Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Aug 1898, p. 2

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THE CHAMPION .Bmrktno.n. hMddor MrToe U. . 8 ahdie t his home ai Friedriehoti at odn f h al Mn as-The gr"éli, h 1 cloc "uda Èight Th.pm. 0W amntas acpn te rnc g y away ifl b» J.sINEfr1ayyer trseraic conditions of the weatber- W e um& ulefr96 of the Guelph Mercury and senior the time of his adea t ierce storni.on' nqiries tao Washingtog on matde rigts nm e member of the firm of lunes & David-ae along the North Sem and the terni of dtail bave beau ettled. hoodegrdzp t edwbyatsgb te età* l son, its pubbisbers, has retired. The wohr wasof lmos$& automnal cold. rond nof the proUm flbis.DiyoS.A w C.hrbwsnadeona sat eget new style of firm *ill bie NcIntSh & Thomm eac ase o rncefBi- ibrtr o mg mdoda nih D :ey p.arMw's 4 Cdebucided ci eyd u and uWté iam Sm s ionr ageadte Galbraith. Mr. Innes hasfheld a high mrlung ehwas. c mptono h e aogm li le n*be:every ari u eidO e wedher ,l swn to ae enen in 4"»o nqo*wn plceamn te esppe enofIOn Thursday evening an improve. more severe n s bodMknd sbte itue for Dy a a m a may b Canada, and his retirement will lbe a'ment occurred in the Prinoe's condition yond te tcti t eth fsre.li ro eto e rootis ub aorin e m Pi.àlius cla D W Piit iy $0 oied r. sujc fgnraertaog tandledriukiog chapagneand so.A mrica asks only part of the Pilip- with sanexcellent eren ng - dt o t. me lest men we nad e Oaiday oedf s a vr e fraternity. We wish the Mercury aàing half a dozen pipes of tobacco. His pines and thaet SerrSagasta having st to e an icinity wer à npataret t o'a0 cargeo obining money on= " f happndt wok erin continuanre, undier the new fira, of the physician, Dr. Schwevinger, was so repliect th&% the termeslbe wilD ace tenda h ncesud vind the i njoy"nat ndercfals rgtneanf onpiring toccr.denkter's sawm . -IR.empl C»as- prosperity adprestige it has enjoyed stiB a wth indition that hle fthostles mcon»c D tiyspe ed. toandinsapeion o e elegaynm n de g » poem and . teoor a n o the mid -wheOr u. une h l.ing Saturdçy. Prince Bisrmarck's con. detlermrine the basis of pence. The gamme whic bie le oferch, bilrainaleCorat.he ef Jsenanthela- aHte mgerof hir eft hand ta, b THi sssin f te ntaioLegal. dition'continued satisfactory through- chrief difficulty, it is asserted in officiel the poan ar income.nthfie prebey yrmade a st ong fg t n tirbelIwago do bia pliftlbndntaond T e esio o te ntri Lgil- utFrda ad atrdy orincircles, is sas tothe date and manner of Rev. Pter Buredk e r esndthrye butein spionf h in tijryait eer a isWO Do ard inta&o " a" turc opened yesterday with teuulwq ratheheppes tle nth vautono teSpnsnpses. grourh fwre mpe boots and tretotencefrom sthe our, &eraedhoia bs. D.Bor,.ftPhenuto, tille ceremnonies. Mr. Evanturel Wasi electý politic, aneadecharateristic ions, There is also the question ofuth d orrtsed wi th hsand te, shok- aserdctfrnisthinbot, cases. T MelentboryanDressed thPe o, ci pekeralera ýgoouspret by gmumble about te mall proportion of disposal of the war materia in Cb.deoa it Thie rogtrnam meCherie f utdelrre stenc e ut McCalloch a the Sympathy . ed Seake afer avigoousprots yspirits in his drinking water. Saturday Senor Sagasta, if lhe has a chance, will ing a lvey actioe.,The omrmmeak itJclsfte deIttns nadesn omn. Mr Witney againt the bilding of teafenongrvsmosapereprobaly repreent restitution o etobo titn omoe the uy oeyresenenge olocbukslymm 