disea"âs,çcures thal tiredf AUl the leading blood mediines mal"aybp k là -an - Brn Von Ovn rripe for L 21 lowpices.t. NOW IS THE TIME TO DYE. The Druggists. oUR DV.E STUPES ARE FRESH. XVALL ay paperitg P A P E R have Pr n'I call su d ses ia:zpes HIOOB colN . O il You'll enjoy seeîng them. They are beanfiful, andc at prices that will surprise yoli. Order'r large or small promptly atterded to. This method of handling papers givesr you a variety snd choice second to nons in Canada. I il i t ye au b) &nd i llsgadandb. ngu th mac an r Hla ut'G. Park Watu ala 'ho ud nl hard lm pa>'for aa saun af ple 1 altfmm ulu culd uuo.plu.Ho basi god losu tousg anaud brillisulruaalOU. wt as dlspluyed le admanlage n la I& umsbr, "Souvenir D'Arsaugn." py Visusula .oa eia usrpe sntrd b>'Hy M ac>' Holincuk. A.I.C. M.- Who pa'a narpao oumn lo tuabmuiGong uuCsn si Bbr bas a Su tla sud mas mot.mt niu Iatu moulu; Mr. Gollinu. baritone. rh. sag aduanaI mlMswhihh.and sang i ll aI oghongli m5ring fuom-a ad cold..ai5MisaBrnnuet, sooompaurul. Town OannaîL A upecial meeting of lb. tomu. counoit ras'hheM as Friduy evrning lu coualder he a rprlfuels.>'quralla. The Mayor lihe-balu. Memberspcaacul-Honurs.Armslrang. Anderson. Cbisbobr. Raul, Homnîrort, and MeDomeil. The tullowiog wmo ubrmitled b> the Mayor: -Mamou f ugrement rc remnovalof Port Hope Carput Paolorv. Il mn herrby aguraha b>'J. -S. tiesoon, Mayor ofthIe te wn of Hilton. onshehoti of tho municipal oounçil outhIlir iid tomn. sud bhpJ Walhrr Qulisua. ou ho- bal uft he municipalty> of Port Hope, thstlu aof thIbrrovul of thi. Port Hop. Carpot Fucor> fronm Pout Hope thseown of Hilton, the treasunrut o the suid toma of Milton nbalt pa'c mithin namonlh ofusald emovulfourhnundred dollaru lu lb. tueasuuau of Port Hope, lie ronsîdarallun haiug lbé milliduawat of opontion0lu the nooruy lgiulatiou. (Sgd.) witnueu JEGacon t Myor ut Milton. BSgd) H.AWard. J. W. Q'utulun, J.W Etut. ayor. PsrlHope. Mc. Eari mocod, uccundad b>. Mu. Hemuturi. ,that agreemeut enloraul in by MayrJ. S. Deaoonmith J. W.Quin- ian, of Port Hope ruawithdrawul ofop- pmiltu1 BillN o. 46. bafoua Private BusCommittor uf Legislatura broun- dorurd b>' Ibis esuncil.countingent ou thc bill being ameandeatb>' 1h. Legiu- tatoua. gruanto:pr. if norrausu>'. to pe>'aurm a qsrrrdthoat uubmitling. ho-la.. for sume.-Carcied nnanimoouly. The coonoil adjournad. Another apertat meeting mas held on Monda yeruenlug, the Mayor libechair. Mombrs prenont-Mnsta. Hoomal, EarI. Armatrong, Anderson. Hamsîrorl aud Chlaholrs. The tollumlug agrementmas on- uidared: "Re lumu uf Hilton and Port Hope Homo. of ugroamn t anul1Ingilation (Port Hope- aguaming 10t. brtait un wlthdraw oppsion). Itiuhoua' cirasdoufollama (Mayor Deamonon beiffu:fMlton): Tha toma ol Hilton 10 puy Pib* H smroo ohan- ourpal fuotor>' = da loubous in Hilton-s par agrarmaut Of Ibis nom tha Carpet Compas>' mi5 pu 0000 ou fottoma: Iu caru>'lng out lb. loua the tow mill puy theCarpet Cmany $%go ta Port IH"a. p>mahoi > b pas>' (undar Ithesai a greement) tlutlb tomtoba o imtmeddos05.. This wte asubjet iulbrcallkýoalou lbe toma futosn -Duaed Ibm oqthd"y ut April. iqoo. -Mayor. 