eond, loalylumPIe ems41 eM tlecistritheruof h our pp. ____________________________________r ________ le oeilaWilues. WiOfie SehertetheSOU ar, toro le di gd f0Ià-le7sma1 5cLatymV. Ed le wh d atusthof &detee ionueveu r56. t rc r. - _ aettîboas on f thlco si evet Ohru r p. -hor.eide.litd ut arunip or The0su tes to sareOb o9.e00su tàIlnfflabv sol. neeyeieimesu0a»lma. lmed anOiet oe ence -nhm he d mi.a inlisie ctio n. su itutlebf lime e ei V.Cli; ms. m r7.0-le siut ibe ihtIw 1d. A heurortthe pa brt fte eandnm uc "0mes Ill;ue 8, ilim De na27,c in s 1 s beipg dueaaantilin soa PIW 'su BowPm 821.Amie ..oA Ser Blm s a e p o e e ti a bi d r ooichll rlle77,arsd îsd perore heall7s85hoB heure toautee unît laretrird" 01 urie aty7178. Vie K ito 1r ... .... aIof etoicy hosr b le inmiethder-0 BrTomaes 1 lr82, .raoeCtin13, Mmi ec> o *'f55 elaud.Sim h nor.e i of gt ieralh Tori eulenTeiO nny9 hmu ch7 orb ime MrmyDiffrdM. hamim.lcil.cs...e2u oaelic oielce onCIu- lm. l eilesn s r.Wilimn Pu'Paî teteiollw r fr àle e olor butMur.y 72. Glace mas, ma. ro~ -m d haM .ne eunfe oftia ol ed s ono c.- tei ndMlonTasme îî orlm MNa 77,hyi..c......t211! wol est Simcoc, Tocouto. Nov. 10 gilt Caplel 0M, a LRoerci tsn ere fhrbourmtdesutc~I~aebuh heSoko re8bat 01lng 89 Aloeei e i.esm hptttreli. mam ' HlDoervW&eoil Ccnr éioc e oouo Nv 0 18 e Mtlaty Dele 7M,JaresHrais r ilas ll iIcuescM oremt a riat rto, N dtov. 1. UJ. 01C4. amru 80- diedeesfo tesse. I ioga h rdtr. M se ohu frîlMiddtenesupTortel. ov.14 ta i 85lie. Ilells el.;n. avefark$ ton te soc vey hea a d 714 5 estacHeoal d orow s, Toonto, 7is ov. IL as.;10,M.mil,8 0-dudeihihiglaeliohlteya a4 soc in he w rd thr ae Eal laldiudCao sa Nv 1. tm ohsm 20 Ee ecls 7 mdialsieon hegWuieP.I p MesaddY 814Sit wI orîl teulcne. Tronlo Nov.17. Carlote BrenQI*r FillÈare"Id.ou...telentel......t. ort HutogoToont, ov.17 pM -e ster Brus. Meie oel fî raemrIbr Wlims iI4 :1:rnslestan$ 0 ortlTroto Tronloo. 87:sonhester Lindsa87, NOe o jnem Serti il o aePel. rlc vrtigrayFiaN A com nsil t oron lcto, eov. Dit Wlaso n i iRdebel , Sewrut p-Whtdnsntla lergeee tolîrile roi lic, ofbubeNv. de G4Lrt, LPerl El ule . Lor ut tde m e se nd te h . Ifc r.o H., oooo Nv 2. Ime Top6n Ieix, eyg doo mddretl teD. ilsmt etinut go 1.Te e toa, . t 20.ent r nt ctoCl. hmel bdeve C oo..ro i Ont.,suda ed0(thelgio sodarcro e t hms .o o It 8; veag eteduce t e eît le m il Mdtovnpots id et inaled cameorr.eTle sixithefdae bsk. Ale rot a nnéé isudWie s ru aert. b oeau ie ,n onodecdf i, E stenY' hold6ngma-oula" l tarethe bid t -aS ba1 Sotti Ptl and ti ouson inethOedcae oflrth t 8, fEdwinrtiol 17e.of u melo rn eeoo PnkPis.Ale wlllt an.v es cato;, 001Oioed ceilI toucis en78 onVict sor n 12 Âuli & ad d Prlen.tillea tlotudtordy i , tt, leen le tricd e oot, - 18 a i @e fii,~t e t e d . 