Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Dec 1899, p. 3

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lig -Stk hd ket. -t.. *rCooo in and -ethem. Briii iel~tye w t%~ baya ee u pe ai ormi qa.W.esoed ie frand bave swp 07 is w v ve r sfend bier, nt prirestoecau teq Y5 in. l o*e>loe tue$ swbsnysu wont. l"atîcyGoods altS c#i~i ObGAP.ES O1lF i4L , Kmjj UCIk I C ,icz.. Work Boe,, TBG 4tuble er Sd tipa slaWpius ,Wu(l.lln to n. Our kect iseeuapi IMM Ii'Paymefeomsuaà ea. a,-Cards, (Jalendars e'nd BookletÀ CrownP«ueeustsbeprke e r e .y p e V.ilec that for y, tcw Ou kîwlagoaysrD >U>, NLy 1 Ridger And O.t. AF« sa. w.mas.a rt qa.Mg!bMo e .4. ueelso \V o w elfr)ÏO- tdui a fr7-obut ane dPendont On YOU al the year roundOA, e-Af bmc I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-o 90atîtad'~~~amn~vnhava e i'""n. in the . Di yau avn thinkof that ? Wo]iveohore. YonhoP us. In returas, howover, we endeavor to do our part to the boit of4 lui DA T 4a75 lti B;' isoy hon, mand psy taxes on our property. Sd o.Ltu Our finonds from the country, and we find it pays to hold their tra - MILTON iSTEDÔ &a Go, the greatest pleasure that at the close of another have the opportunity of again wishing our frieude ry Christmas Season, and a stili more Prosperoui 'e been making great preparations for inereased ýason. ve a large, well-assorted stock. A careful per- following list of prices wilI have the desired ef- f bringing large orders. -?'yGoods,. Etc. oaking. per yd.$..1.00 Women's ]Ribbed Wool Rose, per ider Down, ....... 6 pair................................ 2à resa Goode ..... 60 & 80 Boys' Wocl Mitts, per pair...... 2à Inderwear, per suit 1.00 Chidren's Black Wool Mitts, per oves, per pair .... 50 p i................................ 2C Mitta, lined, per Mens Wool Sox, 2 pairs for..... 28 Lnïs.;;iuîa . .....125 7 White Handkerchiefs for...... 29 -trglr$2.50 Menas Cloth Capei pull down baud 5( .................1.35 Men's Caif-Face .Gauntlets. pair. 14K se, pe air. 50 Eancy Silk Handkerchiefs, each ..29 sd osep, alszs Neck Mufflers--big stock ...... oe rtes- for Xmas,% eficu unier, tiiereby olrqcssn Our twwn., Pa , T - Ou effots 1nave fot beain nsvain. We ilvo in Miton, spenci Ourmont Our cînng t ry etad sooa tely noin, a o drawing ttae frons the limita Of the couuty by selling cheaper than any. We araejoying the trado of the amuens, f bysligit Y Iiceathat r aton ou, na. 0 ~I:îk n o f y u a r n g the pam a n d t usting for it continuance in the future, W, wi h you A E R R Y C H R ISTM A S A N D A PR O S E R O U S 1 90< [HIGGIBOTHÂM&00., -THE DRUGGISTS, Local News. 9eremo 5110Dsc Extr, sarid yes teotMia Jean Robert- tcs n M. F Nti 11 1 d iciiptonst. lu 00la- 'L ti e t slti Rer. James R. Sok n ebeiitures,$5,0.. M~~its Gli reoWllmott of Toronto, is Robertsn.of cbelaford. Tbo-we<ldisg$000 issthssgfrienda i. ths vrhty. ScOkislaetaitise reidence of tbebrides ~p sr aire v aot a r~l Db. Ai,,, rf ornt, ae ,= inod.---e-.oiosts.a M. Mraivt- Ni ii~ Tros Miss J5 Limie Foster, of tiseSt. Ctber. nistier, Pergus, and w,. a quiet ose, s » oit a lsdo. eia li euh snt la t.ld f'yealy. oîîii î~iueabo*pltal, às'cishing lberala"r. Msn te. mdaefred fteh ioit. alttred.