WGaz Mu wýfltt e 8t tm 'éaa naSi MoIa n& Msof trîmmed and untnnuned ati taee - &Re aili. tuien lie , iaptt ta'P it mclà te t ir pli ,e th dMW. uttitit1 etee-n»i ca ciie l ho cisi tua atitoi tu-Acilit ia te tic'i ta Itr ti O ex cary- creitt paf a 8.1-t of IAesu*s ldSSfltuOOpg yr tonrnt e gsud r es tyom ofViteoa provice e meu te mp Osvecumne?, Sure j A LL.......... USERS ç*.DBPCONe furn or lobmic, waydo unounoeyicyeoe<ontvauefo i i f I C H Z L I TZ Zý Mi.t fr L ti otv o - sne s iea The ,tbo've are for sale in Milton-by FffF. . v'BROS. LGQzINBOTHA&M co'et T kstL?" sec., a.¶I4V MSAM.4 Loc l H ns.J ep ht P. nM "ern, nAnt-5eMillilesot, D Bn i, m . B oT Nn* ------ -- :: -ion Mr a siuas A«mrsMarocVOLUÎ5O5L . Wnlb.Usam nnm ha.Sri ARIUD Wtedsvu. Ont.. JN 3. 1854. ai she u t alen? lus tast . NMr InsL Chu me- pîcn GeOos5i.A5bt5O. ut F,ý SAý>Y A gaad pump buinoes. - iaaal aot SCe Afrirs Un ovterlo uhsGe S. HP. um eonGo.AMlin, jr, Huron. ios teulet v.D A,ýoW .Rol,doMlton. t u'ie 1 nb;ae ees 5stotchusrby the Co"rose adW v r luttait.Satiy Mtrie. A. Abraham. M elsulo4u.te s cý tv Fa <D> epuuru01n nrie:l Bfalonvol an uor SesinC irmlis, John BsieiJi ns beig otie of IsU Ws ro - ply 0 Cieroli o andas.lai.s uh 5 A ln il. R nnl t tIsiuv s aetr. B r. B o c srn rB meO .- tt ia MaafBlbOSbaInusona uud ser lfaltsa ascWwno.intetdwihbecunoeuid< TeÎlla te Georgetown, on jsu. t, by avL For wJohnstone'sD Wnif zigSs ase vin irm s i al n tousstodet at tic Otàari t sl a nssuit e n ieJOifevu ot. ar cis y, t Artou, _ _____ lois W Bordsft Nnnagsvsya"Aghlr0lsursCoiigeGuelpinte is5ofutiqu, sud wt als osdpmeudu elasgrdu Z eBrude>to ttg hi., tcoeds and rtalt -utu jobt W.Bord r e » 9A , ei oi B nri tb tn le%_obeu__eooere fL11t>ý1 oant. %t.ey o tai Yorkon d Dg imadtffely labie o thelie* se th S Nowthatwjnteri5hee is breYOu ar are il rcte bas mvliit sopsrotisuottyts oign nt our aoe eoinie. ispupta __ tene Ir.Dacd Meureaf Brasselis OoL. t at s n la r 7 f b- b.. A Miltaléa ousuu BarudLisI ~itnaisi sbidasruC utom A Tj0 Cnhe, hst moe v Logo. ela, Wtt!W. a ov.eBret- than liksly to ee so tin inm lnep e n sîtng lhr relative usu ad Tragavasi -Artosls Pun l0sloa sudsC¶3 o sei ulusm mootinecodot îtq. e p act nionayMeAlrmosi n iole, &ýiLq lisdlinsNovumiar= wlgBcetcB' s r ud liasfsrds hie m- e h suppot Mlu scitation i ans o.ou Wtllt.ts Bdaotetl Wewlmaeyoag anoutn.franeaho e sert os y an o bit 1§c ut cf fururhlsSudy lclo Ifur a o Siwlltimd n i nthu gl np to rouobabsecuuiue i is u l eIts n i g Bs rcn'9 t tin t t g6ibood silui ieen -artc ismoosly MXCCÀeN-.0Au5YAt lieendatc e e O 'cuSutLE. oue. b aut oust intt dstic