Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Feb 1900, p. 2

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1Lmb ii s.eim T. Feifard. f rcakflc. sud G ti9. s.Mfr 7 iMs« I5 us Cagrain, f Maisices i ieb.gaottei cf suei'a555 combat as saiars iexi Sslesday. Mr Wlc s e tonu mvaaeaislsdddl is ai d mcmbcc f the Ha.t. f Cin- sau d the di*bcpfitbel&Nsiia Mass. M. Fnifccd la fbcbond cof the lot rqpemsftadUOIa" sut nib so fi Wiiasms Mediine C.. &cd s parti- ds.y éol n aote s 1 caiarip surccssfui businessma, andPOi.Tcmcbc vu slaun Mr. Csgranc. cbsc fatbe vas a Ment- OnMs. Hcays mcot ibtm. uibî icr f te House f Ccmmnccforlvcnity WIsèreiccisdfor th reuitssi paty'* years, isa awye. ± tAM Thecflitec e mining by-eiecricsafor fi the Hccsc cf Commcces vere beld ce Jan. 30. Tisarsday. E. D. Mar, Icdcpcsdcnt Tbc isci accuirf te. izbg sud 1, ibeai. a bathcc f Hac. jaseph Mr- ab..ozàientciof Spion Ko/S bac jasa te., and a atie f Mlton,. saeeed ramcic bodys c dcms tsibthecoersce for Winnipeg; Edmond iPottier, Il e tcd pac.titcin te b. *cpmniirousd sicpendeet Literai. fa, Laîbinere. and the aimacstinîaccssible pstas. The M. MrIctesb. Cocsercativ, .for Sbet- ety saye. Tbe rdg boityccmcmn I)icuke Inthe eve byAectonssixkcpjcs s talangem.vbcncc te Boos i Liberalc acd one Ccccratve ccrcestacncetrated5lie fronttbcir cifis. t rliectcd Focr of tae Ltbrals mccc suPPcted bf a Ma"iM~N dcfelidi audt a o ag u.Wtalt it thecrifles electd by acclaation.c . i e achie gens. tetuai f1 Spce Ecp ccc cnertcid inic a jtcrfect IZets.Huttioc4m ccpiained ftr a ccc,- itil. Tac litella sxpicded ctcesiiy pier rcporter taitte cacao sslv incc, racts, and te rile fiecfrontan 1,i cas-Cal. Sam. IHcgltc itdhall obcc absolutely cnecon nmcy os tefecly1 cec i ppaisg. Mralamn cceid ncci- g ien tly cppaittct in tfcesinmasce t ld sca osition.ce. iSutbAfrica isas bcaase lb, cccl thcc cal',iacs fiac-ei tlcsaci y for 23 ilirecomscsscded in o cascqaceofa a tecandIets.takig adc-aslagof b-eci oftdîiscpli lof iich liead usda r'ccs. aitanedd tc totce h as gaily The Toronto Ncws say Thic War Offies ysirday i.scd a list titGn liitoas htibec giltyof a of officesitkilicd. nisig andcceued h-acchaotîmlitary cliquettesilaiig aft thecattatb on SpeasEarceon Je. i caaitta , sccreccc. 'isdtta 24.~ Tcccsyicc cfficescsecitillc<,i. i Illri o c itevieed -ad hta e u ouudd and fouraemissteg. cccnntl ctaey oa, bacsoggcstcd Bt titWae Office bas cal. as yct. gîre tlat il occy result îin is recaline outaacyislaof lasses amng thecoc-a. rieur futtre.anictssicccd oalcrs and men. Thicsa coahioc. Disciplinec tust Jan. 3. 1, a occaioccinothe oscti.i. ctaiy Theolycofficial esfrstclbfcasttis atig tbeocra, buta coarg te ocitces. ba hdietl te a lssof caeuaatieeiecrecd (-tena tbagbsnie, f tlater cay b b ajr-eerlClryeforcsinsthc fgbtiof a te otb and 21t stc..pre- nciccaci(J carlhacicot. Il Ccý-I. ighcî cedthle cpturecf tpiac Rap. Oe ,,-i.,ocb.Lditte he-e,lbcere as easconLodiRbetslreports thecsituatîionu- 1fert bat he acalci baiecnoa tescbcogcd. Theiteare, baseccer. odica- ciuiAlic., co., ltia ic.,ct haagbCa.pe Caiosy. hema.ic.ethiaw oad gtaod ftec A CapTownaccrsiotset of The cîlial ti.ciacecd hisc L.aadanl.ily Mil says tbat Geccol The peomirn t a qacci hy the Itlie, ascuecil hi% tracg ycclerdai tas t, liids t. lkcy taitbe cad ta Lady- N.î1î,tll)arently a oasc,îicchli le scith and eyccts tlcacitlitctoctt --t -11-w imcif ,liea ionaer- cithina cke. but ie ws woc inn(A erm t f i eta at careorts tacdthcecsd- t iyhi, a illii iiih qated.lInaceiticisicg e I)aile liotn.abcmMitan fic.tcads lii grî.il iftice ciomi.cilig,ble,iike aercc i7kilîcci, 233 teacodec aod 6 i-.,1 luîgh- l.l. hua glilty ,faiLe ,1s1t,1119i .l tiipi, ltiiiil.îfiheteci, w, A dtcyatcb leat, Ocbat saysaa .igigc it'-- îiiil,îcctcig,cshab.astetced thect fcac Joannccesbueg, eportsh, dcsteuctioa af the Bacc chell fatotatutitplacc as ()ri .,vL.riii ,viciiti in ta ie scutli Jan. i. The lis,. iii, cdded, is irte- aciiiicclicti-li geneccîs, aiterce liitapiahle. e.i gecicis, but liit l, icpd accib forli altop.irci)ý eiggvn b I'lt l.inye tali, n .iypc.ithi tî.l of iteFrceedcyae. Bhathe cithH- utage ilîîl.iii ic îyeta'1.iiatcflico sraiht aesitb ici ccaciitael.ner. ,lfaoil, iiiicit.afl e Ilpe,,iafocsiihîear tloiî iiiliiav citit iieir ,radatca ilîtheia.cidlitAnartlofiCae Citri d iice,-c.cil liisc tcset. ci.iiiliîlteiiIle pcti.clfarc- eeciiia- and iiritLy si etii iiieil . is cgclcaîesshe oueîît oCtiaias "l" icit.l,ii1it ie. tIc cutlc. aha lie (.taires iscyeRier -i ccl-er adihey are fatirl- scti ler c l.ccp iglt, the recels ccc, îiî ý,îîiîc andi cî icic t.i .hc i cIc , i.None atftteclcials w S uay l-ici c ciiy tiii cil] iiii1c.iccîle. A ittijntcOtfoattce s brs tilt aci>iýLicl',cicctcccfiii ,,,,,bicilihd tct lelheis ,e- c(l hc C.itciiiasccd ihey oay lie icncfoa lii,, anirl,.-i.igiciil aiii.iksoiliii, l'lit\Var.ibe fcin, idcci'idi- bo vaààsdtb a t ibWisenss a tbst ho mcMreset& adouUh" tb. facimc'11h. podla5 tol4bm annnli sal ibat if ho vaa" siseeep tg M"u ont ounibhebmy; but tbe lstter se- fuasithecInvtation. OMAGiI. Jan. 3E. Freank <ile. .but boys b.lie ii nmmbu, aecendAtgsio R. WsFon snd bride. mbc bavebonin spcedisg tdol he uynoc vitb snIâtîla le OvenS ound snd vicicity, bacses.e tenecd sud tsbe eup isicisdoncesmi thc nid bcmmtssd. Mss. sud Mie Nobcl Kindees t Titsssdsyatacnucewitb Mss.sà Pasay Robinson. Jchn Diecu. bovingtirdcbo- cicr liii..ticcnoteimtract s ifobutw Wadnecedy. tbe happy bcidc bcssg Mina Battu, cfLo-eiiic. M. and Ms. D. Wilsonhbaerelasta. cf. afte a sbcertvitmt fsleds ai Mcsctsbcrg, Rcr W. E. Whtei. recaice cf Cbriat Citecai. itas bacc sufeisirntea 5505r. ald. bai mac abe lc labo charg of te cmnionevicies cenited.ey. W, arc picascd ta iotec iat Rcr. G. Smite&5 bas su faccrecred fecu iis illneceaas olia baittaklaitarcge cf bts dalles agais. PALERMO. Jant. 29. The ceaibcr bac icreeilad agaic est; but wc atsld r hveta rut5~. LesI Wedccsiday. Jas. e24t. teDis- triclDivision aifteiSono fTemperane mt itieillage. It madcqcslca slir Thce re. J. W. Piggat is eirieg fecmn bis tieisry in Iis pacc ce accasel f Mi hcalt. Hc bacs te cclilaco seeai matstie aIs. He is gisg la mate bis hbacclisBuffaoa.NY. FrackSmicithtis rcacring simly, but c isso ltctbc oatîreryteacitysi. Our tocc sceau;stu0liec gractiegfarsac have itad car pastaffdcccslargcd ty aitait icccty boses. Thc Epcaeth Lcagcc ci tiis placc baccesccd thte services cf tse ccii ksrcc ictarer. Rer. C. . Johnsac, cf Qacra iStrt Metitadisi Casent. Ta- ronto.fo r a cncrtiandilcrec tubc bld ite Metitadisi Citorit on Tbcre- day ccscicg. Pcb eccey si5t. Hisisa- tisrswilite ,ctiticd 1 Liticg Influeace. This is Mr. jaiteiso teturcîe,. aed eccycseitaococrs sillccnjoy a tec. A gacd programmc is bicgaraned. Misses Micir Davis acd Anna Emer- son werer iicigate frac te Epoast Leagac ta the, Miciacary Covetiont hield ic T.,ac acia ci ak. TANS LE Y. Jan. 29. WeV, iîlat taica, lbhesades cftce Champinceartfrtmaacrplacecor cbcdc eat glcdiy secod. Qieraccichrcof cccr stccmcdrciti- t'narecpeccîcated wtitS scccrecorade: batsv ce trsaca l ar cfteierasin pleter estoataiotoalatit. ialcttaf.îi.hi.laiKcictilicc~,iiial encggemcent Sea-cd taceit. cbaisaitedirg ttc i.,îccca.i.ciîityl i.tit.iîuiitiattailr',ictapcit anjca--cth ande-t. H asittnBusinessc ClgspetSun- ilti.t.gt.tc.iy iliiiicilttesandi Ilt adiiolliisltobere 139ome dycitisthoetcre. ili l b,ý1 iîcîa -oblanîî iîleîl .1rii tetîedsandoci63mieirsitg. a Miss Smitccta as eccscly rrired itt.iita.iii hili cctchec iîcitoaili5,3. 'itihir7aditiOal ccriot- rcsaEcilan, iniseaccesdingmiitber tiiatsitlcl ut cii i iho],,l tien icntî fo ii the fgitcg airaetcrc lattere Wmt. Smith. ai Iis plane. lî.c.a i.g. lîccîcli .iowIiitiliS piiiitteal.iltacricc incsebcgieccg W BiotoefHaitn ptSe- ni1ct.ci Thlee 'tatc.giticcilfliceocitiueo-rein placetb t qhcltentc.Ttche r ie Hmites dius 1, iniii ,tIllie .autit id ite.r. iy (lliiiicleriiaes te totael dy ,, teparentliroof. il cah erb iiitollrsicsc ttrcpi ehred Rev.Mr. McCoellcwilijupecten- inc. utilteuttliiucl s r imesonteoear ftulre. Fortiter .ut.. - eraiciy iiinbtilc A Shilling Sia. notice giceeialrr. tihtl iltttlociiii cti .1.ia, itcîil cii lAdate S. Rasîce. sac esidig inethe cc ".i . "iii iiiuiit Ahi ati'llic tcîcl wcabctTtc TocracteDailyîtcet it eoli.icfrsey tiaeiciahigoteireaste cl rs rstdess ai tiis place. cas tearre teta apedicincCanadla. Withse o ttc Bracte asoacJa.ihtla Miss Pirtard. Liîîc i SeiccaAct-y. csih, b ,,ptinthse fot a nek Thetecet-rieedriasd 0qsil ae t Litte, t ReelleAilc l , thiiy lilita. Itiiascutccay raminte sloccciiîsstettd ta a.cd Mer. l', ,.litc engcactilichbc iaatlctradtiont cboutl aisrnonEcsiastcnhataconratuclaiosliatdtcet iii1 iec l ut.iuiiiiuaititu tht apcc. aaslhaegd ils sze and tetoisieforteir ifesfuturesbappiosss. d litluýýilit!-g t gi th coiot, eon eelwit it moninMiss Florece Banss.of Beatesittle. ol tuila l.j.aceî.îuccg cconuug rîîc renwcîcrolîîaquicnitceLelmo tittlierîiit.îcy tut tressa IluIpioicil pecici table srcreirs ayresates 'a', iiici c ccliy Irar,aifthe papac's itovacc Ttcs attcendcdtheeemiegee- ca Iii, liBostnad Wasingn ctaltsast Paemlastcckrepret an eceningc Lci tclui icîlu eclent c.urrpcdts, as w sari nc sprt oftekind titiset won forga'- ci cull..iulii..îtact iii. cotiiciig te:ltlofititicaiif tie Dcmiice. tee. U, tuttitcf1th, adcuailaIn eu ewis The Star bacslarociclcui p-" n ; ý lIce c(i lîland lcc 5iuis pcItitrc ta mace importe c-arSIXTEEN. lý "'ors.Jae. 29. t".uaceici cul ab of I lscicrepdnccrfroc lte Cadian Fer eontiths cullagees bacs ticdtut ic"lci i i c," L"ablîlccîcitiigce caitSatuth Africa iscisides enasidlete intelligeet usmter ef 0,,itciyc.iîî.cîîieaie- ucof tseimotteairecftigItisDtoicico rccilgr cocil tittOuiy mails lic -, TOp- o-t eltepepeotbsDmn o eSin ttecd f sepates. Sa erfcitasâ a u..tliU. iaec.îh.î.