0th session at this time. Hia Honor, the Palmconary oedema set in, andlbe fra-. material as a diplomatic victory. It tbas ueen nlebbersHbing an penterthsoe ery strongly conerndjug te PrfJ.ARdikSprned Lieutenant Governor, then read the quently became unconscious, On just been asserted hbere thbtainin mren i tems eshsagg trga6inone vof ubttton andthcerdangerseto of.e.Kin.tonDiSchoolhtenante- speech fom edth thronig hc i atdy nn he symptoms were P e roayedede. The treaty of able artist kept the large crowd in the victim that may ensue 1from this of sthe Dtu airy mmSier hip of was nnonce tht aongthepro. aah cae eaily and painlesly. wil not lb ained before September. atte dance in alughoing moodforba o G bli e.too common lpratice.-- e dhiwoso n il abe sets o fbe4consdered urie.ng Dr. Schennge erwsaetsome ex- is the ofcel a tmentgiven ont by latest songs being beautitally rendered. --V. - r oolf otheirosabteo sand le met [theesin oresa mesre supp.teo nunt Otto dward epold Prince the President as to the terme of peace The performance of MiessIrens John-. Hmiton.e-Reveoflhebuae okBr e Baraths een tsgited metr fth oetreevsAton Bismarck.Schoenbausen was born offered by the United States:-- aston, Hamilton's clŠ*er child dancer, adisevnotexreprisonersatedlofteBreYritbsba cut last session, theo right of constables ta o ïbaub n Prumsi on April 1, "In order to remove any misapre- 'asspcially appreciated, and Master through Oen Sub o at on thrs ube imhePl«. 0se voea rvnilelections, and a 11.oeasaseducated at Gtegn eso nrgadg h eoitosWillie Greer, the peeless boy lter yt Troug wntouind ch arg ftectiesher P0y4iss 011th efPotl mnte t fiberies bill. B rl n, andlaGreifswald, nd eudd yas to pace i iseen the UnitedStates itall ep bohedlardeconcouru sof nySa Traneoi retwhicrived ahtl ionte 6 pe0te an t si',Charles 'Tupper has annonnceedhoe practised. He was appointed that thetotemsaffered by the United Iy encorsa.The yioli pat ion r. I ThSch ons Nfi., hucratre. MtinThorcn, teardr entW. cre wai ostponis promiedLa"viger-cae a em o the Diet of Saxonythe French Amb ssador atu day last fa c t beir eden gs a e Bu oralpsig tre gearouand iof h onsmwus e eco d ymeas 0u apin gis h are in 18416. He became a member of the are in substance an follows:- coulantld iso d hereseand r the- wer many bodecs f victims. p f erisn. nMnayi mgBn Government until after the (questions general Diet on the year following. "The President dosnot now put for- rasver]w a ac en6 durn th e Cha.Miorsoof Johnime nforison lu dispute betwen Canada and the He began his diplomatic career when ward any claim for pecumiary indem tinervoal InAfternbe prgme hadsa wealthy r sidnof Jandon, omt----- Unte taesver b, ensetd by the egsaionetedFroank ecretaryof m&y, b t eq oe verignty auaitor rifle hbienconcluded, a drawing wus held for imitted suicide on Tuesday by shooting comirY, tconven tiol)taIe deotwishIn 852 hie was sent to Nienna, and to the Island of Cuba as well as thec an elegant parlerosite, and great was himself with revolver. He was 2 he ~ ~ ~ sui sas optaso otengta onmanifesteai apolitical bostility to immediase evacuation by Spain of the then it ofA]Fs nuneofTafbalarecol mu n adwell thounghal in tiienby shoin the Avrme ia om.Autr dimortancefor Prussia. "are Thade cession to lthe United States thre wiLning ticket. A number of other la view of the criticisms that have mhontht the Gne ovternmentlehasp In 1858 a pamphlet was published and immediate evacuation