11h î$~À4~/ £11 Il We liavc ioased for a terni of yi4rî BEWB' STORE. 2is. r niidc(lre(ltlie finest Store in'iMilton-well rikbted, fited i1uo(decun style and central lociation. We expect to move .abflt (li 111Mnîdle of Noveniber, and will close Our oce piation Of i ecl store with a GRANID SALE, binpm Sa.tur- day, 5th Noveiflber, aind conthuiing for Twd Weéks. NVlo(1wegîVe a small list of the -wfy, we intend selling goods tti hi,, Great. Sale Fiinneottes and Fimnss. Shirings andi CottonadeS. tînCN riey tripes, regular 10e., sale Colored Cotton Shirtings, regular 121e., -':uuîe-y Heavy Twilled, regular Se., Ontario Cottonade, etahay eua (c(6e.- 25c., sale price 2ft. h(ryFlannel, reguhr l' 2ýe., sale Best Prints, colorfast, regular 110&12c. Sale price 8 & 10c. Fhl( l"auV Checks and Stripes, regoilar .30 in. Strip Ticking, regular 15c., Ble price 1 e 1(-0e. price 12c. 33 in. regular 25e., sale 20e. 'i"Sale Nvill last for Two Weeks only. If you want to inake a dollar go a long way, coûe and secure soIBO of Our, Genuùine Bargàins. __ - TuoIngsand LUsaIS. - lnkots and Shotiflg.- 1,1wi -Crash Towelliing. sais Priee (e ilco two Bakt,-u l,- tluiaCras .... se., Cotton BIgnkets ryadWis e nIaiBath 'Iowels CI di ... 20c. pair 75c. t."e(ottonl eaeh' ...loc. 'Union Sheetinng, 72 in. xide, per yd. 60c, Mns Furnishilgs opartflit. Hossry Bargains. il)cîîilui Overaîts tvth bib, regular75e., Women's Ribbed Cashmere Rose, regular il'pie60e. SOc., for 35e. rYCc)ttu)iiade O-.ralrýgnlar $1 Grls, Boys' and Childen'e Rose, eheap. "Ji 'b ic 75C. Su,î-'il 1 75e. Ladies' Cashmnere !Gloves, regalar 35ce. '1- . do .do. 4d 75. , OO0. for 25C. kî l t i dernei. per suit, regular Chldrens Wool- Gloves 15 and 20e. t Il pi.ct'1rice Soc. sireaa oys' Kid Gloves, per pair, 40ý. iti' Pifll ai '5ool, per sit Beghroys' Wool Gloves 25e. st at le pi 5c.i t îîýimetettii"hit duik colora, regutar GTirls' and Ladies' Undervests, aIl si7res site , picc *45,*eaeh20c. op. li ,t \ \ W Noo! S'. ,per pair, regutar le, Prie 21 ciîd t 1 o r tt 1 LnnCollar- rss Goods flargainS. te nec i toci2; Lot of Faney Meltons, dark colore, reauli b\ ite lIn -S Sirts, regfflali 75c. & $1.00, 30c., for 19e. sale pritce (iA')& 8u.1 . 1.- Lot of Faney Patterns in dark 'ii editir 1,:ther Braies. the best imeke, o11-ui-pue1 shades, 30c. hlîe ,cili c- ' e.îuhrîkhc prBlack Figured Lustres, regular 600e. for 4ý teîr ~plain Grey all-Wool Serges " 85e. for 2ý ir -2 lot)( I citîa nd ,Bo\\ lies, regîîtar 25-2.ie.ot of Fancy Patternsai luTresReglill -ltoit' o52e 0 jud 60., for 40e. 'dora lias, new shapes, fine for, reglar Hats.w for 1.50.OU Clotb, Etc. i,, tf niiiue fuËor eHtxptlr20)Yard-wide Ftoe'î Oit 'toth, per yard, 22 tor "$1-0Il I Il I 1d 3 4 "-ýt of Boys, Knoelîaholt Rats, eaeh 25e. 1l~ yd. 2 0, eu's aied Boysi' Tweed Caps, new st(Sek, 4/i Table Oit Ctuth "2 2,535 anad 40c. Finest Battiîîg, 1-lb. mid b.th. sires, 15P. Mena 'lsTwýeed Pants, per pair $1.'25-. Lace Curtains, 3 yds. long, 65e. pair. Ilhis dal e will ýbegin Nov. 5th and continue for 2 W'eekS OUI 'fIlis is