ltirly vegatab1e. Eaày 5oýtake. driàte AH the9c blood puririeru amt lberba bepc ln aeci.' yor 0wnprivatapeaP«propsdift a oePpre da~y ' I.----- a-- SWi. IIIGGINI3OTIIAM n~ i-:~~ Oor ~ aires j 1 reone f t Ttbach.j lVitcli Ha.elrI 'ITE BEST PLACZ TO IIUV andi tle trouble.D UO - Local Ne'ws. Gibbon, ban sent farma taer ejiese gdring detailo du hat e modalo ani. 'le cos<ey oreil vîll îeet est nient uay bc avardesi ie8.Riy î crloy.Humaine Society, of viIisM. icova licctet Dasidon ceta c ou eple oet tea leill"sgrsteÉenitye. dey,, ah S. R. ilensthcc .ccccb. Ive slata correct e ietlttai 1, c.eesie 6ft tîre,, s i dfiteencent isuecf a couple cf veeka e1fs.-la tise j ,trp is e baaiseeeinurcî. rpetof tise metng of tiseRanag Dem. ccp=otHaliaat Louvrille ta Peiraeci l WScott.jr.. et Parkdl,i. stent lat t ns nsaitisatthe "Rer. W. . Bpartoa .1 wanMteoccs c ace, ns ciecte s ncretany, vice. ev. W.K11. Mcrc 'Clara D.cidsen e, clon has Gesden. cf Atic viso vis preneatasi broc Speding a week weccc frietodi la by ilion ojrom attendiag the metig.' it t 8:d rigltlyhve n sitat ls ecoHii vtIbac S.cltîferWebt. 'Rer. C. P.Sitîtr i via electesi more. F,ýâ Hllwil leveto-ay orWei - etory, pro tem, ie v. J. K. (oddar." 1 'Icet C'unty. Dakota, siere l6e bsn e<- Fias orT PALao.-Qn Wedaeqday. cctrl aeituation. atis at., aiet)>tt0zoom-., ra es"ts- Jude Hamlttee s hlding Diviw.ea cecere in ea tte ai soLavrcuc la s c itilgi. 'riser foc this division stre, pst.sffllre sasdtlopione ce ilectt le <nd l-nrree. Paerme. Owiog 10 a high indlaiansi \VeA. erE.-A gent grnercol serrant te vaut t fpnperoapptianaes. nthing canlsi do 1gIithous-wah. beooe te caetise building aoc M. dc Ithona- crs.COcci a5- ager': aew bile els idenco adjolnlag. Mrc lce. Wloa, sr. 37t Bot webunt t9he gnouad, but tM; Facm of îseoacres oretee orleton coatents, ecrpt thsil theaupperpeut shocts. Appiy oe prenieer. it 4. con, cf ties tore. were savyss. Amaut f 2, Equeeig. »35.05 nosmetesrepertesi. humace. *3.aes MsEdite HarrisoenIrefon Tises<ercn >y o taid ladetH. vM. eenig feorOneida o.vacco, , ite Zfrmetiy ocepid 1 is~NM wJI pen a ew ontý %ithlie siterSwitseracno s retisiabont 6ocpuer. t aeos afennetlc cc' bba ite, ega. Mr. Hoger lis0e. diag bualaes frS, s. P. Heise. la tise aid bhent butldingactecr th* The hockey match, btete Milton Stree. andl Gergene anoooced foricaet Fcd.y eeunai therriklid net come e "~ ANQUýETesdCon- cf coeeeottlhsoocblcoh ci erftinTown Hall cc:s jRPosTS FR sSeî..