Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Dec 1898, p. 2

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~0~,~ jFeue *rn 1. à e in MM Mu.ve, Deç . iS aerlmt b Wha pees tne Tee Oýntrit. GeVWMmt lvn. Ohlh ayou est the 4Weselssbi lest Tlsersdy,. te sosthe SI. erhreiirpeel hy a emaor.' mne ty of li0i t. iamd Mr.Gsuv hby 9 45 je Wret Hun. . bl OnyeMeel 1 wiii apparsslly hffl a verhing limier- FotetDm" 5B1.... iiy outil nox a aneueuhlfationleet lfaut. 2 âza l548 -4 = Bu ....... OFQ th il y.~etenaihls yesfer Hat. .... SE day ove vwon te l agi eeDu inetse 1h........ 5 7 Ethsi ......rns 5" Houies ofLComoe e e1 eus e r the 8 P&Wean..... ,:: ..... 4 Ontario LegWIsaot.- North Osmee 95WaeS lie0rfflr .....5 romains Iedeeeee4et. LeightoeMM. 10olMax .,. .. ..... 2 Carthy. nephein or the la"e DalbIce il ofl,&-trIe ....5 12 JimameBrady ............ IeCarby, M.P., 5Whoeued"a tmode 13 OMM@ S ie...........518 lthe vamoey, heipe rtrn.l by a 14 Minais Beesclt....î ....511 intjority et 288,-itb arme pelitu 15 Ethl Berger......... 5w piuese I berfrltrn., Ailthe0 t.r 17 Manet. Heirlnes .... 40 coutitueerîe veétis " rt , l7ernna a rehltu..... .... 44 whijebhsd el eù'ý Cnevativeer ., 19 py . ...... 48 Sien Cuuederaiob, retuned Mr. Mr. 20 Emna Eonv..... ....478 cise. Libéral, by a gajerity of 64. Mr. 21 William . ienrt . 7 Bel aselctd 49Eu Pine y 6 22 John Coee... 466 Bell wes3ieclsd luEest.Prie...............aru45 votes, Mr. Martleqsu ie MeinttiWy by 24 William T. Bartbée.......45) about 50, and D. Johnson. Weet Larnbtie by 9W. le Eust Nrtbnrnber. lied, Mr. Douglas, the candidate eto the -Zimmerman. Hardy Gvernot, iecreaeed hMa - luteabsence ef ths pster ou Sne- jrily et 421, let priel oser Dr. Wi. dey, theatieremu serviesirareueîuct- lougblY, 1te M. .4 by H. Bennett. -~ -Ry. . B. Keeter ofHamto iittsii- Ste WILUAM vies lisecuvba, .4 friands bore Iis veeh. ie a ltter te John IMorley, neiseel Ibhe W. Hunbéud, aftter peudiee a nte. leadrsbip oethIe Libérral partY iethe br o epen tuthe Wes&, bas relurned Biritish Henne ci Cemmue. la.bs aed iuleedn peed te bsijater bere. leIter Sir Wiliite ail "-The Liserai A 'nembér frabor esbeatebéne. parI, rnul by uotieea, intoulad That M.Barbrs virtery t. Mitoe o. prseufil ietereas, i oee hieh-se ia. budy eveejel. ses rousent te lad, ejfser Wt1h reditt Tbe epeuise et tbe rude ielie te limesf or adrautanretethencoutey." elerie. eesms te bc doue aimentae.. .Mr. Morley;, ie bis reply, expreuse, tireiy by ERermera, as thu enrsa. .ympatisy ils lir William and latd be tires couidoer Ibeir siar ase doe be. var ont surpriseil at the latter% e dci. foe. . l siee . A toeeram frei ndonee e : y W~at..