THE CHAMPION ~ " -sI bouse ta* evte Jksl st -Tee : p-ron-bbtxoe lbseteblpss lilial;sentis ise s-Ito5eAMD S JoemmeA!d ,OOlA it&seOnd readir t Ottawao e-oanon -. I5. e or" la dsy th*A À~ dey igbt. The vote vil h.etaken setoraiai.fhe.s.A oie : s.x , W atnsns, vil be Simply ,yes" or "no"! AuiliaeFless b" has for lits E.boeti dtoobjeet *09te""£ tal etiist nde M OII 5, R MIssbv84 the question of prohibition m espdbly à bigasOnSe eosBeposed $1 expenusn vl hoieshot 250,OOOx c.s'Vol O oiisn Ci s oo À Jn ,Wdeol?67 The enectilent o a proibitery law de or Esgish brl.I woxld ensurenthe deteat o sany C&21ana- Thoinveasu rsn cohd at -MrSp~I, inme j t kStansand ase OSfCe21su neMNab 978, A c<ireS 064 dieu Goyernment. The Ious nf rvenais th Rs <5sH rm, n )a - B fl HW" 841 REW.hes0M. and the resnting igh taxation cOnld menti,. and bomne vhs s#4 Mm osaroW N fC B ei 51 RRoSis 471, hi eoisogh te bring this &out etinif minder thetmar and stss Ther- E BtsshI766, m eott 415, the lemce veorsub great a Oàsoceea. voe former menuber fOS OseoBoWtn W AsOna 76, F Jeisause80OL Theinvîabl Iilre ! roibiio t iards, Royal Cn='aaRifes IIh HWatiser676, Theineitale aiireof rohbiton eventi oontsd polios, Halto esds, proibit and the coneqset igeneraArgyhobie Rifle.onfettaiRifl. ArT00ti Jr. .-Mrâ Possible, 8&0& domoraliontion of the coty vos14 Lght Intaty. Otawaa Id-R Battety N Campbel 806, c Dew5, male the defet of th Oovstnmont Peth nfantr Royal GrenadiersFumii *jPanela751. W 3Meffain619, tLoixoccrshie. ris. Royas, Quo s loi 505 nd 0 Btaisly 794, H Becs 575, fin mrecruhig.BelleilteRifles, Geoesis BMI GuariBaPetrie 707,, R Ctementlà414, If Mr. Lnurier lied Iolowed thoea&ni Montrsat OanzisosAtillery, as A Whartoni 646, M Dalton 408. exempleofo!Si John Thompion and eC as fommmers of thoa Canad' 31 Yonng 685. A Cenway 204. Lad rfueed tu oonider demande o the ian, VimmtOnnined Itll.isin litia.J.q- prohbitonits. o colf haostort n . i 0, S loe pressait entolsed thir tlxiiioxghyit, bo ifthbe oi !~ sames Olt ttclose o! .the .0 Se. tV.-Margarett Mtlens, Ths tbin bYil; ut l th Mat Ofthertsdy to oulit in thtleTieceii UneloE liott. Ede MiCocan, Chilve Bas- coming voteabohxld hoe the detrat o tho Sms, and cith tOne100000 Canadiens tedo, Ernest Dewar, Agnes Stewart. prfond edgilatio., or i» hiag car- in this City it cao frsely predicted 1btt doOli Athinon, Emily Inman, Fred îut bya sinoityo!tbovotre ! tt ithiff n short ime aller tequdtiiiiWhite, Hazel ILaus, LillisanNoper, rie bya mnorty f te vter oftheactualy hoia thore 7vi ho ,009 Daisy Johinson. DOoiiaon , ehîch mold le pre.tialtY ames added to thtmIro lbl s, 8 l. IV-Alfred Batedo, Thomase a deîxat, tht tleicicte, s it itl sttîr Dr. lirorge.f AvOnyss.Who »red f iooeead, Mande King, Ch&& Barhot, questio that lins longbenu a Dois- twtoty yoar in ftho Montrent 0arrine Asit Hendorson, Wallace Dichin, Wse noielx .andia Dxsrcmcls ti hoArtllrry, van ihoirmax xf the iototi g, IWnn, Grâce Bery, lIn, Moody, Fdc anc t ,Caadin ovrrmenswil ieand WH FlîHaiea former menmier Xrosg. 