Il '-4 4 4 aniy ta ttpretsbis apprtttal ottht ob ceat af tht petosedraiway, andi ili tihactaacann slts, opinins ate the dMata ite haegnin. Ht may nnv liet exptctd ta jje tltte Oppsition le tae tant abotulthe llegtd mnttptly git it', taacontrcte, bttthistutrne onttla bectaottanapaiy. lit le ltre that lantae conlrancttheovttunttenttagrtte te catero moraetrailwnys tttetthe Ainaiaandaty laelitt Catnadian inirlig teritrytaing th nt Ève yeat,hbut thi ie naltlog ta prevee t tae ahatig ofa ntniwny fltte-Et- moanateorPrince Ahbettaete Yukon, orailatattagtty ther ati.Cntndiat rotel. InciinaaenllBuildingt, Taranta, Fnb. 5, lmO. 'tîicaitvaetaaeaatentiy anetnnet nuil daahliaesinttt vilih tht vnth aiftae Fnaet' Instituées. i tegt caii aaa attetian te tht taiitvieg cailtaa oaitht Aat and Itues ot ane. inaaaarl' Instijtte, andretspect. iaiiy atîttati Ihai Vaa ut lldo ail in vir plw la tatave thesetcaus atnitih. falycarritd oatt trîtnaver mtetittgs att bittin ayaat distritia. AiiItliicati dit. e tsousdatiti tafacanat ta paltiln tlitiat, aitat dtrctiy aa iudttaly, aoultaiehatuliaastiy ntided at ail nsditmetitgs. Tht Fama' lu. tilateanon atlitial itestitet ai eofthtenaaad. Plant etonlatser 2 te Act aannd Billies, vhtah rtndsoa titan tan Na aaheai tnt orpt= ione aiiattd, ai a pttittican tr tnctaettn natt.tar lie niil nny tpeakhrtlho aiiaw. a l nat ;lturean, t ndaotiiad t'aot 'thtti ttataitendj an indiret ipaattiaay terecat. Tht dntt. gata aa fitas theilinInstitats thail sectdlitithe aaatimaetlottin. ateua iaaaoattoatfritain anlatînin. meta,ttttaitetggtaadtaaettfanty ttdiaitai.i.ttytor tati. 'lic ttntioliofaidlagats a caliati 1titiagalt, "iatg aitetaha',ort lat anIiiatn ta advotlettisttelita'tapatt ai tht aiatt, aaarecnay la tht taitn attyrit Iataat itut atylitiîityn IttIerwhnouton at tittt ',cath. Th iia a foi atdlagalian sud tittttfistititiLaers, aexte i.ata ta t agtitcutltiae, i titiel"." ieeatiitlareugaatl et ott inttiltatat oitltiauistioorittepaitict tata. ltintalttaa oataltneyrtheet. htabltfra d.iealtettaaltehaitnavnhi ortltat oitlicai -aiie'ianaaa. file vry dt.ttral t ttaaliie ta ttîttatnt oaillaitaalila ta ti ltta', awtlt hny regardtopo]aitalia. lia attataiofaertairian ts aeli ta Clettat i5tl ai teaIct adlilait, aahtalt rends le, ittct'tacv.'iti1, Wo po tiblet attte.a ofla polders ed]ai tt otfitgttheitti tt a y taIO Italettil ttt ta tnlite t te t i t i.theSrrcti il ut at agt ttut s aeurd iactaratttniaeatlaa a. t'e Sattintatdetlda. eidetttSict tail ai ttare hnt ,tadingtintaetetitptittadtat: Lliviataata'allaaa atyttatapîtat rcoai. lavaitttet Yt ct1ttli Wittatid ttlla.tla iaiitiltnnLtaUi, reli.tetaatot ttai athi alhnatantui tac tîi, theuatt t retdintaof Intiti- aittattaliiititPl a it oftthel -ritta. t t , ta tla atcieta atncat for deegaesaruredetti lta cesti t liiattandtittatli tit tliage ai the ,,ietr.tadaLýta.iwi, iliettna atti tidllttrtata ttatttatandthelotalt ail ta