Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Apr 1897, p. 1

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AC ed to Rpr fiai aN' lofe* j"' ýEiM , V.j,'t ttg îiflcn i -ne the Lioafeci, '> tti Sicpieoi, ai t sîi. fi 4 and 45 ahibfs. LIN FIRE ARMS 00.,J il kLondonl 'tpîess. *c'"'Pa per Fret.- clvui iti AOOFP 2 a -etwte NTS ne 'to)ck of ptaHardwa; P c il -CLESn ETC' an rt MiH i ,. t '2 ÂNRD QO YOrpS' N WLIGNB CANIJbIAN .CHAMPION EVERlT THURsDATIARNN MAN 1 ILTON. ONT. Ttci. h. voi~ , T t,, Oôt ML'.vLnnta ath J2 4-v"t .1 Uit lbtd. 4Sr 1. 50o fhoy <'1tý. il" it. 5, ,r 0t 0 i'o L"LOLL,, L t P lol o ,gry t Io.Loc OLO PLlTO« EEGAL. rr .'.C1..tv rrI tAIS ,T . C litaCe 1'atie, e:î-- c' teiciie, lie , V..t-ce P-O?, cL W0. PtiICTT, I. A., FiLct ic tc,., ,ttet i .tic L A" e%, cPPLc NE , L ~ 0' iei e oepri ti'k i t. ý R. CADuCL., j >cts a1 , i: i A esieAntui ('a1,J .'.in tlttTe i"' c'-' Oic ,. ,pi: teutilea.ic".' Lîî t..cuLaite t. . let,eU ttc.tc" ,i t..e.ettnl teofti . -T old ik E IlTA L TT. HiARRIS LDl., et 'it MUn Lttttit.1- JoTELn. FRANKLIN 11058E, HIAMILTON. . ONTARIO tic ibut et Wino, Lutqaa&Bd Ciia. oOcai abutiAtlantivc hottir. Ramhos, $1 par day. t ~ 5 aiPcria.~ I Money to Loan. Min* ,cotatny I-i'c age MLiy saoi lI vimAA an, a. np a-n. zAplrXir-Jg i,7ta Ilarcband's! Waaaa -ce, 0et., tt,. dnl,tîotr Lt'.a Le-,ti,O.? t'ti.t, -14'on t y1h. eýh 14 -titCtt . aI~~~ ~~ *LI" n'tthtio 9-td- t e 1e _ el 0vie",u,v on Oe, Brist l's1 R VE NLtASTILL EE- TO TWL UISTO'R ISAPANILLAa PLÂNING MZLL Lunubr, Lat, SWgIss, Piokols. Coder Posta, Etc. 30HR4 SOXERVILLI FRAZER & HENDERSONI Zntconae ,£ec Cnra a tueho ent-Y' of ilTaitton ga' ýiui ,. 'teedeeeetII,nLe-I eî ti.tFRAERient. I IE.er SOrt e . e. mcd- ic.ite .eve . Vour Face ace Motlaî0-0108 an. t T"i 1 âiliiive, 'Fuu soms e mmorm Àla Altti 'bIa "ov dont tIi. iailieni, Dlii" abateli a nIlons - ciéiiTrolîccloolietng111 Iig ohuta gaInal 1 bita» It lbtbain my ob.. min baoie rm ocboni, tlemanger Up tie. shotai alias..zhmho s dytàg ni diiof pirilynaInthia cibla . Wlist oenr iébas bndgeol atlnith I y nova lb.t«Inalta bniuea quienilil luy dilt papn eusfl lya al B uiti= = 11f erlaralayoagohoiiie. boilla li attfit d? Hiol n 'a' ,aaa mnsThsi.Ynk agisiien hlm o i b oo t ebd.Il" De ot018d"MihESI ;hi tt w tabissalit.,d&dapyoorepostcvni" n, oircid ar" asi bc, "0111 yoknbo1w domtla"liiboni?" Iy ti s bylong Xia anouit a Nva.hmgi ljstuptt SF111l GeRÂTIFIJL am1TOeRDSe é inuin ponts- fl9ZtNl abrigo tîli jool" auoIciCaldwel."AiltHisst;1 boy il PfiseOf uyel8 lmyodle@ 9-i c ommaider ledîteir tatt bre," asi lia nid ont bis orml, Il~~~~~~e Puo!NysuI csHs-""aoostin- î asif.ibasninay iatig a picetanoolsna %télites 'su av ne taieia j cnosoclmlua bAnaSialtapolîts on thl tow. _____or_ -nglaaàdlîiaEsgliliuioolooiltt" tinley »ins goff the potp, amd. lr Ueeo epe Hrr convas coltn t.. ILt Wtt'mriog BoîdtelitaLrd ailtlb.Yankee il@ ippnmobed Bolon by a stitete broaong toroird. daoed -aIda The. cal tenaliit. Hon aand Ii t itl if ho wonoLdtatko lit als. Shet'. S ,barbonaisaof lb.topait oei aiti lah@ Atm of Tis, thei tintait hitoli ylthe Myexia tit, tond Iîenuaootioef h'Lnovr,"thecaptail,"i.l tagioo l?"i wt inntelnAboie aoih Nuleitnstt iolnoîo ite W0oMieu yonsaaiiLlnokit hetlihliy nto. "Wocoared bhainag