1.01 00tenon ai fwi- r eh - FowàBok 5, ruisDoga 2 or toaehrs thGif ter nhe r'o tco n-tm ,h xetoofrtpee oro ntco.T e t c'. Cenn-8 , I s ei,iene ito~o~n Dr. Willise' iînk Pie folwin r hecutiuniPaesdni sbol m 50. & oto f bao;ran er tobrohlod4.nommnre t e to k f Sr.1. Club; MaxTe.erltop Wîr I bu uomOtsemeedatuerrecl rofttrialoaTnulesesria-N t elI orde0ttr ts o le rto 1endeotnI e - MahaJ.l1 -Ssi .Campeb llelJlrv2,9nsoE 0i.o o r et lnr 'ct Eatdli -ooto o.10 s Eneito ains3, Ablutelon %bd tome bhoor .AdnosGdcpbB vmtodeaec .Cn im n o n aIanerToOseilleNovont0.Oece toc um sPinkd det O resitoce miot IoceneO(J.F tHnricenro hso&r Cooerrther c2lrn îtro . 0 1 8 2 B avid Doo.las7, Arthr Bpon, tdOtcsteeoi 00 e ,tr101 htotrlhn tcofleto petto.Thene edtae or sud p ed docti ueOe WestMidlesxTrotoc o v. 14 . ro, inie RichaeBrds.u o, oi t o h eo, vo, adeno e.thug ltmtctro heeestotn NotBen a oto, o v. 1. rpend ts;ma- rivSothtanlon hcLreothete etoclîgIni stongsmythee rdîeito nponnoe sigle.arksdr8W mes clnt prbauencoma oalter Cut GeToto ov 4.l lCsoe 2,cyCwi 1, uded f North Midtrdlx .oqD o . 14. Armo ngcto155It. ail . tntttorderlnembove tgtonmdethugt ken e W Ouelstock toue ottos adcsr lO o l se Lcoo Hr ton dcos'TrDo1 . --ls;o axan ark, o.- esa langtc lainre that tdsthco.romen t&Tersna mied rocken thew rd Ieeaei N ortoRnaterntoov. 17-00 cbam teBa 5Pleare sto ld c!1otireodn o'0oxe e ygte, hon '5 ad ocermtos ser NrhHsigTrnoNv.1- P .-oerBanBet Adrfult, toohe tma" . I00 m 's Pink .4%trm oO Ch0. de' s 709thnei $100.u ce Not TrnoTrotNoPci o, aie idsyrlie Colv ilafeIaeedP1, roet or ort. 0'e, Totalonto o. 5 N t o e t habeiottcoi e sei â I.Tc.- rDisBr s cl,ret tr m r a rou d h bo x. ItCf ld in p sdtr rei ît oeen pan BrWiilBod yle o.25 nsliomKAn,îmealey t, c, c hb ec.mdiectotepcthe .Wims '@ F ...,sm nttornpteerntnans W eElan , cr o ss.S . nis0 GatE i o et Otthen Ile mhe tenetpiot pIe d tea i nt eetelOgt so tr gtttI No. c o.onrol,51 aergeatenan1,50aox, e o six1boxes foryt.0 n. mo ee Eat Lrc oto otaî i nuatin 9, eporUt o . S N 7. Teelge. k nie, and h te 1cglot lcooclll. ht lyce0rs lf AcO ' JNOTEoot'upthe beabviehoo Noth Ge Cot il 108 S Gblce-S a oetl erane. sd Xm : "10 .igt od ocdeAn.n eftsl SothOlibdo ss. tem 10e.8 fth it nr, Jluson. Job ars înîl, wbauttoo cto]eocoteI'1rgt 'Y olhcetrc0eOoa cm cou O0'tllînm offatt 114 l gy rertnooalatris ie s, e] Omitaot.. eï I l_, and c t .c'- .000 acl c oiIoeS netn 'loc tligco thleloog e, fthe c.. *0] eihallO .1n .chc.0Repts olmr Obe r ,senetoenerh . s ane. cerm ro, eca. dul oe odeeslytr1toîmMm. ene réemie Dolby. Catuigo. 