MAIN 8T..Fâ été- 1 1Vrx., u..1 .. ..'t',I. 4 . i.. l.. . 1 d1.e.laI8 'Wq.b.r U Au .1 P.bhe. lte. «l . 60 ,bet,,.d OUrm.o ud .0oufo 6 cl . ae. Wui.D..r. hrk MITO. 01? lutterc, mi .,, .,1o1 PHî,<. 1-- a. ir U . III... 0.1. andTO CINHi oL«m. -Mocace,. loch., Ml..m ., filiNe c. .. k E.1 .alo.30. J . ELL1OTc- A.,y erg, A.r,-.1e,. Et c. Et c.Oe o'.a.. fCot.ry 3olléi l 8 .. 1..l. W. HOTUI DCK a,ie,, nd ConaqaIMc Oakr i.c QTe, 01. TRY&BND. ILON OT f.rtl satr., 3111tary "ie. ptée oL l. d î, N.- W. Cruor f().t. n.doMcître.tY., T.rc.l..c Oc. 1.o.rIad- t. 8 k of4 .luia. M IL W . IO M. 1 1 A., iauAq L«-.c.,oEtc. (lnocuuKaeîh Mo-1. a.. 0,,o'T t d,or, Mai n .. lio. eN 1lt . 14 V. BANDROM. MjP,11 1'81ie, oIlO0, S1oayC o.rfit Booh'Ilck Mai, t,,p.icMSI., Ml.. R Ilallo l .k -t k 17 )TILanT. 11DM N .C.?mS, o Kn îhcboca-OcOBc ISe..OpM. JOHN R. CKAPEL ICKE Trola i clan td moui, nial Calla pe Omlly îlank.uI ed t.lone P IC AL. ADr. ZirnrMermaf 8 10. tu 0 12 ' a iP.-,ait t- aa'dr5mot of nk o uluiton, B. . ANDERON, .D.,.Db.. RaM Otota aoaatlSuO&c. K Sttio . b1 on. RONI AMPBELL VZ'£la.-SUZO Orleça k 1v dom.a -d -*0 PeCctor-ivini eut miotitthe Cack at once.- AS cnti-bottle ilcuii, ulrheeoId; the St. du hma beeghung ift. C. D. Kn.aaE.oa, PLANING -MILLS Lumber, Leth, Shingieo, Pickotee Cedar Posta, &o. SOMERVILLE & 00., MILL .SRaanr. PLANING MILL Doonruaa, ElinGai. Xoulngm, Doîr sud Wftadw Prames, M. oomna vo0omxu. Lumber, FIoorlng, Luth hnd ShinRes Kat antoolir =oc bai RBT. J BaDNEFS, COMEa.uo.a.Iv TEEiar Mn's- Heavy i Rubbers- On, and two: buclei, In great variety. Lumbermen s Stockings. bOCl.e 750.e 1$1.00 Pr. ALL KINf 0F UWilMW * -louin meami ut wne h.-ili Dot go ber ~ ean souasih tees... &y$ ha. tac tealie *luter play et H -lo b1w 4eseuil ia d-eb enm4 aeti.1 di - 0w, loc~bnUale*i jotargoimy anri xe aen cea utalent laquarte UtafS h > for a hey Dea»iticsan.@hatL arryba ie e vprnis go uMd t awt M.e<,s~'mlitlbewiboat quidmiing. and pta U~ ~ ai guaa'-bîi~ m eauI ueawlei bon bIl: loin aJegRsom"libo "hYsl.aittu; I iear g surbo& uae"tb bwu. HBry erot. tbe chym-a. D' a r*zadtmsê t- "ama1 aeqihj lilaa. a, ln.i put lb.p.pee lato vet 'b" eaW bmf.t ofeo filsll alya oa ics tqoli lb baron. "ami hmw yua muta op dowu lu tb. di.ig ug ha ce 40euitlprd tomgae 13010a117R»d mai Inamita î coin " bI euWih acdm 1I maag sp tabu&oLScarcely bad 1 'ot il :anlâ bs oe bilan a M.. ot i~ 5t utUli mi0 a bel. <u aaho meO '-Cai opa fomton .