yoUWILIL APPA ut. - flake a Not#MOd, ie-ev WllIil N-011 re(l ize that iimotour Zkd 1 dirc-t fi-o'; the rnanuffacturérs à ear-tIs e thus savintîg the îîisceiianeous profit, you will underst d why we ai-e ahie osd so cheaply, and as' wç ae deter ined to (1~~ ),Il, our eitire stock. of Ohrittas Goo P, s as id yt-over, we are making our pries very . m-A-FEW SAMPLf.S 0F'OUR, LOW PRICES-Ow ýTo induce yenL te shop ear ly in the week, we V eaakieg special inducemnents in price. CMET ,zýaH lGGINBOTHAM & CO. OUR EXTRA LARGE STOCK ~ GS i intees Louer Prices tl*n ever befere.' I il 1.75- 8e 9 .00.- 4.50- * R wîIi pay you to tracte nege. Boe zm25cnst Pieture Frames. from 5e. to S2. Paper Knives, Fancy Ink Stané WSHING YOU ALL A MERRY -CH-RISTMAS. -u prc 1.25. 2.00. $4.50, at about half price. LGlove & fldkf. Boxes at regular prices. ec. rda,, E&c Eerything proportietiately low. Peita ti et t tbe "lut a he o ti titaa Cofaude 'éif t!t oa itti tci t i d.1 a &bd toîao , f htut and abut buM viua and Dg Sita v tht ea t lid ptv A sd ta P. B.ut. h. f . r-h bu , uBrauPto TitFarmot llnrlIsOt <la er O ti ulent. - J " , TOy, BOOKS, c4nd Fancy Gaods. ~~$~~' 4UP'P ~~~~~Local News. Ecutu LàvuI.y sd r ut tu, WbatitCb-atoh, ut whlc o bu auThpemetlnaiyciuau r' ~~~~~~~~~~are Visitia5 relatives lin owuuT»à.: - eaurlet~, a a rd m eet Bros. sud gruuu-uts taaaty. The desth ut ertauutnWiiebu aueuitiWe itiU&a NosruuàTio» afor moutiers ut the ruana autim a u I M r.Bamr mushes the fouartin authe tuder cammana of Limt. (aiOI er ut Mondlm.field189n1 Tuh e eiaaam esud.ta udegt h e pda çushie ofearifràcusut ntuton u omr BA ~S>!? I-' &1 CO * tour nigtaiend d ut uhtdo rdyeel. ansd the ihird in the tlut fau asutth. Htraa Saaud'y $cho' oniventionaXmaa troc ut Christ Chrah Suday Aadreu Patdala, M.P.P.. uf Wuueoluus, TEB PEOPFLES ST0OýE .. turyanbu bdtaMFbtta u n otOmahu o us u h u ietf ttBurantford, haviug Tbaida eveatag ut the 27tb lua.. in the Orangeu rrdoceased hlm by a ahri ttauu. The lad. hall. ieut st yiapathy ut the utire rom. ~ ( iL1)*I Fmuw.url u s , oGenete@Brot., £ttosjruuîu Hsuauaou.asecud muty. in toadurud the grief trickua BBe cvs' tV.hie .Post Off/ riasestut usul fasOr th" firat'tttw*daughter t David tamhursh, dud un tera t terataratly tares tflition, 2 he v.eay best place Lon the county te bey yooo «di uattituber timait uer Faldiag, ?daaday ihi ut coansouption. atter a Tefarttu ts uWdedy itaskoa. long nilta. 