Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Sep 1899, p. 4

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il 1" 7V u., iag-a..7.49 p.. Leas.M s mxs&p. ..8i iiï"Pink aTa cetfor r 1 n.â. aresnas. Wefte adien lecW'a futr Seiacybien, Dr. e jadeu lad ..lu aitie ici heiau of tem ounaýérvpa, ifHetocen reealy liaevliwu hlmr. Statc throwe trou a-laid et hay and wa'il jored a uverebitnith ans jaiati le taheuf bisbis. Wbie hlieend lo peatly i jthe esas adfthecar ecmailt aury Jo tiaheedyfaDr.W lia as irosa a aIa. an ei roii îtioîid tr. Afr the ose etfDr. W bisan Pub lh ced dirlftroimg Mr. Stewcart ootiased -teicg the pl unefil i hail sao ieght boxsa; wbea tl painsobaileiuay dappeaM d aid othor îii5ary osai iassitabees hy tais peerleen s oilils. The Arediatecos aedd thel M. Stem art jc rorbhy otivey aiideaoî, as i .omaroscf intelligencieand taîlir qeolicira, wroeoivrd la scbritatrlsg srcepted by cli ebo bioc i bi. The public ieeetlocid againsîfcne acnpieb crloned luirtaions etth@ faonsapilla. The @pieae I icin insboxes, tha "ereiaioeid vie beathi a'oidc 'ti. WIllaus'c Pie Pilla ton Psle Peope." If yeer dealr dors sot hbse Ibis tlrey vil1 i un "ppid er 5orice aboa, or six boer ror $loto, hy sddrcosg hiDr. Wil losMdicine C., Biochnille, Oct. What the Pileeer lad. A celrbraid jedgei wc oncre tiyiegz casewehrrhecedroead oelyoedir standîIrish, sert se icterpîeîer ros se rordiegly avere. The pricocer sait aoroîîhieg 10 aheinteerprrer,asert lb louter rryliid. "Wbadoe i cava" dîrosodea cht jodge. Hoahig moy lord." "Hr oe yonsy fcho, hea vis!l eard hiro? . oei,i.shaîvojcc?" -My lord".sid theinieerprerrhe grccrag tb tremble, "la hsd eclbicg Ic do oich hi cae." ,If yoo doalsoaroîer, Vllcorortono cir. Nov, chsc didhrm sy ?" -'Will,roy lord, ye'I! excase roibha hîccaid: 'Who'achtculvoroaevwial AIthai ineyhody preictrcored. -Whol rid yoo sy?"said hi jodge, 1lookicg oaclie noccaforasli. -l* oid:- Whist, pi cplpee, ao's ahi olalboy Ihel's gelef tubag ye."' There la Aluas a Rqero e hiTep. 'bI hîre nooro io the protissionsafor yogroen?"sand 'Whicb othe pro- fecssiono 'Si te obrai eppoicocirlia toi ton scca,')'a ro e ecieco helhosasada of Avîraccenle1o croonsaly ceb- -icg," criie Braoî Cbîyoey la hi iiijrarrocr Ladies HIoroe journel. "Neirher ichrd oasceeî. Thîreare mopportii fr tocccessafol ruira foro ooarsge pecrisrrrecasrda le che ierrcdprofessionsaro-da'tabseicer bit-. To ahtha riniqsîy I cold rpy choc ahe protession offeriog ahi 11cc cproraoiîiic la ahi one toi vhrrh fieyoog caahos che croogial liiog. Throicofa ofoaesio soflcoprîro iroPorlaror, ocde yaungagroshold ba gooerrarralo vsisg ahi lcrlioýiocclly ho hie oven pitere. If i chooces