1teon1 itfoo Icoc et c h.'On .Ymcmm0' 'Olcetoan E lioll 8,p i Or age'iîio Mehal lhRtoy teWlitlcW, etI11o., ,,cotcood ______ ___ os s.Ira: oo i.aec decl O Lneer Hsrod Det. e . Itcelooo c . ,0e .'tcecod e t ________ '- 'flomono lfoodinsLlloiîcnds No;..h iîcve asecesauts ClauDse"ning Cattie S'bt V tBotaldoarks.9501 I eli adne mi Rye, A,d hy opne, htg-tI h. -de,. , WnIltÀWon.Emm. ~ D a atue O'Co re oo 'a b -it î l hie y.wt « U.ý .at u lld, h ., AdtaGo 'oao.brsie pi ese ap ee t.r. i:Il -Davd Doupas,.Artur Vipod, Antg.'reoec, 7nîd're mhe.t hitl o ds c, ton m s ifsale nsek ).te p~a oint. so e nwdouadpy dets hNyrlFid ............... SIi ea " " r .00.1 gruBown.t t hoceoron ,'shei of d .Y la. ~.snm.- e -. ele ut eo sIsu peprd 1 "r Wi m ht urercec o htnoocih a ter il mae oiute oi.s.l n oade. w righnlpryers nw. a' M i uni e c. ..... ..........7Q Sr Pt.'i.-g;e sIetDe gonsoRoyEm m evu,. Iinpli atei, O .. ........._.70 ..t île.odienaid tof eesoluOtodoul is de' ledr. b au. i- 1md àeBoils m tecmcnd top.in1(or er> sdlidy 0 intd thglau ite iht, .0 îdMtht haîm ifPe re M t ou &Il ctli 'to eut l 'to eItons ,4ota oueO s n ,pu,kn b,- edoceo til dkn ito'tp t m hli ldcvîSot .................. 751 _Jnamust. nt.I -AmPyloy , eiec oregtp.meorieb 1 IA .t> ha e i stck t ,c il ld lu m fae a oirolthe mtd A Arcc 15B.-dtO..... it.. on.. eu met,..t..n of..îrc.on, et.11t htst ho rPot m 01thetei ui rnge o f goo ad thsu@ta tMe foere, itl e cl'ccci icc Rse.Herteboeirtîoco o StoI. 050ellhi.0I0'colly-cf Auaie'F'054 W. S 1..........r.er.he67gcndethetOmine momenrtF the wrnter avea ilc.'cro.lcîh enige. itou .Notn81, 0 Sei,00 ..1 rot lon it i et m - mr"- tu-ce -doto hfr id hy = xw r i .Okrn, EeLoiey...o.m....c653 r 1 Tlretou 7DonJ.PIcie 1i78, otmshttlelrhe DcNrmaînîtamreltl.. Liste C08 e m V.Ailu.0, I to h«), . . th e nts cociorr l. A d t.,% f.pu fw-els mof ti as, t, E.lBorgetrtg3e8, agita, tiieM. 'dc.hoortt tvc'.eIocregor F.,c' trrrettieà latlooglr cîitc4mmi m-o Cosullgiam tcphoae....o.. Cou' P.6 Stone 727. W.aBrongAdhedtn nte ~ z B a ôu up u a.ey J~. lO'.-7miorsF-Chap--oaI.onstclc' K. Im 7-8. O. Wilon 621. Bcforioecettue-me iu'etolieuppc Ic aci.tic coo 2iWO il e' L ratsnnn5....J....n..n....."t0ceu to ..dlic e- o' eco I,' lic m irht, coc, dacc ltte.EdevArulsot, nd ou (p wae I ited ad etsz~soue.t $ . Penrl .i., ,69 Reem4iBontc . WSceM . Âuo.al7.mdToetahugarut tme .o srlthe totrlke3.......