ThaF iaan 0weflavia bas. bol"£d 7-« MditI th liast cf. tsimg.t. Sin, 'matau i . a sai p sapendi.ttdmingl.i. Titi." ibis, - rp aai dir pa Mcadrly areomanai Ci M mail oua m onmots cf"'yk« ticheaisia r tien ofj "t-' rthe f no it1ctth 1-ngr~ape ad silg W lic gpr "" sitti Mdtlaialiii fla.Min u s.yat.-.X 1 map h cetcrtla tu t tn<t la to ae o u mio" mia.utal tpeidx rare itmatalg ta da mai for prnm ;Zi àa witnpt hulmadfcu n'9 orgld -da »wzv tht~~ late IX.. etn Iv mayli cmfrtngtu aiaii oa i in a f si aa Mme lon Whou iwu5"Mh vez:madiatea praeine. iiy fi" dou ftrgrprcic tie b.àpi r. lat 0a l d m lio bt. tberait.âia I ritiosd Thaina. roucl 'vosia mardiia. u I ano aiititalat~ ~~ rr itpatdiasioeaa ad icri, atiat hous ciasaiutri, tccaar>. fsud tic »dcri- mpltsehcaaitatea a tilre ettlotut i af blâdme tMh cft Dtl sppel tad m p ý= tin tscet tiorig alie.i Aetai velhAu tmep aatah taiq n "ýioy accidentey or enuoita riastat o are t umii.d i&bout Qutrptii cunotiocuti thenss almi %h pu bon afit te dcapandca m.-tit fil eTireaufn aacaina ac.dl nu t r fran argi ta Ï1k -Y tait ml t vr dcases.tAtt tdothea WTîa' Pla Pilna aaut fai cfte ay tie mntioa àti t cite thaï itilet. Alamnt d tt v staacua whiuîi tia y tailila ili utli ae n1îi tae demacncy.tamett iateattî aticaphntion. tot mat rcvr. bl idu ttcho inte malcaue ofal tr ditîcrifhh-dia reci ent Atria met-i c3 epted it theo detutv tpartci f in ti, ' te i nkit Pile, funi I foU ofui c tuit en mcfob a ica ttqth tiffo. the aion.t Allr 1 th ta l r l a o " ni , sudin the a ttpy hmliine rua t tiio i a dre it h Teicrob iaes tht altle i grhtn ce. endtri»RhtoueRua ta tie tpes raWit, poetrae thevrale of t it ill cattiaatd taiig Dr. Wiili& motion, end tiaiy tcape int tha tmtIcc hocco. andt I tan trothfaiiy fatal eritoitis.Dr. Wiltlame'î Plick Pilet ted t'o ictctlltltg e icut tatoccit an &et l giti r lsatti t a ter tIti di tcrc ccth atata ait tpiî ta r rp a trfairtril. hti h tîîiîdmccioitt fa ti, kertaor ate, Dr. Wiltiaa'a n Pint bv Pic ti rrîrî ic te ertsut ofrte yet Pcite Ptac."k (rnithy r wkeugr. e ltte aait. feing cf oreetht pitaey ectatîae ccheo eoerifo change, tan mcii ttbe ttcoi eerdsov ctody tilt qantiiat ta lultieo ti la h o. br buamitoe hi a fortcesic apfe ttrdso caina a-br tCag la a itioem..useo vciice matttetsittaout ofi pla.iiu.bmdcn.SdMl nbxs iiigkls opercthe selentta, thtatiota wr Tht run tctic ip ear tiihe iîyaon rvre. tut nufti frate alePol. frdinnyc Chagern cttitirithrii-andtelleî ofrit l a cuiatuna tn course, ~ ~ ~ e etheg tcrl dao Ttcl taa eei roidtciivcqutonlritelosuui. atlrtuutittteif frec latiit o attir ma îiîîy tli gîte.. patai» ot.