S rt ritaugtof ne £nu-ERamingin - -Bummariville, ont., May u1-Early b o dniouinscu n s habn tutieir ib:1 09abs î.tic ttoie tnCo hu t detu ie PnPthe O CuuYEN Yin. Omeni e ganaulueti h igt atbun:I o! n-ofrs it uon eterh' h udtha buinesuftme cac n t hu:'aqtS irp of titîtotoe 1igo tdonf tytniint ittyt D titeuBESe ni MD illiRaTmENTtn n wibîyieM i b tîuttntt.ittruuia gititant bi innibe, aiddrutianby en e n ýdwitb taetîaed toit tle ind 1tonfugioaua n leHOiîgnuti uin-u Te ent nWITHuffre- t Iti bioc ttiî t o t bi s chne uuhne nnee aet "uiete unnte wened u fte u hîttîtd o tt u, i cti m.'tho n tî unyhe ugalid> >le bit! bit odînTterentînty fldt deiiete meetPogict iint i rtimnoo toitttîî' t-n titfnthe .PINK P inuS i iiidnînH u d ceni iu um ei dtning Faht Gat t. et uu yur cu -uu bp i t t. t t to îtt o r i e n h eit e o r u u n M t S p t g e HBe~~b n l n r y a e p t n i gac alf . A t r a ul n e l a t . e n , b a h e r ty ît.utohîgttd itn nts ouud e tioandisue fhntSi- eu on atie tnafan n ibitef1 e. 1 apeoce h oti iit nf o-aihn isal eipiened unk 'hu e u p tueigeiatelGnMnltttieM11",dmta u uabie" euc tii-i Lh nje, an iny p louta i smn i u n in 'a n t a d t ni t u at. tt eu thaflp t in tii. rn tete b ni- T e a ia n l ti ea un ly g tt ng th ai elrfitets auuthepe iIt er b tin ere mi. Cies tetp ild- ,,,menit ratioema ns e lf nis&jhadcutntttbcav c tttntnic i ottira o a sii igndposusibe ided n te t e o uin u-T apturu o m n ih re ovrs lý#1 nu,\lLded oa etanyfitt ef*ýid fvoite icinetn Mir. btotc - mnimtre dni pti uellchiiutleFy bt' tafesw. h * b é lititnlabilluiohuttetd nu inusm'unit&vtitttetftelu nttr an e u.firde, nt ne uth i, iy'lldti nap a e îiiig i arn iu mp He rit. Dr Wtt du tie n he:f eotenpuiut: oftu~bune ili n. ;:I,,c i i obt uai bapti niaudi b a eggd nralod g Tey rnt wree. tu iatding mat oeut fl n pafla"uro. Il t ihtii negi P.inAfR.n1iitgamin baed tfnul ndhp îniotf ptia a-mnte f 1etin A Steitul d ufaoncapltu mi e- ottiti orur tîtpiu mu id 'tnnuinued It n ao l h ite mu hemelenu --- u neterusu nuJune ukl t l i ' ,tt tf tii titinttty atifn 'nncnitetad aititn i l t subnîne iap ea:iung etpatie - n lth abe p-tt- ipitati cl O but taitfratcitono insvr ti finirfnrîiie nir eiutt îr tnnn iict tpuieetmihaecupaitnu tu ii( ib ti o t o ttitf tc tirnibt nund in lu, in ro i d al cdepstd r htee. A otHening pumn'td hia daty ' mui fied i;,g l, sra hnceute ronn su redpattauhutiShu biedu teleaéuiatikuandimb[r id Ci oun - - o n diiuiiiditnne tuiuuuuieii ie. iminC terris i therpunduorsu nsp epttrph un i t n i th fthtf unduitghtnnIltu it argu a lie n uran nedtComp an tiwMirypuauTm ti titei ièh n teiruin i,'buit wamu r n ura î n mu otitr poftial tiuab ini en n anad , nud cr a cmeh pop ie. hu s ci ehu