LI t àus îo. Trayellers' Guide. Ity o ille Il flasfs ___ cd iiot <heu. grieras CA5'ADIAN PACtFIC RAILWAY IVDepit tIc. ioibti The GNGLSoir inttercuts cf chu rlika eootrclImtthei.JS8"5 7.0a..,10.5am. 7.9P111- Gevernmcet preruntedà the moduatiou Net tresg buqef l; 41111N« soss O t5~ .4p.m Jof the huilescf r fitmhuumdontheure'dalu GOING WEST. prtcif the Bout CcmmlulîmThigi amYimoal i toute s î9pcu 831op.m curweefrnuebidtvuorei.e and frtnetey. tn, mlyfm agaiu the Uitanderse sjcçied tot hu imsalence -UDYBorGoverumeuci. but tltuasal.Foc ueeetyesMrTb ue. 0.iIgWst8N7,DI__ g]ut71p iuaity tait epiug a s peiud blo f St. CAUibutIefait berMmmpa - GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 2ci0 retshclulo chjfl as ferwardod hatty but mutiy sinleg a remet " m m d-bt fil & . W. Dii-.) to the BritisahGoveruSmutThu rmitltaonher or-Wema, su elfly l oedubm am cH UN. W. ~~Os> wiothue cnféecne becoccu Procddeut aimat dfapsled ai reccvcry. Tp s te- -1iu 1 heSh Krui~tON Icger and Sic Atfrud Miluer. iuneshiclopre b ulo pnbr iu euMm ... Oasper. iscg5ac. .01 p.. c latter toila the grouud chat ait qaus-mataet .- tiscoud bu bust suuccdd ly a cuceu- 'ahat I havesffeied lu aimant Ih. -1 a leu4 dutryt sionon ce upart cf thu Bouth Afriaac ycmd descriptiou. My filaufbsm u lo me eti ma "H Whal fcatid theoWr. Repabliecf hu riglto f fraîchireocthe gcadbally graeiug ucocu mu, sud eght- Ï h mu e uI Jehcltayc Hccood mecuathe L'tiacdrc popuatcion. The. iupreeione ccauhuasgc I fuuaddmyneli lmat ue Joh Iay Hamodwits te oi ceeeciic chat the coufecence faiiud oc eliplesa. àtliequeivee oistered nv 'm " gir inmifu h. scgcsaeri c f che ceocrtet of che accurt of ch. differucce cf tha coamber heurt rush and mycidre eystmme cliSpe Uitlancdershy he Boercoschhccicght of yerc'recidccc eceuary to gaince inigtphrep dcwu. tadcatlgt urVisealto h ' ri eso co.M- aiesd r'eîc.Thisîacamelle. Theomoatorcdeyc theu ttle luep I did get did cat c' ehI,, s ac Ame ccc, isi h. Cocoltiog impaottpot erco chu louscof repre- e' rchme. t1aW"a icocstant ugeuy, eJ>1.a al udhe tise, but tbp M> Isangîeeecfoc d'e ice,, ioesc gald mie- 'ecccoio. Uederctheischemc soggeatud aedaunly a wurmen u udratsndvbt ive bi ercraie wvois diftecet Mis ilcemcaspsscricthe Tcascaicand hia hy Mr. Krgrcamajocitv cf theraters 1tcdreud ais 1crildtoidomyicuehcld ea>lsuitr.iCc. o d oulutest*ei rc... c.csrccîhussquoîce as mcohaIli- ooid havcereeeticlec to lem toncc ach, Auyîmildo oluweuld frighcei ta SPa mciedlBiiCr!J ..f c.sied asih h.eia cf Mr. Rhodet firch cf Vollseaadc'reectacicces. . ste and cavu me ina conditinaborder- î.he eeiotsdacfumera. lu 111111t Mrcsi.MCI-accsondsci ccierc A f6cmentsetaaferade ac oli- icgaecllopuu. Acimmteapuriuuced rd hcyfirtorceruitier uh 601.his in t.ccshcNe.sYsck Occiseh : cccsfrntcthe Baoe ovrneoccaas