r~f R t 1 1O Iii If s; TH4E CHAMPION Onkville. ,.LToen 2 t.Tues o . soir t -à Ai ibonmna.1s om ui ol tet M 1 r. m MWinWT m ime P4 o o" ' 9.edi. 6115i5i th visl lvc~ aUWord 2. C: IL! ocat thf »âl -ni 1.00o bé. -Yuu Oni wu t dlmu 1Mr. ma lman. T"nasels .odit5flrm To influx ut Amersuana tisenst oa Ontn atay W. J. inr, 0ut mni f i-Eily ë w-où EdYMC. Tneenl,%-made e- -P si 'ut 0= 8 06j lis 0la rfledfor ouash nlbu grenier than ver batave, and tom '0 eo"ngb n remmeng recrd en oideace bin-I 81'0 trm 10 e114. tboy sburld b met by nil eandima bttaO,» nlrrne oIb~oo-a ih m.M u wilb stuided kiodules.aud:murW@y. .mahIeodistancen b2 5lieue&"- 55 M- .Tbnifl pmnwrgyaaod.by Vt Som eC#nadaann sny dhoàoo0ut int.. dulng lb. Oui 9 milan 5n91 tboir edeo, wltl a nn najaloiioODb ProidealMciten eus owaeds n m - o H w0 anarbanwhol bon Melus buesorpaocar" in.yao &5 $pain; osuer. May eon Ttmu yact atd. .b i ý,En.F . h hW -ernd ROCERIEaS, jiratoiuiéusoteff*&1W thelbAýiD. yaht50 Woblc umt by uin Rsaim..dWeTb in protentati ans ofhi.ooadn. BA.ox.' n b@o b :-y@«l iii - aodwl o niEsite inioovnatilonol vatoieaan9rn W snI nata C!wa -.1C GIrent Iilain >u h i .napprvml ne andi wici won mii -bore, bubeursalv&asioot* D orea oh I C O tIG distincti muet uê bu flungl4n »e thum o suaby tucsyndicale wblch uwaed it ami 0hy Wiht an s 5te*dl0tbe -aOohàU b etfuiut gust& a. itbcrticldsdirect.-tbu'lieu. H. <iodrnu, ut Turonto. Th 0prnonsii am . Md EMTSut th DaaoOE9k cd uwfdetuele vuinuoienia oabo an bnlenwintequeriors Tii Inonda p&d nooOw, *nadne eyoidseccu t nvbuor ni ource' b ut urbarbue bore. bute w nelaionc .J8Ie he u.the O Oan. evdneo àara à-h'b lfltouut, an ebc nlbuaniltual in Roio. t OR.n Meor] juuctureeeocilunu iis ibey *euldlo --The adjaunel aelet Wodnoo- ,tate oror f »'atm ha amltn ailâ, hoooc uelhnr. ay2".nO n, - D. IR. BLAICIIER, t ti poibis ,11n.nn nhuld &Mounnit -n mlitiod suicideom bor ek entn oba, oplurid in lre~ l ru tle Andow "00000t 0 Ei i etîviub.approial à u yt taî Amati. bruginàle rdct buaithe ent mlth& um êalla. . ln .A-So-Dtruoiiver Halwaynwu deotaod. Bewun Blc, Milien. a", bot ilwu g tiuiuaejrytudiffbr the man caonsel e wn desthbYlin&b-artewcei5 d ev un 1h obliAgé iu a bn lodgleib _______ une vicoria Park. 1h10ooend a Irotera ut W. iC.Hmeri . 1 an fffm'u'idiidut he Piýpcabld in Iimuf wtha k le 9.lolck bey elrtod ,do" e 1.membur tue South Z2 et me tvent bu~ ~ ~ ~ OW gir rimlan upolwilb Il viii but a upleofutveesbutr rix?î nrne OecMPuY vlb ol-iu tro,îudet idtmbo00i . boud begimintvàiabctnoTn tubnd io. ANADIAN R the incre aup t4 botercon ibios iheteupirar 'y crib et the barbue afawdans iaitd Cladnns., A ebisN ý teBi a th eeeesboo te r raid iîisbndand tbon ho drailge viltihen tin Ca"uocala.1 ougeaninu imapulloa, denwe rue tbowagon one P C FI ua rvi. .PU, jetu srvice. Tbe eupptuOientLKjY on oe aeideuof the cco u dn"nue PACIFICie y sndauvsi- - Ua TIS If "*lba course bu ubeorveal Ametor ri.abalan noce bceugbt dounetil cd rerun. Tbe ublber awu boyseseelsai-n. hi la waerldb ialnvni îheoiircenii*ir ou couuutry montn enlt artl WVu~ imundisaley. Neile ufthlbm r, trum Emerson snd tore lu abredue. REDUCTON TE h T nubunudoru ot ur god ton,rde theb artor e eaeelyour ede ee