«lai a Nu06V*l'bb-inaa fr *a. m buAs oulueae~ a - oýof0c01 wIth ail i. eelgbL R ka hevmn ,cil ua- ,imeiu ~ditehlu inchebi toaiuqoai, 1hep ý pagaecf ý t e&aaacaes Bar. *lu> aie. u ilu.uda ten- cm'y ah 1 mou bailoaiu pri aminaoit gau .6 bad ou e"*Ai iha caiet." musaiel amaMW m *., U Us.y loýad. Ib&t 1 brs. et the khira commlîun i off mainlfablsmo h sjoeu dgtl DAgga f utntBu a olt umthlarer. eaou w plu , oma mil. la 09101t10 lliO& 8.ary. wlo mcn- Uleg uga fit ore laIS 13 ta b ratm âoff lorlte Ai mg -ifDot bnccingwhat Dl.tomIateon. a tuat cita. honnir oui heeerad'ungCoeuar 1 pi u neily $Wpaiacmpcilu... hea ouc otHaryrndud mIotoebhen CRAPTER ML c.hlb ami gue- Ami bueMit riding bouls, chaaged 1.7 i 8 ,mi cal e. bu otns< t ta Istrasthe o1.1 l tb the baIl 4fasa.T,~ c~u'-ocgu. bqaalahrJrl hael ort-t.. thllboie ont Of MY XdIIIg Ib*ou Eva itsvet taa boi-file roie. the taitln e anciasbi m uT tbia togualtbuebted ou my uword huit. a bt iailcîedy iaup ami tu eompletey cool .8011 1.600. nocboi Haro,' @pun aif ee ors thiati-all Dlv.ionaTsgny of a strg l an la omase niel&'îead ow, ,oi lu -er, splen. Icaweoiutffly ai ouie with i1.amit d luo 00eruch boir a&e. n orise.. amor f hi a ver int ait. mb ad. cai oredowng aud b lbhean armi Ib thrae iMy vaut cati- Ooryar& *nm ehls rbh o n a a &.,iuholo r hlm a ult My. .Hoeu e des cro d L O18O îititI 12 r-ta, .bu ypee. lchI CHAPTEA ou ypeluoqer. choîn caIl.i dbaunboli.$0moite blmuand idutenomlmons,.turig 17 1 the1 wipai tête Innocont mosture of iec ?AK'v'b oii. .bp t. Clllo <1h aly yhuIrobe up6i m teTraniof th buatebheblaie ami tucued taiotoiltl What TaNRu aipuAIo aae... ate taiàc. miu, bat fream Cibfl tthefa l. y eue arilhowhe'ovaat Baon arupssu bewonli hav9 let hlm bang suie auy Th~e aldaluloobsiupprosîl, -*can The melba. calme ct 1I i gd ai lb hrnuthbanmcfbum an c.d le, tebena1ai0h Il ctao bee lu thoriacs bossuaieaula elunan ond ,ý. nbakle -,circtanceM.forlb taiatniiontmtur li. my teidtla thr. npeei. but no NMa a w cau vratha ing cfthoie i aluoaud blocdy aui tho primntoouropeil A""910t17ol. Hoeau ticoion WZCoretocaa otnrloiontheo80 mieom)ctn i. ot th e gluu i h lgimo urmîeba ylrio~trene -ehagube nui edtaiom onteaoul, table The borou, eh. eau ulghtly thea ity.Harry jeatcd gouthalt c An the ad. ao n ewmý-had or bgOýW. toch im AUl mauueretfbok a of tlb tnir bi baid. uhbochli1 1thonclîl lbry w i clio roka febont tate, matotcon her wih honut80.a100 te5. W sPalled I Vis ioMmwa. . bch hc roui with pseau@.,Brry. "Thora nte orb. cartel.uî, for a truc teom lher addies. i d o n înu. camieb milfest. altac ihentoeue 111tOoocichoctau.iouidl~. a vepng rY touchezgpart Hecwu stylog. Who Irau a mcnierfnl ucholor.! trb.getiomn. cIb a traa c wrdin theusuall, goy, ohich I linkh Oqril, ajura melpesaibteoas kgivoftaesmeuorcoub tcollowai lmar~r 8he goaa o ttb attenuicf ber yoni asytingl 1cli hop@e ta.;uud ei bohanc t lt.. WiII jocu@Weartob naturel. WIîie Heiccy amid llrî- started np. yhaie leanlug tfae thibmcoach cliceo, acgua-citblehumovar Home ami cour. loyal ta thia tsmlly outill thin tamlmlaschatted mer-ily I roda oit P»11nc contrie TTbword l te a lamnei ,My boy. yo. conutolgo,.:cidOu n ioe e adt crioindadei ie hourt og o o osmmero ii daoa ateatelf, leta hed# fe daoconccooi me. andl mfoybettf..obe a aeuale iaoo--aai tietaimomnt wc e horilgalber Then tboy couli bave e .la Youî Oaeboues on the ronîd. ,ohich to04 d ani forgctteu lngue*feta accrr bl.