Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Dec 1899, p. 3

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l'a, TOYS-w1l.fn«t sémein and se"e ih5is tl' isit. -tf Black es. "tltS. ,, ýCliild. c Tu, Ç~i~nsCards, Calendars an&a, fs'lne mm Ita opoteev. er We Winle T.Wedo kuow. bassee, t e resolieg them chenq Weîmssuoeîreof vpobo7lng esriy. Bables, Hyem RouAsf&-AII ch= efors avto beém ai. ei in Mliton spend our fliney here, and -psy taxes on our property. Sado you adwtu*BinI é froim the, Uaite of the 00utY by s4iîng cheaper than any. We are enjoyiné the triade of the farmers, aur friends from the country, and we find it pays to h âePà n tuggi itseOntslMlaflcê e, the future, we wiah yau A MERRY CHRISTMIAS AND A PROSPEROUS 1900. k CT09 DRUGGISTS, -MILT BigAi cellttiid Cases. Woeh Bxess1bl Nlt Watt. Sa Cati atd ispeetthsobçl ste cas (Io hettet fot psu than lsobe whea, and whes to buy. Outr isodo I 900aability, and we feel each other,' thereby helpihg.au Ouir cointry trade ta Oflstatgt n, i by selilit at prices 91M draw theMW0 im_ ._ gy-TflIinking yU1le your patr inut Local News-. mtch et cwboe. WllElgliott. of paris. Isvisitingfiensanamlbseoft e k nh W. G. Spence. of Nelson, wseinttown el ofe.ftbttde am Mtttday. ,.ýûýo i 0P Mitoas tl ast1 iabîiiits.is sid tu Metings i Matas h tav a huggt. will ho eld ine towc Taot Fletiatttrivtedihome fom the tsturday, jansaey6tt Wtti satt7t3D Pis .Attdesf st la3 week y. MoSIill, of Wà 1 ook ont for (race Churb concet A. ktmey, of Gmud erlytain aary .0E.Ltlei.saa Fat st t :A good pimp bosue"oa. sod biste#ne01 poti Apply t W\. il. Red. Milton. 3f iman Bise whoto c Its Isaac Smith ttd eiontf Manlette, sud BEnj, iiez c"n mitai aartsitisg reliatisves in Milonu wll hal af1acy erg. ,ttd sthhtttdi-tghe esives sre 0 'Plite ilitiitti Tises says thai Rov. htacing b- oefur Cianon Batnd. ofaits fhsttCaibe- BamponBonnuet. ,rl, i as ieigttid Sheepskns bogbrti Mis Agite ialttttt lat of Osheite, »Il!. Mits and GnI lias baat appasnttd Asisant Moiesa tf doe ad by the pair tlie ttatih.t Asyltttt. Loi ons hatday last 'rhos. Atbe. 4thb Mu litt Ee. tstttg. ut st eif bis Sfin b h îst tses ts ifammtion. Netdoototbeplauii K-x C.tiits H-Rev. H. R. Hotus. Th children, sot attd. K, (,f as ahbil atb Orsi. G eotges Chutsb, L and eenilg on abbah nex. bhir entotaininsut0 The bhait' aiArthit Mtstotstd tf prise in 4owvtle ha rtite, mtctijitht steamet Niagara.,iso Trpo£essu cm titi1111Part Maitiad. tcttin.dialogu Cette Ps its Sais.-A large drill, etc. A gond Un quant titaastt hand t Robeitsn'$iertiixrsot ta cafter Lite lâits. 0 o.bas54. Miton-u.Admission r se. ,Xtstas Nsathtta sinNekwat-Now Mr. sud Mms.Wm. Puts5. liîtttg entd. and impeial Derbys, speading tIbees nie Claendoni Mt.les, ai W. Bes' Soutss. in fltatt. lefi au Os Chistas [iay iheres ii! bc a couve, B£-, seet itîthiattas aofte Haiy Rthatit in aSt. caled ta t*kochstg George'sChatt.h. Li.st'ile, ai 10-305 Lis. maaefortutiitone 'fictegala af Taîsday. 