TIii ANGiL OF .CL'ab Me -dt. t,.dr.-t the00 O tîrrl cb 0-0,ehOhsObOibI - t lu OO, Deh O ' r. th day Peswl HENRY' GEORGE'Si MIDeI e. illal Il. D.ti. t00,00hoe loet. op5 in.o,î.oh Clithfn4.L ilo Detroi,l th. t' I 10 in, bi L " ' -l 1 1L r 0-'u et. < 1 ml 1 00,Io-, o-lf'or et ou ,l tu0. -0.s Lho fo il if 1 a . ut, il' 1'. Il~ 10On oOlo00o~ eu m "I,t, iOnw goihl -n ý 0000 il wli otlI , , in"' - l o I 0o L. i hoO loin c rot , i ' o-t IL l0,0 ea ;r0II ., Je.00 Il th t 0 1 'r !Il fl, '< ,r 0. t1- 0<, h,,id t k .,,o .et butl o,"l. - O t.000- lit. e t h. c 00,0 ll u n t 1<0 i Io ilh lit Ooool ,h o<o<ookoo Il dl o l Moonid a i ..oo.-udt Ilî.d gi th .000 0 ,ho 0 n. 1.cu o ..- o ~.î.h<~h Oîe orgco rudiu - ,0 l,i otlci. 1_ Ill per. ibît tbn Of m <loi -o ,e fao riuO oleA -ýýe le o f aty le, :,050 il C-n th ooîo c n <ourt Ioagbind 1.meord coe"* 0<,0Dot-heO.oolndh la soclbothe ru .o Oi o if a n sOteal ,.1 teva, bt 0213 hootliol! ao Wea-îsUn oo,th !h ils.oIbrot PEMBER'S NAIN GOGOS MIEE M DEST - e'NOW FOR TE.Mo».. Aa lut. *sVel, a w uu.uoE.RFUrL. DISPLAY 0F ehUiai àreason' pou ~Ijî .51 aboal lOy.... ad vhs. b. llus.plaaampvl.,. ______sol,__Il______________ W ~~la a b y sa O . I a la r ..î ai r a i o n h 9»tomdotb el M IE Y AND CAPES chicuseciearfiggre l ,aur lé'.. ad f k r,1vi 10 MOI. vir a, qIa.te al.,U , Great Stir in HOLLINRAKE We are f ully prepùed for it with an immense stock of hl.apea'ld lorgol an looka h.- ort ~y W «dm. Imm. 120s . ,a " h"Ber deup aby alliés.@"tiraien d J rimb. lie. ou as.. WALL PAPERS, Cheap. the ly.oole thld 1.1bare inh cf t e 1 Igturgl S1 b Oe uIf WI&linery Boom. "W7=rlue ari.d ifO s. n o h . bO asr D y andrnI., la w S ty fP auA lo t o f c h o ic e N E W C A R P E T S , ju t re c e îi e d to -d a y , T h l g . lu a . , sd l diff '.»» 0aa olron atvae bIi. iaye5 ..hàuarg We sre the people up-to-date in ths finest dispiuy of inTlistyne -wol ndUnin f, "ho0,il 110010 .lairgb0 . Ihei saajdo». Good here in ail the Departments. i aety l-o adUin ouaiS The .ffam Tb csao T00ly i dy c m0l.. - -th-perj7- J= nl a 1.A 1<350c. doz. for Clsrk's or Coatis Best Spools, 2* ec. vlas fr01. bailbSp l oarklal.- 'T'd rr a-..t-- . Oefrsrlîrhcfrsa_ '5< ~CLRTAINS AND IIANGINGS, in Lace, Tap ilYo anoiput blo0kcs, 2712 Yng S, ornt. ati Js p5Figo " * Phrk The coGret Valuein Cru's BestPrints r.T.PEM BER, 1719 MI STrot.s li. u mmpk wand Chenille. tel) ta the floor of il. a B5ANCE-m Ysige t oto lg lon@.Doutad GetVle nC5' es rns held gentlemen wu caown on was a manber ci lb. sMMamu or e Sleeis te pr yhic a n J110 aeolrheml. - - 1-15th-140 au% sud dudvIyisda a lis Ibu 5*Abolut 1000 for ae. Oui Ullilitry Opiniflg ,vas a pronoc edbt te od mn'sal, theu ____________________________ 15Idéhan 0i s. wn dinh. Chaltss. Fmy BaiteauPriai. 