aic membere are 1î.qatld tu a' f..riteotoogao..OOeioce pr~pese1nasbusr.l.ursof inportance 1 matcites. ouite îeransocted. o. - . OSI o 'ýL.-Alre Titere illhoo nremergrorysmeeting Ar ïtiantt alwasoanitoad os RoberIsons saiblo ConlRoa rlrsi P.ofO.ibtnn C.inMillet.al T a o me atldMs. . Rx. HMltrouii. Trmprancr in trahall i'nvia,10 Mr. May Mr%.tE.ast.30 p.m., tu attrndlte cm and Mrs. McPerran riaslailblr.and Mm. fanraisaofltheOise sistelrs PeaoritsdBu A. Cartsright,2ctmmerm.o Sonday Cîrments. Membereaarr aagente- th, lit..qortilleslatend. hi Jodgie Hasmiltc oanaas benhding Mci. J. Il. Peecoca i un reTucsay liI 1 iiv-sion Curt situogoitis arrit. Titeerlfter a logoand palafal ilinos.. oretola t,. Miton willhoitreld lo.mrro. Threilrat ill be morned b itymoaptriesa s,,ie ili ho ligit. mitasympathise drepiy itit berbeea- Se ,rrovelres ijiuide"on ttfasîrthis hlbnsi and tre %malcitîlîres. î.ar. forciags in lims of et PR. The fonecai milait ae psce le-m rras "Y eaInn tMltn stIatioicitharoeronuesicct g..ar lo elircIttis oeit. Milon Lalga. No. 92, 1. 0. 0. F., bas le \V. M. irîlaof Nerval, a grasllaeaoftuder icosideraic a gransd crlerititin b ai Dominion Day. wit a programmenotSc theiliry (jepartintfth ibe Otarioa i low'canton drill, bondcoam- Ci T steulgÏo re îeiaa geero.th priltion. long distanre fort aces, etc. tu 'I',afalar ceeçefactry. feilgoeion, and tore ii errry maeon iafr oitrilîr Protaîrslon o sieyd trte epecl laites il l i iloui hoos a as -tram for Rer. atter Burke by pre. larger orale titan snytiing othlie kiud lb ara ng hioith at oin. glil uacit on ierelafare atemptei ite couly. t- h. ,epaclore fronm ibal ton. SpecliReadytolrar Cltintia- Ras. F. Il. Fait. ai Brlingoln. oi tracions for one wser t a Holliursite & o >rahin St. Luitro Cbuisen, Falermo, Sons. Vootis Suit@, sel l aBlornil andl0a as.t Sonday. as ssi .m. Thece sel hb trimmeilansotylisit effets, for $4.0n, e acraioa f ttheltelyCommustiotI. sortit *5.So0; ots' Suitl.stucs=34 31 t Finay l,.çhIrnatendd te orotoand 36t. ewestring styles. for 05-0. t 1..a-c Showr lst taet witiitiiand- -rb ..Ï"'! tt ar faritge borirs (irel ty Misa Beola Cîrmenîn iied ystecday i1or tielad ald trnt oa ni massorsiug t te residruce f ber bhoterý ni Beffaoe. NY.. for agci figure. Sieriff Clemets. Mien Cemenls itadb Re-ceand CoverandTiroth liveinluMilon aritsttelgitiorhooiall hee f t -YrerlCisr adTmab SOtil lite. Site ws aomember ofteliethotlist f aaNewoVariericsof ond Oals. Chnrceit. as prasinentinl chsecitsok.1 obsirsf S«iPeasfreefromhs ý,)as formay yers a echer luntea .oi iSe tens cf Hay. ait HUME BROS. saay actnd oui engresliy loveil Feed Store. Teonis cash. 4-ti asu etareil The fus"rai 5111faite0 hn..itn Proersiane mode a 04oo place to-marres aternOit, aI 4 dmitc. - i1meol of livr stockito10Torotoon The Milton band bhore lnos sitere I hi.ay, osistig Ofi2erar-loads f fait t.ar9- trealeil ellinasican havesa - ti, oi begsaml sonne cairêt asd rigzl jsly lime. Luist eeklh ey votei ha. a.