um ae t u ll n tha o itto o iisoy b Wt ittîse a îno a nk Pi te u na w o pu rti l te it izestatu e a M en f. i he:ue r unally alathupd l :t u u e aulg n u p h th 'ut iininte aa fwhc i iejnuuiiii te iotr htod uani.tfino tite býn n ettere nlte ntmti-l Napplere md attuete liteîci iii i ntne ofin itîrine c uld u n u m h a p m t f t ~ u tt ii u , a nee md't tu a ep ata t hen cu e ta u i i tId îinn otre ird . et e Ena pe indhe e i bnue t c ive itc e l te da n un t an e r soby c a i tt! tnu nd i-nntInnime toW ii ol.le Tii ameianpepuein nnutiio o u t tt ti t! orolY fl t diu innte gtoî outif htt tielCo min tur att ite Eneupran artetu ncyt hla m uTat ilt teoefrthetir .thetînîît ist on HfîotpiniBrb.nae pitis uiossudinaie ebding. he,î t miae wel bc e r at lo'yIl rné t t t I(git -Amriu aiBhankoflmflhreIrraie oeih e t) t t t 1t andithe oitît tgin gote a o i hit iioef nud dicteningm ut . t ieo.n itee are Mpur-an ti-Andrue tidt nyeunitig an re. 'Bie uiiir ni iet nu talte t. wt t ii $-uri i a otn otonko riitn o bn ii tit. n a e f tenrltidtatk, r t uqoaretihe cru in b is ue s it au tinthe iatn upiapea ieuttmtita EA OFIE I UL I, I. b ii i i t ak n tt t e r e R vr-o p instuttOOfilhe d y Qe l " é l ed t e pr s n r t it taur An itti loe otrt i ie itCinuna! ooe'ntiug ire 'Btt uiilnnt itteymutuitînit nmr euluuanimeaie tuid em i ndm i utiMlitieouft otufo itttuiiriint iin ny ouninot O Théno naC u a n du met antionueitO t.f- ardith ut ue renin olrui e i mn iye P mtu -n tti g pta luta- ( A fl a a e a ~ *,a. t tfit tt~tnttnttrInte, ttiand %lntr nigbt h un nonstraucin ited wt)a yeu Aid bnoueiuel iclaiti u amai llhui er i ia iCeu t mtapu- .- flan rhuaiton onu h on ynne oo u hno pdiircuetnd ' ttie 't fruneIum1n m 1 i n rv I:y, it.! ho ogil m n ec.Thorrcog ietxpo intbe f i le d uetsiner ttt! taiitttatiDpueannlth. ' OtsesoCi. Inor oîtu ui ith e u d iitny mte epuulosns. Thne ipuato-ff i mpte a t nteltgui r ea ener n amut l h e- <tan. Sau f na .JsPn è - 'Btk n g a fe 'bIoc tu în n o n ahnueb4um t i nîmbOtti fr et e ut p m ut if a B n . t A ic M pe tl A T W uo t . I L a ( uru t '1 s na 1tir bit r l e p g ead i Lni u e h i no h us n pi tiiia e e rim ufe t u a ing î p u , e Bi e ut ie au an i he V u nu bi E ea u e xo ft tu a. P i '~~il ie ueuni I altu nt!nd niioeninbfxest attian it rgyer Sin nnun 'Bitf!e dpni utc t chtan thia plaetaitceim n e-ns.Jn.traMte Kep nt iti .S SE E ..4aaatrah t titi Whiut l o unie tîVr vetiuem f etîrn onblruorniTe mni a uat auu n msng eep roain le tinipna u l[lmm tmu auu..ieig n tne r . .W T o... tuprf titutitiioti iti fi! i ttuy ian hunti ,tud gnnîp nun intt atf npiiig t tuiu tru apeu i Dcuiii ut Wuu niCu tol,-I h t l" i ets bubro Àci ru thg ii mehforiui t a iy un f fîum u.n lasm-utun t aannfdicrmtng ma luitat tm Lme t tre N îelmxtp r e a T ehl ot ni ohmuchrmoong ofudun 'auntpdueaiais- t hicg. k O n d lzsa s inpned t iturn utntat m atu tui. 