E f iv r' dc 4 y hlic.ce icelcocccrecd ycccirdcY ettc eMucî e dauîglcir. Mc. Bl],i:.155 Slcciai-s ciccccic. Trîîtc cii.. et cc>ieIeced1,clus Icafri.îdu cý tlcc *ci'mci IcccCc, hed if ittol. laecellcseeet Tcideceîdeeuin Ii hlity.ilîtlc îcr ted ccd bIcillii clcict flic e yete.bic deatlclciigcdue te Icceuale. Ti lIti .idte Mule mci citiclccSby on luncci ,143 . dc l[c, ltice. thlcai Aidreca O. Sdcir, clse utciitý icetacwhite childen buta ccc thei T cîcîliîil, of rimsby. TOc ,ccc.gcecu iagecdcctc if lice Tronto lccce., ci. nd was aB.. M.A., and LIII. Elle becceiaebcitir in 0869, sccud acti' lcectisiici et Grimsboylie da e apeelici if John Crerur. Q.C.. icci ccty. H wueppicted jeiiee l'cc l th;.888, andltloih icpcl.ý at iic iî e lcc eico f 1895 hi mue aoiiicc i d celcc lut1 aitll. meu zfdge J .1.M'.onick oce ppiittad feciJe .cg. Jedgc Mur 'ccitOce oe jucccloriifWiit'coth froimthe desuhof cecie .icccfg Siucccie, Dec . 17.1891, tili he l, ccljoict i f Colin (iccilder ce feiccd8uje. oe lily 22, 18152. Rec.. Dr. Oiciqccy Diccf. cfccctecl, Que., Jic., 1-11ev. Dr. î'lcicîccty dcccl t 9.50 clîck thiàé S lie, île. clciîiy. 'chiai deetO Ocd tcce icir dayebe e epcted, w'c ohre t litcccicýceO, Qe., ce 1809,ced mue docccelutiini e Oie iîeth 70cr. 1He 1wr4 ci'ceîd ci tOc pietlceid in 1883, sccd ieree5sae ecr t St. Ruche, Beaue. pancetcccliimcccroihc He wceeageut tccc1craecc'ccrice. le 1851 he feuad. tcdJaiimcc Çtholic elîuy t Si. 9A cccc',Kekuiie I. le Septemlcir. 1858c, Ico ccîeded ieicc tOiheeuch if licccccc. adelarg Ieicicgrigtiî met iNitjc lclcec He wm u eeictlyrte. cec'ccl iccice i 'ehyteiaue Cîcrch. sudccl eicciala 'ccdc ceOrity y hie Icc'tcccccc acd preechieg threeghîîl boauclaerdced iS tate. Hie ite mce lcc"cFclecccci Allcyd. cof Kuchuhie, A vteuofthanku acitciclccecte the rtiriig pcciide. Oc motiotih1e preideut. ltlacd 'Jud ic.prcidîîtu and W. A., Lumrcnce 'cire eppoiited uacimiitte te iicPtfec the prcsent greae.Oy'poccicg two ceintheicr et ofthc grand stcnd. 'l10e Spieifshow iieOc Iciciou April 27i0. and FeIlowoThîu'icriclcy culici Ind et. c28t0 and 21c Tiiiaunueli meetiefoif the NYiusc 11u'ccscArie turiol eiety mii lcld t BrciivIllc on Jcicmry 111h. ce per tettec. 'Thc preideut. hor. MîTeli grt. in the chair. The treauecsro rtas ce cofied te hy thc cuditimaeci and cdîptcd. Mvd bytD. Htchso iccided hy lin.Ritchiig. ht J. Steetîs bc pai2 $1.50 fr the lccsaof if OueinheO yeur 1897.-Curried. Mived Oipl. Hulcheîu, ecîudîd hy Di. H. Tcylor, tOt li pcrtieu uit putd heir prisec iciey tir the yeue 1898, 'ci oire utillcd te use 'dollarer er cc 'c gie a memhee"icp ticket tir the ycar 189-cecd bycM. Hîliera.tOt thce e'y-recc. fie - $c 25 tir ie service tir the yccr Mived y 1D. Hetche. acded y (Ici. Ktchicg, tbt Dr. Mct'eggcrt Oce preidet tir uuthertccr.-Ccrried. Mived by J. C. Blacklock, seeraued by Gai. Kitching, that, J. A. Wtonilhe vicepreidet-Cried. Movcd hy J. C. Blaclock, mciond by '-%m. Harris, Ébt M. Bettie Oc see'y-rce. fer the yeuO 189.