- A kplUIGTISflC BLjUiFF.cil PrvvTzus.-It Trafalgar, os Nov. 2 Ma00,fNv. 90 bOl Cgnuigbam widw 09 he hte ASPAAFEJeT MAN lmi)air Mira C un. ob t, mcoin«t u ai 8 W IA TtfS AtIa T Tbomasatterson, ta ber 7091h yei. The rossai1 mt Ai10.10 &ai. pur.tyam pt9 msve LoVea-AÀt bslie »llne itn Nelon sunt btaiîdourmonl th;re c in 'a. OB y. on Metd*y, Novomber 22ad. 1897. Mnth esno f latmeeting rea os i e5 orOsWsiba s Niebouse lovur àqed 66 sast the pami Tb" nan _ _ __. Horsrr.vn.-At Linger. on Nov:a2ii. confirmabr"gnons ere resrosa i - .p.. r ss a Wtberos ADn. bloved elle o Jobn Cloms: uafl i - -nilr .P Hamilton, aqed 87 yen, 8S ootirru* NissjmagA.syi onse il j fl- ý i WI M a i'ry; Lmu b; o i n t ne a er s s l uai gi Cime to tho 1 remis's of te tub- LUNor-At Bramepton, on Nov. Lrd, table, Pdlr'Leisi o ie f8955155r abaIs t sebrr o O o.7 ssstet W aegcî JayfoeBostibols.reliat o!the Cleri o Cobourg rn Admntsratieo! Of te.Tteaoniuaen4t tiresM aWhio W nbr ltbio.7,t»gwy4 a W aeseirda - - crosse o!, n be 9isleer y .Fil, js n-Ioa nitrlglst tra t it 9 fl eSiitters ~ n R 'tic latter part of otober, a tiro-ear- e ialEre»Do sMovn y M:Adesreddb ulig iBaen llai aWrarIeon CF EVERY KIND AN ~'o e ue Teosrcnbv odosrditofa > îi,.rr o~W ao eo.At aeawo d, le; pr im .- am r.uapild g et non>uk l itla ebui We r»Mce o vn g rpriy uni Psyb5 w holosal pnco a luge Vinety DE .M flub r .AtilaiesMnonn t strs .ret Ie i. b otein tievie onWeeniv Nurueddb 19, kotib Tre Ci, ntiibyceugni.b csir ,q , , V ests an dc C gI4 s g t r' -8& ou M MDourLe fr. 1y o ,Hîgh ci. aif tir od ote o W O I bobud ne otte r, i e rl n u iat Jibo ropri o U ibe on lt i et m Io n dtr i bu g-d msU A o n 7 b a t , _ _ _ _ . 2 F n y D r a Go d , by thse Mev. J. W. H. Milt, Edoard arrrtvbiaidlaommtibed opierite ie eot eonOri_ Sml-B IGCEAE U ht Ende-ot. d T. Hagyri ta Mi. Nellin Woudrng. -.Cartind. e Ân > tri Clr tha t Wr 2' .'aliko. TorurOLvN-~A betmei, Ned vTi.Fuit,seonoded! by tro" nfr. i heMriemtn EIG CERD OU1 gh Ovey tatbe acb«.,pW t li oiBse oooteewar Molinom 50-to 75c. p loyard. o flh laie G eor e Lyon s q, lîtb r D We bste.r r, ibai M . ister. M Br n tabfhot 8 Woo v t E A D E S 0 H T T E O I o t e b r id e , y t h e B y. M r . M K ty , d e a d i bh e o ro lis O m m r i 1 0t1T e 1 0g g i e O f ic f r i v e , a b e h o f r o in 5 0 t o__ _ _ _ _ _s hui 7 5 c . e ilrd . N ea, fur To eod Terra draft a ho lau lue appoitisr Domnai-wuthotie t 0eonerttaspetO-------SveTn Neroal, j'osephTir Li e C .ieNOOY.dotcareeio. terfruvalystprsucetaaoo s' iîae Catis Floarioe tMille,,ta Mise Abouis go fflorarntd rratreellieo u ersigcoubtiuva e tiellolfl vueseru-0 - av M n a on 251hNovembre. Mr. Agrue cashri] in egaru dotue0 ti u otîer f hu Blleuu oime RIG AON ou RED A P ESpSeo Sev 'tend40eTyfrtelds __________bu__ _ tioGulpis Jotction sretira . prrd a a celaan etiu00 tOP- 1 lobrtron and J. MOtuieeaaoO hin eaat selaToSv Epn ec otfîaity s; ai TH H M INregar.Ad e stoe,ýddb r e ThuoemW is @lent; bis " " -- Ship Youroelf, the Newest Patterisntsati~. Wuh.la thai anom ,eq iva athe Nsuslravudoffrte .stibler n rhst suit- M.rotheotdaloli ITEMS Ship yoaar Fvieîîdo, abte at a very Srnratl Colt. iLrav e rc. 2. 