- cotelcc.. bcd ci l ota teteti laiqloltip tripla îafliy borrag chutaov til, hl.kly i t frezer tua at d le e ucent beit cîcoo, cocscondiptins e ocin . taoi etlw cent. Thrc ic emet cucil i ria taco up h ii iiaal iftiiotti andeiil cfictitc aTthoi cto icitnaol cf t tcua air Tlouer sa ic ciou l ol eic quiet inadccccit. ro e rîoc ii et r pet crashtr i ut an cptioo oeriautpeetortwly c o , tortfreer au excen ticn ta sit toeir caettucceThe eftrtecpthe ticailr iet iotkicg. ttoc tort go& aec iiamn.ol totokl ccipe ilag toisi pli coltauuepercoincoi t iiriiey ""a payiit ilua Icit teea aieni crcig .-Vcos ptethoi iicce n. "bouteat50 o.ditcekt.Ter salwtr sanc tetiti raechoego fan stt 1c otteasioedîr, but feoctau mai c ttitc fcaeoo airso aiTttos otutîcu attct t att in a ttisc tofi camc ista rcoctîicng ic eros lcc laye orarto lai thrtt attatb cfm ioucntco sot. teui curic ee it tt eiu Bltnc flino, lac thcie; a atrii moua isco cfe tai titreet Aoiuianaitt a mi nc2othnc~ondc actucoplwetsf tiaetolBeatytapcu tdtatml ite( ii.ce.lic p lacest. Tie tyoe ttc cae itt theti sorti ttpta ue n ra bui -cclcrcioîîotcoatito hngeto te forecreattybetimeliasmc ictuiî saieofchue f iran a ett- m crait n pornî la.s abaic t u BlSil o monot nous wok, and who ta t beii e pa kI ng ht fi t he nli botrormoe btici a alli ofotstisaraiicy a pro.e Tiin ceamhe t en pertuten aI crtily bran cuei th seay trcand itu thei a pace arn1 cil.$ irct iita %pnto th contice reeiii ce. Ttc starib tocalit c hacp tctt icsicigaou ika uctico in po o n, about ttrta i l t uociiustccicttiiiciywee chat aliattcitii c d a lttot atndhast( poirutino maiii raveeni, au erhe toitze uco. Thté lurig paaocotat amy lk cacc y tit e b olc tieteccin. theIc frtzut aoit, studion cetB 0teticuGreat aicu o teilco, iet theiuctta The atr Bhiltttt koortrcciuiiiic, o itcobtat ouitoffecillthe tfretig Wac cioroil cam all oiioîiiy secet thtpised arcatt îtih rcte Uc hua cihorieasc itein to l 8ithusie tarignoccrat o et thcidei lir tit cie tatr nt, and l c on mr i ute stt ttcil uharccgh. niior tt] lrrceuaayiiicitadmit,ius Mrlvo tret.'iTecieturaac;tprcckîaouac ortreonco iinulie krccctttiilit taa-tonraasfrtiningctfi gorycccy cubrite ti, dicline, tetd whacpcciaî iet. tactctiîcor -voir p cpintuce , duc el aatons rcmin ute ic I!iclte rer, epuWh ct fceaoistcîtatirnTkayctiv.Asicthe tlceac truiatcety the ucg iîcicpcckavebycctkiil o aniiauuc aape th Croi n ccii thides fttr braea ccscty in l kcold 20 klieu Ct. ioittin aci wdnempapr ti pakit mceir ic rt i tt y itiict dir e]y î tait co ece tc n ftt ref tit poeri kîci, cfe Dure, mii-tch rat Mc ai th tuanit. i rt e arin chait cli cnfrsi u i oi f L Irs S1iltitthoa. cr'n i tt e rat sece ir y inaro'ri tainproorton ho iteall canotl Ca ote e aI tr ic-r ate r cio ick h overometeirears Thyaretri k threeze ttif tnc celany niioce, h. -hasoto arlse Th proo titsai Pcicn wit pntie tion slcooi)arLot bgomic