-d-Y - -:I JColloro Hîell Ce ..c ....hra . lm Vil ur, Fred akdhi n , . au.Alom lAui a anof ndlw wmonriyo lod, 88t .t l d Whltreobîrd.eýimýdpS i» Doeas.EleNereMgc oeys..........*3 . -iM -- dm4 mal 5*0Frak1Hal . rdioy bmcoeo Orme tbtentes.VOM...EN JEâ - - M I T N No. 00 cl1 '17;arceg........ CAU4EI MIJHerbtrtFEEINe And -kuEh» t Id ormîoltch d cI't n l n-iý1p.h m al I -- unoîscun Id m...... ...326It L -etrtlT.mpertoeletoO'ionnr,! ale..! ' lot II doce lates MegieMoRou>. iffrd1of1eu1',,,Pro b- oclrsrsplem arei où y hol ThtIb' J U damnu a Coco, V. o al mrks, 559i MîIt. Jli s ea so r ,Wilismo Plu tlske. ordm. ,da""e, ogomtf« fla Il. .- ery arwrgh. m-itai. Irtoletît' uced ultotelr, UIlt me .- lp yb h iej"US- rnel it blï To mas e . *alc tcCano.L..i..... rt..c.. tOc40 .1...,Woc.'illc 80.. cr2>17 Le. ira-Sctt.............deruo.I.o. WElmas half ngh md on lt'. ulne- tap"e ncefrhtrbgt ~ , n. 4 . ~ e No.Ketvli~uI m e imese' eo And ttenruve a-m. sronce tceTI-,o oltr aerne , .... ...... e2e*onHrd o l diat euglal.ilrmgh .me b.tcimr I ogotu" , s lot.11.OS lle Roaî tlmaBr . In -Decliroth aI t h lesdtue, Y-p kIcos, sl, Imeuji R . r.. Mejore erc', ortttn Hogl., len Tseapi > tl eihlsermro 'smtnthe for mjsr-me "letcrd n , .t. t-si oesaphc.....e.o.....t...fhedc1ishe cll elosIseuntre 50thenttceu me8nt tooEtcIAnDean oucdHî Jar m fesCIteonfd. dorm, An d ytn . F u rnl,) ta: o, a-bË r Ilseminon, e.uie IlarcosealearM. De.oehmtend8e the-npase o ntrss NoonroîStewarutc............ ;f eJ-- lokdof n . biucaâm mel xMieIlA. Osvebeglt tedsmsuI 55t snsit te sve o1 or .itnsP Int. Pt. 1.-Momie ArnWaxugPe5l nahlteltestecssdtrbelge susI.ien th AtmdersuuWhirtoe ............... have alMlto en> hodmls cu sAnd c- e is n.,h . tu s i th 1 Set alensuertl t i tpios ,109 0 .tiiunen, Resu 1o-Il Nu.m2d-IdIdabMiltonuhiiJ.eIt I"GLeýY Jso n . .............u. a Tl, g ais n fe6bsueti e-1 m Pro itnPO -t -v0sosirdiMame.. nie. aillo , uAtteaiet. nhîl>.. hlIa .'lsndrai nai N.Sale ebtt niele.met etoso Isr W tdfll ag fW od uial o 1ýs.).Gac BrrVito Nris M rk osibe,90.A ..f.I o Ily.. oo nd& . 1 ~C. ~ dcc ce~e~c a bîg Eastemn COt1ore g bat faled a fe Il 6 t g o, ipon acconnt of disagriilflt.i sare now settléd.1Ibought-j~ ;II it vmry chesp. ILike every.. ; y some old patterne anadago ces wilI make them al move. igo for leus tehan $2,00 and ~ )v. 4th. R. SMITH$ Smith's Clothmng M'y. 5 Ming St. Est, Hamilton.