os o sv Iaý nýiewy H 00, 0 1 25, " Sp uaU9 ou 6id p n kY fnulr tha wi eAE,-jlwý hol a ? headquartch money sied nduar en liovern thei beayu * encate ore Fnabl COFN O OEAR 1EenT 0b a ,tbeSa o xadcocs 'M -prm ber made.ti as are. i9att ul ow Ozu N. EWa8 s ass imporout aÀe facl r0a À amin mttèoàséa, at oi a >~ ~ ~ ~ass yo tom saveeu mon yc son hism by* tatay-ac oyuàn aeYo o t1g ib t a ïk- Cha the ta Masir End Mande SH--W ael inIlà exr larg quatites moown fo haimsoobnaa o Jltrsns now w4 assisali yn th inhdfs the. gooweds-e laedt if,% y ug od n q Ci, b Die Beto, Leaps00 n. Wj, Ho r aend andar bsy ngfo A ECT P WDER Fan e Pi a ler ch5r. tea c aU aui ric s Oyni ich will'tv r s ' it a ke UBBERS, la gmrod',o "he w l"d° gd th shea asq of pang. Ononra h e««rl -oci Courre M.bl Bamxn, Gf PmnBB f isne n US as d& O th Mlto fir.Se b Agn Bealtock1 o , weas 'Vini it o hi e m ats an -uà CES-eLL KDS Chnd. 'mot .lui HeGAR.W J. h3mmag geesdelo -ei Tor gOOrt an Unechro afn ¿ndin fnclowing day Thet- goodsndShe Mi,,a, A°""e Peboke su Mince Aoa lyachn Chei "Dr-G od Bo "ai on. M , lare gfon Par Dahosi t. lay op for "boE . O peT O FORT FOre ciR ANe TIBEen FEET. Balnt i . fo.... % ».0 2c,...s :h town h e ofE p rene for th Valripes O U aDd choices R. h il e KGGDm0MiH & oSwt.Wt neEesv t fGos Brin On m you cslc : u mare that1 "n- Perfects Mger Pad 20ew thtryonbu eatrdt rate alod fact. N O 1 Oue and sav tyOu madef Fi igginbos.thnamab &h Cailo., P:olac-' °nel «Ch, ,oy- Minder and Swantees tl then cat andt au ap Of trouble beside RimtBitth DRUGGivint i tsliuva, SAT ION Rise an O ICAS. M FOtv ed r mn tfor t steacmied Jort of Tontry fairD e sG O s Ot e e e b wil bet deiv re to mene only. (an boyt upolie wbile wahl theG odl Grorees her s On a D sp ce xpres Mon e y Orde, g o ld Here. over Wo5t year of ae) nexlon S= a had a rge ero of th e mTene n a sOi 0 sa d aft e r n o n , at o 'cl k ,i t h e M eth odip m te am re a d e b e ly t o t .i N o n m u hRN5 6 G S i e b e p e a s e OgO ( l O a ()\ o d g tN w s. Pa e t m a orget w n Dri h i f am Cl & cil er. he Sa hoir o te hu rch : Okn g na, u d te p ptamr dey Wounh p ric sec a d s 1o ye O ue W 1ras n a V Ory u sd a p r o u c yh p l a y " E s e r e d a o ne k t e rll l e a n t h e s e r v ic e , o f s o n g ade h r l s rt n n.r O e u.A oo yun fes clvd as dy f heMito f'r Se bils B snto of toey Whiee Shr2, fodtissesna ves of BOOts ausnes Aplyt o.16t, e u BURl R. -W . J o .Br s , r reor wÅ 8 25.Cnpa pn bxr im Da h c ato aen pio r.S - O M , T u k n a i e U R S M K R P.s A G n wi e m ro a nd M i nie on t h e Q u e n 's o t el , B rint o n , rt e - a B w lies , K o t T e Lb i e n C a r 50. K i ywi n tr h *a b fro w n , h o w e v r , i en A rtl edhu yiN wiâh i e t s l c o r d e s s n a e t e a 10 t of oon tonuday hepotd metot i.A the Hilto.. nt olie basdehB' and en'so eat tefer" Iikwih niabtien as Cpiuitndncretsye l(endosoe a 0 hua thae o n- 'lhe prvosngadnen adkecies neet&hrehd, hasst chartere 1.00BER ph 0netimn CntehshnewEhurcha andl-t he ia Fe.r and Stif Daev semrJonHnis ofTros nodort r-odOoeis rce lach w ort ofiuorsd S t . 27h Ba2sICRBef HEo TZ P3.W pohe reaidr hote ao The 'nx ew Remembery yonr cani get supled hee i W ll a 1,00 onlok theu tveie ofv Mep. Cla.remrmdehrktti oohfT eB gB ati odd wt T os nso o ar BosadSo. Ml ey ates asadCp, apt, -aes t ay rsn of the fair. CoxPun venuP Tor oP s aton W2ttaae tour foall. Leaule roeon smonda ,And will onnu afMrhniåt etteicesn ac odaalcep 1 ,. ..2 5L I N A K ,oa s i g P a k , ' a v A C w û ( b est b a nn h e g m e o a u r d a ere an d f oll o w : - ma k n o n ei r o ud t ri p p e r d a y .in W o rts -at e s ra il eni l iast w o e v .en Rev HED r. M a u B .A saa iésofthe ga »ý n ocse n Ka r e athb efo rit 8,o h a ip n o w p r uit anÇrag a hdavn ed sistene r o e. . n Re.D.Mlign wl dr th rn uces eaeg ingt nterest The supI in more thlan vu.. 1111 the nrnohvecmmneddes.-inter and the Rev. Mr. Clark, of you in extra special pntees fo thate day, deman Diec Canada.facurr e at Actou. ~~Brampton, will address the people. A sa if you Waal, anything in oar line it JdeH mlo edaCuto oete nFnyGos Ta 3eorgetown Dramatic Club will reception by thre congregation will be will pay you to come to as.-- g. tisio her on Wensay otof on ie ac h lt"smerolda'" en the given to Rev. Mr. G*regoryimmediately bothm & Co., Druggist. complaints' against the votera' liste of aaaaa©©©©©©©© gof September 30th, the last after the ordination services, whon re- rtecoeo.h evc nS.tetino avlefrteya 88 nalS m e o il tok fairs ab Colr n n wi ad rv Emerypr Alban's Church last Sunday evening The school board _has amnatter in SinorevsWt h es pos ha. B G B a S mofereGdi Ci sSe or ewNelieeShrteBRGIN I WLLPEEE-1c.an eNtthyongme o te onreatonofdicusin.Atth lstmetig R adthsNis---terLi m ne i i, na tckofShrt ad olardi Rev. Wm. Walsh, of Brampton explain- consideration which le causing a pp 13 ar fen on her n .KIN st. C.!wp,ýrthan -Nver.-S. 0. Treble, Im. 12jc. Wall Papiers for 6G. arid 7c per the aime and adivantages of the bh boa .j Forlester moved a re. Ou BetW o an4c er IL. ad in i ther s b egi at i once. d fyo hv n rer C lukog and Jameosstreets, roll. We are clearing Out a lot Of ends Brotherhood of St. Andrew. A branch souio povdn tha au large iron een 5C . cor. IL and patterns in Wall Papers and Bor. of this society may be organized in ade sol b e it on lahe chol - ----- - der a pics aaybeowcos, en iconnection wih techurch hoe-- house, ti cms of lire the roof S b t r e an,2ad3py e b,4c K A. al r a ri e d homei i lles t we have a lot Of excellent patternsi Acton Free Proe. would be ce Le. The motion was MILLINERS usy at work. Nleavy Grans, sd3pel, pr oze 4 u50 il fe, iv ek'ilns rn suitable for dining-roomus and parlerB AO AS AB-h ags dýefgaed by at 1m i aoi en-TU e' l ueav OGrain s, wihbl, pe65c tii2. p ~o C. feve inWosokHsia. whiche ar Coffrn atrdcdpic an Hoa s t a" ofT 1 A Soi-th a an hilete ate left in thands of urM lieyO nngo FR D Yad- Men's laue lette .S hi , 5cp be i theemply o C. . R.Bastdo Co. th it e t prices tat are omitee -ora exeOneWÍ A ,rd and 24th pteni ber oen. F I A adS T Rlac alteen shade3 ech 7. ýEi ad. in aPROF. J,. E. W ELLs, M.A., LL.D., chaprlha ever. When in the City tithe of of th e clsenat pre, sn Shirtiran 2endi vatm r e, 125c a d.i nother colum of the 'éditr of the Canadian Baptis, iguc. call andf seof pcallns-. te dolt of exesadeon Ba seetekc ,N Se and 10c. public auction of the fine brick : ombed last Suniday nighit to the srke Trbco.Kn and Jae lares e arel ocfcurt ofadder woud LL N K O .e n htprp n enc nuSIrti S., ccpie yof apoplexy, which he sustained lest Hamilton. invalu ablie codu Che dren's Cotton an aher oi Diekin,. on Saturday, Oct. 8th, at week. Prof. Wells had been for nine Womube.H L I RA E S N Bgve o Fa nnlte c c eadlc 2.ý,,at the Wallace Housqe. years editor of the Baptiat provihe a Geo e w aY Ms. mader n s n, tof prto hin s ge an whte inr pai 75ees an 1 "i r ekepol Pure wic Clee as r\Voodstock. He hadl open alaundry in Milton. She in ex. on Mionday evening. Thre princpa Fall Stoc is ariig M nya on, the r betvaityad Pcalng re tist Colgreat srieto his denomin. perienced in1 her business, has first. pae f h vnn wasl Snnoun e i everivthing at cloe, d c ut r ie o ash bu es it lla i Llur lpues mixted Pcklin. renered great sceved a big reuta. -ls aplacsadgaat t atit have been Rev. Wm. Kettlewell, of :rb! ing the siiest mixtre y p th up tinasaie, and had ah eve dcat iit faction. Her rates, ast well as her work, Galt, but owing ta orn Fosoma er ie woefrtewlib o ecmarm aoal ihisfortune hie --- ---in veyhi - F looeu ric e r y. 2cab y. ofý i ri ces w.- i satisfy th Co na. rtr ada ef il efudt opaefvrbywt was Duble to bie present. The meeting' New stoc of& yig utrcevd s ale ltyry.2c eptirar.-lateo &Co Fr ee Pral. yers a w 1ero of those of the City landries. Encourage Was addressed by local aseers.oc of Ladies , st see he g loo lolraWn haeeah2c a.Ioof Drumqu.,t ase a nasurelbrC homne industryb sendingyu Henry Sulivanwas takeon t Milton aradies n Me sendewear Braesi We av ni lection of Wall5 b o oso o e asB.diAier ro caem NS be dor nort rae hrh.W sigbndy. It is thought that Sullivan00So1c rpa. e vea rze nda ealo etee AadaUnvrsity, from which days, Tuesday and Thuraday. isoo slihtl demnte -e Tapirc or Sgo c. I \Ii biWtý of honey, and sold it by lie gaduated in 1860. He book the C)oal ! 00al ! !-As a moey savi g h eev.S .Cait ipe ach hiIaenRCRE - e r eemn on pa oaos· 0 n.degree of M.A. three years later. Last plan for you and a protection to Our- Weil sernon to the Congregation of the n-n tt s e dt e u eualn Coc oubeCca, per lb. 25C. Ii ',(rvtor says that a peg- yeair thre degree of LL.D. Was coufer. selves we have decided taosell coal for Presbyterian Church, over which he -nt Il t. 1, iRC W P r Ptir t oss1i Hi gh rae Ben Co ffee frs Tmt es h grc a i serv ek. Bra tonon rd upn hi by cMaser Uiverity.CAER ON;LY, toOn a18nd ail. As aresul b as ministered for the past eight years,or Ong aprb.4 . Sitamlan afterwards struck some Prof. Wells's family spent the past We will oell considerably chan before, next Sunday. olo R. D 'o* ol ."