attaahef vrtig. adllueuieened fceortf eOirunioeyclhkdm df te In1"3. ocba isccof aitheuhhAfri- th e asudiate csai. cf the prert mar. a ime ta affect my mmere. The lesat ]hIf citelldaee' -fi epubhic Prsidecc Kruge lc cInotis wcrocogreacer cse is icoolvecieeeroeciruld leace me aimaicbueth. o ey. nosrpise e aitUWý S Ili tsLodonapressed codiaenvta- ihatthe uaacdrccccd gtieaceeoef the les, asoi euart mclclpatpotate ari-ctfî tthe kiud inte huiveopt il-n can ec'eancd tha pcaamsce'f Uicisnders. Forcoey ycarsthueBoeirs ialeoocl. IaiholnodesireefuricoDlct lCj c'pcsl i ghcci aidiprotecicnceia'ics hoavecheei occiaoid by aiiteadfaschut acy hneadeyeclIhadcouforcme Il Tri; aeouo=J' lobti1 mtgeme acclf o t,,gi, ccTrasvasliithe iSuta scretci cashîccas oamly. oitabciiah ta eactaD mitaalits.16e. I ruated miclo d l bcc he tac e ocefetlo trouibt iicce IfbceieÀc icsci heioc- Bsec sspcemaay chrogloatSouhth Af- chcuc diffeceec doctoci aci. spet machb t sfmoklîc tiecaiaocf tSeQ-ife t.1,c-coccchsteconsyceay ccchccces. T rhcchccthccacquieacsIg moey iihis a,ucithool5evail, sheI iiYiitel.enfuit Me ltier0i c'esceecic ficecesicety. Accisfluxfoechsc sciasse. ssd fsctigoceidiere andIcrasinacodiionhordeciug o o c.citu ccc choc Icc rfure <bu ,,cPicege cîsicse,.Icsted. aod thtis have heecc sre'cy cmplayed totecte h.dcîpacr. I Oaci oged to ccp Dc. Wil- knheorctof "t cep îletuha lu nsht - crs'.il yccesacihehee fadcccg o es hee ofaieic's. The Bacc hiamac Pinh Pili,andiniîDeceule. or tacrcd iecoeesoloi.lic uuclcifueame, es;c ,-,gsici.iiciý, h. Wicsaceeseoit, Goene mcc cccpocchaacdsfficetii898, I eoneetect to do m. Itrttt uc7Io hc.vcrorclosctueelu thai tist ,, vceceecl y 'islaciecrs.Oe eseicasuniioas ce aai eery 'Dtcahmoocin forbe anoaiticedaechange fortheu "Ptn. voitc.aore rseaigehrvemc -cf'cthe aof inaseiesearcees hSch Afeco 'l'h.uceescie tish. buer aftcctI hal fiise.0thueaseond oofaer il.'teItuMio teppl dc, cnere-shsicsay ccc ascccg J.ascteccaid made cie ececacy dots box. Whente uforbuexe ee fiilo-"la' 'rid NOStO. ilolrciug. "But, wittteSýIe,'-eneec lc..esad ncihelci, se the acmccg and plaso c d theremwaoa gceatchaege forilthebe- raltp, i hure ccIl.0 oniutaifetlrer i i.. -,as is sasmilion dellaia n188cO fortiatcia onsee cl'ceietia ad Johannes- ter, ccd 1tch. ciprcred anoohur halfl Ot,.Ill crol ciclo Dodos ohea cdoc cr5' «,fpsciaiceccyasmilos inac59} hurgscitedccechsc raid byceecildazn oxesitBtaeehestmuerealloiendmecofc'rc.ctofietu1tcecontadcr- .icceccilcceseeci he Wcccese,, es pe,.I cas agaîa ecjoyceg chu hiessicg of sciotnuh. 