1tub iast., blets befote 1elug, Miltd dits ta tiniltii as tht Moristin farot sh es fowu a san i nerOtaili .and as tietri Lghi Poiso hcbW sMI'~ ah A tn. t HeotiaitÏZÏtb Tite tLakett Mdad Cenent Company l bni tf fcWi asktttg.taittums oai88 .isifrosiitecOt' SssOsISA pitattstttof Waieidisento stabbeia l ATEDà T] pitttttittiamont tof P. W" O fi Thtetist ttstaimt ots f a ncssea imaket ýtho r t %tty h ya a tinet thbsewit1 5ppesa me ft=ret by isi etttrt.'s isse if the CliAstttss. lareoor sisalJu Subscritha tata tetmis fo cash. r. M. and NMas.Clini P. Lawreence.,of itabiiseolbadinon Mnta. Narth Dakitahavetsrived Int The geesi Obdbrn Mltai. fott i sit ta Mr. LawretiietS ceibtetd a sst' heather. W. A. Lawret. ntril servicon bot Tht Ctî'istas sevice f Christ Irtum~Day Ho Chttiih. ttîagh. viii bts btsd (DV.) onts .i. Satidsy, ath ist.. at 3 stcc. ad the Ira-ou Haiy Cmmutiontat s'tiebtsceebrteid. Thîs. Blaîklait, a.ite of Cois ville. edttîa aftht DîadoIk Het giatsis fat curling and is titiitasue ftlttDtdalk curlng P.t'sa. Isatins ffOso.y a silvtrsaatlit. Tht oeee sane tn povngProtttiY, tihsaitt'tosad paicg fot adso i{at. htijîitstt. s. ser ast night fris, Cagary. N.. T' ht spesi tht sommer. M. G exbeated baome feus tht Saise saeeh. josepjh Fctahrttits Ste eetei direcaise for Tamw ssetinsg sf tht Doiion Sm e,% Asiciaion heid ai D. Buth. Of PaIeisO. Te faigar wassint tasaoasMOnd Htey Calque. Thete s'IL he a toulait n ats sa inlaTe mntiipal tiectios. Rsht. MDosseli. Who asbo station-a.iste aiWoauhO ie relatvteborts oser Suna M beta iessfttttd o Victora toit for ihai pases0onModay. ' The CasadiaChueshe*, 5n551 îm. bas ikaod a Christmss nanbet,bet- f iiy iuaeid. fatltOf mait,= pelteti ons 5eV 0 PVO. Charles Raisshâli tOf Se passed is snO bissaist ai the Onaio 11«0egs is oow afull egd4tW. canadidates pasod«1to.W Milon, b. fw15h Naumar MOd& Ca Gtai,-I taMs "Y tiasssdicn o. esîgia sud ganienrs tou John Fsstoit0 shspnnof do sock mng tea bout *.5 ls fed stoc m CWs Coathes. BesiLoaugeir. SON. f DA T Ofl 4.-00 4-75) la le s Iliat i rly oit' for Fruitîts )uceti Stocks and Debentures, $50,000...HT0 nstwhuno.set. en. ebn Pse t.tim tttt. ts cs pet D .C.id esthelciuiofaiAshesThre Hamsilton temenudl i ligeotaO a . .MW it. , atis meue. ls t thle ttsdylai ad hasdswnely i lstrtid Chriatmasa =Y..=O LudstE.5tnseo nt.thof'e dgeoua chsed GesIrsi bPue.e istn aandsaoid it ai:tho Iiicrised Ratest~s- / th" @lonltStrtn fe STUDIO k u'snsn! Institut* ChLahalma faei o0 host orstpe., 1 ceaîItisas tbe biglestp .hall. M - hfonnlm ad fauffy tntead fn' sot nthe a neae in oer « nottt e, goo s~o ud ~5 awy.D. McClbus oid hie loiiered 1u Cosoi. aÔqrq1înt »W bwsntaon &oer lta .tts mseby pritstheia ssltlt h0.1 0u ie m la ta W. Pale. VoarD em d ~~tet. istmis n i n M Maie mon, sQ=Mnn Ogl~wthisul OuUIi Liii, t, rOoliymuulrs CisUlflJ. k 1e. nuw>IW Cal., fart 5% co-A t,- inanclal Agent, - Miltoni. ni tl. b" tre Chcago journal of tir.77 and byjhiireat-, pwlimImn a itter fis .Wl n b- r. ed~sl Auvume <ônde- W" rentota ald y tie fJairle ruine. es ~ b0o.H.Wsuo,0&~e is ait mae, peute article tr a Xmsgif i iol ose , i etiOl » tta Mm"Wason,.01ila thasuet tfenue.Wbvebrdnielle The Last Chance in the OwI (cgYear... 