-Ccrried. Thos. Moocc mai jpcined cudter fer thc directeuacd A. C. McMllcu fte n0 miere . Dieetors-Wmn. Mofftt, W. Fracr, C. White, T. Blrclocch Ale. Bell. Sillcy Hilchciu, Win. Hcrois, Johnc Simcpaon, Jas. Erwin, . J. Nilcl, Oe. B. Wallccce. Honîor"Dirctors-t.ei. Erwin. 0. Aderai, Wu. Scott, Ales. McKnie, W iB,Peer chT.Ceeh . SAt. r, c Mgp Diviurid by Wcve. J. H. HutOr,G. ai. vil, NiiIiE HihI. Surt. John MîffatO. F. Chi citosse Ici. t7.-TOis movicgsboie, W. A. Lamrence, Win. Lieu,1 'ilii-n hca the fol.iigi "A gctle. Doidg, A. MclSchOc, A. C. McMilla infccc lecctcerttacwa1c,; iloi cecti J. C. Blaclch, e..: Kiehieg . O. thec ity at ecîcicg, tuii tOctinlethe Tuvler, H. Bluck, M. Hlmes, S. Scel tcct if I citeCîcclîie limitae oîgry il.-Heieheee. Dr. Fîct. Jas. Acdormo packsi il mlie are ravagig'tîce cocu. Nitwithistcediug th vecyhaitdid $,y, ccd1a thi actyicee are cimpelled fotihe showem Ocfleatcciel tee Ie go ceceed ile ccuceaes, i rdar cn shows u balace coi hand f 828.00. pevîevi Ilcle rlicci. one if thec mmc Thc meeting adjierued, thc dirccctc rccc1cliccdu11rli. Ale. Fraser'@ cempu to Ie clled etl aile future date. icOlicct:iIredcyc egi. anduaehort jaticcer c'cds Ihicad ad ee at mei ecou fîcccclicc ilcr'cids, the bodyaviug lceî ive;, rcd Iy 'cilage. chioe. tÇuce AT tOc uctual meeting et the Tr 'croc îciciet leîuilc. Tatimem he tui ager Agriclteral Scneit> t Ouheil kfi eue 0 tîe cmpset Chritmusen ce h 1liet. the flloing cffice Micnecti igo tilOttawaB have cot Oea wrce appintted fac bhceusuii e ps ocfecli ce. accu il c s'etcdat PreaideO. Job, Diçbici. tlccvoCc, Iae met autlrciOle fte. le lit Vie.ra eidet, W. H. CrieIanl as viicayeuc bveue wlIesubme eau2d viecpreoideuL1. C. Wlson. anc nucicic4orcefecîciocie. uîdhudreds SSeracry, 00.H.10.09>'. Iceve heun illîd y thi chctymql." Directers -W. Paltersi H. -Cookh, J. W. Bussicllc lb.; eieso Thec PreyceWcy tu Do 1t. J . MLeau; t. . Wilsoe. F. Phillil W. Vi. R&utereci, J. e, Ford, J. AI Ecylli. Wýaid.W. H'pes r: i..lc.cciccreele , Crimmie, C. B. Aeddee, . ..M Neot ac ky pacces bottht aimebody hoira. W. . Crcnrte4 H. Ebémp, wcil W~iene equete ee te olp . BîccahetO.4 ë,lmeocdyitip ll bocck. We dee't rip. Thae uinoe of h. ,seiety crocic jc ohaîOui ceci heci if ocyhedy tese- geed coedition, nome $401 beoe te thg ingthe IOul hrte ced ciuig setucecredit. . t tibelp audcditrceot oetrolcec? 1eOcdy. If yce ars Odly ued, have The £ciser'c Ides. fAc mahpd te figit yîcr on ebtla. - Editîri n i n aceed hy ileo London, J»c. 17.-Dr. Faeeac1 olc tlds arhe i j Oh.' dacr f h Jeunior 4ritee :01.0 l cltc. unee.é ie fe fp h.e-tuff. .*,eaea.as.0t ~os :eg entf te editer. .10M>Ye byé 1net, ae sc Emprirn bio a eythicn " they Oc c oece thoasgh . scediim ~ tho press tk e chiâtOc batiss. "l ; MAt yeur' 0a bccd, pay.pcs b-- .~uac*~ cei c i erchutfdse00, aamloe Un duleelcr. eut des'.ouk otibo effsOeg o le mu5 h.. f tP fatherr r go 0vuce. .Y s , a1l. . .mm, cltios m laf h.l«M~m~c .