3. Syuu. Att>'. Mi Anuutan8p99&U ait~ eu«t wbsî mhaer SM&,ebbd tliSlit t. " The lat. Dr. Usuc. lb. Lm oarpr. Il. rgaulsr.W2us Ura engagea for e ciis sud .p.l.gu'e of argas lu the a rbulug.ad bs lower followsd thln about wllh s decaotk*whishwoald haie hbon rUthtcIf t land at bous suamui r unTe lb errh. u bth d oh b. ure n th. eo h dlp as lb. o lsqr lesureaad ofa diseingthe rdhbwnqry masud wlhi lb. urrtors sbcgtrald r "Il. i witbl dthor, 1'. hshttrsud.lbre'u ari 15ht b. s uood puoeanda bwsoure" Lasgms'u.______ Gra-Hav dors Il happés, Ibat pu dnulîrudoult CleYsacsu u>morr? lus as o lubrus about the aiee cale of mrsl hie lwsy4sentrul~0. I la tbroasirhb would'l glir pon u eill?,The Wl papotas for tho new nesoon Grsy-On lbe eoursry. Il lu boas.. b. ara e r>'attractive. dld.-Boslou Tratnscrlpt. The patterrnsnd qoaty are, ofl MARRIEIS. courue.,Ithr ,ain.quealiio, sud lunlieue MARRIED. ltey arr nupeoh. Hauior.Buocnuiic.-At. tic roidouro The polor. alwaya important, Ihmtus ut the bridon' mothor, BrunIe. b>' thre o i 0; nul for lb.eruanofacuer Rer. T. W. Klrly,' B. A., uf Calile, pou audranil. but fou pou. Thoue uu ktdb'Rov. Dr. Sîrougaan. y li :d, 0 glalto o o rn> lermo, ounWednruday. April os, Cho. prul wll lie interrated îun our prioou. Holop lu Estie Brodariob. cîdestl dangbleruof theotlc .George Broder- . Bastedo & Co., ic, Gq IED. - MAIN STREEtT, ---MILTON. RoiNsrnuo-AI 627 Purtageravrnue, Win- ni gnAprti 4, Mary, balovrd mile .I a k u ol i.Roîn. .anlahr of the LIf& U lae dwrd rArralrong, of Hornby, n7 davuand 27aru. . Days o.m - WAovso-At Brampton. ou Bonda>', Apiil Isth, Isabel, relit of thi laIe Cone al the ime for thora uhu in wý Wiu. Watson, in lier 651h >er. 1 dom do ther trading ilh u. When LAzru-Al Ouholr, on Bonda>', Arpil yon bu>' h. brut qualills-the ntsfau- uoud. Sara Neal Laler. in ber 43th lron-gstng grades-u ofmrrohuodise. for yeau.* 1 asitto prioru au tbe obrapur grades, Wo.oî-lu Milton,..ouMondal'. Aprit ,therrrostlayn occosion for thabfolooo. o>td, James Wstdio, agod 68 peurs and n moths.TO-DAY SÇANLON-At Walerdowu. ou Apios Mary. helowed ite of Mcoar,.eau- 2'.WILL BE SUiE AN ooA&IoI. Iona native of Krry, Ireland. ea- - Price posihiltiion attajuabte cira- j __$5000 Wanted.« wherc aud our prestige 00111 At 4 lper cen rlt tuacorllIeront lrribi>' asuert itsotf 10 padquarterl>'. Apt> oay 5,Mt1u onrpatronsu. F0. a7-lf. ____ ____ 9'ogoes~1 P1astering '~i aupoes Iis mont Iba piî. fw 4Icnscleniug asason. If yon have not inspected car stock of foraittIÙs be. uro 10 do so, as bowtl lnterested and moré than pleased ith the goods and surpnised ailb.thes puices. - IE!M$REET BPOS _____________ a, ---.