3s Rosein, e or Ume time.lguewe. ar Ge 0ev. Waeha. hoke ont.'tinug our .Olrn..HIIh Class oods at Bargli Prices,. SE II FAHRTNESWm inlustri et Uturcmitaes me rosci - irR pPROPRIATS GIFTiS-SE MINFAIEIOESW rg0llsjdt *.ey thlarges -ltens tiPoos-rrsoz I inr3,000 white mensud e .5 id ficeps of St. L«esth~d ie umkoprk. abus homo e- rra n wss fyt 'les, 25C. ta $1.50. .assnel4 si! rn iamsol fft. liese ' nbsa 1 P'sliOl ftSCtt r is Preobyterian Book of Praise, 10c. ta -$1.00. -01- Lu Ou JsnuarYty i,aet1 nusLt sito. sd ss reunrire Tire C. P. R. poarenetaints r aew Glose and H1andkerchief Cases, newest designe. i-prX IVAS NOV EL ES. imen cli oist aiausin doveiopiuig. uot tamentionrrnverai ligrted by eletitelts.laThe ceei Xmas Carde and Calendars. _______ so charunon. fsncY tht ae nsd sotely b tire meoni goiag la geueraited by a pmli dyteotait-nitab ed.eotttnceatpiOt sdutvsetC uo taam.teed.En- t sudfeoi thel mac uudegeesim te tireasuietf esch car. The tisi le -s lot 745 P.is. ecMnWrseMS AT Gcnt.er.-Tbo fol- cfe osiepetgt.sdn be tsibp J .ZIMMERMA ,~ Equisite Neckwear... t CslsselJe, ~ st ane atoulisfris tire laa provisinor t ferorageo tf tire curreot ZGLOV#A hedetams shw ba r be re la no ianttptitsn in tirelgbt $?-bn Newm I)tarios. Dettg§qlt sidOse ai*CLARIJEN HUFFIERS. OV$ etewt r iie oNmawy *»**SIt.K HANDKERC!î! tPS, ETC. Touly G. Amis. Maf.tt; eme oLmetirer, Whour the Gergeossrprty wete t IrC"BdW s=oe e sa ns m ey ny ho.Wi-shcig utoa TalmtarLoeagi hnrI W e .._JffR CRIST4 PRESENTS losar.CeiwUny pumrte G. Ktcl 'g, .Carmiin t Stemarttown. gsi len. He, irowevere TraChreisat%tocad etertiofliot W aete teto ikadlgae tlis ton wonh.en hsnd, e ya moa . iMg;t iot stiarted fot home sud gtas fot BhednKnxu, h shO-om's sied aSyndofsoia. i ge r b. i an , R. Hpntsve 4reie--seeliesde-o iamesosrV, a iSCscttih <LL. T e Ptifs, Ipra oi.i-lns1and Bows, and rehet a"edb, shsae AgeAto;gass, osdee 9 tsined anenmt bockir te ieddreo tirai laege cnosd biug peurt. Tie reo-.HnkrcifSurs hmthiotsns Imm o red h,.golbstnibi'express, soie sud seond, ou Thann- buaý,ds:y dltseoirla missse horreurs. ;nd, R ge otdzy.-Heeald. onie thons ssbo s r rPrtOU ND RW A --«Iý baasss.-Atlumtioa ocfdiMe iporltty. iroitired lu Scirsi coss sunt'idoy. sud tire. f1ie crldret. be dii telipai O )? ND rWLasdfr - v Miltonînu sstd fa c a a *it ities andtt bil.i blamling sruoue A MDoIl;&Mua.l rasefor. h trste« sud pareuts aretuviiet!dî.IHN u itire EsaS Bnd mesnt tk8Y. cc, est, r tt, cacer.!und ta theo aaing eetise. eupcisiiy in tire Fredth prpoe ts nppty sud punietsud, -McDaugsin mge ose datmnats.eon Fcday filoera e M.POTCIIETJ, .nnste. .. . ~ SIS SONS. qast or ita 0mbh mite legirtu oek or catsberel. titt4. ate "for acitfc tes oe. p srtte e s . MsDougsL Atthsconr*lafl" of sur.. givon by tire W. C. T. U., sill be Boot and Shoemnaker Compliments in s5 asu aId teié aO ge adii ~ P t irnoidthie pincipal'$ eaes ai 3 P. i Of_____the___________________ W e tels sd onos.Weging 70ismAi! the ladieseof tire W. C. TU. Are d .5L o-0~0 h esn Mm mt&lircsoi1t ais t.i s suse ebepeatwet h re WRepairsonatheuihrestntice. i ~ ~NOW IS THE TiMf t perc. .urfoi ipentiuic tempararros or. gises uW r ee W& as- fillamer0 Duavsn amGet.tort.-A mont. Ibo paoils. sbilucstliyote eetifew r r ie!gddlgtafroaios onslthip Go to Cao. Latunire aey store forusefed eaeX m sP et t CMca- meOntarlaioroidat e XtangrrHnes. ebau aisesa Stray Helfer. pushiugformure youR yteu, idethotrag Ycboll ro Xasgonds neitailefot uies.Ra ta cae! the ealtmay gifl, a. as fspcy colsalsuautete. Casse tu the pemime&f the subcribtt - buies.Ra e eantutnncois pitets. glaessst4. deilta. outh-tte'fSn, lot5 cia.'