1ilcoct mclhbondi.eliore -idt iBitcc e cr cecei egsc sd- "Use -ticcdc ai tie'iTcansv-alcppulo-ia gond htoih. Thereco bccnuiloiclof ca'effiic'. ()louccelmuatccoutaeeclot cc-cIv. sc.csae chefrasceisscsnd to ee e',iciadees. Weasiecccthahtc aycechcsat saaith ave pacitd ri-alier. btc1 ere cccl ilet cile-cfim,,' ffeiccg cte iiiccegcsec hyeoicnvtaecccoe; sco cica d siloce t ditcoitd akiog Dc. Wl- hcaocd ccccccOhrccîî1 cc- cc e'1 iccicdcc-cas cice asce cIeeceIrIcc e- eeci at sc Bcercchads iiams'a Picnk Piiie, soi iocicg ihat ime "Or, ooh he ohicirelbave gooci iiscisoi c..ll cc-intss 1(,sic ccc IsscJeIr, c'eth e h %vcssaoolscciisce csi cac nt tehrcco- 1lhaveroeerc frittihe slighcccc.sympcau ccii' I cr hikcc, c, sseslsiiaecesccccagccentof h'asecd fidchfheccrubeanrailheflyae an c.l'etcc- eccar]).ore oaccaclc );ic-c heceeeccc i(cc-ieccccifficeeces e omici.eeaic, %vshahesupchefoecrcaccyacrgeacthec asmtcmwho aetrcf- fti efrcn ilchioic oIdctioiole.A forcc.eeectceechfcceigeecis eec srivae;ccel cceccmasrecthahsithe fciag cci. ihicsodtfoi mtdcrne, rcee cee-e îhcy licîce ld crelferrits cctýiiisceccegicccscsce,.ihIecppiccsec cec, hccceog pscchsscd cilDfroitihe fiiccsurae ihs i lcreehmo sicbchs oicsdlicecot ired:candl a crt e uicccccccicscc.c lies ,cIcuc i.ciieeie occfecxsoc,dii me."'liceeÀdcdtcth.'cend: 't*&c'iailli- lit, ilc-i an ccIi Il i ac' dceccceci heflic r D. WilicamssaPinh Pilicoceacpei- hi'c'sec',. oltaci i' AoAiire od- l'y sppscBoeiic,cc lcccicc-iscssccscc e 'c.axion;ccecc;fforcailfcrscof echces. T'hehblond eslc hrc-sikiyecmicti icchceccecscceccicccrei hcccs-c1-1stcscicascccIllilc.ficctalicod,ithe oeocc ytn rasee- "îîcs t.., do'tcaath>uhcî*idass I,-Ic fiablicecssccIiiccc' ecîceiccseciof ehlicsl fcaxaioneccscoraegoocod.ccrrgsariisoirecrrceieîcacccceccsmdla tsî hrct eem ta sli ci ý1 i e \ccc' tleeii;s i i- Cee1.<i c,'Ilicceceit cc t e esaei. scrogih rciurscc and dîccaei îappeccc. - intdahi e. o- me!u r *cr ch g-cc -e-cc ccc cîcicic ic css îe cc.î- cei cc dc s i on ce f ileic ha resoarlheiav ecc cn he core e! r " hci." hec 'c'csc-e ,,ccce ,c le ,-ceiIicgic c'fc Just1isccce iccchl escd faresccby hese hi ic ci sintchoc crcc..cccealcr1 i'l-DIc nd Fr.aikcecc. i..... vo-, 0 clt cc, i, -csccccc- se scic ifcccigsiredeess Inccicre' .fasehas sicerodca htfcrceodseof ci i lcîiJcc-cie. 0 acd chat Ili llere Iicicicc .,cigiccga.ccs cseicscecIcccic'scciscciet(licBoer oieat . Wh.ýereysc go1'ecccriiifccd liidymae k rrcetoike1ccc." l dcc-Th, , cccsflc s c i',c %,ieieiaoaisesoeced the masciasportn iceiinocecy desg "Ycc"uaniice.cciccrrloiliuenlor h ccc kic'o ill, thics flic eieccecndceeciei'esaeciieosoeehcD. Wiias' PinkPilhici ..,chiicktcydoacriie.ceditl' 1 c;ctcliiccit, cfl ecc icecce -I, ci oecc-cc,,, tiîci hcsic ics icriica. 1iiaeciereaic-loguo,ec"d 'cc c" c is.chcccccscc ocncsifcdiecccisli sey isceiasseil i .lcec îhid che o ttecc lil icO ac f (0. c cîcccciccccic'iccccccec cce5.leie ec- le cic-hcccciscccu- ESTITLED TOMNEDÂLS. 