alot&i 0 cul ectncaftan acitirt doîutanpcci PuotMdo miro tlirpctlicritrinihattefpietiand peeiad agaictr oA tht coie ila a uiteipr lon anit avr tctree til trie uoio hr c f c tcnu earily it l ly ttp n i rel ti1r pali Ild L roe abul ti tht feîtul citudoi uns , roti ta tly fro taiti r ftnte ure ta ri taccroprailite.Case oftp r li e a h A a al a uice- cra ipirtro i eroiteoatertiaiily1cra ciucttibcilii rot, Invesiain atoatio, PîtrofmssertOlcaericou1o rtetctate frulotutfttoaitgtesiindteta LcieroolPt t aiulthepulct îrytuuc baI Ici citu pchemirt lgitnicplttaoiîc then hta icuD or nt ht rig o bave titi ttt rac to pcoiac ne liohtio fattl. pee aIt 81P ithe vrat im ciii norma dtact ci thtm Ifriespirattit ea c ciotcleîiaetiulac et ete t mnotatici froifcial foaria ttffcin bacc prcg, hmgi t.rccuiattropir thtairîrchrtnc tfli t eiaa, prtcinDtte- e lac r wica m rout i ts uptri c io ri the Mei mitre a Ceu ci adctuv te strke lu w moitt fgrae ythr ce mo Le8and tiltre a ia îottaat Crnucte gtri tiuc prspan tankl fetat Hucciatal t c diea,1 iiusitt h lurhîle crw n t as oey îrt. " îdi ctigtt pacti 10 hcithe PapparentL carpesu Day.rar-t.1.ugh m apat or Ctr itwomr unit laos cteifrtn ce- tastoi cia eini t riuttit il ttaîtil btpatian Amrircac latm frtiBeta (ilt ticticiord andic Mrcitie Jaurt. samiic it teice y. latn tha lAtsonvca. Thini tathatr nofa...a lid hatt ita aniia Biel ianaile imorane Tui f epe l foua cr isi tiu th adi VHnlaz Tare ro liv 1cesr canitatitteaay for cdr aetiuittecaiiae erahiinmris the itictacit bcti hoil pfuther lae, mla in Berlin, T ie a aly n I Pti ductuifectcatcraeirucatit.o g in citbfthe kuii erb ftm t 1ractt-ytigip tîcl fottpur-l tid comd liai. e Thay er cfhi pic.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~u.a it.acfii i a ili aitu int voî te as»au tpirtmelthcere.,itio ina a-... aiynd SrrahqtsPteand Pibga Oaam ttihir.aiciiiataniifcr aT h iieonrycimagtear f t iW ii bue til fotr sandwihesi foroutcaa4 sietait diii ep &Bd meaidls bar laappail ma ici lrootr ro.nt ut Kingr reouia.Uet. tcaarehny nd ud Irait' ttaS rtelaai, wt a ton. leane hrh St. t and ry faa h t dermniit erut Th eu honahgrtin.ku qfltt Ithe eopile proua iou th raioam titadina monfo h m r. bc pandei autt. TheU interi. of vh tpoiar Reohtpjta the top of er il Maihdls bp tis i oudedi c J a iote oets. theameof Iaga gleBlie ta Eoenta,-o iera &" vol r n p a nd ithu i a lu t rebisi or @poain. v oo i ac I u t e d m be ihod th a.s -'Ut.. S.T. e D mun Kisamy Pu0 n " f chpiuh.r ai iia lbatur Jci neath ear rua o n" m evnfut h Aib.a rpa__ i Udrgrslaté Ise..laib min u ~ ~ ans" .aa S.