-A large * enososTiuraday evSf- quecity ealwo s ocd ei Reettona teg. Meais iS. Tee Li-r Kio. P. . box 54. Mito. arvesifrtr 6 ta 8 A,,iFs.SirJoh Alxaner oydoclocis, after viii A ceo-Si Joh Airoodr Bea concert vili h. n tt preidc ancd Hugli G(isthini.of.Rvnb oaoa c;,ictplc ii' ilitr Crerocoese5et tise aet.aeldow te asecers. uiCh iswll opeisre on $isC ,otb Mise Lihai Frasr insi etTsre ccii 1cr et Icoat one èrnlenal -. Elocutiorist. Hem- -1"SP ltomc The bond 1: s.-Tse OGergen Ii tradis wap ili play at ieîrvat< duriug the evening. cîs te fine residenetfJohin Byis. Admi&ion t teeaund conce.rt. 23cens. ;eccoiino, non brel te the groùnasiProceeds ie aici ot tise reme's beoet lal [lceradey. 'lie firc stated rou lise taad, Erer ciizen aiould lh. present locoore. Loss, osoce. lumiance- and enorage lise ueo, vio are neadY hcose. l,5o; cotents, $700. t alboerste prect Or pnopWert It c ou nsSAo sRccRF.-Laý9« rou tire ocand ceisehave tae tond ectld brik residcrce onVjctoft St. Far n tobed ieaolco duem as. lh feclîcer particniarq apply te S. Dic. t ifndhiccict J t . Conains,.chargeS withisbieziug Glden Vdlàg. sîcceeyfrou nt:r.Kenlly, oetisatono w Areyireetscilevntoip kc ,hr e v asenyed as a pianotMent, vr lrsn oca vn uk lc bahe cco t ted ton trial by fayent tise homeof Mr. andi Ms.Joiohn raL Deaoceandi nili bc' eraignesi cere en Tuisday lest, mt ma.t te casion Hauiloe shî nering f t tieir golde n nding. Jocige aito hsmonnNtwitesiaeding tise drasdfu itr Gasica ioacei.-Dering Lent peciril ansi aimot impaessible conditon cf tise se ve ilIl e eid (1.V.) ie r aee rossabouel5oofet their trands ver. i Chscch on Wednenstiy ecetlcafs at 7.30 able teoreaci, iieir boune an tis eu-n ccclck andi o Frtday otereee<s t 4atSain ta xenecite M. accd Mm 'Sott ,lc..Tisereis tlobe o limeligist tee- 1tiseinr oogratci.tio-es andsbtw ishsi ture iii Grc Cisrci, sholso.on eefor ontiaeed helis andihapplaes. Ilt the cvening et then aoli. Ater a etostenw repuet vilcisids Milton, Ont., Nec. 29 <599. redit te tise be:ptality cf tise bout ans Nun Med. Ce. isstess. tise gOcýts ver.enteniat.cOd bp Gecear ayKmnz s afrt-ýuic ae', etc.. and mon v ver. tise Gres,-eeeayEîsalea rennisceeceseof eely daya brough ct cles oediti ne toc Riee:tctisn. NeC- renai ioyrrencesveemdet ecîgla and JOEoS. Mc. andSMr%, Scottlinspechiesmade by1 -lsoofu 'ot On Da'tueteost-aJ. W. EliieSI on teca United Peabytnriao Cisorei s. sea-n. Aong tise geet veto M. sd Mn.t o ooRv.P. iIepie. BSA..plsir. Williamn EtiioSi ofthetise in s. Wvisa 1,elon ye.eîiogriceeasalwere the efli/oes preta Whbhd ,is ist.. t 7 clocs. Subieci: "ThecLtadad Mr ot Mae.Scett's vsseiig itedeanisi in Heaooee -Jier Numeh.. soyers eo e.Au tavitM n ias hits (ligino, ititg oatd Ocupten.' sent tec;M. and Me. J L-01-a.j!0 iynoai colectieoons brhait et ltce le- lile iu Maniteiso, ted e= ZquyU latc Famine iFond. tceuis nt h. presemt. -Mm. Lo"av ortesi an Mra Scott!