1 Wtorth &Il il Costa. of thetQotto'xOnls,OOOtecortary. Jr. lo.-Ellua Laing, Ceci!l E&tO, Should, hoortro, a drtjdtd mritit Dr. Il 8 Taylor etetndeile trtstttttfillRoy Field. Annie MeCowan. Georges of the total toteonxxftle otrc' ltsgoMayo Hatiiot. eho wmxv oablo t ie BeSrry. William Atkinses, Clienree ",Y" the o (trumrnt's iion ipesent. Turner, Grace Smith, Matthev Cie- pion Spiechtt otro 'madei y ,ldge E L monts, Ada Buck, Mation Patin, le axohmard. 'ExCollet Probition ,thhtt, Amxand F Teoîy, Major fi 1) Katlern Patin, John Dixon, Normas cill iss omtx oanod torfuse I do Su Davis, IRichard Armstrong, l)r. H C Crole, Brthla Beanington, Lisle ii1 hoe danexths. Opposition speahers Ftdtt, LION Campbltl, and othtts. altr Campbell, Fîro Lidsay, Hln Rat- acd aevipalxirx sc thi, and iaoy thatit hioh rtsolutions witot' doptrd ixnrionx, Ede MJanett. f laverof l lroiol the Itooxo. Tht Lave long favored licenno noom alanxor hiriailillxappoint a co.iottot to1 P 1 1roilition in tltcLpips tatft milt pttltxtoalplax of orkciclioo St. Il.-Victor Croier. ertio Me toxharsos th Dxttromeri4. xxx , , l o î'H îIntosh, AxsoixBathot, Emily Eenny. - ,The ohoxo lippîxo m, as oent itotho Ir. III.-John Conway, Aones Milli, CHomooîoby Tho. l.lixacx,xauxîd'faile Cars, Ben MCowan. T13E WAxi. tiioo membehofx No. 7 Co., 201hi 'Loran' Int. 11.-Harl Cochrano, Maccie R Iifes. Mr. Pacxck assuras og thal Stephexson, May Dalton, Mary Atm. A Vtirs t8fer V» . . hile lieandhbig cimpnriotinarerrdy 51,000. - x5h10fi>' n oSamo, thîx hartecxl No. on toll, 4,7; average ttrodacî, L.onon, »ny2-The dotail0soflfthe lorgottix Canada, and fat the malsr',l9. hotti ol ami& hlateen rteivodnt t I stî.lltathetn tht dartvlof Cru-dl1' Ilpi. tho B «shi]colonial Office. It l iltntLtt.S.Il Rho BtefrdVta i thtc ted Stats lt etetrtd Moia tini liý, ,îse.Iing gîxot patiitxîri l of ItI.-aR inrg, HaritldE, eae barbor et dayhreah yrsterday, Station. thteorlaxixatiox xofttheleageoxtmon oelSmKng ae Er, îx5 îitoll opposite tht ity. A lotthleofficersox elàoa r 3r.iacoxxh',Suidtt liontd r oxftic Amrîai slipi, and axollior exxlîaltoxiax, Dr. Don. Il. lut, 1.-Elma Hoff, Laura Hem. i-litropxx tlioy cited thir poilox Dxlliii. xauîxOaillo lbxy. 'll oqprr trort, Violet Booman, Ed Landsboto'. 1teoeosr Cavite. ixnMailablay. en-x ill have thr rxmiof xllieutenntxxd fIr.IlI.-Waxlter Itoah, Aoeie Atiný gaging ina nfirts hîht naoat lotithi the latter that xofîtgoxîixajor. Tht son, Mixojo Lxxîry, Fred Dirsias. fortsaxd filetSpoioli dot. Tht n.inesxcoof 120 tîxtoita lxd Lxxx tîxtived l.lhl Adrsn. cnomnt lastd two oxî.0, adilt ini.Chicago dfiftY oappliatins Lad Nooroll, 59 ;averageoattndatit, Ld intheiannihilationi of theSpaxiLàittbeuxxn reinxxCanadaOaid pxotsot-t51. ilîat. 'Tt Xrrioac sips mîtitto sw ideofxl hixoxýo. The x'ornioîllîx toloro o iipi. to theiîr agaierxsl, intfi() cote'tuxroxll 2,000 txxtxilx and iftapro. oflftic roadttad, for tihe r1oi of 1.0004to orgai.o rî'.looxOt of ayalry, S. Pt. l.