- itbei Picter. cou 0were mâ.Rev.W. B.wl9t% I'crea.sed Rts-zgàMa.., I"tou. waOrom.fig 0titacel nv 4esintfaehSti .OO.pai.ytsohi ThoitQOiidi.d~~.The Rey. D. V. Loras,,.D.. of Ts.man. 1Mr. and Mes. Mabuffyefsfor- Ooooossoot,, 01osamseae ccs.otjatar.n.seIa,,eeopsscisoas loii Foc S, c" i~oP bose,, s'sto tsnthe City andmakis bsoul e ipsto Miarailin ad ottier 'sorts lOiotssasfiad Ise 55p55M=iseet t remoaeyisyo5itiigiis.i il i~. Niito. itf et ,si Locust-st. tt. ocshîoted ailat Mlt oîsn ut c. 2tb s. o tswtl W, ,h, 1,fi of thse Qeei'a eçirer ssnd ispet i tise sear Situr. to Arragements bave been made for tise ImOtroMli ftiPIqmdr'S. ItotO. 'a, 'isite t bîil- a n po tstY of seaig 1te iaPPtY Oftise popir of 5Ksox Chrot i a k nai iulLft olyob s o f t.. oMici ,ilus AB er O fsaoCisicogo os ,Im. tise meihm. il. t..pieatii a ocoupeof te as. pei Puo.' scg Csda.losiora\'repeMitsonF. IH. DEACON, -FInanLtial Agent, - Miton. îscsîc i.. .qîcîî o copteof dio Aiiiips. . e hcity sioas tieir ipprecitios of ____________________,_-________ T is witht Sieebskiboilitet cty p,,.. Spot ts evcsof tbe band by agood tto. naiw titîi Fi o Tooao.wo tse i-tusaod GOootltlasotd by tise otos G ay hgloirte econcert ai **"6* ** ai***air ê ih: gueofie, i. icoI ic.Andrews, white domosand by tie pitritrity prices. tise te..bite foc tise benefit of tisît int-llat-c.LoursRoittL, nrao=tion. 'ad theweft rewrded Jold ii the o .î iitheetbstocy Manosexocellent ~ p ramime. Ms. old y Oood-oola Very Merri ,,, i gc iltonI pbotoroo.Fafora f rcot0.made *New Year. 3'Mutin. Hec Tisece ltn mr orrte article oraX ugftey r d,, , .cSOEAlag sedsrobplnsMiilStreoety. le rtapprace ilîetoroogly iithaooo ioe boaxf roe. We bove o bandaime line s-Xc~tciic. Mitti,. - etorttelnn mi II tanre. vbie l aoIhriooro.Z i ocoaprolr im i tutoyor artrai .asd sie dd oljîsCti e to l-t. ocivsiis icei.... W 'e h qiio ttii oloît,,, niatatsiRobertos A ENDMieMÏuT MaAoRrE.-Atiiiioo lanetle."-by DlAqsa esst dicot L.imeoic , 1i'. (. 11-5 4, MuItin. hla dirctdte tefolowing asnooice. ismiser,beyod tise powersof ordisacy OIIE QýH<g htia::Gouaitlargue Prins. trade this se ,iiîboîit i.itildt lis ccovered fro et of .Wlso h 'mEnd muetuiger.osi àb bWev#rhrebilad, APPROPRIATE OIFTM-j a Ocî11 cic iiOck i il) an od ha able 50 marbet, tiat lbe ti pcepaced to oopply -Baieve ho vc A lierEsdalaisg, e-ie-nthe shiii.foctoryagah.pin e fceabmuetby tbe qarter or in Yonig Caral 'ad "Lotis Lomond" Bibles, 25c. ta $1.50. We havIi Mi,, ý,f iltto sa large or sia oasththm ies t apeci a i rmaie Soly appceciated by lhec ai.: .. ga edly w ýlir emefo csh r. Wae inîonolo diesai. MS. aioo pered wiis M. -* Preobyterian Book aof raise, 10c. ta $1.00. t usai of the fc fc, MCli .icist. i t gd usies. t in alwys his Gllis n a dont.-I Foi Tis'Aoge * Glove and Handkenchief Casas, ueweat designs. fethto c ohm tasippy melotsoat moderate prices SPrt."oyrabIl Hoffçnan. t wsmotc-tato foriis thsitC"Ili endeced by bth sine. Xmaa Corda and Calendars. Tiî tc . : coo~ ooohistcdMR. Mosases tt.t.