'ie tr toto t! utquley,î1c.ýe nt i nl iottuoîtotioninuii Tofont bsepAucti uucopume t o u rum gioa eupta eretn tie ugh niimni"un piue Gnt ueemtatiDnptin, a ctaacilsta uiFaua uok a cne'f h ile n un ino Liiatu mNîI haverasulrge sMteuuiit! ontnen, ae- gud idhim" byLafaectuMnLam. AStipMuet salaMuet t t ttic i i ot a lWaithenro ihieemuait" nuiteOf liteiOngmue-c tiiesiunreDmmletianditueuccu etoi tuouble u ivnich nt t,,rd a tvru o.ut nutnt- ot A eia isdv tanp o dtet. ad r a e i<atne.A 'ai uMttcupI Dai an pybt a i h ouuug uc t L un retiag uufe-uanet n toWauce t curdminiÂdnstCnadaT, u ncafrs g ue.nuTheptu tn . Wiiînenti Pentw.u ci tia uni aCaaaatiUi orIfttunutnciii itl pnomuînaDr nn ilaymure- nu iit iitWaîd SGmtesundmMexiobA on ahu ily ta - -' heu itoo eaiierbme uiut;Sra fi,, aai, cAVrIg$ PA.TIENT. tîtts aid inirnbt itpou apan fvATueu-tn I'ie - pMt.FahLecui nu id ny 'Bb huit oftn theR utesaot'i Cat c tter iyofw i gabgn edche;th i.DemaeeT ittbrcCoht elt. l_,.ulgt ut aus ititon teaalund mu unn' ai'oepiet aruthag m Te uia atna ilu cmhim i. EiîigtBte LiiBahti. oagat t(10 aiup5d a t t ttlPt t nuotto isltu cnd iionofStteba ab raae - fietilerere ae o hvs ot n ltehe egitr, and aeuta tgndefst ihgnen nipubein- eqte o nt hiat alCOL n toit ofîrucil c aditonîuugftic n umu morcs ut eAPhi1ta3dmiphia mrnesnks n izrs ee en ne oe ut ai ti' I fto y-7d, t. Vtotoodanug îcit6rv axi, ou t r a n fitu7mi aitu t. i n d n teenthe np:nlati niai nmau. 'be Dtnaiemt b tututnahlbl ih' ,I, , xiedteIitm h i E urp tat, Id.' oe ci 08 date tiat iastrit PatuesAgcup e ma' anentts. tulne i, f, thnontes elarn utt heoifut a i a E uroete bcm tani i bm ut lina sfhi- t uppstibemn ch tatfeopuemaii eth Ou.'ie Sbtpic Prm ni ie tl ioit is 'al- xystle Lortinguna t egcufuliteedi of riteNot"hunmin umut n un- cuitdenandenai, "hgundmuutel u TDeticure tua yuro Se int picu,& n tt g. hiii ada fr thf eieto Ak ut nug tn ir nn intSera rse u ats'mtuc eut u r iutbb.uttifthihnebutlingot.niut igu ondfuiaindt unduroeut anuuiu111in00,00c tum att a rdu puit a eu ainuit" 'B Jyîui!;tu.t'oit.oimtue-ittîudithooetajumare-timumuhirtne- pene aterate. Wia prtniOuueramtndua idiot ornuthe ipi% o h itto piti e -t uanifnitianthp nutibupetu thtiote uicu pHat.ThLi e tombi neimoense mountuof a br- "l - itdeat m" i;nu lte fntnungreBsuprt a n Wueie îewente w rtce s itaetiapicapîtîm itu m as t alunnc tîugtu tnpp 1dtond hiticif l'netit maat auef ni to igth ilte mrqati e HEAD inuitEiti muniOut t1L.Iloi o f ,cti -fca ur n all asesnr n in T hsad, "fie, a i r force. f i atyiflernd t a it