of Porto Rico articles were drawn for and distributed been muade with respect to.exhibiting Cntteaoda ec. o h poleo hich was called 1 Prussia and the and other islands tander Spanish sov to the specessful competitors. The hsctl tfisi optto ih Canada. ~~~Italian Quesýtion." Bismarck is gener- ereignty in the West Indicesand financial results of the evening wee biotefarsirenme Green wyh olMraespdofNotfral- Tire fact thrat thre Government has a ally credited as being the aubbor of "The hske cession of an island in thec away al ead of expectationc ibot #e5in deide orshowreir stock a ainas so rnM 81 o large majority in tbe Ifous or Comn. this pamphlet.lui i e advocated an Ladronemdca eee easot cngrru]ayIMniobcfar..onso. Toroto m. W 29-1yr qe alliance between Russia, Pruss.ia and -The United States will occupy and hage aeeey roeau eled Iat n aniquaar beween to shanymen. ___ 6--- -- mon ha ben ufciet eidncetoFrance. boldtheiccity, bay and barbor of Manilla tltethomselves on thre unpara a rel' HtlPmroe Gog --- thle Impenl G(overnment Of the cou. From18i59 to62he wasan ambassador pending thre conclusion of a treaty oi success of this their annualervent. GouCrdeau Hs]bemWrlliam GBuret' To R n. fidûece of the people. Despife, the to Russia. In 1862 he was sent on a peace which shall determine the contro Duig heite , ea f ria rtieain theabedomen.ia Burrette is ent thtesecal isio. o Faneandhaocn.disposition and government of fthe last. about three o'clockim tbe afiter-eiul one ndntepce o~~ the oppostitioý n of i h ale n efredo i heGadCos ftePhlpienoon, fire brokre out in a hay field ad-rcve..First class Store, iiable for general lehih estmai inFul nohichmitrisage Legion of Honoer by Napoleon IliI. "If these are accepted by Spain in joining the railroad track and owr ec E..uteln.TasrroWstbies.Apyo. he~l shediEglnofomran InSeptember, 1862, hie was appoint. their entirety it is stated that -coin by Fouille & Shaw, millers. owing taZorra.iSutrepond rtebuitror Mac. busifW.sBEws' SNs. adian administ'ration bas received the ed Minister of the King's Hlouse and missioners will be named by the t aitedi a strong wind blowimg the fire rapidly pherson to bepsortdin hi cah narly tfW BW' OS considerationaccorded by the Imper. Minister of Public Affaira. Within one States to meet commissioniers on the- spread. Ili was soonl noticed, and the 2 000, n thlebshboth the for ear ¯¯ ia iovrrnn within the ]ast two montir he began to manifest that "iron part of Spain for thec purpose of coin-lire appliances were sent for, but Lbteore , n hebosbco hefre years toa that of Canada,will", with which hie directed affairs in cluding a treaty of peace on the basis they arrivaid, it had spread t ieadpeetTesrraepoon RA DT N WY SirCale aednt restrain himselffipace and war. He at once.instituted sabove indicated." brusha on the bank and it was with a tD le improperlykeP -SY EM l'ignur p ostp nteopeningeof hs cam oi. Clamreiry o liy n hnth _ ,great deal of difEculty that ià was ex Miss Essie Thornton, ho was acci. pain u ccontofth Amrianco. CamerofDeputies rejected the tiniguishied. Considerable hay was dentally shot on Saturday evoning at issioners. They will pay no attention budget which the U'pper House had THE ILEBIrCITEL desroyed. A spark fromn a train is Napanee by a ]ad rcim ie to im le ad etergotowor t pssdBismarck Ilad the deputies supposed to have started the lire. shooting in an adjoing back-yardLT N try and estabhs imbbnself in