MifTois, Mar. S.,1900. The Ontario Goversment busa me-a1 jority of neveuexclusiveoof the Speaker.' The sotien for te adoptionsof Io.ad-OAH Mc 0 h9die tOt 0 dire«. coupled with au oseodmiceot MiTîitpjtoooop 7-ted siR taLITone omla expresoiag satisfaction wtb prOoedsogsutat îwee sithahc osinMm. ARob- hemfer4MW*Y alainst biters, sas crried os Tuesdoy i msn .Dcçe«ÉB Lvlalstwd v itY a voltetf 3 to 36. Res. W. 9. Whte. of Miltont, cIted W. woonerWho suate yossg .*# Iot eu, of is parishiosers heetant Who asa tte a Party 0Munia !h Os Monday Mr. Matheses. Cross week. and dl ot show uns egols ostat si. Attorney, eeceveetlinstructionsntronts the Meures. Jas. Porter, of Wnnipeg. andd ay nightf Glise!i ElIeciton Actaorilletthose posonSs ho fgniat Chas. Porter'.. SMAELLILLÊ Mrs. A. Galbraith visitid Mms. it' W. wre rported toc btibery by theoJudges Foir let Toendy afttoros The mont scetstlcncet ev e t the lceies trial beldO ct. t7th. Mina Affole Chtots.- ofHorsby, ;yth .Pù nt fSi.a h 4 Twbo9 wh, ies Mr. IBarber, M. P.P. for Bsl- spent Mosday siith KimasFaiscaeRobin- Campbtlvaie tooh ptFerua ves. . etpOOLgo twssainsiatd.Judges Oster and mo0-05. pli.23rd. Àtthh treathatt 0l5 Wimtd ___________ Maclellossil proide. and Mr. Loait. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McCartney vi Citte -pogramme sras othat contd have ,.. ilcnutteposctios. The etni fin o obt ietatTed"ct~~twd id the audience vos mflfiUETE M de flitstrial heoa net yet bers on- tutioscons enjetoytsestiter. il néed, buît llie fixed by tte Judget 'HORNBY. Miss Usne Wtooter, soprano. To- MO osOJu -chiaa fewdays.Moscit6. rente. sppeared betore a Campbettrittn "Nothtsa quefrer or quinal-tealoer bhlli fo dys adiroco foc thoe lime irn andi fairty pened la Dawsons dtp thon the reeepttsO 'Vie lrsinti rlopyeretMiles C. P. Prmstc's sle of fisce stockoau tsd e chaeci. BSbole, dons Sf the sthottmsO'ss." Mi Mr. fU. P. The reehld rtipaers f Mitonetc., passetl off sarysucoestolly test le t dle e ,i)vt omroonet -a o a a.ntihÙndn h ietose car la seice in wiitt'pilcit asd Cena KlEondike inooter.t iaW Cee O.trtte ltebylo orSoeda. ecethtadtgcieo>ootqnaity are s a trsonioasty combised. "Yeos Ue, lsth sPeilleci1g tf C.c e poed lonoftoe.etthe tSyer imtpassible conditionofIlthe osOs. teiigiteot notes being resdered witb Imitaiwomn.mstlfrtntit woo I teepet Mtotocloiec C., et Port Mess. D. Citisolmasdil A Robin pcerfetctasean sd sweetns. l ftnture boniedtogether te gol90 Dawono. St- tpc t ap s otn jedueet fir ils moiseral o aco~nltcfor flîttofi Win. iss Wheter silI sîsapolite teartily terated by the tsrtesof bhtih wRee oh itsd MClllds les-bolfennlat weeb. Par- selcosled le Castpbeillilte. ,They wse ee 10girls.ail etf Cis. woo tics having teoming ccntralcts tloletsill Miss Tomsa MCaltnts.elocttionist. had tees «oot;atholr nue lrt gas ttyflite tiote al ithu ave oagttod do oel le oconsIltlite asitegoenlee. slooopp erbre fer te ffienime and olrba. teosoreso nheeileil IMMs- 1%,ltheosetlteg othe oopaty,eof jas. Andcen'wsite iageiog te leavee etbipresaion hat ao aualocutio- stressiscsholteacher nd o ce, ni.nid ptj,(,lc.teîfottcletsg alaoge and pre.te cosoilyitis spiig. gavete ist sboiaounoscetted in Canada. Her ChoiadnominatihsuaiAserton pe ta fibtiraIcde, and letete curtly t yeg toiks o titotoîl dace boet Tueo- selutienss sre montl ppoopolte and hellose lhsenmud maoitetheto vil In nul day,eeotg. M. Andtres itenll eroe prseted in the mot ivid moil'tempsratnre. Aahaltluiwoahlhbave l. 