11tecseeidI eilû eif cloet rulo. l",h'h iIl cc' ccccscdcc,'cc icced ci cccitce Gcieseccee iecsicieec fieifcciho eedclu gay'haccceecc cc-c cc c, iccc icccccceccee iiicce ccc egecal ce.- as es oef tacehbrocf che 2fch Baltalice teie? As il I, Itaiece crOco m tec ae oticic-cccc-c cI .c.c..s ' eceIc seec cccg icciJusticc ee Whcsc FeiaafRaidtoSeioces Idlec chcs ci ric as'Io hoicr eccruh c. reclh au I doc S tenec aditahscot 'uc Icccsccc igcecsccI',eIci..lhs eceyýeseehecacieceoi] areliraogccized. fIscre and hîpo"adei ci. isc cci- i.s ci is chc ili c cciccce f.iecsds.11 csa h-ciceo erirof t .rse..a . J i 'c 1c, ci-c'cec f .c cic- j cc ,c,,-cc - .cceî il ie'ccic' c'cecOci,seciaicg moeora racice, 'gccc .cc ri'-c c ll'scci, cc Ksgce .ci ehere iacckcd aicea saclic e.. l' ri. -ceccccl.eccice v î1bcccîccccî JIcieîsjcc-vcccc e Ciiadcilihcs -ecc,e elah;e1i l'cutII,cce'truachcec'ailche cc-c lIl1 Ie g,,ee. lih.ccccccccic.cececfronecccccccciceccccs ie fcereiiccc'cîcg wcicenccsîcai e îîco cccflo hsc ccîie. Os,. &aed I Oit isi..., c loii,,, c :'ec- tcci cccal, ccc cciglcc i l eIcgicieyc-r dciccog che iFeniancRaidofiiih66c;iih.-joll hcs ineoccaif. Bcifio..c Ict-ccc.ccclccîsccs ccec coc scceIfisgpoe No . -.acacia. ('l'sstsîea sel, iipor e ciior.uàd r, dcc ici ereciccechisol:i HeocioIloiciCOcCcchseioco-I belled c -cIecc c c lic Iieccccc'ilc 'cdc', arcc'. ic ea OcS3-3Jns ae B oy. Nalc-ee. fTo- sce icc 'er Ioe hc-lo' 'ii 1 i WN,,a- ,- iccc iivicccsepccc cl)283 letapede orgton. c'emaelleceaoai yio' l'i au ,,l,,,, l " i 'i,.sc heiiccicieeed a '2s4 Henryscaidi.ESt.oCatharin. ochri.'ii e-' cd oocoo e I,,iscccieegicsispicesiscccol 2S2Cc hristeia Baroaccoretown. mi-OfIcac-i. i'ac l-oca cc,- 'cicce ici1c1cccciccc-il cW, efic-flicie,,,-ssci caeseattao5rco-coacTo .ý9 lo sadciadcteabor ela eg hceis--essiacciccccccc-aescouseopen-cicsie o obecirt dwellcy tewot.lîCo. ocet', Accta ei"cecai.d' f i 1 ccc cc '.c si cch c'ch,' cdicdes cyeie. s'.oac3 cihco .Gofrcc.eaccca s ihle ioi e , ucS casaoec e i dc iieccA )irgsccdeseecThs-Ivssh-ioeh iidacdLcrea acNaoa -îa co-Iirow petinte c oc. ch, ici -c ,t' ficcieepeildche it-c2857 JamedHdA.CurEseciog. .ddac"iDc. c c , lnt caI i ceS ce-peblicthn 282s i chardH enryadFh nscei on "i'heeAnc m." si dd i. g.ccg p ;If l,,ba ' f.,, icc isc , hccics 'cec a pii on. csd asc s; iliamyHc io.TlcreGro wn.d.'I'cntcecigh I 0. icec i or i',aoce e 't c .. cec-'. a-cchcceccr.irfecace - , ck;8JEho Jeocc. Ee sorog. 9 cl i r p e r lhec - th c c' -n si 1, iicJc isu'c e tegecccie 2S)Pieocecoeon Tcrcecî ieechceFac-c 1iciont o ci'c Ivhi.h cicre'.Biceigi siecc tishj iist ' ie icsasLesict.Acihgca., g icoeeac ,acc kle-h. Weh ci.t 'I'ccII cct i e.choc Inci eccîcc 287oh hcaaelaîd1u. IecUihcah i-de-o. .Oceii esi h.i 1 uMI nd cen o ad ouae 246 B M Higin, Th roch -mlci 1 che. ccirh, iscd a ir ueco lie -cg-hilu-cc2cihqJahoM icccNnlS.Caiesi iwccic3ccike ouilcle