*Cesftdaaad ic-Rrele--Twe Caeadiae Puaeic1 tbe latter was vcry muai pleeseotobe :la.prra draied and r<titntoeonealabectowise. i nand ILph.*4apis Stccp on. ismet near Boritoa.n et fsbisedsreceiveetfSecu Mm. sila Toroeto, y uorn:ng. A cin- tise mrolf reia1 ber e aofost blaoe Mr. asud s cctyte e cerf sers 0 mo niewraJe.onf a uber f ise ialagifli.= Peatiser .5ozStneetaviiie. heasi f sekisbdîr feeli ansigiasi ue os tred; aPiersoi, M.P., Heur- a bot f triends. ci etlie ,Iton, fnt Ort. Kicepte, M.P.. ince hertecoivasi humit boM vis Gulph~i, il ainbrotased, ansi Mmn. v nsable te hb ren@t 50ý ElineS, sWi5Rer. Canion Stand, Hu- lanlise pleutrnes f ioe . *b=g iteon. i4. bers lajued. preset enjoyetl se ites. Î0ad "ble Ecco aA MÀeav-Attflten efitytérltated tep*efl jelaigta idirctcf tee f lioing annonacu*Bai nu e f, f tiseKEat Ensi ment TieBtsspale esdlaua esrst la prepar t apl ie odr pine tby teequaer rl l tenvd leege or 1a1lquantiie t speca e tMus len ~ . M r.Waiet'a ls u aniclàùL 110ihco ORtabt5eu CE-Ibon ton.h bard of H amve held ire, Std a cf Honel Coat36 tons by isnttle playoasMri. Investmée 'Z' *<ïe. Debeutiesana-,StokSsil teeingdividends r0à * f~~10 estlpyn ehugyuloy oab hed4O~êl)b 94 46 1qtbllver 1 De$. il.* ar. lIL-Totlmarks. 3,400. 'Victo c er i ............3104 'Ada sack. .... .. 089X Clarence Tarner ..........18 Nslueato.-. . 1043 RmelLavecy......... :2z Kaes.0«:Yý............ 1112 Fr41lam .........q Robert lash .. ......... Edy Armstrang., . ....942 -ta Nra. .. 884 Id Lftle .......... 88 suo.aceOsborne. 878 NornmaWhite. . . 5 NohnrnOtaer....3 Amial *r*an. .....- 700 AaeNorrin ... ..... 697 rcace Sià . 677 ExllOK91........... 671 May Delton ............ o fa Iii. -Total marks, 1.400 Samunel XKng ... 1203 Walkr Maro. . 1089 Laywece Whartona....... :087 .Robert Butterfield ......... 33 Lily Main.a ..........16 LuausHal...... 34 PpIl Rib . . 3026 Lily.Dag..... 3023 .l..e.......o.. 90 .... & Anale Whaitca............861 AnaScot............ 780 Mca " - ...... 177 Aaaoa Barber... 699 HlaTaylor.. . ::: 65 Ethl. ..... 566 Jr. IV-Total mars,. 1,400. Frank MoCan...97 Nellie Lewuoa...95 Maud Freea.. . . 934 Mergamet Cor........... 33 r ooWedderbrae .....738 illliam McCargar ........ 93 Normaa BargeeS......47 No. eoroUled, 53; average, 47. Dept. Ili. Jr. II.-JeseCampbell, Howard Har- rison. Ethel Anderon. lut. III.-Alma Bradley, Aonie At- lagson. Miacle Lavery. Sr.CIII.-Violet Rowmaa. Elma Hoff, .aara Hematreet, Wm. Anderson. No. on roll, 44; avetage. 41. Dept. IV, Sr. il.-Marion Wite, 1.1111e Melaan«, Robert Fleming. Gladys agotdo. lt. il.-Coolt Smith, tDavid John- atone, Cisarlfe Cro... Alile Boghei. Jr. Il.