't-,!st',thte cotrporatons s suffcet.etl. nin teManitoita. Wr tish ilbmner posoible. Eer appeaasein Cam'p-hoerr. hit ot mos bancal st Loke t.thec peitnts eitotid depend te sueces, in itto tesventure. ielîilleoagain weSt itelooitdorsardlo te & oîl as scorwe efid nP iterfor torer tet'ttttlet o te Criylae. No Tiere aecrors of aetmtroneial nitb mucitinteretandp.pl'0lotiOn. 1Itwssfouthis. Thot oshausted hir mis t- ltt,ut d oppose it for nse boter eggemtenlt ite eigititeeiood. Neil MePitoil, lernir, 1Miton.taso se l y and eslhualsm.oand wbtc, thel fnnllY it-r thn apreudie Uins lutte We flle soethng houd b docstd fivoobly itowrn bre Ibotone cout 51ai gain for te Yukn hey shi as0 -: "tatpopsil ri t hettut nott tloteefor-tt the eetofthe pot-ary add tutbittlaeelsoffico t lato h.sck ud hopeleu etc! eeallde- ttt;toot.lottiteodtltr ottettond. If tet'igitttet'os woold sophe ooqaîllod hitîssît dmitily and'eeled àcrt'd au ever Ion MW. beeetetl et-Indpceo e 6 seelb it e eieo. a ce ot Ce senilitsbe ect. I ittrsssiils the report eaehedDow- ttOi.t.tntlibotrolctse ,skieîtesc'totitttru,ýeaeîcsuror sagPt seore ostes.d .it islecture 0î0salo~bsttteot tsentst4 onteee-The SotAlrcctWr. Ree.ittr. m'a. oold arieb eitloats tti-ltttti tscataloeetiteogittlespport- Bir leld te audieeo'spei.-bod.ad grsent c'llosrt pevsild. Tite et.tta.tottttothewcse, oldthe Owite he b.iloebodedronde t liasJctsoet isterslss coies ovent woiet senne actuel tir t thetcocebtilt ct1,.-ot',t lerdCt osa clie bn veey dtffiellt r orcorreoPee tu ountds of wellseited applase. - was liatoanoetlyâmdtblîtnerasti w.ld be fi tumaln on he ett oîlt eoctttet fitleooit . Thte foltoceo t lita te pogrmme itrputl I ncesr teorive tetitron -cetyte vleoiof ietolîuldtnsloeer,tvecittpetieftetolomaicrsdeed es Octtptîio. Wbtwe oeed.sofid ti.ttcas o dpr.eitled, iflasposile thiînparogropita resitoitirtcooittiodes Solo- Coroeot.'-Mine Witreler oneoflthespteakers nt a Publie Meeting. tt.Lat osy teottdie honlet byte tls telitappreg..ofetbisht'.lîeltg het- Redtng- "ThItellJed. Miss Me. 'lIntt-e soiret eoilaIdle. te fle tose lt 'OtI hedpftto, o-le.Clloot. tu te lots soandI muet boop 'os ihem rct ortpei te deusnsslia, sont. - Coe Tito Drth o elon," Mr, regardionis or expeeuse.Tii. mt rnirai 1, fi tw cnetu eio.splet te orst IXTEEN. Plalt. spettOîl, and arrangemeosn% re smode t.yttl.ett.tstltletnssetisPclMarceit6. olo -The Dceao e rcaoline," Mis5 0oraetOnolte r5leOeptio and btatquet, 1 ole tslry. tueie t1to 0 ithest. Whtethetta ie (fesow wsih te Wtteeler. te loofit lemeolt elo puto etcler taier itetands cte1ttouddacdebstandng rod arte floitf t il t tere 551 Reodteg-"Josie " Miss MClls. flitIte sliblest dslarbticee mlghl brisa td ti ciI),,reators. .pp.trtw offttte pr-tten'ret eight '[hites ite quetio o."oncSeltBnc"Ms nal. ok n h Ilerepînelttr helsm f u iizn ane .