Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 1899, p. 3

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HW~GI PmnriyHggfboham a Cof PRICE loc. Wtt. Drsiag5at~ MILVON X F -OU PREFEIW A SYRUP Vr». KarlsWrdy~ ~oilly by Hîggînbothltm & 00. ~a*pêci@l p#îCeoDi 20C.~ HIGGINBOTEMAM -& Local News. Foc SALE-A Yt de" iel A î05'05 trcoai Sbfibb'; ei aMl~ itasoo, o it~pno, o~',n.trance tu stable. Apply tce ia.lt Ji MCIRO, fBrmt.i,ýsi-Cartoner. Milton. 47-n M tNIýnOnocFiday. 01HoosBI.LoseRns' -Co.. ooslHl ,~of etae To lils nd lieutenant, provislonaly; (ouJed on 'Thursdoy lst. F. B. Williamson, vice J. S. Camneron, "' o 'Aqoastity of becs, Att- retirent oîsd April, i89. The ainnyxii tCha'.Bts. Bown ,squin. cipped fcom tat Saturday's.tGi" MoLosco,-towooolip qIrtilf andthetî appoistuiient lis in No. 6.Co. \vao's ie tosso on Satorday. Atton. r t'r usocULN beld consfirmation WF are happy to say that news hau ai Bringtos os Tuesdgy e't5- becs ccoived fromt Ottawa tilat Han G. C. Molinsoy. sio bas been inà Mo'rsoXt4-iS in MiltosonnAoisit citirl codiiosot lot city for sols !,c pa'ents, M. asnd Ms. W. H. ooeks, ho', toies a tocs for thes better t I'Yasd thot thece ore gronds ferchopil t tO ý,Ft4îlwN Rotes. I0w Su populOstitt tolwl sori be aile la leaveth ilioicl'lon, promlo ils o b agreat suc- bospitol. -gît0 Ibhis yar o. EAST ENI) MEoî MARKT.-AttentioO R. Ose and is Sss Chalie, of i dicectedtu th ie folloîing assoonc. ttttoîere intown onStday and mentofyP. Wales of the East Endsd ko titre o clt. iachet,'tIsas he is prepaced tu ssppl lui'lti- ofice acall.prime freesimeat by tthe qoater r liriHo.,îf tilsom Is ne, large or sinati quantities ai pecii t oSpeestabisedbusiess. It lis sîssap h tli t Milton fiesds. aim to sppty mecatsatnoderate plisi tosi NDW. BOWMNlt, ofl'Toronto,.fosecashl. il. l îî speslisg somle lloYS't ntnithBSEs. MeMictus, of Milton, focmei itn Iis seigilboîbooti. of No. ru, Chingnacoosy, bas isvested iARPlrOS cîs RSots.-A lacge machine for sovelisg ditrites. TI tttott Itic ala s oîad aiRobern'n s i ts. P. o. bos s4. Miton. macine is attachest to a ptow and lil t' W.Holli555.î Wsbig-said wil emnove at sartil from the dit M.bas obtained is dcgcee of B. in gosod orer. Mchiskin bar dispai t, tt Vitoro Uis'csiy. ocoto.of sevecat nf Ibese taboesaving machn 1) :ie Vctora UnverityToroto. oFuel farmls-rs. -BeaUnPton Times. llo 1UT.s.f lLoW'ville, isfîîcst t ' ttliebas a cool'tht gave birtil te WoHOu 'cen YRisHt eOF Wov -lt t t tîto iis pring, oit of svbîil are a welt.etabtished principle of law th t g in cossing streets or higbwaysthe p M h ,tî.tI, or c l ltoot.te oi Vos- sos nfot bas tile ight ofstty. Dnov( o.lýcB c.,.artt'd hSc ron Mooday and bicycle ridem shslolit atays lb tb vsst bel' iothîîe. Ms. J. Iis fact in mnd. It itla a, and ify tt t 'injuce a pelestrian by cacelenu dei "i o nnul ýmec5ti îîg of te Haltttn or iding yoa.nce ceossible fer IL. it.t<tstitute isîolvel'ttsedltuil5 peson is not eeîtnred bylaw te t ttit toos aIl lîtets Slocoy.acrosotheP sreet tu keep sut ofltew of vehicten and bicycles. Thne diV9 ORoe SRcoltI. 