mi le S o li, l, fIlcccccg -c c iccu ic fr,,iiicec')l.esc-y -Icea-c a ii AlxaRehrcc entc, NGecegco. "ctoss c-cc1,J, i cl ciIlcci cdr sci e aseaIi ofasc1ic-4chc2ci 3ci llcciaim. Mse Acs Eqro g 'O. lcceh-Iifeso,, i lci1, -i csciccc i eeidaic i,'. - oosHtocyy ela-285 iliamecitiger o.iNoo. Y.cocicci'cc o-se.asihiooeoch 1 ced cc'h:icrjcs e oithes-gioh i el S6 hoasilA.Rocidrsrîo. ot nh'i.,, dolc. ic ilolf dcat is I , 'l c1, I h. f îIce ic-cci U"eecec cie, iiccec)sclciublicsseis c 4cJamsc-pA.crol r iceoi ckemse ac c i tiu li-cgec i. -iccccelliceiae owace iie cToer ce.Greegeasa. i aa seoecvaci c c ccci cci c ccc,,'.,oi cc i'. c erccinIcacci oais - s 0 ilDahid F. 'lc i. 4o sQoecc h. IV "'h'o o'cc Frke. a nk i eccii cia ,e1 c.cccchc A ceaiscsa i e'. To 205HeryotA. Riji eogetwn, eiO'iesc'd i ot. e lac I ci c - d,'ccccccce'IecccIIccciog Iecihe tsi cees Ciscs9 6Roua.eida,eourgown cedIhi: shec9,ý oI coooeg; L, 1; 'c eei'ecbc-c.1c1cdc.hcedic IiIltc c as Beeoviees iso TA He cc. heo Gt tc ecerRss r-as Mls .1lo ohn,-oc ltLdy Ii o c 1" li e- cie Wenticciccioe.peececccce ai a.cejephcdhtmed oraiao.lihceiishctiscfii c l cci fliccI,,;f c- g'V,', ic 'scdc'InCe'iig e oaine - seoîodIsa c ali. PtcGe eo ct uri.'Oiticc ooecr cc c i 1 f u pa cicdlt c t nt i ,cc ico e cicd asi lsîeo-295Jo nF.e ao r ,i440 Yc ee Si. W.. ro t ouerd r.. p o lr e c tt îe .cc.iicfii-5e,,I£!h t h',scccccsefec ro t'cc iorho.sci Th"eci eiro Iscl 0eoloir " Ncchcc a ccicc icce.,,cece ecncfli c lsri io s t ori. s iacccie C)siso crainie C l.Ison ibo as2, dio ccd Se rvcmeg. I dc il e OiT ed c cccc'i edi bueec i egeasscce iasgteviced b Reaocsrt ili-,es accehg.itcte iaa 'Ihf i h i oke a te mp ot mIc l tl"I mi, %as efeaellbvoly e9o ehcc ith pa i tonte s T t. fa i d11,1iccc'ii.c'cc21)2esss hcccifhooo meecWilston '-ure wicimice ï1 uihvcccmiecomtefieocrthicmtlleq dcc Jeis csdi'ec'.eIW ceeecteiBoeas iaex-ds292cascomasterr".or heldr.eorgTetia. j iO tohotcceiîees 'c ifi ic-cTviv c Atcceiccecfiou .:cccl- "cl oee il)o.i riiierlcce293 J h uciR. cBarb er eet o iihowlic.- ced -m ie cIlle r At m thitesacec@10 dcc e)iicc fl'ce ielci la ihropers-iocci D ecie std sthem.teuia l -icb c e t 1"Ict ac Liec ita ruce D cm sef- 1t qg atvl"' l.flc oe, yi g n a'at o sc te ithece P i lset onm ceit he 'occocic-ei',oa ce cî fl. icc iat es oficc e rc a olr gecii0af e coelinthe odi alloneuW dOa,esftea 'hN o." td eIL con -7 t es e c i lece I lee lacttce'. ce rconic e ascoaairontdialcaeislthcl et cIcl ." aiSsonsa coirin e dIu 1fr- 9 -- c. ccc ccc cci, ii 'ye '. eli ilpe m chdi tat icc cecc-?oFor Ove r htlec teccl o m-"tc'bs t i e t meic i" in hel caL di' isdee. ch i eeoessasaersGo,' eg .ceumeooaecm.., hi rsrSocu h-ot eî i t- n c heo."y. ta Il 9 1 f l'il 1 ch I l- llfie iolir il . he man »eao f Mas sl W_ ioicieulppai-fo40 h rh 1rmen