Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Dec 1898, p. 3

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tilts i Îli. 2S. -GAMES9, TOY ___________TC __'WE WLL NOT CARRY THEM OVERe They, ýAre osat2 Pe Cet Dicut 0071 OME WITH THE CROWUS, COME [ARLY, -HIGGINBOT AM & 0 1R Lins Bsosno. eoont-DI and n sorail boy Ssii DoG LonsT-Loqt Pro tieWM lc W. Main; Pellet, W, Main 2nd lied led; M. ~ eamto ou Terody noSbous our al, n.trnsght based roulis duc,btas W .% ai r; coceret, W. tlin 2od;,- M M~~~ aLghty ~~injuoes, the. Times se.ys. bosdy, whiite eirip on face, whlits lires. pullsi W. Mtasen A.GVA i iss Asenas Snsous ds ladlisq or botis frot pase white, boitb , îa tont, <eorgtose, tid; î.le, A.O.H. lousne aed grosnd ou King St o agea saa yne t tsesiiiii l atseeses, nsee tthaaselLnatsn 2ad anddeS goee.e Biemen poile Court souseSquare. Appy -EOPLE'-8 ST~ORE: ---elson t7iIlasdied edeeiy onson. Jacs. The teDder seul lie resardeu on gander. W. Main ; coose, W. RaM '.. C uo MEe. Hl. WATsso dy, aged 76yeaeà. R edicssen Wu easieg hiso et thesWallaeBoono,nand ldocksn, Rouen,draliW 0 s ducki,t n aie ioof isîa t oisshprsotd B Bd Lam , or cocreli W. Logs Wanted. Js. A, Feses han adosrletdBoelif, edseai 0 ae td ontM . ode ,tr ti. soresosioas cB r 'Bfo k Opp. the Pos Ofic a51je ry in De. Robterto7Im yis 0 A.E.oeliff.Ynses if PliO. !e,.main; tiet t.me C. u Bros Lrg. a sse.o.oi.Osohl leey bs lc n tt ony t i Sateda nuit, oomssi O ffic lins: se petet J.tý Me-l.y ool oass rln oi .o s Robes. GROCERIES flhîmnm ~ai. elisesh, cosoi.ogfFri esieeia lie et , Csr b degs s et e.C rw e. soeo uO :55 ACO liit> 0i>t ii' 1.ss5e 0 np io Sate a t te. ins ioco t e ai o. pay s afrrinoe sin iends estt mJss srn . a ley . -lstv asdi -li b.ro pass Orn. r se bnC..B. ot is otb.d o o rusi ttateiiise l a imebes ai tise t.sc MS tto loeog.e ae eîdff mih nove Rtobes. -hýo Cb68p6~~~St -T hseh t i ado crts osdo s 1is o res Ssted tof N ore oi th e ned m . PvIooldv fl. l, ilocoS 5 ot ut,,.us-. - i . csiEoolgS oqiSîtb iso8 ng g rioee a tise tu ..Il t istus !_ _ P re seMonan ts" issoS ~ ~ ~ ~ A 1ie san thia hid 0" Y's w ol e splsi er sst eS AVoot ~ ~ bs t-'t. s- g,, S s 2,1S . sean.,.8 roig10s. M s oliecano houfc mors3e5y .ot lare eeIsl.aae ---sER N na dadn t'TSr t ____________________ BE~~'I Z ,ict o1ssuo. ieus !rsss10 .1 -ui .oso dsd toh.t. Il pit c'rha CteuDay= tel lotis H e T n i sod pos ofnta s e oiîn ions efleg dn eadO T 5 UR H P R GH T N M L ui '. a ts 15C. 'i0 locution intrctveii ti_,týo1 andot 1e-ts iiuir :l M.os bosftt ito te o tio s uo 26 se t i sex hotiuliispssrsb to i o he Vtiian P te t TMcicn fi-f sugI suis0 'ssos ' Ror sito sL. -ipîr frul cppeo yi i d ity . t au st attn is e to 't ea es ei ai. 1,is-50 cal, at, Ie ys 1, il'. i enes ic bu. bassss iat . g o ert m ris u ae s a iel oae 1sssu pue diooa 2ce0reLiS.r for bs iobrtotesn coiiO o t e li 1 oor ourii o c aI al hapened. uc Asies br t ato eyslssîiil n - sL o c s0e F tdie' . go, is foot bs l riota't, oin ones sofso the0 il s e nh pupe. H a d le e r dignit 1en W c Âe - X ;i esissue u) l so BI sli as 2.oceet. tsyytn to os 101,uiiusuuissrt otS tanc rs.iOk sSse d th cu tte a n pp no eey s ouci 9sse o c ehaensenue eet 1f os esSad lcu scisc ssoI i 1 