eiiithst.oi br.lrî aentbogaeanoiln peg stuamer Oceybo deeuand untiag cuud bu doune ainetthie Meroputtnl teeoan t naion aduîlla.nzuuraaliîetîou etbr iret ti oftheibesarmu uOtunth gapplang rns.wecebogt pn aet lu mion ofVthe fi,- viol Cixadia iptnltvn rally c. Quise birti-diy, beingil] ana 1rgeBt h" re roverod, bt iti 000 inuaieuin0u1llthe utr ebon i- RATES -VIA- eucureaun. on cunetbob h ierber v extinri, Hth boye vere nett baud. a'ocrl unr, ai '0&use. euting dredged. h. boai vi!t lin uP w etM, ii rel.. unit la h imeuAsanteoorbije olmu beune sud nore Raerai tavorites. Canadian buysn ubuPaaeranVIA ppei Lakes Stearnhic& -ptoted. II;in eeWendbat bc nl WattCOe bhome is Duar Arie n, acd ibtemmlvea beyieg ire rneise let Londou, My 28.-luIniesisenr comence lber cgulr tripeAbount lthtiOvene ramu tfro Mouunt Forest . eeb, iiebuinertoened le leeriîg Ibm lixeuTA tirlY A bbey, in lhe corîbere transept, ubece Jour.eî b rc uCiaitqnen ~*E ~ Â. îTOR Iu aoer Exlads reateul dnu rouat, the iedy Tbe teninrai ericesin acne. Th. Denise? Jui sce c. ente tor 20,000. u I.a AKES MOVS'uiedr f tale laie Wlliim Faart Gladstone lion iii the presbytcrianC rb-bnmi petitaus wu lnd unMnda -rM PILITON une etoîcbod 10 day ilb tbe erre- yee botd lent Sodai. Tbe cerner Hamilton, May 27,-Jobu tinudrie, againt Mr. Hcliiub, the duteted Lib. - 000e f the cilice bu hlervnd sioesfut lb. itcntstructure nu thebellî boviboreman, dind bars ralncandidateftu esrt Elgin in 1h. HAVEButigRoIEDUCED lJ exnd f lhe clu-ellie badl]cvuId. Hie laid i a,18-SBOto heti v behm n By t est rrent Pruvincial etections. Thie FoR S OI itSuoN ,Zae i erea lîoric ofdta1. sîd a ede irrudertul progPeo. soutb. Ho une 57 years ootgagnd mkste 1 ueecinpticinnl 308usý adbvre yîsalfigy(Lodbeadune uioTe auiveruru sronoeeprunu - lsavon n idon luaonubis deati. Oingitethetfailu oarangments ,touuudelue,~eftnîu wboe mrbl èfigylooa dwn apoaed u e. Alsec. Mcitivr,uofTa Tu aduebortengrna. Hibtdlimher- ealOlIvitwessrs. Mackenie sue oiiioneereudlilor mihoort ild il deird vi tirth rreli lai atOln-reu .M.DrioetTuuu lrnpratine. At tiret bia bave uotiicd lin Brillsi Cuumbit British Cloublo. toxe bih efooefd. Bei Inn fture larorià tuese, sanil ibe choir au ta vas cutoffxian, ,en tbin tout une s oruent tint ticy colnoticarry nortn c rtîleapa Une ýp.c-iexie1 blugsof Great liritilu aliod ieeidn doligbied tibsrungroration wvith accoraI atutat d abthna vin &go bis olîbeir milva nrant niti the Pro- on t C,& . osflorni. .0. -.. tbe grrstc oelioooeru cofin, "and Il vnlt-rondored nlon.îgnsco f ihome i lt ir.Agentf.', igluStretBail.t,oi elle xcllity aed lerulii9 l len amie lot n.nuld agn eut obffd nat-.hn vent rHir le rigder-noa ierHcotd e.îeeocýddi h ibogli the ie esbfethle ibielles 'ry tast TborBday oruinfi, te willim Hondrie, tiîrcily, ted GIa. Ite o-ebice man ubo sa dstieguisba- docoaled Lableec focr ipliity. Thlieshou.qliite a mut. The borclern Hoindrio, Dtroit, lb. vol-inovu crt. nd imuf in the Atbars criotit, in B RANCH officiel funecel. llîO flent ince tintofet ead John Barcttys dey-aoodestmine âeagenatsi. Hoe atCanuda in nboartly tubchoprotn0ib e tifuraio- Lolmerstinnlo.naderedr anî'm- by braio theolob, ancd scoindhtour11157 and wanTorontoueanager fthIe Oirley. Madonald borin litseuae pccngspetacle bhiohmanificencen o noitn otcloti, blarnc uaeielon roanie, Hendrie Compaeny, biler bu perrbuond drapes aounit.fftm Ibelicldîg einiciil ne ulc-pente sweaters, e.,th le 01n o ub ei ornen tonemuEugliai aruy aud tbe WillamuJamen Haumondot Oravun- IIIt I III lue. lefone lie alier, Ir Pîineen bondreddollaen. Tbcy neeluetieJas. a ve-ry gond jolguetfbersen. br1a gi rad ot> IBo. hidii bi.