1897. Gaveromeai grat for ie 1 r 87 aer lt a ie chr 0is btone u sd bolîmi' badt h rurers o!t tneOatville 89 othe bi nie.W m 5 lI.LL11V1ATHb L- Iu thîo lot theve âave Noet and iGuorgetown igla Sheel.s&aitir h ap e uaschMifrs] 1b, tise m anbuivils -at- urngth w trietraurPr heSal ineie- RACK - ROUIE. 1Greens, Blues, Ivrttld,Faaecy thu A.].smokigr à ilagmishe a toishi o0ga ler ginre 400,000 Caban e eotaeD Isu iahockrtheboamorna o w Almegtiser loriodrogi, vey lors0, on lu iail, Neu heh, NIr. 0.duertr heOfavid Necboon . arid b ile05 almly raugh. I lreeatd tatcoteattbfore f dallera ara iralyod r tisa-phon tirai ors alani k s clora. rocinrerociil,&Trhy ib iu aick Timo. Goodo. Spocitil bavgininrl reparts 1c5noledinth qeON Iliteble Service. Short Ernds, onitiatl r rl,,S af~~~~~~ ~~~ -,I,.miattrl' dirv oliate or ode th re sta Clet O t eranfeoretlo vis im ta Heur rluapp. _ __________________________ of dscrmintoryduteIfn gyon g haveteeon otdsrndcrigevede lar'&ovîsod pniCOlIît b3' Safe elivery. tend Children'a 1)rqso. burghtisilto thiracouotry hy w000cO adped.-Carrei. oroos, btmatear corai ieat.oai s offiae. Tise NrtoeraIllinois catI nitribus has i oih v o eevd ar Canada. Sevoual isooderd putstt vîrored hy Dlie0'ber, acoariei hy la i ns a f ai b netisnales ta rdted ta veo r armaldrplitaed euebttr tll m alliti iu pvitotaIsor dtir ttit, tiaI hu rapat aI the Ca l oIre abn N bruoftedfura- utriddovuh anal ro s earor bttrétidrpînyorsl ~rîùo ppratdO rora edea tleu a moer iirtvslapaUtoaou praoa Aoron The oumnier-lîke wether dnning October and the Throaîglî Riates. and 00 the,, Goîrds. ban se , ira lrd yai ei vaimrn Gror ,iîintap tir h teoa a! tha ano u farIeto e hm ail, taf00 tiPasi als, os tire NingaT ckets aais thoilmta liontofeuit triisorS. ptuur stocrof oaer Aper of v OUded :aeGrudy. irorsd e ne lrhteonyt ale, othe agra eaSly part of November bas kapt on stockof OBlackhrrrgh Tckets lier. o ldaote t re t lwSthbattrs d cttoouac'er arle Îrlares. Now c eopasrtiatntb.Train Repart mare arereet aisu Kasoria tiretBaldbta tendateoteroer-aHooeceviiveedhefuît 'lteroortb ro p earo atrarh ao.N I; i2irhret d., a g tri rta r O ? 0" a s a n i s e s p ra c tic ta lly u b ro k e n . WHqo t îh o u h r m a N i e d B ii i C , orhm e fie c ,o h eacigof dedby "Wonyre a . 1 hscrata isaata tud asuenrootso ireacare.Fraont or, y i.Larr vC y Jhor eqlu=tvulCherisi ~uveriyor aeotspicais culled froni aOur reducedlIjet -Uc2,,arr.. ,,ioraa«4c pî itoar la tweoty cusai eprtiseatvetata oy0 gev= of "Tisso?" mtel.Ca Tarrk rodoriisy tien Khalife ai Khartom. W .D& 1,;*I lu ù tAt af ~ ~ ~ Ne Fiihshuera1batrctd r rr ' t rtho tatie lOnitroonoben'5avrD e pea0e s-t. o i Rae.Maceieof To-to, tise aiDOTw .3 AVS r r&.iet Aur I1tt ina inr oralte pt ii cmlctdfrcte $-b a yde trtie t e 'glire adIpD inbfuIRE S iER Ot S ioerntiatr. Tiravotyprcai Dse alithiel , tnteaamreeu. clabi?'.RE 7 , rhs W C eral lauem ofaimaprttrons omori CAssoition, p"abie lie pitores?Wbses dld partaa iseat etbrodwy moaneu torro" spiay 8 Enot ih 'f I,.M E ' -. ? h ru r, un e Tioeoday e eBn l ther U nt St E ats, rro r. Jeterda N vui by lie.W o este r eon i ti by I op, the prie ig itirs hostosîf W iso a n e l , art. S z e 2: t 2 - -E f g i h d o o t i hG T . ~ h î .R y .M N M. horuelii to Ilsre o th ie .11 thm inoerYt i i ao tbactoga0.thl., aotoectitp eeil detached capes, asd aier farEgandotutr. IisaogiJ'ur.oAcae, atthet iel r . ctI? 17sau orthe eoreiatira alibteuaty F'andi$hing, and Biber tIi.' mlin Ct50is.Al'orglmifinoncetom4iisoivelie dlisu iouri OlWlie" toitTsran.Tuni ningiiats priceoc$2,50,5,$3 sudn$3,25, theis e .oiicd nttotAtaory-Geereal ed. LardotiMaatsBop ocortaeuin .. ... ... . 17)W10 toy a 0an 5. o i barredrdtan opinionrtolveIoOtaIithe irrd Y MeFiîsu er, rai89 i y mes.. 1 rOttmo n was va edaîcad $t7on CoireetiOU otknwbeor amigbeOstris Loedaao Tit e t hy ay 80mtoi, a Leestal i t is a ienataev a t tiae Moeiedieg rm oriaironor ecd izeoe a mieth af btt. k F prrWlim h ds rcs e' auredWbt i. tien, Collc aaLgistioO.w tAss aafort -arotidthe aar a aîgeg item oison--1 àl'aldrY o.e gui btl De eiemor trritlu OtYrireira aivra, d treaa.r. id Ji .he ol ae Oi ht i$Egout. lrgi, ts'laero, eap colnclsrodotîbleav tillil aMir l r u e o r e i i a r i r i r i b r. iteut a b w t oteo mu d n g, t i i e T e a rbol c al G z t o act.ho r sro sor $ 7 5 $ ,75 ,st c lo s noîvu M R i , 0lier tisarC ern î s ud ro daN t e gt o h - v m ' d B y ' P a J c e 9 p c lI c hM. bsrrrt.ortisaitinr a4 es hm ud Clr raotip t CisoiroyalMes'ai taer St oratutta ao. ,a"i' foot irovy otea baadie.tpe.siedo etc in Nv. Mb.v'o eteaor o itrd.Ilo inrt. b1 Ta'»wat1thg t hotoail lrniga e ' vrlsa dS ok e ied (marerarStates.A"bTisaaMaderditateaaath s c lieaaiSot'lChhedtre'SThuitsienadrîned. -rhi28nrecir- bc-oPortatRieratai saloUn acrta. NIro. O.-'hiteMtonsaa rN.eur o reae i'teroor tferahonmdbiiouloislaftshre eeP SiJae Iutrhenw'oir Da W oti rsicttethiar barae.-earicabrer.ih heneCaeadiadoveeh. .a omotoud td Ra alisirreolrsdned 'tot a î;t e~teetrt ylva e ppo r.i tait i eondofe rs "Ti e b oer' i tekri r dayf aietg pisiir tr oyl M ataveu s e apJ e tsf vineîîce' ase tr eoc raattp B" o5nt i m ri d ai e T o r h a eo d t u tir ai niu y m o a ad T isser Ten s tee P o rto R iaa. I p a ireti.imth eal. 7e yr see c a ao ri ti n c - t i .A ndar-U terr e m o b a i m u t g oa bie 0 1 r ts e ta arl i s t h -n o t to a n n t i o e d T p h r e n 05000i. uartisea mmte o h woefo h scn f nera n a,' -nutir Jamepoitcrirecae.'e.rer daced fon.0LL3.ercntLIJ etigolyhghIýR#JRW i b e L e d e v s ir r e r a a l r a p r e a b o n i y e . l l i I . e r a r d e r o r a o m u t v e a e m ,"e d v e r ti o r1 , 1y l 0 e î a r i o c o set f o r . a r b n- os . En p - t o i g w l s c u lwuteor risc i ud l docý-raig fteb-lw h are n.t o h ayn 1 lakun ddt M dettrri b i oe res s r e t on t , y I ,i i t e 'na isrr e d o th M e e.h i r . t s t a i e a r c ifais e u a tyir e . n dt o i n is th I r isWv le a r e rs G o i e o b r o re c la t e o d rE a y h n r u h p f w n e r n ss ilayirac orormtifr&Df tisoncair barntiso oni odrpi ring h aa E' VROT N LTR. lr ara ciiif.oa. rio o io xst rifterei u netinuni novmitc fte ol.oi o h tadbut tch oeeel ir uofvlisoingopparrl i a eîîe fot 0to3 arcnt i.> o e ea'yt ý isiteedol rrirde tom nIexcessairte mosaltonor oi a ne oaiorClark rAd oa bgsireiharo epSltir 101cspc.o bethtis e bya isaB aganigauoo- ca' NaIiid v letc la igl e crtr t a tr. rf a lier to i ý e t ýIr Fi a t bise e tha- t pa ti , Co we lao s rr . o a d dî e tu C y* * li a ie a io at trot othe noC, ýtat en orulat or eth rttiaadraIehý1.r I. a Ie u oki'.c rravta nae ut0ee tstyie.ao ad aesîvfi 've lc-e o " rteete. ithear osme Crrorlrrrooritterîbied.se o ne lyrclita becarar t vetsaneeIrvrTo bo M nd OVEClS ANC LS IE,$75R : Iîeoeroîaoba6r'00' la mie e rroeio coastotO Croi ermu.Clnt t timsea st oin ci rrail- oepta rcrryitisec b r r par e --2 it biCe d eeri ra tiov,ervaugi intaoriigl aai. noîByFamrC ueatitid erudteadiJ'my bît flore1ieamla.Cbiavhroed.o ati rie-Tireur,1a IooaNoppRaisinsa orreioi rato .Iy N e a s it a is t a k ft e of N .7 e ea d w l a u h l - ot, G ri e yt n, 'h 'O o a rd oingl ýI Tca. OSabil. olritie rrl dtrb v rai et to ne u ] t r tird bioroteder tpto )vui n d pe amoi am n e 1.0raroaio r g Il e th a ta C isa, isat n îdl d r el'rîa atfe d ohte htherista d 7 5 , aae d to.. ... 0 u L e r î e kIv2 'n B i e ga 'a at rie ieravrbiucou mi eo wId la i terorrbetu nq tsi rîrocna' air puoccrr1retprc 850 ke.iýgl oi Irrethorrr. prOr.l.isirao îeon.?fcreficienirrtrmanted.u toaîasîheiraiealoor.o t'ý O, D q \File ttond ertCost atisbeeisrrbn' itiielasro, isheth e hdaatise f le le iriad orth us h rootr aiigar.t.oaota os rra i',htto aaaltyic whe BIs r i'tgiiaerrpand EUHael.au mai..',.. tee trneeisy trodereri ta bov' cuirois' adm e a l lautn i gtog d on dbCis rdliiegi îc ie trilO.t' sr..,,rrrc. .bttr rtheara i t er,-rIthe ppe1 i of tchrp Cale. eetri is ilwceetri aCrado o ston ,ptndred eltong, deep 'epils Ccah os ae. i ra r e ire y t ni Ne t ce tIrO a t C ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' rtrnte . p ie r . V i c ra Ortt-Seniortse,-',1lberoaratliti îoraygpoavorobsiltodaonur-Yrred. xr-t i'et notions, etc. This lino io coqa-I evsCrroTie ccaise ry oreroar t a c trrir. î.t The v-l . p vori.fe ords, hortot op iNotice the r ury octgilean corîcters t ieve irea rdecri hrryttral'arl er aro arraforît 'lire ranr or thervr te. ' asoof tisSa te.-Mm xnle vsarse no.C n S i lio, f cmiatiýga anddae fremsbisr afg r 1im vnoter " y' geer Tire. nia lmorriiuers o..ente Chrairge irlont>' sold ty retraitera rt $15. "TeIz ý., a te o tfn ea bOOtistrrroro. ttraey aura Ntc. Adro rrov,, rcraded sy tDr bcvoeua mariOg. 'rvte i«a l it9 aly Vc Acthur.Se rateremandua Ireor etl.. .gr ooa llorC ao are vrP je îîi$ 3 on rabidierra.,arotCoPlurr.od. OIc.'trotrc iai Ohe reigotioo b . ta hutatots. ide-o. t.c'y eT LltClrd'\eti otcridoe ivvsfoIII' cln Siil, ruvi i llet o r,10 c(laîrCr ,itlt regrect_ Clkds qaer lain orprveuioag oi N oriraboadiegte ho hiatopeoteat m ii îet yan 'rn1ioig, "lie rrc.tous noiion, nooCiliceverlearre iee] ibafflos ethe oem,y. ar5arsadetry ohna-r' gt t rrey aperdbog moeanp orlatyar ivo inn s vle boaog mn.troned. ItaIbnral or erar rtrrriati, therrrrar tadrorurii maut. ":By onguoe. tOsttt clis'aroement, aira Ponce sra rded on ea rotions, etc., $10, educed to .... ...aC75 ~I For Sale o To Reni. val..Oig a odiito.Ieigu Omsplarfom? IVbttu mon filema hured and fOOy lasge Cirons c \err Uoes tsa fgn aianIS N' H'E TRE tee tor g ousirte ar pOnigtres l'as h.awnlroyatnC yCanyon. W Lth lagiter o h osI To.r1tr ad fgo C nda ILO' U SOE tabeanmogetisiter.Irb.uslror 1'loe chrS a ulc.bTegoty oberi O 'r.tvr ..destAid. rooet lsa otrtamugt cri Iînany graiesoy aab epavelire Fniezu' in Brou-ntend Grey shades, extra RnQiprmnh uteo neccard(ortodr. rie 0.'!tiarrai TsCoyateptita igt t ewe0d til- .ghbaa l e nt ot ev e yt. toen, double breirstcd, deep lstorno coi- SfroC i '. 'rr /.j Te vi o aie.rr.Wliuno h ynopadrhs a Ciont ettO r'Coat]frlae I itbeo. e tot r b tici s tse îot . I. bom I WH . H u, lilro. cas tise pin Lsreduty i rsrn totiscetacbrrget d an tc, $575 ed c d o .. .. ..Il 7 attWaria. 1rinor rree rpuy h e rcsr89at nisCoflrcela taraora 'etor shreauol cerelasT. Mratdearra et to L'l5t7. ,2tined;hrnughoeî l ins ot îo Ne. I t heri l ion.ia.o ai th ofru sot9, tis npawrthttg grIotu vCin îrtetrariaire liheal, 1routrfarr Iah 0 e. brrr]a ev pmamnacsuieboy lau er bîhsnsv or todeatdroos TCer ! îarr roetaaqii leay Etto odîo h tu tarcr. trineurtrs oa a aarororacetreioaprtto. redogatdccercharv, sero sali toho roitto i o gerve rtrecire yct it a r i r pri i or o n o frm t he%brr i t ai d, ras 'il r e arc i as o r ilt he c iate a c to i te . i C is tr aI ti o n otai r osa rt h ii r t se r' o i - i o n e ie y l n g o b eî l -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - -~ iritrootaiia ten u a re rrr. Stot a i rartrtssrpa o isTe uanotrlly etbroc. ti" nsrgprom' CThrC ir. fa Otrt RIr eoet e beetd ng oin t.5 $ .0 e rrabo b.gsapr1reiti by tise oden , larat bristlitg bilaitand tahtnodoveo c i mi. atitPOr. d1555%... .. aria' heotohimsr rlotbcrrwtiilthe ceS e.soa.aalabaeooaosisO a.st epacre terir is iohraaotsrrihtta.......-....-.-....6 75 11 le, rob ttre cooah Doueur o f a C u p o bIOaved. h ýaIntnatoi ihi o whi tise Lrb bo ner ad o bir tacriratdly "ooasmantarea ta0rOmuro ltoi a crety odseaituana in EtoQuarity Frieze, înado'iîo treet m iboracr N,. a. Nis. i.aer ttoeori urrattcer artu n ise a hup e a nelo inhot aoi.r big du oirgti bor cat r pend citât Cau. iastan style' with' fancy 'ionilnno mrG D ie ua]k, byns arot. i.ye rat, tv te r a 'iv. t. .. ot morrepaitbv tof ai tis atristes. paadrg pn aiear rIrtg. boi pokts igh colrs tc.,J Ij N i or W INEn ta 'ob.et ttry .tr. ortrriy.OC Crugo opérotofl1lthouvogit o a,55 l'a Loy t Ceoty arkuroalis. tck, Fotntn Boî hde.Pi rn-trac ottita poct.. lire ronronyaaop o ohet p0ot oaverih. riucts loup Si aeota bucerricdo i ce.oo m 50 eace o......~ o taruetainsie hsrrrarooeia. . rabbat[, Sabalat obot ta odbrtotehodit tas1oO thtB ch.eCroiber 29. Tise boite a voeraert $ .0ad$0 eue o .. .. .. 80 0 wasCicilrerivo. l'nebirogt a'clroeoartire xyatre sec e t ita 'Cherry 11111 ChiCiss'arafte o ssoueiae unineabsin tmrraspmcFrsesat'2 o.& eth.rotfngo pt ie1r.ets mnuitaes tnipi onrp ie r an d r uod nai p yrcrrtao rack wladg ourcappcu- Sot racicotiec 'iflr Aol Voaout bae re aI ta Ssoeopenî.S M T tC OTheN bIhriedetok r ot ssrîtettiThe., prerinog ise bdy vnrOril% hao. raoCoiatabaaurbooi irrita'tisalutmoisant aicossîdu os oa r' àsm hea i erl ent isori a sarrntaieu i r C OYPiesits..tr ai iS o'itn tn Faralia nailtof C baersIrisroocb bo ar rc. TaviItdeued aif hiseboàIr Seresieto Tcigbtns an B a-em lirrilt ad n todersidWO)n WC k ,tls&ntbe wt or ofÉucai .fiht bvn ode about Ibrea brrr. 11 sia l o a5 n vne e r brurgsltoodiiaaacoa rct reribu c'tedra rirdter. 00e, avig aosiotethr'sKing St. E., MAMILTON. "Sep u ht orlismri" lie aCorteil ctclietBd tsacetthebrrdicriba pr eram oc ciso l. od ria rouila;ca or brrber ericeaonreonrSoiap sart 'tmertoeymaeorrr par. Iaa W M. McKENZIEbt wiaci l bisudas] ned in oicorî.. S rOri, batw ro usiht theomrehm tare oteat mopme mted Clark fsnt n e on. jbsrtutOutOtersiOi Woaiein.atniry soerConitio. sooarunofyouliier israuts inosaoistà 1-'atinThorn cas fitroc]gadayaf-o f l[a. M C E Z a0011 rarer an utI roIYe0tiwti MOTO "Ohm Tonu dm I el, g ieOC 'or mortir intath is litdgueaew YoTrisk et-a. taiyrthiii'tpa01rS l o o L t O~CALI N zen oiau re t one ortare womeve ofis aICrm fothenisilieg of 'WillisaOlIdeosoppe. Nîu.coî.Sra. ftasbea -' Royli"11 s 'I.-urc vS I.t.. - . (oi o r.ta aeu "Yeu?" gapoithe ruser 0hO IAinlienuiC topraru Score oSatse,% nra. ub iammoa sor Sale- - - - - - - - - mN fi Ri g ,.s-I,,- --- - - - - - - conryt e iren ,. ir 'aft ria rey 0eut0 baS er rina ueg ai tba u naie tor"Grnsa ite?" arb io. I' i e ia erba, ayîeg bt Mm.Neilyr tretc vur ra o tinte tv.htaC.trtneeoad". ? : S; s t d aUîttttl o e7 No l' abto T . h mrcaSocetPo ion tt Carerry madecea ota ony Tir Olone Houa on Mrartin St. Jite _______________________________ ,diiiili xcitutet i tow su di 1 dy r, ad ti, " Is filsovor.c TheAmnrCat Soeey is Lononao oeecuf latis Miret iesiroysrg lp oeupio by Johni ma. trit.Stae mrC re starersont oatt îs.- in lire vice- "Tsi' it ie ts tOla ifToa, e. M asebuaberd Ttohsgivist dy pa lien.r- uais oatien buildings. Thefu bm Apl' teaVICTRrvCnssnotu, 6 1 E ea y f r S h o Op n g etiriesfoIanhtis c dsie i rocr, nCark wLoIhb m s Gai teod. w y quoiaichiala Amaaaier HtY oma iyl bu aboti 54u0,00,ie bU Scîlfortor, Miltea.n alips e terl'y The Ooioi taro. .r,i-tw a ialfthni e rsonl. srr, mlsar, andIf ulb atIl samioionr as h u eos8 ec Altrwarnd1 S it ,Mlo. ArthnarMNîride ni thn W.J..tt.rtr.nnBaili;iy Poogicé ilt ega u ra nt he iaQueue,. lbaoh.og atheAmar- James Wraytp nute rtairnt rerr -_ _______________ ____ Sotnitarir onaeto rougn rce, i iItr X.1tetmur a atchrNo.r71 andt rideup arans' tot a te0oIn orthic ile s idrnstliinin oEsgIaod.rchalloengesusO aor ieg o iOn55 oetise ongh ra,. NtsTorns lie'IprmopoU tuaf0éit farealia. obne lauil tooebmpeaoabip ber etate tirecogrtuaton FA RU FOR SALE ORT RET.5tmiros tîrn otN'v la Ppîtn Claels Oeaiser aoîcaolr ria treNî.IRi] boadreplied n a ttIlnrriyoaeooai tg oa Up ta ocucis ogo Bien mont iod arc o rche a on tise Tyne. and Louiemter. "' lisadue isaateouiias e U Niuheaoua.ginsintBlairPatyasiete.Tarinyen "AndA5Tbottaforth sUt mLaiediNohe.eebuptin enttosof Mesre.Bliribblertsae loand STExerciLotNoe1,Boohek eih o fnssd Afe atiI ftandi aknl ayb i TadIàWicewInce,. ad tinithforsteatocso aopaaLConueuions.t, Toroato S Tocan xecseBvlr, Tsifalar ontrn r trhin,,rl. ira nosirrg willia tt aa Hiot calydgo tairav itistsalia ityper imîtaisigoh arv oud a i cu sii orue ro. anedX'rbitthaetirdilaidicyp istai "ti HeBrthip uIni tngoleirmkn yNatto nu e-for s mthe ma ap.ovth s t t Paee Srni tio taaa' ii o uterpriu& pl Trfitcconepreîchre ntsia isî frgoctnt ringtir e ts um, ot ler o e tmaiiTthe aenItroaaegaoy ntssoulcefoa gesitth Wod attise tau.irtvacMin.ReOti i theearanhoa. a mogsrlumrsnttaautnotmo roaaini teaffirsarragementi isoîNrathe on.-JOHMN S. HANIlA, -iLSO i FU.LL LiN1 F - boulireport.etaduscosutabruie>ta mipd ihpyadtes uta tais al fbyeso alrb.Fobaeoretosnepîi- F.1.bait s ,, .rpva c.. r a,,ragreutek tho paaagerraim ote eck t i h o r og disttane .30- aoiiisuuthe soaboavi buor te Wet. - rétvl .0 Whiou theo prty braiseu, Il fuit irce. Canyona.Thecu r lar a t rides, toi chunonte cf tibsosgroiv- "----in.-- Londo, DC. I.-ho mrngupap- tatnaicevror'rg 1roiboc pesaosiy eher tha trie an utpangas reur h. Sri ai sgane.ifte bise ctnrtend auias Tirains t foiinthealslto o! tire f a aitise airoal Oosaoeil of! c o l B o s a a ol o -p n air hCias, bâtirore 'i' iysenbig mas train Canpotti 89e oa mIt. ot lit,DOamereau ra o nus wverutise deat rU ulia Kleerwuc 00r1d89ai WsaecI a !Umb age D tc. -ioTdetidpdr id5 itve baai cii sop. uaaattruintor Hu tne, Ont., o o Tiae-Tirecsadiates ta taseSfi er robi i res-A arior e r in ta y gbo d o&uIlaihe, - effroIs ta thrpritr of a ocb trta cu flieaduos ii glanees beomrockrs or jury broungbt lt a cerdict tisai seeued tseitaO(ttaca at &o aeo m unicitrpal m e ~ a n eurrongitarosar ibao biac tr il o uartas u (the ornettsai.io. looencrrorh c ulortoebaoribtacecis ehislirs bame prirae r s yposoa saisr. amiltms ud esthe~.w Eaglaoi tas !rrifyty hcm secreely atho vtnppers, yart aobp. mesulatep o pp 1bthiokt CM6il cntc e-etananls - in- -- r esnsukL B miig tainiaseees tsgarison.' i ir'e'- Tise totiior l'anic a ilcty reprt ustissîigitof lie ppytha dri tan J-.H.----- . - potidt" a coaventioa Cavrinca tisen a ndcea ioar for lu ipsaurîsvia Si tstatleclta tbfftht ibaffo!hrr.- Dbmiaen, Sor agemn i l auot sgri. - atiodagrewnocaonfideceuamrrgtanI cgthetmatrv' ainayo.tel an BoolSc'a 'aunOn - sippernoio tire tiiCatadian ontirs, d ler'neesiaeiasnpaita n i trasr E E.wVu ' P E J a-_ _ Tire Toronte w'or] eaisuiscvo -0On ie a ils theDB o ri oiiron trbisprnsta oo uling weofsly oear roror tiret ChistlJaoieSrTl!. suiaèaOnu Tharnos isees fioby "thig ie ot of aobr.-CicaoMeord. UE I TI I .- Oriieery oU tho Mgis Caurt aU Jastia saeîd et igar bhomos to tiri. ier î siaia alr omuyMsa-s ie rul inp a ece e r n brriu a aIt'Ioeotraed arc Ctiub JustiaceaIos er tse muon ashbenbilla.Ts aîs! bl h ce e tir iaruexpertohaie.-0 1 atotba, s ebout te retisenstao lis-e rtrstala.ai.ema*a <Geretocs, Britsh Osiani, a peri U th itne u tig. insaesitpr oue rtbtsmmraaJ s I ~ I F ell.mgrelgnmod i dearn l nce ta h Itn p> ners&H eaan or* vrlnkl10 s its(iC t In p ol y S o c OXX ta (îi o \l i lmît ,Trye.;tues, T0y Boros t ,Irý Cauds oo Ha iad Clo lt otar ruaiO H IGGI1f LOC ALS. trio. - - , a Dim- a Isolvfi,.rhcBcs-fV. E. ( tele. onao r n caîyr ini". I;NCaciaege on orrrII'.. e b., tronO- cr'e arho'.n.r~coaatdo vo.e toecitarierova - ioittn PoentiruY. 4 ce I.l amoonla c ai ,loa a ".il- 11 -(ssnrra t iltrc1' t LEnstîpe. e Warot 'r. t aeli Cs r..moe'Irnal m" r tboi w.il.rtrar ir' c tr1.r 4aoiv un"'gM- o Jina be Ot. nnlia .rr I-0 JWIKINS t??..t daeutit'( 1,'tOn. mnl pesetti e nis re C.FJristnrrIl,, p lw iot TaMosatanrotr .' Orgnr'r" porloted Iiirn roTe'i" asj m ", VnOr - ar i I II' I baaarr r , allrrm XC.. anII, o aLe, r ltri. ' ' . rlybait. i i n-' i.'nnior I aEERSttsNSOrr" ann"' r maismubau rrit, i trs oE It v .a n.ltP . A'LOarvng,' a.rN im rar.' - lae tat1unt. ciluratr rrvlnrrM r Wb phgmi /t'mv. sH ni pmdrbeiSci, eIrra- a,8r- usslnfor r i,- n..', r a '"r- -Wn4iruro'i.liOro e te o Ui mthot l '. t ii' ahanbe tri 'ir-l t sen tions .-- y riy..il oce h 1 I , argii air t eelctrI a is a nr.r hiev;a il iln.trar rr' vh rond e ra.tTrenon wil tiutrh a t bing o Tuni Eau-r ' h alt, ai27 I. -Isin le ceIvati t.., t on] ohararaid nrl-cl- , Laok i tir' üd- meeaUaIIIIIr .. egetal r nb i - onismoi- a *vcn.Ia8mseru, dse r" ~tao ,r-"I.r -IO 1e a tyiithr.e eîs srts a ,is ? Hiraaa. e iti prim te isai veu Wabnid ys&C ouas 't .1 'I IL t4< ý U