hon ch.isaliooralthuecommadr othhalbordeo'ls- ikdlboad oftheiomstoliryonxposnig ani Thaosadaof Tfetioal Intestito nesmliy ioavins. hiyvoaboL!: sionîh ey, bt ail Ilagithii totJs ,fagssi..tefreo r Clwl n r Fr =tEvz Panrtiu nitedtilfrbapedm ad bloL TtyrahinleigLLalweonîd Ltar lire. Tint ns a mailvo ". "on baesa. intéccisétinber. tic?" ltmlioes tlioy Jonloycd oe atm or lsteatt the. Grat Vaine o! »Ilgeit qaareaem ot YaerLs anai- erttboill~a, oins a el nation for, "Si ta alady pafuagor on board thie cromîreca piltJon tusieon, litr loits Thoe. lmeitot otewar'tlir bit o topssatL aiong %irdoli dl!spiritseau, ni «con u. WiLL ù!'bla lrtg mnd andor my cure. Il 1.wlagtng,thteio hpea oisis asinkl 311. Juvp in" o,%LB (tîo C . rill. vsela..LMtmth]OwT, ltroclppec lissentlie, wvil -doly.en a sisLy'oie ofthUnRnalas, oac el n! eola 0 ' o k ao gtut lthe lotid. rrol. -Y.1-T-itvlio. oîAS.cpt... ont..u mch ot iprLog totlhair. «y. Sometims btiamit lir,1syin au nou ldporrit.1hpe l ulint 1"Landtluyonr Ileiil?"vcred tWeil- .ai[. teL-niateo fc-re c. ý iibradti t oiteer, forwatrol or ait, mdl u orer oid te s«reof! thiedireticnI"WO. t1Ltol Iclet irce aetl't«y ot,' IboYankee, iviLliabloli ut th.aia oI i'ntiaff tooepnthletno iOny,'SUteoO. ctor oec rt. d rtoLy oetli«lti otn!Lto ti n, tt L.PfrKloXiauof e! tce. iiht- The girl ceilîlit Botdtocl'nseloyemd tliso ly Liai cor!, and tinta aàtact. "Seoldcohtuooîli ge arted ion, bet l ttr,t.,o,thotnsatdtto -uLàoAnm"affar inhrt'LLoI =otilof aotinal t ,yifine. 1tdL't aottoe-Ltootodnticiwoaiaioniamama i~waceerin loîLîc yordllpo ta olde ht Ica IseiLcli.ri, Afrcantivran iii Wioatdyoaros i dtd.ficfititep tonntth îlotot OoitieaenglitPoso, a oe uid cur Laudli bridi, ortotooiîUio.o'i ..oaLloaaLatmiien lto aek anad teetosy' vome, fltlL sOier et" gootd M. tMat- coomandor eepLied, "Iltyton cna gtve aoo«I o? jietlaby Hr to!bl 1tttCutteorrL ro ofetalligaors. pat bnnon ac hlnt' til, liot. me thal iaformatnon, 1ahall trot vecy Ttaeoaomaader, nimbai licou ail1te bâtki t nlen the kocanr gîai, Md ttt-hoo tdLa ctoc.liogrdcLiraare etthtc ,ny "'oct Lre tleaer," nowcreît tht ainchli to Lye." tilt mo, aprmg ont of litaient and toro- Lo ,Cadwoli, nid. in the syo J'"tic tentCtrniy ecti , 010gcnteo Dticolor, cultueamitod rotYnaitte gct.otly ow'ile o loydM.':"4WiLI ontt ea'rolathe ark" Aid.rd lita tmea« t fic erd sineoaery Atliaotîkaroah, ho kaoched biLcompaatea'a m.I'ota, osil ir todicocheLLy li«Lg li.htJs egtnrt" oke.Cpao(iiioe onaet, %sart tbe Amertoan. Iaoff. It tg rLer ttc. Theio r~gdew atoigitie «titoeL HlitoLtut PLI ote.tirn a Lesrip' edokddc,"h"at h nk utlt. "lgetk o o octmtu LLtI' l tor. .,4117re- Lspaouing diy«tcw oibdritekerfhe eotic' o bisttostitothettngiioo LtL "Il11 flli i I «ilier, I al aitiord."4dn'nt ltIthoeolae saoi ioderttad- liard toàtsio alip" geonird Dike. . nul...1.oste tiet, Lfoi norr a l. sa n e 'O!h iL eige ar Bte ftto i Core dteaaoIlier ne. nesii. Stl oeaeo sne fon LryoDigLtsoo tt eaI denlntiL power. Mtsâtlier," saidithe Yankee, "and iflie ladtgbLeo 00s u. tat l'TefoLtoavt'iTatlcgo!arStc .at ttiT lieytt -cit. e, 2O,' . OLy.'tttrrt lymeiLe. Levr tIl, eocreS tepesa tocibolilober cao ij-emeiooooltt'eFlic tetL soi tttey. "Jutitecvilibdho ltter aerved by ibis brl it' 90uyor powrvr teate a woed lby