-eeelbmapaît Of ubite and L. Hennone grorrry tore, gaicing en- bridge ou Pride>. cf tbhecrar rby geld. niclrodnred iii the tuai. "Re- lur ybeîu ~e in.---poison ut hiu vite, Kalu Touglu, un juicel peu li lîlendinTe y bele licuntya p cangu91,86 et kn, The T ir o. Marclit, 1896.He vas soueuced The usdîraigeed. preprer of tbe bl,eud beide i, and ou ilanr ide oe bannes and nit drinhu. Tbny -talubu bauged on tieptumbur îîîî. tipueduVilti Wootea Mille, Preston, Oui., vîoil Itîe supporteraseffitîr poll. Tihe a aiselied Ju. Houcon grurury store, A brliclionial uobasbuefor Yeace The suborner JauecDruay, m i bailsvedecidd oalbumabe our utd mitI aI lrincerf Weiss and tie Dois of Yor ulier te ie> lcegruaetu lie amouil gîveu theb unof ot awnne e eody e- dto elt o <lau cn.Caupbuttvleoa breucli oethle abovn oec i le bedcfli cofi ah t txedota', obar. O urîd iaili Oaout î -ûored uîb 61 atpe r tzebue Soundetbiuhment,ietu aie inrotlandhux- il liesteiedboainu te ero i, anrqo i eblasciell fi>- O okdta tegnrimstk aewbl 1piosonbad oa ebcange our pure oon,,yaros, itou. rnif g Iilairy, (ix rte MqiscbreThOruda>y ueuiugfirle mes ver' e cncltieg ilb a tewnucouveranid abonut9g1 mitrg e vrIoutCape Flattery- beigadirebolre oflisLbuelry idter in ie rlfeoicaed alkii unp tl i eh lin, rakiu.the grams off, He ited tbe wmite tyiug te lu a moderatougate.'nlici bevin anhomul lîcins1 o the Lberalleade in te Ho eu evity laen vii serbea, sud cee cise o a ine lave Ibat vwu rcalualin Tirty-torr pnneegerure dronod.wi wlbcteoath olcn ledeond . teloeotli Ovecunnt ecarylur e banjo. Tiearae tbe su-ti m mier, nnd it won e bucae gnu Mr. Wand, iterunran of Prineam be luhr ule tos tComun; Sir pe e b10 hestirnce gaeg thel bur- eriggly tht iank eu14 norli ctfoh. Cimay,anud tbehdivorcd vitla et Ebur Wn Baal have a astoc etofo willim IVernon Harcour, te Liieral glirizerd O.iK.McCrneysstore t ding tl utothel an epresuntablc Wrd, lis Mieignmunti mitiouaîre, goudsaholàd icr u driag tr unuî. M'e leadnr in lî teHomof ut Ucun; tho Broue el previeus avening, svic bhuape ugein. Ha a.uiulained Ibat tbe vin qietty muucsdhin Toronito ut vil&0t!askecycveuw n eueii Dlie of llolleeh. Lord Rtieeery aed accoubu for lie banjo. AIDon on un nall piacee et greau i th lfaun urni te . W. P. Mttibevi, a "eI up autoanythiluryoouMay heuine. 3-uen Mr. unîful oeuh wo l tr ime rionha, TLonday Ciet ueur and agangrut aftter il in cul nerveDt nul oct pruieri mnou yooec Toronietore,,,ysman. rtle, bia, beeicr or bleoisie. BaronîiienIîrelisnd elvAuieud. you-oRmen iget iot ilu prsil and tbe teder room frnre inn, ion Tbu brihe is4ndhte groom 25. We eu gine more for yoor voolliuon cf iî'eecielcehnl ocdhe tir liac e u r mftsa Springfilte uproiecl lenu rou the fruntluibe 0 %"tuNc adbobinh baim usre ulîuro lboy gave op lie elbsae. Ou viner. euh reloro lu lie erîî lin On Dec. hîni, near Braceiridge, Jas..îny dealer eau afford 10 glur. Asuort cnllierede ahenedral elesey. Itîr Iclorda>- h reiheuce ut AId. E. Hall- tliasnbstance ulci berslbeu gile D. Iluuilu bcd a rsu uiH argoret in giug te coin ton, ucie il op tor orhihpo atruy n h eil l s s aine lto hour jhea-opibogtton tvsueanudWalter Fraubuin, aboy-, yur ueu, and buwiuc. .'îclîbuand1white srle hoir, fioe e b i a pc cecleabout i niciof uny ontra rond. The cineut ah vle mrpîe ndlchor, ii s nut oofoanestdlio.On IIboy abot Steven, ubsdied abrlly 0. VICKERMAN & SONS. mtin hcep@el.lie ae teteeruhie cTed c urit s umoht c onbas ofuhe. Oc .SNv. 1, Teenatnr aftiervarde. Ou Munda>- the vuman were orChuladstone eraio1noIHerber.toaguad yeu a rured etbeloeutCo.V -aelFali ned tbe boy veru trieh et Braeroign. Preston, May Alrd, 191). aucîlSix he, ndcierorimubero of . The former won acquitted and the_ thie faî, ,wlî111eIeeb cv Quinnbielb.day passeh off qoisil>- Sr. IV-Gonrge Dolby-, iEdmond 'ng. b oe a ctildadh _____________ mc. ilydnicee icile Drechydbl utuue-o s ioebolne>, Statue>-Nubit. ltter cnicecd otf uanblu erand lieo teicemruiofVlead edicDchi-anathelisatiernon large combut ruJ. 1V-Roy Tane, Micoe Taner, eceudl tirue yre ib e Pran-. oserof Yock cccpiehlthe Deanipen etf peuple aseubfed etîxie bamal MaiNuell, Roy Fallie. iengibeeereiormaiury. clîloiell. le tiern c tumperear>-sosel9 goceh lu nilueesns tiitial gane ut II-Lillie Jarvie, Soaie Jardine, The oders tes tbo Nia gara coupe îoli crliuh uoiltie thle Ochilfe tara. Tiear cecla.of HoneciKenncty bae beuiand by Lit- utt r, W ho W ~ant einte oiob aInd totbuene I e oomTorouto, vr Io puect.Ti I-Ereau yner, Orillu Suaot, 1. . C. The onee-stiiiiboltiund clsihueh the se roftheCouoe guioa via acueubat une-s he leAunisolsyne, Nlliu Jardine. toc botta campe, aduh*it tr thte ofLeocysadethliiepul ofchiestegSace wueurnil at hironu -. AI he Sc. Pt. Il.-Duvid Douglas, Arhur folown ocffirrn-Liento-Ct, Olaer, D. 4THS<I-'RbS MILES ANI gatmi ro Lierl Ogazat-n an Ibe eudo he lngaun lin sore u uac %7 ieLillin Hrown, Cecil Jnrvi. C. O., communedant; Major Macouegalt. goleenIcetibsof il craisiunaund t102. Tbe O pilebys1tnye i erbetSo ihen Kiniill>-. .H CIetaffoffirar; Hajor Motion, QO. MitionslcO c ciir lae ud - îiîîtI n u8aalb r Pt.ol.Jouti ngaSel B apqatrutr ao odr encoi rlil lb d u Ce onsixleungoraviuity bolIbeLai.Roy ipoeh, Heu Oueruan, nou, 48tb Higbades.eastrietrgis- ~ L n s nolilicilo cg&ulsuliono; ulle lie long ieorsixee teutjani tr le irtPirePt 1-JsieDogls.lietaH.cap qaesrasur 'je nCnI teuu cie a o usan v bim eialrs ouI. iuhia itîle r ueeen. Milton Croolor, Au>- Jardin. belu>-.Lieut-Coi. MLare, la Bayt. -Campcll (couru.asai Oc.iglioieuuphomeffC I;.,upeonaj eio m.ct fici lc- riiiies ciin I raceîetien L nolil boditficlsti 0bet u r e .-Cubt bIJnneO.I.oopi fie ognHao d.fr cf cl ni Ilx, iiJ ncryguir>- el lalcildAnitl leu.Jr. .-Hioraue Ocierucu, Maggie eofacr; Licol.-Coi. Oravele>-, S. otS.Pom, ce>- ami cacheli laciifutoeg tbe tDouglas. caup pnyuaeier ;VeeiaryMajor 2 ililiffr's fisc-y pria rafiots nveîî lelil e cluster if heip>l îvil.My îi LILLIociPxETIoREwii.Tacere. Hall, B. C.I.,penipal nulueletry oifi-4_____ i ei.rsond werelonu. lu nile Abb l lIc heMthuit Cueci ul Sueda> ce. FullI ohers are iuoed as te dut>- 'I lte ntoaneetbl aklu the abiy pecio1 Epuorli Letgoe serviceu e e u The- Postc Ltte Ct,rtI. routine, etc. Tbe Sciooriout leotrue-c, INA U fnwoffchiai, ,hoie elii gleiued bie Iusuroe, biug preaceolb>- -tinîey Btrruaco oebclamo camp.rO liilliantly rcei ibie nombre bâca. i ov.J. . lKay, BHA., of Ituvenenilte,Stne arkiortu]acmp ~ecoiil. Tîcîîeeha iîcoqgd t: outbe paotun. Bon. M'm. Miba, Thn Jui Ladies Home Journal Tir nanal expert on lie staffof The Lfda' IOpS tr eîuaeoîuside in ochnr e wt uothefTsrubusnepied tin poîpli ni lie peletu tho plane for tineen cohet amulitLondon Dily Graphmnye: Ticouogb idasCoa tSoe pisecgeof tle orai hProcesion rou PresbybuianaChurhntabslenceof ot rb«-cboreou Ibîl 0sublubul lie icnemu oethIe CU~iteltauseneti the beut varity ; the na Il eiiiic.,erHlli. lbé pinter Ibeougi iconss. Patiotin et amali renI. The plansan by the attache leibm scontar>-, t baeeun ýadeal Malteje, lit prîc rererenra nere sonde te tie Qeee'a Joureals specill rnileel, euh lie permitteh teexamietbeofficiai report - birlida>- in I tiechbrnmeef. cburceraare soci us noold bo drinel ounIbhetInofibthe ine. My douobla *békittto toich. Th. W0, eineueu hnWm yneu esunait cummuonities ubeu moneny a 1etbe ctuusoft liai - tdrtadta 'm yn.or Iltbernenr0citgn:ooerplel. opouey lpeare Filitai e lmbiet ofSaet uiago OtheboQoesh ote1, bas benurantel t ot<ntuto sntoe lni opeeydseli.O ie lokplace cionh- uesa s c îwel asbis liranne &fier a recouihection b>- fui. ___ _-ltimosiybl ou up, tabn> cawn iiiccd, euh ticugli no diecruotla* hie lireese crauaiouers e .___ ileipeesblonia y10 hue>-t aî mi utao W ants ' auouce, t ppar tatth Lmtý mveen i o futwhebwil oITEMS. mine bieg Oud. The queo a seel w nitatocscl, i uptthenrhla ntofteen.ail btmonut in to iebicvil auterbon te ibamne came to butlaid under Shaerfol50 li bet l ic n-dool usot u Dliill bnun hîlu -ber beh and umo laidil Cau neer bu 6 Handeome Victoria L îooelac. Ipaciei ocooela are-tothe ire ncprotectiue. Pipes arainoiug Lady Abrdeen asecound acham. ausuened. Itii oneeofthebeercetseof *0 -Cheap Bar1 elînt (liai lolleysuy eocn as drinc ld e somaet ofur @tructste bu aPlelîpire tor berrVicorishenetofNursse tisne. Bt lia Ameeicasa onnere-le vill;OîilorSain.eluishaiinebocuttrtcpialupseun loenceNlightingae, w n lot.l ment woulhhdo ise1y andmsiltuie. t iaimade n11,regari e e une llu aet lîleneiaaetrnIotull te ta lie Cocotons, expepsesbar bigipla it me report and eraîlue it beoisid.*NOTEMN ollie cil rgadleDneu l- hle puer. Ae agitaionise iu 1ofu h point, and lia efforts eut. Il cntainsasupenbla la ut * tccioce Sailo. OVle. Coemmodoreuftoi lu roe pipea &long lie principnal de tu cmotaiu it, Sobamries eberoisu, selt-retraiet anu lnouten t teh.he tlownnonal figures, ou SýIum lied no u roli rilioernsubah trrels nc ouen ithi ydrantiaitrar. tme scemea agrect boum 10 the muiehnolado bonnertu &y an>vuy. Deey>, bhafrohicil viorrei sdeciheh tinieplie. Il la laiund ibat a eeu slickpen, aBaya tual if lie igb Stoieleafut rardice, pii., di 1citi la ineece îioc rprsneaitf