'ltooghbred andcrilers ace teosm te loo out fu "jersey. hi tîoîîllt' O titI; 'eigbs cleoc truttk. 13ti. 7thon., N. S., Nelon. CAUstltT A cTON-tIt ltntwei 1 K s î' s. eport of the napper iven ltu Gti 'f, t onl ecso t,, thie Mtdst Appleby by Miton finds lit was atat t., T.t ' telpb. ondcc th il ttpices o thle accodisg to isfocmation ceived, V, t acioers' It stttttl'. tttil ae the Icot silicil mcccthe principal Il ti jooe 4li. on Jhe bill of face, oere saugbt at Co t'.tî.G Scc Sr'o tîin smatt CliWbocns pond, rieur Hillburg.' t.tttAddcestiMmc. J.. A. Zilnem'as, Fiestileoil, of Acton. bas mitten te M ai.0 st. B., Harnllott or Zimmscr- that tlîcy came fcont is rot pontO, tîl'o stor Mîîîtt îom Hiîîsbocgb. and this. we fitti tîooR. Hl. MoDuk i tî s nd J. W. truc,.bI. Firstbrook, bainsoet t MI)teid, of the Collego I ýfboPhrmacY, tu do wttb bo, mst know how I ~î1.spet oatcopl ,fdays tat. eable lisbastsrles generliy arei i.ttýheboneo S.R. Blîcîs. wl wt tie sorpriseti that thle CtiA t. s Teoe55l0tmadteîtis eekty wansised. ..toof Stoc1ý las Tîtrsdav-205 20HBov. -Loess RiPLt."- î 0 .sadtuscr-oa ofcttît.ocalves and tbreedays'nspenlnl course of instrosi ai1toootntutaolitt$2,5on. for eommanding sfficers comimence lot 15RE 5a0 f rost bece onstutrday and tbe Armorie Toronto, on MonÉ tttîtay igbts. Strotobclies are Te. Liett.Col. Goodsittie. of tee Loi itedtu tohacc Suffeerd. buttfeilt teec s us one of thle fficemn o w en t al(I ptonsoot cwrostnd, jtendake . ... On acceunt of ipro .ttgrpsý excetimes asd feoer mes than US"aIN .totc. 'out of b'mplymnest. recrntting foi ' vî e. . Haslip, tolto bas justre- cmigc m omre diffisnt than n t' onett ste' tabeing a pot- graduate in Miho., t tat, and al non-asm -,e nEdisilurgil Univesintyt'aWti siosed oficersand men of NO. 7 CO. tipply thle I. P. Ccuoît. Manewand, b, le requircd tu go -te camp, nIle- Pl ti,o tut Sabbatbs o May- salty disabtedl or ill. -Ne otberexe 'soNs SBs-cOBv, o T. Motot'5 barbtrSil be accepted. Sec notice le anc '"aho seonârsd the poition of barber cooramt. ont kiSteamer Chicoca, cning betwe Fise» go.-On Mosday AOi, Tolttot.A%&Z-ntshe vscson earli Hamilton, appenced beisce R. D, Jotot. , 1r, Enq.. 3FP., at Burlington. dii RoBtc. MoDoWst ti., assistant-at 'te à. teilIn elling ieloisaling Iîquiýli T. R. station iere dor o. somber Of yeanenConnty of Mittson ithot a cli pt. han been proisoted and ls note le Connty Attorney Mthason wacji thtre of the station t Wanbuubeite. for tbe proseetiuii. Evidence wu S Wt. Sttephensos tokilig isploce at Mil- tute ee cclthat tbe defendant 411' t'.tt sttion. gucti front a Mragon at BurIînJtut oot c 1encilteet will met on Satur- neighbohod, that the agent wlýe d Ilyevcning tu orgasise. Tbey arc like.