Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Dec 1898, p. 3

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'ha ssii ohs~ip. Soie., v. Case.losinn t dinner t tins Waiinp. e u. e. I .AsChileus was a gond dahent ussto, hoe tan ediY tinsacceoil thenmai e _ toaute sud speechnes woruemifttd, W. Pzàc, et Agenfforlils, fbar.. Co.a NtoO. eLy e lCIsuldouffns ne, oda. telil ¶oud 11,W.MDb.-irDg NeNýS. ely f,ýihmclle.«usiiTunda. toth arrovas, Bls's diaronvIl aeCin nc. WOOnIlO h.butaraud ai t t rosI palpera (ylsndgr and ase hes1). i, 'Il t oaf-rs1foisa moulhin i.tin s tern Wrtmai's.s&ade inrruws, Chathamafi of ý1ivl, of ebsO coin. wegons, sîgts,boies sud cutters,. e ere Mas. Il. 'A. AitnernoxouTraby Are., W rls u ups, he lsesît n salc~oo e coCs ToroCto, eiited rlative@ here flines. ple ' Fieuryplustio0leCet laugsn made. Everythlng u-to. e naure'OlcS ois0 gDar. Coe t payo te poil suailne. iColatent j .-cns- LoT- ln Miton, on u Tnday ias7,.a imprursd uarilry. Wameoom-f I e: 2Taule s ..ik. intf. Tinslimidr ili obligo e yessitOthtinsWalae.Huese. lrov.ict at tits oC. R. E. ftuaxr, nif Miton, ia laid an celer or Tun lion. G. W. Rose, Miolatun ni inienr.sstion sgpinst F. . Rechne, bar.e lootelou. aucation, vawuse gavaitof Inspectoa itier. e! Toronto, ahois b. charges I igecuc ~~> iescn weute oantes vek. sîin forging a mottgag. Mr. Rocets 'o Vet .ng w8 MinNELsNsa o a vaad usieretsd hiotk!Cnstable Bond. I ,.inecr ie ao s lssan Blluladlait vsk, sud bail wusnaoesttod a. l f 1,lwo bas iees tins gavaito MiaIHat. lar bis appearence t tins triai, whicba acandida:tte iga, rec4 home s. Topsai . aill ake plc steneoro nsMayor Disea ae m icltilO C Ti o rela. senulimeeting out iton nSatordsy. Ths caie &ase î,ominse ceocrl.W. C. T. U'. vili bin tiaî thanidune. complainanîst trial, conviction and im- ,, ,:~ndotîîr. miiyisondly. Dec. 11h, &tg$ prisnnst en a chbargs o! !orgssy lentv * awintez, M..Rocheo being tins principal i,eetl .co D. J. J. Pouv, et 0 Porland, Oregon, aituones foc tins prospecution. ItoCeeliorerbyet ultn, ie bnapeited Foisx Toronto Glota, Ieveser laC: Mýicc i ffleCormer nsobsloloyba be portad -Wilson'& latent catalotus ln vitot - t. u.hidicoi Ceilsgs. douteitth-meut complete eompendium Aàmetngotame, of a wila~ ister aportint rqusitos publisined I A aesingoftilac inerstel n i Cnoilaillstatig hemont u a *î Lj, il(crosctc8ad hockeny Cl i bldA h. W&a a te r isesInnrinckey, skating ans h t.,r eu 0 IlP,ýe Mendy lnv~ite. lv ocing gear. cymnuee&p. l a j'Alcc,,,c ecs e on .Iu;Ceu Foons- rins CP. .paratus bolsemexourcisr&;lnu1cc of. cod, ofcii 1 du GM. sscttlsd ibsr differuncesen eryllingpertainlnag le outdoor sports C c.etee c: le nt us.eli a"d hs414asngsr ferasaud atiletcen fon tine aiu'er mason. .10 aI es reatporai on'M'uday. Any leders deirooa of oblinlsg a Ta* 41 Wèky , uybs opy of! Cins splendid catalogue sioulda adT, 4 bpbW'ski Mecoy9 bsRend Ikeir addreu on e poi at b ..tlc nen elirMed from iineta10 Ielsu tine Harold A. Wison C., Lumited, 852 ,~ w .l.