ý.Witeec ".Th. outet nsrclod abtout dst nilt 'ocet t.,'ieit~Ih oter. ebtit eetecttctttre.....~ Reading- "PiyittgîtheiSociety Mie,- peur. desodental elime-rssoeld nt Ilthe ttc er- bavte teefidence ite Mr. Vertiileiand Mise Ptttgew. Mtos MeCaiiett. te ippert of a Ors eeeptioneSmmnltece et o cpotteeoheetlPaise , er tocthit'ttherone Sitt CettmThSeut Arieso Wo.' si t s,-I-d iliitessib pronad te ost ote votnor huddayttttI. e,.oiîtBlir. adsscrteld tietaoOOOsfosIdeco- flttnoîtîe.ithi se' .Mitott oil hM.. aiS alte itoeta eto..cd tests Stio "itlcesioa,"Mtr.MePhsii. i'led sesper reuI l it a iras boand 1 .tt1obe sttay' suhnttattipt'gei eegttyetnttotith tîteotlainl'ettee SReting -ThooFeitrioftGenesal ueli in the bclond. Tbetî it bi oe-oe'ttlottic . sud te itOo. Cite.hepr"Miss Mccoiioot. inforsed tl he ie pohosasslitlDawsoen cIý., e ottc tabr .cotmeceenotte Wii t.e Apieity crepndetkind- Sole "FoclteorOid iteglood'sSabe," wots Ienoreri iy thielepresfence and wsitelo ho ayd y00ctolirinedatglr eitg o- his tthesirc. te. tes îcranlosporarilîsshort i cecd ctt ithet ? Hre os ceetatn l Mis- Soie-The Aeeho'c Wighied,' Mr. Schtel-thIbîldefctetwosld tepeîli eottgm.oi.iîcoio eetpttte. iteeoastelthecitlrcaioteetofa ertaine MePhioti soedied. Itnte Inferîtle eoteret sie at ltitiseonlytty iffertng iesoetileoungma oitoteootdsntie lroeed to Readnig-'Little Aies toilsa oBoom eosidt'theotlvsirufet of theOtcul ta.tthsIittnett.opoe Mitoe ast erit, Nec tht., yiong ilt. Sto.ty, ' Miss c Cl o. poli.and quartiers hbcd bora osssged we werscets. t biia iom-e erusse Oc ' ;-filoe tcQoorfo"rchenust te test belel. Titensita cht odîyWse ould d.,oecar ecd gretldnly dsaen stedtîsrouded felowiteotec te ho morseSatemt. Gi ottea sosensud tieirsitits soîsed Tht War ta Afries. eetiot-c oco a e ay yettsgmeone 'flobît (vn redIt. siteard. Tbey'oaploioed chat oiy tee otchstitrtitheleoconit-edtttgetnit CLondn, tlo-ei7 -I ils edtasialeoftte Paty rershly tsoters.and Mot-tht O(i."ic \hac Office hem antisu eo-ycreperttechattliecont't d too-dy thime s soys:The cap- nsst deyiitcpîailnced sentipsitions. lia 1 1- to1it tg t1eepa.tiitio'b,,htto elheres Cre sympathise,. ture cf Ct-etje ted iis ortec ià tohe oîl ooites did eScýeditgIy -1rI. and tttti..t6t.trttebtetttltecoret. sotoiclost-tctoivhtor.d Roitoralts e aorcchlco-ttls gel sossied. I tttftt i.tt.t-ileet-ti U.t- Mse alteoanttjascDle trpent Ste. ocîctoord. lite col service Sie ite kbot e oros-be 0rite weof ciYu. c eotitet t-.t..t- bt- ntettdi yletjotlotte. tetthot hoieeas elploîsIy bruitetcp lbotnoilicic.-New Orleans Tises' t.ttttii ,.tctt o-..tt t tttcettttt A lctrettRe.tct.tt..gHe, thewoBorplneo esepougit.lrs ecteocîi ttl. 'Clu-it- ct--o alRe Jto"ilg iisotactits o tooîntttthete totecoteocheot- THE nRITISH 8PY. t""t t.ttgtt- 'i't-otoytpliottteon ndmp ot-t rte'esfavoriter a..etial.sAbont Thi i fl oPt* >lh litet.ko io -b.te.gt ittte ReMn. W.t-ct.ondttcted snovces ctte, n.ad coiri te wsiteo f oos ssoîah Arny Oisntoi t (ttml)-tattlytofte Ipite-at\'e-t t.ect-t Sioedoy tto.el.. ot-oary iSoth Atrcoto meli tsl t boseîbsO ed hil.ttti poT..t'f-eN-oto' Cithie "asite ly Ioctecttt.ceed fteoeutelof-etofetncitlam. Te- -"ly a n gysnu tt-.tttat -iidcoitîbnNelstotce-l.otctntoyteo doprtveodTithe il wlegie lieiaoytupesataslo-o tC" tttiet-rtoj.tNaMtat on pt-se ettg (. ett-todhte coe-seond-lh ofGenet-ei Bllrcriteeteing ts etl wt t fcie 5spi"s sffîd los.ar al.t'I.cal -ftflc t.coy atc.it lierttut oftcht igtttenoea cep tettt-ttsttttbutcasa ttcr oftaetlifos sytnidtwila au vesîtbl netfi las iigit' mt.ee'to.il..t.oeiebdyofthentlymatiy; itoctriyodvieecet.cittîee Cet-t-IRobetss wcotreiteved GoneralI ytstotscctot et.... I, 'l'i e 5.