-ttee waçon, tank orde for thé i t. te Conservator sap, t aea togthen, dlqvedng Ibees laer nd te-tn, includiog players fon eog- iqnes. té!90"Mc. nt4 t otosanti Bampton. cin, cedMr.Hie nsal, J V . S,.'.'tccs Floor Paint ha nonu qual for C., ad that 4ee onîoud a se~ paintng lane, porches. ouside teps tbe convlidKop. ad il aItudoases otnîde or ieide that ore sobjet tu bard otage and fréquent S Lao iec ilhubing., For sale at tie. $Soeyns S. LN tIordvare, -Milton. Very nouai ietslaM M. E. MrrcOcsLL, of tee Qne=,nbtl lilt aIJK Bcoampton, etiedat this oofficeun Satttr- obligent ta g Il* W-Ir day mssntng ami sîowed us hie catch f a peeind -r*tand oud trout at tee Cacephelville pond -oi lbe Mnneyrons àas 1 previom eventng. Amnng thonsvue affectant .&4f sevecal i .4çm, ne eegblsg 1705955L str ou U. Jo wbsen eo bant beauOn siuveng for - bualtb furj% mewnte ýpeut. ded an There. vltrenain &'at. day evu' ia'lenst. aged 10e49 lneIa teit ires and 17 daw .Deeeent ia,. a MeV th.Ibmsenvlnq andineur !mal l hitten ta ceaune bis PL,3 detelle ca ieeneed Oc the PL T. fa bir. T. for *#iu. iinfanera 0* $ai» Oér" S ' i n B ogê ' i 5 5sbC * %»f - t r' ta-u~5~ine Royal ~~as ~.4 - fficiateo. élu. tôttukm*BI oeLlNf or re~untadIe iltedattibname0 p pen "a issue aI Mille, tetp ate dayni Mea acn d Ml a 1 Stte in theaBte aait. Cotoudaiter: iIuMynt, 8 t Pte n ty eetteot. vr ayp od thé T e ntri M tua Lfe Lae uraier f at Nikn, thPoles, dBlofnMay t i e M ier l theC Pl 'n' foi X0. o. F. H. DEACON. i AGEN. =1 ayenlyrk.May bus natat 1701, 18li3t %ces-an Mylesla h iny ery lad 'MIs ' L alacé ,I*nê plelict. On nihie asi tee ru am nay , Ontper g v nce t ee Roy a unT= hek mohodyrietm. maiain, o ol io f uins ad- r-iy0 neMtndcy eheniagma0ctteqd in ced nlmeetvTablena appevalanddinappnnal Mllnaîa uT.P. O5taghe. NT BI comIdy fneuld-mntber tint o rofim t gillllbock .W BV i O O TB $ I~~~~~ ~~~ te ote aîyhaehyte mnbEpect de n, hyo ine eaane de n ara quric e . taClentin tb na tý»c eli u» rimsigh n t b A nre bySy e red ilie. Vaidbte 28n-ny nananthe s tem htynlntin adm .on' I 'ee orM isM lo efr h 4hM y', anala NctorntiZa4n-crnntte e pentntne » a allnttLot InoisaUniioheI aqnalty hat ilIttac itp ~t[O NALTI 9hj~ O Iln- Me. Rîc ard ene paj reneron anOur loarje -:-' Y UbotIterSUVCo mp vny ft nr banitl D GogtBae,ý ceko 1e ai IatF..r pnnHu.eî D psuÔ. [)es j (Ou la bae 0oncd havInste sn oni Rryo eM c.tRibard ten Grand Tuau «.cp .