120e yd. only drawback being want of rooîn tu accoînînodate the ah. ictory. ..Ii fi soed taff Few of OUr Prices. the con . = fS 0, "0 acds saSCanasePailciesafor Blousesa, aoé jîha. arpllo; aoooocîe ti and 0kv lhs5.a. ia aa m, ioet of =. Goa ud faocy s reis odà- crowds that visitedusi. The alînost unaniilols verdict svas 'graP,.aly h.odod ortb. Ibecia aad GarîIs l b. b. P~ Osoalvalue Hf yard. s.ciaaroerorildIYl l O dich . iead s uaighasl 0l that we are, as ustial, leading and easy 'iîînhco. ésos. When th.oOOOOé, dsvstsd frisad.-Spsciain..ciatdl111.t rlsi1001 sick nd th suff10n eave lnt aful "l ', l3urdock Blood itîters, 70c. a bottie. iadîrsstiod tathï fallowliogsassqqC. hNal~DrO.saigDpr.nti ose hnee tt odpaedoiehigpedtna il50Wall .Walaers. Our Orid.5.I yi ragoDpou eas u sC ier tan eelt tisl fe 71"'i .d go.flas rit hok. ?Ayer's Sarsaparili , 70c.Mn fF "o h FMBdl« ndesgosw edtiwy seilyi i l T s@loi o tho oNIEjbail. THood's 70c. amarbattlie eI taIsapply Wsrabadîoiysadvi'un, épsha rietu iet1 .P=SBI 1h. b nstl dvau. Teplsrbugroll us r . lTo gl 0 o, m flon asd Pîîk Pll.2.or 75c. trss ~ 5* b. bat vas. hbave svsr po. onhe valle lbî.sessona. % ood wehae th trdl terme forsont rrlb.Stloi f hcutlful --- oolll, hleryeetObc, Ocl7rlaeroll. 1012W icBitters, 25c. 1501.1 saib ur.Wa.a Ias CI auou msica ad Caadias 0111,Papars. vorth 25c, oaiy laie- ,FnllinCo ivrOl,3bote fr$s0. atalahdhaia. ll a ouealusyerstei réntve We are pusliiiîg the BOOT & SIIOE trade and Lhavelh îhoîî .ýleooîot* for ceuh îo o înd t\e0 îd el'ulccd sûk 2 l aPpiyhifl ghall ohl .I,le Orim ad ArtnMulîis cyard. now onhniha ,etylargeoanooaiblsele -k1of \Il <jti .,oods pî ,portienately low. Fini CovoLz pain Tga War.-Ex. Creted yadtçd,çioo- inigoo,,as el asstolîeraisl oarîlgirr.lî.0 , %e oyho . Wgrdsa W. O.Pelit sad bussaBon s a IBu SO1soc 5fdocol, ifor lbc. gosvaa. osloone adcare W a.leur 0 io0 él0 0 W 0001 ap traeionnFr. s.,.yonterdagy lte .hp TeI d iraoly i l.1101 Wa01K HIGGINBOTHAM & C .,.ou o" four fine ihoruaghbrsd DOsfhalOa ta thsIsdeinbtteliuugr Nortbvat la. Car uhicb lla chaobrLM tré - :c,:Clsl f F. W. Bedeaui,OScorth i 1 ad - a Iohn ROCERIES AND CROCKERY iii p îî 11122tallookoltlie or ont i he willd Formera' I.atitute, ad a alie aey c,o,,lsoooohî0 lise0 Lozal News W STetI a huliltinMilton. soitiic. The car a=au. esaLoaWe are 120w iiia aposition2 to seli gîîods ut cloaet lîrlees illé 001 o,0 telh11l NVc. ~~~doa udanS vs.il vas l in oa0ouata. Le&dip oa o c Orîbd odfhis sd.ud loiiig. psibeto a retail buisinese, anîd oîîr.aim la alwiays to 'V t loi i1010 0 male1S 00111.i WN.ALLEN and famiiy, of Taoaley, aS calelofoSvarlousbrigaea. Mr. PoIlu',o g boallier for ycoosed, g0212 00005 OoOi0000OOOIIY oorossibl Toi. han oled a ,erndaiîta bi,o lscmccccMikbonributionîcn laldai vo bal.e m, fFn T edo Bu egeSiefor 1450.g' ihaue or ooi 0 1.0001 Ioooo-anillobcdon oîolv .