THE CHAMPIO r-EOtOTcù Iflm o..Jury M I Tl.-18l. Bel. cc tjolttthe ___________ .T. rat iht,oct npoted ic orThfe t»ë:ib c. tetiitbifas' lesotmissue: lit" on efber flturoucf Tee United 8 Stae nate ftrr oëT", ihe Re-P. T Ntttt-t, tiriie t on y f _ _ _ tu adictit tombr atru eiefaiaa fro rucw rci e acr ,,-îo tfil: Amienslo f th. Toronto Sma i eodb tehei" eail aom duypoie tle beuct oc u ta owecd ec..r, o, -1IA&. fi& vu ufea] ia_ gibl Y Tsudai b ey (Woc.itm QM by citizeuo f the United Statuecct c Ycrtandttt ,ttftttttt ettb0 . hfpto W le I l tý1 wi r Chant te ctting bc doce by Atecat. ai itt. ec-r"'-..otc thSi icc c obdbd~c'ttcgcc0iet The effort f hi%, if or fiorccccet 7ty- b tettiOw tetthttlie ttctcett CP[cY ibthe dai m e f tiehfouM_ MFt I ,.tot., e lticcr heopfueb. iniblitopje lm fw coim . I .e meý ,e .f dccc ot tarfere, wtitilbo hat Ctc th e ithe-. td drattc1ho ettt 'hoP atewcldbobo. c iib ,ud fi. Miro - f I l "mm OfeCue ce.ttfé t'tttt . ' -- ---lb... w b BWflaaiS futotalci. Our Goirnoeucmt "a jd,- -e y de eltc.eLjg ddEctr.c Vîec Bmrce î cr en, =eiMe Ca hic te Dot permittCcd. te jlc tr . , _u ef ttt.t ot j'_ ot toeDOScthat uoay. late moritelAdam% ,P 4 Mctocetd, 2b.. to Cbude.2lf CchoCrt ,-ý, l btitfnom .Ite,, litt't""' math jtlhony pitced a vory cfevar Bccc ab ..b .. Campbell,~t B ~yttC ctctcttttttitcOt"up.illpamrtctwlort c dc s dkyt Sharp, ...h .... 1 W te, P . C..... . adbbo.tbu' roiTbid fiIiO .ic Hamil toc Times C ttrhllhO crttOt,, eavtCr$ ui Ch ocal. 1tttoided Dongc t h Rcoatrf Btti tepe a b pis cfaimoîta liemadce aprteofuctryeand rtctth ttttttn ctttc t o u.ttt t- Scott theAglbo ci ltir ,ot of Clareit 2 .....I.t... cby D. AamWre" i robinet]tC tst', lieu" ami: hSI a" .bI la mtheè,,a etu' toacaace afc ttctLeocLroto,.~t Chcoo Chu Brith.pt2ion69 20 410 1:-27 1o Toronto. ,.'ttottt. toit ccll ad i t lard, Luy ta hcnt gC e to. A at c c d l ec o cI cg e c oc tca o ud. u edltccae rttttit . tf tiRtettnatît """~~ bcail.eOff dey and,,es0iCle~Docgaid ccl White, Watsn. tomseicrespect t the iM04tiilft rdthatbcfopratout ca mn roti r.bcnd.Ztt t hnathe stdrsclme.B RtoreCnaden impotos u * ell ny 7 adS«a lS d Cha ythid pocileely&bett trfaitor binahiWttef tc rmît teC htCy Utpitt"'.iJamo ltO. fblasât of te pucfiutil ciV tw ny95nts»ftrà idt. er-arer ho li o &le isacid a deIsati tv ttttt bit ht istract hbard hcerO - £N D N IE S eterofo Cfht cavthetor. a t l e etcoteswsread h cottho '1., Eootc rtt orITEMS. fu i tet i leie teru c itnex. icvi n e Cf t local .abouti t m k l at h r e ]WDa Ttdcec,] .