atti, pta oi ametingtalletri th VaIi f ach yfthesetaia vwl Xiforn ua iltacettara in thel.hi riVýittatedirct tatio. aameetn att, lietailtain jatpowerctta 1hy viahatîtaf it al lian ua adaat5i, lt Vetnttainilt aqtal.whti taatttattiniatlittaou, t itietita att amet.aia',iof. tath forte deha hyl - ia ofha i ythtta jtgantihna 1 nwtriattuatatapiliat ngieninthed daannnetiChnlancerByt alndahutti Rothontalli thaattheo ecevne J'yliatte maaieodn inuet hiih tavtt titagi, thttqtntehintritlaitt net adiile. nt t i.Mereit htaido fi a hldbythtevtto e tt e ouret teanada t qettne %cteatht . te use va~i que tisput t mnt the nquet. Bt thugh thwtuean erl mtbced ld bienenvth Air lt n veks muïl tbe Svaisy N ta tenteit the ea1ay nf Ccty Tonere ft e u I Mmntie u va eteemd leros OM te tel,..Ai M à0cing ictn accenent *l lenttM. eà Mntie. adt epay tt lme.yheed nigenet ieee* lal otOf is ieaey, hie aM aslm elue ma& e t û» -heten1 ti hat ni aof M iheaenclylt«e élat. >Jmvli in Onttatte. He ., a Ob iete tifitemo, t, ms . h snd tht raiellayere nofte inty Winiadmittel, eed Hammeed Dt objeciteohis betn iaieiy peta. sa. A shote inea goit CilieTeyptt ITEMS. tno tergal hmseli as te seakteau- TeTt. r iI didli &bhtttt th tkon tllvay achreeSaiy, omtntetelt and t, tuonend thehbargils tmade vith dedtg th'fe" te= . 7eF tht c',nteattn h y tht Gotetntnt. met vert rneel. aed ue. The tn',nli wtt a rehellipe attntg hie tht ltttr hllled. it e in tait',w'rt and à tanne la the Hattft otirlaTeeeetun vii te Ctea.t in jenov said that SirThe.fint largeparty oi Charetthan wtntttedd as h«tplain- irte. Englad uti etrhy ed that whn lite acmettl tht .aiiefrin .Soutampton iiactrtnttt't battgait ht ietetded on board " Br" " ph-e--keià. -Site T Tth. Ttlehetu ve tea et ofaev n ther teltedee. they 2tae-tt. Thty ta7 a qenity ni etoes, provisions an teleraphie ap- I paeats.. 5 Tht LondnoStallnt up i te vteal etetIndia poemisese plendldy. Tht ntling vilbogie itite hatette mntth, ant i il viihLehpet tthel endiof Meath aid etony leApeil. *tbui intmenly hettieg Eutope Ml tht ttint Ameine .pphtatt -e" ftie Satiet ictiher retaarht thlt l pertet Anulleavt ele apetil tt enjtttaueeatdlimoevhalin nt ae nretimetav. Thte.ogeitcargo boteadmet han tient nilt ftet tht Whie StrLite anti ta reacei tht company't bethteab Li=epo. Ute van iti lu eSelt a Wicattthe Cymele. Iho ie MO0 folengan. 84tut hctad. 42 test titep anti 18,000 tan, grecs. lier Ivin pre-. itetteet attdritet ty saparite neani quadruple orngines. tht tnextpeted tej mate a cargo-boat rconrd le reemefo n ptt, aua ththua any tat i epent on ise,. A tlaety. titi' nil tht famiei ohaeattecrietiat ni tht Witt West in former days, haa ctredet aISkagway. A'rhhey va ctmmttet ten a satoon, tht victima htleg J. M. S',van, n Lniet States tepaty mnentant I a tin amet MGati. Ater teaint lte saien, tlreath iteistitaupn ou' ing tatti 10 ctaie tatiefaction, anti tuauan vent vith hlm. Tht