ý H. 00n, day le tees cr, r it H. Benetict, mWh aseugelcl ceamtnîcieMethccdiat S.S.bOc pst nunche'f year.s.reidc iiv suiceonccTuersdy erace meek-, 'cicen alree îccabe mimhces aited cc li llcc and preeccced lcccc'ithu i metucycin volumeaid tC il Life if Christ. Alîe thec ee tuhe by-G C. Ciav Rogie rred 'an uddrcean eceution emeade hy Miia son. Mr. Bîenett, althiegh c ierpriucd, relliedinluatl huniOlîrtlicclcns firteileb pifL.TOi emeleder if tle mue epet very pleuuuutiy ai reilOtioce, gares.etc. M. Joyce, if Nuecagawee ti. ueighhohicd ouer buids Misa Wlher, cct Nesn,, c friîud. Miii LîilluCartwrright day. Businesine l licoth end in edeo cuct cflcgrippce. Mesrc. R. aid W. Hecd MillOuc, visiltd Jus. H.r Saturday. Mm. Huery W'atson,cf viied,t the resilceciof CG fird lent mec. Mr. Hrt in cpicdiug au '10h reedu le tomxi. Il. Sriegay visitid ct A.c0 onuWiclaeadyiof Ilmwee. %Veauccglud in hiar Olcu. Crnaofeed, he huse Oee 8ick time, ierecoeaiguaed mil L lusa faw deyc. Ouer yeeeg blechsith lnei in c e cwamgne ced buggie co ie d prieg. G. C. Crcfird OBi pîocha standicnf tiester trîm Mr. Kil Boree f.cecqfLulcehîore tf nxiuelyucfYieg the reter ise te tOcs V 'ILof ---t ee mai citizeus . e fe tr W.. At theicext onctioae ehe ]y to Oc heeer cempetitien uceil fu rit bashcts, poiVid factery mird ierseceiyodf NocOhaet lu the meactisce, A COROlfERs INQI Jameasf irra a ged 6%5 teude. came to i Mione late lie ma cm urtcbeg a euha li ohile mrhlug t Toronto i bcd heee le bespiOcI thra hsme diaihurged. lie eoked mital tocthe jail ceu avg éomcmited fir c mîcth aud rc Osa utthm end f hie trm. hume lu jil bora ce r. yogi agri ie. Ha a .id aî bchase ,hrcht ap et Torouto, bhi Ifris d Bymbome. He waef ectil Dec. Blet, mhehe mheuh mu e llemed b>'à ai scie. veelug. ]IIodW eF au lequssia cie eqiredry c&R oueh cuse. Dr. fi. A. Moc une ouncseadey'. Dr. B. E. Anderscn, jctl tutfied thal tho maua. ofd ic&escOtiec ef khlacoy. , The ver"lelof the jury ww donesso ed 09fes seturoci thet aery atteetione 0.8 c decleg bhslu st ilineu aTIla. N. Y., ccche r' nhe Caoadian Cgi Plon Apceld" *Sclay Acl Neig SIIL SIN MctcccJcr 1. 199coet4 cfr008800. IThe 09ar mgem 1e The snimiM , he R iso.tos d O 125.00h co s019 d Scie cc., i.~ mioce ~ ccur&l Seetv ose hcld es lhr eecesclly "sd miîscftcy P &omeA, hO* toa tee0, Premid eeueoetth"t11-V. 6u. . (isociiibail mciucdac $ee0 " Sbr thfc*majmtthif cb* ch. ,chc boy athcci lia mýted tOc IDM.dmbârs pmnêubc WteCoe-'% SIPcm4Ohecesl«rwOrOO0I b»SSSccustofpad!hbien ith a revover 5007. W. . Imk ohn fli0 10 .ing gr.gcatalmaict balet 0 ballet thrcl eh hlies.Whca Pot lPalterace.F. G@eseos.C. Ifecrie.The ait"ouef h. chmc 1 9 qcc.Ozal a£ l eqr ys cNc, boses Jiid9{John o lDimU. Olsed Jou. Ccesc:hm cdcrse d mlOhfloatca md5 Xbrgau, ha tpleadmd thatho dcd Doit 'ratalgerAlis. Wclie, A. Strk, Jas. c.edesod spécial mscl, Ueg ;infnd o bi th boy bu morly iredWilon, in.Bremride. e e watie utheme. Tho I 'ieccdte it heboy bc eccol e, AluMDoulasud Tbomas Rations Ohs auonoded woua te tof rightec 5cm, Tho judgel1.0hlm f Msayad, Esqueuiatg; W. 14- Scott sud twoc *cclOt seremoes, W 1 oc with c weeigcgctest the croiesseU» .so Cos.el.onc, acd A. -G. dolivered la Mr. Colvets.Z f ire arme;, The ftet with th gue cMllce, N agcey*. ltiegced élquenci meer. appecro Oc lipriileged le Toronto. Thé fieacci~l eatemeDt-.w5 sa0efoo h. omgscete cuemWi Ioa .. BU ..C.c dU fLite ccd Hem £mars.Thom cndh precohier DSct.i cc lc'sa. Libéral, W00lent-Cuon-cbohnd........., . 