-----~ ----I -~ Hats ... AND Caps., In Stiff Hats we have all the hest sslling shapes and colors. In Fedoras, ail the lead- ing shades. The best value in Caps to he had in the market. Colored ShirtB White Collars in great variety and at popular prîces. Special value in Blue Serge Suitinga, honght before the advance in priceg. W. DEWS' SONS. Bastedo 000& Co0 Buuli su lu boing duno liera lau o.> n.alsominlng counert inullumodemn utiiug. sud ait liludsofut uarElugdoua un the _____ OIR.STOCK-- shorlant notice. Al orhgnsrantaed. jcf A.i ~ U nderbuyioq and UnderselliIgig s continnally heing added 4041is the secret 10, with noveltiein sea- 4-t Pesul St., Milouno, h Wnsfl ausw sonable goods and aI pro- Nou Puîl Suou Buldagu ontinua1ly offer. sent cofltais.11 __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _This ueasnau ulelcuIr.... jPaper 1.AKE US A VISIT TO-DAY. --Dress Goods-- E. arhan, om isuand Proul Blouse Plaid: WITHÔ"r B Marcand, NewtylnuNus>' aud GoiS. j IfYeuaomply Utottpef Sun> soimbsd eae --Hl0u RNTS mr inam la our houses. I be ' h on -oa t tonatheu b T « AA S S E y" eleGINOAU will b. worn tbis aeeTaaiWOu 8850. We have a splendid ~~a~omMAMRIS range ; plaids sud strtps, new- j ~est patterns sud cololc FRANK ~AR~N. sTIIL <e0 TM1FRONT!1 121c., 45c. suda o. 0660 7- ~ejYIusbnNvePl1WCottoù' Shirtings lhissus.wêbua ~'and FIannelettes. ge Nowv that. spring is.here yqu are mo11% than likelj to need something in. our line-possibly~ an outfit oer a new home; perhaps only an odd hiU of furniture. In any case, here us a cordial invita- lion te thoroughly inspect our stocks. There is much~ that will interest you, fqr the store is crowded full-, with the best and newest products of the leùdinj- factories. You will find ample reason too in thUl wide choice and low prices we offer to justify you iii buying everything you need in furniture for us. Parior Tables. Dioiug Choira, Pauup Rockers. Cuphosudu, Raton Goudas, Klohes Tables., Be-rooru Sets, Huit Rucks, Iron BadSa.Hatl Bolîcea. Brua.Bodu. Bah>' Curuages, ChiBfonieta. Bah>'Cartu, Louugcu. Cadîrs. CoIn. Couchbs. Mattueeou.Sîriogu. t Bed Louges, Curtolo Pole*, Essats. Wiudoo Blinda, Muluc Cabinetn, Taboorelles, Paper Rackn. Suraus. r B.okhteifu. Piitmo Shaus Holders. r Witieg Ges. , Etc.. Eto. Thc ws T mian omau fuuthebooow slecirt.hefrtrth b ha boueo laoou.ioutohbuymwhenafavorable opportunit>' pmentudi' f A T O N C . N Wml tb. lim e. O p JR.IJOHNSTON E. T ?1ILTO> Ncw is the Time for I1ueceaning"M-- If ae rua acrous a pcture. dont throw il away, but gel il oith ,Zfse ol 16.. ew mualdings which are t.> ho ucen inour A picture always addu 10 lbhea'euty of a roors. They are uheap. We alao imabo a specialt>' in Farsil>' Groupsanad Childreu's Photos.. E.c. FEA-1-HERSTON Sr stiAaarusoksrsair f Overcoatiiigs and *- Heavy Suitingig ThtI amr olaiug .. At Greatly Rcduced Prlces ** To cdurr s. CALL AND HAIKE YOUd5ELECTIONB. WL UEiIZE, Mml tiUe -MILTII J. H. Peaouob West Mary t. m W. Logan, of ('Gorugetown,. rliotodin ju ucaoau-Jem oALkinsu u aS ob bu buý NothweIt Mmttt ed Policr aI To- Johnsonuousghf ao.son lo fsuakru -ttuoun idav. t Oakitte