tietentie, Et. lav,,lhed heet miatti cp anthe rahhryatan ethetw tmantetettentertd lie thot tbiem on hdeat. Tve hote teite,tht litootiai oceuregt. Htvan'n ieat tgine trttoa isont. A rilizone' atmmittto ha Fny lintmi, tut a iynchleg vitt proal otyampots tht pittre. A Canadien eateçlag the Yuho, ihentgh tht ChilanctIPeau ha. anteng nateaternatives.ofaint, thte1rlvi. legsaifpyittg dtty nn bt tie taa thyalt a havy P ti.7 tanga eta yt0Ihi . tevtheetpto ý.tht tail. hett0 Ut .evn n d t thtttnthpnnema lientishie eteipt bta antheoficer thon.a nd gt naoettanta tht att l Weil. WiIh ihal atrt'tiitnte ntay1 teatgt bat lthevny htanme, itageti refoadti ita nicrthe iiet T.'hant. rangemntin etIvocy on-netl. A catînrotct heit an Monnty in tht enc af te MitiaitraifTrate anti Cnmmerce i Otlanwtanttlvd ctateeongat il h Canadien OGarnetntto takaa pte. monett adnrantct Itht Ctaadien borere.the itta tentofmny dute sa i ltte Uniltedttatsautttns olnc'e tectiticate. The peeten hoing that aetlilonte vii teitettira itnae te tht Canaatotame ot7tae, ad tht aaoutvsiibheetetathe Canadie lienermetta repertotatico na ptt @natntiont tathe Unitedi State. ontectar nittaii theptfetey. at pennitet tn tht t'nitet Sttesrergatione. IENEWSl'ils YOU'TI'. J-7 leM. Ste1toce ee 1t r..veW.. tte Ti.. eetctd itEm. 'Bw at ay, mtey tinte. bstt e an e»Idt tntte$tiiee ncrlune e aatga la au httcen," nId Ma. StUtaIt,,-'atti hawtate lita, asti havanatel e nhattti bte$ it làteno, a autInete eauY Nov, bartety yotg onty comte ie lente âchttt endah.iàtme, SIth a etile on bitn " 'Ptp, dît ynn @etma n a e C yt "A ftnt e Ite t meto hlm, enid 1Irq tciytgay tt Ilu oee', anded ouste ta ae a ltiora Dowarrnnthtetjtce. linet att yanth Ilatta hiteeel Wmunt ue ttth ttnet; te atotthete yenth, tand et eajay la vith the ttr heetto epptnate. Latt fnOrmtntnterytee,. Thntt mnylit aniyaoneyanth. Thertaentyeone tcto anenannting. 1"Itaete houet zta- ata , Dit yaa tta e. a»hteboarvttl? And thie .entany tatm,Lca ndîtaa Iltdosntutane' Liete t adi ine tatairaDtat dia', et. "Latatit htpeapourelsnoOtee ethiat daeatt Mvmane ttehthtt tersbd data baultaoelltovçte. Anttitakmr ni attita v htthtt =y etnymmi aiftht it iahn t e a f ow otIent u ti t l rathea i,tn deita lu ty nttdun'te- jtsîatti. car thsn tle o,. hiah tatin itritont devnnr tarmeintenensit, a nuc ath e a thete titti 'Dit yat naoa tee a pennit hn'g, 't'y ttaptfsntaIttttW$atoiti on pttat jokae m ctttttivly ttodetn, btIttc tho tta' ,t t atabateddttan frettt get. o tio tu.gevta taradcutuat gYaott gea. hingiîtg ta thtetttet trunit ytth titha__aravttit chat. datteItptn te gontcattt ycl tao thia tn jah.eauCt,. peaît banIf îlI- leogtaa.,iti tie attianad ttett i top aeCaîOthedi tthac tWO. Hpnliy tattiatDtînati ta; thettthcc',am antttgt Tty brIng hoa,t. taitontitgtay, tht gatiti attdyo.'