OS .- roRE )n able d- ad- in alU (bu at:. sSpetitàl~ signl or lA S pl i ss SONt.f oe \t- fiave b4ght \Ve hlj4the- loou 1301 t s;. ~'st. E., R)1 :tit ore~ r -p ibly ;MOdd bit ere i-t mich i e leading too ïn the st fy you in r 1lS. ouniureith y )fleterie gc~ STORE!1 cTor.e - xm. Y. Deat :cap Ida. &C &,stands * r T- Littla Gem 0 Try cOU? 925c. pc w 4. HIG(IN8OTHA &CO 0*n prsrpton b" ocr Local News. .a AtesRct-GOCad tgeral nrYnlt. pso Pte Mrs. WnI. M,.e ilton. Ob FýtSA.. -A goed PaolP Apii te W. H. Rr.l, Mlton. - le is C,mLe has operOp n laoadfym litfI týpromises foreri(cucpfie e ft@, F-Ie1r. shcecuot.er. he.Mr.t airbo, and Tho& M-e. talor. wer lcers e..ilo adcah I pý,-n on Saurdoy. DOj.w,*ou rytý t F,,s Sat.a-T hrrri.tetr Ril Tih. inuitise !$ » J ,robs. Apply te EFlîcit. lot bsé -_ e"u.buorye .quolt.20-.3t 'ranis. kr. su 'l'le Couty CettetAi fHalton vili ,Wý&%as . aird ihem ýt fr the test fntr.c île ar not haba ou prday. TWe psry àyset T7,edoyet i.3e a.ce. usevenda. bemn t S. e ..EDAa POT oses F0 r,,.-A Ia P Ya v.ebtdtig btrotKilos. P. 0. tox 54, Mltoc. manago lte crawl ont.ai ugt. dta itaînyteiad ersn"lote a ft.-Osuitte 'y lust tilr. Dickiitsoc, Modri tchooaudeuL BU " U errsntc. AU"' e I* eiered a scoelnttherýeeting service n bxr.'Atutcn eatty btlu mv .u tebc.6 m ie Hethedist Chrcon utSuday. ladffid a h fltt li'i liAl bàý piin.s A Bronle boy, sn of Mr. Dorlau. mario t tit bc la prepercul te anpply itfrCu si lia eg broieu cn Torrday by beingim fms etb b qatro n-.&Mtij reu a terse eritot te woa vaer- lreor isais 'u cu ateptat omisesWÊ ic, itanla 9 termu for eash. . a=1.ailuau cld fertithe ble atfajnup--rtud \liasaClra Hruderc r. Apptctry, bun eablaedbinss, iftla tvayu bilt Whou f st bce tqader thr dotr's ar ft heam anppy mentit modelate priens ....,,.eS br, cf this ilu paî iVewee. sofferiog fromntlervOils frcs.14Y. 'ridy m-u u pî..tO,îee.The.prcErramm. for the bandnertei 4mpulea,eesude 10 en t 9"D.atb ivitbu un ourllot lOU& iin 5ocaugutadvoe Rev. H. Watt and Ge.. Rasaavo sprno.TooMl, uux y.g isps tee l I..wrlle made anercy trip talonin Lianteicat. sopurCandaaTorounbeo, Iuagond .rMtnday and cugtttic -a.n C. P.f M. B. W. Sciacciandf suift ine u ntue. alun it ro Rr2frTrnoChrci ni tie Rsduonser. Bert Bep it nI~l5iUO tunl c<u fr Tocsie.Canad' favorite sn«c *x is dt ,igipe fi nfî.e dy Al feocte durc.Seat& n U. Dickioua.tennr, ritoiairor«d,f . tedne, Ulfl- id'e laftdyu ile ,earereqorote u te te aid by ust tTooo R. B. Gollino. tariloo, -M1-itf l aSs.sesiy pec iaua - lies a fterr Cat date trey vtlbu ton; Mrs.iHarre) iaiat aàlistcml- ..eoli il ~dlu soue u- ptla. The band wvîl i nsc play eerante th,t0i geieu te S. Dîoe. Es., forc oletion a. tseoins urthtcerong spLoic t rgu o il*On Footbcal l.eagub er i on- -letinstaupesth..enng toosf. Ileh irci .19adad. Thre aroeiy twc têama. esi Thnruday eronntg at 8o'cîcci eofuaB l Bd te itde prince ae teil tes net ibe-oe. Amaleitrill theirat of ilnvinteru UniversitylE- jnstly iloe tt% tU itnty, ài be pl'ed et Satecday, at Brliagtce. tenaion Leeture vItt bu delivrud hy ane us he bue iea A e ttcedtoa ihi arnrmo Prof. Cosman of Toronto Univrersity, infilch.noble0 etica nttlonuet rse attutrngngpli o hnr.etndiate e.t traton o il bthCnaa t romca i ttoiitrithe own hall. Hia nahsct ilb TeCn" frý e'.cs tir post. ,,hcco i bJoie frcm- a geclcgf rat nandpcfat. Prcf. m.. ua brteCoetanutlectore lant inter ou "Thte uii *ý'd 8 Ire Age