..W 0iat 1fradgo cery a de . -is s -lg Japan gande Blkn T fepefes renal" S1tday ,ii Ili>; wooden log, whbich he sntumer on L. W. Boyd's farle, just you reaping the benefit. Kindly hear -AN ONLOOKER. 1 1 er as i. ourbuinss af n I d i p u t e , t o e m p a s i z e i s o u t a i d e en o . M i l t o n , a d h e w a s h e r e b is h 2 e r on d . O Xo uF O R D - - ">--- C H N Lr c r L O Re . .gs E " . j a o a n d u c u s To e s , s éi a l v lue , Uo emeuts ~o th Eas E anag of. thi p.c youc can- pay 1h-rhbto peuain et wod range mla - lowest cash prices. _zir"Our tems-, are cash or trade. a ar l r rI. saie of'stoek, inplements, is directed to the following annionnee ed eithero and hnce or lsy de casstwoormyb nt r D iran gsWantd a hebi tkeplc o Tesa, net fFWaeso te as ma ir. The payment guarantees the To th Camio. . a h ndslis- Plt, i I- wiigIill be sold wvith- market, that lie is prepae tospl ie-M CNEL&"GoNoHM aeso wn h -- -- ¯ tiili;iqurt fâýu S ý1 1 -t' . atcuas -ag o si n uan itie e t spca UST A RRIVED.-Another l0t of thos in a ne ae alike, we can' Come sud sec it, compare it in iZe and avantage witi any other raDge on fan1l aed Mikll fobaro.uems for cast. Mr. Wales B is an old excellent Leather Bracs, the best hardly tell which ls whcoei hemrehnk ftelwp eadreeeCa elr ka nl a rid etuned fo Rsea' stablished business. It ia a4ways his leather brace to be had-easy, com from bponth, bu f piinthcssof, ow he Youe sreof alifetme lo satisfaond with be biltw urue ahoe "0 k oFrdyeei g says aim to supply mente at moderate prices fortable to Wear, ver durable and sand oppnets DOf prohibitiond"y -L , 11t ) econ ii: lær il p lartridges, particularly for cash. 01 don't pull the battons Of--at Bastado's. ite a jut n mt crelationtoenaat ad byG re Fon yCo., LiIiël oooo a c .d r P't t. r,- sre n rte d r o uda A BicYCLE CAsE.-On Saturda rMe oveto-f pca Itrs m nind, there's no a ficlty in dis- T t fo ther Maugbid.y Dic chargod with stealing a to Ohurch People. t" e n ayr feulO r N m ý ý i d G LovEs.-If Voun re.q bicycle from Ernrest Henderson, of minene a rfuin knotyepins of law, a preanyie in en' Funi h e Trafala, wh swre tat halerente OThbteConyention Of the Brotherhood pro or cou, makingitsE-Oh ut Scnsa%, Imney ir buying at S. G. th he n8t uyt ah.Teo t ndrew is being héld in Hamil- be right, the LU.adised religions Pre.F R M L O (rb0 Vûrner ea of KingadJmsatewstore it to Hamilton and lie this week, commencing on Thurs- Bent upheaval Of Society 'eaves hoes SOE AGNFO LW o.ree Hailo back and pay 50 cents for the use of it. diy evening, with a service in Christ votera doubtful bihat if the gamne of - --tu r He did not come back, but wient, to Church Cathledral, and another service speculation hie tried wnetheg it's poB- ____ --o-r--e-,--- 1,-, ueatty is makling Bramp- Ináersoll, taking the wheel with him. 0on Friday morning at 10.80. The other sible to enforce it. Some fne editoriale \r eli ton joi inte r ,g place for tramps. OnWtes) ad0nifomto