2hu wu. hly teeuiad Thuebye-etuioinlaHaltat la Dow tu. i e Joue W. Hàuauaoai, oBBalo, NY.. by att uho khueulber, sud aur parents sutled had John 1B. Barber hbt &gain U --te ~obs RGCI1ES hlpili a~ipia Ius bre lua wektoaied iufsueatani uaethle sympaubi utfouhir hebua*rsaumedby au iasreaad major. amm-tio- eaaaati tu.aal gur Sspe tor jbihlm ister, msa &atohia Ourle John tiuîn e . Huratie a s b autmosn - hfelctufa bs oa slo.y t Bz P)7,1110 . ls igrauto 25c.Borioh, uf Toronto. Otuty iIlt rutime. auau otiu, sud ihe aialexciiemmt - - ïou atllstýtl i %11 a in,2e. APro lsion itniappua buthe ltux &.mcaronDrap, M.A.. uof u N bew t.Ilt usageaerallî bgt o lUhK I io, O m :,ým e y1. l 61 ae253r.ext it=oSThe Canads Gazette de. York, wulitpreachbibhemaMsnsood wi bsnthu .ev auat tatue Lffl i; Tap o s ý,clariag -Unted Der.b2te a pubîbo boli- SaibusdtP"rbhyterasuwlChirob auti 85 26,à pbli bot bfiandbu enuted t selioneuld ,moer4aly aft teotbytt --Over the List. r s n . day, s. Chdey, m n ou Sraday. bf.sdbs uaa * 0da ibadeatir. a large aumbur of elecs i ii coid Ots25. ut C. fbis poiciar lectures bai tbe aburab ru the rural districiets rua votiag, but Wool cilo'c' i comuai 26c.ibsauiair ul nertsiamuai bu the uelatsu7.80. The tabjeci aaouaam it Wsmrn ulvtad hsls eo r nmr e I SORSO-Ih9 NNVO Voloci 2aisfl Coi g, par Ilb. 5c.I urbul-reutu ou Tharadfay eveasas, Dec. .-Trait Up s Paruntinlathe Wap iaH otu s am oatitvfu utob Blumothse ralds aoerba à t*me il gave Col. Mrua à majoaty otf u tmeo b assuhider ~ I 1 U HFRGTI I 1 ip Mr, hoie Pune 10220h. A gausi prugramme it bubas pro. huold Go There wudt bueao admis- gni 2t8ltestime. This decreud arusi, for ibeLitamu. Peel uillefr I brats arsird ai the dora. Evcry- agaiesi and___________________ P 5rpails he sieare-i -e* Mnmaoriymay lbe accoantusi for by the 'CtSau betifdCfiS G 1224 b.Gause ue 1 asit ROE oor. bd!-Aiedimmense trauovea bu tVard 2. ubero We'abave aucmpltstustock adofeut \ are ju st openiiig tp aq r s d os ir 1*Il!em ,ý li'. P iii Yltrw Sugsrl.r$1 os Itroitoau Ailhde ut A Baunr CoNc28v aud barur bl- Mr.Eaber soi a majurty outItas primea revait. Haismlton Pri~e sud Or u a nd us u rticlese table fo \ asPc o cixd Csufy 25.1Isebttied a nmm d drepsiresi (ao , lbugivea bin th toua bhatl ru tbe evea, egabt 18 trfor enuttiMarch. Ward pabots are tdeatbcast.fu ad ef -.i i.walk.-r Cîoulatea 425C.maiter b ao) chapad bu quirh amg ot Oua. lrd. 'Misa Anus Mdusedt, Iegave the Oaseavatives 21, exaty which wll h foind- Shrrr i [u~Irori, r'7- rde;as uk4so kn ece m]o u lcin IàW r ttoe rr raVu, 4 I t ,., - i.. 11, --Cresau05, de;am i ksdao kismaoaa upil ot Marinu Cloorfo. ofthfouBain- wfouauame s.5lentotaleftialeaid Orng eou r o 0c sud msde uP. Doge. cocont, buffato sud iltnba<saervstory o t iowi av are mjriyof1 ut Wg Save aottetk asLty Leosou r.ieDowsubides.-MatHuoa.u,oPPmbite *ds. ie trra lciuuutbit- ,hiaiS ufuen Hrou. bo&ae Weasvlaelontira~ psd-paiaiud Card Huldara. FueyWok Stads. 