Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Oct 1898, p. 3

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'>1 &G Ji yrup 01Horehou î .r e leet eisSnsBy bapm u ~ tu u ousi batIiR of MEn'S Frieze Overcoats anl R b d U d e w a n d N o u n g lîk f ot s u t e0ý '. Iwob o s a _ gbl for cause 09 11-g-5 et Tba ' oallmo oram.o b afler. Irt reu oue th N ewo r T bI E T b FUNIHyPOOA110OoRd -. il 1S " È AVEuON-Oba.* iau GrYWO i 5 t a. it Larg once hnfly EJ b«7 2 J" alibi a pair. Nature~~~~wot oflsosrisataosb.1 u 'y,à n"a.aa loi 60-wo do B Who bu AuXC . eu 5< o h UWLmSu]L s~j.'r . omo.sw Spcual lne of ~ntFleece Lned Ilnderwear for people blanL'?O' flas t 3fr ibe et«otOa ltufaf btWho disike wo next te pkrn. Another feature un thesa ýl asoit Exta Liye Btile anl.2rents leelle lses theO aetvau E.outy 60,d 75c, $1.EV Of ce <q o g od z ut that th y do not ohrunk and are th e t s l e the a. 5h ~~~~~~~~~~~~~brd o 1WalIsr'o alla a t bOro' Owen Il la7 a5gsdo f 110ior, iaJ tlca$ ta e a u p as l Iues in ufluerli. MisIn>>ta 5~ Taisooib a"o on hiebla 0 ocs n a oogrogatlon io CievW, e '"no eDoy a.- d a upy iicaa'y~ev I 0.,~ Shirta. hîus. rblo d e dan or Ib10e isa Mis odo a- au Ibis esIfarIshow limea, ho, aln tois blt liÀeoatousîio oo irbue bitriboh m,& bO9 oa Ilol troi b1t b1, beele t11Y ed bI 'ra onio uaatîll B la ka >înr do ... ~ .laCa DRUOOISTS, STATIONERS & OPTICIANS. Ma. A. Gar o tho Lake thon hait oasu n oe p b catît pat. 1>100 - t E a M ia toOd. Sh 1' ~~TElS CENT C URE CU ES TOOTRÂCHE. thieve s brehIÈîg ilot te bOath ômtt t t tabba tb, uteea l t hela foltoiaig jaleod s baviog a .1000 ovendeutia s In Frieze and Beaver. A great va et in ol r aud ty . Zjo=g ~~~ ~apet ho *e -odta âahýM uepcé.M Locali he al l rasa.Keep shore nar BrouIe, ttaviog bWia dftl- ebu acesn, yet lb. stuonh os james Camapbell bas beau ,iaitiolg je T~~j ~ ~ oca - News.i lea laadbe icrrdo boepedtat o i.t oosutà fors a ee bo t is aîerPec Ml LLIN ERY - - - Oisagb. was iseld, as aasttUCed, DO third lime Ibis boat abeoslt.services, o? thoe -tu be the lent Boîier JO=c sdNeil Paftro boy great profusion, andvl \,ole o ftoecelebtated aua iTruoooat os TtHrete Rre.o f. ayleyr tF tas busnes dai toy. Th4 lohcaabs ltfel ilaetabutshm oa. o r c1 e ta atb ictttd -~ea oatcltaitiaapat Lîsdsay'a big mie la fle So t e a Ie lare Poro. io ia là Esi r osei Mte M1 sv~IeIo bellileo ses0 st t haoll be ib 1h17 lir5~e stc udsipe5 l t 35I JsNSOEo orno pu o-Ii 1h.ourab bal beou bery tattfully meat tfIF. Waleso l1bth East Esnd meanthom' for lmese trougb lIa varices route. llaey ans b<iath preoced I daAHE jaCE to4 it i rtlr. dcoratadl and the oervice was lieartiiy msarket, thatle b.n1 prepare te 10 I 2.e.il s tfile li, ta. Ibal bas oberedai Ihis" lio aand no, anoobli watt mis i t Y reoperod Sp tbt coaaregtl'O. B -riesth isealt by lthe quartier triOu romorted Ibemin lu ime, of sortow, oae gaoneas. They shitppoil a car.load aiof T S OEIS for Everybody - PAI - - Mao.Itoaias, f Sy as. '. la ~ tZe orT t-Tht laetie eart apei o i aaoitIIh bedabl in lime filuenhge lut5 wee, whiah ore dis- Amen Hais inter tbo Liidsyy -t5~tre o Mr. Waless in au aId of tèhuosoant gaEnd wth assioseye p o;a easily aad ;atiafaslarIlY. F Bst Braodo aI Caaadien soaa i a&i teCte prises t ara -tllse boie t ie aloaYs bi ot tdir to ce os nu Ibeir spirit lofl t e st p on J. Brooks' ltis baâve wasatiniaonal.yla1 chopartha orsi. WLe ilbcîsalaapply monte at moaderato prions Ibis wor0it of artique aad eatore it aIs l eiieiyai a iaisgapdomeIES-Frehc ic clap 71h catiQ'1 an sud sot a apociat tjoes.-S. . for eaab, 80 il, orne of eisîaal litO one tSat basl otoorcit oasvrwrkl o D petaiui yN Wened Who the cela Cit W&$ &,igoe haa.e h' ahse il emvdt A l ti y la a r i l T re lle, aar. K i g a ndl J a sser tire la , & e s s t y eveaiat, ct . utth , aI 1h . grave o f a. beloved frisoit an dl la tt , m th Aa s a otIh e i a a l t 05asa~ ~~ ~~ P e d Bo r a . a iiia lcra lg t H cibo Victoria Opor a M atie, C obo urg, wa s oh . .c l a a als paC r lc s esta Zi msaerisafl whtra t he t e ' re sole ge ts for t e , ioted Saskatch wa n 'le.igh areo r S,0 J 'pa ptastri l H lo n.T i P . u rn c ' a a i croodeit oitb itista e, tho ocoa ioa coffi n ot re the W rds d oitt dua , ad ri o t i p r witt ho e hep basy R b s t 0 I e o r b h t e iPro cd som] thet Maco E. MITCHELL, ,extendloril af oiIhOebl Ol their annaesiptaatisf behlaof th e eatisa tan te W.ya F n. hlwstrm a ~eÏ ~ fr double~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~t Wa s attace tise, bas teit iljtan for m.atch as the 111h of Naaeasbea. Thty oth behai oltt tiseur boa, aadi tllnt l'.i Fex oa altos, batn e ito, ulise Toraîta. b art sectreil a flna fiittd as theo rosis of Dewar, oa behal a h 00 al paoarfri thr sidel. tthte ai o ca1on Mssday popleaf aIe Mtas. lecaure pply ta .~~ ~ sîoW "~~ & BLbCtu rvast, jis. Alti. Chish lis, adjoioiug th tara , and, ais corset, valinet a 0t oiso s C hae nu oas Yer si tht 1 h.ac aftr at fp pl en yo t tte ar oadistelY. Wil pay higb wagon- Applyo lb. t h il , t1he sooty bave basdisastsr. Tht istrument l a ahr hr ilb optdfo n oae yLet of "Haeis ia isp Father goriiedt, Iht tetil-sriy tha tais othera wr otr ualst ee MIIIN utO e a Stapes.... $1,5 op. ta Mcas Joha S. MotaCsatt. 't'p. Fises ai Malas atislt beaaay and ai tle fineladseta a rr mc lul 4sal ya t el eog~ t tesd \..aotc Hala ...... 60 11) W.Iý HAITONabrimba pede gfor th.sdi Socet ta aaln tohs ohe of.- th tele STO ES 0F ALL KIN DS T îîiîol Cape ..... 3 25oP. apraisoil kuetote poloe saasseameut oIIý lie made in seit MIta ANNIZ MITCHEiLL aud Mime Stark ils. AD Mualale aS b av tls ir . e bat s aa heir dipltmnaa at I\ b lIcîî' Wjlitc Sht et, isor, om ie on Satordsy. -Thare la a ramant that tbe "Faiiy rift thie maraais te visil friends attbe bc hrtfastm eryal5i zraaGi.ra iaaasPcoi h nn isia stauitsr' H coN 5$Mils. FaERt of a Tilusnhtat. aà Mtrad and Wenty S4ar' ofMoDalî repective homes in Era&taai a fit. om 1ai 4 op ......7c. yaasfar sister af Jaiter Vassatteu, died bart ba the ran gond laS ta sce ta r e bahiag Iheir iteparture os l ine t las Enlamle ,i.o atocday at ber home frais para- tIsat wtuittîfa battis piat.are. wbieh iu Sîtarday for Lttbbride, Alberta, oleror i. H8 l Lienra t a opcu cisgla .a.o, l aai Brîtaius pridle, eulitttd "Tuae Thio tRit %bey Lare rectineit apaisbissn s ite Lî,eî ttu erisb cbot Oa. TUa' I.ýV ILs Liue." To say tjîat it js awoaiderisi liaapitl there. Guelph nibes always . tir *aoa tsos, osa tua gars~~~~t ai Jadgo ad Mas. pictoro is admittad hy he obole orld coma ta the froant audo rdtt h ___________________ tamilrta. ahe e. Bof. lywst i re htte Fml eadisiuinwi raistons, andi t. oigo am 'Woobl Str. ai aitrai bas thes twoso itoul wil bb tresiS<~Q~~< ai od rtarnrfdsl.5 o seearcd il. astila Ihal psper ta the ceplioa. Their masy trieal aeishtbemAN D Y pu a Ds" .h<> uci sderea.Sh Shirto. Collaet. sr, cogsaataaaccta.-Gaeiph Daily Marcasy, Oct Tita. Sooj'es.caBlaSS.G(. 'rnslt't. Tac Raral Dtaatrp meebing af the 131h. Mia Mitchell it adaughtor cf i jgsai nesmr ale., Haisilton. Desty of Maltas wiîl 'D.'5'. bho l t he l o Ite Jolia Mitchell ai Mi IM n '.Leparrmefl. l S. Ea.Iav. Of Actas, bas salitai tGrsce Chstroh scbaol-baus on Mon- artcanordtmrta itc lEII îcF.iIli I î i s o tiO t r. F .y s.uR T a e d s y , tb e 2 4 1 h a a d 5ii to N a t h r I stt oc a o n a T o s a d a y a r c u c f isal, Dro. F. lab a. por t. 01 ats. There will bsspeissserice FilsWoro'l Majr icewai Rev eary tont psucd ail larga aiila piost. ta1Cu il t ac ee u grdite asré 'a medicior andsur- fre'Oat H ucv c1), rTweed,, Blc. ilpeah ag attsîlasao u WilliamsO Shor Co. peopeand rporIt wu. . tcrIle.aigtht. H aasr, ta5 ' - rrestty isaitit ta Itbn service. Re0- îîpoa thaîr aclîco for as sdittioiat a ,lcoa icod. TT & . . s of5 Chas. tos gcaer" tm e.besrs r, Mbsday evosisgest 8 o*cloob isdoatry is thc tao. u 5sai Oc Cotti lacachol bo bat graa as t ba ts a . P.e R. Wbea pas gel a postal shoot Lied. yeople arcasa srcotioaf i tf l ,î, t h. e a i st ta a d asp sale, ses thal that y eni tbrow i t B am pto n co acit ipo u th e ai nt o li 1a egao awapIl,'S fou ai stations yrad, se tha iie gt t bsddtr may - l i a a î e i M C Co a F i s t c i f ' r p p oisa ib ly g e l l la . B a on b i s c a c 4r 1 ssaiatLi1- ooocaiay eenin l.iaasaMCsa.a opieofBraisptotorrara t grea t Drs a giaise awoy t ioanelttc,'i Wbîtca and on Satorday araul te vieil Morsby. Moaao i ry15Z c tîiagaalunch la ita cac al ai lidte Grand Offering Mi tlll ry. thftel samdi o of iJOHNas 3 Wrh 5 tWestV illtl t ase alesing plaeie Dow lelrssYec so the asl it t sas ad mcdi put t o Lot reiut ,o hNew Freize I sdie ot a ba, I -c). 121cy. NECaWsoaa ANe OLOasst ro e ýcaI practibioarr. Ma dîcit wbilea baoh- cliairia of the finansce Coamitoc. JOHNeT M ORES iCritef aideol.g in --ý..".ib atiaolpoven u auel a0,rvs a si Th est Lsdies' Coat at $5 nBlack, Bro n Pao1 ca sovl m ont gab yî g sI l og jio a s cc s M ohise o in ash <ii<t qar syhsgiless Foaahsa re. thot asy oEraess' or ON K i. a-atBaemoe i les.Dr oisn w a5'ieadiag --vi VRMC~ Trebler., corser ai Eiag sa Jame LiberaO je that part and onct t ils the the 13th sudit0h jste. Tharaday 'hAtAO5 Ic H'y trecta, Hiljton. Legistatiye AssemWiy for the adjaoiig arcaif osa taortriastoiy very dîrh tbd w'ool Dle suffi- oh oiec cialioaailihe iai as ally't boiel os deepty ragcella Sp s vrai large circtt Cietly aaiiarorabts condloal eid C eoG ns1e~w rl 23.y.Hs, Aieahiarcaiitl -'o or GIVE cîtbtafocToaadlay elaaaisg. the 25h ist., t ai friands. the raaito a il ata oosiseae, 54-ineh Blk. Henrietta 25. 