a good opportuflitY to secure .goods nceded at this tir, ûnl the v'ear at 'ýargain P rices. We intend to make this St a rrand ýiucejs. corne, anîdbring yotîr friends ! W'c(1doIl adv ts ales cvery rnonth of the vear, but, îhl (10' d we mhean business. ree 'Aud do not s.bu theoe Ladies' !santles ana capes 'A n d d éyofosa c i fi c e. W ee b u y -th eG ir ls ' s u d M is s e s J à iuk e ts . boit, -therefore URl1Only the boit. EASOAIL JU! ~ ~AIE:We are fully prepsred for the Fall Trade with a iull Stock of- Géode bought as low as:- MINBL JI W imany houle lun.ttradée au boy theml, ana * our present position we are eualdr si Rubber Goodu (ali kinde in stock). at cdoser profits than auy ther conceru in, the eounty. Bring us your cash and ise will Cough Medicin s- -i &.i'ls' ~ demonstrate the fact to you to your entire 'satisfaction. Cod Liver oil pure, also BEmulî%auS. c'Sia Compoud srp nftaU iles of Sessonable Goodsl FUIE500)5 TLWST (OUT RATES. HIdGINBOTHAMJ tî.CO. 0iMSRE BR . Adicest Bsolors-BOll your dooru Nes s«. Pea*leratofl's Photo &dv. in tu keep ont the naine abs are huntisug » POO Local Nw. asether colsin. wazme555 t5tWe55? etli hare f ýN .S PHOTO -LVNIURDDo..WWrho Grand Valley'ail vole on Nov. 22 jn the resesvoir. Eses css oLSO S -aylaW ta repeslthe local apurca Wboo5k jslly long stops' Hal- AND ho off ered dur n g lb e big nais etiL ied-Sl. , an . e ts c d O e r te i l a w hab c b b ea ues i f ss s hals sS.T U D I O.k\ 'i /~ my.pluesfor iloe mwymad o- OÂKVILLE_ Yso u Mas oses m es1.sy m ie C eb Tes Ann el Thaeugiving Enter- ' t Lmdsy'5 Big Sale than ever MI T N taistsO aili lie beld je the itetholiet Chsirsb. Keep the sigbt 555Par .1j;e.Milton, aed noshebddy ecuber i The sanesal syter sappef dt Okville tienlrePtaer.$10 Soite going at 07.50. t court, L. . L., loch place last 5Sqàr. Ticlrs bte u Iasgs.nsriylNa.MeWu. Peis, Of tb. C. p. a. niaff, daey esieg et tbeir tuboa. Oraneeie If Yeunoned a nies Hat or Ç%jaiisèPsr informe se Ibat drigthe inetb foretand ade.iciitytred onthje ibse~ ~ ~ ~, Rvr o n seils Mitai iber ibere wase sbi1ped rom tbe flfre dmd.iee oih b longler m ur9Milton stotion 200catle. 188boeud evening. S2tS . mdee o. Kng& a esbsp.A.warrantwans issue' lt iWednen' uNen Ibthepatronae teif tbe Guelpbh ToMeu ' Drîis CebIb cssi cnsc'ilYtbrce.etorey brick building (dasilins n nnrmho lor. aThe nDri'viClb th8l e Olb sud greey s anS.Apply týrantd bwptinebodio f C hot MeshOU . MoerraonMin lLes to nrnaseiîend tlb brtsW] r o Mr CF u, ilto. 1 4t f Plice sommer. utabelcisatm te ho aetars 1 i 0aa 1),ttA iria 'releNa eoaa n ta lelocale Lcan aero ftille, anelbe ba rsFsehas scyden ii.Oid Pbotos labos and esinrged. - rTd am ils k ...ing r vr y tylieb mairie lias. Dos aeiodlioecpeilmtwnpe mils cd ies.tess ss ande ebn - ~ mde edbisesat.blramites e pr o- ais Vaus lims t to C1 iiicp iicnre Framen cf ail is-ju.gt ec0ic't Toiil conesnd at 10sieu. tebesot nor. . nin tl- cI ,osy.bwihbsdn esjsS eic 5wMe -gioouo a.I ais be sbna retu ,,,abl iss r efrdand ,the S.8. Vell,îcr.Kig cJm. yaeeditssscdoliarp, wsa3 