-Nnn'Ytek S«t. ."nttthatnattatar, t dttitg ttracoteaintin itt"il ybu pieattta ttahaont"iahara yen l&tsaUtm thit ttnt Il, ' "l thi"nied t@ledy vtth tteea nto. '"taî t a§v"- "E-nter mine!i .1auî n lth," inute' tpant daitelavrynt. "WeZ14 hem Wn tion'#tametchai t n 7r iet'u.' t ime -< aWe - 1" The viu i. ene reiti! "091oU ne la' rethe lavynt " ttt ottt Mt!',a a . lile ne "Tht wltnetiuulta5gte 'uettn M tencet er " MM i e ni tht vendi AdmiMnite10 nemis; ehiliten.1 tdo eeinr, ebbe-e 4em o tele da MitiA th iii'. te dieta viii enibit teaMilit, Yelday, Peh. le. et Pf'yila. 19et te antel Grand iIANADIAN ITEMS. Paterik toane, n fermert, etding a few milei ntnth ef Lindsay, va tetd.hagged aed rbetheof Mt ont ont et tht ent eteegie. Liet. Mmt ho Lt aitntheaueto his eheit ftactettiy talliig ltteie i elelgh vhile tau"ntdtlalng ai King. ten, dieti lettebie injurias. W. J. Wilttnghbby, buervlve a vilttea-t lette the-t nien i Lamtte,,teaylng M. Jietpiage, Lit. etea. andi St. MLallent, P.P.A., te tht field. Th aeL Taeetng Cnompany tilt ehotty . tnthtete ti ofa te.y in Sertie, vhinh vtl ete tc tcgginl Cantada. Threte htntct bandti vii h etiltyeti. Japau id ging te invate thte tat. dite. It in etei thal an aemy cf 5,000 ale.tetiied lattrèetn Iteinjgt tegether for tht glti nfie, andle a month It yull mate a jtnt one Dat. aon City.. A andlite -nenntmt lice omie. ho. tev thet ttvn of Quenelee.B.C., aed huelei hete tine« ntatetin. Allen, Juse luth and AlexandeMela»a. Tht &e ln l1,00fontIvide, 500 font loeg and 25 test high. ChitI Iante WaedtnTinesiy lh setmele tiàthat tine a ttj the Provne c tehe ,tll,i(tTtt in atnatte o ne-firth lette tht eemhe kittng ye yote g,anddul a libte t tttemotaeetathlioeo tLiriprtectiot. Ie. Niligne, aartalttr af ttttMoal Sahoont aedon, lghiet alire in hie ta'rt tuthaatat. Thte toetbun te ahimtoy, anti thteenit va Ihat Jehn Mitigat, ageti 2t;ILet Milligat, agei l, anti Ethel Bahee, agat 12. .wte t umeniatei hy aharetet Ilat. Gonrget lviet, a tramtp, vho 14(1 tltnteeat tan day% aeteei&ri h t Wnsrtntt attnetay ight ted van ivnlzngetthe polince tetao. etopltet tToronto anti tihet piace.. Mant Catwright, Toetnta tthontai ltantav, has heen apnointet Assistant Atjntaet IGatnat nfCanitie. Mant Cattght idthtecsmn of Sieriahard Ciartweight. ThteitonifA"tnt Adjtaet-Getnaathoa beu vacant ihon Col. Aytmerevnepttmeteitn the pont. lionnlAmdjntantGeeeat. Edmoend Doptaie, oet ettniitg on chIeci tebihet, rive mit eom the Village nf st. Germaie n. ontdihi& hbon" la dames..itgie.hantittilte matie dpttefette tant hie viit anti thten, tnny uteettetin leda te n tntnttd. Men. Doais anti tht ethetatv t'hlttett ptiaebeoteistl Canada ld threseneaiith a mette Cartn, A gateît ron Chienn'n, heeva do "Mite" MaDttald, atd a tepetei mititoanire, le @aid te have peethatti Figbtileg llanti, eight talisfon uteDe. Irait, onetht Canatilan aie.' on tht. leatti tht proposai! Mote .Carto i. te te ittatet. "Mite" viilptebaby fled that, vith âaIthie vealt, ho taanet sent o p a tille titgdem tor is oveinite thle gettet Doniniton. Thte toere a btg tat, anti inctuenthtenneutre. iiee 9 aice teatk.Tht islnatint tight mitesnltup, ant iastn e&ato i BORN. ZgE..att-Ai SautiSte. maiee, te 101h J»atnav, ttte wtt, aI J. J. Zeeandt ai a ightee. MMUnar-At tht Mina. Milton, Ont.. onethe th ltFetrnîey, a tanghter te Ht,. t. att Met. Maefaf MASIEiy. BlttuatatN.Srtta.