Clletuand'. tmt b eauin - ter tittim ttti iitu ininigiugnnti te uni, "" , e'wOctOir es- e- trcuetit bu ai Rme n 'Bhuti ,08ap An idbutt iastmuistt ua lating cif. outtie.cu--eancalu nt iuilute un1,114 il leo , 'Ifuugsîu n u rein. ooi coan olngi a fransnanuti tAnd utu te iîi t t ni amfleur Thud tt ihînkei nsit in uBit l ttm l mesite uuta pr - ambu j f[ - 77 ,0 11 iv rtumou four nSeiragpaide. -bite-os a m i h drc ls ntie b h inteeandtiera ecairniut le, ittnfuio nafituteum wineattcm tcnurs i ýra o! ittu finrs h oi t aillemCC.omt ide mn n it s Canmari thhnda iet lse ani l tattituipmd mnt euat ittieru; nt tg ta sugestin ad auto c* ..W ln dtil.u lII U îbQnru ie-gisofaryPalc Peopn.uirm ouaeaug N , he ae-iVu 3,tyu'Bit0mn erte diffnencem wepnhuiiîthé tproveb iTeiccmnmtiun resrrhiofits cotuentamauoeam îl nu I, t I l lin t aet hemincanieg tOc C!ampsnti as f ywr et s iter su atit day. Aiefamd, e r t, a gutie titBixa ofea ngceue, autmAnnaeom eonî OHNSTîRT-,t t. !l oto iit 5ouuu i itnen rsi oxsweefol% ing lur tiv bjeu i e ntibne tast asmet i nsc fteeh nieio n, ie in t e i ent tat imifb1 -e ai u- oatnhu ne-e&uurnincse'BtTts ai triu'c i tutt" mnu .... e- .t),b nadrnaîinu h D.Wi-Atu-eAminaonlceg raifncns ( i- eti un ue2n09iu)p ua lt akra uA.îm.u'u tat. mr fi'irnuW e'ninnytnmit-rticaltauuofuftempueti, ttupeenplitimiisarttie, ut mutB. nd muetefFt li-lEnititO Gue-uucten.,nue atie-micy, antioititlpairtmey iple ha-Nnd inleianitGoi t be ubln e r Shum n'ity Aug D- 00.6 sg n d )its sd uttig ii !fny Ctioda tamtiu, mmii iaiTh dian inicebwein o ta tiataben«llri. t" Peuptus uit .aBy, vAic M y e n .T.la (le tim&LeIwhe nost Nut 'ii iioui mitoo id naifutebieg -ib peet n it itp ueial intun5itperietir- B1 EamanGuernuî aMie.iut tut tînt i h ii tg" teMciotli eanidacity The mbe-iue muaningut _______ t ~ ut tut A~fîiiootf ot. Ilegair tiionuittnt cet. fW ettg in ma tteur ee Th.in- é uLetigeMthyOne M'. u ipt nepaal etrsagutib pe le eqien-v ho . t t -0 unhîug n suopNaite nuin Ii'Thenn cni m i t uche pntiaun ise. ie e dmpie ct Bi Ltge iuni! aMpThen a puitr, u H uom e tîs fan cel& J. A NBlok ..thro ...gh ...qr (th ier fi t.hr» nuS mmm u;iî n n dumfrtann o f art rtuFei gu Offlncr,,ý . Ttee tnupro feit Thiî conui e fa cumm tanpedni nu n butfor tunit'S ra ia lerchu Autt andisu cL' - B.S 'h ' '.3 ttnt og tu bt tu ut Innend i esnslic ta ithc fave re nu esanti erta ut aie direuciui enta r i c nem b is ngo r awng Mnu i er c itn g . hu i gna c lt iun are H utM.ita conviais.... a n spu ctg r iuiîu ii00iir ;t ibnbn adgas ere Du sa bsltl apbe otnal n pe "'Biteirtropaoom aliuseeinleubathernd lt pace t i, hr l ohngI hfetet nrt m diinituof qeumno, ut Cuuudm o utl tsGu, et." IngMas Leanu andiac ti mm, b u lun . tineun