0 eto e olii h iirdy epo odalrecle. ail amatons Cr 0 . sepp in o i ancd u-..Te aecal.Ci n e hm evssis arecepanto IfeU CUa Hmilton. gi. ned biginl>'primd. l - je as liseo ii aîi5eîdlP Isavuiii iisd nos ubl. din.Ac ncetbspabsn Sa roent Setestbe citonseofActen tîacsdasdr th5e lecm ciE. C. F'EATHERSTONE. aili close thes day. mctiosed the bylani leraile $6000lîqeer abenibheeffence ans semmlittcd. a, TONS DîIED APPLES wantod fo heli Ps eree e elelasioe lî'bttsg. A nember et boa yengpne immedistely tci nidsay's. in Miales. Arassemet -rorn md frib t ccas. arc. u yeeh me VE'H-A VE I ST C Ne cip'd or alioed.1 eely qnarter perchard e d huelatties etca pleu.sif..lie s raùiie trnefimi5tq i SO~r. epples labes. Fait Sss..-5e555 bead or caille racabibs n e abpicbesu onscua aussan cedjas. orleyet Ihos etere qesy. Old) and Tbeis.iSt% Oa. Tcyegrby bav eDst been g-g on ei aellllly.tlsShropsbire riscmsApply le J. H. are proparnes for 4,ycf esc@etscl n-mlle Sport ÀSeia ie of. Obedinb, wabslis'boter hesas se Shields, lt 10,cens. 6. Nelson,.Milles aibicbis &a a is e Tn o ff ibt dny. '-Cbarlie," ait lt laid as intormation P0. Tbe dredge depalcbod bers by tbhe"Sotchpw i «sillet James for triking ai bimn. TueeAssiverner Service5f01 (Ionsgovsomments1i euhbasy deaePibe te J aatlqs cnlliig im unames and tlrsseisg 'te bnrcb arill bobs-IiâD.y' ns Wcdnee- barbar. ied is seariy ibrougli. baviog cnt is bcart mi." Thie laM&Si tem- Tay oreoiilg, Nov. 01h. ai 8 oclock. dcegcd te a osifarni deplb of selîlee icai masscapt peane le bave bees aben %lonnos M.MA., Rrcier catest bainasyel ne mailadofansy bled iittered waebis sbies asere hief crlistCberob Caibedrai, Hamilton. bas nriycd tawanrencran tos "*wr......4t 2 13.lollrs. ibkd.Bt ftis James ccreed le eutl prsacb. commcncd os tbe pise. At presen A fil1 esy li11e ced pia the Coste sPOs lie MILTONi L. 0.L., 166, dely celobratod il appfors as if tbe gavrnmcst auli infcrmatiOone ilb idrean. tbe cnnivernnet of Goepaader TrcaEn ease tbeeoei aovre ta tbe spcteS. te Tieble's Great Salestf Fleced ebirtsonosSatnrdny eyenisf let by ce evale hie meastimebe besey cculoserne cNies i, youu tit to order youur: iew Suit aud thuercoat and rceers if tbe tati et tbe cily. sepper. llbe es e stauas . tins rmecdeno a n s t b e or - e o u tSncbl bargaies aere seves hofaro beurd ouis, c dccided ences. tbe attend lcmporcry cnt beilitsome lime aicu ia et. Ses eur 50 cent lie-S. . Treble, sces as larvesucd ail ejoyed an tbe tob annd it lofti n ibis conditiiiion uhc lO DR ERl uer lt eiiln, cor. Kis.n Jaes S. Hamilton. evosing et mielb ced gasd ciner. ilnoog e i a er itil e fesse't i lurSok f N EW A isnwcmltina ie. TnEtuîasny iede tMc m J0rblnra i tMens iaedaiUhocarcicd away. and tibis malle W. BEWS SSONS. - in J relea ratSaeOMn's ie enauseopesing tcfeoraelbowbd Brîlsaof lsrnby. wilgatt ogîierr Kidotovegs leo05Wging e.STebieout Iebnsl eg;navaltbced ..em.. ibsi hoe boasreesnty resived t4e de. Peciài 5iicent Gioen.