fa Canada' vm rory mach su- C. B. LttIet deeltarguon. cf fBramp- Ti Percco Edi.,tecctConcil joyed. acn c hsitt no dcut bu gn a ton rlcted Mltn yàleday., pinte J. S. tîeote. Public ery cordial réepton on iishie second Etlad 'oHnn Icp irfor ttiatec. amoneocf t51. Ao t Islbaietaisaaetb5 Mies tla inetrr NeceilSciont ceamu. deer týa cdutrafapnsn futdf -luAalStcdv 1t yrar 1900. . e PT lt uosvaaNs.4ý-Foah Rct. Bru..ct T@omate.forcirfpof lbtare cn Harry flemireolga pre Perrr l in t g nctfon cf IcthicassCampelrville . lisnlveucuSaturday.1 I-east Mary-st.. colaped rrtly on lte the Peut-1 _: to-daesud ii add Tho. Stowart. of tic Jane.Stewart Fi eericg, Forteeotely ne ite tier s sotly. Fer te COnOeifiece0f C. tors fnnder. Wocdgcch. upnt s l r it spire t frit and it containeti tisse mic rent tioe ens g.POý" ~ tSonda itlu toma. it f importancer.Hanuant. ater clau et 7 Bt £ basTio tev. Dr. Lau5itrr. vicu fntoma. [ Rcr..Tir cre Bisery sorfct bis ilaysdat'ihidnrslr."flognont cf uic tries tare comer out. The enit i aiuneahv ba &avd Iu i J4sn m.Heit itll te et lettom-s -Standing al:ewcandditriated. Thevlcet . hovrcr Tic 1ev. Mr. Daviduote vas enter i fsadigoreeriiett on yd. ; erttot bc oesid,'aud nnty lue mWhotalsad iv1M. anadMs, fi. Nnlhtt ke a etc a e te yds.. adveasr ortboes or dndl ~ qatidrng bîle ttnpin tw ta temnIlu u ai h e. cd opearde tt ireail imiter. 'tiieýw ar- rnces Ciars. l ~D.S S tot sud Aabrey A. Bnd. hane Rchard J. liaxerretf Brlington A white Eiticu Tsi. odrticaca' i t«%Ocu, t.Tomohe. aao gne iato f,. ages fer tir altrged coversion c icWC.... vtgv-et ai pserhitp sud have bu#g ont tfil uii fatoitifffrnetutthedfetdctsle P eneci mm eu.rRoiUmrOncan lge n in ot -and fr sotîtor tir faorinwitt- tieeuounhm 6 laut et arity. Tecote Star. Tueyevleis 12-o94eavi t ise.O &SttlcmifuterRonei of lie G. T. R. i.dry Otftt ter Sale-Me tiner tise proncodetab evo l vtad tbul.ng ptea la. ~ t ~a cufr)tnaefrtrrdiyMeer pricin. for che publlusicol -1palls for Nr. cl. Ont,..td iie..)Teretc. ceewlrre e e tutpaporu on eiottido toupemn.rea. vinfg agMb""' *W gr.zcai' retctosf ree. Fer frtier particelere n noi Oi rermm _a =bu ..t - buethe ,l iitc Mrs. Maest.,co r. Ceet anfdoeti. Ait are eltoaicnlnnPte P. OeUilM. vin r.pWesuot_ i htu5lo.~ilte. c-tf spsekltlpareIuvtesd te -1 1~~. Anp- daml.Pln C.udrlg fie Mrp Wm Patrsee etCoceS alio ~buprsnma Ilo t nIa oes" ua oa Uit. .Trnue. eontleteabelen' te b tMx ka unilm eet Ove tiW,1f.ogtTcrdva t cier: i i. àu Vidtrame io e r reeivef eCte ate e's thê *Ildaitand t -Y =Cs..h ib,Tuu- 1 le ee.rJîmg t a lrgo1u001; lee 1 oront, willlectur tors11 cutis = na dota bici nu teish"tein tenChSrn.i' !%on.eg. '1ea M.îî - iir roets. r te n aanWa.to.I. uç i_.t itlrd la hic eiroofHiat. or e-LinconpX~ 101 M. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tr gluii iPtesnSt. 01 on the aàeaintlb ciec ~ra b foe oiitoda ,in oeuhl. Ye fat îî,p. ts its orulpîttcai udI auda'db ecet' ictice rmtd a s te 41*evi lia r abu le.Ml" rl âe1s Ch~dcCham hoeispptn meieut1set I e lae A* cith lis" 'b n ic se tUh e S 5 * tilait vu s»"n l Ztddslp "Dmt nc esabi~i~ir el drei va 4 tivte ftséi o i n >Onll a lià se lu Matl lfemïr cs f mnfet~uui eir etafjenbasse,cna I nbeuêlen foui. tii a lul y up no" m tuas HIltude càmmeeiluu sens ns. -.Tt dons sut lts mar Imasgluinatate tint fis ciï»Me muroie get vieWb the growvueut gardesIrai vIS ie guéi &nM te lis erram, but t, ti, but dosaoc