~tu viit Oàtrili asntee u'sbrthday 4taiM cIt oa frteMlo ad the tcresdrnof ra M.Roihs, Gaeip Iaiia. -Gs o iOMlo ai tre lto reidence f MsrrayCeasl- ITiis ltow luaI tyordipsiorhl- --a I ay. Wbat yee Oce ut offrei plrase PIAN TujNG Thetunr fo NS. ait for-Star. >hiemr et T.rente swili hoin Milton LThte Calarscl Poser Campesny bau Fýi ridoy aoutilSurday ot tiis seer t deddti 1u i ils poser lite front il hcil etptat istng.Etc nR- lise Vctorias avenue trassoruittgstaliout Inrat HarmooosHotel. 10ulite village ai BsrulsISail fr poser frm fanIsriri UPMa Te Herilil ay. Ibol H. H. Colin, f wl senti n frthneuvillge. t i&Wte lBeneu oruer Gergtown, accren-î intentonotuai rnisit electrlc ligitIIonte1 porid fifeer o Tronto comomercial 0.0 SoIn Brant asdlise comnptPmaY i; ieller5ie Po irttritri's roo preserve. lasderakt acatrscltaeligitlte esîlce tAtout, eutFrisoy. oudtillIaIt tfrout Seaei.-Ham.illasTisses. ýtait mos t48poticil. NsrScaa4,u. MtLLs5ss.-Hollcsrake Thr oetitly Sebbtleit setirvrice & So aemsains -a beatiiel displat ai ttiarLheU . Cçitrait.Manewoacl iliho new Sunsnsr iletinat Thiai.militer 1 id te t3thitsus.Bbjec-WiII han taIreairnsTorunte. here ttc r eemoil hues «coe aucter in abeban 1 . 8 tgTiI~lchaoet lrevib?' Service hogini 0t17.3o. Rer. and maptnase1lasanier iealgesc. Ap P.illes0pie, BBA., Puttor. They are sboitotg um ptin, value lu ueo Sailute Mals.. Tihe Royal Templars will ratet instieir ________ lii nSnnday. May t3t, at 6.45 p.m.. E DTEEIE .tad pracesiniuaaiy tle itelchedisi NEA11)TR RA.I-à tinrci witrre te asttsai sermon wsu1 Ou hohali ai tisa Ladies' Aid eofte ba preocitei by te Rrv. ics. Ricitard- MrtoilstCitaech, lisalorenScaon son. Mombers of sister soaleties lsviteil. hasn tsîy Scetd'to- ie atait Os Ge etnRlaes as usual lMsy 2t tber 1tra l troughEnesp, Ineteii Nearpl in iplums. Thte celobratet lonitaons ai uoe.Rosse. 11.51. ast Bris Ban day sud evest I il eCarIa t Isr pesp le, plmasudt bc agrea da forloves o gon ra es at 'es.lu addiionlu la isa aI' aa -I nidMUICAL PROORAN Winl tat i tgh-cass bandl musi.-A. H. uplesisi l.oslOD. e. ltit epe.std ra tsaiislelsB vgits e TMODIST CIP-Cil. Treut are vrry plentiflin iMurray Atr aci.lotf.pgam st CrasmordS late, nsrcCanspieuiel set tn the 2nsifont'. àa prItof H aiO s seglers ossgitl belseets 4as and 5as0 trer sonse tf Item verp large Thep aIt 4o centu per pooini. or. T. 1. Harris met 511h a vry Pain. lui acctlisI on Friday mtcslsg. fis re-ienCe ou Rynolds SI. Wi i r- toctis hok dse e aeddatallY iae .pas f isassb Fu6 or hteainai t.eaeln e s cedel ierl ta fearsi Otro.lasbse&fraclaedi-Otll s Ing . - - il as any- alld you ilk andi ran îce.à t carpet 27c. .. 17c,, ,)iC. pr. 20C. 25C. 4c. -,25e. ... 25c. ... 