litpeetls e s ped, Ocolaton. l inoca-sin inI upal teti olsa i sitti ni chu aiipe, anti mon !aeaammrtre îi c ufc nfutt A un- mTri ng Otui tf t u C P.E ne aa fret îtNCH huo iý n irbtiroýii ln e cpitt ptamuc, usc pia itai th p in.MOnesp."Ay e inspant Pumhefut lu itise lin a ' th tile.Th e #e caiis s d m le andt le rc cylos.clii#ýg re tutmuas - s t, er e-n icîgeerei a rnt i lita th Ofeeaî Mn i-p Ctremto anti fdbswn s .ti en inom enet»êîpon Agneral bMj» ui es ing-L, -e ad lctIlýYalg i y enis esntpurin nannustilnuiet er iiii ittnube. ir Wnpecionee aewb Crly'ralt s te.Fr W»uds nt l'I' to "1"!, the nieunremlandtlnitrptbMe-,Ctuttntc e at etirfîg mîu etiunut seu e-u uredsic D tlsi etrce f ,.,.ge in gen enlp n tiran ite ni ih te " Be yOrng e i r o y et, t euiiu iutli. W t s o n. d. F e rn ip l oit e a nadI an U n f Cteepiuatiiluc-p eap u anted.Seildaigronfr T e wastimt onair casa aai n i Ju y mla Sut ahr h têls ) OFORDt Bi bnh fln ra yt r rs.]ttebod , ,,f,_ esuit L etiide.y' îtucubsg g r~D É re t auicm ttft" - 'St.itc ss udN Ela. and.soja. ]y l'i prpiaio ayfeceonte 'Bteliec riuFa ete un , cyab u et ScePbibes edgceBud enies, a SEmm a eyood; Scia ha i sli um o ce btth fe 1 earmmnd.ca ar imui tmenM Aut' îng, u. Oseranct m rnmiand AVN SDPA T E up, rem in-wari and dr, The bckskin t appate 4 Byth luenibtaeit , theTéti-r T eMilnr Coht Inin advodsmknunvy d i la ites pse i iintautt' int Tt iai beiut eertt m ucdBw-itaowd nth dagr nmiibuhpar upfthe Brtis reime Pariant chGuient il ýrchisuto ndispenWIsabSON$ina sofitfeii%%,ttng n iumn wen Phladfp iv unpunin nsadi unit. Bie untycm pos biin uTxs1ra tio . T*eDSeln o ml le mmu* b ac. Natureusnà I re try as iuatintt atieasmut regnut: tadihestimutati ati hunth a in bna serin on. ha nruhtenwdel ovheieilDeeisag uptiamat.d;,. ia nn&utïrsmale a whll teyuest 8."gl reet mtmt u- butahittite e imititueufcoriing t aothefni Pe ng oal jueikPateA sft , orma ' - I ati 4 )!tie ýý;;on t geik ropo aa r aît' Dbins ca i rist prume ni tinti. aniOcpedoe cpa L pet ncerimtsb a bcbi'ie ied y rss h If il ain% lecanmoc miflyPnvrhtan n ue tuMyd mscn- tat mtit r e u tuemt umelnite inse. --lietrPulsi e f oot IlIl %-,ý,s it te s nithof Wîudo nne réu al esmti tdaltepeunti. Sct Gas nth __ ipak.(imtd)3 Rm_ tretTrot A E TMLT N Nan-teude i u tem un t r e n t bu d fer dout aGerdbreari the n uittulte nuin Hu ttebefna tntl" etmni h nT e Susrpin P e o h i f Gi the maep eorta finietthe Jrt-titant opeformtioe n tuuloue tant i n irappti. ietan ad M go mnwaDlnalr e erSnl ois mm h iountatc at uihttarittalu se l t bod,ýanetrnian t' e ti cait ibeintuinit nu aIlA Cnoyubeogt?. Soc,15es a pumibi! -tnceiaaatt e isn h e hati and eAnte re c ounpltheinrmaeanti at wsth e Lr emiueamtu iindgetiinip ec n nWumy uiteno-ubutte uetat iennitre îr etp cou ens r te akd - htpato iuipaiuma, iînmn'nmnnuuipi t ght he r itus l met tut utuudnu utuieli ruer aiaau. lu Ifigited viil speiabs se paete theNpue ni htte ol i gW, Va h ase.