ééu ,Cstr.McaL . . OI J ON sros i. iDg vhicb gara btaWinniper anS thse ioth l dTweediPane ulaciy $125. igyî ol od. W îoy sl rol a îî y ir i dooooyl,oo hdl..llo cOiho <0 riom aul attaan olîe f pneumoaie. taInnlfailAlbraiad tvobcifsrs for - Soya' Oulla. marosi sorealyl aod obsîpooti. d00, 00,01 1,o jlýi i,o 0 .010 1 JE vote î>i, il- p biire wli h, fndien Head.Bys uie, a .masdrtel 0.afor st.yle00,land.î .0 1.1.îo, th tav iW,îLLiiaM SsILao vaa olo wn do.a0i$2.00ofP a$.50 - btI.kt-f.-ltf & ".tNsoI,, 5I 01i0.O0aprosoollin a vry lbu condition. ing loand for a te.ni f ysara th. r,.Ofree. Bva brl olac.Hoiry nibpaayselalOody ndlai OON TOEI TNE- ar " " Sia H .ié,Soaooîr0. Yu0 o I", e01.011 ' WE arc glad t 0 rouialion. G. C. ae quarry o . B. Ocott'a fare,ansar et»TsBw ,SbrCols H iry 00 ,,,~î2o0oi0 00110 MiolKindsey bas a. fr reeovcred frém te gldmiae.liih pond, Milton, 1I&1111 bisrcn as ins, a ieiîab e t.Well rsaoud t0al l IlaSa . offrssslaas, [ SthTg yî, . ,lmott o rorooîo ou day. aille,. corasra, Sargias.tsi . Ail hîndo ,,to.la. 10. W îlugi dela. ornr~s OAPS- ec.Al kn FIHEMSTREET BO1 Ill0 î are îorry ta 057 ibai ox.Warden f bridgs vorh odered for. By sariiîg Sii pollBran 1 op îdole îî' 11,f.O ..oo le oyceooo-iienry IRobinson, basiloea ill fro e anu s coabls pricel1 balle t0 re irsva 00o,100o.y11 îIIi"' .oO ' b", is'd timeland th 'iba e11.condition basibecome Saoesof yeux paroaag.-C II LE$ i as r..Oopfrole1r ad os1oraoi tlPoio0ol]0oI,.o0.0ol 01 i of îtoe Coîîger CooIler .;boivFebhope for a apedy jus.HUGUES; rscince co . aes nd hoxu100hanri for0415.EIole e lioli ha 1io r A -r.~ ~0,ll,0O.00 irovcmcoOt. Miii qte.,lMiloan 17.y 8Baras ilver Star for 2ic. EsenesSchable nmu e looo. oîoo < oi Sior WU v. SCOTToand Thon. L r ae Tnc N ArL COLL.ara.-A bridge 7 Packages Sunlight Soap for $1i, 3 inch idefîoaobrd Coton 2 5Ic JV 'oooh'ol .o l i0e C OWh ooed ~ îgao o bofooodtton cf Ibs as ove.ibe crash in frcnt ot B. Paraoua 10tOBars Electric Soap fon 25c. 3>srd. vorti 7c.Io00lo0l00t0000o&000co l0 o. 0, I0 lto ! 