ol o ur ,c p-r is geotsiyosst. a .ieAscuiceum gremceeitp e I cc Ict, c Iicc ic i h i t ee e cecc iesd iceiot s e cspcoc- aqu asm' hi tolthicceIfli Be uracimnight and he choccgco O-d1 " tclat O S cs cc i iach issy d' eesesa h 'Ilhîeaai StOoscotf Oc aidt _d l, er rerai cofaot te i aâthe g If .ccc ic cccccc cc Afiefce hcd sceclq:ieios. GMnatha-e-ai. est tcuRiofnrOei.. ad oimhc toctasa touna, cit c1 i cc. cscecdiceîi iics ocleereiginteeee.icchcdeoo ii yp o ecdilý etigI Xiuit-ieiu<the oI fDOigter c , lucc' iccdc h icccii ie cd N icelrice- sie ic'phi oe hc Otc. . oecalotu t e m i laend teurec, d e ot' A tt o elle se s ,c -'1 c c iecescaaeicaeccaissoi-oc ceiiiccIleiaba hersmh, f -esu tht Osr v haboucitcceit dl cicr, limccri i-veýuýtdtote rvlet=,dumtrgt t.traute,,nuhI heIn- Do d 1c cccc'. cd', iicc Joic; .'e H E'f corup o d EIn. scigo 9t.eniWtides00tc 1pteh ogretu rt olr i. mt h dtzo .I eu, a -a, sliceg ce ,IThe ,irn«civ mc fader o escforla c e' cGiaerfoi Iatgu siede i c e loi. - ivl i l i n ioli oSa -bel.s, y'C tepmilc- lttshodn 1 lP Il l, l. c iesi e ' li is aslpetcfsicghd -ieoidipnaO .te Uc b itht.oý- il . Liect o ec1ildHcatcea :c i.-wle, b id , cI 1555 ca e siord vcy.... tcth.ciId cill precit t cc e imr. O e Ii lt I clme , mal ha buciaicecrtrlegY Ct. A .-ec digi i cI giiy cirteeafsirce iertiMpoufi der ca cIn&he c.atigrte ib res v bodith t ad i te t b, ic'ch edciol. ;i ;derr?:cnt;x;:j;;coceioni:j l)twa%;Lived7t tole.rcthor BzmTr . Mte h ta o i Betilâ 000 eaIo.c - l" re f taeoecciinaiicor tht eyoci il tiufîgtaï aac h seà(i-iD o. i wag vne » p ihyi myeseli huai he sy Jru. Il cececulcrocouedconfiahi.ecrgoriiîg aaiiicg ese ro i:l i f itOc J'asttii, tftohos u a ts e corci htouh O ta a e g- eiecsl u e tt î is *e re c pi-abserfue, ed v l c fcciglîi-tisot hmcecrioc. nuppht .bleut ifisu tee eha upeelleli ?ete 1 a .flvren tepii Goveceomet lell uoa cc i h Rfitin îtren 1 s ose f m sisue. t et ' u IVFrema brmfo e l'__ If @h i d amiec saei grati l ies;lueiuiut. ci-iiichu a-~cotcc tieieeommoicicn rchericoupt li., i. Ou Ed Siand te tht C t,ý>k in t te face f f u geth i te ac am ir uis îsu t able i fledtoS out.e ic. ta ocou . I n.c Net o natf e r le. Pfte h frim heecmeoftecfahafil~e, hyhecoiiiu BudTse am .6tat a gai:infres n ffensh. and a bli o o h, a ei paviiiagit, ho R fora lestaic iuotb hTHE NO E re L I L B o n e ile , wl r b by h i e tod !g o ol u hsriooge IeatIfua et e i i auu, uGI iiuc- eu vil.u. egyullieed ?.ts. ets tala ne . ! lunauduo aqlargeboa getelleIof f elle trasteliddlmnkami, urte eslentchreciohemut fcr ceeliesylhenia"-i Mrat<L sciut-msnauteghm If ucaatt Thu. eet,, Ge\, vantsu ii Saspec uâ te'tKlodie goldna t rieo l,- eç m an n G nra utng . ut- uue lo iti i r Iateia o chre. fl~icpy For fcl sdme aimthme N, Ths0 nb xcueahiNe g ex Il'ivel (If Railav. l ismorethonalcunci tilebuti mgc et Un01luit emutsat-plit l 'of l e r a it a R , ý m e t l b -t w ti l i c i - t h a t h O h.t E egfl d e o r a m p l e tu u al o c "" orfi r-les ad fieB e c o e M nng dsrc ommeiiaccCe i Bank o Hamiton i Coiiity of Riaiton Local Court Caienditf for 1900.