78 88 smer leladvics. lu glice od in thc bip6c.clecOin leWst Elgin (rce.e sud dsticcu due and Mr.o. cst prce he aUic u ln u" detgeg F. U. ne- pcod .. .............. - ooosermon. aed he rehco letTue~~. Lieb aoiyVieo ed..... 000 lqeti i lv .H ccccc, seerv bhycuilrlyVca c cdins.. :.::.10Iwo b0 citzO ledi. eivg e. el 21, w0icb wmuedbavehbe25 hiadile- rcohcend cdvee f the C . tui;c eeir ipeoier rotum r11m 9p14288 UChcbch.and élac the mrk1 tmîjcîollicg pces ohteh preveted th.L BUTIs. . o dlig. Hie teuchrd bricOi votee pcllcc0thora trdm bhcser iclded Poleme hecdl' due 9 90 '25 mi intey mcrinohndh Ohm inte Ofelc4l rouet. Mo. McDirldAceeselit. . 40 heheeeedccdOh n 100, 90the Pra1ae ts fohm ad, ce mue dclaeall lect.d hy six votes c con lqmceka îdte hl.twt Oreh c zecceucitc8c#Wleg the électicen.of0lent - nc~cd e ec.~ecae heiblor. The prcahb c eaiLbrasa lidb te118li pécl retereca tute pro"r 7decch ceîLiorce cs .dO. b> Oh ,Ochacle Methedist Chereb turnove. The majeriOyaet$Oh. Hardy . Mecpecec4Avrcecee. establshment. ;rhc préente lllccrcrcmeet le' 08W eteve.. emeere aseeo*tee. oortcieed won .reted 2l vecre cgc. le -. -. fromizelislte oct.1807 . 9 cy h cceded Mr. COdei Membora païd dorleg 1898......#106 Oh. ecobc pctcr f th.e hoe A (OcmaiclccNvalfce 89o.e. ese were rteieed Men Nancy Thcmcs, aue ci -frem prise.liste cf 1898fol, 8w-..98 aidet eof cc Wsaiede, peu.i Gcic.The etriesancd cscciit 'paid fer Tueuor lc Iet eek. citer ae Il in Ccpticc Kingemill, R. N., eDow. prise ie the vicrinea deprtmeete os; llouso. Thc Iceercl teeh "lice luit da of h. ld year mtnemed he exhibition f let Sptembr er. Theredcy Oc hem Owcecmetez thecr peccietf.eOcthc igher rrehof a l dome llsducted bythé li cl cvtii a Cuedic,ucvcl offler, Cmmander Herse.... ........341.$32501ffkiers. Cicrîe lictmud.Kccgemill, son of (lttie ......... 3.... 1 10090 We eotice mth Do 1111e ce Juccge J J Iiefp Il 1ethie City. Cap. Shep ........... ;909 ... 00thcsthe élection cf lJoenH. O Oteain ieguisili a2e lcre in 1855 inSwinee.......... 3.ý...HI 700Dec. 8t0 hce cgiu hemu erot c.îclph, and mw" dected cO UPPir Pltry ........ 24 0975 he Ceeseryctice. I10inAle&r t.uigClccceg. 1He ecoia cieavd Diry produte ......71 .... 2350 sus ahat the mamheo-eleccl Ec c'detion thc Britcecic Sptembr 4, Grintand Sceds ...172 . 1.. 90 taliepermitted tOc Old hie.n 11101, bOcccce caemidhipman Joue 20, Reeta. Aç.........42 ... 2560 eut nmem little trouble. The lý71, mcc promoed achlieuteecet Orchd&Gacrd. Prodect.289 7590 &cfitre hclthe CousecectiveE Iiedembee2M, 1875. lieuteant Septem. Imp. A Mceufcctues. 80 61090 uele telprove&yceylsewc ber 5, 1877, aed mapreccted te Oc Fiee Arte .......... _.. 