-A careltaber fertb h rhr "Tire bItter lu very carefuIIy verded, for strmy Seudayu. aud roulaiue utbiug Ihat venld pire. Mr end Mms. H. Pewel mllrated vet Harnourti scceptaliof stbte thir golden weddiug en Meeday uaves. leadersbipo if il versrffersd ultb tbe iug. A large umerofr etrlatives aed uted and uuuirnm supprt efthIe frieuds weru presnt. parly. Mr. Mrleya sympltbstie l ut.Cared.etWd acuoinreoueponte te the pusohltly eiHilise.awod putW tisai bu mi' tlbothe sins eorse;suad uesday i Ht ltn thçrs il lte dohi tbal tbe tbreateued A roupie o ut r iizees ted e ralieSr loal oetwove ueliabie muenvii lb ruw pecitiar soperieneduring thu sierin libihraliim ieîeretuieu.' ,ou the 4t. ies e. the, read in lise eveieg, lisey appeired fra te ebe THE FFIIAL IGUES. srruneded b, a pbompboesueeet ligb, THE OlICIALFIGTJEe. vbeb sureloed timso ul tissudisup. pared. Barer'&uremjoity 161. Below will ie s ouud eturujue 0Ef. AS.,D cet tiemetu's efficiel coit ofthlie1 sole i. the Barber.Kerne eleettuhllut], risuruday. Mt. Barbrs majerilv, lier. H. Kentnedy 0.5f, Pt West Ho. tebicis vue 123 lut larcb, bar bseu bollie., N.J., vbe preacbsd in the U. P. isecse te 1ù1. iud Ihe ttllvote, Chrris let Sibbalh, in te deliver au 493, ie Iroe@%us lbu lit plel ini.abe lectnre en Pridiy eleieg oe a. Mrci,, 4)93Viulurenliug and inprant ubject- B*MJ1"owt e Traie Up a prent inuthe 8,l, e. K. ~Wayo eIseld tG.' Mr. D0.0 fina fies Acte, . ..64 -169 5 speaker aud bau a gond rse#ttiteear a iluriieglue . 109 156 47 lecturer Ibreegiseut the, country i. eercelre ..249 85 164 rbicb bueliren. As tthle te fitrs habvilie ...16 175 1 ime tibîllhe bau oser lscltred tetbot Milieun. N. W. 5. 0 .4 f eauadmission. tee.there Su no deibt EW. .21 44 52 bei Ibere wiliieaWfeilbooue. S. %V, ..6 4; 24 .A wrdding misliis, in, tele place sui. in eveks e ear Oimpisuiieiiie 1 . Speoile Scisel S'. <68M21 i.aIte seurce oet toocb 1.1k ameetOur i. Norvai... 91 117 56 peepe. There iu 4 diinppsitmenl :f. Stewrrîlumu..92 91 4ceeueced ilS it ton soea 4. Poblie ... 1395 fis<0 A mmben of uur yooeg jeapie ois aà Tisempe Cee,.. 74 's i 4 piesutacl .igb.drire le Hseeisy sn fi. ;Ijyilliamo... 86 110 -4 IWenesdy ee,,eg. 1ntcbbuît -124 47 reemetn ..59 62 Nelson... - 4 80 etmmiusuviliu. 783 6ô ensvile .. 5 5 1 Belle Scioai ... 37 37 Appieby ... 40 lit; 1.eyue . 83 97 2, omuqie ..62 112é :; nstvilie ..104 77 4. Mu'sCorenes 72 67 F7.lterme .m.id lO f;. Brote. .117 75 .2"940-2189 blet Ise iarber... 161 5 1:3 7 i; Ameisans Want Our Appier. lMsWîtliem & Evrit. vislesale fuil tiesesisl, Churrb treet, bsve lunt cemplel e sale coverieg 5,000 barreis oh appis. Tise bayer in Cha. Rmchard. son oet Buffalo, use oethlie larguaI deal. erun efruit i.7New YrbState, and a largelproportionufl fthe eppieuvwilo bé suietel te lise'Sates. Thtis ibh tangesitsingle -tale us recerd. Tbe puice mee pol, and atoeutbo toovierit dollet varietiuetfapies are jucilud ed iulise lot. This teauea ib"qprsd.r. sel e totirebtle redetusul