thec confld. dissolved. He Vhen annaurneed fltatie Ottawa, July M-The probibition Lawn tennis is the only games that died at the Nicoll's -Hospital. ence of his own party. There is evid. would enforce the mesurnes withlout glebIscite willibe taen on Thursday, seems to ßlourish in town, and Oakville The cheek of thic U 1ited States for M L O . ence thatibetdoes notpossess it. There their aid. The newspapers protested, September 29th. This is the date that has a number of pretty fair players. A $473,000, the amouant of damnages ad- is a growiing conviction among Canadian and the editors of them Wibre put in the overniment haye decided upon for coupl fyasaoacu a ra.Jde yteBrigSacam o. Conservatives thaet they can never re. jail. Everyone who oppoedimrewas asrcertaing thre will of the people of ie ond eah yeoaclthe asoation is misionthasbeng ecdby thoDe. again their lost ascendancy at OtLtawa made to feel triat they were opposing a Canada on theligaqu stin n d i ecomngstroner athe a has patmesint ofas Mauxrne and Fishee. C c Ho i a ýýth Sir Charles as their leader, and it master whose enmity wsms n sepce htte tienillnsuitfhecmeadvoate. hannuh gm alstur a rlatomCarethedeFsperdoand isposil tatthywil otalo hm eirbl.convenience of all parties to the isne. ment of the club commenced last drinCall, kdeberdob ad to lead themn in another general aie.lc. n163 the deputies reported that The forer of the ballot paper and of the Tlhursday. and a number of crack well-known pickpocket, who bas made TUESDAY ion campaLga. Bismarck had violated the constitution. question to be submaitted i as follows :plyrfomutieonshaeaknorscesultepstosaeron' ---c - - InFerur, otin aute, h Are you in favor of part during thec progress of the tourna- different Canadian prisons,waloncedu TiuF.Globe-emnsits readers that King. bt ea wrck's advice,maote a the passing of an act meut.dt on ain Kiernton entendtay S7 9 L1,19 thede Gover.nm pet'ba renig ts mvote of censure was passedl. No op to nfaro geryr past businesshas baenPortettemptingmto sboot Detectiyes WillIissue Return Ticke-tsat pi edge tu to op e p giing t e sto n weve hm, n ieesture or sale of spirits, lately it has beome obvious to the firm SNGEairtClssFAE apnn oppoth'uu it o exprm th eir aloetheRirobabnethea the acquies'wine, ale, beer, cider, that somee enlargement of the premises On Saturday the Prnce of WaleRS IN is CasFR opinionft.eea Fes .osiletmeo ecpoften in in thearboitry e and aillOtber alcobolic must take place to meet the greatly in- started for the Soient. He was carried By P. M. trains Monday, August 8th, the aubjecathe pribiion.or oitires .elopment oBismarcksurp ceólcy t isliquorm for use as creased trate. One result of this id theo fromisigroom in Marlborough House all trans Tuesday, August 8tu. 'h of flico th1 Otime was becnthassuraencefhatonbeverages '? Yes. No. general ixing up of the large brick On Ran ambulance coach, which was Valid to return until Wednesday, Aug. a tha aticaootei pedcesor g t ermae objectrsonwas the unification l bcbuilding on the corner of Colborne and placed] bodily in thc hospital ambulance. 