- ' o iteeasie t * po t r 10 * a combiccd moror théCireitaon ma ttde ]IN, hie f'trop i r ttslai i1 A Yong soc of Joehn e tetckic tai ffootry cf cegie. pa adeocMayor itiro f mdre ot sii tocdt ~ ~ ~ TtccfOiW~Qon . Mg rcpitmd. tha!tii..ngthe catcy2B Ec Ae oCice.trmirccbrO b o to tucfi Wei; bt tbcy ltonte]ldiet tcottI ttttl'Y 1tcfreito f rond%%,lt afr t D,.i i b.i...... f tBritish Columafti deid. meaneroc ccd atiait ccd o is i podcmiteoittfitccoîf00 irC tc 2.i............fcOiittd ti1to re ithe omont progrese cmcm9Z cf thl pene m«istin ron te eocor It'iier oit ud f fttt liietf c lie te A I alffsie h en '"ettctii l ad en igote Amsrog,1 CitCy IHal t Motrenit i oSueorier fenli o hicisProince, fn lpeity it' clafitel L atth e trnt D l i ....t ...ih 5t-1i2 9 Curt jedfOtt. mtiedora Judg p Otheciae titoipioco o hoCI........t.. t 3ofAp1tt9)and inft oe 009»0" Ma. Wectoot, leader t ttf te itiffth. teroititetetfteie liit d oibetd bCtttett ' al , i0 t te n ilmeigofteH 'l OApu blia- - - - - - ton Bard o Trnde, W. t. Fecdlay tac Atttu. Oirl ebt .IV Ien cfetety.ttithloal tttutporttttith mi" cl fttrieOtee cccty o eiiin bl MUpiiiMd Weate e daichh ttaet r fteCinuo n het' tytend rpaiCead î,tpfo tiuehott u 1I i 7 8 etdPethc Bifr ti. . ' o~Michigcc tyerfsin 'rtecda cocbca lic ciea c eroe t L iy locuitehowttttttordo lim .m.ttt.tlo . tcltt. c Btwecra tecty ccd tirty prictero The fNiagara Central Eftap tn 'Ira dey veaiau. ie mde2at i te oue eicthercod frontthe îtitict cgalf. le trobe. Scm* if.. s90 fie toueet'a liccc eystolet aed fi. ttcc rli jio o ie a ietttt r theUtc Cwn. Lodgur, . 2 2 ohtroo i3ftOhno fBmlVleW&Ctt e ree iVid th*101 001 He ecuttl'el "16c............e5 1 c William o oret ite leac cfttrch Brecnaa. fe ' f oficoJ Itte fio anteoidlcndruOthctCftc wrcntec t heftLg ie focu ml.e e . '1ith .fi"c t lete.rftt tc CLd ncoeeeregtitt cttr tftt tetîtle et rphy iL..-I.i.....i.ttoverotte L iefeteBaeoti c ecie oe rB i ihtie r Co.Krs'.'P o iiou h atMilton. IVrat. 2,lit ...... 5 1 1 4 8t 1 idinth e c Ctity Ittcpitqi. Central trucksca&t iia ra Faileaccw"f te Oaiy thter cetbotrt f tce ittîli. Titt eteytr tonctaliil onte e. . Roche, .if. &1,.t..I.. if i ,Tite fev. M. Kiey. viiicridief in h. termineated oîJali . Ontbari- tooLhowoitrout, al-liet. lite Oeilltro. t. alotttienfgenttemet Sot , . t C I... . . . 3 i, i f2 t cabttggy '0ren t a eetu atn C., tac a fteNsaraCiU ri h sqateadred tire surpltts lofftel Citthetbtot, n'rie fateetecttcrart'a eteecetrd .ttehapihcd ccd mureri............rtc4 1til rattt0cteait rtcecrft. 