e lit ls unaeturn i elstvis vl unis ne tiu ovariain euntble tii- "Tien vuali Ubure rtom tom!lu labi meour acunipulu la ule, pad lot' tut. lu louanges.Tiheplt cf liii«Mli bu reeeentn0laa tifttice r et n teuonmbalton. Tic#p1Dnet niUilInn- lactil. mie tioea a csm ltAn. ninnee tirs enfi nnd wsdpn du. fond te Mictlitétae m rulnri oui loir nnd chat tc It misit lis sire.i tic mont deetend l etreurl arci, sud si migit is made oartaint taoi oee "Ilfessetailu nsud otite ti gnthit are »Wvperliiblu are iln umde Inca tehieti Itluà Miy te am thitier, ont aot is tic moite thaint o nShue. Golcchîte egarions mai. c nv.mo earrlera nvcilise oit of tcatee An bic adoe«aon. liii tb tffhnle buinssLnucllii ng tiser, ocaýd e'un necdtfortbegrcere. Ne Aroldtoi.nnd tic pinea litaivue mcv, bAIvWeld baiv im u more farsier. lu baiés fiee mcld is tollovu long tàicaue wfti utile trnyl luafr=t 0ci t its seipender nud Aoniccuefg u mSllg nil iuda ct risoînile tnble"ta.Iit tien thi" Tier, the trcere oni mudd àw6yii a eustomer.-IndiacnapclisNew&. Vuddy-l oas icnrcl unI UlulesNt nOionlf rme la teu dlîner n haïk buc [&te. No gentlemenl mlibu lfa@Crd DdyAgentemen lu aini~ a gns 0= -&n@finlu, nerer loa e r diss Tic dliee unI bu tossiy.tEu Trenudrpt._____ IlerPrtoo. oWbi& ido yeu pesMe W tsldimsui. r y; «I fatui Mr Lb5b59im viesho is plit ftb is ho at Aieant k lualuuler-"Wiii1 Sa Tic Ottobor tatenseat 0(ti Demil 1fou ebartered aiks inv 1 r W a1thic noeeraat fus ttic ut :IL QoicMnd un Iees coe lmtyeerof 07.cun. s dou laom"incd ies, l CS ED -APPLES!! 5 4~S WANThD AT ONGE These must be quarter apples, dried-1ight in color. No slieed apples wiIl be received. The very high- est-prieè wilI be paid for these in trade, if deliver- ed before l5th November. W. ]H. LINDSAY, Ui>Bntter and Egga ilso wanted SUS The Onta"ro -Mutuai Lite --Establlsbed 7. - - The ouly old4lUnsMataW n uCanada- Ailrved forma of icarnuem anhi fn# ud. , Surplcm radbltc pol tel.vO non910» IpIscem 02P cie.ni urout nfs.wftbout.expusun WPror raton and lnfoeoitlo PPlY to Fe . l.DEACON, - encralAgent, - Miltoti. Wat Abciut Your jall &àt & and Oot;? is yen vaut lltheetm ot bav uynonp du NeS t8 g ad 1Ovarntnu sdntdI egr gOnds t ccl bt udo nmil at clous 1vloe ANI)ZVEItYTHING THAT MAN NEES. Stop That Cough!1 Watson's Lung Byrup 26c. Bot. For W.nTnsd UBW t_% ub&e luths b Il 68È C IP ala*&" oeceeltonA.dRml alm sulvpsasyn u reliable goodc that bring i'co much trade our w and makea thiu the moet attrwitive store in Milt( Mccc Flcrod-liasd Utsorsrear Seyst Extra Hravy RSud. I par suft ...... u.. ice Hote. Itaary Ribod Wccl Uuierwer Cotton Blenkîts. prr pr..-.- ea oit.......... t Mena fine Fadera Han. rr Bo'n Fleecod-lieeid Uaderrmar Osectefer ..i... prr out ... c. Rud fleniria Cloue for Ci Honn Hep Wcc Sou, e2pet. 25C. and Coatu.per yd....N White Hdia. meacutoez7(ret5c. Doile-foluf Urèse-Geilde,.. BSt WVoni Vr,, e& 3 ply. par Nev Cookni7 ige, partib... 1h ... .... î. ev Stokiliin&, 31ibb.... Scotch Fiagefag Vars. l. 7tc.t New clecceti Ccrrueteý 3 Ilu. e3t-. Ftannototte. per yd . -...e. New Sardine, par tic.. 0.moon RlthodCanire I"ise6iBtrc Eclipca Sep ... 3 .fn ...... . Newoae Tomtooe, 3 tin. SetMrI- i c r withect Maerifr cajgergotar 2C. 0 j Mr xai5 t5de oin" te ré,1cm ? t 14 a. cm C.FEATHl-ERIE Ie tr O skI~ wmi1egh Rob m, the only sitoo iii WnfflERu SlERWA-NelIi, Won. istreet Brn f "w_ 4;, B 8OE ai 5D~S ge m àiey Zýt.!"à i -Il- fAILTob