-Illtry Robixson, Eltie oaixg. OnetAxsicau vorsl. choix xlittryxlfxatlillry and arxgiitt ni Ford, Andrrm Fleming, Jesi Camp. na0ineint nietiiiiilisaidtfihxbve clatît>. bllI. beau xdîsxled. CommodoîIreoewmy- lut. 1Pt. Il.-ROue Harrison, keitis ttî1xtottd thtelBritish Consul ,lMt. titCisiv4 S i' x citi. Dlton, Jeaii MCannoll, Elma MoKa>,. iano.ý%'alhdt, ta o xory saomessageo Jt.'t71t. Il-Maîgie Armtrong, Lotos tu tht Spais o iyrror orarrl. der a.ot wee ieoc1îx'td ho îayingof xl MxRxi, Elle Maillait, Elmor Torner. oaxdirottht Rîrrender xl altfit tortaninformaotio by lenry Wallace, xl No. xx roll,.55, ;uavragerattrodanît, pedoes andgoat. adalnandîtepxl-Nasxia.rxyx nanxt a rxiden t ol 47. xrenixxxofthe câble ofliox. xyig tlat î.Guelphxand[li wil,xhatgixo thiaeîirnoî lroithîxrocettaismeixiplimlitl. itxsillîllOilxlYcadinOiitOtixlnoOxin "'Clas-Ella Hendtrsox, race lTe oual prxxoro o îxoiar to'î.4ed x li i lru0s.o "troxlehtlattt. 'ileo. Rxpp, Robrt WSals, Willit Sinan. 'iliod tet Oaîl lxixr-<ixosul itîaîd acnmtil% l Olao'4 tatriotot, Lad -B" Class-Ptrcy MePhail, Hart>, câxrxet ndrt tîdi.xiit'gntof bauhx cedxiixîlyli. 'FlexParties ail Wharton, lien&xalruli, Ada Frrrman, 'ahx rlioxaxdîîx xstx tt n.'àt l oxlixtxI xl ttîl io lono Mayor Diot liathlxtix Haooact. file txýlorai>,hxopan ili ce olttixxi l n he- casx mi riîl ixîthe ourt '-0.ClxsHa,,>, Btonnonx, ALl wîllt onoîrDeweiity. Tlîexioîcxxx îixî,îitiîxlxotîliner.Kelly, Lxxard Mad, Clark Moody. oxldd ixîlflic tht atx'.xUt 11.01 Lho r laines indsaiily, ofGlh,ii sl. ioti ""I Claxvs-Eddie AllLrry, May, x;iil ovri ffle tho xtîLt itleo L ih I xle " it omao xoroîxl. rohoHitohîx. Annie Raapp, lHermoanBad- i,oits xxettd finit1filîe louhxdîxletLadxlixao p xtietobi lx ineea. oflalaix itoho ixlgiix on î ,xo oy ixxhs lixil xxxix ted ix iin Guelphi ." Clas eitha Piaxooh, Fias, wieii Otîx Sîîxxîiîlýoi hou in , yîxîàî 1, thaxiloî-ixxîxot iiiilteou*' .amiso,1,aor otttir, mxrPrxscich, i:îîO ii, xol.o. xothüor ixxx'ý.xl 1,ditiou xliîgxd lyW loo 10 itllhlCchar ihx.txlîîxxthxxxl,-xita,,ilir. ni , îîxxxixxdîiilt. Ile and Pli. do,'lxx tlhogl lic Fl'xiox (llce ixd lxrt hLd x'.xxîoxdlixt gaix yrvîor. No. xx roll, Sn.;average attodaxot, e.,ectd .W.txom hexB,ii6liConsuxl daîothtîai t ani lai. Tlîrrtîoiiiaîuppoxxed siotî iiiitx, fou lit td rttdtvirassî 11,01 file eorpotaliox xl tli I .0tttt0t thal thrr Lad titi r x oxayllog (Axl 11 StatsSttlementsthas erii wrxxg. The wiuor lxxx w i nroIiat al. 'Ple rport ix hased opos tht mtely tilillei]. anitthat the Opaiards haxer bot Lad lîxto in (ixtîplo hoîpital lxr txarinxtixxs anodhomes morh. Tîose xxintil . e.tretxtet. %Rallottîîoredicalxadxisrtîard bateislid oe or mite 31ay .-No lxthtt ooto'o IoxiM ba.atxd infl,,t it olî filta'llacexo rxainatixxr. lx. câble connetlixiOuti lx t ettd. It ixxauinblxnxed otoeofl inîd xnd Clasx V.-Marhso olttinuhît, 700. 