<ctaiis . u lis. a nsou hat cali moite the ibarbesl ta houe the songu. whirh. -Imtu ou. I @uear lon My 'baonc. -id the ta theo tloch mont of 1 lb acarnthmIntaleuih rck(ombi flrav oge.isbrladsmei amolever icoer"bIoa iovlla 1lcou lbhe cerae ery burnai and 1Dot a 111110 un-. ptaîa. iawn bruire lu frontcf aà. dîe' hava og.lanerdy lha18.0 ndi morenugof pistala suni muhetcand co8.njuI n1lptmi ont admtie s gbs uurrts- mounued etla lttle lîcîlci on hieîd Cl.. thoImb.. rch con în urt ha ote. vrbs hudrthe noe@ ,aboutaetimon. The craps e lu ami lits.w eedrioei ucor .. ute ca oasret,.uei acap, chilo lita feloîerld bIc Cr0m ocu qnorriou. bulhebn. anoa.uincs u hu rab from Ithe Orcon elohmbcis rnIhl u' nIecolgaui ri.o cl uoipao l uh.boi.ebtaoiebhdtcodc o Ihldaaahwoec Icit i1 bncled on 1. acord [boit uu ebctua.Oîu aord rmteaoib lbhbIne coesan fcb ea wosand' "8. it bluuoi" b. li. I cîl nd cfubdta bed v p ort deceudante have ivedIn Itc.hbrn anoO 1,4 cud adandàsaibinuafru he maictrsb a .. nte one. r<-mhheaI pue "tirbas a noe on. Cran&lb. busu cf os o tr wys 1,foch. so 1,cprt l boohathrongb aaehcegofOr hi lbd ol Y odb e .e ouppn h lir h enwr oricsget Oe o& ece ooe rn h omo Ihotiyef orh ai o oý an eal p h cîeaennoof eecteo- abc m .oanei. Butal I wasa Oateminsgsudruabl.g forth ta suport Onemrflng I1connîm usonaiaton. lutana." And b bobotslb.elithu bIâeaisdmtui..good te ha tctoted tavecy an -ei h ieveno eceLEdhof pride i eien Iaw Whio ued.ui n ate outn ghuc al aicnioavu. foca l ho uibndim bbcch lbl1o Panlng a grot gale. ail ribta i tlthbotb traisoste ut..abial isrcbci e w arisbec ât dw hé v. .ofl.cbobsnrossu Ol B e oc aFor.e sal o lc oui trouand iercd wih msire hais, 1_ q ont motor. a lok aout n serch f bi Do barnapitole huhechu. mngdoournlugcf t thebhelnp pccescbefIhete ah.hâte1gn adain id. Iran ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l anmle ct moeblfiemarotre,10lc ar rUp.. enlee iiihe eurtari ci fonul! coptan'a cugei alatndinixmy '*t cou notthl. e id1 inaitihlb.aboya he iroOr Iers 7e verre ijeanted OfteogeIhoorlyacd. Tmeuton peac eîîmuett I, t76 hotey Rai Harding and a hanitul et men ut1 broin. chenaon rating nd1 «wI ne evlce of naer lu ng.Naîthar cil t1agaîn. mi? an boctIter we Vos i 11,1 aitbtte ah. bom leibotore tI poe.corne te Do bre.' I at.