-AtNelo,tn eSt. Jtoah'sttitm, te Fet. 11h, hy tht liev. F. H. Fa, et Berlingest, je. A. Hiannn, ci Waterdewn, te mian Lace aden'nofaiNelon. Stve.i-aton. -AtMite on Tant. tiay, Fe.l, atheteidmm ofth@t hutte , hb the Ht,. lD. W.Saier. Sententita Bev, a te DrihaHate Luth et Milton. LenTza.Ecvow-InO tion*ei#,%ta" ltenhvntd, eneWedWay. 101h dan., ty Set. J, .- Iti0le, N., .. JonLie. eldeI eon et Mî. loi. Llte,, te Annea,tely ieegtrr ofJ. W. Keowite, &ai01 Segie Ilb. Il- der; IL~ A better ime tha~I ,cIoat or Trousers. there je ftitési Z~ L UiIL%1~V1ML I f-I..t ver~Be~ siace ah Nere e not tho rush now that or foi!' We have soSie &Iin dOverctîngs tàori *è.-.. BEWSeSONS. (Witt ve ty buelt vent.àetegi ONE DOLLÀR. Miton - Glove - Works. ttmo . t e ,Atî ntty.t, tt7 MI? FATIts tCW". To Reît. 160 Acre Piton, heitg lot 1. ont. 7, N., Teonhp ni Traaign.' Cettty et Itltett. 'Ftorlcnf ation apply ta Moe. iE. BtO.t, 2 4t 1 StQuonSt.. Toroto. We have A Dozen Different Styles of Winter To choose froin In Lace, Buekie Or trie wiilliarns's Patent Can Suit Everyone. Prices from $1. to $3. WILSON'S SNHOE STORE. tSell Cheap foi' C"a.i. GoLDFi ELDS THE VUKON THE KLONDIKE tOote Vlà" maiD OT eR tlUt xxeGIONC 9TAKU TUoiOiNt "s.11111 . . I 0. B. ItEiffl ,tt- T. 'Mg. tuÂts. M. EAYS atm. Mgr. W.LE DAVIS, Ott. Pt". Att. For Sale or To Let. Thteta' Htoa',',ou Marti t St. ltt' Apply ta VITOReanCtttetttOLU i8î etti s oi ite oaMpion. * i'Aietet tt(htpo.. 15O0WANTED At tbm MiII. Oiee .Werlim. Thue tie ine.,,r,,inew elce anti Oa.ttiete Re i %change lar §king. 29-2tm LOUIS IROEOLEIl. aitte. l edn C U"n'itnhoihliinsl'a-etitien. heott iqeuricnaen. Atnd Boys. J~RORGIRLS and Y$. pleathtt<ît', f h heee r at thtepta havée euredet a big bargain a t of ler md 811 Set and want to.glear them oqt at once, and in order te makeeshort iwork of it, we i sel these goodo atl tht foliowing low price6s- $i.0 pstiertsun i*? a~a 70 108ee,~ueh,~êe...75 h08* /111*0, la..'ue t t'a t. f ~ E~ dom nee Sgl ealIetii amvhet 'Tiw Vy 0ev Silsê Tone4 tla odet OtIte, aýit Ilt .ptped . titagtiUet lravytevtteyentdeeih pta efferet.g. Tht' Chspemt~Ianu e, -..-LIN DSAY'S 'To Cash Prhsr~. WEARE OFFIERING ot -0 ehmtn verdecit Snaue mie qa ini ni I OMM"nt tethieM omdigenie tt,*le" taiteu lm" e the.e an atti. oa aa 84vet a t &U e nl l n etht, la a .eaiv ltt ,% la iem n tlthet ma abeietattpce. 2, CZUt4 Aatimte'1 li » ble. g'f eetat- aeale -Iit8 dirta' ta 'tpanl'peldta e tait, and rey a nlettht e, IWO an hie ctnctt, if n.