0 0 0 llodist csrh aiNluun'si cernr. meat market, Brampton, couiapasd on Large 2J Ihihar Soap foriee. aI6 in..Faetory Cotton lboorth 7c. enéF100 lo o . <dt, t.'ilot.ororrdlBOTh 0050atncvii oat S WS.Tanda, tnd100bassaac aeg 2 Lrge 8SIlb hora Dallan Soéap a2le. SerimtooiCeraicsl5cyard. raFI, oîIl ooIl te. <00 nlc lt1J)lo"rPre etThcresoewl eadn e-Tua,c ti hsad fnl o aar Ahn. des 0,1< înday. May tb. cdlta a wagon, obk a drap o bu o oliet Soap, 8 cabes, 10c. Art Muaaiios bc yard. hi 'é000 ,y.o0', O n dé ibNI.H wgos .etpakticiber O9hos.sorThis Week ooo.o li1n o, o- ioJî gorînet Mondav.k. A s bolc rolet.ar wte nhepite iidbeprNo Con bar5BcPakae., Corseliig c ar. ecacA t ra tbnsfo tuI O0lbalOo be hti sillegal t e,%sl roioewà sr h 1s hute .i.Ioldcé o 1 t 1g 01000 litf Co i .aouol Burliogtoo ioe Iho riveinelusa in lengt , ,Ail ah m apnreWlna ad aa '0090Y. A Moting off tho MiltonutàofaesA. longing toýMr. ersn a los o u ,RSSM KN PEILY(oi* -N ý tlil 0dreat llar1( oî0îsî-fî.)té_ Des set,>1, 01 , - aod SiSfor îocotiot orolhbe bldilutheba bnd room coopel1abmvscd m a nn ioaly T epol retaiga hetCît.iî. îo.lîî,d'-~ , ,. , .., -, , o T r rl , o - - k i , eng . i l oa m s e n o .ao rr tw (F id a î e e in s a io 'c o k , in ju re 1. T h e s v s o s s e r d b l ittl e, e T p o l a r t a d n a h eé - - ui h 0~~ Hooaolloo ~ ~ ~ A A i uroohranod thoac ighisg lobe. sa san rfra. oîO,0.,oloooi C.WIý, ,,etn"A .100oin 0000000000areoitrted ta attend. SOrs BATT. "Lon."" Hic.,sa -Tbe LFAODING STORE OF M LI N i 'îitailiîs, Mi,.fjîîoal - t101 Scîjîié 2t.yd 0 ,10îo-ol. or u.t!le<0,0 ýé o ~ vsie ihboo ~.10,O00~ is o tIIEREic 100tlîboiy ta obcoSay daman.- olooang appoitme.la vcns jaoîlteatVite, (dralto. and Ilutter La<ces and11 E'giiig0001 t 1 ooy 0<1 .. ,oui 0i f oloi Tor,o tration brr on Othe'ddbbotMay;1 but last vocho No. 1 Ce., Oobvi , tlobe -«mmm---O LLIN AKE & SONj Otc -01'the bbcire brigade are gcting j? pa pro- second lieutenant, proisionaily, 'oVn. Tho 00l, héhal île, r 8..opnnor .the on1a'( bH. Morden. vicesMeDonaiS.pomW J E RNS NEW DUCKJNGS.o loié~, hua ..1o11 u a M. Ml 000000 of the grmmeforthdle o-ol o e ok, 1fel, forward for socothingsupccial ou Ibat No. 8 C.. Gorgetown, ta hoescoad NEW. PR,~I"IEVI/ SATEE2NS.iu. - i ofbs1ýdate. ieoleanI. pnovisiqnOlly, FrcderniehB. N WSTE S i o% 2li ho , ibs)eu reGoodwilliic.vice Tohby. naignd .. 010Mî.oîo , a Ioopoo Tut oid 0man, Joha Wash, vuhlat-. iui tercco mnedssca ý, e dctoioo , i;Strothnoy. 1000 in Ote bdod ooP0" nlibuv c o ý ofintrction ilathebs oyaî '11ediî h o'11 0101 lîto bîo tîî l , O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SlO o oeSo.îo00adoo10 ao 0~H0i tolof Infaatnp. Toronto, lan-v=c.haveii'thelt'totih, a<idl ît 0111 0'ar 000he 11000,. u Htoé,é g0.0i0 10i. .rl,lfod ofi olild- ton lospill. id 4iun0ia iiutio on ~A propecase is n Ithi Ibc Ietb vyd'h-dé.4i ta p l y - ' , g d t t re . A p u t. i i o d a s s n t t 1 vil e w i 1*go ta cam p in Jo u t N o. 7 C o. i ii U I, In é'I Ife k t 00 .0MîtooLo .,cn.ommecespropeatary àilI on FridoyBy cles#@@,. ueî's avetti on S, perP. l.I. iId r ca o ,.of îoand tos and A ctizen of Acbo nol a o ssing. y, . T edAlsuPi-P.