on Mo -luy, brooglil lhr, John Fcatheust.ne, drovsru.ahippod on honmc, anduold thcmiithisua shur tint. \lond&yhbvC. P. R. 250ling,u23 cattlO The auoheu iu nol coufidrad a gurs 2,, tavan ud 12 aumtb,. lob.but mon>' peooldu hiktont o lbe !useedaet inthe sprimg bctora thae 'Irm th Cuuua POSTORutuSoru.A lrgc'watercauses il 10ollfen. and Ibruais al sdautRohnul1 un rme diuatfsriou oib tis nuaqbhor- mejin.P .bou 54, Mton. !bod utleua dars auroun thSiteA trou Stuoo'. GRAoS-Telu. r-' eeno ei proolded uil* is«I ,e>nl gassfou litltoo htglh obooto fou mu>'. prerentu the pisgru au t s tI, schoot ycuuu rodigin tir- uut w5ql1 frum gotug nouLh of Oubuile. If5h. tut Oshillu $;Soo, us ad Ieougetommo 1 taw roqires that dame ou tucarsu snb c ,que7a thelb.Sixteen mutlib. povddwilh p, fislob oyu the inourecoof fsnhrimn bould jW. Muphy. o n tiuiotou cpOrtFtuer thal iti% en0oced.m 0,t wi nelr r ou b otomuft 3rj VRSoouMr.oîs.-The annul vetry 01 Stords>' ight thru youg meoruicuajmeetingof utGuaco Cliurub.adjorued ti 1-toto alortuly spot ou Aterdensuor. from Eouler Moidu>'OOeî.W5nld hi .,;ttrubbed iiofttt12. Sputatur. authe cuhotbouseoTu naycueasing, th RZecun lru oilCbur and Timthy Seed, thc iuuumboul. Ras. W. E. White, tn t t ice New Vrities ut Seed ots.theuchair. The wardenusodnd lier r i ,5u05blsof SeettPe r fro>bug potuishoood tlefiances ofîthepartuh th md ou Wtous of1 l iat iI UME BROS.' libuin a a tiufuuory condition sud or tuesîBStore. Trutouli. 4.f god progresimade inuredolioa of dch i4 ounte ohuruh. The folowing offioerr th BTour r. Sr.our.iatt SumTANDARD- orucrltututl ccora msurdeu. tDr. R. nt otir a rto of Tht-; Aitboo, lot 3. col'- K Anderson popto*s wadrs, Bumurl Kqusettuc.ortuol-brri CtwOld Gle ; udoorcu.. H. F. Nauhlîl. E. hasveuropprd 3Ù. lutosttlîîouPrig1;Wlon W. J. u.eppaudoand H. Moore; j4 f lb.m are livernd odiuig won. lu>' dutugate ru. yood, H. G Hesuru ; 'ho antiut metngof theMlto udurory hourmtH. G. Hcsvau.James' t..yel Colub. dl1 wi Sucld iu the Reading Hamilton, Geo. Joyce sud H. P. Naja. mou Saurdu>' uuuorog.Apil 2sOS. itt. ,,p.m. A fuît ttrodauuo lu oront>' Juoru Waldedied eaIbituresideceb .ueti.Electîo ufof fluceru. etc. licou ounStouil>. Ho wou lu lita 61h To Lm e per anrd wmut hum lu cottand. Ha 1 i glueLamp, Fa000>'bl Lame ca 10 oCanada over 40>easago. ireS 1 Glorut.usrps. liard Steiglis. Sleigb et Auloulfur 3 or 4 yeorn. rcrsovad to litosortn, rr looets. X-Cul Sawu Miltou aud o.touduabuubnsilhuhop, n Axus bttrcuu aud iîuîof Aprutt mcbc earred outlla fema . os ral puit STORRYS HAR- ugo. mbeu bu hutamo an inlvl sd l lb ARE. Gto'rmuusa ail f >0 ou at at edhsbuiuessos. luhieson,.AI. t b uIga. 9tq red He mouof a frieudl>. soiabes P. L. Wo>ods. oue(If Bruoptuut old- dtspolt-uuu emugueatyl>ibod sud rt ciicros. (died ou Sturîlu>' iglil. tHercpted.He mouas .brthr ut Ale. o ima lu tht totn n luhebo oulYfifies. wdo, a o Endqoro ug ni les sTh and wmou ol ntmlownrinothe jeweler fo r al ioo ace yeuddaglitr. Tbe tud of Canuda. Whe