ô .-.seo oo6,e hileopren pecial Induceînît aByr aRelcm îsî n tu b0ehoimaete 0' puoi.etc.'t-, snXmasu sndies, nuna lot, one ted yearlng ieon Tiroe sr ai esdfrila. Cioice cigrs and 5a l a e ioemm n postul peoperipsuyjan td etifpassht ti ivo iii fict t 'th G i f u dolara t oistiare slQ htag wntîîdîfult p ieansd toa5cosi. Set psiag espensOS. hem tithorer,.and a targe saeiety forie tbais detippeti tht peute.... andlie s su r.d Ol t.tP beIboor lb. MolyS in hhb ail h a fr E -ndotsaa sIaudsesnontire 26»3t WALTERRPRIEST. tf Besîtde Patteres isailctuaieisoble il. e sy eagneras X oa mbe yeowigt. s an aite sa. t pites mtsîirbe. eMWImlle ousTua eegeLsg itsieigiuu.ttwili payiueiokhoteeaoui asortiret. issil oueîîs a tas asnt laibmvsla of o Aisoreaeing teOssle ah Stray Steer. Me'ss Muier i CloeedWhite Casi.or' togt odfrstsatin n il y cs -y ist..s. fo to tseCaetigfathe Officeseoe Cm oh s.osutebscriberc e.as ih.fi 5.Ot jus! shat youttatand teedforta teiftitsgettiiip. tire Rallssy CoM-ou. Présienrt. . O.Mslett; Prpsid. lot 7.ct, :.. eut.o raotMensu Pkcrd Uudeewear. spatial, par Vo Keep Up thre Qnslity. -:- Ve eoep the Priai isi, b oly tI nt , .A.CrihltVionPa derrt. P. Decsrtadarirtd steer. abut e pons i. Ss ~e I e!ms~COuA n. C .tl snnree r nsd nid Teowesau isave neo iteHede$l.00. Hoe.35We have made a-tes-tsti s oihtttaas ie b that body &a nooeodty Cliner; ln e puyisrtienpieet. Woe's Ribbed Casmr ou 5.rk it h uleadte k tw mspnewsias.ce i 'nnit sins. G. Lgiug ptepetty an Va. I epessis.e.r-teat a auee i u t tUNI pte1 ts ofM ment. - e63t W .IVN. MessIS lSoS irs. u ferf25aC. m oMloOt ennsriy Ve ons me club Stray Steer. GeaLargetniofir ttc's T in:u a ND ashek e* 1r iloOt O~t or halougi frm e affout.ia.hed ad owiflg ede, made Tota sdite snfh Came te, tire peommnfboueist loe tci!pftimsotae p loti ,nu. o !Mu goSImaoant GROQÇERIESI tbe fuseitat staseo ~eaubvOsneaesî a b. Chaolate Candy .... 25c. tr bg o1t5m* Aile Pety sud paylng ""ospsen. l j hstné 9ý cf on. PETER 12 Ibo. Creams...........2. 5-3t ind 05.3t C lesprOtlvi!îC Mixtures ................ 26C. Imm RFAIAI 2 Bon Bon Boxes for ........ 25C. For Sale. Brazil Note . . .............5.. -" -Orangesper loz ................ oce Now that winter le almont Ih u are tours al. .a ue an W ats on, saine. S2le0im n ...... .." 3 c h t w î n e e i o , f r t e s a r w e kud aue g.Irsud Loamone per daz............ e... 20e. than likely ta need somethiug in e-possibly t.estPatPtiuoearsop. 20-lbs. Beat aran. Sugar $1 an outllt for a new home; perbape nad t Sf.ATO. 3 Ibo. Datee................." 25C. of furniture. In any Case, here il; ual invita. -8Sibe. Icing Sugar ............. 25e. tian tai thoroughlY insipeci Otur stocks, ere is much Cokig ia........ 5c-"S. wth the heet asud neweît pradue the-lettding 4. PetrySpiai........ Se. factories. Yau will SuDd ample r 'tai h 1e ide choicesand low pricesieofr fyous lu CJesuiMa Curmits.. 250. byngee hing you need ilu os New parter Soitets, New Side KERY . paetor Cainlets. Es les. stsck of, Fancy .parer Tablten, Dlulng has ite ty Faec oRerse Csp 't ' an issedng- attaitGods,. Ki ar Ceu- Bed.ro eoutsea. Han '~roaBHan Nil 1 Prceà eifr yos ta N.1 <i f. r t' "s" j m Il ~lt k -E

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