20C. eu and 1prieR, b soId. Laîng ywhere 97e 89C. aa sof Wail PspeusMi~ th faiain l- Chicago orusMbam Thoersa l ie ssa"y selsaCouvesn. [on as < @segata1u ustIWedssaiay oler lt eui.cite SglcasDeausey SRallos. ai.Lueuliplte 5isbopcof agam l i b. atm an sd 511 ff"cit. ;u s su b. et&&ty Rev. 9.asT.i, gttssgtss; W. éCaus. B. A,.iloruity, sud C. H. on.t MLA.. St. Tiomms Misa Rid~e vy Guelph,. sud Allas Dyssoud, M.r crossa. See programmms for icteri Mlicalae5. Dr. Quilis. of ,Brampton, saaiultowu )n Mondupl hlgitorseS for lt.elrtish myH . e sersyni about s doses ai mi~ricés. Tiseitorses sere ufta clam cr w ch Ilseebansitemsvery UtIle de- asd. Nb douisl hefe arelisonmsaia it hitos inîstlb.cosntry liat cqsld eil bcspered and make room forr5oel lng& hetr. Itoi psy lte farmeeasf10 xeeilgpoe hoseniofasy ciam, eitlb. ~it or h#avy. The Dr. may vsit Mil- onagalu eshortly. Tite wili of lte laie Jaudge Kinsismili. who died nt aIssittee osaIaiFeitruary, i00. on bis way t. England. itou hors Sied for prohale. lit diaposmes f au date valseil ai Or i,64o. suai. p of 1f. israsce 07.636 ceai minI.. 02,907; bolsdeitte.S.tt9;misitg stock. 0.. aS. Titeswili appoains is is e.Affne Caroline (Ira.. Kssgsmill. execoteis. la so weiom tshequealthed all the real and ersonaltpropeely, iuclsding life issue- sucesitis liteeeception of ibis persss By a eecesl aerangement hy lte Pont- office Departenu siit tite G. T. R.. ordisary mail maller, titisnenegister- edmatter. selho carried ina mailhby te .z5 .11a. train lram Milton la iamilta. Toronto. Qakville, Bsrling- aun anld agi pointa reaciteil y lte aee- sg mail. Titis mal il siilrie ai 9." ...Tie advautages aiflte esrv cet. lte publiecofailtusas.prniasarIs bussinssmes. sel b.. sitesmorsisu rais are au lime ail lellers are dia. riboled bers hy 9.30o am. and ltee. ui or tsenty-five mtnutes l in it ta answer correspondence belore lte clane Tite bond wiul reudor lte follosing programme au Salorday evruing. Maath, Tite Land aiflte itaple." 1day- ley. IVoltz, fromt"Tite Fortune Teller,' Via. tor Herbtert. Miaat, Soidiers in lte Park," Moncit GirandFatastia,"Fieldot lte Ciolta o Goid "Victor SBout Marrit (rltarsaieristia), OdEpito Vis iou,*'Lee Orean Smiit. Marthand Turo Slep Esigiteofail amts.~Fisciter. bCaai, WstingRafs Kerry MiII. 1Gai Bave lte Querit.' Tit lied lu Esquesiug. an lt.e Actai lise. Ia»t sweeki. au.eaiflte iowsMtpaso< etaiuatrpeled residrula lu li proo.tata Jamisa Duff, aI lb. rip aid age Qi ta year.Titis sas lirs i break lu lb. family oa ivBe. 15 sister and li.rée brotiters. stase affiseangs yeaes cash . i lrliserassuq e oci.and ose it would potably ho bat tt dapLidate. Te avii membit0 lte CFaiy arecM: .Alexiander, maths af i WiimAIeaseeMliton. sh a$ yerai; Mms.Morsy i qn5i male iMs Dr.)Iar.Matau, sel isla easod50 Mmr.John as Win. D ~, afisi 78 aud 76 yeaes espet' ively. Th e IsIl-Otaa Sufr e tle ruMd f l ire .ufferers ld e Oic . Whealhanm ' b u W. A. Clach5. Dn ir.Slsa.lS5, issshra6dlreeommeudsg lise paiisntefai. uà&mOMUtl5Ot49O aie tisaIt tia àassIy everyaternats satnrdayV igis t t 0itasi- stand sud 'th. otha&5tumà n oua of lise saris. Isas nla ocdsï. wsnrecommnended re tisaI.b ClitCLusIieBradley b. ap- cu jUed t.att ffisieand Iht tise by- te cls.am.ndsd aocordiuiy sudibat, tt the nlzltwab.tcÇaeyear beng es.d.d, tandm b ukd,ýIlv a igittoatchtnau goo ani sarfew ball risser t.r the pr.uent you year.