-We r. orry tas rt ofy.idTooto, probobir tise iWsoiosrssaoo oppoe.eaiyepatonaeMda.rretusât c c i i iiio tot c colected onCocoTrao.rmeS .osir Khghgcomediai of tise * eo ightly. Hiiisey roads aod tise àhupsyeda pdvse m hM. t1oc odreev . . I,IM AN Ii okî i. iotiss Soto Jai. Ii e s artrzhtemls.oomnerai double encorle.. M. Dhkeîson, * uERs. AIaNiC.si t ciii ic Ba!l and Sopper, 'rbasbi phsiocun aipo th.re là Do wax ewas ddby eet ciecores. Mci. .i.a .. o ea it i,c iti oFriday. Des. i9th.is. hmetate dangXer, it hosefaced tisas hutHarvey van is e iccompast. _____________________________ M itiot il. iýtibt. bceticl epeseit- Win benSmthme beforeeag2uIle able A Miltoayooog man, of arespectabte cil t0 renom. tise dothes of liosier, asd lbe famly, wai commht.sl to joli os Tues- i . NiRobcrtson. Omagis. m'y le emspeiled tu engge o depity. day ci s erons cisarge, aid, wu X ASNeEL I S and l:> A .ueoActoî. passrd Itue Eofaiai-reicrsbhd aehfr adroitsiis goiit. Thie X A ~ J L u E~ p&îcedt piittc .îîî..îîesmintooftif i s uîguiîdliseîleft ett ilioffice. îî ha partculi of tise conm ooid ot be ColIe o. iP- :iaits aid Surgeonsi. dntboasihe a volume casublie dfyig tthe CosuisoNso ceaders. E i~~NRed Blauket Cloa tocitii, i i. iThce lst was, pullbmdeft seamagoohues. eve tbosgb ilto, Dnt., No". 29, 5OÇ5. E uiit eckwvear...White Rinnie Eid i,ht, i l cti tbey are sebl t oolid rom mnr Nomer Mod. Co. ,I iw vi c 1 i'i 4ii Tucodoy bleu, domi iadieudhn.os, magnzines. ai porhait- Oet,-t causay ucimaooa M arfinitCLARSIEN bVFFLERS. LVS iue nc il di suc iiijicty occopiel by iclosuior rebosdinhsasy style eaicosem medhosse foc Rhuaisem, Neo.BI- ANGLCHEP.EC. Man'a FlecoeDr Cla.iii, ini i he suc ned. als ise e osoîable priceo. BStsis book. ratgaand Dyopepsa.-Ciies. CHESJ4O PFEN11e5sLi.dG iiog c uice chool yard. The ple ve, mijoocnilo.ldges. day boobn.*.àRCUSXSPM-T eueIie l, iit ciicicoomahoied cvral panso i hbai bhnd cf ruihsg. madeotasorder. Weddng Bit. l el okn glil>il le-iclbulin. Ai or arated f rst claie A cery pretty but quiet aeddicg toots o Wîav the latiat af silk ansud ps iu Tues- il c Nir,\Vý toiitA. Maroia. if lMont- srhebugbestltemperatsce fo the mostb lace ho St. Loes Cisuccis.Paterso, onies FuPffa TImnerial ori-adBnBwad pir........ r, 1 lic aotihe Wallace Htose, Mil.1'of Nivember ihiIbis pat of Ontaro wan = hbib. secontracthog prisbeittg rMen'. Fnieze Fmi oiiiNcdcd.Dc.otpepedtîdeee.o eoislwettme.Min Cisisteoa Mary Alderioo. second Handkerchief Squares. for......... i i put. hio I roydcoogbt and carnage mtre. 23 degives, os abs otti; meoî daugiter of Mr. Cbcltopbec Aldero,.__________________ t iiîîght hococa meiîiing from eepecasore. 8 degrees; <raest daly paiersio, ad Mr. George MoDoajd oS oe ne at i-lo, ili.cibu Tbc boorssmust b range ho temper.tseefor month. 23 de. Boys' fls. rCbe irg-icniinadfo egrses, os tise i t eat dahtyrange ls At 2.3o p.m., white Min MgiWe At.t..e.tWA os uoFu i gti.uti ofctclayd dn-taiuiippîîdi fotroto-llitaltie an urds iticcît 4booiio4 ccéit. , aon tse ;diuiisiiWeddnîe Marc9. thebride.-os 'v ib Thii, il pi criof broomoscttt sortiy mes dily range. ta oî tisets; e raism esi eiecthvey Mibsissqs edfr ass-alqsastmao ons bc - boi 2 ercnt q emeet warosentday amesui mutn tes- -*,àm . eBEWS'S SONS. iii iiic ii i000arorei' rics. ertri besîg Si degrets; tise coldest a. bi "d trilar Ame sttrcn oli .