7-I15, , -- S20. venoerlsee.ioonparo.w dozoate es o o. Otitt tra eavetu t §for 5c. W. bave nums apte..n- ' (ova & Hdt. Sur. r- Woul (;Iosus r2.. (ur Oua Bskiag ouder Is WiLua.t iuta uaew a rob 1thea say etable uit buiebunradiaesm ai 7. tiras Tere net recelvesiThuadsy 15c_, 200. and e ck pna. nl, - Pie sud Aah Truto. Cupu s I and Sau1c' eCeome, ortut o a, ta rtoShu.r blb h uI tt ilr hu a.dmg ae oTrsteuita att,5.,1 1 .,, telBxa auo 1 r1 L l. [e ie M ldSamo 2 r2 i otdettcitizeno a toatra tePo 1bit Coacertltbegtt rt11. Thbu prrtocee euaaar'but btulo uakaouafo tth#ieors paeisvel New Dtes taa, 3 lbttor 2C vt lteecinde.Mr iso utres al ad, CiPaBieca. rSU d keu ifila s udTis voi o .totta ay Ma Hlau u. lîl lbuappliesi touarda relieviaf ltae tiieLiberasto ad rarriesi ibm day. Tb. ptayilg etcDretc.pullChina Pssat. .5k Huudrriuui udTis 'ip oI.,.-,sacy.Wlueurouaitonan.FAudernanaor aît, ffflyY@e andla Dow e the )fFaaoy Mirroar.a 1'arguuu. arrlyMPipar. Exrcsslce.Fnc adis woyas.Nt msin o.oonite onsi ndre'@hl ,oA soPhoto Holdera. Bint Embasidererd (ool'. Cnis advaeSd soe ut eigbty.tu ysr. ot isbo ii o rnemtt rariaf speeches TeaS de- We Dan sawu o smegflood vaiues ________________________________________________ ithataditg lte saverosueteibe b rSanuioSALE 0FFuPaxrruan.-A flue hea dr i lemiles 1tarimeatut Maltai utlaure. hed. Very htte uathumlu us. la thesa. 2r». torascombiaattuu huard; 'sasinodeeda of othsr husoitouuifu l n doieuraaticles essaraien ofvetta Roc e s u kad ni ted ai lhe resuit ut the etectlua. ottuer gammestram 5c. apuard. aublable for old rund yorrg. -L<APS-OFBarber. iRockusers, sud evervatisle la the nbop 'Th rectol ta the toua ball ou Mes a 'a$ 5.OA DS O Fvruu tor 1h osambur elet, JouilReBirspicesoyTables,'t3s Wu. LorurBaua . l C.PR. braru. 1tît buieofferaesiauper than duguat.d vaa, au h arpiceslutoth Xmas CarWB ftfl rusa, ut Lodua, i. ~ uistient malel sore pires for aptoti Xmmt Epuorth I.easue, ust omeubsalimly WB have a neu"ia riva uua 'ehave jst odded -ailot of Neow Frieze Uaters antd 9e' f Lndn, n ts'*n reatvessae; la a nelotofLuuages sud sileadda, aotuitbstsitdiag the exaîeatutoek lu aU a ditdptted ,ctionsenad os 01' 5 V u haiea ak otoT o rjoiatauiityCouche al 4to a #au lo tt anf uMtt &Dl, h ell tatouna- are poputror FO V R B D.P wZ g ht o an nhietaëta SpringBusrouru Sui-buaitesfor ilaet ua Ls ddatil i Tiror-ni t. ___________ siCapetvtt. ee.itta baii prou hat uani lhem. A fiue mauhmrotsddaatsruir "Y Pituro Muldtge.-CaAS. fI~ethihdbrrptto .a Xmas Perni.,.. IEAVY UNDERWEAR-Best value in Canada. ltCmteill.à s . &tDgMta d . 1no lle .