_ _ _ _ _ »app0ln!a araO 01 «Jewad a m d m UndI! ob its, Nor. MsS, t4 r sied nos à alanatie avims nt.r . na' pp"th ppailitmenb aian ffez~nt s 5.0b o. Travellers' Guide. o10 e. nr. nn 1 i5k onnfai lU~ô i - ~~~fa sgand oadul op.nhoien$, nthe gat oad-If hmd GRAND TRUN0 RA14WI (NÂYt. X5.WDtim 01a ot Si o th l.eitey oentio$. Adnsanti. s t aon ). corre imr. rso- nod lin. appoisntt f a muncipalA. Potonno.Otario AgriloW WCa 0.0. iî n. ..M. audtor oasa= ons th.asual Ioun floge, te Rato, tadant,&aia bePrnn JAIIÂJA raine MILloT 10(100te3 thlb.Provinca bkrosgin de. sntnnnb o lb. Prand jury ah Haitan! Il. Da., unson AILc faltwgmuunnioptilb o irs. Tkat3v- fi anitme, tIM iniMdI " ilOwbng TO 'tHE ennuneot as not poibot-aoo Govrr- oemiuo e lagw l*le As.eminl Qum e 5 mentavecw-lsb itb ladepe'nt 595,-. wtl masifs ior bthe onapensooBo es00M2f00. . ipulle, onuy n ts inne and bb. cauncil:trothecmt o "~' the Oppoiton ldboanvrs ieen ahie On Wenbwoelb ce bicycles ou puiliebagin - -__ - show tiret a snge dollar ndevor beau, wayU and A«fuament Act. fréon the W wnnmgialy exndd.Thne Iprakertousncit of th Coatny of Duffnrnne te THE CH A MPI ONIeroseS ssth w =eo f tis manage- jros nd monicipal anditonu Acta,..ora nsinoibow dprain.fi tjron tentnainoi t on fPela.«F'Im.. MiLOOt Dat 1,1011 -Tho meetjag clouant sitin chaseefor iMY parminion, lin A.P. Altos, neove bthe Qaea nd thn candidate, proviens Ofotbie township of Nelsono, nndnaoainl<4o py ofh Tas unsrvaire ufEns 'tollog.toonito éin eoitionofnisynnptby mitin tinoaccuncil la support of .a propooed THE Con15vattio aostay aging.1et t ino ,of tino faiseJohn loshand, granit fonrnpaire ni bridgeia St. Anuso. tonfall apéttin n euaayag"DI' x arenq tino oeusi, and ex- lin. Hutcheon, ohainonnd-ni apeeial - tlio etuno of nins. J. M. Othmns on c addate fon -tha Ontariu LegiîiniucO, coommiters appointeS lueconfer wilin onnberof o!tine Ontaio Legielatturn ion wu canoteS unaoimonly. Canadien Pacifie Raitway offloiass ENTEE tiret onnnltuoncy. Tine usuel chargés .. Jtrainsemrie.and sttions laI Campbell.GNLMN arnenmado, and o. oninicin oust nifltheti lla and Hrnsby, pbonentnd oeilroad coumoir ue u, vai, inat; Mr. Gitoun os Us of Stionqo. a letton troins Mr. T. Wilinms, Su t. 0ul1nrget 0007 macltIn bnnonag lt an agent was guiti' ADf bribeny is in.--Cneanii Valley divisnifsaint ailway, tin o nyr.zolsiefot rtaitmssa ofail ducisi James petnt, n oandidata, by al roloOa tating fltinthbinemopaey wooiS st politcai friansnin lb. lot* connrat crnupi aller, to retire andrefse n om.'rtesla, iapnns pnn Dy maino n cny lge inita préent eroviciuvan winnm Iiad no contool, and, i noltion. isnslid tiret thertunaof pesneoosoîuaedofsoa e t itiner nisaiS stabin.mnm catwantion..ny eao litos. JuohnDrydon ion South ottif) dudonolicenne elng pis1 ttage $lampe. MRrito enoodtiby Mr. hsaceIwDoinDYW6 ïpu Witatlie b.eprobshnd. Tiis tn nn ln oin na'yactaî.tiealthinatatutony grant uf biblo in fac, aihnglin hald taebie Bi dot tety. ttller i ars etelmton.tinaensaty innaonne oiteontog ---. -- bt na.mnmnse d.mn taunstRiST or%' Association.,payable binongintinstrosile and tononoil nf a Av Mnr. Babn bas publiciy ceencb osel' winonobheamati noms o! nassociCaione od anS npudiated theoconcupt aeWnof couldShb. ritnd 3pota. _Tisin Mn.Hacitimosconded by M. ateaS ondon lina tdotWtlet t h a is asea ndnitnotse tec, in i ng uheii adloptnion ofa te posis.iRobinseo naba a a qiralenahe tnoand iaving beau eloted y tlebnd liere.s et, nd onis opusat Crni y. e loîli Cntroption clc ipsîsi(ornmogrnt rotinoe o ri8 0saine majuiiy sf omsisadred èan nytm onyrtannsteu smoho pid o h itrnues n n o ainille othe sainesube., ifje a ie ope P a. om t o .ad Geogton .gl s o tet-he vr yof»I u ou atnb s D ta fiiathelb onnu tion for suiicin Haltto ainpn inîdthe intentiono tog tiot tr rau e ioDsnue totss,îot sec tiese sttiempar, tbu aId itninnnunoi itnt insewisnofbhe ana t i eletioa ae nteronswir fo loal ostge equremntq eleue for thon tino s n.noon Son the rotern in tiné consby Ihot I abnuld n. nintfigureinsustue oos tonoisgtn oaino noininnpro.uRome ai onintuinhl, Oalivilo toiag entitet rana b, n n noi ei gresn. Wietiten 5if ii orneot rens t ilaitnannené, bave oyolpod ie Bs 79,4an eogtwnto24.-Cr oih tileOinput! roliers. Tteey ae ainc cfnindocisg persans to tony tampa s liied. d ,nooo b n. tnennoocsia i s al cspoaiibic ionllin cooonyn boaSepu. sud ronin thon ta iionuinispayotoot Mr.lie iit tm applcaoneci tr.Ine agnia inno nsidif osradn, ask attes, fer thne soppty of Éiuit o tirereFiheom gnehedppicaiThistheapinolacliene n ltirbadeaa ooodt isdoisasol for-em tlino -pule rasr, i mul t onyeof Nelsnskinlioîfor a gnant.os ieptyon uThebribe tali j on ueltibl nlio uotlnosIspbiotcrr, dsn trouinto mwcscittea uisn inroa! tg ocrîIfniocted,ioa narry ottepl n hottviloas jeto a ln aidonltheu temtitn ecent ibl Nom tin es opnasil epairesta S. Anus bridge, D.edan iord, anSdOinsprominu -madseiy Sc 'tilot mai illeotak aani ltnotaeofuthe oeveu agiotisie io atîtepstpalnote Sret, bc reterceS ta flic onSatd duciig tee alnliganifFeinnsty finat itovents-o! aolten to iodoto tu sy»tînolbas dous av wsunthe noeecs" britigo cossitee.-Cacnicd. Hpa in ungu iin s teSeetout L ettae noore iI yno i by Otupta t WbankiS,.uoe lva.tnd nssistance mut iarelin.nfet DI i.ui Ob aniSi ld untd l feri onmarhnetsiS 300p.. aot rtuoion eaania totine Législaure a ndotbera la iticaoeta lu imcort The consecil adjounned. I romain, t.e..eU.L{ee, aterrcnevisg ecpodeatethe lino mii Iy caoirinik- Tin onaîtl nsumeil at 2.80 p.. 'fl éiinmtlla4Straacp-ieg pyiet b> posta.-- lanepo. Tino wandoa is n hubair. Yoocscey rspecttniiy, cdthdeinoinaitioionslrdoaeceI. . . -Bp permission Meurs. Mucray Croos uS itcoootatio a tio unnncuicnfarud asd J, S. Delaios, PS.I., nddressed 3t JOHN . BARBER. 01oiatos as titeir caaddate in test THÈ LISTENER. tinn coooil - anituny arrangemeont@ in 'ttomdaY's bYelcnton fornthu Ontario conneciion oito pnbtic aobooiu. tccietlacnr. t, c ote"tpromise% ti lt sonaS (;,crailo., elinolion of Ko Et. Webstec prosetid anS rnd tehclrunaeo aual rpe hte a bolad closeone. Te itealas, rmua s a àntnn f oli atit:stin report iof hesanding corooilîe ectr'SefVlubePîe ttsiog uclcd I. ilacitanon Marzli T.1P. 1ue, ana of thm Terais Pap.ilat onfinance. -TRIn- ItI y ataocitîy ottit, arn anguineaouaam ortongrqon, laIinid. 1D. WebstenrstoreS, seodadity»,M.TO V 0F IL N taittey eau npenttheimci ccess.[,itî Thelin oift of n ol donasRge q. bOin îFierflhon the stlinrepoet of!thlb. __O___ ýTO ltuoin oppounts auiçtro 0a îtali amo nn te Onest film.nbout5111 a dey. finnocue onoottec, joni mmad, itu dopitît ser stt aeJH O confident. Tiey thaoveoioliticîz SRiiuobet SiI Snm lBit RuaRunn tce Ccio Thc soc nter fphrateJOHi lN*O ctnEIL tan., tîiatcgonccui ognizcr. nt molsin owaspodunl, -lan niusaatie totl M.HUntebeoe peented anS ceaS fý brnLosOZWO" ite cooituiny 6. .E Ecusreton, ptoyeait hoogin bn tn79 ytapnid. IllIe tirid report of te standing coouu. iuu,,3r -,iofheTou IMto flte Liiao-rgoiellitol tîcoin. trd fmnmudasd Brînrezboatas ,,teoratn7adio.iioo a itlt.o,,ut tors ra e, Ir iuittee en railways and legtsattsoti. tt.-. e lHsa mooccud woro , tuiaîtofSi. Blorcr, nceorted tthOeluadc.dsb nnisuronro Me. Hooincon iMovî,etoedî0eitprntysrecroosln etrolic oas iuopeittoti , y ilae-. ft ettitcsion of thonseidom«nuaforod Mr.Laîvototta(,ite cocl eltitan teoouo ,u amîntntng..hnoannstoli bt ttl u fiîcieBoienrtoa re i tueiirîd l nheparaan tottltOOd. otiîn snio'sSth egsotOtoae tetoe.-.uýta tinsnlaihion, vd it su e vetloo itikLtobi-tto,-, eu d1r1op atee lev.-I îi:coooeralwylta lgi etto tell kce na rao étameoccmnLi }leoAnonnil'nia . O. ct c iadopteS -Comindl. .neorbr,k -lne eit fe Degl c ouor Oîtîh,,t, Meinigs ae i-9-ngtoli, ete finint gadotiig rouiItetssoe pcsearedaoSsee.S.ti.4rtointfritorr& lm, beitaIt itriino rcory Ipaetofrte,,cotty I ri5t nonteo n topion. then, MRobnponl o!mc ai adsreno thTe Mproery.inattoJ\ coir ou lcIait f othtt aadidoites tiod aewou7cleber n te ie. teionroeporti eih tnd ng coin Tetort wiotlcnouti rl incontpn). r ttcag adtict-oord t a e ottlh,l tic Riun poosa.,oenue M.RoisoanaiaggOdode y uth ý,mrt for isntettcliatel etc nottnnonA orlabi He oin.o.uvd ooîde yFor ttrthec pnclic. app, te Mr. Jobi theslpottîsttti pilttl ioks t MoheRoi o s ylhýivtre bowon$-îo u ton .cLomnoe, flititic reportif eî inW.onttto . Iert , n * ilo lcIattoî'nirigrtîgner, ihmnid then.Ya' Oonty buidingts eotottlrr. tt eotcnd, otte,-Or ttnhse 1-to EnfternauJohnt Bainn.n.soeLas, ho doPtod, Caried. Dtld ni Mtta, to t e. ii t> tttî,c llîtI IO tîct0> pnriumr ottut olfor bisnot:t Orts hd repot ni tiestnd,,.g comtmite latter ItItttttt'lil t;al. tcmikio Theî ri, Oe nyiet h1nspprtre.u ite o > t ocr:ad-adtbiges. udcoSt> _____ Hýbe u h, %%' ko, wll Edwstiîltônthleocrt tri Mr. Lawscîutteved, ecooted-S lry idOn11811i liethe htomailo tti. t in ,ot, fismn tsSouthn Pae.sSnlsaI.oiOtî stt ileenun. tiqthelinat)rirt of ltoe Stand. çtt ec odoS Isnihncn uorisc g oi t,,iee gcommteo uatto aod bridges, yelent t te traelinig pubici e l"ttî decticîîii tio îti ujoci and Inoulilor. Tb.:tc ales ainas yso. jît r oSd, bu adopteS, facred. - oervtooted iaciitiein s. a nHtutitr rumoin idtoa efosce titn Iwssngtîi- anle, ihnuh.irestntt1- t Mr. H,toboou nuucd, secondcd by songer Icavei. i.wvey aly "l ciliilofE.g poine t Ci. our sstic Mtar. eHaviti, tiet fite uteli licanS je lan alorelesa. t dueoCiîîcte t.a wu teisis oionol&etre, 0Jnt11 t.incerby iussîmclod le noifytyhlnoCl R. iod i't iitengveldot ti ateni wo tnsisonu es N" it ' ~andS.T.lt.uoftino cny Rossieocondition(iikT ie tedt, a iue ot;.enos ooi fcs ou, * r0y -sOsmar Oim At! , ý O DanY 0othlisraltay crosingsavoir Siipberb Rollinig Stock, osd ios.eg rîloto t.chî Michigrsanna.$t-PolAido til 'searaiwitys linouglioui thic otunt>, fecieSevc -emraplcbeta Fil>itl,. tot. Mohî>an sn h:5,snsnPouoyeto ed01f am npîionto 0 .tatitt ito Oitnon el.lir e .cuid soi puy )il.ris McitutffctveSevte CaaSe. (ltcc Oi.occasioeaiiu fare..Nowrta. legeamrnotIon it. Mr - iinosd, soonddlby rc ___ olltit litko itertona eelîhe rny.rond nonliloli lOrin scslO rnun. Huicîco., filot tino tinans of lts Iloaiteg 1taoint 01nf.bouovr, flt lte Frennhpapiers @onhtire IrbccIîo uencit are incnnby teadened 10 (o. Polie Attention tronoEsmployon, Italci, dtolioo.'~o cîsns ie eoKitchener futoonostins id. of theotri-Asdnsw, Esq., ftocthe efficient saalu iotitCnocin Ontaro Eticaton At rutinedireIra iserla .e rnomPrunin ar, .iîss ii owicin innlitans isolanged itho Suirn TruhComci visîinfoc relgos l>tsig ithe lt etatedanis à onft s nlb.eAnlul sorteo-eol ls au driag line proseol ycar. Tlinnsgb Ticketn, ptblic sbo1ofotet iovieoooc y ancyLte. Ha mn, $boy odd. netire mitetded. firied by a standing vots. Tbrougtî Cineci ciery Ssicooo oi git'iotgsîtot,, sud .tetsrobagrt <of 18til o iptsa M.Raiiprond lbhetinns ot1 wootd liktaita ise tsinuutoeion ot.thencittoan. ut Chltcgl i ro tingOaciTig tinscourrcit t0ate ardur, mino e- OAS!, S, 'c.s caun o Sd OUTH. cuxtoet t it rtemorcalanndeitoîs riesmoknig reitelantosroutit:rîlr.o pmssed bthiîais toc the coutpimenot tnsciocs asait titîseloes o lhn pii. Tlicywem nrydonparinc buotelr to pondti indnoSis gatiicttioaObat te Pr,,,tltr mmi ote. llttnsrtt.. toe. go a ,it e n colo ai nota oonittec hnpfut.plsQIstsYuoun..utuT manochera of tethe ott t, ad eauIcrego iîasineo, W. . Du>l. te hout a svcrl nt Suedoy Siboot cage. ite in eitenanne duing fictear (Oti mg,. G.T &lP.Ait. ,tiicsofiooent. Abiesit ttis tfc J. J. Cordeslathnin@noflaNew ork annoS lit a bnon anad gondtfetling- _ _______ oae nMitn, wcoc t einooio e. poitemn omI nied ac4atistud hldpnovailled et nvecy scsn, . .ç ma.in touYpr o10yooc î,nuiied hupInte ntral part,returnod1tti nwneoruon. Dr. Webntcn noved, noceeded b> Mn. u ti n Sale. il"coiregi'. Il uap oîltiî tey aannd the oma inm e ptprolored y@- Hasili titat ibisia oeeai adjonra-- tivieecai s1> to ipoubiicn,.or *.nud of $100, onlo îsoputr bts hi nCaried. Tt tdr, Oi cuto aioln thitliaonst etitec ty odo, n annib theoltt. Tecrui dore.ýe.indh eie nil,,- rs'ot, 00ot licrantir 0 r0 iaLums. lf the mO ofsnd rpeintice sg onei drcn etaopr nIioîtaahooso DireSuspe2nZ,371, nueatgoflardnJeeeu..'-A. J. BOYD, donce, iloti toc,, - h> oso ewlai kteri%. nonls. 1.0absnnd lttuet A.nBissyno Tii Bille in tic Ichool,. To co1u i.Pul'ieution eoun Lot1t, 8,d Con. t-Iiiüo.. ,il isth fui ofth 2l ita Beiotinndsrat a .ITAn nasulo To the rllieor os tOto Champion.2 1d ta heeyte.i, gisingloyme.4 Ioot 7,n108opsr.ns. 3 D4Y, DEC , 19 oy>trttî ~~Joaeph inOinesof Portlandt, Or.. so bas Fenm tino repot ot Hon, S. Biaino Tiotttomn8nr becsn Intod rCteid Statusontuniarhe is panch t Porn Hope, il ond appart Th - heitbý reents, S. Ji paleaa.tnJow asor nueoin -.hi.sainbjetiseant DS euS yet, andîifcre os ISe ~ tr. la- ie-.Taeonnlteio i LWrn oî3 earonlu t85t. Illeocame tuthinEon5 o n1 my jsdgo innso thnestand fallirnn ytiu ro.it ara ery o i» Iltli111i pmun"iannaney o yaac aid. ns0nRoman anoSthe Esgisin ensneies, jt ier-or*7 ors. Tefitonltuo t oaloen otWdntdny Io satar f5. or Gtnt0fDitopli. iii stlieno sIOWed ta die ouotl imure tMPL'En5EN~ TS RTLi vMn.yaarm5iaif iti- Stonamîpe mecognition ni thlrinosoftin"ut ilstso'weosuro.a it arfaiers,aig tnacortenas 0 i Biblicai inanwtodgeanad tnaiaing it tomer ra,Coteit Ourai amtoirn pria-snni botdaoot tc tteoltait3oAiî lierea o tlho ffsitiras scrontt oitd nin e Hyon.oBos cha n ivoOi>lor1,t-dudil] Drte allmiei1 u. iiaitoa Lihecls. ibtti thetr ieonti ttOS smtoi a i ti rbti i tc Swon lnc .Ontario. lias>' o! tle tsadiog Coa.-"Rcool t t o forli,2ncadagcoo b. 1tol ne>tittg ltîltîcli.tia Siociîmoe ît~tnii.aîoî tilel îorth of sernctves of mie Pmyinco e 1t eopiy -stn lub.., 1 rmnts out, -curofinae nipotti.o flelWon. ioi As Doustins questiona bon, but s ne tci nco ipr. to-stut t nttan n.. stos o as uiieîoe. ~Titu Badoin Itoitet OSnFruancisco, mtin iffilualtmos ji ianS soeiaopnnoS 1ortîder. tL.1 ikin As s aticillted, -I. Babern non woiiOitcontimnd, 890poope anS cent iv Ibe psttig ni Stfeneutl- ,Yotea,, 1 OS 03- uao liîs tieîonioilrithoiceeof the meetng,$.000.000. wsnnlne en at weoin. Oaiy Bnitnyinmîtt ncn--nias.rcisotncOtoo.0 éelua.s n t thopi e ntî omintioot, Ic.'oie otwo iies 5cere tuer. Witinuts«pressing aopiio abot 1t olststru etron 1?