îc, c esen id ns ina.tinsWelynlccld Kng Sreet Wet,Troto. * Ic cceeOecTteý nl Botb rcsret.c" esvpapa. - inatl ctes ccc d. cnc . c. Trahie'$ <Great Bals of Me's Liosd OAKVILLE. 1,ric1-o -l cte1,0-10 Ki loon e e, gw oiîg on. Sessounr 'ceciocIvcee'î pecal W~ Oer.-.~ Tino uobonnaded lterestit abu en co lns &amSate,,Hmiio people of Qebvile tekts ins ueotional 0 'ccc ececI ciltee oesOu BtuC V eveing, 269b malleru Na. maifestd by the is. Lbccccmetar. r., a inack dogskte.alt L 1 lacsOneunoe rowd abuela attended tins an.fi e.Thce autinse C.ZIC. depan: Finor il grea.el. so mecuementeercises ut thne e,,eci :îrCzAmhle nylayn l iSfeO o nbiigb scinoo1 in theo ous nal last Friday et îî.gramie . f5ies. esusutg. Tino specacloe halwans rowd. * cue e ctaa Tou CýUMPCON cosgptu6im sDr. P.,nid tatenodose, and thoeavantn na.. a. c. .ctcCoct5a0 Ntart u bisSîroai sia, ae enqualidod sucoesa. An o. k p ...,preauCatrscelient programme bail bois arranged ccc't cecI lscet ettk.sMeilai C Ito n l., WenC- ion the ocasion, and thet l;itwan sp. pli !t ".1. 1 Worth a d Poil. U ida iandiome poltdvssni niae ytn majerityt apine hngretotilvrinlubor TuI e I ot. Jovo Aooenthe vtas lumnTopicipal performn t tths sue l tes mteteriec fie t ffieiatelaas àjedgs t h. plowusg wu tise taieoted barcaoesinger .and 1. leorng te vmtter maîcint Derryveet os Mosday o! lent rociher o Toronto, J. H. Caernaineh, L ; Iceyice. Tirecaes useik n d t Ciruviei on tbe Tuedy itsraiily broigbt dowu tins large baois - i r ilto , Jn. ti; olluiig. aid reretred eerai ruooaresetareplin c 'l); rie. Jane 10h. MS raniDoý tefnc 1es. Io addition te tbiisa ý-1ae: Il. (illeodin. lkMira. MÂeairîmet the i cy- tt ofet&bout twety yoing ladies I ccl i Woeleasd, t.ob.raé ters epoarsUd et1baCh.oenkinuad gentlemen runnerai sevoral beaeti- ce allubseuper. nslvuenegdr t wbe fom u fi seinclieus, ahicin drw tros tins Ich.c Minneapolis, *Mila. audiaik to encuse tc applaus. nis sa ecleeclitreconamptien. quartttsetofioynssg a coeple 0o!f ýai l ceirts îy 1H . . 4SnÂiaiK, oerof Isgeroli'a aler piecine, lnclnding"O Ch * e' ceieire ics.sd eadiog marubants, sud . B. Hetain. anins etftthsWabash."Tecominen c-S. G. Trelle, Irals, barrister, Toronto, sons et Sa. the inteletuel part ufthtin programmeb tbamci c. Hle~,Mlnspoliat Tianbsgivugwtb Il). mosical, Mr. Milter, Deputy 'i ce rocieco,~ i Day in ion. Mniter ni Edoucation for Ontario, wa. 1 Xr ,etFaniso, CIie.. TatstatBl'ComulPie.prussut aut delivensd a tirring enda 1. o Ypslant, , rahi'@ Rt Sae Rae Inrril &lng. trusîive addrees ou 'The DuCy o! eî tite d icem. if yennd 4a nice.Hat. ~Cap lamsper te tisBae tuvards igkcr Education,"v 1ebcc oter, 14r. tin aitre, MO non spscll 81f, liaiet in tine commncement e! ainicklhs re. ce lkiLo a itt ceir 42.-S. G. Trahi*, oir. King &James ierrod in puesent terme cd fis lasoicie.l 'irý.Mc. Millesroit lSt.. Hamilon. tien nitin thecpriocipal,. NJ. Wllvood,r o ,anFranecsc," erl.C tue.ÀSis .Ar Baânorrl.-Tine Cou. abile euth. University, aud wit bhis l.;ý eornfrot Dý%o ssprvatoc reporte hat durnt' cburcb acquaintaoc it allD1r. Luuk, henus -ets ta renie ihomeior0 sa reio uglr inîo.Caster, wilo slteudiug lins t a,a niort timesaloie nnred linahonte of, jiliManball Nrmil SBooc. HesO, etlibn mn ee c coeripuned he tIs. tnoal vso aiicried off *25, adrantages uhick Ch u try reseirai cae 0lcIio iver 'vatin an&d sobr articies. Thne icos oniverilios. coleeoseaiofssas Renders cifta onu wis.Eesau aoise ener- tiattCiey usrs adli dsrige Icr. Ms.2ile's bai s a va asda cepîs e notn pot. Iu cosoiediet ite ddrsnslinn8 raiofbis jourmoota tealons. Noeironethie hivs. eokDogon landiaelatoin- tout publisbeel in SOabills ibigaseho s adlem doiog tclb cI Mai eusIrLfflsdt-Tb5 Hase -ared irrainiy itin&aysnoeInaitl- e , lItesl l a ChSàirg tn.vl opeî 5itoel ioicvns slgtn te-ilbes î pi fee ,seasnutliChristini..Tino eseuieg a taae s Ymorfo!tudente, to 1and repair6cion eSlsrey PlIelg ie PaatnMre in voIs prenentaaictieof te."iny ic cop adnqik(tinhargt ci Mameictre aSsnOrly auioqucinCadb ave scuiçesa 4dW with F. d, cb' irma iCeeel cI ll Omski a achat Si ,otH0lMo.for a lareg lIn lumiBse hom*ejsC.o ecos. gbut!io aud u.nmi ,e!oir àvumaim e.for thb eu sifrisi y~.ocet 1:1fitesc, ppoite Mi. qt,:,t br veas e Co rW li &a5 #4 cdi5 irmas. At a -,t1 oued suce at Gai. Lîsit S $ev OBEYof te àd,-Wse mistsua ul 'Cao crotrd rde QeasscOiSi Bl95sl bu abss a lats bon. se à( themetsosfl L)averatedwde vih, hWm"hpe.ed tn& 'n n bsiging Co u nsotino1 tar LiclceActhuceoas ),Eeei i ta flOtsteucrin rte and Thse elg.mlle faut rude on Thanka-1 i C n Sinnet, .n L n fi t .ast oncss. i tg Day vas tfsiml esefatteactteg A.1,Cr rite, Jao. Iioslssj, 1. tf appela Mritorelqsileaà Crrodeos*laCeý!n.Themoe tohnc Yiri wupreO m= 00 uthlave teliailm tharolehinsg tasve ýLi, o bisM e , ahrle m son a Mr. St'o iJeralesdC*le J ict B 1. e Ste. Law otaoO t 1 ýl'ice . lfdeeoteco 'Pot. Kinge.r. g Ot n:t'ti~d*ae la laye. tu Tief.1dtn eio it Avalesalifalf miee.irser- aud aObaI, 5ssle 1ytlladb ifiefs ieof5 ýMileArhus f b ait een&os laer, 'l. e îo ls lm o iI ie t viisev mua Th.upfaou tatokJWaL5Taylor, wag e theeue i ieer, tiinisng lin ~ ~ ui ACe, o' Johson 5 cc 0.45, secondo « hsPé.cBrne 1'. r, ' tird. linepcrizsbtr»en-__no__ àters v gte u "c ttc c ceictes aill er ceps oerf iet. Shnd sia s1i. Nrren ' ctc' ailoSa, largoe etor'ig laeli ir u ME , I M c1'Eec.-Attentin en .e teu üi ta bl:lceiictiguone hy keoCVhe.o. 158i file ollovingannoces.tverwell giironbaCht oflec filite East End meusC snelsim Lte am ~ ~ es-.otsaiaseao t.I-' ie i. îeeparsd te sepply wàvi e Cataentl .gon iitin 41',-f c c ieci lybie quarter or n mean usce . 4« sO Ch.hs. u'vI occl uilecatiist pe"ea sean.ne.ees oiri uh e eL t.Waldnu s aeld sd etki ~ bsmi lc ctl Isl ayg is .fft=l iet'l1metlvai moderae rpcess te Ccc ..F cce.ce-Tbomso Ho..Fe bible icetîcli a ce.Lacin opsaor,ilu h.11 liiie Iecliecld office, uent out dockt ch2cc c hIocompauia on 5thicaIlteoho nifaTev omh 'I oeciof h'mbadairsady lenis ffie7 siceîdobaht, ad ioihing $mak un ICDDug.ii lyisg te Use bos. ol é s8 tIle navios, wbsne hoa sjlffi b1nh.I tssppsai hat h. $eei soglt i. oincetiiig andesa gutito gocfil.Theinave i leiloia is riglt ni.. 25e o wdow sud a kgal a lvorablia 1h. m ai n os sMadi e .*n.hum > sete rnkiL. 1C ier MMot w drstl in. si.assoent wbster a rutk vili h.eruae. i" vbrqh ttep e*jh. ht oons t h. advantqe of a Aws.k hein te day lThne.iy) tins eton te W biaisvle aforith.e pur. te a j eliuU Drmb te bsllCvAsilyi.It in sn, al.moa ertawsy O laiC.se eandidates.*Ili I raus insipatteh lut:= uneag.Tn L lo a t wn aa sidnt hSenILB. B"ior " again carry luh.vietueîy.sud Chat hit majerity ailh.nlargsiy isorsss.id. BuC It tesuerfiucssu eayChstte ConservaCires insld asothor visa ufthtin matas. asd os9fdesCly bins that aIl friesie sud party supportes viiiraily frosnd Cinste vetaras stendardinsaro, Col. Koros, and pot bise iu, and no efforts yull h. spsrad'on tineir part te tertiner tinis aise. So tins situaCien in tins eooty fstands, and iltinsuident thaC thb. mmpaign vili ta bris! sud exciting, A leniieeting in 85505. ai t. lebeiltin te s b all(Thbure. day) tesighin theCn interenat of Col. Koros. J. P. Whitney, leader eoftins 0OPpoolton, and JS, SFoy, Q.C., M.P.P., wmli b. tins speakersi. Au ONLoosonu. Ziesman. Wm. Emerson ban relnrned roie London. Juba and Mattis Campbell spenk Soudaey vitinA. Galbraith. Tins yoong peopleetofChie neignior. bood are teinutadvaotagesoutChe sx. collent skating. Tins old anisose, sborteut badlîoeh, seeses stii te ta Crue rsgarding fene elimiig aller nigint. R. Springgsy ipeut Bondsy lu Pais.. Miss B. A. Crawford paid Càmptai1. ville a lying vit Chbis wonk. Miss AliceWilins visitadin lu amil. ton Ibis veoin. . vine won uA. SisepSou inoue ia ueering cou