î iaetali usaierrestitur __________________ta_____ _ ira erust fr atf eeta. M. Ladseotue. ad ocoasty &P- W. tesd ta Ihese icut. Ail lu boog uba nemptoyes tofou Othe tiua.platudesi. Mies Tera becry,ut Hait- 2.ots&SoeubraacSokO¶ C:. &avee rondi for tht put 17 jetro. Duautiatt.-The uhargea ut torgery tua, nustrager tua ivile audiences, tascy boxe@,suial o aln,2c ot heR besa dS c ts" lSMbeasi perjani laid aginstF. J. Roche., reaieredsev.rai sleinlier excellent etcli and upusrds. Mmiv 'S Eâ- EMEa Moia tfutr.-Ailuntior barister, ut Toronto. by 1B. . Parit. t, anicharms I sd teaune. W$u&sra t lepisa Ouar cestmere l xieCOsilthe tultuiag aoncs- ut1 *là tous. erêbsard hy D. lRubert- bo sat r ne,,aofuthlb.youg sud gtve ibem grettetiratues tua beir A FO1I Stock if ChoicesFrît Christmas Orocorios, met ut F. Wates othie BMEndsimest ton sud E. . Eat, J. Pse, runFdey. l cstr t mtu s us stoay imrbr eaetl gasIai otcoIaidSs5tla 3ny China. mrkethu, thaiute ared ta uPP!Y The prsactir, uha us theparuijia wefahDsi yteq&tro, iieeea, attempteds hoIw e Tituradaie eniaghte, muea Ivta - te Buffalo itubes-tu e, ly Robe ibhetraIr ht eisurl rize emal utlis eutcat uvidenoesubich tMr. Roche lattla tolirtwuna eauçt e iar a nvthJa- tmmefl-at terms1r b. . Waes' a au utd lnt aprei st ue boubtPrit gouattim. ibey bs. T"0 De Diuuiru -oiin esiabtib=otbusiness. Il lsalwtYs bit wuaesuricta ofsi ger, wuutu esahall, th. scentDef theePàAltO Svmvuoaaa D'r e rîr'eto, JO patterns ai-d shapes, Blue and ainta sppty mesta met OT&âPrien% and tlItIdecumenie produOessth'aieni wun buvetey dcraid tth ThelewuDog tars. MILTON. HE'ST I~ T IR S GrCueen a;nd Gýlt, Pink and Gilt, fine Semi PerCelsifi, fr oai 8v ehuht t.sdpetneia eua ;:rrlrsir 1O.~Oto )r12setllerNoLiviÂTtOO.-hê - -e appartae . About frty coaples teck - are Oîîifîl~~ ~ $835 for .-i eseertlalaa u5ls itrt5etdismiiaesi the MM mib-ptnub daig, uaa ulgu- for thlaraa euaa---. ai Ptba ulapM.oeuueart_____in_____the_______dan___ Chrismias traite. ... t, - ailtonnTua et T hedy. ue ere rounfees. algiesi tiy en uobestra fo t eDm Toruito ca ies utates, civil ur crimitoel.ubbhsieaetg ed ucirac- rrr r ., ., zireaud 5bta stturova ut i e rsganizes i utMuadyay eeuing and the uvuatat. The targe 5slbeatnq epealntV h Ibmgrusijuy, a be petatt u lsamoTe tMito curing club thu "a intripiuath eredlisât a g tc Slirne and Silerware and ('r ' ~ -esChina Frit s- ues opuetael b sairuuasueleueoMuu~rasiethesry oum ofptng fo.lingb l ui Jadesud1u, Aisi Tho efotoiag Daitmsra ere uet h .ry uasu a.muaai oî a.