îblgly Tece abtool gale ondate Ataut frmiers a lssu tippîna locri moup tbe ros.ant nui tibï .evlceo i n@ so bi.Btouborg. the ingo city. and hy 1lit cTh e uietalataboo i xe lid.iTeco bt a(I we ittistîo 0187Witto see.Iraia b nryOec.rbe u.1nue s boua..ttae' .sui oîîg Il o n the ieccnlo lace ceml<hî uTeoldee aieldeaatirsfaln. n-si feteeuttt prs rutgthenorSewsrbdI UmnrofBtt aonMm uni.mis roti f hoo aleisboo alog u'111 ct ve uttuoneg) aud hiaaad bach frttitha top aiflbt ole chU weeifis. lik. îhamy milou anccaaions. andi milybave lbooghl il vrac is. willymrdad nerethsrog t.pale aplord bacelun noolber i, lwet.bai chite gloves ou bacrchAitr ara. Aui lhuu lb.bonou et Ininuea itiThe uleeta ceco ale.. aal jtonglî lerielil uand anks anrolbtesged 8 inuteo 1 o..cliaobing into'Ihe sudile "At iheml " 1 aboutai. and jusIthin Mrey golden currelftldocu ftrain s-lncreoWand uIlite ao.uaitlabo maw' tho houl aitoand azoroeis lA b#41tei Tianai morbeazpei, ohaiehoad ercighlcniog na pistol Il doîecs. tho brou panoi me clthbluisdans andidr e b.geralfeaiberai bal. rior uni moresc.mi hte oubla luideforges goig-aad thîe sînlîhs, W-fur foine tan nutbrftths andbib ou y Sic of us cîttcaecaou a ocu 7the two a haced uori, We Ihreopeaci "'IBo helong umr. ber cmus thatthIe , s li as. monyof tho ccoîoing hoes 4"4ci.t Iworgenthunies ldbreoalcernt oelnt ng avnue The fîenuoot e r1 r n hwtaf ed totîW rtei]r dya t eUr'"t utrifmpiala aaceet dont about tibeir h...The groII bosecalbbar- ccc enlale. h. aee coo ofeig ota înd the air mworm e cet,'al nihebelacunietaobsov thege tlay t ai ornlHam m esa nienigliMd aeaoteaoorîgpol n 1eIiIb*ad qnhrleringe clhth Ie li Ico boaed trio f oac men carry z a boL ect o 'Wallohaand thon oînedt a ui ntlng oi. adn ihourI luob. miibm gdeIlina ofmmon. mbonai e chaIryngepend lcthe ba tonc bocco ucori for cet cet np on ci perenbts' tlh t a te cba bd ruamoins. Tahenmgn couf boi b, e.andoeur in hla ecrtest opmode. b nii. moenail thieB.w.lfl eleed t i or. lîr r. avef cedig ayli gl wa ucl ,frlfngh on the peevîcus iÉbt W6 el'n gn ebaeaaric. Ar c b trlotoc nan.Hnn. obiupah. cî bthe oIt. and Ibcco ocdrioet uu niioei. admie les mand azurs hazei roali ,esiestgefrn cfaanduai "I al Boe,."ai ot baa prib.. ni Are ah.enhei.ordacagetcofl en asing.roapet. ampuatao i thciniiantIablin ifr Uî- bravelY Il bore the arme.8of my moth-beltoithere aaother lay on MA1etfelsb bon mporn tac dlotscialeemn." andtar?"ulbcon nec tsaule ber fac eaud epectha aba .andM pftene. In arol pliaig On t Ilî o Nors tndiy. togelDAîgn tuloed furawt Spredilng ont mbibto e1dli n netae.e b taimoment mon sud hbar re roiemrn eaplng acn counntry. clitai, gsiedenogl tu houci Xtbeulî - ormnniy cuvethalbuctce no c.t ointce boothe gpont gala ci açaha intandmaa"I an the cadet etf-thé boum e. oa lihrai dpeatisblawlug ImmOur bocns ere led uoooN% %a Ca jncoia bo Br. ,'e- veycccr nt50gan rontiue bdni buclyenfftlok punei lcaugh. dae. but cîthool a tItIe. Peehapa illu'*biaout wntthe dotr. tbraugh MY cent loi abrhotIh e brthe. ad Icer a.pcod o Ib roli a Bi Wlhot trolg t ba aiied my bcotbee. lb. vicunl. au cauli ani Jsna The bigunds by cl-oae ins loch us1 te ehichrot table. 