ý,-0 tr olods>2 serc sho .1.01fr000 aisréce00t0in bi illage. Tere agood recreroîa vte1. vrlsp. cie)floI19iný Ibooaé1,,sa i 111 N.dmin o pss sdnl âBacoyibta f Hai s enl b.Ifnov '0mil tstusy .r-: aa.ALL 1898 '9 W',' ire' offering laegaîîos té)1-10111 tout oiîri tops tck ,, ofC o 'dî Food 0. E0 .t Io TrIe -S ouso toýup r 1100000a0. ost i. fonby omorc vero hoit nov tbcy veuid A Freemina Harware asdvasenam. A r iI '"n i. ,a.0fer00.,.oOI. .îohoooil 00aOoofosheoo reiloiacbe 0 oso bîoutGi pes b be ae hesee f, perTecyont clîlT Ill-arne u- omatgar or allo ta db eatooonihloeyBs Tbilîe0 s v ligooe97 ooo i nnrSeq (1,1 8.0 fr$60 . l teo.'l 0nd 2.0,1 Is soabicgF vsta bavaG g cash hoieboston. Ths bigsOali&saof ? toa .Tei heîs ybiaretetro lo. n , o0 , I . .i' .," a orn csouriontoo goot- 015 0 tiedrkbtmas hr adia l vol oatpy yulin lbt I 000 g ian the0 bolIed r hccci Fdhr S l 0001000<0 iihtathwý1ýr ilt ovr. erheprsar psprd a o on a r baaI oulotfPlb.Ycbop min odtfheo u5 1sa boo ibou DAOoOvilOoo,î il oot bFoet, is IvontalottOr.aonefoathe choistlmalle Jn osg e br <,nlé i d sol', 2Ir. tOslier theircou f deoce.-H OLLlNR0t5b & for btol. Ibat ans acspeaand sdlongeo*' oliier loabors, onol n bonl'rirîs .Nr001 on lot 1one, Trfaa.0. su0 . 000 isaS brotishout tbe cout olr.o.l.<,The01.00 M&Ry01risW l sbotrmae fantee. Our locidiios are sot in aboutdlo.,0 , o iY f"00," Il' tht MR. CLAARKlb-o,. oi lO.ooloogîos. e rs ey.arrandlbsts la onge'ttallte combine. Ail m rno h av e oooh .foodST E D O'S., Li ligarof t h Betnl oo It ndhihana. wnager, c hoicgoaooncretefoOor put olbcr ubsci nianuls.eiareS. I21 la 5 îree groades. emanti a clo- O ot Miito ailrs es n abo auboo eode@ nuîoerouo io urvninah srbbl r0 octflrs .r i oa lie gorae 'o I ton i -o 01< endmindoa .ronil, novfinaltothneCommor.s o os -i-eeMs.aaoy.HarriS tovment Co.bTobogo.e n,lld ,îooOoOooOI0 0ýe bkvlleon llonda o ng ithc reidonsuof Iht treet .211 ses Joos BRAY, a Klcadihsn, an u sd1 loe t.,sooo 01'h )Ov ioooofoorevrI l:ebtter dy. lho f'rm Torntonla aallag b tabave F R I U E Hr1s0LtC.,A. Ha:.faid::tilyaf ibo aS nve. b e,-i,- 1O.,t oai Iedsdi al campetlfa s-pî as sot yet bae . iacovred, 1 oom*&u esbi, Te, Scrfo, SliirbO ,obsaiab.oih Iba<n~ lhogh tepolir. bsire have rnoivesd ., ttzoottheytCoaloge.dTor h ude.sd16 int tbsl tW o Cnhon oo. on &-~ 'î,, ~ te .t.ivonof110 ordr.soa r ~ ~ - OBB [S HLL To Cash Purchasers--a.