~ - m IcE ZE . AtHAQAlESNLIRK O. a Tins banni vîtI rasier tee fntlnvîng Veau owanecil flingotsnite, o loc, a ag eal igennactni ta MarI- Fain- tmnnndVIe intbe wIee tanttin4ne nat About iiXL.sûti fuenc4itioSs.ln Qna tsreail&rsitese e F Mcliete Webaoà ilno pri tly 00 lontPcr tainLLEO aranE tet.NW.IL R H ile cent Dr.a. o a ndc se, and dmages eut RoFi s of e tO'P RIfRE N c-meMosdAssone Sage ot etecrastieSraoIns' vînteenm inmantu 50d W-RTH1$1.00 kt Ven t SennI . emer ecrs ibs lsenoen U" a vnti ng to : t-- FLUE STO E, Io Stc.W roweT it t75e.o sI'sOgtîis Liytalîom cocue tsu gen e rait y eld bott iti. brigade-prt . ' Priîîts, MDslihelîs, .K.Sare(somethogotierythew), himitfeinalli'. ettsc Tblo 10bncIio os' aI ent l Seu le oniUlu Il A prmîsent V e o Pal rottlnanîseitis.iyt luhetyu slciodn' i hr àd gad lrIi eu r it plenoentht rer ngcaOc ning exce ent: esetu. Sosolt outrsu ir is h meu'mr n. 'Prsl n is 1I brltlabecgn vnnîneen te e s byin a gt i ts1le r i nu __Let ___theconîsoîttilt.tof otoafoasrno. ttîiltî5lc siiîd,'.,iirstanndOItal loaii. hm in;el ht h utisfBinbl u n opiise'nII polalylen tente vn my Mi« Woon cd, enpet lardein poid.VlLon00OoMOs" OleOsrOtc butteIýh r , uc. fo; îePoa;frs nd oro,,oîî o s o.n oSODAroit oOIto ps'sîîen s. O , Oob c1n5IF.s'ttri eotl sc'Oo'5o In inc asicoiatecviceUm&Fr e t f it. er e The i mll i, t(ug - Wilmae.OuZiteMaecorM At n evr *pa - OnOreinmamhltb'001. Rneladingpyentbe pautt. ieu adthevlusw eftilJ.in A. trteyu.D e s o id FrofnsosRot.ai..suaail srtyle- " ' 7 bfoetieelooOoool.Lagrsocl pei teie Clyge Mnttavil u le SIces idont -R4a. . lco î.orî.'tOct t lI O&INISOL SN ni d t kl sb r ou ni ail he o sbtln te a T uion. e creit i-8 , 0 O O N 8 8 n-ar avail ob m e en ft e is oppoba e aotoityh sî wporiancet to M ilîanm res-R ea ing Dc.JnsR.F "Id. ce nrti- ThcouciltonsitanfaafewcCour outa gean biisn -- '. ..mot O A.e Lonuno Vu din etvse a irn n esing, feod tle n dsgs nmdenDem o 'aras a hyîtece a t, » u C Il, ate I l aioMnd ay o.tieet.,,t.-si P B S EL O & a auo iVr ooto: lu.. Opnpraet...... *FO't, P g R,îov'I N G o. ....oT f"' ira yeWsalt ......Ueoo in .. Gihe Am ndan Conie.. T O he c Ail eîî, Vb RîgIn-HAVE Btede Innecome t nier ood tnr duail Iseti sltIno cîl-Innti ' a yatlu i l oel u Lob on, Ierwosn if e t. C, r., ot1nnn.rcein ncolnn$nndt.00CENC bnpeorcce tnnvy. IarionheIe 1rstt( in t n un ev icetsevboa blon ny Myt 1and U R N USi H U S R M toitowiu P snerl tetsFarnodn e, Aof Pl. thie eof haerahstlowersPUR akELesOR, DesGosfrAl and Env. .AndersoCan damageMAcluiaRe rcso l G E N Mcc.H, S J.n f. o erdeLotuin ati 1150 bokrB U T NE tr r wd dw t unne o d - ts r aiis a! rubeoncotJamesH.teloutQfC. f fMrRErilad&e.-CRepNDoXAINt- P nts.