4air o i ver,1 bevlive h li em Reoy arr'. becrsaofaith1e beat. bai arilng uni hi, non eul ani ihcu.bul nt 'e"Ibori ec wafIn oeach wcaci. 1Iboir monnaftnemou. videutly draeated otar ita in ta a apreod Bu IbaeItcoteaiplcilo.plidltcebandageateeom ia tace. ea honr' bou l.ylug tbfaUs oil nwvualty * -"Hey, mruta. ltelbraove cilaet cnsbed by aur brave -iefanan. lbo of ham ,nd beer telling mai the taciiij hîbory iagtha e bo up ou biu foebea anud te tl lb.gaeaya.aid up couelb.Ithe'hsbc capturai - ny tillec eth btaeaaugbre atbhegais ani lhebouagies "Rave yon huard anyt Il igofetnl,.. cltb toc mucb of my native pride. Par- thc acotlea joc exposdo'.viewc . oeh ngain clb a air plinbuono cingle scori. and ob hi.m lb. te ofthe ipîîmmrnin al'aaed Hrroy ion. l am m ot jet old esoagb lobbc Wben theadock of evcing and the@uabgtma ot tbl l lb o.hndyahcnaoloa. The a ont r.lnxnelta tbolrcork. Baron Vougal? defroîrd thèseloîl ciomb. ngte iln on1chIlali rni tIbo vaop bo] over' flocs bai nterei. boceve. and thous di@ a li very actcly. iocing aI me cllh the ftmntara idbeepers ta the Woods igh le iles ilc 0ihe aocblî. nad' (Ep n l rVein fuent.uin bU Itabonun-annd on oubili Ibea dict,'fa fonght cIth a diafam eaunelitreho ocifuh ou *1nthebonsi, tlbplowennan Oeon ta the cide oanwered the felîow, w itlà o cntiloe ialihirsgec.' Vnr nwIiteubs fil 8.theeerdecoilelan-we cheeied caient- mciain coives at hay-eilb.a ver, "Wbatl" Ici. "Are ycu the rabl- ani the yonng_$pnaIn ugre.avec "Tbak ostd 1l'-cwe cici. an Orid swathd inbandaes. y ntheTia ji ad atered boch goodch bace for lite. ta. for ont sar' befr aptanns ianghler. maame t' And ch. uplonia. (bptana Caallaree wwla tlb uaîtbof Bron Voueafit acothai bandage.toword the hotue of lasteeîs clan coohi not saieeilinnumbora tram 1 tel te stadeng aI ber lhtre apgeut trog everycheca e. ?r brmdujthe trampi Rr. ia',ooeo D nIt "Rete.Daîl . rle. ooalnpau ir~lîl break np thèime ntl.Dort.,1the gales anidcalta, Sheo .od baughtmty .1 thal about ix thu farrta cltb a equud ar! aimesof the bouao of lItmce.nt go weon au ho conli tbcongb the roua.' boy, as mon a the Trapu ere l,'- eauid areryaed lb. (ani cwarcr, "'I amnCaptain Conilebreou dauigbtor anmnumàrblng che tumber te hc cal p and report 1tethe bing. XRred 'Rai lb bambai tcothnningfocmy fothar. ll'thçebgta bnion.. hknee "The Long .cordi1 Tha long ucor l' -ras.Don il atitnd