ùotrislnc1nuno. tionîeeont> la, oit 055litI to' aUnr. Dreyfuîslitas ceitSnebis sito lIn matton I meuailacose yen tie foi- mentniroo on. 1 coid caccy te otitoo,îy ircoly. tn arais root t-vi'sIlanad: ',1tu. on.inig pacagenptt fnrpublicaton,mwicn Ooi.OisO on il-tîn. endS'Hâat bc dîsueteeutîrd itnc stna 1ot.My intailnje.je a pariof a enltios o! oneote io iSanornoc s:,1 ltiok. 4 iitismtet prctic ndeothtoli opod no ""yaSiYîcalIlygond." nYnodm Iatoy metnig in Toonto: tn0 ~.."th., nudor, aai ointo tîsithio tieis vooiiiti momntitis. .Tbe hodpyuditcon Utabnosof n1 Talii. esentiel, brIn fom tle b Io al oomrt.itome itocec. ironiSe due wee.laia ppetted ason ommniby ad the oinine, tlit liene FKCHAPKIAS, notadotiu tS tiro peotiiigaii h> tobbrn15,tvisne lo n atins rivert aboulasie inrelgiunss insutionnuin tinhelsan in iandseiurd îit tey lied toîntot ttLochine. Tino tad wtts ciment sneyer. Prima.! 'Sainais. Tînt a innit.iîom itin ioîttatîîl tuevicti e ,t a as If y an ué, nnd il je poabiy a encin dey,anad if possible tino 5aI bail. Cl'R-CPJt-CppE. pa.. .CPR.,OM.CP tritisanthïltnr bac huttc&asof eitcdrc. nhur, asouladhogiroînmoaondinreiipons osnst.tioibeur, tblatterttcooiu i souoffall nn nce i i mitnonnnoion, Thot rcanoeabtoarrange. AS cotrst olib retrati sOcn tac.nIln 3lir~ : anssisdsod orsoioitn ooetrîniitidlticcteoiîite, theo i l Unl>t Sotes, lie onosd asono instructions bisc giroln b> tino ategy i euore lîeageS ithitot îlIe msîrs tonne tho yact race forîte on tier depaînes ta île clidcen o CRaAiD' hie as enlai tner.e tto J Asnc ..a Cuit. asia a vl peran trcrs uunnn, r th Ie RCLO e i canifts rn, etiquntrqie acnr ntr aeofcmuin y CNM = ,dai bhadlegeirool o oluýsatenteatsofo la e.e fiiiytynn$binagnsabi, 10a1tis. Tînet mIa ino 00 the ,s In CP liti . ieioonnneai t )erptino UsiOnS States ahore canat lbe cannieS onvesiail CP- CPiS Huiglin ttittntof .Gttielti. a istato bia .(" s tact penof thene tngstin rnoico aIttîieitoductioaninoilsé Pa aB P poni insnte, as ite et speakern0l gýMiaalae. sbo ous frtdeio la e P son'% etatsset thtcone of ten ea. Luus eeb as eap on fat igionsainstruationsas anaiali bisoa&inSotis pa shoim e - . tto epi îimp asila 1?u"tetoooiag ut alctionsn front line Old anS CPR CPB cia sedo lepoictinu the on letof hinar awhila O o Tsaalicencann~ mniionttnd,wasnopensolsidy. Majesty wson r nng iroos Crill'es ysn mrsudte o osiconi in Lod'.CPM e 'or opE Ho eeîndd tcenappoinrnitus ofaiD.! blln-es. st bel) oatae Carss.pécialn n u.nsdetC~iapa m"P = ananso CP gioni Courtofficee" tbvté(tocerninienýltr ionn enonnellino $idge betwBonttanud. if prntiunblettieoApotlo.a CnSe.. OPR dtol of thoiropesnals cm soiici, lue ,id. -'i î,-îî ittcr in f ioe1MOnoge nd ngrn, a wilninsan Wt'bsaoy tianis, lMr. Edibon, CPI P H no CO a. . lera-tr1ic-d ho na .ap ba,.O a-dnit _an nnnce dedA C nse n9 ".1 wNFULL BLASTI .Îrom cellar to ati b eing fin ....'... OId, at less than reglja gi=e ( e eop menced it bas been o'îitîfa0 "Ë..v M, qhuada,"ecP-1. 