~f ]ýo w ls, V a s s , au gtt t r on , I Jdsi a tfm ilton a ue, v. S. 8, c roi , t e wli si -h no MîalBns aes os agaedlsb euio. J.NI aud;BnPr&CI.dvnaafre ueoforPe-Frpefls Bume -eiecA. f; VuePrMi, byiqçritu Charcb. délivered aprs tal FrPresetsf rPrset (lug tey; tu-T«.auty rOAnPi vmTe$0rvvl Citite.. Mmaff t bumintuctive lealsleont vhave made great piepatattons for their ofuorosiby ihe cumhy utWelligtofr D. S. IRobertsen, J. W. MOOttit sad ev.atmg oun Prnant Day Pauttemein teChriottmas Trade. r-' I hu tuntutiesut thtmatubo~ tb. . I. Dutu; S ip, J. T. Haiamt, A. biettes, Etii, onomi ses, S uulls _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f rsPirt\ huas. tram Jutai MaOaBu5a. Everit1 u. f, W. Patisu, GOt. SlueDne udTOtg. ls Mos s liasÀD pllybre ram Fassoi. ltOte.En Duasd Doncnsl.T " 5sud asuai éatte utsit evtWU ous, andthelbrug ram Frank Mat. frithe eanfu, ?pg.tbis-BI])PLY0IIE mous, e, Min of e Olivne &uort-»Christmas (roceries ench bil i. a ByIbe m-eyeieg aa téiew e i dtsub, aud leh ow ptcbiep Ldie is SpecîilTasty 1i.bBexes ef Raisins aînd Ladies'À Girls' opp the post Office. lahm aa ToB- imtsothaea"edent by largo rr O u rs I u m rl l O fu s t h' d s T H Es G e rg e t w n i e B i l ee m a l . pat ed p o tttl u "h o tc e C a n d ie s f er p re s e n to s .D R t MAI N ST., M i LTO N. James Wsther. Tbe aacr uregade iwill held ,their, ilul btb iu anad bisduotineEA _______________ _ _ _ D oM . -.L 5 ti testu lIte allaae A sh eapeopl e M AtsiST ., M I L T O N .afmtelpb ler.hB a i on F id y evenilg, ec Biger a oc sa eas g A m uiitî. R S 30th. Tickets, $1.00. OSpeimn theopublc stool, u.oneIE OEI~EA~ IS SAF. l - darle usaio, met ulo th sisc Bo lu. otusubsovn - ,fl h idvn a T B ORNldmifo leu M,ut alpea OAcoul doshl&«tlnol a svrefus aiand huit hem5ele S.0. TIEBLE'S OREAT V h-e"Po fn»Twie het o sidy.ndn ndPatrosbu n of Chie t- _______in TE'RV h sDs. hwf f=frn a bMe o-tQ iat gtM eefao et as t"duaaie.nsitaimali puSbires atroice T Tofer, V... Milton,.out06 dau«h- eusho__ ni"'~-- < t-tme as t.N"*tOnrtaeiBhtm ait.W the Wifustemt es Oqorfe Wtarl.Jr.., ilb ftta O suayoesthmlasadn, it6118utoaslu 0F USEFUL PRESENTS tufîtc-0 besi ut.,treumt unj l uj tu à Wdlîgl e aJi i Ii a ia ~ il'Cao..i S. ranran 'lite. obfoJK. . FI.(flseh OýbH îe,. BigbeauAttraction tn Dresa Goods 1 ie ad Xînrîo Glo the Witt of, Geulptu ao.utthtITay eIb eh FieImmense Stock f Gsiods!wFhine Gasage X îîias orNacck carse- - - - .utin, W d J a mq c osl m t .r 11rlas MNfiry - aE 4Large dssoaae are value ie Flanîselettes bl a Lag Xrnao Shipdrts HMUGlk. ENDII) BEAVER OVERCOATSlgssrnof Kin -as C laS , Habu a- t t5GratlStock f M en's nd Beys Suits Robb m g ad Xxr',ao Jato, OaviCle. us Xîîîao H'dkerchiefo. ai, leeaslargetStock sl.G snd ![ster Ov ice aSoienth ~ TIPLE. ~ ~ - -'r' ri..r. r - I R i. M9 r.i,ý >,ý . >e **4 M" 1