10th, 1898. sh oe isue." orec. o lufale raant emri 16 anyvh prosente itle t oft hallrbeNavy streets, to bie known as the Oak. The Priness lof 'Wales went with hima, T'r Jh G obe n ardlyndcorrec.JohIn 1864 ithe ar against Denmiark, mth scil wahihae Lrihof twhentPr.Ville Leather Company. Lant week si and the royal yacht Osborne has beenaui Mr .loh19u tn conl ed aSr nacI whBihA-.sltria rha coo eawthe ini franchise r t se hoeunderomu unication was received by the specially prepared for the use of the 'StiosnCad-TrtondWt Thomsondisincty rfusd toenat aand isarck speedily emerged froinsesio ud ae tie riglit toveo lacouncil fromn Messrs. Afarlatt & Arm. ropal party. FulifrainaG ..TceOfc. p]rohibitory law. This was not fighting general disfavor and became very popu a Federal election. For the purposeBs t.h qesa ingiedteshent r n cil al yexi d two an mr d ya r ailinom.tin C . CSOD. , T oontoff 1hy f thierquestion. if the prohibition. lar in the German state. Of this vote the samne proceedigs, as gay eara suged stxi th ferassess ancan peiseny postagnde In 1698C it -- D..A. Te. .ta senure a tresEtai fle oiofth ack1 ieved lite we itated das of a genreral Dmnion electio ment on their tanneryon fthe west side was the custom of the masters of ships voteon he vter liss i thecomng ould be impssible with Austria in il. The ballot papers will bie printed aet be 88,000 and thaet of the OakviIllo bund for America to hang.up bags in ,Y U A TC N E plebiscite Sir Wilfrid Laurier will wish So be made war an Austria in 1866. Ottawa and wililibe forwarded with the. Leather Co. $2,000. For the purpose coffe huse ; ad ayCHttertha.•• tht e adfoloedhi pedcesos·Austria was defeated and retired. writ by Major uhapleau, the Clerk oftof discussing this matter file mayor might be dropped into these baga they ý,arpelx,ýiy 91ý 1 ,ainaorty£,Then the immiediate result was the the Crown in Chañcery, to returnog called a special meeting ai te couci carried and were glad to carry over - FOR-- eOxampl e PodSsiblysuch imajityanexation of Hanover, Hlesse, Hol. officers. Every returaing odficer will on Tuesday nighit of tast weak, all the for a penny or twopence a ]etter, ac-. may e seured irWilfid aving stein and other German States, the. appoint two agenits to attend at each i m esbigpreecuc.o0ea cr. a twsasngeo obe. been l'lud eLough to ltheagitators, in garrisoning of the froe town of F rank. polling station o-behalf of those desir- M'roft fir. Afteconira ble ist°B A R A I S addition to granting rthe plebiscite, to furt by Prussian troops; treaties of ing an affirmative answer to the gues- so thlreeiby-lawrser iabllypascs-ed, Tera oe nCiai h allo the1,c.4tion of rthe direct tax. peace and alliance between Prussia, -tion, aud two on Lbaif of Ithose desiring son te pviin tat tee iase ssetforeprs Dower and hr favorthe Fis Li auiou, wic ill lbe necessary ta the 11adeu, Bavaria and Wurtemburg, with a negative answer. These agents will tneron Marat the ArssmtfPr essu geangwhoerussvointeaingsL__ thre provision that im case of war the not be entitled to remuneration fromn 8,000, a ntheriatitheAssesmtron re wellCknowhe Ray hags e- evout of th, euvetmen.t Of prohibiton King Of Pusabsould bie commander the public treasury. in the absence of S8be00OakvillerLeathe Co. es 2,000,oedae Ee ror nof allhpower, andsheliv - to ruaLe tul, forithe aunual loss of $7,- of fthe allied army and the formation of such agents rtwo electors represlenting athe hird gat p.emission x]t iistEer no aptowherfrans trhc- 10),ipH in rvnuto be kept in the thec North Gerran confederation. each interest will be A.ited to rthe bilanadite tiornlingWaerisntreeDotwos. Te Brtsh MnitrSr bairl,,, t'lftr'hepoi e.uer Bsarckeathe rn corated a un. bot tir otchth inl umigpThis nmove on the part of the manufac- Claude MacDonald has had