35e. yd. ~ N l~ R--"VE Ui'bb or 71 osrsapitts u pOs avaaMnsA h ass thcre was s large asafrefation, many 54ieh'J0euO. 5 st1M A rrived aaietdr inoc tiheai grael aevc rersafa lhaahtsvaf la 54-inch immnse alue 55c. 75.d DEAT 'Na ea. ldensoa co. Ali ataresatil ouli ptoaa chamsear last-Friday nighti abu tw io grst 0roo 75~1FgdBkI(Ste.i > 3c. yd. Itesitnctietame booefe tte of ruacait>tb Onln ,taji tli m hol T he oa for M is ho utifal harvest - * t toso. IN cacae W'fa Houe boa pr.h croWlhe pavie litîait anon pe- -'38-iti. Ft>' Blk Ltr 238ec. y.d joarrineIDD anar tash T'rnrday eyenitg tbeMv uuFr ,ueB ý 1 ýrs' ingWOO (i10 as, cae. fh sm eantries ahooed tbey oere fuscasei with a ires fastorY uera ve0 exiellent srmon trois am Fs..C siin rs $ , $ .0 aîlarge r es oet aï;o laut Year est that 65»Wn0 soc ihs tinu ait. a0.1) verp d, 1?nngadev andr the a.tIa ir wa, asus al, aiarket î the ton. lise Company alac h- le Of. Calypeâhdto1 J . R ON T N E succsstures a piow an farn bout witb a patest "ety cloqoun sait tbaaightfol sariostottt ___WoaLs gathering mairoome iaal fasteaiag. The abat isan ge ot es-la h onig(o p. v, 8 n cmsrascourafriment, ant then san l uklbo Lot ooaif tri Eb iot.annnelettes 4.ýû. yd. 'T i' sttits oma a-rry large paffbatis, lwo a" ohc tIoOo au ta rta a s The o i pr o f he sri cetsa L tcfFa ?les. a1our Braamptapton Crsia i aaiir watsectintp oit otisb set, 8c. yard. I)llý- jIt, o,,est 9011111 Brè TiERrr. ttc. Cri fOk isamtbr Mr. Colline, aad Miss Annie Spcallne itn Blouse Flaîttolettei 7je.,M L O lciiy ~ ~ ~ 'eial chw pron c'~ tpitcootg ibndbo 1.onda Wilons tIse argaoist. Th tWorth 10c. yd.TWil f'ue \% O î I'I OI Omo Yar anîii end,. abutlettal'rTh doa Itcycr ot hebalace of oaa sto c n. as &I.quite tbera. duc tie O . ot 2 e y atrBella, Ira.h tha>eq oedu ty n a irai , oro ArIEtryl'F E O .. Ilo,,. C pOC KERY chespar thon evar.-S. G. Trebir, li bs<e> la5oj aaarvl rbeautitot. srp,9. ot 2c d DEPA Ritlvi EN . ta~5icorner K asomrs oeiesdcaaia prpas. ig anames strrats, iralier lauecesSor, lu Sua. iOeppbardl STONE f STONE I STO"'E i-Ma- Big Wool Blatoketo, prme valie, 0111Y A Tsa M EEaING vîi h.gv tat, deciaretigtaetirab mofp rahe nelî îtpr cb d a B rt> tsIe ry s O.Sualî fnsDen 2, p ir fsc O ta I 5C S'id l c. M o a i s C b r a u d a y S c b o o i o a n i i a c . t a h l h o l . i t a t o e g a m finis p o t M i , t a n.1 l T stiohet t"sat 00 }rofY ThoadT reuaO Ot. 7l. s it' a ce, pat pcpassaos tu t Il iodt al f io t ot oa e, jlica 'i ra hursa hang Ceret T o of Rfi thra Ie Czar prapane t tset, &Il o0all.0 Ilter9 ab]he. hci programm isa li n t e SusbAmeica oar Ihegob týCrûaqTibeý8 le.o usawr @erideo a rteps, ornes ilS , . AtI Sanda xr au in Ladies' \esto ad aaaf. e8 disin20s;Cr.' paety cousin aed th n fa xr au raProso-a.Adcenl îaa Cralsibig seo' e ene f cir Drawers, faney fronts, 25c. W omth i tpea tIta, Pi',îted t .etis cidoa ts. tet bridge, Theren' osr.ap biierer @î,tau" C e t , a . E B s i a a n d ab i td r ta . o t c a u t to sa ly g a e a a r a h a z ol p u r iaoo a f . eaille o t o i i g o i a t i t t ruo u ett , e p e a f o a s1s b ., l ala s ( a baia i ut s a n M OiS Oc ok with Mas, J. 