îcîcricoa cofithe riai, ntht e acgaliaclcy ai car setecd seis.but wescspeclcieveltp- 1, i t ccciigttiiicla ulct.metssace. Wotsd yostehiee t, eves ciii 11, ie ttii itheii tcuig taI thermarktscrad ecages a corimne taset ,tahanai:imposbtle Iuciiih thliiitc lathe %catidcsgrcat trading ccoscr3 are tîsascred said bill, tocrsee tîit orse I litil aprt utcail lcîceci trii rttc aftectito pcpre fosef il more sensilela go barkard prc i,:, .ialiitiys oreprintedcti lia enonecofttteuncat ertc tae Secard. Witetaltte 'v.a i - ilic , i Th, iigu.oîatal hi bigs tiat tbe mricg casem eecc ciwhtI iii aappee. Nec h. c ic paptattcieu.cccciiters hucici vrbavestecsoedtforthe derrict peopoedtbythe Star tet.it.tc. e r IL taei tihetItah forand clcittdaopitcfortatircmmer- nrrespnentss. jcty lii a1"Y. % hiletitluiiecatp iualanicci îaccial pagee. Ttc Taoront . ato nneipeg, -as rnenmig ccIlcîpccL.tuittcl'aietro,.to ;trtakts tailladeartage ofthtielisacci as itprercerS i cîc- ttct i. ci cptiblictions at 4 oelcbitealtle- Ilacuiacsemon Sceay. l.1.prescrit fulccd ,,liable rcports Libite Cooi. Palanmc. isitcd db Bribuy on ireoh ilthetrîadinsg celtier. s, s wsit ceMies Ssi Martimer ce Sanday. BayceBth Bides, lice lcealecagea. Ttc reportesecm If ttc p cs ssunligtlisany nid ta O t Ecîci.,. ptiislîe. i bea Sceurs aScd ci ttc casting ligitl cete stiots.Cedar Aos- _ah of o,,Uj t1otiîiiieaaiiiatli-Loiagltpecs. - dey ili beccstctbe mach isen. A -cc tlicri S ttirerci.i bier cii It bas latlyegaged aeofaiheSs est nosteecettreectacido deeonlgrond1 ,alclclew,rer on >drccicg cardat inte espapertbusiness tave iately tees out. i ietla ca-aleionc uudcccd y theit , u h, pcccîî f Sam Humîe, thecar- eCctcoliiebsleb andl puila itctit Sstcoitcboetatver tiswecktlaThe Mr i. lareTrtoctme. sUrg --..ked -o>kcch ttc itecculliar crime' Sta",ciiece front page ieeabebis ofihice ,ntcthicu thttaîsieooese humoce ciiigo ta elitîe. Acaiet ad- M. Bset, Faeetec.caletinslams ,.f botcli; tc c eacpeoîlitbcctt t i tieta Tbe Stars ssafff ssre tan lbt Mcutay. i) Canaaithcitinoilie actethicuka afi usiguert athte engagcteent-of Tlkabutitstigtafr a mannoi î.ic~ic.iu.cauuiricyiiitht to._ Vt.jo Clark. IMccet.'of Satday iimis anstcepiy esgagodt it; but i icle cunthIe circits. and as Ngt. Tbe Strsmansgemseet ar. its tiet bbrsià reoinit tbealio . ibreelarter nomtaarcecutrerquired frc gco igte cap 10mats te pcpete Onethcsd dalIs bacbeamuoffered lrh.iiitii e csscc.iteraui iluir- mant reliabinanada. focthe apur ofsaumssiselei01 tnis ittu vatt uccciiotoebcpusr. ibeft and hboissppsd ta bacestcisy- punie iof cateuc cccl'ieStcotpraica Butber. Piacci et bot.. guilci h-Iparies scectoti cosirt Trno a.2. dmn alMineMary CeSlig"hm bc stmns acý,iclyuitheicomparasiveta ocas f g TnritcîsoJs st-gto su fr.1bmi Eo-t ittfindin Tureuto cirpinai iheitlipesal. Neitiier gse iOHad allins Icabribe.-y 1ticythnaccplîcrn o iitiramm ases rserced by Jadges R.oad Olec e. M. Mun, a. K 0ell cei- the iter in thiurepect. REeas. tbe etriai ci ta, pesans rtarged mitbCOspiottcpllt esm Sna.Bc know tht bth artis riseimmnse pu praieices in oneetuon ilS Me.NStlà t 1Pm55 bheresout msltn Lsas;uoibcibsfrieitimiec lien. Johs DrytenselctionINvd ant diS rîtreqica thc psites pracit898. Thetrial took pace mr et1ai Poney. mao MY ef nu M 10 ive roofWhilay.a ite cortri sevedet iburiccta Pilseuo. 