èMans .K.SAt Pies to Suitnew) Inai Blousess BDe.sC. Plonns, of Sascroit dloL du, HnVnalf-nf Con rvn- s i ttehe opie n ole, Cacîfris Aî o A Ions Nog e R,&. Y S. Wtng,l)lec.Z, Aen, 1 Mart2n0,t5c. . hiauer se lasec, n - Ors temedne a intO f oisa teay lad Rto, lL O - P W1av ogt tab..cut n te ces Lpn o o VMa.jorerea souee a lnîsuxeli . . Aietin oShi-i.S.tefyih1, e il1 6 te ian.. vane eebihitoo one saneng tant hal.5,b '12.7largedEND . nul er teo n t c loaustielgbeingîe. I daug.bter, ec. foîl e tle n ose5cgoti- 'P lengths oultable f.i, eo u r waistgeu s oats,8 Sil- 10 bve been eugnd myeasonnNer.i7 ASAI-Atnicampton May 15,20itk.vif centoul cbotintersin ma ouonc rdam viRest. iLîhre Rni atcroSP CIt k I See'P there ar ion ed s lus, Gren, laks inthakowifva a asteorr. Vor .e ene C ciee-ATrieile e . d d May VhsticcanIrntinth oen nr n bm Joie anCuenes, m inte relytâ tir- tU. anibé P Viesnlnaa r ueyFgor Ountn WotRWipa Se 1.:n! t ion eigtnof tne oe pt g o tInoxtiokt Mine te, agent&af yer....$2or.g. .. el ... 5 y T ni. M.d P.t L is'acSh sadBýs r h rsrolr li n liRyc~t onl 0I cun ilyn , 8t Inioalo1 l6ad#oioalh. by5rcootbtomSc.t tc in bcbe o nd a s e ni. Rv M s.esnR yu.çesyn ael'P * iîneti= . bc n-ane aslins L ladie. pen ld en'Bud. Bo' da feso nusD..menth PT . ' 'P Itlialtv oneciesu G eeet A Lacae opoc-seiiy 10lge, nec' is tein'cnu&y, lintvas ilcoabt bece b n OinIetavle thse ose rfooIte O*' Otlieet e -t 1e wl Emivr niao s lie e ant-eul'P pr-îivn01u0cetrnceîl-o33nerI Qnena lAltbaythanbecsdeeartio n ae n m bat gtala Lne.ecend BnaaabrandoPCoIlas's for 25c.nP Tloein Board ofllTnlIdtaoiICone antikerore numctbig nnitnd l eI, raqus e n ofcthetiabt ee i i s -o S ultSe aie re ailw mSextnsiyBASTE DO & GON.,.9E .wl1I thebcuri i ndacny , nt the tuliie- uthe satm eisu ofnoa imm di at AI SiraL-N nus-aai totce eof ibticptc. ityfp .lac e uMlon_ eot dpei pin a pnnniic mtion of MSonsrstrong,-second 1!0a2ly invitentEte teelfocsIIlIved tr5e bee Tain îletptpeln etohaplogoniuing; a 40 te 4s Londo~ n:n u e nt popiews tae cllecg. Ba wintI tne na ruleon 051 mc tee p rs- ladorn iregamdv uL8suhe.1nsgnetcdseelBR Oaente. aishae r g e nnin cthe Ay tericaI h ih-adBne a olt saadtedah lo h ot u n t e lN .- A l b .a gatt, o ncelo aiy leit a m I ai ill gissen anin 186Anent ein Lohndon tylagis f d. u j Specîo, ago'imchnenueeee foiad.ClCRMeipas iSelrd hengy el~s tere ldeniati c lkd ava te t enel RDwc.O uoa,,My 4 i Id ntetre lainido one ce t er . ePasgneArt the pnl*$ e fticnerOf ll ower, 4aae, ...,TH IS W E E orKa> broterg Dr ,C Flc< ofeBancroftbb.bAe tr select morne vmtni -CAL AD A M INE-U fL1i ive ofVsRC ALgsm ~ h oe the rd s m fo t he Iliri., A ThtMartin Jas. et IBOlln~ e5 Gliie o o se flgnbyRe G, f~uo s~bl!oit r "W~~~~~~~~duhe of$'%t Aidal aitbe ff is Hus-Ceaîo Sast a, g 5 o.. ws o exhbitin on evninglast bal. i engts sltali fr 1111 u ide. W cm gîve yen loch eek t theWallce Huse. t wa saidDIED skits an chidren s rsss. n he o vI "2 Apffl,&adé. We càn give ýWjs.tokO-bâdanyilhere-

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