i s l o Sou eal c. et for rippe ter r a cou. *rri.H BciFac CNTe and ais a Co isi S ot lie tis tend Tha mse S *c S Oce r Sole, penn . P e sIc ny . sordSoc %s iii .lý, 2e pasi r fur Fi ' lie 11. ac AI rbcann dsdge saue aui seeitin tforts Or. SO . .lese Bo es give Tenne th Ishllsesok u ih wt u l".p, Boy eeS. flSosy n wyici t utleofrdriiprtsi eur ie profssorasened teofhseo anuc ,j aerss snts.'0~ s utBxs.SliMlos forisu rasdssfssseii0,hi e o rti n tne tut4 of Lsssen H a The a i ie ihbi ib t sonnetiteO ofen thdi ~ ko e goaunds îSe odî uascyi StieO UR Prses T INu Pipes FOe'ýI f % e i.it r% ý e l 1 a b t th e r eoi l d ioic . C ris r e t o § o4 10 l ouS. te s .o d s r i s bi er f ti ct tne e tliesd .to o I rd e .S ili iu b o îo e so usit ttc1 stoo. ef P iyr . av edIlgha '-C sl 1s ii . w ay . d e s 10 C s to ses. s Tfo r e t se rug m a nd ae n tc. e sar . s u îii e o d a d p 15.1ý Is r nuae up rIl t Fr' a eig enerieoo , J os M lers o tso iop "ed soe ois m a ar s X~l M A Snc G O O Wale OStis Ai good. peogrorau se bbave tue comptO Bosl v..e-s lisis:.-ert conte. dorment, fedis as Aaie B asu pareSb Pol% ugr$. b t 5h s«ass. Fss ii iur Ho gis Mues. h o f S o. of ahe res pitn tn ayIiipsa 0 ils elvansc iearsigttsTiehus tIiiek; utsu Nstherez ltes s talienate etc i l ise Cor oncertf aissesseorer Suy. Holi a es lIn m teresi acttd ur is a oee l i primesi. Hanietod r estuoan n ~ ~ c F0 R EV EbYB )~ iie ssin osn tts o a e thosee, wn secd iee aseiriteosu opl seo 'masdNe.eo, Ieil J a - fo sîtesut us oy- )'S.sLý TAx6REs-AiSý taet ou Tuesta le pplsoî t o ad fs ry, Tse ein pasSIll t hv S1enc I ros e ais e i detcl giftu an-l b l o pe oS istbrlimite ne oa- Lu uie S to , for ryldgiy lil ilb paiSée osze '0.T or Ieioe tieiu r. nseessi ntie îo e f iet am 'B 1oot amrt f ortis pi o et e ar i-, emB '0. aliter sehils m1 actio bsels oflabs coiissio n d te reos e tain eeon so a pene ed. amalganstienel Xttnss Pem. EA Y U E W AR B tvau inC n ______ 1'~ jo e he s o a o : o . a da u ate De f att ton ceof in sr. gu1etý S.E IA S AE he se RiTt I rs nplet li e s e re d 1 ie u ve e aa co p e n u ne0 lasc bo es. 0 s iabfice of pai er or 0 H u -ant d C r B o otÈs ' . hoes R tbb r Bads k s n*i)Vjnner OurL.~ - w LIT akiL)e I e 10c oro nere m W it hoi et t so te ue of isettin Ronkrs lis e d a of tece r an apneur e veey tsiai cloes tend is. Wenbae tise s i selv if oxs n tns -B.e) :, Bl Sal.n Mesoss foorcor '2c Birtisia c o it es OkCsepl. Ang e Nae.tsr ce ab ue ei tbe alue s oa isn iD sîs ard s c, 0. Pjs.o W J.r Byaid lia Ne oises 3is os fo. 25c A. lean sa e orde topo -ist t isprleurdt ail e lise t o Jese noxes to pes utur rosh hrî ta B oos. li.- Rortir basds pessedt hi ti rd ' -R ckrs , and tis rte Boye o o t he s o o ee b e tofnnlry, fin teheCOns. 15 ,e0d p s ud2 c t Ise s penatoa sa ilse f ibeirýl 'Vra Stock etd Choi C/5 >' t esama ToAt . . .e]run. Ofhia Teeio tee. routo.n il b ofre ,Su4hfe . ne asL assOs Rs n d et she l et OeeilEeto botrosy. p stis ittuemiier ca ,1lose Boesoi pet Sork tbferesuietd tt wehe esu and ehietadie fLo e s ande 1"'u 1oni seraiu careed ttcl iue.ondajkrbif adTi ca -ale:41îatgfl ede. lu1OI nSaudy u a cko t he 'I-ita liseissti iit i oap, Tosetope. tant cColi lipr I,1Srns BdomS't rt ernt ner~ of te ter F heu oidu bury sit, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ru u st it 5ukOi4ÇIt ieSm oc it u, da magsCsioo iosss-oleVpntne, ns a larg isfo see tion of t and dl tu ine slyag e em 0s sori fliroodvlue LOece toi aS.1 thoon W.a NieI bernt tua emsd snne ansn Aae fiatep standsone byeama O o in a e IDTonc uTise . 