oreurmny tac batilaand char. lh. undeebeuab ain nit cId n p ycu. anceocongosin « and follocai home ndnia hanldeasenlobei? c.s a lobcoeedoui for Orooci, liaidcuntaci n arinît 1 ec wtli 1 onbrnced hlm sud at doca tea 'nl ciawut latechance t. charge li retaiiec.uaiattbon. Theoean l.confuani caefuiiy, "Do yan condecedifilha ever lbaugbl r et I bih ocex ec.a a nooltii tho Initaime rom to 1thon." I-1u1sered. "but theapeau- no oadng of plces in ibal tocsin.[t cant te taire him amar. madame? R olu agthIa rldo ofl-bh atoohrslboo f table. unis aIs they a asernnd woein cs cul and chruai. ioda. asd mîrîhe. tainveryquit ani lu belplâg carbrathor tanléover sur bond.ile ta ra Cetum cor. raId acl tony end?"hasked Barry.iteeand taire, b bloulng bronih andi ceeres,.-'1iganpai Thera wcou. ueoni iltch la bo ruoe nloilaahc l o be1a"isteRor te tc ad "Yenand ejermnnof thon b moitai coaron, i have uoebeaus moe'The lady lbugffl merily ut ou ihreugb Utics a mA i l.csaploliagalbec11Ibm t e ue ceestcîly "lpn h ih nteradinocent bloon i. banda aaaau prend of suybrallethon 1lcoilhen. pechband face. onrhlthebuitours or toli.aeu «naond Baidtirdi gwco a vcly gotocallabonl bmiuteago;"I olatohuoae.h 06fc.theabanu Iwndieouel.lrae .pithbnlguereotblggedot iat clr d gobd' a nîewei. bounbng about for a dr.ant.- Io m ci. b.for lb ccame tecipa ovecy- natmore gpiven ta ccltlng blliadeu Ibu t Ii.dolotcani tb openi yanr rolh' bsîn an de. And jet a nu and bauiun ndwrbei Tîioglt od "r"d Ha lughd au ha couli he. but wco eo lease mli. of ont bounsivteh agsiastiksbchoplaye hie,«'ara emu,'prouder gettemna(i mt ab îlond Iir carfs l un rou is1e n!î etîl ceniadelng hi. heidgoac king aichnolemofnIWon."ick 1lîbhe raie bid@ginal .corii 1I ecerocaicn my confusian. In Waunarh chre lIlao mi lb . balcon'«Ou f the tel[ housao oie **Yn mdea ifle tnethon1airb nctiuh if ce calin the afttreutoec a ind illspIb.. b ite hlghilng Fer "ILont ant01hlaen Y onmbnc hobulltly cannai bond _ta plco p Iheiledetinoltheaetrerîe. ', olt en It le a pib, you di e ac bu ae rat Unn-" f achile wca .buii abro# .t booni ena aaprlaone of car.' Inid. bclugglOou ubau t bcapons, bte t. lealitiDotie, t rac tbtho r0 Useoft maa. Iract i,"-b. imgbai sudiabhed Ho pnt ont bi t olh ndian4pedneiouelîbef uie. lTh.eIucuieoun acked Il ddieoulit@hme an, emb te Unolea nomch buv-Ioeose.' ncra l Bbe acon pbonliipW oiac fiue linon ahicte aa$poeedoitlriluovei baîlcawu sptla lvaclîb Whoa ce etnrued I. 1the6c. hiboa-"e.e f cs raal cib i Ltte tinge irha fibIe mean zmu.h sd ehimmi "Doms clbb thïe no gnn- Mttoe. Otlte.,Be 0e r neas o aaau u l o l am not a cmai. ta11. nnrachhou I fean the Baron; lteatboi bDoenw n tefut lbndbali- weauItaricu, cblch bib Barrey sad î1haulifuli ice