8«S«s MM it u if thecurts tii ceclunecintelligent sr1ieolcct.aamtro bsu5 e o5ii -* i parI ofilt. cas uteadea for. Ittîsta ete bicnt ot f Brantford ebargedt -its iimY iitiainafi bepedt tiat tuere ciii te co eascg sp oai tecry.ced et Wss Giimur, a Pices. _______ d cent t, ~ ig tfeer., mitankcbrites ta1m4botli the gea Nvrksu ele gsi ot il 5051y sdsmacd reriscetta sy behe b.o& orrcopiaetst oitseprovicsrcaeret cce atlatioîdgm"tsl- .JPsO cesctets pstecdtcitesiîs otii ssecret.- HcotttM.àacalsdniW. m W*rdm tetato Htting s fssmncatttpccl.t- i, aoo poctamc tas elf.gcericg pepecasIa dmucrBc o res cenisas. tst electtae ___________ornemue IdabusuAgain flustea.- Thue Dan n st ilutcih Landon, Jan. 3.-ABn ectinsuofaielite i e aver.less Iris Natoaiac oe Oabssnt trout ibe deitne i ilcSe aeacoîg matas f Paslisment. cO-iiç te em manifeetduelîngih saiir tt.ndsunce t a ten inlucon- In 1874 bem wo-r. mtes ee atinmi. csru fittee bein« 1897 the«eIMuM 3, cessisd oeriug f» lis -ansUais-Diib i»dso- ibse. a 'ioes dlicànb of im i.b u parte M a-.mem TbsailsuBcafl."' s #Uus T4L LLE i 'li i -i b p tg b tl Las.ý MTh. funen i lx esmdfattota boom sU 5! i. 5tb'. Me. Thom sidl sn bsrsssent. bas the alneorimt "M- paiiiesi of te mmieniEF- Mif Anse Aleander bacmccelrncd h brossa cisit ta Stroesiclesfriud B Argc anumr ioba (tbl ing. I MisMinnis Mceeisan tas seiunaif las ber bome.saler a cepc cf es' vailt 0 tu bcs friand, Mins AesGracsbm. I Min Locise Murcnaun Inspecdisi a s wecciswitb ber saere.Mms Beci. Hacccp, c MissAd& Nicos bas rciur.sd froteta&d risit lo ber brciber in Msivce. Aiitoughitcwetcer at ecy screreh oneSeedspeoeigyet5a goodlvee.ul. d bcr stlcndcd the nerary sevces inL lte Pcmsbyteetae Chanth, Bores1. Miss I. Csneoe aisiled the groeos t ceet. D. Ciieban d siete, HcolepY, spsct Seeday at J. Nicce's.r E. Dacidsco speel Seeday ai F.L. Sasse cf te yceg faIkt lacisincthe part y gi,,0 ty Miss M. Hasîse. Neecal. os Peldcy crsoiog. B. HaetrelicandMisD. Wrcdbai. cf OGeotace. set Titaday cesiot S wltbsssssMicerva Thorutcs.. Men. E. Ceacîced. Guelpht, speel c 1 coupleof daytss intw ascwet. Mise Mary Vissa.itfalo, is ttc gscstS oi tire. B. J. MrLaugbi. J. P. Brconced family sentpanev B - ingieis week tlsthcoe. 1 APPLEBY. Jas. 30. Qaarteciy meeting ciii te tid in the Metitadist Citsrriton Scoday moneg cI ta ocieti. Misses Emiiy Wiiiiamsse aed Mary i Esîce ers appited os reprsret ctirss f ron t tcîbadiso Scsday Satosi ta ttc Cuuesy Convention ai Actas oe Ttarsiacaoud Pcuday. Pet. ,ctcandsstd. ttc. ccd. Meîs. Haddcsc.- of Northt Dakta, bac, tees eisitsog as imcas IVitterl Alcen did not isit ai Stoney Ridge os Masday. Mc. cnd Mes. Jets Wiiiiaesce cisitcd fcieods ai Acton acer itaeday. Misses Liliaî Parsons, Mcbei LucsadE. Parsons havecteecona weets riait ta GrimsbyMount Hope, Osoddasc andter places. Mir. aed Mec. G. W. Aitco spent o fca day. cit friencin eMitoni weet. DavidielSds ccd te Mises Smîith, cf Burtiîgscc. and iaJardic, oftHam.