75s . fositra c m SiltO M.adAdIidelso te euiu addsr eatce usKt 11t iis-t.W .-.,Xo liii CI o S.c te b is bicke.. l,tiee o pichs n t pnre stldn-CA it s or s owreo te Caoso n Tis et er gaes...5.tiw . sutal for'.'..aandsis au' are r aluva snes ta M - .~. rs. Nons asd NîllIËear prerete Alk s n o ere teotiss nd oress cubestti as S - - oes, rfloiwfg Christmas trade. .io fcor.ae isfr.rofieon bet n ai ii s oae.HlyNo. 2. and Mr. Lnsrso o .Tise -- seod loroSth esarBoci shO as itetsfrX as iorain omceras eted are ns totow:- r' ocspel yW.S iiis arise. an-r. ASO 6 i Div. No. t.-J. G. Watsn and J. C. 1ev an Ross1 on!Bom! Bs-i saof! H ALTON FAnERS' INgiTUTES-Afl'Smithi. l I If 's illeec's, Ciii i îiînt îD sheg, robes ttned, tiamesed "'d repairc.d O i sootitam r' ottt i ln Div. No. 2-Oeo. Andrese and SH. W. iIeiat and il order; also ~~~~~~~~eaiti o kies ma potit a ns tî erm ealuso U, Divitn Ds o - r oste iiJie GI ac e-wseJd D.thFdII .PrZ Cok.ts Ji st ti e th n g f r X m s r o r n de ae p. D g ,,sn , o S is a d2. esil ncfmat , r H ri e e r rtl . W b t te s ud Jand es nî-- - -ndmad osen e ny s u fa o o'ty su Sept,Oý . A. C.t p iudsEStin n.pet . Wr ggle w srth. Foro an repaoed nti Cloiisei.olm f iraeipton, jomped bist tise irst tw0 of tise aisove thi M. Laseson in No. 3, wun a member ofI lijtia Ii.d 11) sj & es e a t tise eators t istat gentlemen ilitideiver addrneeennnd tise sonnty eocit cma eates ago. h me iossin contact witb lI et.effortse being smnde te nOce the Mene.rénn bt C s isnuis îtC i ~ at eipn s pe ec f M lis e rsa ,Mo ne Lady ait eletedfor t e frtti e. 1..3 ( t I01"f lX F IN E ' .I.>d~~LC1.4anJ waunos ciOousfor oserneuibour,tntreetrose te Datrying, .A. Docp.tdr =rotnatcptOep. Mise Rose te ative CronOisfpait noseios esitisaticeinDo Crun te bei printed saChis ma-Grceie 1' ss- - opp.0ePo fhe sa isgtwn. Posters fiving full p ar*i illab Venio. ~& -C it a ircre 1 ATI Thr i L O otclar i l o r t e oserge owii:O eva thouei Speciol Taoty 1 l13oxesof B,iiiis suld Ladies' II id g ac exfor trlietsý, prOBe hase aFormars' inatitute meeting on Mo BOnR.- N c itts iefchoice Candies foi- jre..eiit. NERE I LTO N ~aned duciso Tisere is a gond rangte for Wenseday, Jas. 9tk. J. S. MCnnit1, Miton, of a dangi-. lUlfWi1 ____ M A N S . M L O .riilos and soigean ho-ti Of si ill ut Tee fotiosing are tisenamenof tise Uter.Lfl Odin_ te snd. CompemtOrs nitliehoreqired neccesefet competitee ors Orina oLTOr -on Dec. Stis h iee I UtfSt A S SOIET0 AC T'lE, gAss o m S o o.5 lot oeiy in iotgse ihoeorable mntion g P i lu. T B oloM tea angistler. Mdet AO SOIMN FFNY6NS I te funeto fNo. 6eetyad£KamanJasBolon,_Mltonofa___ - r.SILK HANOKERCHIEFS AND CREAM SCARFS. Loa N w. ta M. BoRe oa aeand earty o on ties nbject of nientifio teeperncn sMARIE» _____ ~ ~* 1 I L 1Ssrday seornini liy shat neemeit o Naey-DiS. I.Ffth ls-1 Laursl .1tb j Snm E. C.:Featheetoe' PhotoSadv lie esisi n tise Banks isire, but SOt. eNut nhs hsnser aleen-théne'.FoP. .On D»e al4th -4- Choice' Trimmned Iiltinery n enother cloinn.UP Xinetgto il a udth tin F m ik owrbt Jo BosnnSc' f eaettu.seenons a d enoonf yhav mc reta Btakely. Henni Laing. Exact. :Arnold teu inAae elr o itoue yotarday. ona ofice falliseg rom tise roof of tise Div. I.iL n.I.ta e-Joi sf trd n BoyWoyus-O ssei im , dsa re wlling and relahing theongis thse nliy. *. el;bo - Slo alut AoyiW tz 8 orDlltii.rw Je. iv.tnS Ela eu.