4 i tf i jocetioeel) T cand t »Verfe blcdfli v ii LYof Ro.d1.. mieri.ctrat onethi--ta- - fiSi te l pti c atbrofte eoay, the Ctîhietco central eon cguid t sadod Macdenafd d miisrtin .5 o.. CP If.tin er Mocrelon 44 I i1 27 16h5"sdte toswitotiigtand Stet e eti thigra CnrltantW an hd tetmi ftht odAc.TLorirnday m iO.ii AO c te eu tr Mileon. Hi.. f f l 12h80 2-12 gigteroteAeporarm@ 1aec d dtriag thet roite tfSircOivfier tac ctatCiity .1t eirNI itoCttfriecdc AOfhim ........02 i fi321,.0frt 0-11 Johne e st hetaLrcCt.o oiit t h etNitgaa bcetrl coninuis.ared mcca ecai ttt Ca ct-d. e thotic .tecdrcc. SCc . rycott i c e se o mtieectiy idccifed tC 'tira oinc icto Nicgara Faliidpen iiot.feftc~etto haoc Iaoiu.t i ltycf testtfdeilet ther. tiieof T E 93~~< ftitodiei. . . tt hemittt 7eit -1M.ety 'year. tttt .C1tttAtt.t ,tr. eI lot 'ofi . El gittie t eCe lti te it ediriITEMS. T iNWBRE Ltedt, .ttl 4 ftt-ti u rtet ieoiime . Eiie banhcs, t rtccd , h'ftCh e oalieetti rt ur, o ltetc t Ttotieneorgfa tcelpilo 'rhe fe .1t cf bier tayc art ttwcotImicportant l ititt-tinidenitt tscmettoc. r.tet,,en ;doublie plcy. ~tets.arik ac t, dt.hd Ce rCtmprtan t 'f t ittite J.t rt tt tetre- Br.. aCeti alloneoneaiiit. . iRober~t ay, t-ff itetit.cindeeui aKiîht etrCftcOrder of S.Pti eie yer til tie ite ltital ltiet, itriceett frtct ffitcitt and MaLtcy ,. tf îtotîtt 2; tetckOtu-ete t 'mt h efc.o uacdn uSt h re fthe iCY f1P'ir- G ot. th.c h)eSt p)i'Ze ()Ilthe 24t h Mav at t he' iiion BicyclieRavir, .cihte.o etCanaae, I h~ttiîe.ttttortttt t o , h R ltin, Mithell 2, Joliecace2, te yetfo e ite ef vitae l. t-i en te rot Tho llicoferr onSr ifri Thr are J it lhe iatrrdcoutrf. i'dteri" trtyttt fte t aeeeto O fetf.cfrec i utietacIllmier ofileteifaitbtttenet wth Chttina , as triie.t.ilthe 2; fy Mabut etty. f . 'rphy3'" iettoaier naicenitc . Oftni e ttcumorto itotacCtitantiti dignily sd ett . ttet- o f etreet Rttit .tt ii t c ot et; Paed b> attwagon. Wmtcct lat et .cadtc. tetmeay powter. N.t. tiit t.ttttti E Iiiciottti loftoon acNitnt4.1 Attcrtet-ffrIeiet te itbr R c tcf Syc o' oo Cic Wettohe l F .a i'e Ic rio tt etctroLondonC ttt' ttdt e h r g tofyes,. t tîtt' ailu of tt cthe f i IvtF Cftt itci'Trutct, ttited tf ,cC S:cte r e od te furif l1 alas Pic lsac' Iiû l8 odIt's the O ign alFlush y hoiaeCt, catidut te h ecpeial iiitermet iasttecu tetes,îatoi i elci afloe h dieo etetront Lo eu i tume doptrttmeectc WVIty y chtt ettti o int he ttaftlt et ce.a, C fcec att.u . . Netstltes ift-itte fi te theeCiodctr tfloeC.a iec tie Mcagimoe t, rotcare axosLate attiol tta tittttitet t o er, ioto oio thyi.H bC~ teii tytiric e aoth ie tJoint 1Vach ine.-m docorythii e crscrcy fr tc COtte'Angle .fapccccell iltet't iit eeCio T.SoLt t %&Ysloee e Ctit liCant tctierit tort 01 bette te litu itfttt &Deti ici' ac dtsctge d u c t ttau it i te D nlpfît......i. t2 3 tf 1 oh a te ffl.fitide. A ietpatch trou Bonia'ccct cuttiel, ad ta e etfttt , et ah OtofsJble iM t or urh ,th....... ; 1 i 1 Neptitt f ette,. ttft wax wttttttloti&apiageeof locuste in fNorth ledea6 as cd teLin fha e r tî usdt; aitt M ifefeonfehIfot . fttf eif .ri Mttiyoi t it itft ftet, latMat tt f o verOtttt hrotote t aggreoate grratiy he tht thei e sotern liatir t in tt- ",Itttf 'l'hL o ittt Prt.trtftutstottC ft, Roi n, 1 t .........6 t 4 Il 2 otha i epced ie w lLe ile sf g rntem e placec te detoeomie. toir allianest-t rttot 000.ftttliteie Stt ir. ........ 