fer OWdeudr .Js.oh.Jtqoe. by ti ke s a a iMroCler li Gustard.Ic eiuictKemt.uahaluwa5rntn etest -oRu .orPctbsstGibbons Wio. i Mc POTSFcu aremltIaa"Mu. Cery bo bnd1 arte wmechccean le pici w efettejntîf > . îalearionh te oseti omi wllgvebâiab P ovisyMeuhCartn, t T oagronte ami e.u T r unn atre. Yn ilfn ml eenteîi h meiytitfaitPiO0. b . , t m r u t. M -yOi, o.tiw. Ti aos;b oe evelung1sth - uspouasu Mo W a ar u. 1vder .ftgcb h ihtetetad re etpod cso h e4 ,, ttcg Oct acminBicclendora uri eot ifonrouety. Bri; tt clotalng at redncedCpnctli r et ot bailo, Ndae r uasoarIa inth K- x CliuRc . -Rev M rilllausou. "Canstpboalfinit Cibbîim e ta 13la$11 Apl e aars îstset giav ried ONE. rsInrtnbi coatthttu tramMiliu. irte iiltugutaqe 16id e roieanCdlowpic Ecferto jiina u i et eiiiugneou Gouutp. ctbiu Rouie CccliL brry.chetaeTahict. Jot Repa e.at. Milo beu te itos uel aewlDruret slam he cocer. frv v an adsiui Pti inis t iltonv-t.' Ceseph 1 u t. nbst gO. onead e. aleaabv.Dtoeg Cha irs. ale ofe m rnBicyclesr treforau c us dt t r io s s ud i c i e r eh r l si. BBi u u i L ; pi ali. Ire. At M biuc O. ou ou.ew P a lo S it sN e S de oa ds rm su su d o su - - - p let. T o c i ta r rd s. Os er i e et i q . - B ePl.r C a bi nrs, lIa t e n i a les , i i f l e A it' th e rt lpa a ie g o lit a i 'M a'o2 .ne a cR o b rta sdoin t W o e s i S e . a d s i otll ws v itisucot or w M ry R i& wiotp st s l t@tle tioit n T bl s "0eaa, 'h lt ucel ennoatnisd ee. pinteCap b erelle. eru. ccd rm u . . vRcerh RltgOtS t otiuio.i itt daan hrtiQacf u gt et Oeitl- mae itA iMtirrat tIr Biuylepli. J. M.aihstRoussciimesnecs n ttces tndth al-c osinGé vesernooi Qacce rn.CIr. Al otsMyrescsWatharas apenerlotwn.eilSalaya.Carratt iý-Iav evenirig, Feb, qth? W e: re an rocoedings ilt ren bon cicD aSblton . Ici. y, u ti o, al it a j a i .ChC busC b C r.,ts g apo ltn cc tec ie ita el ene oru t tseOl na ro Al a d sutQrnantt 'n o u i îc ,M i c h i, To aitta s S r n s J. etiey ocitt di mat lup.urh"on, am . Rcad Io e Wuei uî i oitesi . msy-or Deacoz re of Fromage Reet!.su Baile patcverlisaeteqdmtw fwl cosrei s ru isoe aeg 'ettasg si foc the Caaiiae ntreti oeil E. Reit. 0f sehlgi cbsecter. 'reCmmuloe Scbuath. BARCLtA-At Ociviio. ou Jcu. 092 j thm yn wll ny.Encls GereonI uPe OÏ 1OU rvitce onurclc obu If yenEtse 'T. Harrii. ittitt, oftOakele â- atati, pauet10ic il-c eam urBioc ihr laff aparne.Tead tenmaiclinc le. ibuu s jf UAES . ES OS rtc oh.Ec- ng et ilatl'tai ot bu lu Miltoneu .c T"orre.