-rs t-.,oCt oon- t..) -ce ac It ethog mtre.ift-ho y terse Botter and Cadytetît logetero Hod Ot -fe ite stoximse oeoadisg of- ti fitl] .tthi iocteb tetint..ondrtt. ..ftlantte oc tbtn' Rallttr aotneile nretestrccbinlthetdrection ofBloetem -eslin ctltook iote hrguidan-e leetI t ,,l... 1thvtt ltt 'acnilen t to abr.eilo.e.oig ttee to aloi)tntteitac.rudet.hbit oneint, Gesral BullIsc eold preioblpy ft,.by ord Velcl-elala rat ttt pu .tct ctttitntC ...se y nd rhofi, ..i .nfiite kn thtfn t otileesd lplmuesdcpetel&c ad nih f t. t tl.cht 7 .ttc 'TteccteottCtt- Gieestotei eii. e;itrl.ttSttt- uecoeclteg oesptt te roetrace te Th.r sottfoeal t fslon ntuerr duffieuit. 1-- tt antdttc ... tit-yt-battoernocdey. tsprgeoile etoes and thesontortss Otlof eeroles emploed itheIbmoffices tr c-et thitrt-orces le nt yoiae gosisos et Lodyssiit tilI oebeeeîsssc.odlsg eae-st district becslacturta- iteg on quaoertosienssd, ofsig îîcîisesim tnlsbfllinformte. ia tce.Ithcoaec.te-.t-g on- l a' nte t ne Itv s n I t-. t1,1t attt t litet , teton the htttn APLEBYite heactaicitemeeofetieondmess ..sdinamotImotat -n t -lit ý, th ki,,. hei tac M.cl,5.spies shosîri solt e lnw e e 0 seicoites. i n..tit.ttcCl.ich t-- Trtctoly, ol nlui" sbe ilint-t.t.re cure le rnerlly ltne by ootcer tI: o.t îcttr- rtpu'ti litte otooe ttieo onog Osoaduos Vsoies tekbs Iilled. Ihol ssci py saolismgineobt hah e lt ltt i t.-t i... t h tcIteit coten-gbllttttiiporttoof Canadaoeocthe e- Oltonwa, Mreh .-TitsGoooernecl eîone obo ls escîoyed. -d i... cc ditad.cof2-tgittoenîfief o dynnit. Oeoare pteonase o ndettde fiîîcte camocirsîb te ICla serp, eeeoary Ibat asIChtet idei .Illtt- i,-t es, t o s't.raerpoit c hat Aîtpioity eitsd lhem patrit- Se spds eligestii iet nolbav tse aotstheirp5eson 'Il't ,tt-tiencoiî.t-tLotdRoets-îhitîoat tecipublienscheolonepeda tetforce.'l'lie offielinconseeooenttelewafi prfnttmlv.i s' ...,te.t -..gotlen.teit bot cserndlootti gay'lsint ho e rcoý. ît hoenmadoelitot edlay. itIte For ti.stporpo acois or s crtals date,i -th - lth,, ]lc ct le î"ietcatpotve-stsof tottnteel partets woae tegotesewasdeay le &aBilhIe o -Ki. ditiosnaTestaents tl Il isettItLettte.tetttl-e7eccaege.t htdances tt tot ttsY eodylf.rcthetrnsport Motys wioit ith the cventh orsifteewlt leur cre ' t -[e. JI ct.it [lace foictmet-ttt-toc .T R rih 'i f 2l e alwthteSralcn oisget t, r iuliyepy t-tt -1tttt-e ic btt' icr', lit tiootuitpteeoten. ton itreeght onte lth.