2 ifi t Icatehopitttttttittteoi. The Manchster Gardiachbictst&bat JOHN TaIVIUOREI - SOLE AGENI cretteil fot yecr fer te cttCCit cherithCere ' t frett-thtitat t e l Ot, ..... 6 ftteitttt st i t o mtt ettt't-0rtwittit lthectolonie nilieo roprcmotnd 'adettiecsudttitttit tocbi t i. f la arie i it-t .e.e ttt vitt tttt0tth f. ..... 1;4 t: 0 If odti 9Mat Rit t-, i dtogtree ituithefc otf Lords. Iert r oaectit t W acttertotee t.cteftaltltaoit ichtfttttti. bc tttt-erted -ttCt- -- 4ttteeeattdl92 ,ftgtret i tot. Bascise boaint t cre'antemcLtta te>[Ii oor w~est of'TownuiHall. C t acmetdate te ttroa,]ed tty, au ctiCt ee i v cf,-atîf tifeiitttttt55 24'2' 27 t10if 1' ;%a u nso re ringteS aepwr ugsigMnttleleLku titerorte Di>rctoireclae eci dt a a bud totitttkepac it .uIl1,t-I . u ' toittt tiatt ttetre eoptirtalcbctteiatis. tmultecthe nwiae ta ew atai utcc i:cfficctftctRuihtte. %%Iliil ligltt i a rtot 1 ih t es' os tttl ttuve ittt ase o f ttaexo e t heconBclioro e sas thteyear. cetf areliattig cattuildingi e aiCc e mment. t4tt1ft1 i If f h trtttfftctomttfti-ftat h eitff t te e uretaract inesy.Sf . cD thiiteay tet pttompetcît idiec ilc effit iii oe f tieeg'titetope a ei t Dat t1ut1 I Il te' otteittte Q..oltrtLegeedetieo loicel thec Unicn c a voir rer bc tkctecem ottt o ntte eceary for tehe ave httt et tie.titthiet'ttttefotttleo. Flettt.&1 3 ws 1 ,coeptioc oi e t, oy .t-ecogor eetiry Site wct e roootett i ltte ette fit IN t- or.litf. efafei tettitau .g tifeat- itid.oe f tc Sloace i rcop. ,CiteiO At- tS tf I.. ~ t r t..t1tft tftt' .totefthe a' Tti rite NationalBoacd of te Uneitedi aloi ioleIf n foir.g. ate.States lice Worerber a rdoetca arecley wiffitatt'. sdeetififeetttf t.of.ttttttc atti',.. .. .... 2lti iM ced nrk fm lmnr hc ilaf totthecoet.irtthof tcetret t aiiitt.îei a ofi, ,etto saif e .tt-tu tn' tLtte 'itien tthtetet '-rrf ttte tto a. oot ,M e drd touacd.rminora. Inrnra. l'Ititdiciiftrmr ycrtttierd pfttoctnte te it lhetlaittth . A 1 19'7 h1 e cee .ef acttttttotO leriieattt ceoT ei e rt cCc eotCa att'tto itt ttftec ittt teQoebacberorcê biid. lBer syc' totraeiLathe C c ottetnd ehtieraie-3 'î1" -7âg[X Mto e tal e g i t feed cm o sa t r vide a f: rutti"et' focyftt t, MltontC, ti;otf r jtan tia e otrtotd, on Tiecre in eo trotefinh e brreport CbcC phueeohf1tlli, Ceoot nazi mootitcIircBrafmtn. J1.-C. if ief tdaeotteobi ts, rtfoy h lioti ellet, ipifttttrt faqt tt he tftc ffic lte.thTrtceliocmutac ot theeveraraasscoititns dciogthe Arcttttehu. cce.f 2t "taent', a ttturitett ' ti fhtt t 'it~ .tto"ft eto, te Tcrransalebuo tbcuet fhtcrecn.J m s S. nsn sm u wh a o'y ash tgi fair. ,o c areotet poviet d Witt COrcO me tth afcttfttcrt tef f ttid îtavtd oett se t ittet ea-h te et t,;i. tesi, . eut coqeiro eltc CocIcgoc retrntrta ced oc.cra .irttt.'d trIe e'roaildtf fteo SUidttt yhtt. Beftt tv, if anadtatt.tehtettthie trt htc ccgc ro .c tr hfo c t. vepore itttefforer le u nn isItsel therlft ace Salnc ure ttin2;sarficetîtt'thehis clothes tint afehefOntrional>lerf tailorDeagoavihig fro.M$2 i &àiaatmictht isp tcttth etdangeitOmarc eo i aet-tn.Setricay tO\tttg. hitai c[dto. hý:itftC. Ierveim, resle ; tf l ttt'f1tItti tttttt~' e i.ltrd ey. ed t bae ampI or au h2H for sa "ahional)la inai'slor, paîtiing f o s b,5 et' griteiegtroin tCftictenne aaitto et fTite decteaed Cet ttt tht t.tti.ty eto ft.týb l ayt iotC.ft.']-truteetttttt't,. CO., ,: igttaicuetC , ard t. po rc$ 5 aSU ,btave...c.t clcevs t e o fte Steok Fracft .fttt', toh ei et teo, hrft i I iteeea., o tte h..t p1 ccr t5efot tar ceeue Cheroothoot Cftc Ucitetisuit iEiogdou.I ii e Toto,, ott..rrs ta to t " Ef (t l tig heUnte Kagom lacidegc,'it at t h t ttrteluff iis ue ctto ~ autt t a Iltt . f:Iohtfe ifotti. trmiff llb lt ailehkicdc Iterier .trybti[laf.t. olta..goCff effer, Vhlt).t. liritfy ftRolie Martin Thorn the afoged oti ceir«u window priced $2.65. The pattern auîglht ls eye. Sui'ii- animal foodet thlth t riitr. andcstcted ail te toi .ttitttt-oule . to t,tMtithellt2, 11honcc Î,Sytoi fei tettt-.ti tc eetie e1 o 3oidecîoppr. tua rrestudysetu I Bytito freit to retttotfied ieoc oo atrttf.t f i ttt tu ,Da Iittt. ttt-,k .attt'.itr.ttit:î ffttcdîe dtuti t'ettly frethon t aliesand day ite Bot York. IC a ic o tietbob ping inside ho asked to sec one like it. 'lie as sfool ba ee.ettCfcoto aiceectttt. -tttttfet tcC.f0eeet îtdt, t te o fg,.as oe a li Pstur I ti otdeeicrime. loiig tto ictktecy li erce Clas Changlea ttttid. At ae cetttttttt o ieooti hafl, ScttCt; aeso t is.fiof f Bi.o tttef e i n cN ourkt. The St eesugNveVe y M !Idig aclo@ fo liit red ewI, te kowilas impou'sDaii, boi N ff owln:I;wil picCh. Brnler;i iio. D.Gorere, Mceeer t Miitirnadcors forTrkth e rnout cyeiaandsmateforthethocy,1nd hen'thetai talor eomicg foue tto itfr»,u ourieor cboltn, Litstemum oittaile.cross't. paseo tislJit eclk4 ryla errelt i eatetidto bno n ute eàaSt h varitimof peuaits. , l o. hc ive At h,.illolttiJl llcea-- (; l ft ,ccoisesArtyfet 8, Mtiltnit scat ittci altere i) oite Rme 0potoro into h. ccitotistianéfor p S a d t io e s sw o m d h n ,w a i h ' e it deparuaru ta theo Ditaic ,,C .u,cd. tt triidt tdwtc etonfttonthe ,tt ot1re. S. Dft1.lte hte hiteo)aitaed t he O it otutt beut o Tto u rhey cean d rc. .pcig ec0 fr demetit etooy, t'., bonnscie. t athtaotietttt t. s, Te cedgin wqagiteitterel icOîta wy acctitent. Acdssmitc vcnhtotbe De . let us say, reader, the workhands were naid as usual, itý ccru htfithgo eiutttae antctettitteebtted..., tttttitctTttt'ieationsatucrtA o cho patad ea.,cctt~ ue ptti.e itt tu tt..Cît ' tttyte.balfurith c vecgeace. Bath IitthouoI Ieotu atecfkcec.hbro lteut r t Nor- fr poce botweenu reYM Gen ade te m n f cu e r p o i o e n ti o fs Mcay At apos sit efttttt tfluaiuceeetet.elog tilihy pecicheti. hot thoectoms c thie etnubtctureCr et deatb bim je takooic Atheclotcdferei Cie u itt fimtth t-f fIes .al]tetet Aofyfotumadti ttph hoto leetvic i. te affecteofehaeItow erceotttO frontetmui obclit eCfcea Hohdaoasnort. Taisotorfîca. itvs foeieo tca i 1r Cooceptitoc. fetal cater. 'iCiffrountout tteeo ofticg co IBtfttBy'f.Thcu, e tor ti ofh. uc ce cpii. h u ikh iptil attuactiocsoDruo t yetcoce lere tht ortver [itdti t o e. i h te fo tttotnnro tf he Autiee Mttew eyetoTecenoa atacr ftutherearidsetelbe H etttaIiso f r i.oct i n tduitier l.. pl=t the co etmceitttoe'a coecteeo el&arte vins gttot hy a ,tttefh boy. ch w t cret0eei I. The .bccmcct amade fiat certaie our opotuitand now yon h1av'e achane-ece et eo iake 1 5s ci fte pait r urarcl.e ttc toucdth ietttee l te n te bau tte etbsenc e o rDlu ah uptrut'1 thotee.qfrleeiiedtti te oiniet orrepondouceon the SBerig Smsjt. a.lcJ rroa ocelct c eco. e vtiters tettagonticittrcoctctendietcc c"ter&[ itetr' gacîtîutuvttteît attti-tdoieneitgacetettinuotorytCase Depatetoftt ol eteyocend Caet'io rcBli outvtcharge the British year's earnings go a deal farther than tsuial. Spleuîdifl lo etete metwii c roiddfor telst e oNwa reo ' c itdic ttite t Ct toe cr0 c ae citi o ' iihuc etdf c toncetoeyThm ectil tainfervi fue aito eemtoit placett tta. fito. labtoy jea alate acqutonta ,ebhe finofin otht, businesotte e tLmdesidh. offiiacifin w e n e ge s is a 265 32 , $.W5 a t 1 caetb day.oTitndltettaf tutoie cutirc locceaf ettittoeacti ttin tffttiLt loy. Mitettwceddcandhsergettt eppon ie2.65Chic3.25,tc3.7i5eand teuretoo acd @%camtuieon cec 0areftic trraitird patacgtLt)re.thhb ftreothf'e y tatie te itfittg. flijttIfucct jiccocdpti dat. fufabisccdeP ntsea frnt&I Pits. rt flic tf 't" tin ccaemouitt'ler nde ilt' i tte mi ble t rtol ic. Sity tousc0tffltteruhavoe reo t re ou refAtica.rtla eri 5 8 1 2 , e c taae e u ,,te a y eTtciio A hoteA.ff.V ittt itcy'ttttftt t lefnsgo fedngwih e tue of tthe V'c ofver, doti te om ewYr ld bil: of thih boablndfl i Brcnetekcetart a htaalwl isIu aect atitoueeeonaean bttelebtiad Hlb owaddt ydney by te Ec1fced se Poruoi, 1.»5 sqattente hi h soe nKig et applications foiprizoe litpoth? cMt. arero. acocfc awycd(lc&. 