fru ihe otmuirau for Cuudteu appies, terne efthtie ieqiries smiae rem au gral i distance os the pfir cosal. Mr.Besaumunt Bedly Buenu. Gleergetown Jonction, De. 11-Jes. Bleunioet, velie manutacturer of t9iuuviliams, wmite is ls11aud tavr ebty bevn tireugheut. lbre ountry, iras eiu3sly injered te.ight in a pecuiar vay. Buecnalli e bar added vgiee.uakitg te hiselben verb, and heing Siwat tise busiessapproarbad '. tise dnem rotliiug bvazie vith a igbtud taunt. Tisre vassatrrifie exploiomea lie dret vas hown, te piee and aithlie viedeva in lbe bildiug smusised. Basmoutsmines. tacheapud eyebrewu vere burmel ff affl igi«fare su1 bande terriily wscrh. et by lbthe miqas. He in ronfined te biu ied ineasîerioea condition. 4%emimtitesetfladies buebauefera i-ut Mulmreal te couperaIs vite eue laieWiuipeg is betpiag lie pur *amougst te Duebbors. The t uiplead out thnimimgrant Russiaee expeted te arriveabot Januuiy 10. The coseritto sis fr moeny ad rietar clthiug. Gîseral CObta Gardia, tie Cube. pstrse$- _"d hbof the oinsesale ontlly the Cabn Aumsblp.o Wmbh. igeulied in shst it y esnS*sday. .4 t The vbtcy mveeller in NeteYorb mil Chiasse hrôngh 0os the .psmenneonia. icon e h lie die. Muet ofGo"l .aiiusmOsaeint in te.eOM o. a 1or i dessdo.0 The C(_exeaostofestlol ee, saent bave bestrm.steyed. Tbey ursen rcacbrd ur pest oeficeyol, The prncipal tepir ottable tl in Iis cemmuity is sueir: ieted ot "eiecie." Seseaof et su mrnooSie arbel, vowre cloal ter the greater partoeflesst vois on irrout outh4e bal rçade. 1 Xmas i cemiet. RBetember your rieuds.. For Il 1Mod.e t fsI n edo i ite ery lesat maretminethe vorl. ;ltovbse ears tbes leliitm and justiy ,priesui Oeh te 1h01ateInuh qusulitie r ie .ueh unitert sed costtuppiy. Sel.a, turbtland brui an. in sear. in svry rnth le the yer; Sey ,oyer go out i coneditin. Sud h. îuppiy er ala..Of the icuerer Ieds, vo mes- tin plaluaadi leonereebers, but it eniud 10 rmmnere thal iu tbe sa.elhs ef Feliruary, MercaSd Aprl lbsy arS oni t fesees sWlaboolubéiy verîbimoL Amnog Ibm "pie"flo fia u, uisoîcaor chauga etoSaMte' a reconiiy rerrang e l. rIe of irnidese- sel of prse. Formsry Srbt, by gon- silcotentmu, b h miifrplr. Turbot sud Iohaler csuees e mns a uea- nry pt of a dlner pare ytitS pecai "turbot plates" vire maeéte hld the dues fii t hieli, scerdleg le ttatum, spperel oe the table. Thets pl.edii seMdY 7large pistes nadeinluObtus is the ans] oetihe let restnny a. parS t fdiets orentonhe Heglishsturbt wvesdatn" fr iis perpose, tAesgh neev lsa s eliy bro- -lia .Sl. ea mnla Ue punslve. sud bruI vs. a cha, lat. New molet. lb. deriet ilHtsb exempt inn ad tot, svrsgleg frees la4d. le 2i. pe Posnd, wte bîl il a seortes, le Pop- sierlly thal tho n »Isede s dufferee of s Pmsey pr poeadl boIves. the prie otlhs sh suit tbpdefturebeot Asther fist flib muh plîel for years is 6h., north et Eugiaed'b. grsdeally fSellas lOavway loinotheLnolob 11*bop&. Thin te halîbét, ibe isrgueofcithe fWatflh. Th.y bave bie a Muhl veightg eg rnur sa.420 pospleasel40 peende la a comunn is.