-Repoarl a.tei. sel .The finase csjýittee reptini, re- spIa c.mmasdiigpaytat ofaccoattspaased by otiter commtttecs. aiso salaries, total $Sr)66; aieaitas au sdvertisemet be isserte in luhlb.Globe sud Mail and MA Rmi. stlitg tenders for purchase i CapsPooydehonurea, scittes-- dec.. tsresu, t.b. sahmitted 10 the conneit -Report sdopted. Mr. Armstrong moved, secottded bv Mfr. MeDoweli.ltsat h ieav ta itroice a b-las ta ameud By-ia No. zs to laLap:pint s mau ta inspers lite saterworIFtosem of lbe 1000 of Mil- ton.-Carrie. The by-lss wao rrand irstisre. andl on uotion af Mr. Artnstrong, seonded by Mr. McDowell, it was rrnd second ime in comstittee of the wbole aud te blastfilc. On motion of Dr. Anderson, eccndrd by Mr. MDovel. ite by-los vas rrod tiird lime. 1 Mr.EBarl mared,secoodd by Dr. Au. deras. liâtalhe iloisg b. and are heeebv appoisseil a Court of Rerinion,t vis. 'W. J. Aermstrong. T. MoDovl., F. Chisitoles and te oyer and second- er, aud taslite aid conribe heldon 2SIb day of May itist.-Corried. Tite cossucil adjonrned. It is reporled t1ho13.oe Joponese sili rcomne ta Britisht Colombia Ibis nommer. BORN. 5Es.trr-On Mosd& ay My7, te ile c f J. W. Elloîl, harrinler, esc.. Mlton, DIED. 0BsOWssteos-AI Omagit, on APrila24- e Wallace Browsridge, seond son of Asrdrew Browsridge. aged 3o yeoen. 9ArsTiN-AI Brampon, sn May 4, J. A. Austin, Registrar of te Brrogale court o te Cossrly of Peel, in te 65th Vear of bis age.W -CînsesyS-is1 Millos, ou WednesdoY,C Maglt. Isahlla Clemeta n e Fose. sueral tromthie resslrnce 3f gre Cemelery, onFrdy liot, a1 4 p.m. rPRscoct-lsMlon. on Taesday, May it, Rima Rsgenle VaDSiiokie, ieloved selfs eof j. Il. Peacocit geil 32 yearn, 3moutits ami h days.. itneral fromt a hec laIe rmtdeuce, Mary St. West, on Friday. sIcp.m..t10Eveegrees Ceme- )n lery. 2e NOTICE. usiersgeti. for te office ai nigits- sstcbmnandas curiese officer for te TaswaiMilesfliiMosday Taon. lMay aSt, 1900. St aiaey eepected. 46-2L. R. COATES. - Miltas. May gt. 1904:. Tosu Cleet. COURT OF REVISION. MusIlslity Te« et huila. Sels iisr en 0* glâ fi rI tggnws piE i. a * els Iot. te lt ¶i ap5My tcpbe r Of or ct .e, -A barpipea. for bouseoleanxng season. Ilp aeutinspec*e our stok of furuitur e b. sre to do so, as jou W intwee"d ~m orem than plased wi the goodsa nd surprised at the fo*4eý, HEMSTrREET- BRO, LOVED ONES~V~Ior 4--LIF E ASSURANCIE11* -un THE ROYAL-VICTOIA LIFE CO., of Montrel, s t Pl. taPti plyE ANt. SOSFmi B1155.Gel Kig S. W..l, HEN you waut to LOAN money, W H N you want to BORROWmocliey, you want to .l7VWET imoney iii Sto -- «mM bentuoes, o4nnuties, or Endow #i 04ssurance F. H. DEACON, ce it Life ~frŽ~a ats The =sI Papoafo iese asos ..N very ttrace.g'rten..AN Tite pateunaud qnalisy are, ai uc.e thcesainqustiaes.sudin titme. Tite pria.. always imporant. tats UaU ail, tS0; sot fer te manuasctueer C p n. onderstosd. bul for yao. Titose ho oitu tgel an tbey csnfor.money 'ntswill bosuteeested îaasr pvrcl. In Stiff Hats we have ail & othe best selling shapes and Bastedo & o. colors. [AIN