îIf l pcitableochathke e BP te- 5e5555maePitwe coml cîtttinîtt thite posn t ht'ogh deotot ii belue t- tor te offioerss edib a tsse fil, o.uetraîotatecmabiog thti irt.toFrdoyoatltne-o iTheodîtheeeoi.acftcnpostibtle, cll l i. -sp ly e tebosdquaatemofite at-lq itte ltttt-titt.ght-. î- h, tttttcto-incarg imeotdaty ent totettfruitthe csstondstict&sthis In te field cuidltugnt loses moite bie- Ct, tii. s it1-tt tiîitithcttt' frtee o, mor--e eninesnd cri ctg tht-e letsgoetsiteiter orbav e d i noso e te Intellgence dotoselseet t-n t-.. lt--iR ,etto tgt tuîtotour etghîy titot.,roien oeid &ited. Aflerofetoffrts bave alrdy ftite r îsosclestesornaigalitrai lem. t--te teitd.oy. Mlot7ett e hsicootlwsietnig andutliîtffig inetce itreeco mdetecite OepssltetfMiIitio taI .lseoseri âer sîg Inokos Ideaos tli1.'î , g 10ei1 e-e slctcet.l tlOy effotls t e flontî ttte l-tdsiTe te teinoettiipaionef cfouvoe ofetIis kisd, Plod. as til IonseuSiproslsilf.Tite I n ttilet-rtelyt..tuile Ol0tttf.teovasilyteu ttie seto.%nd dt-otooandtroevill bc oduieoi.io pelîlc -PetotheoigIlt bnd tethe.ps tnt-ltIll tott.tt Ie ffîs l ceit i 1etin g andltrntlo te lefI ar ornoe 5050 sries- 11chthy ccpid steoemrintn tettegeeeool o esoe s ed or lr seetlpeot 11at-g, andtitititlyet-Otdtî Tht-"Liteay Stueety metot-g t-tee bril adsdîeey-hieelegetesinsu ntnral mlyd Pli et-.o'cttit-t-.t colemtsl. hetr on Soîturda. The eregammettessaoet-plsedoye. csytcbislsetieern r, , t-.Ithae.... 1,4t hopte O isnRe tlstooaittt-1.o3% 'altoesnospiog dlties. cCýI. là eoosaat-7 a tt-t-, t- tt-t-.tcb icct.tc sottt - ttI . GeregWC. Atte oetg LIlnMs eae hlefersc iei;lîgaodp -ltitttelttt, of uche -ublet- 'esi eto i l i.'o oe fie ,d.,Mi S-hppso meotnitctîud le prosidod falli spisls l.' e id I eot it O-tIlet-rctttIhOnae,»tnttso- dhiettt-.. ountonsteo its re ported its the war peoitteoiîîloktitn eh Jeteoraci a, - 't'te .t.ety i to.ett tt- tt-o ottseo tlct-ttt- otsntr. t ep at E~wit. te n l i olk o smilestolie ne sve 1 ie -itll- ti icto titotfnch as-et-tort e rmatit-t--tt s le eri. uetd ieol is of t titis ttb Oin m'nihe'fra itl loneesr vct iaet-cet ano.tt-tt.t-t-. ley.er lutaldifilalait fi, tt-eegthsct-tsot Ttcuu y b ttere -jiti)i ]ltw.tetnc --oottte ,-nlde etseî ri5sm m É.oiom liositaned Steitenormaton t:l.t .tst--tet' ntosorolpte- ttoheaeîlheuttcut t îodirbcslatoftisteresto sesestfholdtred lIb t- 'tt...tt-h tt-i I.uort- Ittu. O pot.uit eet itrtl otn, O et-Ocorseels ildesccmornslcemiainottitt esol elsIlitstegl effet-lss.n 1 eabobotdso"ito' redreta bl, ltey ltootsaIsy unee the greot Ioo.Los- t--e.ut ---\ t t-ttlen t - Georskidces etcoyesn'ee lob e te" îe ao ie osriahe linsrasi. mdbtîl. I i I eeceye h c.-.t-.tti se.cegestlittaoyMigt tra e ttr. fe eîoaoia n niT ionTtes sos Wnse"nseuh t-! 1.11t.ifi-ilev sittttCeee A tortMseeSnlt Manttrsan id llee tusospletcl, otnreàttf.diood Msl.sslsoarhs sr ,ý!,1,,h If te ict-tLi nt - H tror Bcnber e, a rotesouaoce -ystdletscadt e ai soinai tWs s 1seoput . o i io s901 da Ci t esondt ...tc.gi ttt of t e os eLi e u rsw s e g. A tev e l g aalss elce i e te sdo i t e p sceosd t es- WlahertaIs os mm ety lem ath ae h. AlgQpeile. oî ttîl..B.si..... ew.o stiesIplicaia ndi ind'itb gin.Thsd e soame, hIghsd reglet o à A plsty TliId tth itgoossdie o-eepe of it-asditinedesfield u aid1 gho menalaefi t dGe be ttl,.