-T io elle eNPlisdlsoeulateip et sL uumbur et carietelu --Houven - Iii mle ostat lcic np--w a b » uW ES'SR-e w ta n aagteh uacha fteho i lslc t itcipprt gted 'Ipet tinte Hne r, m vas cic agtt v itiTrm ,.Pomt ens leît an o cth u cbilrvociughe Pcb 41 sec- tfj~ s ti %er c . ok c i b u r e W e t e - C o iamclo t p ab u le d a e ,etntttla ia g r p Im p ro v e t h e u e m l c d a l b li o-c h -h a t a o n 0 t h h c e t a iujt t n i t t i e h -orBWlscage ib osnsc fi-eSer 01,ait P_____&Y-nsoicAlONc.koctehelct tele s shuce bou e be huome miard. we.rnu odcr sic taittifol eud-efflicut Ticett romreorttIro eos s1#Ü11'~ % s j5 lai. nidpr.bo tster -R E _w__s ies l azmelefu aou -r Jams agciuutJou.illeticterst of he b lu .0....-l a -Ni h a ul a N)MLticir rsgttentrns o t tic tetubatcadeMon a or eeru sîînssuitajbltu su1.sniilc. U t seEn Eantadrssr Bts nUl- b fnlf iiie Wod aalp Trn a n sable e M cmtiÈteuIle Me e~ A ifto a tu tc f tc ba tm se. R . Ie o it I u o tseotlfP.l b SofSt Pi flOfl itsC... "c' c tcheq ue . itaf c ct ra ref ll uea c - O l us.it icp bavu m del m us itc' o a Ibmo s e tcs tbý plecula rehy neîcn o th 'r ie .tn. thuPt.sitlr eooieere o WN c, U. tailho hetlitai th rositilc osutî in at spur ic h W"I crsfieemacdp tend $5000uWaItedO - Nias.oButaircsMoatoyyn&rinternes: Seso odyatrcn er7 To , r ceet c i in a ls it eîuttcr 5 Jot he gimnsiDbs;1me o r ia. 3t.aiîcîach. olebliditi Iruiscie. iofuplaine.se50t cint, bat elimott (reoîth*._______ juata31, ai 3 o'fliL.. ftablBers tarsinas&umn orr51incedzIs te u ,r i dqserterly. Appty Box m145. Mlen NI ~ t tct Astec tado gantcrai a C -ué sTint olintTv caiet w e os-.< ' ee'fu n e sta 'out$tI.lueuhn enslIlt potruI pim ana it . nSersut 0 hn hcîbottatpantlta e. M itts-r5.ai rottenrl'r eo ppoer-n--- T- ibuAdressuitndMamis. ElttSl.M- t h oîîulud etst'"ct i ltrm. -O hste tacrit.No chitîrto. Rqoir etholtoumouePliait nsd A. Armstrong. T'ritatta-sutdlss, nu i nitde e t o alevui Rchardston. 1 recivs mdauforuerieicle encuian cuutaligse rcri lis Misses Dewar auttramé Mbore booke re soIt. Wbrre Farmn for Sale AlecasInt. Mac. eaidnof lcs es baviez ucvcd e ; l pcast tre cW Mileuar.cateto , , c opie ti ore a ie ulrlsecu oc eose oiito oses O ir. Jo ienI. ca tt i s eirg isi taib y j~~t 4 e go. O lv le I L wence ,c v c e~ îî D r r o e t ee a i m a e .t u to o hermoher Ms. am. Cxe ofBrèreGa. Bow, Nrv ;W. '. Brewna. ati . . ea Oi , t. Mr. Rcviiso gu s tts te sasles 00v mîîor eil.14r- .M e., a cd ber sacos, M.John Hi, ratlgar; JC. AiiucAna. ey wmveelctonolist. it)acitd ioentit oh-inrsleLtca.binCd.glMScLTON.tp* * lei inthscthei.aane lit0,0(s.estth.PrisSaruIt.Lt o.6,icCn.9,i.th cfnh Bot retn tthas no sevuue rootcin cntunes re prformoers U" a»r oiiasaltîl e îtir o l ueie popelpcroc gonceroe o__ ........