750 ugeteest im. ccd le ruse of cemmaer'dcouec 30, 1891.1He lhue Ladie'Wor .....490 ... 119 25 élecon tey aceecofidet th& cpcilizedoc tie guecer! aide, il the Offireru fr 18990 mcm ciectsd ce fol Oc etureb y ac lcmuccccc1 becice. lie hu e ura'cd onthe Quecc'. Iwa;-Hocacccc thie cssertion eway b Yacht, thi' Victria acd Alhert; ea John T. EllietO. Hu. Pre. etIprepcred te ucy. but nuid active orrie in luthe Ecyptiaumr Frunh Dreculee, Pres. Ceeservativecuaceeequecl, jui udl1 K dive' star,cand 18904 Wm. Ptterseen. lut Vice Pre. that they eau ridecra therldc wasccommi icder oth Buhim ueder F.Cabm 1lThanuletigote Cepîie îcP( 'chic tht ocelrieght Wi. Cilens,ledcTO auuiiof t iUppet 00ew tie'bocdy io tbe fte Sir John Theecp. W. DiCl emsSSohcicet 10e Voilner oc i non le lcIa c. Oc April 1, 1895, lOc, A. Dioet, ra. Sîicte Me dttuueicdole b gtele ltaci ifIcU cc, hiting hie lai S.D ehc u e v uioi 1e ihditl ('ODrlAbrham c1 e tc tcj[.clame cruiser Archer. 9h. .D0 .ieco.He ic hcu iq1,770. )u l6llkot huiteer, heilO in Dirctrs-Euqeuieg,A. Starh, Alcc. lieOu, mci cîeîuîced 1585, acd irmec lmih haIt c douse, Wlde, - Wilmon; Traflgar, Jas Mcle- 1ccahr. ;ic guiSand llitO Spouder quick. Ceeu, John McDngall; Nleon, W. The Jauuuy 00cm ciofl lrre. Shic ca oec te Ieliuc tc N. Sctt, E. Huniec; Nsuagumec, Dr. ccard thce ic ntOc river te tien. captaie lietemill, Wmoilie dcid. MTgurt. A. C,'. Millce. aed tOcermlitee atremeedou cly yoicfr ticlie poiioin,. ill in tOc Hou. Dicctere-MiltDe, W. A. Lcw. tOc ive t Fîcldî & Shemus natrelcinsccefvetli ptil »darcene; Ouvile, T. T.Barris; George. lIce mte oei everal elt larer rcchcp, limi, Jas. Bron; BScliugtc, P. Mce terehe of th0e ml mue foc -.Clliegh. eepOhi f cbout iglîtlocie. F Ou mtion the flloiug ladics mre ly toc thc prîprerthce t Dîcthof Judge Mul. cppiictc lcm ladies' cihihitu: Mr. wac epty sud tlcrefocc F. HDcter, Mies J. Elliit. Mr8. John duntellemci éffected. licniltccac.jlie. 13.-Tice dcutc o i OucOlitHeu-.. . Bett, Mr. Sticcy, AN lie KI T. E. thi ne. tu r.Ortcc lefr ýu1O. ce, hio us&"" c Th.aul %bi t edl A . arrlv.d cO r ecpte. se» ithaercf pw.lrI>' teh (lalc lteyU8 c lmr =el* orerai Froeh sfuvpae is rcs..tit ber theu tlkaoùSt Q 3b oece t=1 te.= ri .îta fie. *.25, i.so andi $2.q0( arater' Uccla aseLafayette ed opmaluogta ousTWeIz.ew methone. Willim th. CeuisW=sfaîlforI.1 ralT Tiréscaie tceopi oulsld e or pc4lU&cc ____4_. 6c.par 10 ae.mrtmur.lsoccodisll ua e*,se(cW Bue0 d.d York Hsrlddcepe.te, mcDà la edoré 55PaI0Me' oahr810e25.e aîr. cecry ! l o moi rsetie Obo mïedecot. -Fanle,8e -Yî 1 Pillpise selo> com u#, estte lmeextr 0uvsic' iee op !ate héAciérieesu ët. e if thcecpeow, Jead iier villes, dhbera5aY T Beis oh Ià tOhm etOtheAmerlesi mnodub" ,,woi o whn ite d thn deocvey wa maktt Oul laon heoui.line.. - t ucovFiesta ohrletiae Sir DafflABrbour, Y A Fl NN EY .rULIMeui OR - - tLIND4yi3i ngosthc% MieicSef 11ii aie ted'c cmeet efrcfer thm Briis Ole lIercU ucont us e ______________________________Phu&"______________ en2l ma thugth. fiecectel Bf ti et 1h. il sbucdoia pit er esad:e ocihteecd eut. in0acecaliel RrO,__________________________ m e th Oh tcO bcd ieerlàin teruspuni mfr mrR.sOl.au ines 0efr the h.ck f r epiOyc cedBraOc 1 sara. a ttelie ee édifheiceWeOleiu : proto aae.9uss 'G e p l'ces :0 ar. feD sad a as b eOi liIeme* e wtOVs I Cr, tate . leauWmu ef»yO 17ls apes; e, aa 'G ents' Lineti Kidi cs Ideîly te. Hee Nelsin Dicfley, Sones for "W bsra Seiut eAMaelsGents' Moche Gloves. 