@&2 Il arEdgar Bray, o lurvoyor, laf Oit _____________________mua_________ ,lt , m.1oo olu rogutor Iouonhiy Meeting ot blo aoe enh &o o 1100._é______________i_._i '0-T..sillie boldht het oretdoîo-o EvR one 019 orry ta leu iba pary on route for llT. dKits1'1Hi." ftbo O2isis' babi laagain dosori ion li0tshantéof the mordoreS a"kenI cf by the people uho liadkBaova ________ARE,____________ ! i.lureou NloondyaftnrnooOoetaishp DNolnsÉst ur --ok.0u maiesnd it in erestiy ..as, a at s lae tmoorci o Ocghti.. beas hîu faf W E AHI sjm i jiîî'enoom l.'t-4-.ýlIcé o oton 1r ,ol t h iooio 0pedthatliho oosy hbe bo Itbis 1nommer M. Bray ofGOsilie la nid ta eJa aouDay baSl apobso in bis faver. fla - uo-o0.codi fil, oIe'orOOta 00,'ocoiy ooodnly ioa lh& oopcestro tt b oom on on uel on his vay te Dawbon, ns teg olaot i . oo bngt11 b jl c sylotoiol 0"r i oi, irooty ooo 501 in rfcnigbt. j v ý orry 10 as ta rocst1> bis vonted baic ng osl rnSo hlm for anoeend nf justice voold lh. satisfisS by a L TTTJ SeAhVL.INDU îî,o -1frstdsene it00re e u u olsroegtil-Toronoobeoh. tue.-Globe. one yeaf isprisoament inathb. CnteailLL - I~Ji0 . a 0,000l0,O sil vil.reiabo a F. G. Ducoon, a pnoamiaont citinen of acrdiagly. oIZ.ClooRs, of AuIlo m oat ou, nirJ T14 o un eordia A asubse i ab en 10hat, ge pl v ac . teTho.ooste.0 iî~.. C-oce. O<ioarou nd 'riostryAoihoscr sen oneSbiburaOue, Ihatpac abb d010 0 onLin-d ethlotasa tl vianttao 'l ltts Lgllin Pror SuS, B dooFuts .nnlo o0000000 oo oîocbaobt olofOupli , o nth osmer tinsoseobidFuritus at the foloiri~lo:'ba- sasi. Aenamt* S. WrIt. meloni aetD sgn n P ro uts e ro ut fr'é,m n. réý et fMloeten onlanlo his ery receosbyo 'IWbot aile niy bdsnoryoaos ieS.ElasD Tbe vi..s .nazcln,1 -,.I. vlisngold friens. lbrus ? Eeymrig1fidoes a ea o yfrà O sUR d isranm u ibs$On xtnio abehetpO Dnet LB.ZYarS 1 ,,p... IluO.0 'wl lttEsory maor t s a r 10dealiavrvis aet unisu laS d Hovanu i oa 0 abCb10n alob'Pran0nyfd AlilKinds of Furniture. ilgtit l iei1idi ercv obaau Ilse. iigest finit A 0.om' Loro s iyig rib n amre. Tboareola ojuot"ceiacanthd policerssudghlande'S easeo o nscienscewbîcb pnompl Pietooet îdellijecot oleelîi o ntht' (ohîif? 1101OhocO00lit0-0 liwloet rgufotory eI Cino o mhou .a nti S cob he dons f lb. Shoiburna.division cut w mer ilofCilde' shCids»,l- iGulia ,t. bt hor W im.salanajutis.afptta urytthe',Bîokesmtlgo etctai adM lrnPotbsm 1bite ta loy lteinforcmatîin&Rsemet 0,,,Tbsaieaollinîwn ourydoop lihr c.soeo.at5 an lisesa. lapectrnat diffrenttwe101.in a". C avI 5 mnes for bsvol asmiin bnmnioil îîd 'i loooml.00 ,.loOoitt Ir 00 msb o ~ Aoeasd loI on Mary ntreet vest, tie«. Oaeseiae sassa aa idov. ar.s pbinaeff. TIsa.. Prl0a5 viii sot 15.81 Hs andold noisbsva aliovod say faain &IBOn bougaand foag Z thece bas bssDauanadvance mn dsliisy taoIlim trainOOi. oo lhe <Il-lih sud Anoricî bas jut 1a. treet, b propertil f lb. la Maia vs