1lSliexxd nI OWahingonlto xxx ixoiu iier lîîli etoi'tetx iVt. Mmir Soott54, JaatMîîCallutxd79 inodxr ortowy uI Lelitoîlt ldifi t .,conîideoil thoxItht actionsof l ili mplxigfi otfctosa 1bl Wlaeýir hs famnntetioO l I'Mary Campbell 761, :EthelCottre11470 ..lCv tt lelrixxias otil oloxg e yrýouiir lîox xl 1tu lttatof Jenie ol oirs 504, Jas. McLarty 92 lixé, a.1,., xoi lolx.t itel'aeG. ohoxl lxll. I Clxe IV,.Mas obtaioable, 500. erim ati.%%rilxo ilî I iil "rlx0)ttmin 1x 1)r.1' S îîxx o101tm.tetiie A Woding 828, A. MOîhhon 261, tin iiioSii oxx flic x i lxixîiii lîxiîxg t ixtlflic xainaxtionof lC. EmxttJ307, E.Haxley 214, ix xl th xî iurt. t th t he lixy iix,' xiioii xand xgtoxd wilihDi. A. 7lxNah 807, l. Axderson 70. -il xo mlitlie lit 00111110 he li 'xlxd lexty Wallace in 18911 and Clxv. III.-Maths otainahîr, 000. Paiitcasad hug he i lbu i'7 for a nero,, trouîlel. IP. Finty 503, B. Bowmac200, me( traw iiiidiîOiiiliiOidil Oi, Ili, rhiliisio the xhxrge, N. Bomsac 480, W. Mooîre 138, d,-l f, lit they ,ill 1ho lillx O1lt l t xliixgilixtlelix xxxd rxd onoiix . .Clxînholm 1098, Ttc. Whtltr 100. tile dlies tu liei aiiiiiilithlui. Cx. i i hx lîhxoxol xaïxoxîdroot eLîad NI. C.amopbell 218. lixoios ar liklxîtulxarsxrîîlitxinne,xxouxtlorxîlin xxy oit, ooxîxîig lic ht Clos.I.-Markh .taiiahlo, 6000. of he1 iiil tats lsiaxeei ile 1xoooiîdiîlix olxxalxi> idB. lNcLstty 521. H. Hocto 487, Asat. xWallacxe i oshidr i retpon. 3. Robrtson 510, A. B. Boisaai412, Madrid liasto Itou lîleil îîodordnle0/R iîlîxnoxactiîo mastalion soiost Lr, H. Bomman 490, M. Mixte 307, iol lot. 1.xitet ti liih noîle 0Lttrs olîotrîothopol ,Hamiltxn 490, Rab Wilson 298. Sagsgxh'orxiiiiiO9' Ixîilit 00nhxutifîiixvr htespctble ttpoloR Ui.n -hli hv e aae tteplc J. Hitoheîl 487, xii xîîpoonal1 Vaeîi'ly giod oxiit i iin c txtt x ofLlisi llocit PI. Il.-Markx otainable, 400. cxîlîxrîty fiit 4îîfîiiîî paoi-ili soxdier tie . R. Mrray '3w, C. Rohrtson 174, inlaiiillo. xxithrc o. il. ae CExot COMMIWsv NWNlxli' EEsTt E. Wheltr 878, M. MrCalxm 373, sltri finit thxx ihave no 1propeL. Mah 375, E. Trsnsom 56. Imimbr rttin oladyi bouxlitondIhx TheLixtiixtCxomisioeri lot tht Pt. .-Lizzie Hitohnll, Ellisen Boy' lako od xout lîtoiilglt ol f' CUxutyoftîlxîtox eion xthe courtimax, Rdmy Homes, Walter Wheler, .%ouitarylirooauiixt. 'hy aretRaid t on) . nT rdyoflctthe. Norm0anEmmtt. RacgerMachern, Mo itxtcl loooxxîiiti iot IeNi ealCliente, Hill, Alec. refusetuxxhaveyt xytliiag te do ittil'li ain.o li îoei. Aggrtoato attindaxte fo, MarcL, 940, Cl, .Tht tlrs govoxi ix otrl aimm- Aerage " " 40.8. "i ua my îiodCr Dot. i1.00diation vvmie, aîxxîîdîd Lv ddicg ,.CzA gitgatt . - "Aptil, 574. is sad i to ixn od thapî adîreodyit c rl aixg tif xtcssary lor att AveragerC8' " ox opialt tîththat 'l tOi i c trîlstuliixptrèide sheds and imitable '-utltioho to bIte och lîdioio Loxesxi Ih or t nIliat toc T. H. W'oi.i, London M0ay 3.- IOtox aiicoxxrd ina Crs ieoî.lîy stoitit, Tther. illeiootdrnpalxh Itoa Mxdid tht t 'lLtif l isixtodr m rsaltotocrelpt___ isxnoilraxofsurrtndtt there, îitîî ih xif'lotoei r ilitstp 71.otrial cirxle o aooxcg the Pl.x r!fcte e [rm ntieo lpby io the o xottay. il s added, the sto filtht7oaxe ocniesthe saie Pt. 1-Inn Altos, John Fotlttgill, at stota 4pîonhîdih geratet yï Lei îproly dtrd and nmiing the lpo. Frank Altos, James Presoxt, 'Ple poiaidopaoh dd Iia or son for mom liqoor iî ttqoirnd and thit Pt. 0.