î -ico t, doe to tie Uni.oBroe ayaatise zatis.mess temperatr. P b_____ber___________________and__ i ..i~tc. emyoraiid bq'y i ees cj oSfrm iti, e bride, escorted b e aie e '.ii .ii iiil)anctiai. hoi o rg ired 2n.i.i% icbi. *erslaaat'e ted 0tise ailer. Tise -riust, aigseholc on-sti p. tte, on .c..~s edstmorn iranstissupetformedG r tti0t I tcically tewbv ol at. Rute o O 4C..s o eW m. Pli t. 1The ubers qere t.lotilc Liseaslaistoas 5 on letOOiof iSmI JAldecsonofh osiovle hLacge oe wt. auroar seîitrws sa sidaoit ria\osu.\'z ilcoci Ssor f theya5asetwfisiitis TaorUceW.Gim inTansled I r e',Il the ccootc, s the. posor an coinis.froffi Lnce opora lum of < ci tri mLed ,f a evcin îiey recently ecected CiUIÎigb=toftbecidacstist Ubn uan, e l.toutlciicctiiOcise in WU eMM flispootiose te MWoS ler alwite S ene ATSUI 20haGmnlt Itii ii ltîtrîtihîsoaetcel is nwtb e la fbs rmte. a i ts asseibylg e cdocîîî lemi îîcîcc hboesie effect Of _ý aid *la W f heoet rofor, a mlt eu.Se- ,etci toto Cir Eo. s gs rMtecho ad »%0el e- îMdcaon, abo wanadendb iver MILTONOrange sud Iemc Crresis -agdo officisandste of b utis tes - wh"nCitron Peol, peI 2qc tol,i Nkciiic. cfTchu3y Ciiai evohe. Lnce iand je oeaointe4, and cared aoC rooi, IccitofrT iity ombl biaisàCapteis a"d Il o...ofidCarnation& O.n le e liicuiii' lric tti Kh ."Tow âis l.gneNuiwet b. prend a i$ sh, thse cermeny a reeeptioi ami e D , ihli cîciticoscc Tshvoaue bi tonk gives hMs niy aiat'is Roeichliard Graham. ool" any was chioiccon Prof. bfacieii ai ela lis biOs 1ass , hi lcur il ie i - dWPMiîed Candy,3 I hiroiticiiitînterosig and et tise 1c udy , .id.Wticdewe. '5au0Ps-% Ii, a,îîîiîcccubomed t beir appr>-on.tise11» s44 o9aiatmpan, ed cîitoîîî a5 v toie of thanisa. RobeIdapl jùgSta! isi gocill raiclc ,t heT E it X tsng c . eo f solos ie bn a i8 ' ' " sia e eb 'B (< ) e a .. .W a have be au v oi lt,~_W11a Ou tes*t. taiioyeoc liii us, X'noi gooeositeblafai eeeit P lsc, gl oswîcoe. doUs. motb.c5giN cO e t t àno r tîcoro, tc, ;aiso Xnas Candies, 0"ý and crutis.Chuice cigar. and a la n i atmem ouilicptipes adtocis ai." 0i fiI:adscfto h or tIl. ~ Trconsvaol boiltae el gitSOIM5 L5~~ SANTA CLAus Os Knox Church Sundmy will hold their &5u11bUl', tainment inte of the Church on Dec. lSth, sud a«Q P, cantats Cloute On ~u4s. invited. .si Childro, 10ý Red Salmon, fineat quality....... Leniona, pin doz........ Cliaued Currants, 83lbs. for. ... New Select Raisins, 8 lbo. for .. Pure Lard, 3 Ibo. for ............ Large Bottia Extra.ct ....... . ... Walnots, Almoudusud Filborts. Port Cradit Syrup, per qt. ..... Whito Boans, pin lb.,............ reny fontasuato snasaeduuing an original caak of Fine Çhnaware - - -for Xmaa Trade at romarkably LOW PRICEI gdo olyreaie of esup<n bgpisteoy. along with a lob m ont ery.atd b ýea~kI. oei.,OùttoiMrs for their 'generox yo~ deide cni b. fi~nd reiable ud ugar.....$1.00- Alb................... 8 on Peel, par lb .... 15 ', 2 lbo.fo*r»....... 25 si * ..-- 25 Ibo. for ........... 25 Lssot t toii i. S that nearty io tiot iyolne. ide for Frcuits 'Fret i- 1.1 4$ j 41 7 . ~ ltt4 9 c' Du at 'M r 'i ~ J. I f. il.., .4. j I

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