____ Bas h ito ordîi t imote.be at uthrlnclp.cu it r lo t ramSacci. ppl o ýýi nau leciciligt panut. 06.elt fereratuorgc m loo sie .ti ise cet credt t hmevs b 1,f, lendpott idln vnM r s os p O. B - o.p ae Itou it bcmd . ie raf Min n.c. ta1Itelt r ui k oeai licitor. , lGeorgetowvu. I- -Bricgt Gette. LloRilsFiee hAcicf l of Sok, SmplemcnseOd ËNcatcethe-e9. m sAdreress lgluz cf Bisi sebuuiu ee cin.Tr salies cnittle _______________ caqoti setrea . 1Cuanirtay . lbot chonl u eisie nt t uts e - hu eUpbi"of.lors ' for cpnng betheinees, asilad J, SIW h Ml o e ..St.t w nae g HotNsann i Ec tlire. SrtCitoîhi mienrîcol luiose Jaywl eboi e thlu Rout vi nobot!ee yreuaprafit ererar. Noaunti ~aILTNmu ___pti i -11 R opo. 2 su Aoi: nFiaiF. as'resrun te Radiosîm Bn eg fesu l Rauici.' tîreti ree , o un torie clîli n-IlMLTN US G TOEIatcptg hg ad nes1 BoirlieEgiapan A ccA orsein u sFoie. tt. t te tlir onesoro. cpbote sn .t.u d'reofngeneral Dry Goodc, we have portatsinueswl.sbuatuth e BB crasai ,..el a ~cs ýlst i l-5 h oii 'ie - ae xenie uo.eb - o1F R 4 uit F. W. iher, cf Br n to.Aex ea laprt QE E li tt usShelliot lu tîr ex. ireaiii e illl-ca)a i R ns iai xesveprh si U diAcon d eryRoisoinmbrhi.dor t o Mtsesewsar sud Lawren eok ietîmtolleestisaiirt", ttI. iitviserais ceailes staple lines, sncb as Nisielt ande. tsitec caryRnbet seautolP RilloîP. Dwraluenei me4ul . .T O F R i-flgc<. baate iuoan r.oppoisted i- R. Coarco. 'ruos. G.IÉMXOrmasA. cdscçr oeoW . unree tr t..t acl eod 1 mc l'l t. Uce Cammeucticlirnifo aHllos. Smrli&Lii. Pestrt.iou vorp itamiuscfont- eo ?4ýpL tistilio uerth..sltS1(M tCOI... WlliamS tnigM cie- . . 'taFic ase CDronnai et,.oîp se ncredvti TwoAjjîLmMoiteoeettut.Fines.îtii-slnrln 2i2Photos for 10c. j 6 fo 25c. 1 for1,)O israr etincneý-b L o w M e Alx r Iernngud à eicera e ite. S atc u- loci chIaili a u.auu uariu otom 1 b a ld W i~ro .t e t i r C u re, ucti n p a e t O t i w r a s r d s u % a w r h b ) 1 4 Il bbe lll i teen o f Prldoly. buins impîtIO& t he .stu a-gensatosucra cCor-resi t aras e.1) s3Ou 70 i uta fBui Liudlcn ituC.ndisa 00505. I - b 1h . t i . P o r t e r p a r i c c i o ts t i n t a e î C o u Lenit o i a i r! 9 2 .2 ? fr t S i s e tf ei ne g , m d e st noe s " n d r e f l c i ; aP 1.t ] T hece l eisapl ee sai e l t * r a s e o n a d e \vaat t cce frli-Carmctieth Mnl ~lL~o iYuo .Gua rdtto c lae a pcu-PacPiles Aabe ui.dou0 ClboSicnad- -r AGENT 0 t tic met riecre. = 1nrambnt.ud cv'bu rrfn i t Wbitr&FacOr gretct bockofthe pear, -Htstcry ot n Oaes aCt 0 «Mcaottie concert ie oueOn enp-ricons, itietooiuetalaéste OuebIcilcm-Prînts, .c a.4 W A CtItF