75 mu7 usincpMaes, Whoueaumt.làuceited bu sudrci e M"',=ett leavsT lieerci hgo crf cdcthr AI EulP st. Pf _=Tu- cresciGents, Silk Su pdcers 75 I uefrieedly es 9.&M.. i&ft otsismaGet'Silk Mnceers . . I trcrph sud sth r -vorcceicci 004 ry, beg tilere, duc te peeueseeic AU thiTéchlfemOe Gets' Silk Neckties.. 6.5 !t, rey membors et bis fasil>' Ilroet hi e vi. 0 seu etu dmtbd.M.Dige' i el~oKienreimeIcccr igl.CuG enlte' Silk UmfbrellOs 1 ý.75 cesmee mc. me-ta m etc r.ceoc.,e Staoanid Suith Penkdais. ents' White Shirts ... BrOcroni flint ttugbb e country uchail. thn bo J W IOY DM.,CP. c . fA.. ticnuit..rts. 5 tet J ysett elegeancd homeme &c Icoyar, M. 80 DCE9OSD.P A. en'CariShts 0 crltd y evo teuOecdTsoatpfrhNhGents' 'ûki&Hanks ..50 uity eiiig su b-eamf da ~sto .p ot 11 ba et mOira dhi ernloi.t.arcoiee mol I< I -Ci P..ORCRGent, s andkfs7 .....O ve Liborclu kocemu S. G. TREBLEe c at .; i churges CÂSÂDIAN ITEMS. IMPORTER, if ether - r1 PBt cosr. King & haanetI& anilteii. AnidJJ ~ t 0ie 'cl A Wiidatoiick.tacher mua fieed *4 CPR Travelling 0FR 1 - ers, majirity. ccd cette fie lhraehicg ac 1100e grtOPR O.'IR be e ae echler ilh c beggy mhip. cPR Cmot CPM ecgeie iuaceaha crthecacd tcP 0RElecutri Sale d if aate pmpemtt u. Thoe HRivena, Queboî, te 15 yeceeie iR CPR O- - tilli thc peuiteniao eefer boticg hie alfa. CPR Ia tee tile oetc Oued- (loiR -Mos O e ebuseugé rdiPal Purker eu bu- CPR cime litla Heolt jut (iliRTOWN OF MILTON luthascCR eBibeleciieTunetTp 1 eescaed1 - t1 JB OOOiThe time for askiîîg profitis" on je l lun salitatsgceut. ccd Mrs. Parke so Sue, criptive ct c CPR s aleJH OL cdiiuyuetmccilrcpcisei CPR Slepair. CPIocRfite o e TOiiI these garments hîave passed. Let i, oftBer. Iuthe lOch uit if Mr. Beverley CpR . . p amuu Mdmcl pc.er c ctcHhui gainâeliTceEveulef TTele. (loR ctmeinternât- CPR s.i r cîaafht mer or ire 21 us owadly' .] ccLthenie gram the placuntOi'ccamrded daui. C locg informain fier y. ('PR Ë ro fHeluO 15nw itoiC ~UL U e ce ceheeif9.CPR one cortemPalctcILctoip COcR otReaprapstyarsmeetýatm.eeey pi on what rernailîs of our o bea p A chîmrief gie s ol eviug 815,' CPR 'tieeioteeay, Curitece or (loR . -ub ametetesew saoues, 6ut a poe macjemoup00,00.cieîriccg the Un'ited Stateasucd (loiR nCascPintse=:kkiehmeacfote er, Mdsalgo a Oece mili. Canadu,.lien bea teemcd. S. T. BriO' CPR, -A cepyeOca ehbtuiu. CPR Oamcuip fa 0Xîîe LCt.O 'vrca. n cdîd luW O ichpi ltrathecr P rtiiCPR ='lymiesu liicouccctelsters. Impossible to enumer- 'irluae.nieduialodclpiin hy'hum ycamjirity CPR. CPR For lreraurteiicee cppîy tu Mr. Joi ate