-ttosuhlllMagaÉen. Horeqo ailmrd-v]outlen uthe Nv Esgl-suaat driug the »mrut strte th.. in the navy durte e sire var ilb Spain. Il is reprtel thaï; Presat rug ern et lis Transvaal tes,111 vtth lulein. mailut the eyen tht ho muetero te Euglad le cosulta spemlit. &ussn e h dy Mr. hm. a l obemdie evyean t susa tdeeliitet hsempire, vt 00es0"ireprffeeuaiyes inthlbBritishi Parliâent. TIha trial out1Adr iopse teucana. puels deth otLe r sele na gh et g@My 01 te hie4sSt . e Isemm T N ew -Yrk -nomj~~ CCPB CPEt COTSVLE I 2 O 'a colSteer "P or g- OP CPI tC 1 Pseoe0E CP fée S err C' C erne t lb. eer t. s OPE c.OrenN R ofue.0 thehréErsy est.a en CPE Pm AM41..I4st. f, 028 ing Jersy @W«. The boomrauebave Opa CPE saxn on r55 n mqSY - Sd payiog P-CPB CP-CPE-CPE - 02 P 5@»« 238t JOHN T. ]KING. Advert in The Champion. aHenby, Dsc. lot. 1*8. A VLUJABLE CHRISTMAS PRESEIT FOR VOURSELE O8 IE 0F YOUR F1II ' Ontario Mutual l4ife Assurance Co., PAYABLE le NI,1& 20,. ELl, 85onSo B ENS The unly levei premium cerpany in Canada wich give. ail dhSJ>ràtle ils policybolderu. The ldst, the largest, thse reunt% the bosS Lis ser- pasent the world ame MatuSI. No purely Mmmiil Lite AffreeeeCon. ba& lsrfiled. Get full particulars frein .-eem'F. H. DEA CON, Miltoee. Grand Daplay Of~ - ~ --XMAS- Gents' Furnishings!1 We have the niceat NecA Ies, 511k Nec* Scaf, Braces, Collas.s, GIow,ç Shirts, Undepweav, etc., that cLfl be bought, suitable for Xmas presents. rI-:O'UR $12 AND $13 SUITINGS ARE THE BEST VALU-E IN THE TRAPE, FOR CASH. .... .WM. BEWS'SONS. C4C E«- f. Marchand's FARTHE1I Stock of Holiday Goode in 9**6486*0"* the Jewellery lune je up-to-date, THAN HERE carefully selected and consiste only 5ElEUEof articles of the firet value. This FOR YOUR Does Not Make the Prices JEx- aeetuee cessive. Everything cheap, yet CHRISTMAS gýood in Beautifio ee450e3e Holiday Goods NOVELTIESMRIADS ~at MAReHANDat 1 have ini stock at presout some extr) goodà valne in Canadian Tweed, (Juet from the mille) which.I amn ofiering at prices ranging fromn '-m=l$1I2.OO to $14-00' These are not secoud-hand or catch-penny goods, like sotuej advertie, but good, honest goode for the rnoney. A Trial Ordor wiII unvince yu..Ml- WI1. McKENZIE, Miton.i ~u At the Gireatest Teade Sale . 0'F- BOOT~~SHE Rubbers Oesoes, Held in Montreal lest week, our buyqr*mAae gmre of the best purcboses ever ma.de in the Shoe iWee.1 For the NEXT W MONTRO we wifl givethe - 1 bestuvlue ever offéred ini Ç Me n's Ln oota. ou deîMe ie- Coal Stoves, -Easy 50 regulate, -Easy on cçal. I have smre good oecond- baud Cooking Sto esand oseeers. JOHN T.