'r. Ratssant. Mrs. tieing'os the 7tb tisse, Traflgar, joat Lotat oftbs 87-t!bedHs, l szsg É ytdoa .aol N Brenans a 'ulser. TIseylttforHn enta ths bown, was ossght by a C.P. --" for Boys anîd Girls, 25c. pair. t..' "'"" i itonauo Thurstai evassaf. osera hepR aexpred fnWdedylt i art about t ale.Wan woo, tteered t aleooi a ,.iri'.' Br.,AUEs of Taasday' am taite WOod aud ndilb tickets scattaret asof aidies, Whbta ims Obmwclsecp b r i d g t a i r a a s o u io n ni t a s W d e e blm h a p y M . ( jil s t h l b b a s e r m e a t l b c u sr e i L e t W o it S e o f B y ' A è i i e d S i t n r w r , a m a i s ( rdey. usaliy tarai, il this Ter brobs escap tii u e ries. It owu, sudsGents' to-rs he record andt h&Beaven mors than hotar,-a ceil ai tht closes bisit assith "b c . ais will'iam Oint, ose of sur MueT edSie ey,$.L W R T A I Y P I E -q ý' ave Fuielislfab aoi teýh ShoSo knoooag nttaikaau lsa becis oit al i ise lo oas Ontro B av iser- os u otOcrOt.cep vos At- a $ 4 .50 , $ 5.50, $ (6.75. _' Br&S as »"PBaras.-Joe ti-jur. Ma fitursan ia ralbercanions short lime beloten -oIs auloaoi OcY Gond 0Tweed Veste 7c.. Tweed 12.00s 1-100. oeiaiids, Newoaisinsasdur 50ewa faifFtai OAIaBdisOt n heCOhtOf5.ltaiseToo Hll.. .(() 1200 Se.o to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Tr...,...., n u ntory o-- Ir. tnsi Whou srns malte Boilc hoddainls tfi olaritwidO astsrp andtBtta (t a u Gorl ean,i.."" of 500 tes tas evitîy tuspoueltre teiarrybmotter a frtiete futb E at srat a u 5 R ic m e n c Mat y l i t. r a ls n b s s i o i i o o i e a n 4 c l . S e i l v l e i o t , S o s s d R b e b, 8 0' C»IBa kiaî1o' Polvdtr. 20C lis. ltn- soisn aabaitnt berricis a largo la an saîraise. 'I.m 'ra2clb.-speoial asp ac Meui l"omm s of the fowers cogad by a patonaos marDng wils ont, apprissecI% He ba al s ttii y e t t e C A Or N o ffic e O U t h e o u r y G i , p y h i h o hl Ir a is h e Il cc1 ' ac 1h , rodtseep Calbolic csaft. Dso Ishinthes mink wagon 71tb terrafia force, J E H V I T C T .ý16~~~ ~ ~ ~ -it rIs CIa ;, l audy 5ad4oIi;gon rg O rob milk?" snaabia,.Ithe vubisle enise avd ,lon orered . Speciat Hall Sale Fiseel stocks ai Shirts and Collts te iiuo<kbe t 18r9scal r apor menrtis. Anm. godaru dterk 'e heA S eca ih f. îh ea Oload,. lionb Ae gtoitae bii.Gl, t almal osa for besi lb. otnol Clîcf' Sailr. ue goudae arrivi t 'Canada vear-Sio N' P i fs h bld . Osa Laly itice. Oama.Coaei Now uiasg tial gel a Trrgao.-S Cn e IbaW eglgi matI for o O, 'rcelIl5, %or ct. King &il 4 e ate ' iu is buutos'o -me CiS>i' ac akssdZy teaniltas, -V Iltls "Sotch Tbejed" <Itfg e stif Vi raitat.ale eaeibir. rem ses a UoesO prrhilIs C u .Priwa' eau, rag o oobsftbe o'.ê At 12 C8 13, Dollars. cashî us.In.;o &&i o anelrasi rag of -00à Teratdai vanilleif joof 0 0 ý1 _________________________ e Now is yonr timet re o r n w S i n vrot. Aud -~ befome e get toc bnsy.

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