a squabble B A C ' TeceteFranco-German war. of the votes.g turers will Prove a boon to the town,-as with Li,* whom hie accuseed of betraying Ou 011 b les ton t be couiipled rofFran ermalyarmd at he growin ---- -- it will provide employmient for all idle his c ountry. Ail this comnes fromin tOu t et astlot pape w Yiteato prhb. spower f erany, anod owherny r wasW..1 x men in town, bessides causing many 1 Pekia desp atches to Tacoma, Wash in g-Cheap CASH Store • Iutiuth astatOt p oposd ytebGvern.sugsd thatiLopoldoFrmanyrbhoaabh ea. families to remove bare. A communi. -on meext thò agiato- oudI otAv e houdbe og of Spam Francetob- ______cation was receivedl by the",concil fromn Harold Frederic, London correspond- ghsto achne orsccss s t s eodpo d ufict ear ent on. nme Toronto, July 31.--Archibishop Wýalsh Hion. J. 1I Tarte stating that the Gov- entofthie New York Times, rePorts Everything will be Sacrificed tay secure mny a voter who cares Bismarck, directed the war, and it died to mipht very suddenly. H e lhad ernment wvoid not recognize any bar- a popular dissatisfaction with Salsq hle ou ne way or rtheaother about pro- was dtue to his energy thaet it was closed been confined to his room for a few bor expenditure incurred by the town bury's Easternpoy.Tersnt-0 CA -- ibtnand will do nothing to help toso quickly ihtesurne fdays fromn theceffect of a recent accul, council. dti f flirs esysTis simply uoeit, but will resent anyth-iue lik(e Napoleon III. and occupation of Paris et, but no sermos consequences were A party composedi of Mr. and Mrs. I. intolerable to Englishimen. Raussia O NE 3 E E iirect taxatiou and wifl hell topunish by) the Germans the war losed, aan ticipated until ten n'clock to m'ght. Warcup, Mr. and Mrs. C. P1. Chisholm, hasousted them from everythmne. "-Gos- 'D. anyGoruen wichq briniti upon Thre result of the warwas thaet AIlie had been chatting with Eugene Miss Plewes and Miss Emma Smith, of chen s amazing Davy speech has prac hiu; sace and Lorraine were ceded to Ger. o'Keefe until thatt bour, when symrp Oakville, and Miss Griffin, of Hamilton, tically committed the country to war a accouenrevtaboefaitire o xatoion-may adi peeneofteKings toffDr bwertalrebcmeeoen-sildfom, Montreal last Thursday on with itassia." Yet Russia is allowed Press Goods 5c. yd. uip. amltheineitalefaiureof pohii- FrnceatverailesonJanary18.D Dwa iyer, o t. i he!osal, h. e lfotrona orthe oOld Country. to go on with the Siberian railway and Prns4.y.p. tery law to any D3thing ,but demoralize lm-71, Wilheim was recognized asB h a atl mnd TeAc'Bfr unn theywill spend some'nothois jedoue. Mr. Frederic accuses tie oolecuse it i, nyGoer-Emperor of Germany. bihpfoevrlaicysnad ieo h continent viewing the 1 salisbury of pure incapability and does And othier articles toonumerons to nntthat enacts such a law in Canada In home affaire Bismarck hlad trouble exp ired at twenty minutes to eleven primeval places of interest. not find Queen V ictoria the cause of mention at similar prices, wl be doom'ed. Sir don Mac<fona]' with the Rtoman Catholic Church. He, o'clock in the presence of De. Dwyer, The Oakville junior baseball team the vacillation. and Sir Joul Tomie understood demandedtbat tbeyshbould notencroach Mr. 0OKeefe and Father Walsh, his bdydfae' ea ftei"u this whon they.efuedto consider the on therighitsof the state. Many Jesuits secretary. :sthA nglict tan Chrch hoir owo deiand o th prhiitinisssuls>were expelled