rtrerdfr fou rloblo>Olrustmt tu he oldut business The atudoanc an lare ansd inctudeda yalu19- he rple a nomber of old friondn freru Acton. man i Bramtou.Rev.hMr. Gregory. O Boton churcli, Wuaort.N Augleru houtd bear i ficae.The ooffiu mS ou eeud ill utttrdlht tmdolr'te ewt roespctng beautif0l florubutes. specblerttt oIluot open uotllMo>ay cunBua.A alelo 2-. at ht i l ittogal 1 occhAcou sape h01 the tibeat the Hard- wo.d liorp uo urt lstom bouujiurubou moue tauoer>' lu fer front stlaulemn. A Inuuîtb.aoTIru lawinou inuperstiuu feu of thebbasuds mbu baS hacupai- ;tmd igunouance tutlb. no euseurfor ia2s per ds>' eocrpîionall>' igli mages ý,ioIaions.for Ihal lauueuy, have cturnod lu murk. Those 1h01 got 01.0 5am SUtansd lemntuuolItummus. bou ceuiucd aud man>' of thomn hava reaoud frurut ,;Yed ot rîrlu ouuub uttboolarge con, the villagr, baing urca u wrk ae- Igo tOuuu onrmilluor>' mhero. The Actou us y» tht thougli Ilt'rmotudmtg a mmrt cholue varit>theb. arruer>' bau eniployed 2sa bande, Il .l und colorod Sàiluu Hots, Ol hauotben worth as M uinlothevil- UWic !ost r 5c. O>. Nom gauuuo and luge as miglil have baru Isuglud. Il f lou miogs-thmt 0cr>' leuI Iblugu mou gicen uo bou;bat il . oid az- mt a de. cnrptiou uo ï outsuIlr ttuy voaru. FFrOta CACHING m~Fror.-Mon-day lu blu opnion, tlb.eemoupion diS ast n1o Flscr lupecoouOgg cstted j w i$es y the o o I rSmBui. mhu rides aolhe Ib e s, uo t mu.>' utboanomosdau Fr -sd raiudoquntil>' rf bci o parthcin mu>'msudiaratmas b.ne r~Asu Iblu lathe poubibile ehauan deb for l1 lbusesmu b Ilte aib Sitin Ïhaibeb 10000mu mpuli>'Of Iacissaf IAton. ha tn hin puUion, ohirl islucourry toa lewtth rk ttte ta. appeuuod hfore Magie- The reoan of the elea.m W. J. 1ttoJelfu. oterort o potfguil>rand Robinonuuee laid i tb.rb.lât uel ou SucS uot.-Bpctalulru. place ru S. uhu'a - y TuraFL i.5rOurnumo.-The folow- Ib---ars-l d tg grlare latobn fuom o rtrs mou torgel>' atendu& ,rde tbi% mekbypTomwnship Teuonuo friands and ualull Jobohn cl30gul 10 be Otario Govru. jsge mIl. e r ment :tDibusou10. Blaction of mmbman are e osabr> bes ot counil. 056; altomaucas. salaries wmaoa isanlal ots-, anduoInmirns u, $977-80; Prlullug. mth the.ord M dortisiof. potag% and sttunery, tut mlev cruafa 9rumr.r6 ;inurauce, bot.lîglil.and ca1 Chevrier, spray a If buildings, 030; roasansd lbrîhagrr. fMta Hmens. S, m 5 3.87 ;hbord f bealîh. laladtsg urapatlUIa eMa salarien *52n; counl>' luaaunuau. for ahrud.lsi cOtutst' ee>'. 4979-96 ; choot houds. ilsefntsW.U ontocout ut chool rats.. *.718.61 ; i IBI., is< reuoutmoue>' for entrent rapessas. terss.sjB, uns>. 03,1r5; istouat ou dioeut un bas.kar: jý. adoonues. ret.,t1n2x64 ;sheep kÏ111d 'ora.,sioaaatt *ss morrldby dogu 025701i;agrkratoIl mslesud, societ>. $zo; reucd u of as.e __._,_ , ctourt if ravrulon. rdealli om fn".j ers. *920451 ttalisunrrsonlsr , .'Oa 982.90 balance Dar. 31. x,. 75.; i q q q q lu -¶ If LtTsu tho c-ly buy..O ILTON., AnB' J OTS', HiaU C-GapSe 4j 4 bT FI 4» ?J.- 9ilýh-d.-