-ttcoralDttsudn. ttenntyecs solHeruBeckdosotsag. g on e.stîylie mes aSter Onerdc gHo foiphlaboeis thhcttt--bi rttlt gie eIîsitet. M.outledohIe. Bretorsntuiles w ae fpaeadbutu- b nmmn fteB"kWth mt..t t'lcette h ntt.det- eerIbth e eo- aitlteis pot-ec te ' pcovidtfr th jWes it > iltglnLoyal asustil. (lîsegow Frenm the dsmoosao or tie eolo- t-n iis l' dhec L.edysnttlh se-e.unienttoite guetes. ond ail osjoyed lte-uenlh Mei er. tddsene bot Il te nsatnd Cha tlaquent 1trr. .e-t.os.tb-drti. Tite tîlomit sIel berogily.Thes action ef te cooaty coseroi in Audmss osîsgest the Mtinglheo"M.oro t-..t-t- t.ttdtct e wich .t. Cet. White __ ols ast iePtltoFn o t oCs spnes. -e t t tt.t - ito ltguadtiletcArmueies, îsoelg 2ldign tPo trnoetpeond antdtsthe sssredint ot elnes Clte aC i, te ettecqtircfi. ASHGROVR. it mss fn ea t5 ce5hnt erott- ooh dt i-t h alo l j, t.t.c Mathieur-a opretoont-to eof Locel Marcit6.iea5-manSfotthe Artc. imeh p noaotr-ale ThidLi .mieSeaOm m ,tiliL t..eot t istitttnt-t uo nopret 1. Ral s..-Winnipeg, 1laoluit- stend ferm h. Cime Sto loftttbetitrie.41d ih. otttî mueoite*&e oil. -olct. slutiferecritheitish fiit5oelto . blet. poo in h. sas otitl l~sOO% ilU mnt susNooted sit int îmofit h.ie.d. t- je Sta.rt-titer. Tits scsas dose, bc E. Nixns tslaed frsec s seitas iltitheCh oetp PPprVI ofo ithe ta' elastod. ta thastntbhomeu0gth. eotn. ttc-c cesd aot te office rititoldays in Toonto and viilliy payoro. The aaiqmmt hat h. emlmit.oL-Messet h. railai. oly tehictetttnudettbado ssspaltp. Bert. Thtolaisisiting bis once in Co isernoer .Jailt ftC oh.e Mm ltl: R aai bltnhd* Lat-lst cidentsibave pomedoaoreoln-HElîlabergit. tunsroant orbe CIiO tu theU5stsO0iOA fut cesold bc lirsstethe Uionbof Mins. Wharston, Millo n itse gtesl th intenat5oiteeaaas. ha'Mr doeonmlaea trd."eclsinmi el ckao dctirinte faodib ite ndiier sMiss Minerces Tiotoîns cnui asction 5 in liW-*~nlaa i Wmn ilkOtIhosneh. set.inaats aeosuog litI tiis d otes We are glad to report hat liteA. iosrted recegnitecd &M EMlon t4 'A resuste OeaII5 gennO ho. casingdclownefîithe iishit and Mns..R . ýRuddeClpaid Gelph a La Patrie weorsly dssnom lite - 51 sst s «elbes gî. t-aaeMC.559C.'aMid oum O isse out ndatLeieivinglvssof tititoseuilSp600« -etbile et b ioloaioSai h. M. Wr asnC lins.M. W Iln. onsil.i.o- .îssa Loice oturne. lIesfdure&. oosided. I vstofy ssdeasoe Ir The tordes loe er. Pretostao defiendus fiieuld never seedes. Bot hcCIC hie poition_ 'Gainstai;anopposition, My prersent restated GîomsJoubtertasitance. I ui zl ol continue To stnsin nerve and sinos To checkthlie oggresor And casi thlie opprstsos. Onrfefie rapproactîoig. Gn ons trenchtes encsosciig. Wit thitoîs elîs ltey sooy os MI bravoesen-OreIyisg- fime oonderi.soo-se dyieg- Ours OisIOece ie slesdes, We muetldiesor suredes. Vain teo ltaI sust penduh? 'Ti ssseîssc costendin Witere both lc the ersiog. Lord Roert. C teede- Myssotdinesrendes; 'CY e o ae lthee'seli Te Faeeildteo and i e-l-ct 1 sesrendeet CTEeuî T. P. CotNujtt A vespdistaot roelton ef Plot Croe, bolte Oc a pro-Boms. QUARREL 15VIE A WEOiNG GOW5O 55t-5e05 insits Iteanniiiin a sbti, Titeitil u td goîceloîtot citt tics oftes irimg te ligibI itcit- tttg tfaitti ty tulu.'c aitttu ac ditions. lut tt t-tttt-ct-t t t tetors sCilutol ISociety aONSt-O flttgt.' s'es 'teci oa.,ilod oftn- it tittc.rp den. The dssnsl. Ahigoil