fromn Germany, and r80ci h aishp f M o n aCouy are camping in harbor grave for a OUR S V ILEE "dl Nir \ilfrid when he' eva'ddfthe pristis who disobeyed were sent to couple of weeks, onSaudabya quL nb h roieo lbsPrison. Later on the difficulty was Kilkenny, IrleanWefod, and adcte a cr f 41 to 10. Trie games was on e-. eite. .1sv-e ' ettled' and Bismark was decorated by St0 ons olgWaefr, n h ided firm start to finish, fthe home fteieul tf h emnnvte the ficPope with thec Order of Christ. Grand Seminary, Montreat, he hiaving teame having it their own way. The W e t r Fa r o on negatve.thInxpeditur inncnnectonp-come to Canada in April, 1852. He re. crB oyscoducedehemuicaair., L n o . 4 totakin m t fil n o tionfltCnreso lnt eisde eov qed n 18Mand ine r des frein Ie in St. Jde'seCh r h on Sunday, hta, been a chronic nuisancefor many of San Stefano. Subsequently he Bishop Bourget. A year later be was evenPlii ng Rev J. C Farin M.andSp.8ht 7h 88 orr r tt derc b kninlenero e onBishop Charbonn i at rector of WVo sh in rawberry..il aske en.n-1sa Ps ae of the social denocrats by establishing tario, where be was also the first resid- a t the Oakville basket factory is now u te ane"ssedixl the ri ngnd tae atrctins '-ea" a in f sta te cA.m; :epstor, and endured uch hardship over ithremanauers decided thaet they ,pca eerintrains leave Lor on at 10 p.mu. and after, do y;c an say, for the rire co e nEmema o tententh usra ema n187 e9a apineetlhecarewuldcrue theopay rom seven to SiX Auction, Sale of Booths and Priv-ilege, Wednesdýay, August ithonth, euna --- uv,,o'l N aliancev a of St. Mary's parishi, ToronÏo,-and in cents Per hundred and on Monday in- Prize List, Programmes, et., apply teEo t 2 P.r. rot rltr, Jly 30.The Moes nTo rntaneall'iance between 1859 was promoted to the rectorship of formed the employees of their deter- LT.-COL. W. M. GARTSHORE THO. A. BROWNE, rothaiers ma u inudrrths orn. Russe iandnc etEmar, sum St. Michael's Cathedra, being further mination. The strawberry gang strong.Preidet. Scrtal . hi tin e mao NIfl ,onfession throuh c er tePrsniepro ssmdpromoted to the Vicar-Genraalsbip of ly opposed the reduchion, but the l Cef tio ine orisonaso teirconLth reins of office Le masntained that the Diocese in 1862. He visited Rome employers were obstinate, and on Mon -¯¯ ¯-¯¯¯--------.___ neto aih h rn Bay massacre. ýBidsrck hadt ususped somne of the pro- in 1864 and was received with marked day evening the gang removed their Tea str st yhe elrsiterso ye. roties ftemnacs.isac tention by the. Pope. In 1865 Mgr. outfits and discontinued work. As the tera thy co ledgIfaed te b eieWalsh succeeded Bishop Pinslonnenltseason for such baskets is; about over, .... statialyforcrâe t t aper the---- as Bishop of Sandwich, subsequently the strike will not affect the factory to moetiefrh rs a imewstfe the nan ann n mnigeg remioving the episcopal ceteoth any great exteet. We have been m. . brthers andok illo ed tentwo avs, -----Diocese to London, thre title of the See formed fthat machines for making fater ndson sx o svenyers e.Winnipeg, Aug. 1 --D. D. Mann is at being changed secordingly. He did baskests will bie imroduced for next fore, they h'ad itakien to the woodis and Mlanitoba, returning fromn spending a mach important work in this Dioces sason. weife outlaws to aillrntent ndp rwek in thle Port Arthur district, here in the way of building chuch a e 0, h annual excurdion of the som. poeshen em a ise an the ml two