-Elmer <Turaer, Olla ÏMoPhail. Z 1er Crowe, Le. Diggoa. No. on rOUl. 518; average; 44. Dspt. V. Sr. Pt. II.-Mary Miles. Wiltie Law- on, Sol. Hannant,. Kathleen Hannant lut P .l-Leoatsl)Man&.George Clement: Ma Hitcheu. Albert Kelly. Jr. Pt. il. -Elale Laveon. Roberta Stewart, RumseniFord, Joha Fanlow Mary Alsletioa. No. ea roll. 57; avetage, 41. DeptL VI.1 -,A" Cla-li. Nerria. Hermon ISac dosa, Bd. Allberry. E. Robieaca. Sose ".B"-Baaiee HUI, .Nenmu aaO<op, B. BOnaflil. M. Maias,&%a. j.Croe. "C"-411adys Osbarne. Cne liorrbs Maal Scb . Baiai. R p1"5dVsfleetF. Bradley, SraF. Ranubi., Il. Maad. No. on. rot,60; average, 43. IV.C.a-Te, 1grw. il L=o R 1 a, etieo. àJr H -Stua ampr -bectela Msadom . O1OV .S! r Imt oo p au& an d 'à cf Ïimmed aud uutrimoeed M ilijus wi me.e out st job pAMsa"waou is w-k iMnefo %a r«yooemouey ilYen vaut big vaine forit in seafc #Mêped. ÇU<wls4 ses our pàténS Rubhe'Iutserlined Overoosts and Slig we m tR.lSO sole 115agniSe 'mes *.33C.yd. * . t5C yd,. Se. ap, I osa Iissel 5 rets 't' oho, cý il'ohrge cf SON.ý Sllet] in c tIsfac- ed Prices amiltonl. (AIR RIFLIE PC STORE!1 à«]aca-'11 csI. r e s.i -ee the tahetnlg rc ltaP ar-« "au est Ithe lia.t- =meat--et-MethdiatEisursBor.S Peut .e, ens laruida± Mnts 8 o. aedormoontheoar- oh so e Prealeal.. ,ePraadant BvaD.Jaoio. HaL-G, M e ...A or D.aE e rio e, R. Kea . e d ma s i p ea o ti.fra e om ; pe h p o i a d LcI. eaP . Jo. .Wu-Mar -~eu'at Ha ,at 1sp. 3JBh.nG. ni...7co rs 'egoady . Mneliot i pS tl, I$5000onof rat3d r. b F drs alteJadohtns Y n wi ud a pe rasn tn Kelly, ~ ~~~~~~At e Mtn. prinli2ae rty ettre t saeswd cacnaddw prosw ofr ejstf8o Sorrd ort y. e4D.ndiP. :7AdllY on 45 Miteoingh in rthnge n edi Furiu oru tMi- e hadye teammratchonePa oreoitesnNe.Soneblion ton~~~ ~ ~ 16.aia.0eTma lrnn nîîs a s<.. FT____ alrCbORcta. Extnsi WITaes Thae 11 h m mcecolig l as.UIU Von Srs Pl ALoE n ____ glat a way on Moaeyeeang, ise si AaTQJ. C a p s .r aoo So me,; Babsny nrogs, fLiit. cagevr f ooe . Tse'ra v rityLenea Coita cet ia.e, v bueton,àilding -Lawes kI 4I tf s w avedeath.trap Btod ogy eaCor toks. P e i I . Ea"eoIdIn odotn Byler Pand rers n d aistetaharaoonte teelig sae n ha ilitrstyu otestr sco dd h. ntanisful t...t icuJofh mvsooLonN. . on ili tseTe.b..e SecalvaneinBie ereh e r Ro ad e we:, ereens.o h e Befretie a o uliao n. t huesan00n0.eicdaudtbe: a I e 10 racs. l h ed itre.Ynwl ida pereson oi aely metn l3 nheita coonn t 4 ar nt.prim e sfecutiner rlieelet adies.i coia n d o prunoe e tie eese n julstiefeceste appinte. 