Pbetion. H. Bennets' addreu on "Great les- forme' vas sujoysd hy à fair audience B daye asng. W. E, Harinottie speet Thaunrpgîsng lu Hamilton. Mes. S. B. Hart spoei Sonday ath, Mcr. Craisiord. A csntaia Young man in tino village sCogiqaIl tino day long "-She Luses un tins SersStreet aitn me." Tino oloîghing aemed te ta ge0d Susdsy evnno,»a a qeartettefet er Yong peoploeusoro seen nesr Wainc- dowNualter.leagoe. Miss J. Terouel, o! Anin, vailins gumestfthe Mames Emersoon u Beday. (Tee etcTr len su.. 1o At an anotion sale lest aeek tbe 144' dieg wa.unua&iy livsly in tins creille hune, espeeWIely Ccp Uss yousg merdaid masu of Chis rininity. Henever, Dicn Turpianhbu takeu it te (Gcimsby aOtb hlm. Itins Efla Sinclair visitai hec grand- molber ou Sonday. Mise N. Soinunten, of, Port Nesou, le viaiCing MiseAiles Wilhlsn, Sos. Watson ha. pnccinea.ss rm user Lake Medad, ahere ins intende mosing nbertly. W. E. Harbotl called on friende in tewnos Tnesday osenin! as0oseal.c Mr. sud Mn,. T. Cleosieae retned hume fcem tinaïe satodsd visit lu Belle- ville. It la reporteS #bCas dding talle aili weon ring agas in sur mîdot, Choir op boye. - At the roquaet et Bsv. C. P. Sparlus-9 Choir novminister. Ch. yoeffs Pespleci St. Gerges Charclin l401W t eld a j bu m - a e .gs~se a seimy mt"oiS Pnb uel The sinjeet e! the0ail= bte urtein- struties and O*m.5015oftah. ySng >People durieg th."UsStér. AHnms-làr tetend.,Th.las, Isg.sau bis e u .eyTeu.ay avoslsg. Ths fe ars erensfolimv:- Hou. ProS., Bo-. Mo. Osana. PPr re# les'.ro.o5.M eté llteory ai lOlsmiétce FvesaIW ppinC Cpiaaem. o! .staaieiste fal* mallis KSs O esi, Tino siesing e uof ~h Ms. etis 0e so k qdP v aois . 5snsr.Na*p*sO On. ~~4 Qq..- ua-.-L T HIG~INBOTllÂ~ I lu Priçe Downto Zero. -Pton fowdârso Las' Manties snd Capes Wsll te~aidbes.2wi h. Girl,' and Misses 3aokets. EV5CDBISIO Cie~ Weuà1 eBaly prepared for the FaIl Trade wiLhWa fuil Stock of Gooas bought as; Iow as ~ ~ ny ht,,.~n ttae_1e b, them, and in our present position w. are enablod ta osel ~rttslie 1g ei. 510 st oloser roftst 0 an ter concer1 in the county. Bring us ycor cash ana we will rm state the att o t oretre'$aisfacLion. ,J.A.Zit1:5rf8nid Values m in er i n etiery, Neavy Frieze Oversets aami Suits, lest# & Sbies, DWI Shtiur, in fc l è of Seasonabie Goods. MCILTON. 