-William MîClenahan, Mttis even staed ait Mdrid, bytha o!tho lfoh otlhstperr npplying i. Tailer, William Clics, Hui, Porter, aersstatde fortdyth aa ouveoh M. 1 t,itcloeIlimon gsanted lveaMarîris Lnciue. areut, fnlxtitîbasbelx, thocaatiedtieOths' extenion o! licenno. dorns5 Porm If.-Besnio Joinstos, jobse aî-od eocti oxohatoxc xoiu I hiîh crtain sîeitieid repair arn te Catinagh, Lila Prtsoxtt, .lsnit Tsrh. ttsoid tilLoaptsxtorcîmy, aL iediocder pnalty o Ionof licesse. Form I., Jr-Hart>, Altos, Ortie terrsaI n wthi a oxte tcdi thm îLend M.lH. Williams wVas îrantod aitilar Prsscott. Msgaxn Poteor. ithole naval tttcî.th ox liaix iton xotensicionofxlicse for Ithe asille Fornù III., Sr-Clare MoCesabas, îurm ffort tx rush ltheAmeiccc Hoxnî oc the san termes. George Clint, Jxd Atlinsos, Sarahi .squdro inCuba waers Coninung Sm. W,-ce'i horistnst mv îtosded SExîes. thqscadosay:Coho maiteriCengaie.ior xtt iee coths, F'ro I V-W Fomîs,, C. Presoot, ciet iî forght, no proposai for iter. Nrs W- xes pplication cas 170- W'Brethin, Maexdi Op& L Presett, i'tstioc milIlie lintoctd te." - lisid. W Christpero.AmShpad Sas Franciciox, lay 4.-lt i i rpoî - Tht rim.aosdrî xlthtImanen in the FrmV~Claude MClenuan, Eria fil on god athxrity thatIComtmooxt coty. isetteits ixcotohr, mre Hesdersoc, Brt Heslop, Ood William. Decey loti sent a brio! cabe frein grsutd litestrs. San. Honç RKong, givoag is lossis in tht, -"-1---Boys enrollod, 32; girhi,. 17; aversg Manii fict t ;1) iOllagiltd "OS SHeOWS. ticsdaott, 46. conadml. The Cencord air Petre -WJ.Mtlasn, vers bal>, damageotand the camo- Tht Hailton Sprîcg Show toohpaese damre iLS tor a hspital hip and 20,. lirsontsThorsda>, at, the atedasc WOOmm nith uooiplienotiesimnnthn. brins sminll. OnO>, neveu borne ero W aL'0n t esen il Jtle p onJr . lOx-Janle D a-eas anfi jr I aeii. e l Sr L-Asy Jardne. iiPot. eb5aiasa ôw. orer of teos., leeam n; . Cans.e. alcOoa olk tise Domsinion, the Minster etfMOBta Laid a docssment-»nxi the tilde ni ibs KOOTENAYI5 cntaiiwtise oloins ltraid ptla1, fris.Major K ONDIKg, ".I bave tseh o report La eo.0a choie et thepapera and d d .11sOi olas Ona h Wnsinrnsmd Roris' os tua eubjscé ace cf a Rai or 1 Wesat- secret ntr, u hUle I realine tisai rnxosiocxnessaO.Àergmnwsrclsn t is deeltable thai sne ny seoPe CS . c OcEN, O.P.A.. Tnsirt impotance se possible amben Oh. e -______________ uaintedcwitb tbegeneml prtnipie of eense, ntii 1fueel tiat it vould ho on.C, A NA DIA N ise te mate se>, porin of Ue corea' se abehCie sli iK IFIC R Y. Pondeniee Pcinn ppr, sci Isdend, in moto tisasonese uie rIein iemhs Imporiai Oovernmmaont udefiaitel>, e ,ouec itf cs qîetted that apecial tare hold hobc l hlpun!t zsnsabstne telion tht ontesta of snob papa OPENs11e6 tln~Lalo shosld ontt ho gssrally lsoms. 