uac* tace. gin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ We hwtuyt rip u ebicr cîîas gauîîoanth îy c ii. t' ani yti pzté hacapau " t verpreby- My brother anodeWlvtcul1brn lîcoa an unil btlpeui b hocie bu awliguaixe lb. ccntan- tbov ca'Btb opn t caoupa ncctsaboot It aud read thoin ta uellnaogct l chattbclubbngauatelo " th torn and coniba Enthe ion.'ur "Ani. thmab <oi. thybel he the lb mth ternâe. Smemll up barl Il caeveninaindoubhebore - of lag buet ac.lou bodianda lieu onthor anhnvciei anure b4ýINUla indil-cridauaoiti horde. I -acbei Ut. 1ta. onashi m wi pou-la tr h.ttetemuathe paloce and tarâe tootb.. beaurecied. OIr iai lerbhahe .9iton Barya.tenl I gai ny peint i)a fadjoc, drop'- ixgcrbya brholg uutonîtibarp. gaardens. ta cbicb ai troeo a i Tbm w ou allouce atterar UnI uilaonx.Icuqo . nlI ..lpn i. >u' mt u~i .9 kofl et nab ahr« îîghî gentlemen cor. tInlîiAi li puba n pat aaymiabîn be U polbcheoud deug tb.c gins me. Dy Unheulticslbman cho lochtkmbtaR--ntafl lilaBl.g bcssîîtgo d myhae.obbrds «la ib hem on ias bs p"w tc îOftcuUn«~. t ble. suad ftraoar wout li thourt. palîri a longfacee »owc. ha-la dema le tb.celtif. " m aIo ahr)lha wm l or. Ub'i aa M ofbroung i Oei aght hlm hy lbechaud- abea. bot.?" ha caipri uy ~ ~ ~ u ende tutti u cor. r he lkV.n. oenishi.a, o 1117 u.ta e .... î.-.a mu-pq li "uITha ilocOoniet tht de..'roi> O*,ý a1 lp-7îA1 lga e«lsrymvubaModi: tee.l 1ue§MUai thp- .y. ou Iloebhs.thmloaaar - <gnt tht. Thlieuenat fut t 1 pt il mmy at 9su he 1«l l Tbut lt "a Iu etaun île puy for on h. àgai ugwly ,Flcîbeahsouimonlhogae.oiIehcc st tube Ils;portil mv.Net im" =peutfli dpnrot Un p Ihal,,l UnfOe g *bo u, "Mai'ol"bat Ihei aoiouguiBau oppee. BÈan feeting woId tong cornalana i_,oeout - . iai1e -4 Unhn <,pmn soi b.u«i ". . -F W U rdmur oninton At the palace e idmoct oe oci. iu bolontaIsadabt, Andupe iriai puif u buui .Q. ' ientro ciratliam1buro-f - v., -4bet muaàcl. Im piia ai bbareo utthecàUn ký« ai ecai 1a a. àýbeanaplatos an a porn . "'"h. h lle <b ideilamm sayura aHring pocned. 'If meerasi t 4pl~ac ~bqna lu ià- eai n i raIIlbo lbvtre nr, e dli Ich d ~~' Sm~buree.tmn tar'i l~ua lulc h.e wu ixg ver, mucb lithethedevil '. - -'m~hum' lgdaiuiée ~j 88s gq *mb ~gpbim *0le'au.* upav. i lh machie foc faul i il .si. un lll OMlnebaueemaof ecb t. rAmi b "?b.hking basiorioraebo _ <b am jar'buh1R k igobai hM tam ern pooxbrai liii dbd ~bmwllonema ueathe troubtaeleta'ou >r.du~ ~ e6-lu e talt.Ime n otanulsi r sawhaards a inathe Bah ai et ldýi*t 1héla la, maçb iboutleyu ridagt us Cb "ra Ied «u; thon.' ~~4aâ i 1q ledsUn tbn ESTAFl STRXAAI rIp. 'Tho poelanan'a I'AVèJT JOtIMIA cd fihla. 'e.' yma 4& 711h til >ritai pie. ira ("122x Yorh. , I.dr«a K i AL md ic cli 1 * dovm a aet i <i 4 N1 I il: