Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jan 1898, p. 2

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-t.-, 1 TH C A PIO CO0WY CIICL.~- Pane - - 1 - . o ,*'1, NaieCeJ0 o . 115. .w-uinu.rnýla5a W . a à-*oo> :-ý-ýýý- tý ee ,- MaLONo. Jan. 27, 1898. The coonoiil mae t Î2 ..tanaccord. L w - ti.A eacallilCasius 1. u.O.ac Aap5m anale.r. MNi "Wl- c: : .I1aF1 , . L .3 Q ... 'I, I., aatt tbe Tf «.pctota ai sl T hisa àIro f Iain i, ide pdàea rcft ha ', bta-b . h E ; 1. b 1eti1 " ""U %sith Caaaty CoaneleAct, 189". 1 àBOE0< CD Th hthmi OD" neONew la. t 1* la a 111*11F*GO Toc Goorgetown Hertd 10 ristan [Threclerb i thechair. ABX ETOE hiaoctOO abe cp1 paàcaica di91.4 ta l1 tp,1a1 .v in statimg tht M. Aodrew leted Mohr Upelaicoig Oco. 1 In Tl" A.0 0W. dpt AOI a toa afey et9 fY. Tho yThisdoauai nualar d i. b.otlf os oottoo y givighis oot- Hart. Eoq., abdi couodtr for 1-- 1.theac cf and01 vtm sud energy beang - 1 ioc tetofor hiaooelt co the ic htwe e ,,,'No,4,.ir roo.. f Dr. D.Bo.brt-, Hoinaeain t.e ebe word it he a Ilk a elaea nd o uega' Pr0àa th n dom i eantP a ditrhdith.in i 1W@uhaveia. qmiy0 itr u noti son, reatîtoed. .t otOort bftbOaeo oOal eihaaaantrvnnbacl0 04 edao. ad alsla hie an Dr Lwsn.T tec aSaaouaaguaaa. It baia it the bigbc'attca.T htoit , on, rateliarisdln ch a dMcaMtpor- gle tn-n&"-aSat b. aav. q ra nd wil Irpu etoth Dr. Webser noved, aecodcd hy Mr.'um-Dianitine &adth@ fegacao f forcer, troc oor atrtentinthe contat O hadc. Be b.d dothe galaata tluwt1~h! reaaaaably arie-. h-ý lie on thrro hoùot, bt oo the oufttth Pit, tht we aow procead ta etcct iloweo. I u .agatzlave and resta ad oenu a mers m adacapta b. i A te oflPmel lu ee ceael ______________________ M. Adrew hld a ocjority o! oae. îe crda ad..tth lnbfa' il eaU. apialarenpa, iedthetuad s f h od o l al edstin mtO lIa g octhe «PI~ AfA othtoorte ad llil;tho C a nd r I rl y cargs , a a in aaod bro auîccsteonas c attBamt t the oeaitberai aIea C e C E1 a The Coohty Caonele Act prooidco for tretotrerelie tcrudieer.-Carried. c, aosciashablit on oar bearta. Il apeesafindi ct, ta e irt plate, o for aredtea flOlan cdideOa'rtl: eerdania"eaDBlankesi fl flI I¶ U thaoOaic too f te oalr mmbesKq., aa-drlared elctetd vardea of siete edernes anad davatian, The na o Peeaaoc Of plattin'dgatti The cc.c A dmissicbon la b.ha0td cIta f ol skt,4 )l Ucfor 75c.'l j a eP.I oaty ta cae h racothtrc blsaS oOthe Ccutof Haitloa fcr h. year 1808. borna ta the afeguaad cf tls naton. NaOttiona l rc aand ota t lc a at a ait . y o ei.~ l dby o avAllwoflacerlbaS loa otagod îte ocu oît ootcary decatatiocofcIocfit ac at, b hhc. Wattaisr rch ctteta c f thae Cotot. TheaParia[partycomottttc aa hotOcthe pria'l nrt a for $295. .- tieseodda. 1Jat. Mcooieo, 18q., J-.P., loo the fut prcad, au i srpasaelatt formeo r thea -dco m o r fa O f aa. pilýlàseAtoaUnonOp Oo att rrat8arrlIle-y1-elerLI-S A Y chair, ltbccctdaoomd tirer Donnait for theerecord..ioa She"tbatMrtgaInc 1t1 for'OCt. 0The Olo -too d - hoboe oa xdo tOtoIniniit1cr t e r rne rdessmfrda.1 aadea heate. ThcMorlcarttl,apeOOyt 'Precuaaat0btcta luoce h bm. Caarccharrne oraotcoueataa focanudf LIN DSAf IIAITCNe LtREeALt OiOc thretoa clOvell Tte mintebdaotbthecTemtimeetifgritOn atoticke fo f -co ics at the toaro hall todo> ta selet a e1817 werc reond and coofirctcd. ita, t897, ihsy bava raaliaad ea=opb Etoît o wtOh tOsgraodiose If ne t rt D t oudliegb. ca. The coita t et_____ ___ oadoaofrtccoogrvitilla' Dr. Wbstrmoccd. tecooded St>Me.r. oorra1cama dhae 8,0.9, eorertal ootlotldooatao Ul ptt vc og abr o Bthooau loaoitcc Mt 25pie c.c comidâe fr te cmig Povicia Chc-Pttit, tiret the ccaoil gc inocoim- to placa inteibec.acrvefond. Thisoa h enaerot 1.av.otroot rt cbh ite, h , l i thefactca hdecood thatthe tick- Me'a LiaodIKid Gloeq $1.0 for 70 ticns. The prodot rtco.rd made b> mnitesof te ohclle rthre paioof1 reoat ntcýtr ta aigt a ucmaeteslea Ptadîyor t tar tboo haeieg te raplocccaopaoothc Mteotoloopectto.Kid10<îaOotrarcforc40c..4Oc rrd JohnOobosed, Ifanoxa.al the Hordy dooroocot for wiseltgis-lcth4, thc standing comite, 1r $«,000a-re or lgs freslif wich 00ouet oeto oteles.il uitmine satla tirchrts prta.4 hop- , l.toaltio tc. f N lotiotndlc ltîtoofs sttoof . h. ttt 88 i th te wodeu ilothetttc b.lot tcting inatteitttesary. ifnhParis Os havecohoailttteOhatri Menaaud Bys Wal Mltle oand * Jo n E toni:u b lottco oo tito lotTcfeOhti0. t!.lI. ofOntricf of nw 18 te97. rndrndaml owal: yrIh . Tr.defnO, 'par. 1 ' - or sîîy ftititoîîs urake-belueve tsi rset o ucs os.pu h 10e ffrbt ohlt e l t r tof c tnetPosiloe top th agcuonecdaitcts, ood o the moeotoc be- 1BorgatîTs Ohce rosooto or-toetndrsy arTtO h tiowde oinoaathertchairrt.. elot aro O spttof ttttdltog Itootomc m r. h ecorta toh oor irora urbata ooditttcoodelet ato c tc aittt The tcoctl resumoed. t Kct. perono ehomeaomrmber o taa-r Ott !Otoo ttOtthO0orEotcd.tteOlorOt5 candrdte an uotttpr in givingWlotor ],irada d o th e teOrder viti pay ta ùccfteceiver of fomhiota dtlightfril otttl atiotS l)te 1tttanOd thos glt8tZOt h wrtoO Dot ctt:teil-hirs, tc lit. Webser prbirubellant!tolldthec o rîto tot Iptrt. A t , tms ort o fîttthe ot thc ttcrtf tre bl.)i og ommpr .0tirte ooll orae uings.ottoooo of the. a to- t ootît l o ut Tta wtorott oo, oo nitotta o5the. Te1 I sT îoSts tiecOn 5 C_______But ______________________ o.oo io l, h b t c ýhot tiddtoto Mo. tottit ocord, saccaedot! y lr. rates:- otl tttttoo to tatciinot0of!efot Trlth'hbanetaite ckoet olewce i i rt yDaerrsrotai Ineti g ,ttOtiie , t eý. lgato ! s la lot totsand tthelc tl t itrer oai t Obole d o n Wooori, owl e ' e h lv ttU d srvaola sut$1.cp wiib eiea , ii..I. ýteec tiiic thc stoodng ooottittao s ttA ci.$t .1. 1(. I' o i te bdn stt ittsottotutora a:oitalt heAlt fSot. GtmotIttOO1h- Mo'f irCl'Unrvst s I Wn upo .1: ftr tht yoot ho oloptd.-C orr rd. 25 a 29 .. ..7 0 lgairmttrsr rn i oiina hionbae ru fatal lcelA l o g h t r tt!cttnCommunictitconswrroreodt on foi- ,Otr .. 17 15()I ne tinointtot t ooo ttatterotttttt i, egot-b ont a r d, cfand ttde tto nO v ne to e iloto Cooorvtivcs(ift.t tlt catrttt%, oct -FcctcF. Willioo,, SptCP. 110 . 1t ti 'oi.iY Ot otioreltcion to I..0adtlfrotadmisson ntothedoter. SIc hortetl Citto ,tigatttrrut thetowc halltonttoo r 1 f .,oontc.,,.1tcad toha trbeltoill ;35 tca489 ..atîo,5,ooo) htcCottono ttott- ioat. Ncco,'ttthdc*ha1t Iaton tationo.P.4CUtI4;vr K ..CW1rH 'set tl, ili l frtsoal efetflD tRINGktoL"NNgodAmiltte SALEcr .oy tacloose thttrsltdartthairc er ioo ub, t .;t!S Rî.otcf Do l, 4-7 adcar00 't i ncio oto.f the ta.T hiso[loto ,tttionof:t Trh ol sooedtbig tttdottOt.ma le u coty Shietiagi tOc ad 1uMtt t' ,,Oo00 oitcootttrOlatotg tltOn.o.1tandlaltt.'1tt0tlo o eo.îc!rtand taofot fceoby otire 'ga \SA SSo the tomiog Ontaotooo ltottt 70ooy tarot . J. ItLaing. l'rccitilMotici- The rtesarOea Ste4 ollitotheoaoaocf -tlootdýrnttcho e"ýrtýilottzoýI nUtOc ýmt - tanf theoeovcrai pelonreo. Tic do. Twillad Flanalata Toe. D RIAL E D ito indito for gtotd thai t t i t frait ptoAi ttttor. tA't Totoottroro hboos the m roo aiothe imee cf ]oiog Oth e od oo ttire larn of totto tbuildngs st tic lo ftreaat otteshmls aholottte e 17. Ceyla Fanact. nitr, 8codnta . 14 . toprt ottiot Litt Col.liros t'il fi.(ououtc, 0 Ohiil r od o! trdor io Ontario. ptcotota cf cho trot e l ation tc old ttttootasof tight, Creaooo lanaclcttc tîlto. 1*0** " * 44 6***bt* * * * *b ** Elootto, t, ligh 'toiool Tecafrra - - - tcttuilttngs, tcnIcco.m 'toto totto .Ylas> S "Suai do loot.c t em e -ttcocoIIntt" thtotitit, Ot ittottio-Toto (t;.o, btohOtoCottto Atorney, t. CANAD!AN ITEMS.__________ 'Tk'elle'ocavoto>or atocco yooo ticket ltsd.-oPit l u O. _____________________________________ oly o and a- ýtoi, ttttItti t oe()tOrtO tî i oli orff icG o A.AlrawrttthM TiO O tFR--tracOorpctto.Tol e d c andle t e obe Lnec potayd.Ile - -O.To. -- ttî.PctO tou is ttoctot.ttlitIaqrept . O -icTreaooOtao Tchers' Agac'SM T Ia T IEFR .i- hnpoire.TI .*l, ---' tl> ltt itO t t.oo h t i .0 .ton,a pontaietof Slegates t ot ian10sraivs hv -- 1 ortr. o t!aascition ; W. A. omiatsdtGeorgaKliotlcof Brantfcrd. H W.t atttot Seca t M..troeca-tttttiOto" rondtltttttOtl".tttctdlgttito--- ws olas ea adontotht (a,-oi. 'îni. orit. Lr Cato. convnonttt cib.-lest.'atte>thttt. 0and teod ormntwsasppua il]sroL a ote Coiut rh. Lotark h, ?PItha .Mary M cf t Ur o Brovlleo V'Tc, o titt, ottîî, t.e,,.I. ct, . pr voth lo a s t nt. etttert Newods' are arrtvtng and t ta dyc T h 1,t IttItlr tot o rootfo tcoilta tireLogisiotioe.Asnambl> commtted eicidr hy tohioti Patio tI,.ttît.ohtt, .... fillin , î cttior tilptrl Jtol .rot lleatOOloOreo Ticf1.ý.odg o qntitb lae n .1 i)r oth ort ofO tro , ii colte;adW. rco. 1 o t-or.ta opaof t1tîî,pitlt.tt cîtoto oi ed d tho oto>. fitetcot totliot st iretooot l. o d otb lae u hatitttoit iel ott n.ttfotllo oi.I ' (ottit.Couctv Cltrh. Brce, with Mr. Whitneycpenrd the cacpstgntino Ist nr.000 ototy hte ,.t , r,,nd1tt t..otl.l.oen Il,. toto.Tlottot- -o----te -tOtt-tt-ttitcoo ri t> otoar ttcedIt _gO th 50to i meottcri.,i filtho Irgislativ s'Aterobt> hit oa coastitttooy ho rpeahiog al t.t. uttt hal ,,,t ottItt . , oobtih,tt httti' 0 oItf .. al. tîigtolc.0to. d t MtttToi, Shirt c anod T.lt oaoh. S E K N B U 4 1 - . - Sxocf the largt ctoolonondotcf oyi.toi-i thopritOottOttotttttColttSt15 Tloct.f villobglehoolo fiortlteycer 180., li> rnd haedliof. I 1',ct hrnsofmeA irir ii lat . 1-f. .,ler. R o rraî0 sohd5 'lihs totl'ai t dei ttet. oearly twoc otott idlecoas o1tttgtttty tt,,.E.and hioo Ootttot pott1t;ttttOtotlttruitstot1hoeo&do12;ttC fH O SE O V E R O A \tttlttcd lotoin. lta 1, lo, aloiosIcoto c ittoi alld t toOtrairaittvoguhooouIto it t a l. ýG - \Soes in ý li.2. Fra rt.e lltOhtoe ttt ýtelo ud trend osmoO i QubrCetretifilesplacof tto.ttule of ryolittites%rtl.ttit - t1tOotl ot ottlIttttt o,ý,ormr getstofo!il" Dootctl to sofil rp otote peotol ocmittea on hroooie LaogoOisrapoDé ug. "l- cri.fitrsvrlpin 1 1 .iteie lre. ap ltotytttttt!ttotttot,,tOtotttttttittt euoaca oae en vorig i ltc o titootT 'Mor. ttl tooth o tl ttýeooot!ttb> traolc lra Sttrnamat for thelMo> jetttt it~tfr . - i tti o t, 'Iltttttttttadî51OOtttt1O totolytTtto.DittattSltttTricrS7T7 sett otttdioItierittt t in fooltic tt.t îtW Mr tonont.. lt tr o tofrllthe Aoioco.ohioh tillb dia;to Ottî! Ot laJ.tltt te tototto iotlgttmon. .lu. d.to.le, 9.0 __.7 kttott0lt Cootttt.Noclittrott. - ont o ftlltoi , ot otthrnocaOopt ttolviaoiretOt Ootttmod Cootooty n eottcad1t tltt Itttttt ,Iftt l,,, trt.tctop tothoulet hiootty. to 0tttiI. Ay -A t '*** *7 otooch.f tro ,ttcrgt. abo ut IotIod,!t, Crto!Drotcokroieoltottoto io. tot,,. Otog onooott ." stoîtctaVot.Ty.<l codto ,.tOtoto l' ity I.,teý.ttttt,. l'o Gttotto-.ootc!yl ora r try a ck il ao tpae oto'ttt.ttt .,t o-.oto Ira t ..,h..tNoIth'n et(fort >o -itokt o!o Ctso .ltiogocotli asý ,Oi l oldooo1> Mr-ti Ftebtttt tttttttttritttt lltai.oOott fle trtt il .t,ta t î......'-. to,, tot *Nt .Otcoctt!oyitot ogM , 4 oak, .ot.t e China glod. alvilb OIn etgaizI cwth ievc- ttti lti- a ott to r tien ~ tto hob gattttta Meuer.SiegelCooper thCompyof.o lo e i.tttre ,Tot ,t "fytttoO. tto!totlitttta u oraoit'ttO lit -t . t oroducoaohy loo tooppoitOatoro New Yorkand Chicaoo ittiThe Glolbe "rloftI" ill er' I.1o itt.:., Ut tttttOtl, tttoirtyle t o gttt .:ttttG o e ie.s\ to l.w t.ttheoointtin ottotocoto.iy totttoc-'rit dpem oailroT rco . î toit, t. t""' ît . otott,.it ttott I rt . ottt. .tt 00 OitoI . t>ai"(I oh't oot l'httoo> ot i Iot O '(ho ityltotn'y a-on etot!ittailO totoai otot~ilttotto tttt.t .otttty Moftur othe !. c89 ad toot!si l e I odrrendo h lo ioto oto '.tttlcto otSt-t,,,Wotoihhttoqiistt tifth iiejlersar la'rnes f.aýc I i oh tir .rt limo h e iiîtogcocoo fitt e tB eod aeorD noo itetioot oal. hao IiI.lc'ttitit. ti,'tttttttt.t ,.» ..tî. ylohoo]lYcoutytoi"letttit l(r- ,. .01. ocIntot ryit.roh alilto. Otepitro aIîl CO l)J)I ott Ii lc, It v are savilig a fle a .itothe o..ne, lodoTe l.ttohred iotrt tottdtaoe brooitmt torthtsoai To tloc patirtitt.tot.t..ttortntihltpoIletieottiootoo n ocgratificationotoao. orrtii.(h t> toottrfl treIc, euIt . M . ttt ft a lho tt ottted hy - Qr. cbec. va icra o f tood hew ft dof (tit -t t.tott t oi t* t.Date.t t i i net oi] f .NI. -'t colO Ctocothave thehat, ct al 1va, Cotoco - tOfî li II flN1 01)ve - - - - .,tt it r La tep 0fnco mttebc B oder elt uLthe ooltoon t he a i'vtuto 0t ttttttttct>mlgI l U", . I ,t A J hnson watît"ottlfl (. - VrkaiWto OGtO T ccIostfloc io.rprt tir*u s . ou auc o k ofit a e avinga otîttît b oi! tt,. " ., D ..t t. - tt t! a -doit t co i rtrotio t hio tioo ot! o rhc e au poffc tcf t t hett p o pl tb at titfo ri to t tthe " > u tt l tt t ti o t t t tt '. to .. tt t to .t tt toitz - . I b r . T r l . a rettt asoc l o ffto an nfot l ie bt rta d tto ha%...ttt tt.l 1 it iti te o for bid,i andotcitl w so ly b y flet t jo)osttt .ttgt I -. adti lttcttt rti) iri itv lti h erlt IleC fe a alo To . W si l( )1 t ct! otoci tloc to[ tirsloihron ho OiCott ticth o lett 'Itlt -ottttoto o .o.,too tthi t tl"l ot ______ to w 1,,.[,IIct , ord . tir, h - ts tra"'f rto1 Robins n, tienttDr. Ltst otdtfi D .ttier.tT e!tO Ottare.'whoelOttoltt, totolIlttalltN ototettlit -t-hye1,tIioecsaor! tolha ilt~ottot,! tc.i.tl, iot t,1tt. btti oOto h> ort a!ott oiti ler . 1 (trotiortt TttoLi,,,%%.t t ittrtt ,, o rthte Octottoh-sntoacnge auLs ve noa e : h yre h re a' tt,tt t tta tta t'r o oi(,1 tit l7.Ootht v s tl(att o.,..%\ i t tetl'alitt for tît ira thebbers ic 7 o Noa ,oo ooioh t, eht, I ,g , 1,,,1, , , lt ' o titocs r tî,ofoocOît,ll î Ol, tIoo~d S ontrtro oto4 c itn p oa s ib le tiake it ho r e s o e h e r l ,ot1icot! ctot o.Itî a tltt tc ot hootcatttt.titt tt0 o-tos-pmt Aa a ptti ttt i t to,,dtot 't- IOtdltO.UUitUtna trgetOt ll trttly W.rird O t ,tctotsri,, t'ttttttt aU îo,c.bey tt. çool1to e n- A T 0 O 1 J e e W I i lt lp i le i i 1 ', , ii, ['n-ho'üe7totki t o pu lic eodot rtoetel ytt e Ctoom Obr ostote---oloorde adooIý ý -0 Lent i Ir, ý\ hstr nio i, ýcectIeloti M .otoac la.alls,'batfile expets al the ac ,.,bc.dythcmatthbot.. liid hi iles NOTICE 10 GRE..TRS. M .c . iioer tOO . ltO Iltltto otttt t t Ot l.. o.th t B - , - .t ppo indt t. Il' ,ïDOO Oiwy poct T ~ tt. t to tt.ttttOtt tt tiiaot! it hotottt t, ttit, ofttahtbonuoccOlccddocrendatoo 'o C tiv.,CS a, fi e s ai l-. t. !. i' c.tot.! i. tt\ lt tt .iu tsoo o tot! at e Lable ta otttt ot t fi Iot oo1 00t00000 to-totot totfloutatoiavilleI.lo. lt-on. ttor, ta. 2 - 1, .1 M o'vifot'tt Perhtt tottetti stht ,l ty Tct. bc tt etot h u t, co a-b ioo- 0100 otur attaîlit I000 I Io o o l'o I tocoodotl['t StoregOtor ool >00e itot hco1botter Itii, t..> toottsud.ot,.ich iparislttott.It titoîtttnt totoosoo otlcTire ttire lot.bo.O .th-.OitO Andhootlite belicvlitvotu otw-îleîhi<. ,v itlt15o lite n lt . fohylo o o pc iît O hm i l rs gto c e n'. t s e fro n o e c ic tt p h o o eost t ttto tt o i , " . ittttttt o o t ocl to o tt g t o o o t c otth .t,, h . 1 t O u Tt o cin d uel lo s i t . T oot O o:r o ts et. e s a n d e r ew,1 1 -, o o tto atl' ' tso n , c Looct h r B e t o l O. T t-tr i l s o'lo" b a - Xc l c o o i t'Io tt t -Ottttt tO TotO of ilto tot rit ri etO b ey ?o to tb -tetaira tto r tth ct to o îertit ao n td .o o o cJ it v , e l Io,.,tt.t, ttl.it. iotlt ,i,. et t.i fOocoo!oot b t ottt a l ]ob br lstih t le@ccd. a rîlo c antnhexttito tt h ttit tttttt , lsecIt TbM.1.- . o can t tci -le ndont st n c sir n c t. Worh $ o it. ierochl,. ietad la t-l tottai-Mr. tobitot Io vedbci t odll mcb ce baie rr ol a otttbtttt otttr t, 'hnbir ttttto.tt. .....i tl(ý'm o c er ntoOoom aqaoo1-f-- oc l le ADto 86 t e tn, teai, O iotttt~ltttt Ot iot îto tylot cso tt-t ot.otChoatterieerctaoatere-oboaodrtt ]Yiet g 0t r i ,;'ltt o t b ttt. 7 b j'e ý .l. lic ooiio èl inttt ot i t o ul t h ooa i poy pulotocu. laTt O0Oshetx . ht o too l oulio lp1 :' t..,ott..îî. ,to tttc l"e 1 it-t> tdomoc oloostuitt oot, l. r i t"i. ab t tfle r ropert y j th o n ' c . a l o ta i t ire g l ootto t t odo i l t. ttt loi,., t B tto uncanq Slo Authe Lpcpo]atireo cillt e pi t o t,-tct..o t> ... ,0,.,.datichttO tohîtot1of ltîlil Ohs ,lt tottrit hoittots octi, toto. ottto t udto tji bon heh l aie scabr a c 7 8000 ht W' de'o rot Oo th , li.t.oi ,:,ic- a ."coet toIt îoooooc.. t s t lo l uo~ . tlto ,ifetad etwerath. - ao nMi - l c l ititttttttttt .ttttt tttlt tt ttttitt ot tt olto oo oo Oo tiio oi o. 01 e! d caio 9 It,0 0, 0to1t) otehtto,.l..li tc, Ilosctf oo o lo aiotlo tt l_ to-t t1,ti-tott*.lt[(r Ilotlthtrit, e- OOyt Bthe Combrerlotta oittcboootcot,.î.ott,.t . l. t'ntgtofttoiatlotlt erIIII eoot ofd Ottec7feooyt 0. Ot.tt. tttt.,,t l-o- Cttol too! e ocoooot oiatoimoy Oethacs e r t . edttf. t i fli ,tot. , t ta;,, lI 1I ch bet o .kng irly-tpoo aooctha ,vero.tb tia , a , thmo 1'unhefý,r ,,ijIý, 'c- 1ý, II liroiiised o curry in' o t ailt ta so trai eP.ort a r ît t t CcoO iof a anc oiLclOooobe tc Il - -o.t' - -otohl ho0000'.oo i9theoo s I rl. .Hoiastco, c! tho 'll',, '.0050 0,-I , 0e. t,,l,ý,, loik,.ca itch ooh t . nth> oto cO tto rcaoyla tot- .1 to ote t'.1 ao plot t, ta th tylavv ta ptont. aofor ..vvea .toi t ,t0tt tcît ootoo lol itcî o b a i t i ed tb-KOOO a h, e r ofc 's o h i l - - t1ot.J11ttOistt1>0tlrend. 'I ci i n d t O rtt ta2 pt in ais in we> liof haeo b eu -e itr, , Ies.o t elolooohcoon etptir gi . las .., oaeodAT a or e ra, T.Ce - Aths -o ýII1. îl t r I tient thescodbia t acll d c heoopmoo, o! tho e Tr î it.. ct..îtoe.t..tt,.t.. o..tî. sa , a llîoltiret b n io~sct -a s bet A t-- ct eydorOltfoo 't o U to O t,ti, D o i - o. o. i. týý,, . l q t- t. v l, o e l a f o f f le w rona d t io c c C . to ec o m i lg . to o c l u htao l t tt t o tt lle tal o o ei i .' , t" 'oltot I O o c o aioto e tt' '.fccttoS tttot1tots fwht isOscc od , al t h ouh taiteurfoloto,.î. c ,ao.t ti t-t i tti, rîclyttW.oattisoTta. t l ,,; . ui l,ý. ýflermtf rtioccitî oc C tdtoll rs o ora eat reuah l i et. Iotcra Oc oh ,,c -As tl>tttt..i, on,-t1 I.ttl,, toit i!ho tto t i Bara!tinen00 t0.0- leha hurpo etooro r btta ieaheeo iiiN G ele t i e sa r et. WA S t h, 7 . 0 'oN,ttt ,lt -O I .ttt %.ttt lt ttottt Tthoio otrot o odt fi h T o rtc o tos g de t iorteys tetop . o rl o ato re,o >lto !t ai t OtoabootcanlttatiîotP oo certa mt. tocotU r ..tto.-î !. t T io~ ttre olwtOto rend cond los thancdhtelvocrubftoo! fototc-t' ohl l, tI lt t !. . ,ltttr . ri tto ,ttbgc, ototo - - 1,t Ciooat..o,,?3:ttl.ts tohog pda poto totoallurto$8.50tiandt$l0.0 a nM d tOeNt iari ra tfl '.,,îýI fre -n i thi O otitt ott. oct!. h I. otaelM .Slm î o ftihc obto .10 oEoto. l' .. I ..,oo-ctotrt co ticti fiI o c o or., hI e t ofo bt tt .o , toot.to tuoot outcootc . ftOî cohaololtr07fe tof h tti. ....I t rtooa tito ot ont Iot tot ooi otOor otlltOctotott-n Eot orsSo leoss T nd er f Valu lie..Oi.ow ,o, Olot tht heufl topom".ilf lth c ' mainttenda celu ftb herou , hou MeBrctcotltcltirâoto tttti troo btoa Ila oo ooc. tot te ..ds ota aet e nc o a te - o M,. o.otiý o ioved c oudel o - Kop aaa ljoia tcogo looontey It ot.,llaO Iot,IIlot ilate-1,1Ott tolo crioonot ca a znoriircv rtcetelho.o i p i e is o i ototioos ootot'Corbe, ct! creito-lt t iito ltit t he 10 Arobanq u Oe 8al tir 1ot c-tnt---- ' c 1, le. ý w ho haý ret. Wth vOtc rott t eto d b>n u. , T e a r ear cI a ocooep up qt e ah o 0 t o o t t otoie s î n','"ootlt t. lisi'iý d -P t W el o , tarir t-t, et't Davy uoht.aosldamberlato t oo icn lito tirtltenatsf ,'r lofabg e- puoccool> oyortofea ot Pi o n aa :the dottlof eyue e- tttt ol ltet t ,- ttt îott t L.'o o tU oo r m orhrolc o re 1 t c r .o h l lc o o p-o""oat ,:'. t .t t gt he senat~i- o ns o fa il Itot'tttolleof t- a- umt'th o m t V I S I J O J O . %o ttl ..o . 1, tttl otttt oottie I, .ioto lot l m t cttb iin m ndt co Frida n aeb f o l m e c Oaa. guo>'îo l obt tutoomntoitht Po-toohO 0h00..I ctaoE hrtSrr co Oc th e o dcr na , utrtour. .c-t tit, Illert Ettottt oO lI m arrirdofperica b bit mtogaoith M,mabaît c ur otoco.ýiocb ,ibet 000 S lint aI occ envtamoo.ot -Phtuodapolo ýý ,() h lo t,atacHâtifa i lot Utpplitt - Mr. rPe t!t-hanlo otat ta-. anaf-(flre irpr i h hrd0 . «1L dootî... - otlotttt ,t,, tt o apIano! t a lclit otit t t e a y ta td> es. .eDO! ioO e lt ic fteDneSreofl ta orhthet Otttob iootoot c -' 0 .otu. Soiý,j Moetnt oir .tto-t t, ' irlt,,,o1 , .tt Idz tOtt Peteodtly r Hcu a iletteIo aute. L y o.,e. but .a-'tomto ltto o O tttetwo t. peeces tat>matahpaveglhs hee tyo asllon, ai c e n rl b - tt .tt-Il ertttt to heshc fo a0t ,00 tcon t arend lutthca -o a uOct os ra a.à D e. lo lcc ,thsAicl ee le i. ts , - t t I TOP.'oOOooO(ooc.!P.oot.sdot! hy Me. toit! b>' Jehe* M il. t tio bo Mbon lY(l n O et aa. a Chilanu,,ýtga. Impscit g 7a 1 hlmb rséavea CIOito g yaur teseuîàCttît W o otmi t iO ttti - .1 L , t.otlip rt , . 1 M .ti ,. u t .ot lotn hi, l o , H. P o uio hota ,)- r t bi m a r ag ' hta tt holtm l tl t 0 0 a a ckingOh e i etn Bi eno cte, to t he basa (2 hi Na rtE F O R E bfîaîn a o L, ,;,ý esefit Jose h re c e o u a viItt s.lo m onattA aO n iTre atay ,te r . ,, Oa t u i e a o rerrottaO" d tr.Oi dNtauota tbrab a rn e in hebra ot stainc otafth 1.1-1CItocoe it lottt 0 tl e,,Iýý, ,1".,I,t.l et.oct. 1!ct1ofttoriîiottm mor fft oor lmcaald, ttsswalal'. erotaaa ltasooocoedroaaht orecetb.rerhessahc.tb.spei.d aifodtiveea neiia aubrei Nortcd I. lttî'h. vo ot .Itý i ttt"-.,tctsit, t ltJitro l 'nrmct cl. oa lie c hrs îl a . n liar trnit .t r1saaje, eeet paca frorn B or . res tent.a. bKto. lst-e ilo 1Ot 00..,t ltOti c otI t tto icoociot ttt i ng oleaao bilI. ec pari bto ri Ihteaeatbor llamai esd ltaa hm! MP, retaoooa oa Ic a dbc t e hei thi tr a .f - Bich. mîbea be d f r 59 . g sb . p a , cf~~~~~ srrl r oio,,t t O Iîoo I Ct ottt iretcs t hénd nn acios brnan i -vici. 1,clth.- haie, Ibe anoon soothra blcendt.édoca, la iarlhlo sude, bi b,ýi.1mmiaoaof ,e h Ia olto>or.o'o tO onîtc ce t imcaittooIlfaa t. Mr Ha ilo*rsntia.o laaaa cf. ti a6.ainala la av rit ia>tilm et atat- la goSe. e ealyforohoeofu liedc Rusow Bail, as weii tOenfte. 1 -a . - cyhd ttohbr looii tobon.thathl e rst prt of the 240 saIbn, demaain aa o ennbt Mr.ia asro swh a ne eelpnit Mr.Itsbéa loua recondrnbv ,.tb Th btéhacanteyti l e ý ..l.-cu iucoeo vr i aqe he c- U th. e mce setp .d. .iiow e han. acprvaabiai huo is. . éwit-att-,-b.ho.daec ba t ianaY landldnate, esaa.- I EtuattaIabcsi b 5abba ai . OsaialSir.acubt Pcooct'oooto in ot P ttolmet, aon t!çCa hcoie. 1t h'pe. hatihs.Toil iaiiM O ten O Isr cfilî ben Cli . . f tai F . lot cAItg..i. t r isfe aaoreo ()or( aUa s e s lie la - - naoaa.O 1piorl i' l i OSealt.iloot cot tle caremd aesaot ntdaan al 19.1 tha . .I."cmrtoitsiltiesclIIttoWia. Kmaos , Q.. iFo~ttabaTr f haa -"s-c tuaor Urii , (oceeoeo-ar.pci Woebs t r tau! ceaoed b rot Than t uni have mlélyap dsa t T and caa.Dey ci ih -ýl ct A pt g-i..W LER2B.: À-N- - - - - --. .- th apas dolltars Queca mat oth antL o -, te dotet>' cf Fo b o mr188 ph d ia e ,ecch o hit, s di fe re ge.taS.rnt ti.OfOa .119. vtaws M--tua--htagbhe 9a1,J. :ýe, te urclase staup a req ire a t .h arl 19 ca utiuau i ,m rs an iba eor eiban(l ap ftl7 ret par e nl y maJciai ot ai t d ba r sis.h m qail n.M ýb alerdr mfanldera i îleTttah it.- otdccautbc ttocioOosctot joad .. wa cs .â Pee instob u aaa tesabsle &th urote s.ar . îyrC accntr)o eaé Ima.'ttilat of C.X5W KOLE.,, ntnvi o ai chs ,ai ranasco Pornar. , ýýraottc aSoostut, csauttooanred t h5. e m . 0f spier a .big a rnda ith Mn Brn, ettha t esd ,Eb -ý Afa Cerah d ote g a heOurlaPllit Compari' 1 > 1 Motion acoe. unter,î a adam - hipralin. a i.And Boye" ofii,Jgeoe a,eéuto .femalouM r. Iiuac-ahoom, Havconed tbse ie. a g te s in5 Mas. uyim t.bcatrucJh a it], "utlaOae.a1 sAficais hecont9.04 elinlt . - ,- A Houot baa appqintsd b. t cys la er laeîy Canlv tien tedi, MtbtaaPaSb ierala elle vi n Ida taau. aaves i rloes cta n -,l onda Vriare. I hne.ats c..e 8___ __ ls aLS N ew d B inda auitiha fanil ,iaalî 11 om Ioaa adUrd etmreor ofthbea Bon t !l Dr.alNatasenscattae1 .m. explaveorert a&aier0 ta ,noaa aceEye c1 dcata- Onaedliabc EéIIm0 forWnd t the am."h.bars, Yf piass5lwon f t thi ca i tt nataie(. Pataier ba , lac toîcha o ie __to b O n. toastrteetahnnecpigte a in fth oth th marne p1 MrlPttt fi ve . ond vbe,.lad y ohbàiaar ofach, utilrb I.nIasll . alae LaheUntecS at.nnts.aut u-as l ac_,ai), .I1,--Maraoaco. l'tl(., trtGo.E ihrH .waitetenptpovhsmriae T ha u py thIk iatWi hJy 9 Rcileb rl taubiariptim araue IS,0 il s e trI ,Il ri,' .. .., ,,- De h i caspca ot h omutatteccag tte snaraea egnrots 1EF R lyigtu pee t al i iccremcb iecyaa. aior' lh ril.aPlli t.sUa eicbiL ete erJgofbanhs n dmals o be gonggitinfit tire Ileu I -TtN !,I11 oI,,te l v'o ffiewsrveld hr wsak " eliegioiesaet n atnsbgOdai h rebsm kr t i xoe pound OU whit c~Jary C, eioiOt htv t Oetmpe too by jIL fOttU.. p ilhkOLs opelot a le,, 0 in Puot N«usola t root: ,o aa attie Cti, Lyda Crawftofr ,Vi. reairna Ot f J. iarotiti yoaototie V idthe walkssTrgTt ba Viifa Oontton t. %N ý: jb ooat.lo rad. aOSIl rhougt eitter do Or Pull c~Lizzie Gabratlh, oc to.ýbied lier for Romet""t't tpoilist ,aeutlyn" ~,,ry oOttttttog toto tW., the viage,". Wed.esd-Y t"f va" the 1)'trtct ivrstto ft! J TamPcSoo of tM OüMddb3-ro od t e OOut. 1-t' 1.aauo theoro II1IBatt o xi lt, sa AS.aa trr te otttt îwm*viand Poleo'O ,"' pufolw»vr", Hm ha >Iet "tt U"r d laotr tteet xrork. oaSool.ttttt' of Ttotolt ,»msa avo tter a. il fewweeÀa. 11Ireai onjOal¶ll0 .ontig. ttttt numberot r. ttoag, pproiOUtOt, aBaakLi.- lon DOot, ittptL t atalaton a totolr of ot Amoag the lt.itooq oao rio- f papda avoTt ', gentlemaof t!iý nowaautd,,t t O ht Ilt the fifottttttof Iootog i.- fadai..P, ohitIleittdad l chsa d tîto tooto tU, , -t bravet . Ti, hot oi,, i baer.t'"t-"'VSI.I The Ko' Foa >eillit held cocer't- ,MNlctitth'ttoI wevaaiaacof au. Fitit Tit 44 Theloneeni, ttoattthilott, o Ctmmaaoi. bhttoflot Ex Coottt tI W. W 1 RHaxilton rt atoo>t,1c ago, antd , loîte o weigt 0 lo wlc tiex droppo t.. thth d t l Il lookforNtbu ttooot Edwardttt.of ! t l D. A. Va,,otot-t* bi veryeiohltt tooekh bt'. Wroaad -1 t..tl a t oceeh. lt i ttI.,t t, digestiotn. Thoedoao1.. rruy lto.,Ir * Abysinia. Saccaxafot (tortoos,f t eohips tre i l oIII parte thotf obh the Ue l Uh. _ mothar ho tit alottttdaut tt jei n d ridght e't.jotper ti.. T ohanoinearedttttto att- t Iîlg SplssofÀ i a 20 Years ln fletrolt. 250,,000 Cured. WECURESTRICTURE i'ac .. o Ot oth l .i> .»d 1th.lat oot ltht.d".t- t mouth. O , Ioo da tt 't tin"'.bo.t e.oot'y..r th d,'. t_ & CUE G-dÏl -

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