0F mc OF LcE5.TA.' - Tb* Ceitedt States continso rmin Mad y Mi tain iOn irritating restrictions cn, Cas: NAV16ATION '-ATHABASCA M~c sdistonde iti the Yuon.os'. At Skag- "At1~ va>, and DyO pbpr pil'27 theremwu ON strsX t cx propect c! arangemnenta 1eor retend ,sî.. nrrserodsdsi at îLe Canadias border ot dt>, paid o otdsrigs.viic si;th îeport of ontry. Asotier intirat- » omeon tns ssm. Itrt ing= pis e !smsrom theocostiothat '0m0,L.Icn" sd Onth. thet Kiodo is i ltady br#Aking. LAKES anoent.for Nxrtxiotvs Uc Thoinflux of minerai o lesseeing, aud Itd stna tcito tdn. an an immediato retîxOto! tuis, Ibo o Poîrt Athur eniPt. WOIl price oi packicg, en vhiihîtsexcnroo,PcoîcoioseIon meemade mhjs lie boom inaI stils ditoecd =xxoGotO t'OtIdo. heivht. bci lallon off materialir'. On Pot Oxth-i oiotir cappip omy CP. April 28 tho Stihico mas oponx flet A-iiot1 iilinn Oe nf thesjaotminbotot>,pollosIS alo tle BIltplix-enacIx,.a x itri o! liseed xoci drixogar,. etrpln o oel iiuihnd bailla ansaotn beocos. Te feritîcinmot e domit ini; tdec tue mxtre ho sppllodcaxnuan mmll-axt- lxxi. pollalloo qucly %vouI îlot nlireg. Thissemoîrixeprlmitivebut eBoaxuioce cmpound Ion c doublîne dvsnge-l dos ttfort., a cnke otoi theoxodoren cuthlongiex c, mhtl caeitinariahlypro- olioxtcrcksh,eand îth. oMeid xhhand vlsegcu iexoroi îxccp coirs und gnros moikst txi ltry plilsor duxntoxoo. "Doiy xx tcoodtî Mltimxs lx o cdc' pecded ipon0" i "îmoid tuastoi IthuIixm' "Bt yeu hoe' tle iilllloim." "I ioqm. Peihcps ta las the îLe wmy 1 wouid rt in wootih ltii. "-Boa- toc Ticncript. A mti, ni noiLorlI>, .tsirti Ilet c caoseot hy e Inl fhem. r ort Lct le ab- solotol>, patoise&o.The îîîld ac to ry rnp' Ih>, fousa timo, tbLocunoxlxnoeon Tlenootlnsel thesutsn at of Suth Cauxln ae rangcs aà lage os iosy ln tht grnt mesh coerd mi oilhtli as mld ase an> îlot "or ooxiuud oxruth prlh Oeoi auld edonthb,tove M MxAlOedm sal. sssmah.taidbsaa ='tamD@Éve soirngeais ae, pilla sd leonaedigmue.Prime. Ne. i. nir box ; Noe, 1 Odrgirs t srin 8paretboxl8 i ropole xaPoaI B x "N.h -N.ii2 -tId eMit-Iily J.BH For Sale or To Let. The Stone Hoge o Manin St. lute py Ocxpisot b>yJoin Head. 4ppI>, to VîICOn CoîtooLo, 10t Solicitor, Mibrn. NOTICE 0F DISSOLUTION: N.xi,i. hl-LiOu ioUr thitheparirerâ,ip fgM.otd . OH-u- se MetIseinith. T-m ts,.Ile,,- L-iii ihday diamuýed byi iroui il-cc-. . uiiditoree.tothe.-id ., ci t. b , coxis.Oî -teii 1ot 11o1mi biii tmttled. cxIi ni etMIlio--.iLii- lr!d of eApri, lue. . . FREEMANo. JAMES DAL4IKTY, oS Dssidow, Scetial, cil! hoas Ha Walîaus Nm,mins, Muiay, Ma 919, tOnpeom aorteaeun bla ateeMd Por vibe sm res Oahpasd. ro WNI 0F MILTON --«smnr ttt aeJ Mous.,.oa -~ s t: i: le xt Nffl Q, Z- . M Z ]DECLARED!Y E'oeryth ing in the folio vng li17P0 wiil be sacrificed for cash DRY GOOD.5, GROCERIES, CLOTIIINO, BÔOTS & SHlOE9, FrosI Stock,-'màw- D. R. BLAICHEPs, eci' Blc, Miton. Ride aCresc ent! DON'r BE DICEZV1D. There is ne bicycle comb iAl mahona do ,sei bave blâme gaofe menlo. Tise Oreoeni mahous bas-e onl>, uet rade-tht bewO cliesl in tue corld for tht moey. 