- iltonaseitcd asi..WilitsasosnceSite. dcy. R d. Dale, cf the Sistere, ralsd ai lte major's ast ceet. Miss Porstcercf Oakltii. as lte gsest cf Miss Scra Mctbscmae titis i J. E. Maady attended Sasday Seteat asite Ceet.enay Citch.Hamitonun Seoday. Me. Moody ciii saitfor Ecig- land in May. Hec ttods vriiig ail lis largceitasday Sabocis tefore ltas G. S. Alas bas teau laid op wititau atiacf troocitîs for ttc pasIweet. Harris Somty is n e siatlilet. Scme of orritiemelaim t tat amwid- cel tac tees icald ittis ririnity. Somne cf ttc fsrmses t inthieririeity htavecateiy soMda umtee cf stcep and topn la Palîcesc Brs., cf Milon, dealcese in ie slact-a good mcrket fcr ttc femer. Oeicgialithe favcrtie ealtceiclst Friday eceeseg, lits Lîlary Society mas Ot as ceil atsended as il saliy ts. Afîcerdisposisg cf routinesness, mlte fallbcieg programme cas girco Read- ing, Mailsd Alcen; sseg. A. Lindisy; >ccadtcg. Wiitee Heslcp; instruentai. EMisa Julia Alce r.maiig. Dcdley Wii. liucmsss; ssg, B. Parssns. Tte dobtel watt: Reseoidthtel inigton massa greater gsnesr.ltas Napoiece.' Titers m erseste lire speatkers. Affirmaliyc. > ac. Leceard snegativs. Waler Bien- stard. Titeegalirc speaker mesnlits 1dcbatc. Ttc teeting cas bssgittoca -cloe y sisagisg lte National Actites. r Os Wednseday cf ist mach Atbaa r astos mac mcrcied ta Miss Baic, cfi Lice's Head. Ccolny et Brue..Ws cs- tendorogralteinsacd test cistes for sbcr fsture itappincess. 1 Acctdieg tlcn emisu untes ty thte Locceilie aorcmspendet cf ltseGaette âst o-et. lt.eaconcert gieeby ttc Edi. 801e Ce. ithas pisse mac of a nisclie. ces c cr.clsr. Itif repolaci Ibat le ltse illutsaticoncf lte BaIlle cf Maelita ciit secetala, ttc follccesof c ltse phcebraI c reeai. Dhitibution cf glampo fSud Geais. r Unier instruonsceaf lte Hac. Mie. taer ci Agriculur. eclbc erdumfibitstoe i dsmpl Packages of tte test ced tost gproductive sorta cf ceresIs, &c., isnos, -buigmcdefofentlite Centrali Ecycri- usinai Faru Ottama. Ttc dieleibulion miiiceesst as becelnore, cifsmpbu cOf .osla e pslag o-test ariey. fieid peaoa iC Sadise cor. sud pelajLc. scosu$aple m.ii meisthe.pcsnds.Tienitc lb .e iii bu cf lte busta he ifp trstlaume sud d the a -f k aâutisaaapplicasti.tmo, h &tc. giomistîCla s.s sembaniat vin bu=ý ohkk bacshonto Y 7ary, w e we take à' oann out and-- ~. wi11 be ad- j vanxtageC'u8 for -youtoexammne -'«oemsMi1tÔfl's Leading Store 'e - OIE ACCEPPED THE CHALLENGE. A. BUSpeec bisch M .a n Osgl. AtLI N DSAY~S theuueadgterminacil edrs: nce A e:: inte idio, tlees tcc flc taie pb 5 yeibe. fissuesd iccai tesation. Toc Cheap Cash Store ment cf jtctooecMl Oappck ma saitmt ed i berhetcriacc oyidlps YOU CAN EBUY .... ...oecen. Wbes il aplird, it ccc belrer a pric tinsitution foc ther insane isIbtiis es s - s ity. aed t i;csed u t h t l-'ttct cf à Laie Ucirvat itio.,Q oc 0V 1 le-ecus ae.- a~msaa.Babs qM. The nairecsi ec ewM-1 esicelit nave an originlss oiai etItriainga shep hess dos&, A POP lu taies fessa 1<0 moiber oaus.mmc a«bfsth auemnibla (th breme ft Io lemnsseialThe seb a %traobcp or sait lu Saben avcil, cdath o p la usatid. Altes tho sst fcw deys tce pop slee ed sa- cpi jss oieoBcd' g m ees a uer sa the morulass esd io« citer bbc ubcep ré bcesht lu et night. Aun Oues.ho su. folk eB 5go" ot Bh the Docb snd ates cilh il nit due. Wboecer ho bot tes~~~ ~~ Ocaîcpb mlcb rylît i cl kacsc c hoi rdita.s .'