fi 6 yo.rlng '~14 deir tilyto i 1< W W -9!S P4 4Èa4~Sui rata n Th WentwCU* Lic Lake At ti.eech >teeeth crai u*: Serrei n geteet 1dm the pny tetie pcpthb m I mer uBal tA Bey tle. fllwif TebI t aw ae.te 1foratB eceetpu (C PLycfPtan ekte -irg n Learifl.didfe me,e. 5rewa .> fth4 e t c w1 dragj y r. tecBedlet attd anciie. thPIt tee bldMBt tes i » Chttrn, i wvies. ch. Rer M. ain t mtsat mo dieerace npd reeeewiÏ#M oIeB wleekedthe Wee t;,, ppvi>fanný adgeey. bteq traItdhiB à egtof oafeeet ag. t virl b* bo ncas er bet a à baned Ite PttByitldruAnder*M, ofetcli fàl lrgoe cue~ adaterda edthe ueg utce ee trce teb. Gibbonf KeïeZ CfImnUawillb.bdt 'fearcehéIis atPddByPre Seopt. et« u Dr. Ae- et yDre. c ated o apef I ixw et Heegree i ~fUt~doY ce ~b---i.1u. ShettO Çoal. Ifl i~odt EIa.btnltb n Cml. llaodwood, Snftwtnd,~id Pife. 'Y. aUne. praotpt daileqe CASH BOUU~ e, m~ g .qikly select.d hy1 r fak1g oen r ýwGooc U maev t ~iIoS W1htg yd, n c B no W K I*io b -nt s ce WIéP 4mw' ydtena eCrfa Largi2 wr,*adS T,~ vo8ey-lm:In 114à. ýp&ao *t y i7onioeaI r . r ,' and et cente.. death o in a field, grte' he a' lihtStg