~dtêh UaniaStE a~ liaDU f m 'l il*l , a *lpaaca n e ylsatptai i *~ci* .1lbP.d.l4.7~tbld.h 7i-'zc Blancs a d t th m ta th a" l P5"dV, it anamt'aaca ait ay mp Wt (raco M» id- ailittt Tpetaac c a end Ma b l oa basdU M U L . at ar ca. tai Ofn at, ia u laoma, ai n Il i ' "O t on. i ne Te r at ii0 at-, a utJ Lestla J e iti.OR - ctirbut plcit l iedie aiit 01es adf nuivsbtia t eu Z'.tia i. TOT.. ....A.... CH." I m ailforl ebut, id na i î.ce'tcina tarithei ..i th. olia itat Ue ge e ry liai l cîc ia that. r & é e - oî fiitato.~ii Apn rihait tani ris on o.the itatthe foratS thrdost cf1t11trasisitOd attttacali, r«taadey- wua.i ttatomgve u btc.P. wekthe ah tui ltaic. tatte d.IlaThe oi,,. ptrt ltêt inisn J UN UL L C iler -a1 wt i t iblong, ax ihit enres, Dow. .tOet.ta * ptaulnotaiaitaIl Uit pacu-ulnaaiionto»ciec ne a i lta, c, taitlttabui ittaaneI L.a I L Canada...... aad ..IM Jallad à Dr. TIi gr au, doItace ciiIl noitn. uy.d he L ta thtJo a..ln ~. aha~Da a rnal.taanah alay In imaa.batatll ,ad @01 thtatftl0îaaait.aohttî toul whaoy b l ttatd aniauity.itht ia-'tta -t. tte,t t , a hcdl ktia. il M eri an RTMbsi EN T.r oflix ta js ani t hepla at ion o san l l&tIf dic thucacti.cti . t. d .bek ctt tai S.uINGr S DEPAiom te& Trs h ura patal î loti.. ramthe ausayt olte ci WW c it.hct'* tngatttcrs t M0w tetintr. a h ou o ittty Mplad-a arad liau- tetenig iaadaaiw ---b en ' - ap"ita ai51.1a0bnduapar09r rcc. l$ta, cr arr dcc in <fy I hi hstIMS. ceavl..01omeit nd ai er a n llwd amera tnps' iaaun "h. te r lwy mpli." nd- e--iaitiatid 0soh=09mhalant,.s tiit Y Sod etO tAlu t cG- C. P r ad agr ta- "t moSpata Dpoitla C oalto nrs nied a ronge_____lietas fed lafumrtoftht nmaczc. ttac flat tratrtn hi t t Word a tmnt te irand oadt i e thtitara itrtafris..aitM« Sattia .0 Wtrtt .d Tht Hacilt ahulBa a i.dc1.J.h..HARPER Fola ffiict itai agatts d rt h.pafrlti- NtIit- P,1-iti.ttttta ha bting t A EN. I ON diha te lm t Wth.t pant, Pe. af teii Oci-111.datet.i- adetet a tii. iahlic ahtcl nd e ontt exil. rme th u eI les Cpiet iLotthW alitaA. C.I.- - - e o a otoc iai t a ti tsli seatrtînd a appDeaÎld tf he1pratsadnl tcrpi ai rosy. "Omo oriavdir.lcesgial; deyi. leiîbau T ITEMS.Th As tac tter aI tht fonota. aug. HEY RO E'T ctEtH. T ty tr . T. Rt hba ts taint ciagint aipeial Dtht it lactfleoaeillinine tihl tak ntiid"a11 itt ththt t arepatewla otsffod frt ra tes.aatftthaahh h i a ty t B ihiage.4iWailhur . ThHaitnSboBorbsdeJ.F A P llaft At 19i, hautof ew trtt. op ac, ti- Cid art iaE. titta.ex.Ttacrtr aof atcei h AiET A LT ON.Ph éta.r@W afiarhaite g o raai frit ei ci. om'tticttrsirein ha putri,.arctat igrpot uaîc . altit orde a b wurstgltht tainetii. t me a et Waiat. H lea atucbd en Ai $.00 rveiD. C.l aa l h epr T ou &fier aeurWor w rie moted tite it iijr et ai as cigne, bf s b a ta îTheI(oihyEacC 'to i at nrit&tttuete ncul. itei td.a pritEiteniCthe eran crpstt trhm atih t8itathr fretaecent, hattereîyhe ta. A repcat