7 0 flomthiewm h ave been there. B y o n kt on I l O 5 , U t hed Lle Georgetou, Friday, Dec. 2. ~m RCR 2'RMN Hornby, Friday, Dec. 2. o arl ridA lsW ne 5r ~ ~ 0~d ~~. w~.For ionedlata stoiponent b Germés!, and Ilinso willI)etakeniiit he Acton, Satarday, Dec. nonassb ulgl.igCii 5 Bgtoa spký . .Wî.q ..M I ,J .LINDSAY MMAI I USINUS AiD O 10HUMBUG I te ,eùnermjan, Saturd'y, Dec. 3. > ..-- ny Spcsl,: Dr. HàB, 11q, "-P-, Wl Auction Sale 1f ru Paleroso, Monday, Dee. 5. pnhr;J. W. 6t. John, cutt.PP, EW.sla Boydý ai. Fao, FIMStea, 1Iup8lit&0 o rookVille, 1Ifonday, Dec. 5.1 n Poahors T. à. W.rdctlM..,3 . ole~wiV f Ti.onden.lOsd h- recmlrd iner"otie"a Glenwilliams, Mondaiy, Dec.5.'MVR. M. MOO1) id. 00 ~Dc.b RTe .11Ili Patt noUM.o&h O tw So k Dr ., E*q., Dr.yWCream o.P.P., , of theOttawa Stock, Bronte, Tuesday, Dec. <6. .Bo- o 3k. . n.'D. W, M., .. '.'. 1 lcd ontodnado addlo .ta'@ adtos.Losi- OpainoLoo n -bres d ta ", 1 SO Oi n bu ot Road te lstMon'. noS e i th te Burlington, Tuesday, Dec. 6. wod t Lu.r'. t. o.]! et iloot. heustecb tint gno. eliro tLer,' JWioo.pb01 e ., l , E . p' ymo, Pring caïvsr1oo. o n 1 a riy T e aaly aIl riglit op.0to.tdote in Patten , , ""t 3t- broch. il i, ec., and wortli jont baitte Otn, aflp., s ne Norval, Wednesday, Dec. 7. ~mnd..~~thoe narbnd. The ans ofo!lthe n l i, p Ot peaker.:A. mA 1 ss0lrIEq, .'p, J i T n , mt ogi rosi. ih nibi aarne Aiii usnreh nuit. W.to, Koqký1E . rotiotEshkrhoi of Nelson Village, Wed.,Dec. 7. enrkd 1 T" IN Bcr thon,.SEY SI', re, poknno tnsl.-YolK. Snu.T. A. Wsndel), = rsso.inninE.W 11 a i = 'v= = : @snÀb ploddl. iadei, tord niti, gond black For l, armere satin, beuvid er atited odge. Eleryttsdy isvited. jout " b. 1 Stter. 1 ci tonsc pot Oo.P Onty Pant@ nifsina oateria as ost nd vent. i It.erred sieste fer ladieo. 1 _sen insonbon utor Choiesofo!satin atti od îattlrs. Coati of otoen articlesntuesnstninens teomention. GOS RAVE TUE OUEP. 4 4 cbest. 'ries. niisaro e mared $12, _______________________ eolafeo one o.iooota,~$13 50, $14.50 ande1 011: yooe choice g t osn s orossinen for ..W...w... . . ............. Sai t, annd Sod train,-kborse;,0 Ùnd bal-tOn.%offai1%9 -1dENOLISH WORSTED SUITS, lisedSte, tu SThe "elno:ul nai o n o nslalond twnilln, blacel i o tii,t,g aiA 4 eBtit ithi. a ùa ndtir a lo i f Mtea, 'b dir anido t50ip5. Th ita tetuiats arnc et oerse niut..* bahsnu ifr, t0k, Dnlna ted nsanmech it a @Otoeyeaxs age, Lut f rot.rya. . '"theb pni e se tinel aboul ,tS e . Champtfion.I -Tho-.ut oti h nt .tr-nn""e-»'brttareayanddsancques; nizea 4 todA44. W.lfth.proprir rti, i. gig 1trtotrsPen 100 10.0,0130a. i3Z 1 OnSle tneontee s i, 12.0, 'toast. 'b ,îce ee$10,$200' 150 pl To Jaîîuary lst, 1900, ,,T.am t -sou $1 Waonr d nnr, ah 1,0;yorhu 'b . ..