'Wurmo hsj tertaiiutt. n Ch swtarSfSnairVlon asiRela.hesor nKigS ct thirmaleutWeten ntt--wll ',nreirtt ho itetti oCtot] disceer. ofAmeeircubutter toAusîtraliea. b h rimoS" rvgl t b.e cpsrreiâed and foii iie tfeacut reco c. lcr. tt11 ttH. tt1 . et. tp CeThtr$dt ie htd becu Dricf aetor onOcMtecdn'y Chat$ Thrlm th ftofrC k tà Tk ecrtates rec 'Cmer9h Ctüp incbt o btter Ca tr rtihiaa.Aic tElc eroii c ccer ci Tooidhey l te cupt fie "tkineg IOtk. teN SJo . W& aig a gond deat. Etcry pittheo hae a of othoe ook refug e cdcmier ried i ctl bande, ubour.Icetc ho5 I i i i m es- ititt. h....y'f.'fltrtce behaidaeyotcioceiiy. licti ai fam vus barc. Tite tioti bicothCt eidceerurh c fcuty .1gttouedV U U t I J U IU Ià lI V cA oetrJe.d I itQft9 t.ey. te Stars tet.t pegbc.ase b iC t ard ooc Ceheremornemmcc.onthora ccd M. Allcu at c kied etrocg. Cc-uinforos tburiotirc. hbailc U ~ i - . g huatio t a nd ett.î INt-tt 'tntoe tto forte ocy lu testhberlisait. The Bye& toteocf 420 te 29, fierpropetyi'au eocelclet effort. Th ia. m tat i a Th Cut f pui*la gve ti- ot Of the tee tetoaets.epoeec e heted b t a loc ahîoCkice. Ltldouc of C.orcwllre 1tted ati e y.I&ancd h.e itero bacce iperaid.cid ai Thi toertc A~a:teacfetae rtef' t e d e s t onitsnm er. Hkowstent itho maeoa micsteeatthereiif ite rauicincf àloacof eetuin e. c t.c' K n tre asB mîtt Met ea je Mo. jeute Reubotmonaea oft 0King ttreethEettc tt.ttttie! uigt C Rrict Cb tmoe icttctlet ici oCit ut t etti Iatcr0tf entycuoeho obactiocti tedworuhatedi$980000 foc the pcrposceof boic tce thi iotb Ontarieooenat eco. Rfinidgant rte, C ait , tttt. fhente îono t yo c po cy ntrrrcsct ftoCu rc t'aci eg ibisinijttontiocn C t ifi i..ot ieieciitantic ctciei d thittt tteeicc cof the f8Iiits ceade in the, marc. hu cmpaoy 00o ouatito ItL etecueeusti t wn litai eDatefon thoY dittOcrtl ie tft-fteott- a . t'tegteeobyldMilton oucromade off Sott. The disethbe il§ ccmotned of fSurgcocn i> Mocrthy ccdRetrcicg Oftrou Biruekfing I et, atîteottgrapft ptle, ef y feuthe cet.tttupid utbac rc'Occra r - eealHrbert Taylor Reado, C.B.._______________________________________________ Waenguifty of octecit etfcot.andacitc"oftiheC -alo trt wore fase. ibo , o.Mitoec cees te oiti bavc eete 'c.C., ccd au bocorsuy largoe ta th. motion wnaude aC the DitiwOeetotodtaftt ti,ttttI ttOftcttf i. Thitteuotc rertiuu. Qoccu ieon ac c eiocf Prt, our AlptbuuHnia£ct ti, ttee'cto eu great ttatndt t.ttt-ateroe AOoOn latarit, andi mcy ttcie m udcd ai fie cs trb %us, tu " il]ei Ceourt tateommit ttmtta thetettae e Cite o u9 1I.