~hmeeeii unnWattUehuei tIî ii elnty t i h e te vhQudtb hi ttaeUttar do'thetnteey nus)#ettle4e11td,' atny tite tntult y 01tpeait n .Ttctatt.' tni tet 1«t the etet eu nuittt betéentata p yt'en n tdiy t;mbu ue1,b "'I tti te wn!Sèeheu 'IT w ol'. oa te, tbutmeaah tuan.'<oneetelteyile i.t yheoee intnOtt M tttte let.I att ",Otaetehbso&a"lm velue y tat In ametlnatn. iagteoea d taUtih Nul- tt tita Itentlà=etieM teSelt tb*un adpnd'Nlacideraitteeatenteo nt t Caenr. 'nt tiey h, eti. &aâe lne te aitapt "I te inetand tt au tit-NoeIbt t t Wagatt linl'oloet eat i 'sdtttta t t teni' t edî hg kwyut t l ed "ure.oal " *ltit'.'a" hn "'Wteu a,' ttittet d I.ecttdi, it, "'Whboy doe't ea y 'ei e a ta a;ttithe hr e nelind whelyto an t '<LnStac, ieaei athdlo anItI h eaneanI lttt@tha" tl teae 'ad. yaa tO UM*te p i W " U y a d u a lte ta l e .t t et w i t ' Detratine 1n Mwc tedasiècrt-&inttanti ve, fte atalitpw ',taliy dnt ete look1. pfoi., hit tant enirette, lt tt hlnattfta'itiou sthStrn n te eet h,=lst. hic catit' biody.eteeieal ehe@&ee th"t.nIas va lthtiiO lea m tnomil tp Ittane alat al thts reletha teete fluor.t"i havetdeyntaleho 'Iadumtio' adlt"ne ontet, Stme ieneftheiycantnet ticyte«r*0elifog ue ttc l'i =ath, eée theavead tthe eanelm M OumtaIDt tai dèth at tetglleh a eete il iedtel tint, U e Utgut.alieu. it fe Me," oncid -" ie b h amat tfflb t t& m hi» îh3ty t w IIi' vajeetS v>ePet 8 lSotLut ettl heneîeele vtiteSthepiati.buht ahi tint UNUSUALO INDt7O8~ENTsI *'wm ont i*le-)m Yi pie pet n hi tnt, i. Our Landiord + Io putting in a flOw oeiling and new floor in Our :.merchant taioring departiment (second fiat). Every garment and e'<ery yard of cIoth bas beau crowded to the:ground floor. Every sheif je iadened and every table jîiled iîigh with gooda. We offer the entire stock at greatly reduced prices. It je your opportuinity to secore- sîîch bargains iti ready.înade and made te order clothing thuit wilI miko' yoii fait! like aoming hem- often. 85 Mou's anîd Young Mens Overcoate atul 1Ulters, regular pricet varying from $5.00 to $9.00. Yoîîr choice now of aaty tize, r4'to 44, for !$3.99. 140 Mens aod Yopting Mens Fine Tweced 8iîits in fashionabie brown and greenisli and grisy iixed patterns; Canadian and Scotch mîkes, pltin sacque styles; regular prices $6.ffi to $8.50; yoîîr choice ISOW for ... .... . .... ....$3. 99. 42 Pea-Jeokete, in fine qualities of Etagliol Nîap Cioth, corded edgeî, wooien linitigs, a'clvet Cîolliira, etc.; regular price $5.03, $6,00, $7,50 atnd $850 ; youîr choice now for .. .... ... .. $3.99. 12 Mensa Heavy Etoif Pea-Jacket'istiiitbk fou îoîugh everyday wear; prices $4,50 antd $5.00, redaîcad te.. ..o. ...... .. .... .... .... .... .....$2.75. Very heavy rediactions in PontsOa'eralis, Underothing, TpShirte, fleavy MNittos ad (Gloveq, Sccks, Neckwettr, Braces, Etc. If you have not heard abouît oîîr gritat pre- mium offer tend ns yotîr noms s,îd ifdres ad inen- ion thîs paper. SMITH'S CIothing Manf'y 51KING ST. EAST', H AMP41LTO N.