e octiwit u a pls doler.cIs tietord ihWs or nw o n JtAbne Msnltctet scteens. sssr ian enttàotude. NwB asi ht at CVar.Pr fet ah. aa emla troIsulTe hbyayerasi Barth"Wlieu Bcate reusbtheSUic.tu-, iuîoeuic cU tseu oton, Health in Winter t *6 orîitclauttas o otetot o idrmes. cn«"' Fgimr mavcrt ieueii1I il taliin dci6 'r-th y1 auu gcthe i t a Ita s- o ne.»uns ubut îmuau,.mnn .a .Sot 1ucuf1Fan es&n Cocortcs 05cr. tir l mait mat m"aIY-Y aeve betec dloris ucct. as ofetscartI et .t5 io nt1141 1 I. KELLY. Ftir letewtiikotielîsrriol.Y tackapn ic * aiuaes foreSic teattacsitte cfmtclpro-urespeotliumyenatmasrsu m.aserecdUettyct0 acelt on towwt h bisfo nuesïf.lpteiu.t.2siu o b OJUlSau-netsoc co eaapeht .eIr W w___________are L %prerct 0r eccccsl Irt ot anbvii tsfefisdY. udli e cirat iatmetasalforceorat-tce.eeuanaoare r n eetbrghr ote i , - un--e-ll usilo uto u a tins EXECUTORS .JLJSToNOW we 5.1W P ,ornectuaMay lente visea cLb an i nca vît sas oitfsien.Rad "suntî t (re<fring special bnducefllents Sy Bau Notice s o okbn-t uyaot$3 sl- ll id mle ar e-lézotrefnnsand are ypop osp Wtes icrpvtltld l ef iti ie t l O aLh IfuLasllicnÀes ; be i ts vs. i vo e . t Hesum oue I."Uses osmeafe bounfir-. 10pw Is t" .a. e une anbvjma pscus ut$ mmto teprbr - pts .gu[l a «m 0 inesofwintet od.nedn ftienlbat» lit.ru".r sunbowmant ei Xillm- orF r Cent. of Cod Liv etOu ea li tlia gazinosiaveMenuuh ofMau magouliosecrocetcagitetaveutteb t ber gn.8a it cuise ce Jureruuler. eeaaeitcftWCiicl i .borcc c hait!uig. Bos amnes rp o-Il>se serve btltsasluhe oieS 7 am' inyel1Men'u$asis t aapWoul 4e0 pars or. lli - -.a"at 1.Tet - wa vas eu«adaim tomit y-anWhoteiOnt~ p rl a u . U ntnt ? X Buc c 1i a r esocedonpeot-t sk its. guo 'reiatoitIrets nearr I, at t ra cla. C te eeyr. . on" elpir aStebe lu b Ohi lsssnoati Ahi OC-h-Ne DugStm cati59 eotnîs leget.«dWLbuWc.lacie, Cnl.nenteo.cle.t9 lcendionr 1 Warlasostait fiasti Mn l i a f Y o u B o s s h t P a r p - . n s 'J . W . P o r t 6l z Vie. k . t T. .1 7t i B ffls W o u o u i t o i w tb lE tac ko n .i c c i c o t o e t Hasud Woosu luvec.à" B itiit a ie tf .udose i,9 D o4 ï ; Y o tw*i PyGforV/T t Y 0 ou s f i V... on May set s lia n s a M loeepisie On J. TutB. le i $M m x am tKw t l Rab III Il Çs, 5 j ecIun or.u5 Locaouaeito cirttneia nitd'. ÏM!The sens; elPr tr o denlt et vityo py Cor i yo s ccirio c li e ltut. ce -palciscl otrouvulssoet ottet vhuSe Ct WbaFittes i ou S lto es .po tn pot principal4ai suva enas legs Buccins ye casalct ju a mil no py an e tavlis if i'u att .B hm i TYe ru gMa i Uonduclfe eet tat oPa ? .u...... pousee g tilyiaroimfcs e lits. butrot cMoteta.