.nidote e 'n-d-erp0ol a -cih.ltedesud d.toi il teostcprat .tiss.euteit sirtt l- ete -rbn. Li. il. nesocVIi Ttc ncrot. paends.l)etr.tp. tedt csd cadtut havc litlceeuritive vaine, bries mstip o-e. Ttcp csenot btesatd ttte e.pacIse alses fci t, teltforcitacis and vecylts!bhae-tosmevlute. Ttcs ate ais ey ore1inu aitg getle soue. Tte scetcielcep sgefedisg -,ptdli sed wespePcip lrygrce t ur' sites a drîticesreisitand od rsider.idc nutrimnl ts sbas seecpulclic ni eu antidoîsteforrsemtisnt, b the aPtc ri tl bau aisea elislaefor proctitu dlerp. ________ Wbei DiaH.n eS Ttameu BetieyAldrich. etc s10il 15t ltcerayippentli. et nd te av r s cired cal losg cga tramce amtionsit Younglittcriassf rclid ofPacsescats5 th fo -csîltggrnd,"a ler Douisplta- brci ccsi s e . seSb t te ade tPYin- sptic ssit. I bore anc d ,ac is andt citil laogetlmela rrdieg il.'l Little Williea-pa s asfinancier c man cit au ocatetots cf uceyl Ps-Net c fionacer s ncmoemitae ccc lts orssasey.-Chlcsfo Titacs-Ho5' Eîrcoigci ecassît. wcte ite tead stili of Amcsscslinventer% is cscsiderad. onottcecoplainst madc e bytop diclc sgetcst thtc lanuaofacturrarecthc Vîltrîl Statess ltcat e t icones la t"neretelcl ym ttcp srceiaigicin feassity. Yeosauccboy a littlc tic fiddlca ,,o iII ii ddla. t îtccdicccmsss cita es scw. a carpeeter cita co ao smoer csnd le fittcr,.,cesmcitat ec natly ecccflcada il fise caiîtîar. blinatpicra almisal cic - alta ie t t itat ecciof te tram aMade incGrrmccp. Aaieicac icetc. it ls expciissd. arc tac bstsp itcnintell ae- citéasssad pbalcarapte cad caridfitriat ails cccl ssistris.ott a st-t tai, tin cciiîsmig itt ctiidreccs Icys. And cotse 10pteecatrlte i,000ls-yenid rite cf Nurmberggoe tte trade cnd gate rict.-KasmCity ladcpatdeot. Tite repart pobtisbed ysstscday ltthe effect at a Joannesbug aetoryetscse stslls cere made tacrlte Borstac tees tiaccup is ecr cosised. tetiitstews.,p . hrriblerc c e ack ela.9. awrlue .s Ciîty itnc tte fer. ilc ltceeti l . iisTh-ccii tD tessmceremede 1u break i-1nev clo istutc eelicnthesbakSc lu tiu cil, ln u csslicgc ici edtcne. Wttelieail wu escdy. c ebaili ege s modie antsi eeeitled. Thete,,vr th~: Tchertc isctTc onmt. encterttc dis- seclingutinesofcithe aalge nas9 3 ci-at t-tttigt. Hecennui beaactasttsilitd. A diai lighî masl te tîîcîaing luthe rousa. A. ietcetred lte m, as te si)" ssittrsi oee giasueraraesd thotc e Te hle sacs1 iceec t oncr, ta et'utapîttîtite ,die ifrte roulanad fate bise-nftit tisaleoCk toasrdtce tlredieslýitîg AiI. M te ed ofi ecre tbac, b.rli won ttule pecsstltsd oeela cre rocn Titismonconerttneeoutil dacbtîcot. Ne secaond limakmctsid te ittseil otilthtit hit ocr bt espiccd. At 9 eMcncthe Young Mun nteredithe. r .Thetcitt sccll usuelstete liae grerîrd tins. A lumap btc cd dissly. traisî is fertie ripe os tbc dlssettitig talei. (On l lcpssieislii eate Tte cera ofe tee ruaiere ilcd citt gesmse stîciss. Butelok-actuaiS te indten. Tite Yountg nescewccni i ebetc antd reolue.y tut-ecd bis tank te lte ecate. Ttc boit sosie ctted. lis easeiled tiaotaed glîtcerd oce-eti eholiser. The epelids cf thîe adîssc msed le r.ise asdloctkicetbine. le ecld nat gice sucîber glaîce ta sattsty tissseii sndtuinet bisiefac ce-sas ce mr.Thtnt si bou c, clîd aiolyi. The etlt edor senmte aitcetse. At ase.thIe dtse caeigci car thicesecnd look. Qietly te gilicd ami tmistihai-i der. The hed cf te cotrise icectot tie rait tner tf. Ttc lump garcc sed- des filcter. Ttcnecst tait teterscascs teîtly. The succromolsas.the iuCc. ttheIde- ueiteble aillr,.ail emtitned icexcieltte Young mansuimaginationrt.te.fli titest iitab. At linst bbctiia tic tetiat lok caue.lHe Cessîtr.