'e are prcnd oSfilie rscord et Cins- cest Biycles, sd teel qiti sâesin recommîoding thoins t intesdimg pst- je ait agensifot Crieeni Bicyces, tendard wieî, at Us. standard prico, amd so btter chat! t aoy ptce. Il agensafoi thot makesmoadocan CreSnt ciesis dent pay any aim. tien to tism. Joasait ahane viearo ridisg Cuesentsthev Oh.>, rus asdvwear. 9't3all and e then at .71 YIê~.U 'àuwel5, Os checoe, datitgreen-d E~~~n ff~cbismN~l 9 1.6. B.4~ M~tOM 55eeieneMt=" able, vorih 02.00, ort L51,1 &a&" .Umess, Ls*s Tin Olinen-d Sirap lippe st a5 lentetisa OTR IENeSlT 27 King Street EuSt. ~RtLAN en0î.,ttAMILTON. s~ LINDSAY'S ~. ~T. t- *Christy Sti60. 2 puiý row --- Were at dril in big armory the other nigtt. Among the number was a bright young Irishmîtt of good fighting stock and an awfui feilow tW taik. The officer in charge had to reprimand hino for taik- ing. He kept quiet for a while outil the comumand was given, "Yah! Yah!" which, being interrupted, ineans 1'Right dress." This broke the Irishrnan al up, and he broke the company ail up by standing stock tili and asking the oflicer:" Say, Cap, this dress is ail right, bot how in thunder are we to dress on $13 a month if we go to war? " A good rnany yotnng men, and old ones, too, on sonail incoînes are bothered as to how to dress right, even if they donit bave to go to war. We fix it for them here so it'i easy, and make them look the best dressed men or the streets. Just think of suits of styiish. Tweeds and Serges made up iu this season's styles, freel from the tailors bauds, seiling here at $4, $5, $6, etc. At $9 we ssii Scotch Tweed Suits that have the appearance of $20 Suits, and certainly the wea. of the Suits you see at other stores at $12. Our price only $9. SMITH'S Clothing Manufactory, 5 KING ST. EAST, WiII vanisi if 301 gels CompouindStîp Thîis hotîurelioid remeîdy s anino ring Tonie Bitters and Bic Ten Cent Cure CurevFooý Moth Cxxmphor lor po H(GGINBOTHAM&I Local News. Oc inMoOnat. tonxllis e Liii ai',xul tx i lei 1ut o à ce~t stockhor hiJel i-'i ,ff, aixiltou. xuu x x '. -diginxto jiî,,,x bo , l e in u haxoui l il xixout 0h3 e., ixniltoo, h., Tttlilxx8 l ot iit tnss I. i.. -d , 1 1 E'olo. linil',. .4 ~'$7 basr. stet'Onqshrdteo *155 Iinsesiso sel edo,'ai S,~~55OreaS~s, cie memesnisua usA 1 enerdlda oleveS tAltswou Wlee n, mis ave Oncs alliard, m bts.fia a ober lee S5Sre 1fl 00 sisn iseiet csis 551 eeeuIstiS s t" îOiiMent sissd .15e snO aptle e '~TSt'BtloetelMeee coi ai Wl 4Mutqulilo1 1vooHa touil.' 5tisa tffiMesrts teSOUmtht bus, use empe>, n mO 1eqllnsot eoxthOs I srnO tdr anfi a isa eil te.Obn-soel *aman rdm. thte e d onta nissoretw On pîllt atd esrt ol ra owed hIers, "lmidsl -siCosotoadils *M - tle "I S mlismisasave e oanpmp t l'Ilsas is à mue~e Pns Uelo tisi11boldet h qucai On nnhtaad a sntms.sgdio- ',l 5tgOsaIlUe vnt thsol Deti ie Pros ad _ _ _roe o lsw d h ::Dco n Ansishots&puest" ltx i No end 1 Mo..,ielda"e t I n esall , onssora1 islBou-,e coin-'s eMndtoi isders. mena is bouS retnhtllleason se clistvsegs. MU.p.!rd b>, an n ssl'ss byiln tidbs tmes 