he went over the proposedr route'of the the magnificent Cathedral in thrat city playeesl of Marlatt & Armoiron il e Frechmn wnt o vsitthefamly ntirst 25 mtiles of thle Ontario and Riny Lobing an evidence of his untiring held ton Toronto Island niext Tb=sdy Pin Island. fitwas the first Étime that Lk alaywtTh hife er.eeg.H-wsrgre a h yxtaeryoud r- Lous ad Jsep Alse ha ben sen t s satë tht wrkon hispiee o nturl sccesortoArcbisop ync garpe o sprtsisbeigiaranedm. sine te frstmurer.The wee te oadwil bestatedin fe das.in he rchiocse f Toroto n te ludng baebal mtchbeteenth ARl Summer G00 s Wil eClarc A t Reduced PriCes. - -No Goods Charged at Reduction Prices- T E,NK RUP T ST OCKo Was sold in Toronto, and a large part Was bought by who is now selling B3oots & Shoes at i P ricesthat Will surprise you. Ch i ldre n's Boots, wor th $1.00, at 50c. Boys' " " 1.00," 45C. G irlis' Shoes 1.00," 45c, Lad ies' Su m mer Shoes, 1,25, "5pe In MEN S SHOES we are giving the best valuSe ver effered R1emnember, this is a brand new stock and affords you the best chance to secure B3oots & Shoes that will be giv 1n this year. S•27 KING ST. E., Jame O'Bien AMITON. !za e lr NBa ThS, gortN seiti la a" ygVIS. of To cgin toWe• 00o..eriforthi m .p. C »Oilt 'Au has etua bieet bridge Oves for t; stock of Ties rebe', Cor. uato si Ge. ON bakers end to 10e . il ncent». OR BIM CHE,. on gonda grnder. ,as Featherste, uest of John erpart of last w lu-d i ° o '*er° oi arty Who setie Er the pond last E«NNIs.---A tg toma r somne daz Firki, of the d,. hi eni om,2nd lin' Joba Small, th &y and her C( 9RATteller here, accomil ft ou Tuesdlay want Hats, Tie derwear, latest mwe S, Cor. King dton Ont. aOakyile tar ha derson has been gi la the Georgetowl :0 Hamltn.°- Ito renew the anu hotel, Brawl SS®""* '°r 46yea shouia see the m, .sh adAmerlI Ca for s3pring at Trr mEsa Stsl.. Hamil ýr 5oo people att pt Roht. Dent's, Mthe evemnmg of St. Stephen's% Ch DcndWils infrPew Sean inarty . ete Henry Char e.n 6he 24th ui awaa Lson of *m,'for many y( Re oo ntobu A visiit friends 0Findsor World "Orýles Anderso mlog by a rattl( Wi Anderson wil riColl, Donald ia and E. R. Bi $ynight from a bh the New Eng bthe Thousand LZimmermnan, of a» &t Binkler, dei vw Milton profi àWhite's. Those awinl plenec an muo ta plats Wod We bave ju8t 8Ak and Scho< elect Onlyth On1 o t Bc NOVelties i yo e }u ma à fyou can-d(on 't go around dressed mn heavy clothes and tell every man you mueet "It's a hot day isu't it. Most men Wli10have any bramns left are able to tell Ra, hot day wheni they see it and if thev're not sure they E can buy a thermometer "reduced teO'98" for 15 cents. E Dress as if you wanted to take comfort. Bu loth es that are made for Hamilton and Wentworth chimate,. Byaseleton suit and don't fry Ourself off yOur own skeleton. No where can you dress more comifortably and for as little money as right at this store. W'e have Cotton Suits Bultable for tennis, cricket, etc. Coat and Trousers $1.98;i full suits $2.50. Thin Wash Coats 50cts., 75cts.$ad $1.50. Black Lustre Coats $1 and $15.Boyg Coats at 25, 50 and 75 cents. We are, taking 8tock now and WOuld advise 700 tO huy vith- the next j# White Duck Trousers as white as bur d bon- t 68 ysWbiter, $1. 110 Men'8 Sacque Suits to he clear- ied at a price. Thége are $8«50. $10-0. $1.00 and Bk$10 ul 8, While they laBt $7.00. ' ï- uft Nr 17 -y-- -NIHINC 01 THE 13 OF AUOUST

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