-MOORE, SPECIALTY IN XMAS'CARDS 1 ~~W3~PHOo P . STUDIJ MILTON. phto fu am ers vy l eîaerphtoSbe n vheeyon cas"te'6 'i= and adauuaelneunviii appreelale them mure. Cerne ea2lY,. vid the rush. ~iThe Beet Qualities of SReadv-Made Clothing in SCanada Are Here Now. Meessa .Il ren.l. l a k~aers in Canada ef fineeEay * lraelsre erdes tnsh.e ss... a e 1..Thts lut tucludos te f ilm«ot ofe nsut ie sulead Overenate vs have ever hudisi,gamu rs ru A elu'hnéte.etrtt eeeand OVERCOATS. Eieb Ssa*BrEn. $ugios MnteasuOvrceaié, and llna * qbu Usngith vlbb.ry satin, deep rmiot esiler, l.u = ayory inmpol. hrcbaet M.ulo uat 5 oiMtan 'k blleaniugm Prices................... ....... $17:0 tet e"TwillI Cuatsegmals up liihsthe finesel SaI. * re H venwo i he, ellylen lier, Oxford gr.y and Sceical gey sebs equal te eneloinumada cesa atil#20. 1 PÉ srlal 21.. . 12.00' Eegiiu B uer CeaIe, Wb atinaliesd, me ndwc ebise, relvat coller, in thsegrades, &.............. $10, $12, $13.510 HeaineinglsbMi. iEaa vreb edarli tf Oaaslet a. -- tlnat . .. 7.50 se ULSTERS. 9-11 llanFrie Uteo. llsetrin setear extra 1.9ajind usle rissed, .........iec lleail tbelebeî i esIwIa.iriom,....... ........................ andayil j Mellsis, o lester , sso meuh,. ....,,.-..o jTiiàt Card fém ie;i he pdt IiL rn*dby H. shory t O5AMIM arepply unepytte JAS. A. PB.IUM hVareillia tse-1s9D- m ras.c LA ffl 1. IREDI --1 am Gb,0 -Mu àSus iaeShî lU o Voulsg lb. nerIse tonse but tn boer fo uh 4r tiseet b. tasgvitl Y d thébr at couresla au pt estsIehycbeltes. foWhe»vneuneuprie b.vha,-estd gor! al .1W.1 1 er e leses haW my leelse e m e dstiyherdMe miesouseoveral fenap ariny s Il- or lvdS. rsee es olynes.4th- et bel eover bIlleil a lynx, snd, ibi bi the coly Bunetenai a ,i h d op to uev iucesuIly defl al MY acte, et veoemitaf, 1 fo1ie bat Ssld I eeiy gocessel Snlcht in ceiitegop Ibis Bgen- temsn er lady Md adding biteeorber te Mey le flulrns, I ehsuldutlIhapy thons heting gronul.in- laver Of jet beppiar oses. 1 deidel eput out&iMY tire booes1 toek an, fuvlhsr slips te. vanertenu iterslsvvLlh nMY friand, ter if nec lhiug t.leers certelet than amether lIe àthal suythlns versy of thoeamm@ofetaelynx vueilmerr p prsscbvwihl.sàquarth r'ta slle e4Pa hminire. 80 1 dlrno ee.véry bit cf hlialg Wood esu eCtersd tA.heb = and 11 senoest vithonI e8069elebte of boirr,,fto If h lyn uldale ish tmabuappruachi Y Plaen0ef sMs béa e Iluruil b. nigbly note vajte tor himt tAlebitter, troely Marrh .gbt. Thon, b.vlug by ibis tem stbdued plis 5oxelsalbestinge ecfrMy hbitiuceldY le a rr&at à aurifitl relen -tu inter- 1 walleg, 1Itloih ep a stratégis eeltdus boIel *tki.k clamnp of bonbon sqr-. ne»esd*by a feu, yards of open gres# o.rarist fer shutleg, aheld Ibo:edn sfStuote u togol asbulj sud, the@ eparei. Icaslsly suddeaeliounly.r ooetuee heelt.calte vhhbabel0set0- outed