1e isstO IMtecir siiodlinlth@ndenO, ba gi:d-atd nst gosasoslen BostneSas.tovisanse isttdet p lh.oend eio io thpMr. mDous le- IMe bis tirtheoetsuma isaranhi won isbeln thes.sera lntiis bat cudia "uthbopnd and,"Mid:M.Ane, Onl lWein thu oàre.oould tom.iiîlCg an hst homunsets ason a itanbIodait- a alO>, peneuneàd On tansît 01 taixl aono fttli atotis'netritx iî a pontente tintFdont sIitI Me mii'th cEudinetot, aprstOiunod ilute dOiosoor, aho>, toiaàs voenofIcipea o mntrll OS a etptent vase renit sCitOnlescit 5. Bilog Le. bcsoiedya l iienn0sle thy.oîetan. Thpeeanisla s ilsad rnge,xu.r- eOnroapliny.-xsgittem Pcaioun r Aholt Moutni . ecsea rprda r ue " botmrseclitaîsd anond ise hoh dldiietka ollnls" ii oisr MmIxandjati Assilindeir "ovaposgtheentome ruclxxi ys'ns. Oses sitr"sd b. ebo thithaoh i -e InWoeter va On ollamho .i ste>Corn a il 01 bt o lob ncrhxdynge d.lxiCo'an merin»ll on, ne, vie Osti80 reu h. smountofthexsd repeorie tIfle xxit "'I pains te lort Odey. s,' ii Cs.xar'c Onne,' ln dnt iiotUVao Os n latIWu n 'unCiet Sydan'lesagon on Chaut w anWigseO otvo bso onsysto bave is sSwosid emei. Yen mobâi 12 lfnu puno the bIses ra ome eeinphffil' csaital s auts., Ifs haptluanotu bIemiead m t e m i Hie l>, tilI a rgsomte4a, ' bos ente deti Loint oisnvte Oa mne thedasy. ps pers, ndes'i nthv!e ng ploxsolt re ofOu ity. 1 iisos.nded, ost Ir ..h%,eballsittart idte ll Honollu,e," insi itrurA isl t he Ausre s a gond !eand issc lices noiednos etCaartauthae lad thâtoeheaon ithe>, at Everba bia Serd eiii SiCe' lnasi Slaecisst o-la lPatfritusica nes AhrManiero.oi*i oCequt i6Id1755 sveot in Qt leqilrmd ix nId' lem, 'ut1 ovjsxmoteseaninEme lor isîn o e neyesaboute! lour toPotr Ye ns1>, hàylap sd ollîxo DPe theswver>, nodnmua seins, biSn HavdOI rnesY . O ennse lnu 0lke ntzs! wHa ioi.s usenon toit oshl- bis nkmnssndoisonyssu slulauddwtxr sel isilo, l bvenev.iinih i 'vslm un dav l,' isthpe è iidol 7,' hleislaisa a i e bandsh.iaxd 45S o rnhl wu ima. coiL bsrsisses o-rra hieoen> 'cIs TbY is,« n be nglonol luslu eie ers. ,-&à ut niPo New. . A haIUéi Wllest Sl avfbhiwmw6 mmgueumenth>, 16 t 70 88YeugrOwOUM 1 ale tputr Jouit"e r. aeid uth do bclt l h St ex 2ur .w1I- AMILTON. FELT cal,,it - mIlu,-,I ixla Aui. Ri, xi -- r hit to- to i l ,1i - Mdilo. , U, I b, i E011 11xx Ilreti x i ri o I i ,,, lii Il xtl li 'i-i l - f t, ddPt a e -nti , i .o- duhoo% u ituL Ai,ý, f 0 t-litfo rex- i Ili x.ý[ I . loi lxtldtlillxih Il lu i r i. .o "'i 1io i cixîdloto.1 ou--,i o't', ' uxtO, anolot'ui i, ii lit.1 id eottered l 1uî 1 ' o'.lt 10 lionS oMl At h eoyulm, xiiii i xl old l hi. f , i irae. iJ . . 'l lohe FxoilIxr- î' î- lr Kingston.u ;al (lx ' uîuixxah, eK lb l i, J in10068g tli!iî -- a, ohaPott xixe îi 0 nhe rn hr IILfr teymcîhniîxrî V' botie or-ix 01 x I initie d îtLxixs sure Icn nitth levec , rapnl doo o oý I I io pntiti,ýto tIo Iix1i ued o a tnm l-îx -1 ni ln dll bindoOilurt1xxx, 1tt [le, lseblniinofo ! o F. Waos ofte ! aitCIRh ~h th e i - acisatlepbirLi Ms .. i 1 I> t -tialt là &bout 111 yeffl 09 am lý- lýl