b hc n, 1 tacuri y tele bluubrs. .ipntiandtt itltI-. hobut oîp Asopit bcd itol lthe ee.urgtol prse.sr cintc. Attîtotoît i hgitl i td lire.tsspcted 0of un t fu-ltei-te he cier beoltos. ebe Occocter lthe ir 1 eolseOesre Asi. îttt-bt-ct petut i terocohiqule-t. The cruldino top con 1olse bCisndifficulty omele. Sith-ocs 1aaret-tittstt. lte sntlîer lttbetn'oc i ns. C cas doutg toe cet-y damesa 1los e -_,lthe tos, autdil didt-Ioappear I taber filisg Chate i'goe bcttld 6e 1 olrhsolcd Cclubsue cteditieo osdis- play. Ail th ont-c iteIcuId h, 1dm ed a eton ed letr pl l ýe.e bl asntouthe odiug trcc.bic eot.i.I bave dreneotf .cccoigicuee StturO ero if <e cotulribavetor ctud il.Silo toeced ae ould lesoinrdinborn- spîts or slOi cifl. Asaph's idntut ocodtffies. ]Flnwa 001 tetlIing lto diseceo -lit cthos feeCbî log or tîtn eloltucs andi dcsired te ei theneilnttt-g afgrandoccasio. Atit-trrel escu. nhicitcctlud by bis tltetclaiîtg oh- stttuctyChtt a ee Citldst-tbot-ilbut sluuotl spool bis bie at uM0 op . od t-t fore the pas'seincc.ilk goe'cund..th iso lues$. u'Ab irido.e. releol el fe," a ltsr cumli repîs. undtloelCbeltht-o tl tîcs but a Ses dois brfco he wd diog.Otîrisgeinte ouet-clAhignitt-c Sut-dîoclun-cesit-neor.acttdingutt-d tlit nltscy..sbutnp îittt t rcthe o fttttut lt o'iutlitô eol'hIie sAltpit c.ost.teoet py noced asrevidenceeoeittetîîton tu hti.ii. Thes îllk dees s 0e..dott-t tn littîrrid tenaof pîtmestioe. ibe The dayperle d ite bote of bthe oscutuo.buittbe tc gmt-tt-tes getfr ari hit.teee brltide appenutl e- ýfome Cho Cto'shluI c--ctlt-tutc itt t-t plt--t c..tIt.u gee s. akLmItett t uts. te, lecu-î clf up and ber inonde Iousy font 0-oi.td- bflu itio 'Will ypesCaenise asî1 as' o bcsait- od. oltit coocnthegromnn .f the bouse. oo tte lensldiseesmected. tthe fois Abigui i uîl letrtiegly ou Asitel. rebo. slominotup lti.tttcorage slsppod ichultela ucord noebthe clace oanoîd by kit beelther. andthsey ecr morrint tiere and ltes. Moscomer. toy 'ticu-d hoccy ecurIfîr." qut.latufoiry Cale style, deste lte doblouo proutise tif- fontcd bit lIdy'Blcuenii. Acepu me- sOlsod o it bel., liibis tcot-out CTh.pstnloa.la he. anmd o st-tedf.ton Cl,tte putle rleti- sfiiâ htaist lbosîutel tle, in aecîl tere teiog o suffiirsl sosier ttut-tc -n 12 perfets selebeon. AI C orent uit-o sochýoboton ieotlcg il sngle iulo, tep nffe toiler o it o asoit. Ibmhebtlo- Son bYInviomsible ncitsiliss spslîtgn . te Sert. sleenà a 5511,-t ccd otritîs Ciu. gong tonce. cd, reltlnig 1 t trohep. fttllo te eers asais. Amniols n e ho,, th, lt ossitesrt ofslouss hIcr i..'frotathe bnmsstado.nd fisbsî it eth le CC12cine tcgetbs ntsi oori and mlgit lthe epemie- ele lesabtîteo u o.os "Cl don'l hcwoiv&ot ett051lf 555go 10a flts obldreau's dinssm poesp, Kotte. Teis olsitys te-e Se ildti eeesCaI sssb -.5 b ~îsnt titlie. mommR. 'CensICIts me gao!I1e-o't do aortitg tactCi OM Jnmp B nd ofi dssr-4hjrgn Titoe. t «'As tnn eneinsbseirddsaimmer 'Neot la Ibotetbott eon isesme iO »Ml- - fn l.