To taraitto. uthciil t. ati i oftthe e le, ci ot t in hitec e ead eccgcta= Ther- ,î d ett i Meilaitannarpar attt ie rnar th arti yito. btrt cth imi i theccputeigii t ti air agacicuteirtit, hala deta tt trg Wuiigan Mrnrd St, at.Fr ma tiiytdn.rapi rpihgac h àtî f ct thprrigreaa oftithtumaritite )attObt Octarta .ltthaittcftIl A r lirech th t o iwo i id it ththckic cunuc t atslt' tapi tate i. r htolingith eux itiun d it he C olchrttr orthyi, oae tcaiy gr aainntic baot M.eHrilty. "Hatr for ois th i t r ln teeikî thcried indp r .itaca i itqat tatttqtat$8,000 TrtOh.Olea tiira Pinehtaatheexrty t u misonOfgh eahctrf oupeeotlYtaitxafitie@ s"Yta"in b ti od tirg W eh î a s M .. ii. m tnoicla.tht imotastcti A Otctieritiahetittfeiittd. SititipthWa rhry irtnitor it."Caff' atrytloItcta itaastso ira , ctcargeoithe morchoimtc ote cfth@ fPr el I a eoniydtp rpla o t r atae~t ittlt atti tcd f r e t htren t iotbu k ftop iycfot rps. iA " o it, ey t c tti h e tr1u ar . Tt c ai i e t ' goce eti th.ciillo= _ roiyecci i ttettt i cp t iuittmt.brtal ahiptep." atiautolil ud a taa U iqatay ta 010~~~ ~~ hcdareitth~uroc tit o. rin T he Bpplas cgOletWtee ati Fuc fat. td hrt eittt ric it t W. L.fOret. e t thPrcept ra atro Clu at Lua t," a yracis atttatîc olt fhott, hr ea'tita onu' iichcr rinot h tfifUpaCtdaOt yHee ii ittmitit té icta it tfe hcr p ri us ieoa h l e ci A .ii a. M r. leoft i i. gctttt lac a areta a Otpp 4t'atae si;hibsaftre baru tt i aehl f pbg nt aicr hant. Q ttti iit a n rittstagt la trte tI ti n y Gteargeaut a itait tat ral t <cc" c s iiiliit e teeittor r, b.,it ntdth e- ya l rt ai ( a n t x thpet I l fa eit e d iiatiy hita frrol as t ataris liiir m bat tht da ltec lncitt chebckcristem ini. Dtait h aicge atmde V art h etc telér Onttc. W'Ibcon"Of fictetccitiioofc,"fcog itctoncetio iees chrf mi techait touti du'te ok te argtct rot PoLyeta, andteci-aflir at aetyrthrH teiiig hi etit e c a tate ciiat-iha h ie c rei ho ttt hai ot f Vago$lat in a l N eri aiatait Praa Idb owt hebilwri. cith in rumel te ub cultaethleta Iaf.tia troeattat gria if Pthold Muray, ,oa tcripc. P c ufes u sela Ye"sdlieut tta rie W siton. atait athetartti ntheta rietIopicit ,.A Or o ilwstetirt t a lde& Itietit chit otp lpnr.chee ai itgtro ora*Cm 4Ilef infrat saa dmicfrdal tei Tha iuesi hiat&otga, tuiý thait ierti1ghea stlrepc e a iî i m a hrgientofar itepartaa of nvre aic teccy cserprepioe"cta cfpithet latbtieii toyttt.onier frThe tcc et aet ftr--Tht cI bci T. li ti crig.t. ghtiac e - blittaore ihasoceVie" yEenrGorecnan toit 1.e C itrib y ecucgigediyieg "cia r if 1By ht teptitt îl,1 ue h i tt ua actecfnodattariatatttn at cr tiiea 'n -n d itui, at t oetbond g t ttc i t d Silhaat0teutt Staaie idt T t atiear clubchia Cc, cfnT lor L Iie tuin ntai rarvai t h e ai friteior-in dW. Ltjcrat, TaisdntitPri-c uiaelran aub . (,"a prmn cnuti thta cfuattlI bitri r Gth pci cf eathci i lt. act h, trtiof eit Ctana ti- icheltrip i a o wr i nv t e theart hon.m, 2I2, ahrrbeaah n bsfar igt JîheMr.Orit lagtit Xc. t eninot&loia.en u"Grs t~< cmrioi t antehe Ciicptt th aect ht a i a l as s cliite ' tgh' ueteorîe a illtietis. ta t tai . 