aieorh i hbrc hi be isa hr r on 'oqoroly. bipbliatudorboît ork wia gc.rutr.orca.heaary ocher." A Wchoirel oagegatiac Serueal l)oriog.oacvilloge ervce in10aerhorrh cicr i. a Iano soioginridectaffect- crg ihcr cighao ýof iicîcc b e lîrpie ohoarch obîlac. la hi reerse oetbae '.iooohoprechrcrtopped andtsud- lidovrqocoardi hel so0ins-00e vold iodly oo'oaa anhi pariab clerb. This sncraoaaiicl dgciary la le thi habiflallyreg ic hiad epos hics arma, loryccg hic necnlehic surpas, cnd coiog hirocrl$foier aquiet ray ccicc h" ivroîdiocîîy rire discroorscoin nineAroir ocf thecoagrerioe cirglraIly cohird hi gecalemoar vinhas hyvnoito, and hi clrihbicacroed cooodrrI, heiporcci,racddidhicday, and cid.'"o o,1eir'a le- lmlistet iog.' Thia lianie incairldebcd hi effeca of gcc-ig the preochire ro.rrfcl acd orattnivecoogregsio. -London Tili- gro1rh. Oc ahi lavbalh. HI la oc bais ahi Sshabthday," siclo Pirahhiri piesihirre caanlder, 'braviic ahi preerbhies,' -"l roceIdjest have schedyvehocq e ahiby vas seelllg in erbesonPriday." " Will, ir,"sid hieider,-"har t lnoc brio hi dey il ic I sat jasaha q tilla pi ct olsog=eata abilia' theeMafira."- "idei. Weli, hart la hies Mbeiap, ieclîcd of hi Saqbhath. wI cccl Jas roldrobu aie naies r e nl," ".Uup,spavs, apci. And hadl it bre Mecdai &-as peusaye. thet1vit jocî binetill'O'e i *ad gi pi ahi etit pre fer l."* The aidera 5ca «te, ieaIthi Tmc esrly o» hfoaday' rmeiig, aid ahi yiadiiacîo eaai lh A oug a4scinwh aillog -r -in ms.aupjps~ Mi se an an am fispdm ba s 5 tî fi. tlléassi as ,d at e m amou vmila lMW baske li u e l jsatVL dil ,h a npa Zdi ui4s Oi- »ete morUn s a amotslil ama mari a. Obfr fltianeataIâme, Wsmmla ma le. f la v ep.du ibi.inblsietea ob t il a s a-entI sdonla ni, la i. main UVsapsicalp ami ra fienarirl et eoceli tii ssia pi-Na' u- lt_____POOL a , 'MOUSEMOLD INTS. L& Cihisieien c uhir cci a flait egw Atir liig Iee pI"suiale anc s,ý gapi ccaoc lathe sonana cal perfia-lc thr-.ceU gameot illila satifia ithal If ii ledry loilp. rd A. lauithii amt ui apiaini d b s s'0 @uaviz ligiésuslapiries9 if cIrTi l i cillautsbar-mgas metsUn.tecacur veIl habelIpercepible. r. If lai. Mm Sacraspllieai ermisous n r mabgia riuealacia Irasua hiai raIlif t aile la a rabliaaoatel et vaireappidvlth a Insill ibî rO fiW Elt ef luripe illls. Un*lati cY wli i-s rami siairas,esireclli If finui.. Tiiheteaoilli bhiils r-If ibis l a sent ive . i-Iithlames, te ulesorfsl#*Iàciaitland lai la fia psu.aaro sEocienuSaeteraferi fia cciii.