vtrceb bnn li> e.anedard laid doua tor lie nurse cenbave enu circlalud. bot llb. nvidufn ,1c.06 ,g t oti gdeleilo enrire ti Te iesa dnaoottibcutuilizecdtor c bu autai.enh, best.eaub odounlttkn ol howtýoid wab clattteo faire eonno bu learned. =aprieioa hotrouls. Wn are strungly ibal tie c neme wilo on andprosper. olllysuntsoelibee ansa. Sý0 ar 0.L icl retoni- cedAdmiainlvetonust heides aud bope il eoue o_____b____________ Ceo1ccrsealid a moeb better Clîlor oroxccufotin mariaitoIt. 1Mrs. Gorge M. Plluenbas e- f1coe Ilîr Motoje lad nsIdcilc. The A peeuun rcou cme up for trial bu I esesced tie trme 0I ber .bouhouade B 'Ott o m~u ~'****44****~ I ili Sttes fpromiseoteo ecodaun l- fîoe agitrats» C. B. Pallernun andwi nl. aed chassaber dovss igit. The eIlmaise M« ,aciiciofînrcu 10 Cube ilt0Once, oC tîiuJobs Macdonald se Monda>-. Tic Par'mb ilende badon r arrange. 40,1«" fo=lm olerlialioe of htreu i orol u ,eedîl-boileevlieluecsuaanieu,-xur aul.tg defniiilly yenl .teelof rd rintisnu. Il appears atealul>-gretter Ibuenedoler tie pro. lltietuedassUe. ne. 1H Ugcr of Boclunigien un a ubet. uten len rad u-hr fte escnl ýaond arssd oLal cam &romth deeuara. ithutprupirt>- abouel>. B>- the lattler rno.isoaleneattIlacaeede )ieiniccieid oaorthevwonld onr u ureigb eedu isi imet auli$3,n00ii0,000. D- diW Mimenj 27 KING ST. EAST, hae found ile dîllio f M. lGladl. umelmun a poeefol bion, beciig rae mr a .0.S.Imtneîî stone e ibeme ncclby f tieiî greiet ite off tlie en. The aseaulled Part>- A dspilui trure iLoboja, in lie effcte. Froc tlîousaunsetfplpts laid auninfomation nti the Barlîug- lriry ofthliaRoya Nger Company-, Farmn for Sale. bas bought the Stan] limos ave boor preaced, buvnartonu aulhosiies, bt li e>- etabWest &trina, amya ibat lientive fcr hbein iisuCbo 11te nie anateabave auylbiug la duovi uî. -Su th8etfNibi druve ount Frenh affiner ted - and c Cîîiiîii getemana, ubore si ne vase uplacedin tba bande othe ba onuse uhuer' astabliahed thiru. A coine ftaiutt ifty>-airesilato eeity euh poreusea et mtine uobody Ocivillu magistrafes fse tria. Jodg. Nuouptelationain givese uttbs action u iln e twshiputf Tritntar sud Tulle îîîîcc.iosed. Tbossanhs of jour-iment vas ceerned. o uentialea,. Ater tbe Frenh hadl w inesutofutlistnveot millu haïir nolisasn itihc iiodcl unr the norhh Lasge contiagenta ot Indisua are barau plsd lie Brillishtroupe ie lis accus ufthlinavero neolvo.r su5 bave Cioih 10 do justiceotlotie memer>- arri.ing binu wndail>-.ailleg lthe aighbbrbeul estecde llsplane and grass, balance under rultili.8i ofîrluoadu grel ded. And lue ommencement o tsaabecypiehusg. belatod thir gig. Tbhettivesarae e- ia àrci day ltenu, Thiers à agond aileso e l 11uaIive ontranod tmis If ne ea jodge b>-thie etmbur tint jsicisg uvr thieBrillisoupallnnetfrauturtable brck dweielc.a ed bare ceabllîn lu do justice ltel, no sbjelt.are bore, borris inl bu abuadanitaliathe towpThe French bavn pro«ed OoS. gendl stables idxdt 10alanaRond atnd isu 7w offrrtng the bîg. IL ai remaiucd tor SieriWilfridLauorier, yetr. anddalleaed liaI the Brillsbnwiidran.l, andt. ud e rsbt.d nf shai.. fruit in Summer Boa Primen Mnirier of Caada, lu dlicr C. Rowland Oncuatel inuceibroungi. Tbuy bouvintabisbed a poaé, nithithe ltram. Will b eutd uon urmes, vbenneheilyboieteibola mentout urlîe distriet, bas rumvedtala.ni- Frenhgagfliig unlid e vlla. For nrllier piudlas ret etsqueolanad mos apjireciatine pane. 01110 Ho baisecord a p inThnue t o ii wu neofithe BOX 38, gyrir ounM. Gladsonee ta, bas ytibr.eaStoul and isnt -b. r fth eignal u ftheindisele di. . iuPO Ot beuutteed. The effor and lit ighe puaysptu ad.mnbave bus4u8.2tEe.lad udFraco - Lides Tn fodsOornt1. jenivecen lihu vorlmy utibo 'Dgue.autrni lntope.nand inery Ti. L oi luaglFirison., e Laad1 t.... anc h ro uenire.ome, -Opa er.,ouhierY Th liIWf s aIEU plll rn Ladies' Tan Slipprs Worth $1,1 2-- lis Dow beiug installed. 1 hihEslà a a he bU.nies'. 7 " i d di cI HoýAim anSinAgwcfh 1r Harris?&C. ROCKWOOD WOOLEN IMILLS, ROCK WQODe ONT. Y22-Holidays n uoiiooef oloiot' lilOoaio hii fnurOso mouercelnto nue cf' îiMush o a a thfol igbelit tid ?easu - n. lie Aîuskaaspécial Fulder," îîThusand ItIaî folder," ,,Guide to ishing aid Huoting Resîds" M. i. DICteION, D.P.A., Tonoolo ts Ribbon? D MILESI 0F IT AT heap Store anîd uipwards, and fno ces to puy either S LACES?~ is ndoubtely the spot for îrrowest Vtilenciennes to es that no other etore can WThite Lawns? Lawn Muuslinî at thiu rgain Store 1 TH 0F JUNE ONLY - I hdallo euh cd quarter yarq vuIl, 3, 18C., 20e. Iptndk'fs going at 5e. eaeh. BRIE3N --HAMILTON, ley Mitis stock oif NOTICE TO (JEEBITORS I ne tory le a Toronto ung PAPn ygeet hargest ever showu - - Hasi> anal unuh 1bu1dreppa sts & Sboee. li m aHor a ofdt ac j-ANUgT lodombu. OCAELYL BEHA1IIP, Omooniu, m N=.11s.to' YW l an iîand Stroii(5 .0, ai 5e.lmtmo . Io uifl-t 50, at 66e. -Whocct ipink, yellow, grey, whie mm;w nons, Worth 13.00 to 0 0 , f. hryooY. $1.00, now 50C. MCT T pric sudqualiy. ILL K or VAL' Is X e * lss flU etc.ai.. Oc ~ v II à - î WlhotI10ey, - Not thai we are giving away gooda.. We'< t o have been serving your intereste for more than thirty years« at'j4 benflthe case. But, you bring us your wool clip for whioh we will slioW'orrtmt market prices, aîna in exchange we will give joot cbocè of desirable -aod îeeded articles aîîd charge you only their real worth. CHOtCE ASSOETHE1T op Twao, Fmnîus £iD HOMSUNSe. CHCitE iAsSOET ~OF FLANNELS, BLS2<EET, SEuETMSIAND YAEsS. CtIoteu ASoRTeoarOFwroKNrrrsms UsD aEWaEXTKA VAnOCE. CHoîcu Ass0ETàizNr op Plt7Ts, FLANNMZS0TTUS SHIETItIOS, COTTOANDES. CHitocz ABsoETMENT 0>- WHITE QIJILT5e Gsxv flO BLEACHED COTTONS. Tbee tre goods tbaewca t recommenid for qîality. Many Of theoî are, our own nianuf-aeture,- and wbat bas. not been made by ourselves base hee bougbt in the best markets. We eau make the tite one that will be of îtitutl interett. Fult weight and fair Inspection the raies that guide us in the buyîng of ail ýâ" at these iten olnldivoneueorricu c c-ii,1,lt , Slopbec r Cihu ic, oi,, piailie clooh rnet forlvIIe Mnd Tcafalger4317. 1e youîr cyaa ppia oil ,e i% anvnen i lîec.:Il, c i elad b>- liiggicl"t)i #t Beul o (enu eîu ii lMnda>-. He trave% il,-, fiplto *gtted. JeNoDUNANc, eOcf ,,,,L oenopeted maniantlof biii,I et ise cice hast 1 iii- il i bis nmboriptioa focro, Os=orelfor &Dy11 , meruiu nie le Tnc h.. Mru. Jle loeiOfnr Soseoda>- emville, Mbayii IbO, au, woweg Y gri tiw -o( lu ia hi y hi, Ce and i. - - , - Diacrond Il l ad Shuocs u uî - uihthVielcn oi IIhuirO-N IIeTT ait, îîno îcallu .