1it piats cf ia htoi ,' ei C ohich n o yetaa r et itdtat c ourst rdte tric tcm pet yuaEtlb Ste t Ot t dant urt intd acpiit oreF dî. Ataiet raeta&MIi ct a tictty"Atb itforgarlcf Smvr cr. Do Chage.lacooae acbaity.Inia t a IPE FOR Pit-isottytiat cira Mtit Ic oat cr prif o ust ejira.. fib. "pi-aY-faimtr" h i ttaticc -d fit lae . tht ttrot red sbatuptr ie i d ut if eeier i i N e daisscr d r oitmp tei. Si hage.n-Mai eat lrpittn "rth Priatt iitit rca ht pi i raiirtt e ota thtetvitsion tfort ui afta forh e a n tti fUt li la. r otau ltc tait h.cad tead aptaiti the c bi. t lttia tf thit Ot, itpatof a aod uetap ed m lo cflititieeit aloi'tt ataipsm ati iet t rtit'u fnauPen ud t etatiimtp ty cf HieyMofaatp'.a teehtffrhlcioaie iat i e ihsi aebk naso adgna nomto aofrdl te Teg WordeaicainSi. Lclaiea ret' t ilolet. mwlcio a e Oiel ty icanta. pc .cs DO onrl fIde rgn tl ad T tcHtittltcd atlai abiSaihme,îc tp.hua itd nattatke uie igiyng"h iver ieuth e tien'o f oi rair ottea hisaleo tlc ic atern&,aoraace lp. ityct flh, accn i taa Kte . ad Sith' laemii cardSo ed aig h i l ietrPbain CofT. ao Mr Ratchin fotehacc-n .ai, o tIdc- ies Knt if a pciihoury re cc tam an e rs rottLitre Ut83Richmpoaf Sih., Waa acr, s t alaron ri y It»har - tctetth ritt- paayi. He.h eipiucctceitgtliltg liii aTfrn t miOnta. t ra fi Ia1ueroitetnofithenpeople ofta vi-tttt t 5,miodnt JfhntyBemboatatuhteciticoatriearcrt. mcine t rm ýt, loge Hyaccyderit-Hori dc yeil e cu-tae 45,m titiedtytamestcriçnaî tli8 ttper ct igeticoie&c.lhn la Mht Chco. othigint htntameofrcfinc- haetaSiartththe rita dart th INTt 3 y. 60.Thgrl fiert parcier, Ica ienau ocu il. tng isftalitt r te htmc. at taig tdtini.t aeijri Mc. " Hckylic,tcsori arce.l'lp adlttaa e ietttplce fa, tireotr e p i.eentecayf ih c ongaratulais las , plont Ate nid i ic tcuiar ta imeunITeactwaucru toit caiclttrîl Ctatpatees ile is avha. ç king ,of at tn in utassachuset, iillr lghei te agB Tot triea t miua rauoâi lca 17.lnt. aa tefflwn tii. mnac of timh at"an Ciicag crieset tth rittdtiihtertbuvo n eittuifcy Octs s Bspe omià gind dec Cboofl, hic wehav cotuped oieFrtaaticbal-cilntcfainca tckeigoa ad laet Alwleoebt AIorii tento, la iouI ý n t e m aleait tst-tetiaItt cassdOcii, k o rfesosia sl va. "a.fiwers" ctthegai ct epiuf tari o n ta t a i ci asedv r ern ia.. a rvign, ads r i ew, t. b aist e fbeu tte larteda the pactt thdera r t an ho it a i