native a Abrdeen, Stn d. pois. of fnntelar.,-Chano J oî"ed for ipring at Treie, cor. King Patter, wyul ho oOerrd ton al at tha saud saS din Mllas doriS ou... Laps g ospatrra &Ii bsbasledpt.,tOfileot 10l000t1 IdJamsosoa 0. Hailto. Woalise ues ou aa da May 7 O uameaubeof h n o f O-1 T DR lb. xz.Haary al n t f be ail whie labo Atth &r, bit ndcrredW :c, y om i fon Us' J E. tNru-A Ii dc taiiîi, i ii ail1 lt 'o 14.d. . Ceala St 14110i Hie os àatyofy bge ., vses l Suth, sf00D - aped up Tasasa» Ccca ro des R. r Nan- r, aKinlWtonMe- U N D-Nranitchtes.t ét--irste-lass o1ooone In-000 oi b't ai u ofocad o uod cui:l otPo. tIoatii an place lodent & Dunar, vbui 1sScao 1. oaisc liiiIeua nsu betoro Io tauI osod' nbsasia b lr ,guydy 0000 not.- Nolsof atepilarsA. neionsar. by W. H. Lindsay, ad63a t eras o lsC '111t ottorneyolrend lauooooIo ,Oooo IFesCmeotrNst f aerilasbold furnnture J..=Fr ta ho, anS vas uacoisdERT KIN bore tea arai i. 1stactsi U .s.. sm t ob a o upîcoa iooî hovo frnibi ( in 1 oliîehu.Aloo0ooiookloboo -o. by plotitol in moine ret.sslrssdy. M ahodpat lniymab oadtaes Aafoteited MR Ar MR.OSBO, lotlino a -binlonsrgs mstise it aYber.oe holotsrdrTbueaSa fttndd é)anbatifltinlsdraite- lis Q Oo-The mombena of the Mi. flgar, na ilt.oon liter in.. T lrgeToLiouaS vatasalsionon bo l aa 1001151mb. 51tatarpcavlblepnpi mayeard ftbhuuoli respopl t~îti 11 tsocîî îorOiei.<f1o . i mehbir eaToths uletnboards ta attend cherché. Pidiodri 000100o It o uClub blidaauot on Saionday. blaSd forsng peoposfrontsa 15ut555 faof ah.,ladgssoS hlm tha heohsd bi h imeac b afn - ilOc:-H.OH. breesoan i2 saS] Jn.ts titas vas apeol la gamsSàm usical r 1h. sotlmim m bd l.gbr.e tobesdh ndRt ogeainlChurculviste assis ioa t.oooooooo1hc-. tîedla 1.aeî p tibs c rogTbramme. evs o mpnyng. pi alde Acian.. W. F. W. = , 09 a ' s ob o ingala aaried. bt ttaitslooal- ayaopaiiatie van nesan nion t0 o brJ. R. O H S N .o0,050 00005 .o6f0olaa. a hsaiîi s'gb pica of onr nu iT =ua' 1.. aS l bodte a bita thaâtof lKnos Cberch la tbe sous Cty usa o. r;lurlooiienu ILCokIft SHIELD, d6rS lsonpmphr, 'aefo ton AppuuBi1055 v... reddeI lvbOtd Silt , veM sh sbas Sonolcing snob ctso as bing ContairnY ,ILtoy" t a él-olosa ouristai.re lifoShou».bJOtaishe franc perdu oi.o oeoo 0 ou.îthe U-&e oaaabelitoi anuà ll»dbsm..beldems ta a.b tas lily bus.fhe o ât r i n o suîg prsmralionm on ie srotiOa0f angiilor.. lan ~.m hm utdesm a.d y- ioî Otn ,o.,obit- o--snd .Sooenolle, mm.bas b, estosl su Slitn bod blS Islraoaub lssuad hlde AibtiEl1 i I haa mw lustok lostock holatme pttens I. "11000 0pantooins,00tu tad- km~o 0, r- su sous r iv , 0n Oh ilm 1 0g - -000,- 0.0 nroo hbjo,!1 étt,0. 0000 31o0 051i pojýlg ',0o