-"la fiai la ui.unosone pelier- at lac demandsattanionl. bar chlnh la s a amoi» laa cle r-hmn hbar ie in r11llaollerfte spdlicf lis et li nIn anddonlp isionai lir-W' Spluttthetbr r-r faittaInae fielbasdran e eccp dc'sll." flac ltîronsa si.eld ela tol edt srtad aitheastorera me dam hte lru au a la cI re as gretf9ahieCastila ofi liaîh, Whcrachuiee a a ridthry -as hi iliam irtclh lai sSrelag wa.necd I chiasleiui ac.ptformapylceths.tlrn e her ise iorvsealieshouli hipuoe i e THE JEWEL CASKET. Stugir strings; S aîriand oies cf pe-r arl n&Il Ia taihlhe À eagctfia cecpI.,e'ailulei etch lvi daoci serpecnsfoie, a fasîllteerîm setanunque pendant. eS e cfuiapboîhles frtoiefiair-Irî sirapewcilh smime anudrus b- torfl i raies ariaier la inplaie gold or britl' The uselîtarsearit Sih bacelet main- relrnila.positonauaca bcben ail irproîrri by the detisero, smagnifiernr dilmocd braeesritir, cr ie Ireloar ai rrpr-eatsng ihtaasrsr reeph'a. Tbar ecrrins am cise or vo-ealeatr racituaschi dlpracd. Tbry. biarera.. h poiaelcga quetrsot praihnr aancr thechar therpbar@"ir-îlcr-d" ira ahi brs oc ot-y. Diarooad sitruslehi cr-n Irlîr elbbea nt hi hueaand srlr. a amnhe f hidioronilpi-ai fjnca'lnp lac voue analmrsy ha' aoeasl tsucorora rhc hieai f a pandicmie efrocup iov..-Jieirar' Ctruler. SOME SUPERSTITIONS. Ifthreatrrusd hsocs chIle i nc. ahi nwrwllito fetae armfcuentrroina If ahi ecfris dosea hild a lace et loeds eenirriday, Ir clîl raeanSsc- dey. Iftoe er-erdia csart hile ciorlsg la, rîrrp aitrebraeipr'c'rcesaen If c pea dropesudasicklrs la fie facai, hi oneir', cuier lir'rs la theidirctaoa acvcrd cbirh I Irlu If à spder l a r sa l nicS paior gai- meos. i agii. re yaa cl cabaire c aie onaefthae some sais, Ifs a easn sere ffon rcItvi. " ire d eagh oar pu"oîc a Xgrdlcoi ' If canirr coincirfr-nblaid tr la E 1ac ct hi bond aitca wreîhi lI' ag litascrad orospeirp cli a eurr'dt If a bilîpla saick uenr bar iero rr falI, che ramcerwlt-baiee à imlearoirrat- ment. If il atl, heloer-la Ihîrattet3 rt ber. FOUR BALLS. lias raeisuppcsi ar e ap pas centit bai a hasehal esc geaai'clly mikb roPs heL-Philradilphia iRecori. . asebâilI la c hist. Taiest ai tdai' steai the ganie fsîiy vi sud ailla eot baac mana harutlI-ArabSiom-lIsSa.' A earisniaadience t atillgans a ar~cs~ - t 'e- ~ aid tIl2Su On- ra«. ELongIsss< or thesont vu ci aeistto e ai uliI nhag. lia im.s 5 niau r Maulotfia sa lI aslirIad e à atace f lionilasaoa spjl id c M amn ra .. I u ioula l M c ii i a" h OLa VeaiiMmth - 'isi C ha it risw= sameilosM né leMU Alioaa.a cl ed- g ie hie lit . i t hir ei. .' ml. ii» M lh i ni'u i ,t ilatiu i asliesmraai t~~ e~. ~anii . TiOti u i if .1s a ir sau sat WbluVesé ou est rnm».1itteitida cfonsr-SMd <.D. fc bonaqllei foIndci ae se if leufi. a"W Slrii i" ti oJiiT S'i BeRi.Occ Icaaam lsfo i r laceselMepitlis t icea,;U»'Ugmabiiat haricsi, ae" . îp gelaisiDucsm incceaoka e e rmal a15 - oVayT#i". W C d var. mi ssaFont laisde 1bl imaft q iauls shp h7Cilr JAPi m ali dpnniieu, bi facMal: Uv mail a a - vet sert - l fontUnlat t bnd l g "ausf i de e il cI m t- li r li dcccr lcitilp.jeuIÏ7 ai: g taa Gnu E iaalgse alis RIE0O& OL ARlitlJ madin mas.Saisi flss la i bai fuori'Mit~ ase csau , aiowiai la ke eta "mraesaforntisa' moscmensutilcaua do'eîbtbô,mo e ofCl an. Cuss i .w - aib 1 gave theuil ffei e o, asi¶ s.iabillT laiaph.éWjaiAp-Sct i ioi sehr t s CditalParti" nulals # crbeles I 1nlsd a- ih saitrl a aa' dalu.y. ba assfluat e wrntlu mttavud in' Th crnip ar$ th.wouanaar venta an va rai. P iseinptéa>gqarna lréionis by letlasaIc'rietalwlat.a.' hThe tspilS i ait vhs c mis ThéRobai sfialtoctbadem bcis n gai ai aieslyais<,< paatin ihegavbehhit s a keri.lea LghIttu . «eiaa d Hoeie.Hàuut,"lgsva lai riellaha tad Z = biS S Un ina et ai enri "T a P à lalal >pfmiauds' o inig en ju a eaa it pzd a e atp . jf"iin ipM Sae acpciui hi. q 'iD hias. Atac im i e U . i vcrr J isu ctlî& u CavslashiA C ..12avpc I!a-liiun.la il rni.dli mnvebl usai e homUneaisbu rae nia cte n oitZ ar VIsa auissmiipo ed-Né Ga"hhedleas" ar-tsl- ltrca abfilaii hns ai raibai s tI le va s té caclaonifilaacaria v-a.cpeof" tuekoe-rbuts »N l, - dauassg e go.ptetse aci ma bai- ofls, Tmi oireîmas-rnli.t boysa. hica ai . ar nI èela rreuecfon 11 , "Tul vsai niSUn iasaaalaii qaus et alast ma p£Bd fai i il cf u . ' pisasi l ii Coifi.."ael'ufl. luI bus.,e" Utii. Sufaca Un di rahflwnssa's icitan vi. I App eautliarapiraila bu Ilmu taie i le W» o la euos e fac~~thu aboutis. Daiir fil;lCeemuela DOÇTORSiP "l1ina ialluop ruas' la . - ahi- Acava teeicabliscaidé,lla tia Limian paporPilo MrsoisntLient. e as isiJ.miD.a SIUWWULLAh a n h ra btf a bWé n"a fastcete'rc Baraisesn'at . top las Ibu nom a ,itf um jel ml Dot la ttee t o arrisa la ,do sdt et» AIcietS»th lm theiccin.uTCE Il. ban rua. alcrocpaiuOtt mi'be bl tstaaih dcos. Asin a bil a in bailà fre #- lq Arese h Paiutpalehm lnich e LgtU . - adWle aV uhl e b caeoltps Pscloall frtebeeeCOginbd rtgo D la Crivith <ias mlew ai Icn ter ilatheu r, -a ilSCnetosi rhtcue" 0 11 e h rt.té " tqj gà mna rv thare s ise»I th n-h Pito :1 b»m r n" W, nreais.s My so , xcui III m"ilw a " 7311ael Wbr-a uss 5 qr r o* Oifaae1vaoa u lrc flOt-Tfau boinme r e :01 j c 'h -.1. r. tY ibl-. vifli-q i. ti c t 'c s ' i j - w EWRY TUi -AiL t., -l r.)Iwol'fic miaitarr r-.,,.P ATdAaac'c1 1-1 Sa.- I..A 1V.l. A j. th. II- T. JET.IS iciccaTRF. mailter ailols 8 E5.rnu Il misam a-Babas laieeaicut. lbaIlsm aeceuaimg.04, fine laoa4l COUSIN CANAD.ý MatCllA i PlaIeDas. c laa n~laqai vlbtf théisataMl = oraabW tatila l cou

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