- . . ' ebeiote drdcan, baiîn.Thdirbre aet______________________________ gruecet B. A. et Trioily University, Icmr. long & James Ste., HamitýO. oflbtacs and b wssdîle dy ratoty Teronto. TeaIis distinction lo» ae Ms. Jas. Ford. et Dremqeis. le the bt ibtn b r. He wene sin alto forînnale je cddisi bosour nse le sner ofthie beaimi 52 yesr ld isrkey ceIola lnie5iae odny depîrtimiet fMoern Laneoceén. Ms.. -in America. l eb irei Prise ni tbe Ibettamneoubrni frt ib a h rBu Bri bas darisgtiesemaoteKîryseet arcd5et i tie tn o * acibiersi is ini e N . J . E M o n d . ol S i. P a r i s ae d C v i g t5 5 F o ai lbt a s t n e d - T b e Im e r ti l e ofr i l buse r y , b e n d JamesCubn Reh eler, and ie 5Ow in f pris ou t W'm.1Ti.bHeywon labing a censes) inDiviejîr je bis tise ttheiiiOtai155. He a Mine Florence Long, dauginier ai Oc., legsepaib Orilteeihsrieaete EimSow'Long Mnas Cornera, loch pince tant .rpa .t lte cisie e ghig4 e . tebis eigbt W u tnsdy iMeeuns Cornera Chncib. hanoustes lie pmism: O nULLINUflIEte n&p$OV tînt, CIrcb mimletri'. eprrcre.ac a t.Coh rc b ol AQuie 5tcor5eeEverybody abo Treblen tGrent Waalts sie . aebc ci medo.ibul masand wilc- bassen hep "Tir ý'e Thi ed ailamsreed.Etra fine nalureiThe bîlde toc sanema ime entil rceiY ý i Lise.' the greot battis piclere et ohranl Shirtsaned raseuti75 cents-'sided n Oubvîllie. bers theYong cetrgiven aillu nwancd reneal S. lt.Treile. cor. King & James Ste., co.p ill Miii ee ieir futureeSu haineMr.atsoffrdtl oniiesiptiee tote ailyHe adHamilon. mnlbn tpecniiar orlein qeScesu ecat fIfta Wmhtiv Star, Montrent, prediced a aa l ccredbnl aeofdyngn b eneodiaYncegnes ril, bul ae do A Go& R. T. sf T. Meetiog. ievTacti ira - AE A 5 nest lteve isybedy cold have drea _ wle 'lok eaun inîsMfrDnt ed et eci as esermeisu demaud 5 aprin hemmirge ttlls of c RoN.~ ibinson Bras. udry gonds saeHV ar g oe p tee il aubin a tee dayn. No eîfi, aeyaî 'aomconactlar dobt,,The Tus Red Liîsé" l av suitm soicet TcmpMeetcngae sgburcbynmî ui can ie ib-TIt bh itntono rnig avice eWmalslaso enoti ads tnanbde- lb. isiietis et ringni cqsuc ThoredaS' ngt. lie eccasions of beir fore a y amg an doe dme Tbey bith l ain D aysin sceaad cretinigea oltes doaierlty - ispl areet ___________donc.____ iba c y rem nm ps tes e m d s i la e s tda is i l I j e m ein . M CC LL 5. A i O C3S O Ud, os Son-l i lmscaln istt'ilo nmr5 dyONe.ihaieoJ.FMcE ENs MEnT Messn9T.-.Attsics Somte aho Might Satreselie Clin, rngsl t dshi c. mesi sarde.uggeeesof ed tese'r S en f F. Wsles c e isEco End mesta. ssii. i.e anee crdarci rn maC. , ii eere ~ta @ospp'1'aby u mmbrewere prosled iey lie NOTICE TO CREOITORS. e. prime tresb mesylarie quarter jeordn celr A short 5c5* tere fr ci M Wseesl nndiedsad beand short spol.gien WILLIAM ALEXANDER BUS- - establiabed bueués. IjuilaBys bjs Ironsthn eesugabsen brouhets, cennd SELL. loie of tbe Toannhip ai attires ' --eh . s..o.e..,.cmmred meting Trafalgar, Fermer, deoaccd.ei 'y. ne ale aot GROCERY BARGAINS. CROCKERY BARGINS. Nwl{aaiiis, fine seleeted ofistock, 4 lbs. Clear Glass Tumblers, ragular 35., for ocUt-25e. dozen.drgta fo 5.Porcelain Cupa & Saucers, priutregua \-,ew' Curants, 4 Ibs. for -25c. $1,00, for 80e. dozen. .Ztw Coojkiiag Figa, 4 Ibs. for 25C.. Poreétain Plates io&7l. eoa 5. llotedCuia, 0 ta. or 5e.75c. & $1.00, for 50,60 & 75e. 10 dButt Cou fer, 125b. fr2e oclal 4p.T a Sets, reg. $3,ifor $250 God Dlitc (ieal1or 25. for 25c. P1fllaido." 