et 3tet blfotad&irga t ie-f ithe iit siaior. cf pat, abedand iataios i etit. Te la *UOf Yissoimposea nade ý.Dd hIýhet te thoo lacorrct ptar uta ve iarisitt na ab ithfo t la DOmi t i oa, ay ofi n ma Y»Os la.'metb latfthe â..ntIqaraa.t ttaaule a c titmaletatalry la Sarcla fîr eu tac_ Ocatmd tttciTh, itra ue ttHailtnHardreiin a...p t Me tiu, almhs riiy lt &d HD ot tctt 13tbEl-&acCutaet iti tis poiito by Séi wol rnsayho or&avocats ombe ty amiemater-Sy a a piA fattigu ocmepaorr cartaccreepati that, bfoaum mitaiy iquralwdceiii. lefore etatyeoethttr nd ni-satt leaty a gt ~r ct eertthotIaie pase ap ncua gOe~P e l &long t h rsaseatwtceat ureya ta. fr. ailpp ll a itesdo .Ion "-twII' out o acita dt avec therigcloupraonictonou Utssan ire si ili airutt.tgittfr h iii it .a hoe 1o gttaâamtda therfoms a ite . pon hit eas htiaami -am tranu le bars s. a]a ouitad. Ti a stiit,"reaitr ie tabt, i .d imi atet-rwfl nin cf r.e lm it aabt Hoeerl IIa nd lta ty smetielatth o l. icef nr ye'g" oino h mnm é r.tealaiit lign armte js ha. Othe amaaeur1210 cari a-. OcntaallCo i.. by l.Cm tlIetaaltttt it iete rafiaa etitca rth ve. sup bitra. b u" Ni Mr bmiQnlfDny. m t a, o Htn tttI Aitt Ate.sta ufn ma t, riocuitio o dg'a urit 01th Gom "mhrIolgs,one paceaof m tcRita hathew amas. (reorn, t'ied ab r ttaaisu. uteok t ai p eun y a hudcrt ai. S t.iIaueee a~tt iquotatllmnaiosex . i a itsipa pechietai tadetbuLed aosb6 0174isi ilIle @.s . - e l a . b aui uOf o ety in S ri 3 Harnefsfl pctpli cf Miltonnimd trii iait I» duia paraiaawh.d uhaéaamu ofMr. Eh fchanii Jceanditla preparad SýIW Pair aad recairal tiadeoif Hiraonthe anlami acotioe. A fulil I"o CURRY comas, ~c~QaIou AhmaB tan Stock. B-se s o s We arOagents for the bD EPAIDED. the bet ihce made foh the farmer. .Ail Work euaranteed. ILSONcS Wn féxev. W 4i-NeýSHFE1T 15 ii.D. t.c il d'h I p.n er wD nake hoe ma1 mcfafuuiiiten iONaC ýT ON. 4e7 mi ,di tq iî. -ftbm o t.' 10 -t r li gl'c ,, 1y I - I s i u-, =tetui pd odolU t lb,«,tCLal dr., QQtH.-neit.,. LAii. iW . utiT i The Eldredge t.11MINt-E gUY6 UU T he1B elvidere Hardware! HeCrdware I*TheQ ______________________________________ satpS.lsr t Bte m S cretc o f pie.Catalsgueatcnuiyoa why. Write fo nme. CLEMVEN6TS 1. carrnes a large andi fine stock of ý6 N k B cIR. L. Sneiî and Heavy 'hardware' Paints, Ois, Glass, Putty. CUTLERY,_SPECTACLES, ETC Dewar's Block, - Main Street, Milon [lTIE WHITE Ki Ov IF -lu.p p lii ! 1 M 11 [l l i l 'Il. r, -' N . M rV, 1,&urC...' . r& ,i mala L JMIEDAL. WffeaM.afcaar.itrric r r -a i. .p duo O.rcr.ri Vcc-tttut u. ri- P ESTAL. VFT bLIot of>. .ir , i s, taciittad esh itt ci,., r r. r pier. - c. PARDl ME Siah1e c lt~,' . act ctoc.ou mTu. TON. lird e ii- tee \sat .1 Wiee icctc fci alatta.. ttatitey rcoUlui i pe Say 1