thein ail here of course-a itinihOu8ee et98. Thcrc let oely onc ttel. h& bOi BC(oR C. E. mePHzcloGS.Aââc.i(me.CPR flcuuluo.me etiesm.aiorfwueswl sfietocuvïc oit much Halle Cornersi.ci ut ep. <loR leeAc.iKolec i. . CPR W. I. DICK. ë ie ilsfiet ovw tOe Soud lu ti bavc b'ig wmrkcfor CPR CP5 Bochcler fer te geiUter. LithlIc manfcture if lPortland centent. CPiH-ýClR-ClR-ClR(llR-CPR, Dcid&týtillbOe$mhuci.. cr. the man who, thinks of buyisg It Resitimeted tathce OC*Pail îa ti h dbeago tr cpind 9100,000 ferlo *ith htti oidbeag d rau. yar.WISE NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTO '~~tenoe o The Pieluffice Dcprtmcctirs.tbrgth oe t. ri fir the yeee hteretera lice pestlrevencues ., ed a gui, tOenmal, deplctcct a thay arc býOy ',ai Mutual .Lie Assurance Co Ouîr $3.75 Storm Icîsters are. ail gone, hnt jingcofhlutlthe rîdecedrnte-forcontcienutal aud c $.0ad$60 ilsaeno elielt unr if theimpeelul petaec. Titsoeusmeetiheua Pocdicclmed m »YcorthOe flloimciclîanor$,0:i 3.0He r fO efedt c Iie homeiexcportction. Oedcu.rv Lifi, Tca, FiftOaci orT'celty.pay Lie, Singlc paymenct Life or $ 3.95. Our $7,50 tTiters are now $4.9.5 andi 11bCi ody waaieeverecdries Torontlu Roherue. KeFdeemeetla1,1 -M,1102 or 40c yeaee, Eu. our $8.50 Engiish Melton Uister2$ are îîow io volumesiaiuy i. Tîeday esonicg. mich mai 4i'cýcit te maurecici a ecp, Purtnerelup Policeu Teapyaieet îarked $6.80. chairOc Il detilled us tOt if Jtmv. Thoms iMc. Redioeli. Auity Lfce orEadi'cmeute, Ternesuunpc. e mImod, Cè. Adams, a Peabyeiiie lulister. ltly miechble t ir prier te thc ced et 5,710 ir 20 pîcre 'ithot re.ecamiestice. Ouîr Engiish Beaver Overcoats at'$6.:carý id the prc* if North Buv,.acd tîrerhy uacocfmer i .REmcr.inuhirrie ClagcMontrél. lice uH FC MiltGf. now $5.80. $8.50 Beavers andi Naps cfre îow Cimpha 1tely ot he delth ic c conjecture. ~DAO $6.80 and su on up to the fie Monteîie.s at bli Oeme, The WhitOy Board of Trade u Fnl. $1600 andi $17,00, now down to $18.00. It's ce ceocic day elgt P=1au f6tintuug 100 sccuig,pi. thmeudil, cîmeiseicnece ut a good chanep'for yetn. Donct get inii(lieil vt, Wahitgtod lu prese tir theta ost D' ~e TYITon the name..ofthe store. oa, ma b.i arle>' lo eluO0Uited SlcOes fus -t U be neta 'Up et dcl>'11of ,t. A cîpy f heprommble nd o nc. eîieutieu eclliOcsmcl Oc Sr Wilfrid islOcd her Lad.er. ýby allowing priceî tacked to gootit of abso-s i ll 7 1 S t, ou Scie Soimd ligt idc& if thé primreac thia c luteiy no value, in the jewelery line otîr stock 'countryil a mciug ma>'lOc gutOered S V T f ' es susped. fromnt.tfct thut ftfty.tmc branches is first-clact,. the workmanthip perfect, anti if îharterîd Ocank, teside. neyerei the value excellent. We dont Claimi to carryCL HNG MY idraîu, et pivctceOuk, mire cpuedi cMui. the haetgosbuw dgo odanCL T IG MY mietonuloe, ccd the Tcoiteee 18* intOa.chaetgnebtedogodgosn IbaaOen ricccealy cicacrective, ced for every $ yoox $pend bore yotî get a $ Worthî. KigStERc TeueepI4iey elaiegct linthcbe cut-cl eare a few sample values: kC. Crue: pry c 'dlu frituure.cce. Hee ccccessc . ch GOcecic . li d or n1 0 rf a.8 i I. $ý fmMAR<1ED. EIL MARCHAND, lltift Galbrthu Ctiieesc.Mmli.