- HEAD OFFICE, - RKILT0N, ONFT. , - - I v '___ -- ___ Mtha .... w.WuPatcu ..1la 7j~ capteaidU uà Oc-ue.a ce, Mtaio e -lb , c i , li t Osicscms.-otieanu Btlgi fe liai- tea lfu e ce.eYOu'StiM lbwwtm WI ui DIRECTORO - -huLflIa¶g , ai. uy#eAct a ie icem.udeulm tert ii JcOc-coTUAeTPi-eciduic. de e heCth0 un» " dotb A. G. Roisce, Vii-e-Pri-tcieu, ÂilciOuitcaltaOOij.ceM nomenryoAOi Gee. Roech, John Prrcec, A. T. Wood. 0lîa&cliiothmOtctol A. B. Lee (Toronto. Wte. Gibo, tapi a». Oraser,T.. dAf J. TeaciioLL. Camhicc-. îe H. S. OssiciF. Acat. Cashier, lrd H. M. WStONu, Inupecter. MILTON BRANCH Fererc' cotes icounceet ad eerl cttencice girete ohe collectioc om - eciel paput sud Paces' Bale Notes.* l E Dcaftm lmttei payable uc aIl the pc c- Darn GratBeleinbugoutndoi <4Wu l Bm CLE MA ENT S Savings Deparûment. Cornes a large and fiie stock of Depcia flcsndi pmeris c-e. ete.ici cetcalac tcc Sheif and Heavy Hardware Spteialflupoeitc aiseo ceieud at buît D. B. OÂSSEL5cSG, LSS 011EC As.t CUTLERY, SPECTACLES, ETC. Chea3 Money. Daw4#'îe, BOCK, - - MAte s5t, MILTON Moseptolcean ce arm pcoper-lpeîj -____ -________- c> acd O percet. Aisea6cmthoscaît lmeumon ai AOniamm. AG M WTi8W ASNTS8 DOR "aTORT Oir ai 41perocent. Apply ces' cy esept Accîco-ecoîc ,o. mcc1 tec t'icc'i tce LLD ~ AEIA t é leBdah E. W. BOYD, l«c --s tica ccciat oecc- le the me ce tTorouc,siJ.SÂH eus'of aoasi Barciccpc i-scýtorr c. hcec buctOcs i. ieeii y lbasjoureitt ehts tpr'u icoilr, e.bac- f e ulaie tots log0 tcmh for I-ls. euuf.m hanstMltoe. i1ciceto au effrtAe c i 'lo, hs m"'îni Batu e o r la isih saaum l __________ c ci, e îr. cfli ..aiaccl fer e.11 mimadu i nl romlu heum iht li O r agui hick It bcd fihsl co. c-Oh the sae-obpe-l. the lttsIai- aWle.' fr iumo nilltsaauniruoaa.tayi Loy mc-mesidIOefei, 0cr oftWcthbsorierclùbiee iteeaheco- maumuealeàriecceei, teslua c, cben for the, iccrc. Inte-d fe o- h-e mmi t Meapy.Wrao ijihte m ti ci i e t act ber lc the-geccel'ti i,,d plass ir noe tcthth cOer di- di et craie long for r io.ccociohehricctrhecacejl scn, ccid to hica . hoo cie eacmu kuýPd iIt ; owdtmiut heej-dmao eco acie Who CuSea4. irc ac ciii occhrd fer c. folot istem aly dii inccl l iee etecti Op Whlethi ohahrdetymehmu er r (iaseo', iier&tbdd' mtd i buk. 'I,',cid and scr c t. hoc 'miijarp Tai..rbnetigfec;tuvf.mael q;ý ccii h. hantait cf hc'mif lhec dodn*l" iipaaIF b liu - oem Ieceoilrîu ttgquestium hufeup I ',oefuc0cfly- rdPy wmcer Oeabout 'le-q oun esh e .flrto ft Oescda cor clotest oi-rcoecllr ti om i &5ll gj uociOeeooermîen.hp 4lv petre Oct.110t91,ià sichaccli yc cm ceo lme aitcnd 1x1tot rte A rma miglot Sp Ocusu op-cidl i cretoed 3e thbce- nj<muily mut6jy mudoit- eaumand"- voe cf cccch talieg osudhm ccact klerce r.r;iadiPu..... w.