7e Te5.00 Glît'Edg Cheseper b. 0e.e o l r . , 1 7le,"8& 0 Totnti de.Chetsup 3btesfor2. 97 pe. Flue Poreelain ' $10, $87 Mixed Pickles, large bottles, 2 for.50.> Faney CuPs & Satî5ers,& il pric 1. edCbîgor Onione, per. bottle, 10C. Cldr40Musc. 0& 2c.ec R b.Gtuaed Sugar 25e. Fancy China Salad Dishes, reg- SOc0 40e 51 Ib. flg Sugar 2.5. Browrn Rock Jugs, 10 121 & 1C ah (b a rs E clip se S oap 2 5C . w ui " P t e n G e a C 2 , 00 . d ~~astedo's" Baklug PoWder, prlb., Whiea Pterilatesea C 75i & 0c. z Ioffee, grouanld fresh aheu orJered, 250.'WieGate fr<~" &" jakiug Btter, per lb., 121c. Pntte B 2r),20 5, for-15202. leone JosMri a u. insesî le ne&-of aoter cat hserjedeofft teMilles and b=na acideesiey te lIc, for a ceeu ~Ose aasdnly atmsu t h sep pr eptiy " y ged. ', ie n se t deied ahtrhe haîl nt ah ssci egale. Special Bagan n & i de C i Mtr. Tabe rsuie, 5te, amt let te t. Ist-to 15th la ,Pt. 15th te 'Sept, se aûd 41, I-CPR- 0, i. Cil lg CPR CPB ClR CPR g], CPB c"Pil cpw gi, CPR cP1%jý CPIR CPR CP GYR CPR PRPR cm, CPB CPR PR-CPB', ;TORE t Favorite," at INT STOCK Blini, Pay- ùr With. inblira, ,gre secur. rved real ouble the to oN OBLE 1%. 19 four tr" k; i or ià Joue le M l NERYt RaOOMry.LAIS' FEIl[ &BEAER llOi SilOive of50 nie "st"et e ~- ~ ,- o S o tn.ePS jks pn i 20 suBo ic a r t Se ol- peu natl ina tom tibe Mues le he Oorfbeium opse tu e rai, boii fer tisselyrihe emloy THISWAY. 111== .-aeiuess Ib.en tierad .Dodds's Kîdney US3C !uuildit0e&ittooesedWillîams's Pink PîlîS 30e. hei-~ae, l ioaslemslieuec Ayer s PIl ec .»d mers sloa tenyle bhyer Chase's Pîlla s 15 Carters L. Liv&'r'Pills tr 25. Ilminssae. tEtunlelon Cod Liver OIsil -U. T. Ilcn iftivr Deisile sl on*i i amritus e ca mdams. Mn.M.I*lsd5~~ I cBreak-upa-Cold" , 250. a 0 Boln.e i " di~sl* IDr. Wet's Stomach W ater. I EoLiMSu0ca au em uin u- - fol'ailitomach troublesa, 25e. a y , -ai ns. . Slove-Pipe Vansm h =( te) F - 7 1;o. l e iw ene & a uio itan. Il 15, 20.'& 25 . bottî se e dis, ai. a.tellealld in, 'Whte Castile mw 2,e Teer (T4~:aibycae s tb isses auar iln les.oneq" kw oOl o The Best Tweed, Suit eaer ahovnianlMilton for $5- Bo(ys* Suits frouu $1.50 upwarda. Fiait Beaver Ovrcout tvtlftnislied. Boys' l'lsitrs 3 - G,,rnd Ul§ter Overcat $5 0f (o $10. a Beat ox'eralls in tht Do iniaon f ' 5c .c-ruid GROCERIES: 5 lbs. Brokçen Biscuitsl'or 25e. .1 Ginger Snaps " 25e. .3 RiceCake Biscuits 25C. .3"Lard for 25e. Choice Cheese 10c. lb. Best i-lb. Roll Butter 17è. lb. Baking powder 12-lc. CQUI. WE ARE =THE PEODPLE T HOLLI ~RAK E&SN Money is Imovee'd asier than Goods. Corne along, aud help us move otut a big lot O be tock at Bargaîli Prices.c Terms of this Sale wll b. Cash or Trate. No GOOda charged at Bale Pu es* BAS, Sa.,,ýo ud #5poo. Tbe Latest Styleg. GRAND ATTRACTION.