-Ttc ecutc tof bah ol tiuticW&ocotett Val- ca atm i d Iitee, b@au be.ct jail.ftyodfeco Ctday o coed u h. O Workingu spectace, Bot lees werilbo hHApRVduce- Thé Court utetAppuiborhd uocceimetsatoectta alontett-itt i teetend0SI. LawÀrecem the leader of the C;tey cc occkiO MehJyaigtesagbdffl .opteh alun s fai Judtîc R ortoeallecdoc tuic fretetuti et en Acou. ThitteTcumetantt. lctititnogitisitotiE S = eo bouete ion1cction, te botecfefif tnaeotu t toi )of ttheu . Tergainewt Vay c cd ct. Tnh1e t c o slMylr wiewrigi ette~eetcottIei Zro-hed oeyteadtefagtf aise n uideB M ý NOTICE T EXCURSIO bigicet titero theicei.curtyitc ati Co ttgotetlecatotinttioteot mortcofacc cai ueog ced ehe: t mongbi t Boota tics M Jcac PeiÉl it ilit rdered %lclieitfrtn t iat ctt bttt 'l ie the .ircithuet.t iecc. e sehoi e aitaher t cb o colcdi-ltle ab « oeml"dt airren ta o thCeir dtty. TheoDfvit.ttt'on Cifthe tCot ftgt vceloccucod lactctcftseocgat. htl irlltetaenu 09ooroh" i' efiandét * m tfç o itteaf Cot mcoti C ta omtf a cfce o t tftey tre uloCCf e't et,, toth rttcd. a t.roc cecthive iCelâe wg cs o tic . f sPuedget avariety Icfsou et W"IstapecdieCift 1u111111114 Tme t fM tilaonCadian Iodé-West and di.Sabod. f fT e ttcttho eui 2ttc îtoe cr St.Lawrorenc. Bf2400000(Bi-7 h6 h 8 gi a5ctt tmo to 3OOCfi ib ici,-.Ottt oftiltc t.. Co.tentMay CieyLai Acton ... ... ... BC0BOO-u' go erdt Valbatrtsa tcho fm.. ucelliu demleea.Ccce itStrsrndStripm, Btcuc'suetrcd Ryder. Actt h aatetbt"obePo 85 he lttiene Of*9 mjob" on a U5d tbilb -- JU0Ri*Mà Quart ut dottcat0à et eit iqhLtahowatienh.thteand tamalttic Pop.ein soir fi Wfe&.hcthehem=ct uu i f 0 v tta ectttUd te respect u t5eit5O eit ot ceemano -JU ai.aitt acwi. , c ntoo.uyRothe. itt igtte ttrd titt M.ctCfc ediece5tc1c àm 10us - 16n Ile 6 o f ~ te cfcrttecceee edrt- "WH Elidea tccg ct.Caloiu etet - A~ct.... _ t1O00100- 911 I mi nts u. aegth. Ifciy Fitblr.s '7IOUPAT'i ou Snth ccdlai eigt tc BeCit se 'nu ttrcci Bit5ftft-~Ch0f mc Bydr h~' l~~ ",à,. . ", Tm, fl att.n .0rtj eo .cA ttitti t tr 12l t . W. !.OIc ht 1îtctoOftIS ' roi ie, Ir. L Iea > jCoiiuo od Ait> caA e:Hui '- .9 o 'tity Mtt, . A-argar l c.t,.f, 5icf tfr 0ttlie a itlmy Cth, tecs,.. .1 h t t tir, lIRt'" .,,a i rer b. 99'tt if' iaet tii cf ltt i ttottîsas t' t r 'tt wee99 catlidttt"t tor tt fi tt o ul~ Tc t wl ,,t ]ti t Base,, . Itrtillert~ ' " ,,W trc t 'l2" 4 Of te'tC it 't Toilit re t h. N)e F. ,.w ,e ILU t i t Cf cct f t. ti . tttdue 1ttt . . t, yon -If t aVe Y wl to o 1er B to. t., ily "Yi . f .fit, la ot I ,f. t ,llt' f fit "'I *" j î" . tha, rt t I s ctt. at'" - qu nt,,ý , t 'f L,...t t f'. Oru t'i iOti J.y "tr' t iu t-t'c t' lt11 "t t t fi.t t ,t~' Se l alt"" ~ml