STRET, - - - MILTON, In Fodoras, ail the Ioad- ing shados. S The best value in Caps f0 Paper be had luthe market. Hanging Cooeniu WlIroul mus -ColrdS it ;ca y trtiogpe at hie1oar to.ap opappr lefI on uhe iu groat varioty and ait ar, ror sci te f utnilore popular prices. Gearosturcilratotit îeres al.pyablerhltIycaly. -sas~0Ioi Wh hebiidote. IWWsos alt4. i4.1..6 Or opwards perr ceast aatiprincial orr- >N.A AOT crOrF. Wesa. pai atreof1, ..3, 4,50Or inyrs,orsin oireitres. Aulor Wall uss e Special value in Blue Serge so and ua1.irs ltte..u itacafl :: :a:: Suitîngs, bought before thoe FRANK PEAREN, :advance in prices. ee9IRuÇl« i0.0 SIN s-rnssr * W. fîlUt'SORS. sTAR Cycle WORKS Bastedo i 000& Co. If y00 arr tbinicgou gettg o 505 OUR STOCK41.. Now Is the Time for Ijoueceaflgý ciltiq bsesasac. rail in os te Star on de f o-a roi ilr. lu te v ilsl littataii Cycr Wortesolndgel pTces o h o n lite sengaded Ifi sysof Ite 00Bernsapceliogs ho i t a.i noreý "STORMR" 1pjto, witb noveltiep lu sea- A ialsoeo e adîtlateittasly aI ore c îTarc~~o "TWENIEIH ENTUR." auable goods and at pro- W. aise moiesa pocualuy in Famiy GosanordCild ris's Phto,5 îTETEH ETR ent coutaina - E .FATES E Titry are alrsght.E.C :-=rERsCN - Comr animse for pourmîlf. This seasonas styles n .... M. WERNER, --Dress Goods-- SteresonBlocit. Miltoni. and Pretty Biouae PPldlsi T k Nelsvies in Navy and Goli. ak Thankful Newi Bues and Ro.. Day~sa~cPR 1NTS Your Cas il lite im for tits ain italt i- puisa iehs qsIle-it oit season. We have a splendid yu llc.Bycrfiyotly Iir Iingivlsg grales-of ntshatlise. fer N l cohs Bu cael nd o lil as litie priees aste ceapor grades. range; plaids and strips, nae- U/lion re~~spoili.ybybr.W eo yar est patterns and colors, 10c., Vrigit tolooks aron-toexeominc geocil clry-l l, iac liseces ~ ~ 1 =las cmo oltoi lcaIInt srutiis. qoslîea-to grl prices-auti lueo 0- WILT -A 2h., 15c. and 20C. Vsar oncaudosalon 11 al î WILBE 81R i 0 B .thaantirpicsltss i oi 1h o. te ns noiaolarcc. our alci t hea - - ~Cotton Shirtings l. M PoKEIZinofte, tmainct .- M ndlok . rieposasislties lunallialhe else. Wand FlannealiSeteees-. shere and tue prestige oi an anetes fnr.iitlp mert lltat osr - flJt AID BOYS The Qaen bcostelhoted Son uineaasM ~~ liats Mi)iaps. ioinaes.Fmfo isteg Snc anlulel dot -.b" 120 - ForP« eas se bave maie 1h15 de- peefores.onev7 readml Re Boa eprlmdlmsals stsm eellYilfttl.t mele a t iippines ondr HlatbiHli cotinerixit l modm ie tp h oscasiia 1 1 th hiipie o .w i:rSais Frasceo y tise Unted STILL Ca2 - . s. ..5IBtat c azYa a pesatile prevostive T T N ! Slps i beOaneFee olo 1 l-, , 5ari Ap.st eis.lede s ia q e t "Bée-odulIas ba@is au f $a wmwa oaatio lasLa u Dm . la bint g e t5 tss a e Titis seasan se it 46 fla l . aif h s iw o a M r . *eas a li a 1 3 0 i i d -anas. aipdllapidla 405.. ab~ 5 i - lheeissZab i !r ~~*d. lb. Bghss es! Ui~L Pst-maeki 51h auI i.t5 a tao . Ains "i Irmd Moo timpa.icc- t tlat i - itearirgs. gdeasy to Drills, 0oWSs, -i I

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