- 1I Gietlnea, -lI -, 1h ilox. Ile-. - 1 a, Iait weî, L,,,i- f, l D-1 tcli ,- j - oettecdoi, - ci iihîui- E O ltDeelici. I i --1l )clocer, he,% l Mdi t he oic. uI, lues io. IFaic - - . tc l uit,1-c- 11 -,1o ;h, Jy a-i ti i oci E. Ji ll- - -' dcothucB udhîIlI -. Ltic ii Irll biî_1 drai ic' e ha onixlue i>.- Li c ,ai ce IL -lc - - eppd ecled ir oco ie hooTrle col il npeceanooobal -.i a Ic. Reace- g c-- - l,- Ou. Le. Ioccilc Shahn. MTh fu, oi- cI 1 e o munhel e li Re.t cfre% islt o B i - - rat M0itcel, uî oi1 opLiii menîseo ullit - s laens boy beli -. i sny-Han10Obecla on acmcl a o pacin orieý btell. ad li serNý Oieaer. Ouis lint - dinhboya w be l isi- 6 lest, ate beloti e 0, i kmn long huccm Slu. io, i i liit teai e Obro otr i it e tailO. er uerai Oob1,iooc -îo cii pueunobur>- oe. 1 e, lioglaO ah iesaleal.16>-alccay ocI cilOCîee 1rf ns lloa splhooike goa lii ut pna5ster iseagJ ie l ii de ïndDa o w ie r tes4ai.loi tn .LNTERESTNG%'li TO YOU Yuu are iehcrrtod un boying '-iW einletnateie in avng yoor tmode. xie% wn ele - go ianoaxto eneiloll- ., îîu st ocu, ibis eeniand lbd, -m yra0 hiounelandvwillono le peao-îli ,i tmion, enhii s rts boy in large it-riti, cn aposition, hotw ie- reIt s If- lieu Yenwt thi tli l %.>- i I ', SHIGGINBOTHAM Local News. iii xBsn. r .~huv-ofOuuî ýtn. Oct.,ne in t e noce8oda>- ORe tu ieiissiuc lutt-lIr firirii t tbotham & Ce.. 0cm Cie .colu.r. Anuubeo tf ilcItüIîw ewkr]ci~ Dan hudieje bad ccieIiC t ( unesie Oc Tuday. S Jima DoveaiY, of ttbi,llii, ni,.cii unauher oethie Mil1cd Iaild , a ml i, ii nabccIerieda lîrce. boaleros b>- ail pIutr ..i j,, leu1ic, pcrasneanUtb: drawiiilhtire -.cd ru H - Foc SAE.e-Tno boil Ca- Ice 1li.h vauilhicoua3-l Ieo au i,,, >mY. Apply t te . P11Hii ii ÀAaînellugsoftire W. C '1i 1 iiti Li ou MeenonModay ci,,, i 'e miii 5. s m mA nftm au PUZZLîER. Medîcal men are puzzling over the } iestion whether a how-iegged man cano 8e traîglît i, ot. It didnt matter when pants were eut in the tiixVilIg style of a few years ago whether a matn %as boxi- iegged or, not. Since the style is for sînaîll h-g palit legs) it does matter. Theres no way for ealulaî to conceai bis crookednessieand ho in tyle. 0f (coure, a lothing man eau be as erooked tic ho pleovses, for ho cau bide hiti crookeduess from tltost people. lie ean show vou Canadian tweed suîit, arnd cîîll ileîii Ectglish or Seoteh tweeds, jtiet to 'help mate i cille, and hoxv catî yon tell thoa differenioe ?- W' ixolut lui show you bow easy it je to hoe traight iîxthie suit lin. We bave bore a lino of Imported Serge Sîîas îîmade hy Frazer & Co., of Ipswich, England, g and the price for the autiîes only.....*75 Theto we bave a banduomo hune of AlI-wool CGwaffilaiî Tweed Suite, in the new hrown ehades, att- - - - --..... .............. 85 Now we know eome rotait toree. tat tire cfiai-1ing froin two to three dollari more for these Caîildialb tweed suite and laiming themn to ho Scotch peîîdîîî tion. Ie that straight ? But we tire seehlîîîg tou euit.e to their one. That'e straigbt. SMITH'S 1 ý !n