4 10 preperythaou aadapplydonntse pronlot teor SON esiaea Dre utfftsivu ... Y 7 d3uatl. A Hec O 4,l'on. W IL A G.RL WHO NoiceheJ R. OHNalueeeina Tepne. WAS SA ED Ter oi6r os6t1giteO e ___nthmaret._ew_______uite,_Ne______a tonldb te ov Ha Mltn o StorCabinets,_________ Extension ______ wRI i n oe AcrniA . atndne buteaninoometB std the rooUfthe rD FOI Jeh as eLT 2 ay-tseC4h ercsato o Afo wae. imu, sleutly lP»'L t N . 2,e re. WS. CD. S,Toeo Co o e S ir sRtanGnsKth als maGie ntec lfe Nie was oe in te FI O AE YTNE. - Tali Rer lb. OsHall.04 Isaeter b idinctar hae girne. H tis e r ouf n ame To dia tmd r in. Adolent<,o U R O C KSes,'alVRa ks ien a, mon ng cday e ae"t e sontocaoct32isni AojIsaooocon, W iertoaanas edRbyCrig dnleas e vhlh 1g:eura ma oreptvlista34se4tisaa f aeil ermeao ChJo coninnailv beng added ha- no forng thea niesan i ge rofiny âa vael andliaLoge, fadls, cr fe,:= fn t Of ta uieT e Mat tnnnacfims,0tsaSprings, l ait rofbe beuCva aiye e, with novar ieitCochs * ao caiei hay cedimtionfosfo S Lonasocanu.Poes an esi at n dak e haerea edeane.o Lot-No. 2 Co teusicatfCabsecetsohie bodu nd a pro beftaorml prae ne ofticeAfa er acO-on 4,ao itth e T uowshipo oisa enc na leinBu eg ae akSres of. faigueiafLocalnigiteerpose br sute auu cads octinn onotac rene n itnOS S = dl it n ,es an p e r cp is a ar t se o d teudr t eceea arly Ti e aa ao utyl e n.... .o s els P low S ar ole s belrae a. pnig o n les . thore a .o e at r a . e ud s al ;an o av, lei rie .Wctn ess tcE a metingpree a d uerg epera cmmtt iref on _____ or____________Th____mand____ofth oue il sletbcfuniur wansenla it ta eatiinote ilasada Forte fmie u ae en lingphtoso af voa odpo We ree e s .ec etimse ut eotne t tieev 37f-3haBI Y L LV Y Nwt lesiaN# . W, Od S;eld. CidrN'e>htuad rue.Weaseke A'IR ~ce.rWHOmNotice.f NcJIuR.msJ. tocHofNewSMou0dNg oEhad a0aiptiPe= yonglSitSA vieD. c en ewl çimeigo h et tibers ofttheaHaffon AyrcfuDr.rWi Society ~amaea sablainithelTowneeHallMMestoeweon thlut. a ae t nane, esplendasidsnes o To AR a risrlr uiAils TiENI mprter nrngeplsad andstelpoteO ThaeDimeetinngCou hO "StcelueeRi.t iat.aTZaecfge. WU~at. St attrneandcolraND f1 sSetedret s 2si .Mayeder. is r eta aieei1ry 5.sd2ej H v yntîdW to' upSrp lw achàEs t I. d M n b et - S u ause s tse cyleTs nes o . . Zolb fr e t M ot We AMse FOatanSALE YTe E NDE otRShig 'oi og; n pesn etae 5.a Doctoýs ave givW the aeekeagasyMf02 . aueiamniZ"bodlem e aTedrs will eanoWy"p9lthndene an FURneetTOCK-*%---AI O ,=ntalae"I e é e Xe CUfforL t ORlàWi4eaNewi isr-ttlla untis catra aatea saola gtiseban 1,da=19gtgdta«dePtmagOtpetif daotbaccwamboa cf Br i- d-i onneednoth.troubladultis Breah.ap.t.Coh.eerca la is moeatcd uth irah. paeyrag bydauepercutamicisanil. t- before e pros --Pl- 09 teder, baaJceA. sZntMERMANn fi notll7l 1 A GBeeMiDIC moou- oTP5'l'I "oc nuredy a.orttfl t. pr.ïse st- o'I 'i I ~1 .Oc~ -~ e --i j 1>