on August meetings and conferences, wich are and scribbles in journalis make the keysi4t esowdte f hm23rd, and got the wheel back by express all open to the public will bie held in mist thicker, being too lon --Noo con-G 0 the 1lud atta tien of having them pro- on the 10th inst. It cost 40last seng th. y. m. c. A. Building-Association tradictory or too one aid for Public -M 1 L«1170M14 L Tidel with a ··belter river night--Con- was aus good s new when renti and HaHii-corner of James and Jackson patience to wade throngh in reading sen nar. Was pratically worn ont when reboure- streets and digestng, or mnemory to retain AREARRI Spia 16at 0le for [ce toy a .aoddnth y cents for Pierha the tos int resting meet- bgoril or modern researches apper. A FINEIN ASOTEN1F t, luothail AI goods re aoi1.tsie that there was nothing said Saturday afternoons and evenings and The money spent in distributing hFI the tiý to oetai bagain.-S aboth sone wbe bct e die the men'emassmeeting on Sundaya 9% Wo Hof liéatie ol rabe e We st reevdti eek a shipmient of & T abl. e ungand amess's. no»s the whee ranch and that it dia eve ral of the strongest men Of the cueonbusiness grounode, being h- e .S ata a Baml ton.notrmatter if hie kept it for a while.H Episcopal Churc thcninen are clated, it gives Rendh emlSnfr coteh Twed pe S.S Katla a t t .lt t Chre C u h h h b bnk g th spakr rii an ies ,ei nC m al n e is h i ei( w a r, - be an ko e v c s w ot yal of, agehois homd ia t no nt d t t s An othern br ia nt it a' sic in of e m i nos i M UlM We Id u. icens Inspecto Hmi toa n is faher, is o. n ieofe Pa isc G.ul Harr Dais ae Phld seaiyre esbrdtom r g ofIbit os aterI J conslin wihteDhsnegbrhol er, and Kientcy Bihp o ont.of th e r p, a weve e . vau sa dp ten a Croný A tt ne and th Plice hr , Mil - ieunigtew h rsONEr s-ai- ohe Noaoi . th e s L.te State.Ig is.sie-,ak n .r. oad aseok o -en rne h lil e m ade, ton ect t ai sa roi ttiChe sy b ne t d i o halfoaTON 1r b s a o broug Th fau ilr numbeO u tro in'gte3 et eis C beinss on Septembe 29 thesame acusoo o uB.ct m l aym&neof theEnic ho båalis r satbocbm fo a e Fo ae orT e O ct . y other we ek d ecay re ther vis a l dar offr e te o erth Doin iom n tor and in conve- fuesy usn ess ia t L OWg Ebý& b RI TWom Ha l An Ng| Y Lyr.--on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fo Wensatfenon e n riaed i ndo Fa il s , in ion of . thsknAutetr h a h tneH ueo atnS .lt ent e et o st c rc , M lo ,detel Abkid grammetta: i ne a b r S ding yaion, vbut rte s oi ne verin a ot 0 6 8 o . . c uidb o nH a .$ .0 $ 5 5 line te tgea orks haihq eor. B t ng a o e Antr brlia Afth to stic luno ow, Opp. oW D •• 800,s.0 lteb l h aE io e t boo and sumi o f ert ep bin the STON lee STON - --ON -- a --rodi te U i 1111 ~~~ bo opnfrin uclfo en 0 er hefo'thOReSim ibbspao r J~ ~ ~ ea)esadslosma aitnhnee hioSt on ý:ptcu 29tesieESaoe*'B StsfrBa rogttgte ag ubro o ,? oi , AMIO d itn a amno ieBgle hrhfD 1 o gtns st Athn4 4 1 .R D , T HTe S o e i u e o siling yo sol ladba ontig ofardg 1 MM