sey eslrwseital frlened le thsd>e haSues Thiecratuesbal aerrconmsel bie muSt loquntSappui@a t. me tu.e s.v ny Sle sel i berne lmetrMY osu. &et vh.riaboute. Nov, though I iln4 ilyse lnegas. H1*0 e natisve, I ceeu4 Oboleceta anusostand meuh aoftbs= ! sold tame in hattague, bal Itfai 41 oertjà n ookmenmcou go teint tb. ilyex vwu iddrmnln>te me svery tend aidelesrlng expreion ta ho tesd inl thetea evoeaheley. Il;uma* bae.bonse eMilte"g 1t th sort fote hpeur 4.11ev respindal vithà ânbonehIeg vaiheb.nsteaut ibet b. bourd rny vole.uprnl ews. Tulel Ib. rédnubleil bis exrtilles tle snes %se that ho ouly need ta lebharlt nodIs, Se bo drgie and toaïhuitc f"ýith t M ueym t. 1Ia 1 oîsp Ihlm 1r eaug MoU &M unn sd b. di, and th.entes"ewue i yoïui- madi er ilà,munt baeoinesul lb. nu ruof the tieofttelle partufobêt iotu fursosederale smrprioasud seliep "Z . qim. t asoùheurour dntl m ntiedilthus, ach lai. cailltg res bis ov h e siebosb. I bogas e mise,eurnvieb esalo"y, tbel itien &UI hmU holb*Upglt Maihe àcon. airue, h~ooMy edll ;relief, I rua. In!mt.ibu1h51ha mme ssi nuveunthesuve. nle aséae W s. h. wlan« cou. inntebo. ~e's1a Idel uMta !Ia uce a"t rtM ner I s. myes~nveulleg tS u ohstge wiâ t.au esoien. mest&Imm tu.ebtn thmpletiuss 49 te saute" e n 49.al , â toi, ~uuM e.p ane: aIl 1 Dowheee e itueig.ap àuàn ulbythat ievew 47e ý in ' me fai »tue1tt 1ep1e11 bec - »fm My ind o bu Ibtgaiuetlts hie b. b ersnstnmse hO o. eleis 1es tt dé.al - »eé"foua vey,od tes he~~ those. y struin tîl g e of sutetC s f nî resg - frem la 81rctInet litsearb beau .e aimeb 1. li tie es aentvlliuau vmo ir etnyee. ceetemytesînluiîu tahe bu:, lEle u cn Have eset asdS a esedote Ifu 4 ,r 5 tAt lva t-it ortsuu rffuhl doe gsedSirnfc te aesyts IepsatiesSteeAMimeise.t fav4b mleqle lebel ninedatii e 13%n, siar e thie-inciaorsuds oo f Tpdia kpellrmeuronsbehnboutltee meuh ëf s moppse, ancmeiruae. t i ttten teiiev li o tndee te be b-e u -d e set muet lis yul oa esl ye àe bt Sin te on alitr Mgar p parlfteioe heuneitive th a t oitsecte.the aat i lbeevr tib temt Itere and l ik b ite I i tm. "-FeditploiWhlsha eLetuns mSatom. ufie11nardun57ewul int*i ne"fSa a s cliesime g ta bava-& l55ssssit etmesteedofvue It1 a tstueaueeS i Hlouli e au geud 00 anu@bt meieCutHneSare. Acopply t r ntcd..-hl r u sity to Larmnogos InWana". it n e B m id, l,EueY J.H Ftnspsoilr pal. fiiseandiibeeuo.ueee.steel, tuetttedouttee square. s'hlbclSs 28 l Um. mRe le A ti n le .1,Lo Asis wM becel r me.' WALLAû.U vait E., th.v-Pr On cio Saleay ec 2t, )1 aserim Wî FIrY-ACRE LOTS TW 4Tet1erPUol~ Bireéet fî'o ïs1i[lg th( reabl«e en'out. ;ot to i Cotl1les -- 'C W il t ut toc li 1 ýYeO caee 'ined Gae Fleeccd - e WoolSek.2 unm inMs' àir+, 'l white SI, ute 'Pair.. .Twucel ,1 )inner SceI t , CI("e. il[I Block,

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