- lieSttce thest mou casud-tte aprî. cidc ope. loisnt Iblmu. But eeiy ce. looh. Tit itesi Ptosued., A ubiet etc lîctîcci tec maects.ocît ite racen. the., raéed le. Thcesnner: e rtî iietiIl Iletgblang enmausretg. Tut 1feraiOute tslf luoolite ciiertofthetcaotiiitd' clique. Botthie lamers licie cccii eot ieet bhi resue. - PiilaJelpitia ltas lacontly there.troi s saincNewoYork i., o us .a cons thoni$1.0W0 denid fliblotied shlaa plste et iietrlclc 1555 bled mhae h nut.tclalet- ounm si miung scrtccy. Proete Pilt te leitbd siicnt-e a c tcghttc Menesthsniàthlcrd ano utaesortcet Ormq"isu f-bessiLfltsl ccpttlliet sone,-e sel tes t.bsterni ncf cict tres end MilalSue Esgidn.Thc ira-isa aoisisl Imsm. Ia.laalp siiig hgCr assci bger 4" WgMb5 ihgt mp thutho. lth sonsosfsurface of Itm piit St eces PWM wb»thebal @prngfront the S thelattr. B c lts are à Mnfslfcntite of sca reresi pou- po he loiaclady la Wc..c plgae, bitbai sil teiSm VUh i crustolu la til* .cu 1ud te ercC IInn SBiiade d ai mlicites a lo am £dtcete.d nb- rh ie cidads ta P dense that are la ecalitz discnte oet - ,ý ,£AM ro ),ve are for s: Local Nemp te, W. H. Reid, Mil J. H. PeaccbtiM MacGar. c f BIt tiseg bicfriedc ia Coeely. visitssg te raie Idilto. ames McAiiislc missioaray s Citacritlas Si Posta FOR "A les. P. O. tee 54, Ci-Rc. -Ret. b t, %viii preatit Johno Steact. iifor saca tisa, itahpad that tt gt Out Sale oi troces4t3 ta $st. i cle Lia-ey. Mut -Ah bI ierr a-. eiog. Frh. -c- yrDeacaaareciite »go sissed *A t. 91 fegr te C-e. T. Harrie. detLta, t ii llsly. cii t. btI iii te i.e .yi st. City Priars i. - off-Lacis Rtti.tý nty TcccasIeu Jt reci randi regnar ci cil X1.. ciIi tbelIIî 9. B st nNi elhist at ccc_4 Richards... rs. Joto B. - tl .Mau., cni t, eattIr. 'sîtti le f.,ceetIn I li inae Sutlie 'i!, a .accitg -i faiga,,h-1 <05he anu- b c ih 1,< tIi te lýi taa ai i e 8art 17 - -- teettIlI ' l' , By.ic 1,ga~ , sscteg u a i fg bey ic tu i, Fa-. cE AChOLNu ictiin thttr esct.îtc afgan i. etîcithia fiit.imon Tae o loug latic- plasan it BUhere Q Ladies' Fine Cashmere Hase 25é., 35c., 45c. 50C. Ladies' Black Cashmaere Gloves 15, 25, 35c. Boy'. Fleece Lined Underwear 25, 30, 35, Sma11 Boys' Stout Laeing Boots for school 50C. pair. 8 yds. 40-incli Bteached PilIow Cotton for a d(Ilar. Good Cotton Crash Toweling-50e. buys 10 yards. 200 yard Cream .Linen Spools as cheiep as Cotton Spools- -3 for 10e. 5oi Pairs Wcrten's, Misses, Boys Mcci acd Ciildreces BOOTS, SHOES or SLIPPERS wili al bce id ai a saving cf Tweeiy-Sive Pe Cent. Jusi ac o e ciS't er. lbhecitap goods are and Bring Your Dried Appes and Butter at Once %o LINDSA YS, - &IIL TON. The Bankrupt Stock 'of.. GEO. MCPHERSON,, Wholesale Dealer in Boots & Shoes -NiTORONTO- HAS BEEN BOUGHT BY iJAS. O'BRJEN'81II HA MIL TON FOR TilE NEXT SIXTY DAYSOu BOOTS & SIOE S c oMay be had at greatly Redueed Prices * Men's Grain Boots, ined. 1« Buekie Bubbers and SoIS,à Ladies Winter Boots. Overshoes. Rubbées. CAL AND $M GO= SAND fflrk% J..la '0rie ,-~7Kn'St. B. 4 MIn 41 WINTER RESORTS-- PACIFIC COA ST FLORIDA GEORGIA ALABAMA VIRGINIA LOUISIAN'4Â"D,

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