-la ec»ecuceoc 1 .ecleii c-.. oac-ertoi re r' 'oo'euZQ "i" î"M m hahb 1Ocli i ch focI.,»of thco.cacl zt~u~àlie dr O roa.'Chfria l'eab L1ýftu "0rtce otiiop eW i b ta b oua'MiTesc.aïi cis ha t te meie ocf basa or! icebuai te end=.' riuduvitemung Pst c, uth duciit oe@. 0"rZL ' w~ Aincoine RcobertsasudAgoM- in houeauolu.irecc 'fnocc d<ey. asm»cueum *b raIl, ne are vcooled ta Sctni,?s.onu agicice ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' coooalcrhaeep siy'.arsge ci mbcciiug tee pclfee i dod1 lt h.ýÀofcanmdriooc.l .Crlo r Be.1 Md c aet lufaIh=by IDc. srmdittt.uaaefah thye diciuto;occipaisckea et bu--& ainh co..Dreluihoc seeu o u ifa el lm ic Ire 'ye i býmme t i-cie t«i once t-, bach: m c hoc I-- coOl e.v, ,à he. 'e'eeiiclsc f cd etroc-O Oir.", Aud the little aote.'rW.o aith ir"cOo eadceic huer eucteamy 'calae tude l e cureacs' tihoe num ag hlckce,. b er mei- rd WýabtaoO 'I doio'o lobee- t"'diber methe 'Bec P(ehaju yco -l i tmd tiix M'ben 1 haro te Sahne It &imvlvSI e ir Siclrm."m8Wdactoa<î,a lIen do lira!" h e I a edi, a'Oc m la. 0po Frac ch&u mDtun, "ape- Ld.etncq»-ad a ame 'acclWM. e; t ""u1t frn 1." ASd lt nom.,tadme4 ber. -Obligaton angle Te Be ilss uuvss. su-rille-yd$hbile a «-«ka Bmsdîlth Drus- uof vbOeh d41i EtOfl ira The... Canadian Chiamrpion 1W-o year Indntdop Moof Character "M LImwoOTCOSflti IOUaNT& DOCTORS RECOMMEND -&ad Psekdt., 0.11ie Ce hfl GtOSOld LAING. PAPE RBAGS t Ofollfffme Caà 'b. b.d at the fChampion office: I hi Tkftom suy Peldir. AkrtJSsdgrc ct z .- O9ESTOAcND STREAM trip. Thm EJotfmgc Pet yeu $4* -Viti. fOl. tai pic- Ibre(si e2 s - 28 in.) $5c. 's PUBj.î .... ........... S01 th.oéim q =1 Oea oIl Ad 0.M tRcascOM. auhi w l 'ER taunue ber acu acute spacu I ta cure m on rçcdy as a lir Sfor tcs. Ftapatrick .*y ajrer fromt hearc I eeds Celsrbal Poadccre lain >esod in tenaminutes. str g. , -f ,sesof flfty Otisuiena tmcllseec J> nt w~~r fa i eee ila the"u da"ji cfbrrr sud bail.. lier tc4 p* ptDre.tath at iWa! luodicota in neeuetMepordglln ti au.Dr.AiepsCurefuW tÇýe Utk* uubburÏ cmedL vii tOm! s gofa tb. humble claee foraeseaen«uceialeinu rét TimaiiSetguset ue ft MSW troUuag gersily. QîIy20Cita sud Un eveciWg ru. ai thi sede huc -be uurp suudduu desattttuh aksbue iocd.VIs Mac for more muuey tii.hhart th. louimtfls wusduiul.uataicPwuieav-obid siteseffeéts orduac t ngu>tn&C~ humai engluie. ou wccugbt upon ffut bs loes fiemOeitrsted'sud luaSeat It srts dleee'ylon th* muv»tre, uIflCÇiean 115110 39. NADIAN CI RT THURSDA) K OT., b Uteîc.. .cu E. c --" -- .......c i Dz nAe,~ i Th Oeu , ybi.c e