-Ift Neleon, on De. ltis .a.C oU Ot Prisa hLadies' ahd irls' Coats...s.ci Bts&4 les P fl,5,s e o cWrt rr aie NY e 020FATS BacvanLBI s ) uMO -Oo Mondai' maDltuho inJobs Abrahame Stieonin bis "~th jear. mt he trcini rs od Bs -IL sA0T shipped a ie hn Cosr fMYBn, lentas i fSnnn i.Ofsr sy t a roll 01nIiI ao, on Don. ltis. Big AtacinRnots G o E.R Z N& 8,15 . f te Thu M oie, o n seaT homte Mna n d )Liie euI MA0 IÏDBN.yf o ie od s0I t fne lg rEk)YR Y bile nSnseting tu$61011hti odMudLtl, er,,Main. Div. Ill., IWiimmam tdoes, cetise 941h finer of . Immense Stock of GoodsWeola De a.Brcc, of Palerme, paid. i freo >.tilton. 56 seanfounndi sern l. à Jr. ILih elly s bon. moen. b &»o Cebld a s1-i.scok we mooeddtise deatri ehe0 W. A. .Lasrence, n viit oaa ait h. end otof Main bt. liy F. C. te,_____ e 4 clqane »%sý1 ilo, nFidy aI W Od a1.aîçr vle nFlmelt HIs',iscioiol gis seis occrred W,1 BetteefltlU"0lI. ________ oh onnday. ~wllltt, shc ennd ls cnsit.oberteta d 181PeeImamo&¶ îggnDaid Hamisrg, agd 60 e-k - _________ Qtlise ýtsiestý, Thes fueirat toosi B Jil Mo n . MA., cd BosI.l- e foondthe eseer. 'I' san s \tunate II., tir. f.-Md. âobr'0 . lSok l'o eysiBtey.n i .e H <S c .natnn ondeysn issspo nyb ltier dtis lwe . no ent MIvl e sob aoibanehed. sem. mentionJamea îow5Katela. odiaa. rels n g 1det tSP LENIIID BEA VER OVERCO-ATS gOi ssOdmnt oo d lisssogs.lise th5fe nîng. JoUer FaÂTfl'ZnWzs eMpp e ry a, Boy Badley, L«-etace"..&,it n thie 87th Siiti, i aSeay etnd s t ssn ot, te engolged bord an eprater le I thjenes Nd ona in h Poel AT 558 K isGTreateWO yesStblooeckai usoof l le idnteoiens f A.PoandarRtn eBoys' dn î MTslonla itss a ret tckofMo' atdBoe Ssisandes e nei teesyseo ymatis dpt .N.W. telqtraph 0 . . o~t aOf ootin e nv a rl e on0F9 etn thIe Dàvaoe.-liçddnoui, aI Cislleahn, BMIe. o îtrO ectt.Oohe an.iiiy h ypahs epym * l ad nintp o r tlu4 __F M.ckDaubtqeiS, fatherof e m M eores sit b is sosiy hressssd ssdose and FoVris-On le. irend a r u eOI Mo1dy hog3We IteotheGond, ta att Lion noorgePence losiv.se e bout N"a. ltét, a.,i;«- ofes. as ils »;»~ e~VT grade .e2 n * - et, mtan. N ea,<p r - Wn. ,. A venhet. - mk.c~iThse o ofe'eu arII$m ai ayg e cf a Dg tle OP. bm& Aâte$,@4 SO l. wisaOaiMe.JohnBa Binbsdge, I.U-àouuosedmm r1 cis arge sdi.-E ansel Mote suite en - . MIla, go &&hWaomme% Der, Immense Stsck of New WALL PAPERS Osesneisc aeeSl na na.hj deelanddeInee"rio"pe Woegnnne Os.a-As bis A lebet3noEre .LULkA ~~Lad10e 5.5 eDhol fgnnd itteO~niof Y.w 0; ae s efluce»,»" L. . e......ofsnl'th (.save your fnoney and btsy from un setnseOadnfnesLPsaa n tmise $-big H&NRKhm tbO dytidunC.noeiPrt ioSmieinretaileadî ~ SOp le l edner go0e *1 oeýiloleS..dtNo. yn.eouv *-P 7,~s fi r j

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