>....... $1400 PeTai;tueeni.0fprhounooo N6LISII WORSTED COATS t 't . LattItailn J5cON bltr . À; AMlii satin finish.,ne, socque and et,' c 4 1 hveinstock a reetsomeeta itnir o. n ed iri,norn-ur$350, ,T havema pretent good 'valute inecd ne 30,$.l0à~. MES',S & YOUNG MENS TM EEI) sUt f1,, 4 C anadian T w eeds inTyI e oty dark patten nd goud wo cO (Just from the njils) 'bl'nnteve r uw nrn ,013. e.'3 it ,t whieh 1,uîn offering at prices rangirtg froîn $15.09;arined incd ti q fthslt ~o$î2O0to $ 14-00 CreMENeSAND YOUNG MENS strctv a 4$ - ud plaisnemixtures, in 5ey and4 eoum. e.These are not seeond-hand or catch-penny goodo, like tome là for Tholin ilitnd soino Sncb culore, SACE AýNSI 4 advertise, but good, honest gooda for the money. 'bHkOOTING COAT (eutaise>: leo 4$ Prce 'be8 5,1 0.$ 0 $ 40O ,84.$ A Trial Ordor wilI Convloo n u..e nitrwyorcltooic e ............... p W11. McKENZIE, Milton. b- -4 'b Oui store (loses at (;I lock exe pt obitl ~ 4% The latest ici.'b-4 Coal Smith's Clothing Store, H eaing ~ 5KING St. -EAST, HAtlILTON. ..Stoves P.b 5-Noarly furgultu »ywnly s lsrtîli es1sote S2il'auI 4 làb82Z85WonkineoSoitseio baud 30t. le4'm o '-Easy to regetiate,1~ -Easy on ccal. 1 have some good second-~n At the Greatcst TradeSl -n- hand Cooking Stoves and___0F Coal Heaters, - JUSTJ jReJc Furnit JOHN T. MOORE, BOOTS, SHOFS Ose douo et i Toona Hall. I -_ Ruber ANmD O vershoeS, ofi the beet purchases ever mode in the Shoe tizîîl(,. iFor the NEXT TWO MONTHS we will gi'tlto best value ever offereà in t Men'S Long Boots. >nstone s' Men's Rubber Boots, Men's BucklÇ,Boots, ure Stor~e, Men's Overshoes and Rubcî-s. A FINE ASÉ0RTMENT 0F.. ýOWER THAN CITY PRIC$$I Our departinen fori LADIES' GOODS un o'or i-(i iiJ with Bargaint i-- BUTTON'D & LACÉ~ BOOTS. ~. . ~ - peaING ST. nm, t îdurs nat PlGIN L-oci INewl d'Atte Cti sovesisile ,s G4~ Trobl.ot ttronit '%V()otteO rimm ircond. Extra ae it uruS lmoosaens a oTcel.i t, oc. Ergd Ta CB itOit ltaai onep othe mu innitcem Io.guest t.l Dr. ana M .lt Mn. Hoit.il.'Liiteioi c th ao ,O lturc. f ssiera~~~1iiiri iiaeCnt sIaaal ih o.Joi tlesNiew Nee NohoP .s tvil i in etout. Queqa isr ,ti1i5dtiit 'belingit a'c'l icit!, 1 Maus oitcOd.I thse liegod 'x M3I-t 't wunninse1 , * u .ttt>oCt.ý ~tWoteranenn. i tlinto.s tic Co tIi' '-in ît r.itot ltsitd t, oi 14'in peahoatitio tnge,MaîJ. .1. S W t'b Daotisaeithe; iggn ntiio ovrrc iii: in soection Arc: il anî. Rng oJan. te, :1. 8 reiei u .oot--i se, ost.tItertta S.'W nnt o).NtoSGeefi bminatatno oie,,-fi lIlbuntJuo.it. to5103ta Sec nso îlt) cent. i tr.nKing toameontsi M.MIoLLR, ùorIS'abt1 bav be> ,ii,îî Po;-t!! marini>ai oeiiasdloIl idr o.-SanriFR huai i unhi retn @$n an. 1b, tiistniia raute. -o aitel Meric tawi t ibco made on I,r tuesi linloAm!i,".s te i Jot oito W. Tuhowtor 3t.ti. rea, tniDost o Easntcunry e O d antd to mieii ofSaeo ti I * t , I i be t p - or al-on o Bionte ;nlfredn e fulîl motsa nonnihe fast alni ingIthe, JfohnJoinhno tb.e. linsotue sull by tintO of . Wlesoft, ine iness.in la: s.p nasda