500.Ch ni Ooetht15sCOg .i EMSTRETBROS. A nnsnsret ofMilton" asatlsadsd Ths mai Fakir, vho vIin 0*0 5mon tins wedding ys.l.sSy as Burlingten bas ha =ino tuteOMMthe Sait ot W.SJ. Dewar, one et Miton', mot fron=ier, rg , u teBrts =eoneusemen, tu Mis Aie LU. mlitary auttaoti ano"ug ao!ad dmuhinCr oet Cle inde Johns hoir proenatisu. FetberglU, sq. vine offiiel Guaettna tadripnb- B. (Caon Biand. rete. nf Christ fin. a dosesaespting tinhe .gB Chsrch Ostinedral, IHamilton, delsored lon ef Matinal Bianageos Cap"-n<In an eiqsae.t srmon et h. aniver.ary oral nofCuba serviens. et rnces Cinrrh yes.Crday oysesg. MABRIEDt Tins Bcilisin reidonein isManila ni. MWLns.D>Ueso-(n Nov. 17Cm i thtin servait Thankài.ivteg Day as a inliday rsiéceroa0.T. Il bythe on fCol ilmenite he Amerîcans. v D.Abaam.C ".lkerl et OO Toronto, t teMCha Dàns. 09 Delhi- - JOnssNR clsvINoR.-At lin. roildese MILTON MUSIC STORE 1 of the iride, *Miton, on Nov. 2stt, bth e.DW.Sslder, Jes..Soins- - son, .r., Co Mne. McItee. Mantie 'PI.Ios- O'Nzit.Lnn.-AC St. Anldrew's eboroin, TvVie isai cCksie..Oakville, h y BRo. Fatiser Bockesons WdilU.nosPSerndrlg &C); _ Nov. lird, J».ONei etf Spsringfield- Acus on.Che-Crodit, and Mie. Mary Le,, C The Obsiias F-110C-. dashler ni Jobs Le., Pulermo. 18*fiU Organ- ]eWÀ-F5vsaesLt,-At the rid.ne. TisLa- is Cs..ssOrne. etrtinsbride's mosCer, ila sUgtes, Ahouon baudand i11 b.CCted e roasoua. On WedOdU"Y, Nov. StC., 'Inby = :t5. h. fleCe.Cste rOlaexhes.e1- tbe o. I. J. EIIist. W. J. Dewar C 5q5a.pCao (5CddaeC, Nsw York), .d oetMilmte oAlie.Lillian, seond = hssdsoaoe., ssud ons, ie p4réasO dsogtsr oethtinslaCs John Fotnergil, uns Ode 5C erre =.syn-ot-r. Sussc.o-ERswi-AC St. Lake'& Chnrob, MRS. KELLY. Bnrlingten, on Nov. WbOC, b h tis ev Fredin Fait, Jonathn HIà'i * Stray Steer. s;:den, ngodaugher f t~ h. townshnip ot Neison. Cames otenspremsesoof tin s soi. D seriner, Hersiny, in Asgnst lust, a yesar. MN -At bis homseteadi, middle ling Jlersy strer. Tins owner eau ha vs odTrfalgr on Nov. 181k, Wm. seons proving proprty and payiug MKy~CA0yas 28S JH . IG Mnoxo.-ÂC Csaed,B.C., on Onet. 21iC, 02.5 OHN T INO. .Asexandter Muson, torserly ut (lain Hocniny. Dec. lot, 1898. vills, te bis 40tin year. MONEYI MONEVI MONEYI ANT QUANTITYTte LOAN, on Fint MortgagsSsouiey ai 6 P.. FER AlBUM tràigit ions, or repisynkis te equai xonthiy ineonmente o principal and intereol. I. TSIOT irIS PRIVILEGES : 1.hSTAdGr onAN t=, rmreert), CtereeO payable annlly M eu-n cf prtselpol tesesra- isfreos eSe Pa 1r an suit oloofrlesi t.sre C. So"BTLT rPAYMENT LOAs (chiedy ou C ouse vry). eqoal mensthCy payrnenta or isestadinl Cke e îere rn.M ethe paC oteo CrnOywage ens,. ILeuonM.st.yet=rcpolCstoyt Oo.l et cr ty.yrby gu viseghtY deye8 nuises F. H. DEA CON, sciton. For Fine* Photos of overy descrios. 01 Piot.. akou asd enlmrod. Nov te you. tima te IChmp Peus rme !al ld-juet rucired 8,00)0 tet ni Noveow ie tndoiedy. I s eoep on inad a large enlse- tien of O6 Pninsg% aid o.P. hvinranmuchap. Cali and se.tinse, Specil attrctuon ter Thashsgtrlsg Day-i* piots. fer àa ues. E. C. FEATHERSIONE. Great Cash Store, Clothing %. O rooery Sale1 O __Qfering 1 1-1Mon'is Tweed Pente $126 20 Ibo. Ur.uuilated Sugar $1-00. Lot of Men'@ ud B eysVets, 22 lbo. Light Brown Sugar 11.W0. 