- osh. M -1-lehaba d ______ All.or loh..fortijhid.. bl. t50 un aieiamelch, ILntuee ut n tempumtnnt-.ula-.antihomua W nctig tt Hucawngt Wuhau is. i tul m a miii'nitatal>'changellite metintu e literdmaefnic bldbat,. . .Jgýih Lo 'tct' 5tpt - entant kýtio,.,.lit.«Iiint ... nltiieIcg titan' t; : t :nm iieum itnthasartan. al ablula dvcebl rtteet il b it R omnu eionT m a y nodSrmuot a %akn e eiuy epnuo t.m u miinuchmn itannmten iaaomitiplir apsia. TheInt' tco ali- ke abmue il. faitm Jeiving Titu« tu ,îilbunstuta ebmclfth un a i f tuk os.4ie oc in tbes Cadn ad i rstl '5dt a nd e qailad i thecilrn;" k » p auL' cp let waiapa lna unes Iistrll>g u . h. hoe ina Ai ait drecanta, tetbc ria-nd an finisntjeWaceetta chu puingin ehllhatifuum.oltt. VN Tand nEDilIeamaCO ign iecus et i ce orkgam IIyne h rbr abt.dy weael agd 't14dsbp eitmtnotol TSSotmathii cnt.. - ons or j lct chu _ o n' tiqspnnt han h ie - smecf't i el-dbû - - b»c. al.. .t.tiu titn f ie or m ccain. eturi iis orin teth sbjet f tI riouwutaae pp btte.toj h lama $O.#5 enimmi 'r. IL 00, leccete i-à nc ot ceafisuy mcc fhuarmoo &âýSn atmn a putalu ifou isluti t!rucnblng ailthfe gune and a4q SREPEATINO ARMSÔ -zýW.-B. GLEMENTS< (Jsrrîes a largead fine stock- if Sheif and Heavy Hardwi PAINTS, ILS, GLASS, PUTTI, -ETC. CUTLERY, SPECTACLES, ETI DgEw&.Rsa Sucs, Mats Sei,Mt ruDENby- te prfeslonal camcre S han n-iass - Cr ;;% a ba inLtZ cZitmRiddeu:y theano St a seo d e otmdfi ocne. Maccri s md L ts cic.niucîio psle i-ta ia a u s fiactinlg detalîu case b î unfc tan Staducm4asymcfricalsi ugn ares e a fwf (ta cWaliiairsupettioi IReacnble Puifccac-aPied wlth Stigh l sIeaaare c ,chaateimica t te mWHIT." Que Sang eutsblled retaian guaneh excellence cf aur prdaci Muants A antià-..B MaýdIaG O 30-im e,- . ---- -'Sttelal Rane' -1----------- tantiEansd F ftainttst ... LWhite Sewing Machine Company,~~ CLEVELAND, OHIO. Far Sale by DEWAR BROS., Miltoîî, titt 1m cOves ncd coUS Pynyfemtoeai Wo- Large Nattu, 25 n. DAVIS s LAWnS c. .und M ut, -j- 'à1 ~nu a ha ihun o u atktW'ho4u&thbusetn omonhe i$00i, m e ucnia theason oni liàtbh, n-heur. th e t h d, n innth F,"aprL4çbdth eutboyae i oy, ttc h bu7,thhnnac eh ahept8 heuçeehea. tvnnre gahI laituot'tuye"A PEREC 7 TEA i it I f 4 t£I~oVt paate u u i ~Pnc Sala [ZHAMPIO FAT bletMIN, 01iiufi 19- L1O7- f0 titi , ui t - t ci r, n i u t , tue, ne ~' 12ustao lf BI. ite.at . Nait mu, fOî,Sat 1 ntatta~n muut, ta O etitit i eti 1,iutnIrtir - Ebut1CfMW %RTtabe. ic cbi. uint 'The"Whýite hi