-Atithemlne osfaeee theiOid'i muohr.iuonh. lthihuit., I Miii Id.Oy lOte e. G. Mille, M. Jamese-- Sruc.cucn oereon, Fr idene igPOO O tir Bre Mary Elle Mnte of Eequellg Oc lie rocnd Crîmmet if "sOrm, JanM. nde h he lm as t 5. MicerlPHOTO.sFP~',. ocmeb24 Pcrkdalc, b y ha Roy. Charles L:. ~ \x k.'. ~ aI~ esueghngia, celcdby he Hev. lMenu. C AND7i2 J. 1D. icCellee sucd Chalee 80crt. c cct ,ii c/l ai so Mise Georgie Adrry Nichlsome c , -\ffl___________________________________ BeyHa. C. P. Spcrlnic laeesa O friands are Lewville. if eue fin. DIED IC eT )t. ScCcaie-AO Streeteville' n eauac. A h r tT a eS ls ierc le 1lhe. 81, mise Aun aoec.c- F for mult. CLLà.Axc-At Metdamvclo, e. Jae. icg sate.Sthhelivid 'cita of Jihn (lallahamac"iS Y r.t MÀLe --At Draesquiu,ce suday, Jeu. 1500, Miry Aue Morc gd e ~ ~ ~ . c B O S Q S 70 yeure.RodB 0 :.rdJ ES. WLut-te Milton, onunady. Jan. TS. 100h, Mrs. ThomsuWjloy. ,ee la a ht 0n9elre ht trgh rcs W ienae et uMotelle lecm HeorzimutAt en c8 eu. Sh i.Lmphts .?u b r oR: cershoes,1 e.iql O> irh, gd7 cdr. . gone netv back te our olt tieeu-1hfo bc tal allaiMurphy, mite f John Emuaey, iffod dzen, anti we guarantee themi net te fade. We aise take la, Aligât. 7 yearsud 5 mio". , 1 _il htsa nag hmatrgt ree.W lomk di otél1MWeeka our bu r mitde sorni or c cte-i em.9 coin.lOh.s "peciatty'iiflash light; aise keep ou handi a large stockh Wila erakr g 8o the béat.,pnrchaales eve(rmade in' be Shoe trade. grent. mau yccre, 2 acetheancd 23 deys.. I oi~t Ouitingacll of the iatest style,an ready-matie frames Fo the NEX TWO MONTEIS 9r Wil1 gîve the0 'aeemMit. PcraiicM-At Drueiqute. casxMoi cy, bciosest prices. Large collection of O. P.a oil psintiugs ibout vmlýie ever.offere4 M'-, rut 7marsund 889 ysrs. eson" ibaed 4 4 1s sc.[I enes of the Caban war.Me'- c Ht a hbd JB.»100h. lirae. on s it4C.* M BfT'u cbcaiEdgar,, youcgl* usnet the Ii _______________________0.e'sR~~ lek ,Men-sue1 oots .90y ei~Â Duxham, o4 * Men il f .d5 . h ooies Tm algsocW d ----V K S t c oin Ou m o G eo.n 5/e i Our 8 c theil their ing a g edidnes, aii . pleh ced 1)0cm pints, 2 te-150 forcic.lb ic. 1Ri % ou rBaeu Lovai NI ,,,.acncii.1.O ui8 .bvebff laicd Id to IMlonuc Mocc prigo e' 'clii preci saccc-Y.-t riB o reeiaul &eflg&r, ced leccl ne re-appoic5rî lie fîe Hàt0Ii 'Tece. WeMcW, oe Jedgc Ill1.l Schacrge l i -Dermitt. aiiclCc0 probably Occtri] t be rccît c e~ tijeuc jsclcglciicc( ci. liii". bci emplcli, ti. 1 crv's Falla y cc(c- Cc3crIiLc ccc0c1 rcmiateinc .pOllville lucc AY.o.iCi. 01 .4y. tOi RIcicil yc l Ohm M ccc iiiccc Humiltii. icccccc Vaue h"lec pccl lired. Once ter hem lice 0esdo p. O PehIic ScbOîS cbeipruceut marcduy, cîîccc egcttle ced ci2 ehip 27 5 L a and dccci abIpe ulcit 0 eslssed Chrii Tu£ancuIBIm -bock Plaes ln #1 .lioed fr thg C&Ptsce. J. P jtLkOt.. 1D 2ae Lient., 5 Jsolacdjei 101h. a.08 p. à G"cN Cel vi. Kste " , ecesl ilcai cou A.I