~ SIiIP YOUR:: Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Poultry and Pork, Apples, Potatoes and Grain to- CAMPBELL, DAYIDSON & CO., EIUveIun AP4D BMXPOOOTRlmq 88 Front Street East,- ---------TORONTO, Ofthesver 5 Tanircle i 24 51 gOuu~ltdon mocnlta.,.U kU~;tenUm~ieed.Appy to John Uulêt.o.7, Nsnnagweys.. VEU SFRWOOO Team ouElereceived hy to tnàns .eptoD. e l 89mso fulln.eSiting ofi capie. beecto, =tlkzs.irieood, te be delteed iii of asrd onor ioe7lncchi1 15. a , u,,jeçlt toinspectio c Pol alr. JAMES stzzib.n, Tresser. W.. VanAhoce.N, (Oeoler. - 'iiu Nv ,1898. 2(1-3t Iluntlng and Fishing Resorts thîl are nnnnrpenoed and That Abound in Al Kinds of Fi'sh and Game.' o ensema o fr IFFR, Nov. let b lato eaels've. oiopumsafor D CKS, eept. leo D>o. lm hinclusive. Op. unmfor HA ES. Sept, . 170 Open ssoos for PAIOTRIDGE, Sept. 15to Dec. 121h. Nouignsmd Plahing Guide aod aIt &toroaion from n soAgent of rand Tru Baileey or frets, N.,C. DICNeON. D.P.A..,v.t 1W -CP-CPR-C nonI WB8&0EMOT lIARKZTF11108, 02WCPII 5usD sUOUR PSICE LIZT. à TOUR- i.clcccco PiI 0 19OT CAR.Tcoo. Od p cWimte bi, .5p,, i -à sdmOe...'c CPM CPI service. on,idor, 7lo. PII Cri - -h, iTl. l, CPH CPM ococc CPM opla thlohoot th. otot' ,.C Pli 0E Thc. o osil.'t c, dl , pCiR 0211 Cy ý11 PR 0211CIi C2E.-CPM-CPM- CPI] C'iCPiI . MILTON MUSIC STORE! Stevos, ooeklg Steve. euoIlIr~ Sinf f ilhnl as"fThes ViceRcgaî Choiec." ireel aud stee. For es eabh Ylianals' S«bm Mcines- JOHN T. MOORE'$, 4 'The Osunolta Favorit. ume doem e t l iTomwb mTe Lalug CndianOrgsno» Aia A i "wi c'on -1 lt1-- Athe GreatesaTrade Saie boct'h i. p- -t BOUTS; StOES 5113KELLY Rub ers.~'0vesho7% 4E per ao v etl. Huldnî ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f Pofnllitwà mr me UpIIA ILIOaido pcr onnun. L ~ &i 1 c 2 -Tbe nut uckrlcalco are esSur. ëg4,o tby 1 rt<555 Sn ilapOcved reuI r thsucent llsethe m 1)Dk4CON,Aet co7~ cc i ~ W MILTON 't s . t ' z . xxLx __ have ide tthe mid e pr0sent we gîv( f his G eh Fancy Stri Fancy Hea. prie 6c. h Grey Fl.cnt ib Fancy Che( s 'Sale svill a dollai' Towelings iluqssia h 'raiýh kiohli 'th 5 Mns Furnish ~ale jirîce Iic'. va' cittoîivulc'(j Woo TÀp Ii ,eavyî t tPliii t. * 10tîc wi l i i 'P bit r lîc * - Iui.. PC]he t i il flack 1ii i" Mac lect ItLîI d sale, pricu-2.foi Uo't oineîtte ' 1foci. SIt.0 ýIen' and itîti I 2-5o >I-t ando 10,ic nid Twed il l bis ai c i his is a u-(ht f tlue vear grandl sîtwc ativerti>u OROCE ew Raisinîs, tinc for 25c.' 60V Curraîs. 1 65V Çooking Eh; ouledOats, I1 old Dîvot Corti;î ood Rice, 6 II's ilt Edge ChCtîc omnato Catsi p) Mixed Pîekles. i. led Cabbage or 5 Ibs. Graîstlittei Siba. Ibing su- bars Eclipse S cBastedosOlBal offee, grounîd f a king Butter, money it mes tàleI stock atBa' Trerms of this ), 'i