-s aunio SALE NEGISTEL , a DmY ,so '""n * qt s 4' - t mi PL iv aapeStsZ op 'P" ioatatou *s50iniLadieo Stc Sotons........... Srid Taelîner IitStensàsl p In 1h. Ioîeol styles. es eeipatensa. ...... uic..'Se d Lads'Petl~nso--- -101 se nf Prises fros - - 5c.st Mes ey i4rnoand Satees Uodershîrts 01.29lc At ueee Mecsadmetilie. ietstI sipoes .....0 5C yd. trisNew Nos mbrstdemies. Mecrsed Steoons, inteteadiegehbades. - -. .3y.i Newcst Styles in Men'a and Boy's Fedora and Stif H]ats--black, brown, fawiit- c., -......Mc'sa md Boye Golf Ceps ..... Ready-to-wtlffr CIothig-Al i te newest spring effects in0Men's.iLnd Boys Suti. Mgôu's tend Boys' Colored Cambrie Shirts, pretty jatterus5 775c. r5WbCSS AYLWAEO. o eesy epottcd asCth%,ons t ohavese ue set osllener, is lîso ti t-l ces rMilliîesp Gepormeot trdielîl te oaiCoeserolprdes-rst.ti.O nmoeiu ae --*M - OL U - E & -SON. t..- . -e e g1l ewg 9 E g * t lla-f o to e C tleiO ~ t: pet ob.ta 0î en@ andp l U» e nId IÉu50r gaST F Harness 0 I1 T5~ FortohIe Halifax Gortisos. Ottawa, Marcih -sillîlo ordes issed eoio.etîîb preetsccfor. lhe tome. otiee etof apennetîletohl talocofetn- otît-p fit-esthlin ostur stîilis a(bt-n peormaencoret-t-ct-o oelrp hand.feldi oriitey. et-t-t- theuts oi i ti fe lthe City et Halifutx. t-î liehit n lseadX aolt- icr 1 tute defeceocf Holfaotine thte letînetldoteoco ottîroe, rscoptodt. is autitori trlactemnporacily lteaiqt Boltlins.Princeo tf 'Bt-seriocles Retgimet (Royal Canadies), et Hall- Oseetnaooslteol, Itwo sajos, -t--t- sdjeieot. tigit roptolos, rigit lieu- tenantc. miglul seceondlietesans, oe qurerate;total ofcere,.. Ooo rgietal s-srgeânt.sojc, ose ecgttentoi quelstelr-ceret, fSmo i=ef. ms. elgi tcolcr.sergeoace, c sreats:total lorgosole et roginietal staff asergeantq, 47. Posîycorporols, 1t dssmesîari itegiers, 872 psueoles ; tleOIrost nf..& fite.,ose-. t- Total aoit st, lt-4; - fliceril' krses. 3' Settlerà* One-Way Excursions are the correct thîîîg for young mneiii the year 1900, and the FEDORA SOFI lHit wil-gmt"ally dîsappear. LINDSAY LEAUS with'ail the neweitt shapes in bQljh tlîe:'à above, and pIices are CeIways saTmsfsi.-ý tory at 9lýý'LNDSAY'S NOTEO CNEAP STORE, MLT«N 1o00 ..yl' Fine Boots-Low'I'rices. The Bank rupt Stock of.. -GEO. MCPHERSON, Wholesale Dealer int Boots & Shoes -IN TOROTO- Md0 AsrUm. t yoABEN:Boc OUGHT B PangrsIoos Iltent 11, Là- t "btt lit tc Ol locotTomoîal p.m fesiCCas Itleab. l cmost- .*h JAS9. 1 R E A. Il.NOTUAN, 1 igS.Bt Tci FOR THE NEXT.SIXTy DAYS-O% _~&-cHOES Colnîs E*ursion ~oMay','baj4d aLtreat1y Reduced Prices Danadiâiu North-west 05i ;o&t-sj>ad Bo.cks. AND «PJCES. . Hamilton. l7 "ISYAIR RIFI cSTORE!1 Mot"1 hoe -005OC rt ~jc-i ~Tb blu tisoi r et Local ~clp couot pue ttlit r0,f. in Mltono ci Clarao1Oc cm P Mdiofi oea0 stsy.Oitio Hmils.n ttliogs. Th b1ell lo-sutre o. iz.A gn b. Wist, or. l A eply onr, omisg. lEdtlItHors r t or Oneide end oalots me ,P. îlots.. bockbey sati Sevening aI ch tccent oftets oL PtcFOc inh sut o het-c t-il lt-r. F-he Gucil eefinc ses id. 'Lot-n, *0 ride. t 0. l.K se1- r-no Boit- (lotîtes itaid -iron tMssi. R a s 't-t-t O- i. hM cre \Ch, werdgofe Pc Milles, V behîrd Co. 1s- ceo sai fie- ttc for ted htmchttet " 1..ng ted t-o les Pareint- u. sa4-1,e. -o >ebac km.te T 1, nSblr ,Ç isnieubyaC ~thmt lii. b.it pqed oI nC, 'tcf Em aD tie-i RtC Utî lh le ore te ,steg lhe B et planst1 -qFe-e-d