20o.-asd 750.24li,.0 4 odjoklsg Sugar #1.W0. Best AUl.woel Tweed Soievr20 Iln.:Fig. t0 1.00. offored be.t $ . # 10ievr 1,. Olge sr Oap 100 Mvellon ue i1.0sd12"lis. RCake, anfineswils, 17.50. il*1.0c20. lb. Boys 88eruts*.50. 1hIb.Brokes Biscuite for %bc. MnUssrgest valus, $5, Seda Biscuits for 23e. 10.50 and *8.50. Oboe Cb*seo 10c. lb. _________________ Bon old Raisins, 28 Ibn. for *1.00. 1l bs. Gond Raisins for #1.00. <2n...jNUEREAR.. 12 I>b. ewFruit, Valises,$1. B*.. il alforasRaiaiss 10e. Luoose Muéeatella, 100., Ile. an tsrfeIcoie Proses 10. lb. MOT S If u HD0Lsfl14 mIbos eraita, dean, for *1.00, 12EIboBOOTSra $2.. tfor *1.00. FEL T OO Ts Croe & 0iackebes 'Leoon nud Orange Peel 18e lin. Bargains in Boots ! .16 bu Satfore25. Syrup, Molasses, Vinegarand Coal Oit OHOICE TEAS AND INDIA AND JAPAN COFFEE. MILLINERY-GREAT CLEARING SALE!1 Lades' and Girls' Coats and Capes at prices most exttraordinay. Special Uine of Slnarwara and Gîld ifatches tu h Givan Aial! BEE SMALL BILLS. CHRISTMAAS 1* CONING Immrense Stock"oCi New Wall Pagei. Beaottsl goode in Glsmaet bc.a roll. W. CAs ase yu oey boyssg fruom us. Ses Car New (lt Paperasat 10. a rell. -Wsolsn Tamn 45c. lin.' -8 yds Cottes FiannsPor 50e. -WooI Blanksts 12.50cý a pair. 9ÉExtra, valunsin Dro Goedn-Wondsr.ul reduetios. laIt w il psy yo o eook tinroogn our stock and psrebane frose ne- WE ARE: THE PE9PLE T HOLLINRAKE &SON. _______________________________ I ..*.. ... .... eO ~.. ~~*.*s5 ~ ~ Ne want to reduce our stock and for tIhe next month we offer you special in- ducements. W. haenadess a tablatll e! 2 four-fold Uonen Collars for TV/F.W SU=CINS Me. English make. Te #1.0 130 u 18.00. Tbeu . %M *11 "à& dsCiefll vs Link Colis 25c. per pair. ANýueteM 8 Tueig ECKWE4M S~ui te5n.h~ Wte Bow Tie, or-in-Hand and Polie, 2 for 25c. FAL ~ Monen D . Ck H',yCashmere FA~~OT 4W0 àS . . . 0pe pélr. t i BASTI2DO, & CO. OUR NEW HOME: B&<ws'-Bloch, Opp. the Post Office. WE 'vte Our friends ta cail and see us in Our NEW HOME,We are offering'Speial Bargains in the following tines- DRY 000OS, ETC. GROCERIES. si1m tekFlWeOtte, par yd ... OcseO0Io. <S ba a sga ..5w0 Ge. Wel FaOi!.. 10e in. 4Iht TeB . 100w :mkCsaesorEle0Dss1 P.hislllCs .F5s 25is . F1sq Vee lmaks..' Io, *8 à M0.pt Loin 16-25Ps~ . or,..17. "itn P 0&.-- 26 =~s 0as. pu pi....75 10 = l s.(Stmol. . nelima lsder. Oein lb~n . * New New N omSeUs Ils I.P*U~B5I~bU.MI~L 1db î,1aMdOCIpe at ÀI obb ~1J1 cnR[UGS. or

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