Iliepeople.bbilowwttlia TtctIvcU LjteLrtc ol-a vuetIn a nLwibtîediat n ie ilewett,ttMe its bandtage IllritL nde I dLopetos eiilLtpilttfhert La ironsac îI ni'moaniandiltt humbtansiadnadviioliy mot of borr .Nollilagmgoaggesathe Tobta>e ycmthetem, -ooothas an!ttarrheli ma" a i d ralicil. BuOt'maa ice.e tnut iaeyeo <LoweS the midip teSydney, " mid lihe eo)mmaad.'rvndia yttaeinarriage 'roic eforaitn îto aoman fromoalofiltsiadnmtng en't. theianatonein ctio bontpentpan aotàe'oit"ttycetied w«irk leeceu-or.otcabt i on ih wl ui OLeeithrme Aii rennunsrand cLurtebIre docks vtîlic ced enior gonttag atteo ttc «thit qttoO!eLotIl ceetv'The Yanktee sipper, «iîka drt, ["I tiettîte Ltdioce"tso îttnctr" ai. jeatIlk Oidwti! causao uiîoiî 11-c dy. I' ,, Ileoi.Lronok ttceoctppera terhe mrUitcetogblt ielLLicitaLt bine airwvoieuiee'ig itat,drat nlat? cptu aI LoiIte etin mnader. and tuniog tie Ly ata botiedn« n the.tgilagIevtng LLL te I"otier'r.0C t,.den a aidalbîpa pamp. lier rew oeeoed bt tt,'iet ttf thbinck todaight lLndi, coffce sud, lyirg met, lteIn 0ti abnt hndr ieotcatttrlercgnn«ooHae.«LnILLp jtIryo'.PLt Iorosn trleile a a mniy «kiLo mea, dock and tenrtLed, o.ute tonited ttghtt, fite btiies@o «s ltc' Lond. Mitai Monet hourd lkremsur. 'na p thtopsd. Tii.Yantkee-tuomo-'uoe hiid. attor.LO 9SO. C.'ne' oh!brimorrolblti o!oa or aime' persa ning iscivleno peb,anoCutbinttngasotoihitoeote ber ahorser.'dîaciy Letotlo. "'i ssonyeichais,dobYDjet eeosy aigti t.trtcno t h bond. 'te.,v and ltaif beeis. TI.y«vere bat ilset eut tgte t au en ectaioalitaisahygo- leHe iLta1itl ad taeaed i1leta "c'etL' o ci aieo'n intiatoi juLtoynn'aViA.r rireota oorca ponder and thiieatoaggîecaittoc fOOî.'gli !otile, reitiies a ow liogh Isis Ieegoe Lite n.Seenme, pniiiag nut ii I."lie," oeîimcL. 'i hcea L'tneaLt!- I'Tnajnot w«ttol'm tehor," AÀcaet etr Ueuv rIlctisers-o suiSte ttdallashocrttrsd otiertLek, certi l ite etoint i tddeoaRhtp, eanc eog lett»'e ctitard, aDOryIagber eued ,ytn!"'aardliakyandigp O LLotctidt. ttoit. «bi t tiool a ma tne léctosttet iorî'etttt of itrok,too iLevols aowe«Ilfl. teeue.nsrChd: "' I vtt t CLbtLveliai toosuetoldingoe.lisyne aniai a niuttly lIa ternL'cnvfe..oe netLndtricodtahttettpLt AL tîepto tncnoa .I ttoLvîetInliLn«LI oeffense,sir,"revpooricd tceo.aoptoo theLciOoIlithewteLrs Citt wtt Oc In oalaadtçoa to citnj , o!nLicLh «'a ngreao reot fi n.tIott ü-tor ttt r «ec ndiso thv'nua te. Tttleyt iLUeIbood dva iLo«nuir."Suppoe, Dow, «e preonLathlnbia H____ e, tc anan ack jththhe titttofînoe!tt'ttt'âtitolbeigbata. rend. Yo'LILfilre cnoeliug vol DurnrcupfcetLvoyages. 'vriat ui gh t?"oIl ~tlShno. angiter an the grmaieof tiLecti'. lieettea'kft v' n eved,ioui veeti. Alotl24 loure. aLtnmd ie'iHo eoklinshmans pnnffrcd tlaaetsromrsiedLLeel. (. E-: BOUSFIELD mil h les]ad tormidableifeicv', vîi t i Iitm, Maned'l, ite Yankee anoS tey?" tet, iniql."Soew, Doew hiaiil aod o tte hLle ganay and eiaedj1 Nobrdy matinanuaweaiL nli uey. a lnIegtence enrd wvoo'eaditell oi' reitet leveidttMe. linihews hog etttoce l'a te lonttg, fliat I pnied bis a tîte aluttion o!tho sombr- honiekig cdevn, Ranag nut, "t se aotkilsf t'tittti t y e Lthetoo, tttclap o i e! t . tt-t' LO ttte te ecrito eo011detk. They «iii a primn.t' otULgilr." ro «tel tire bot: «nopuaLtng er te lik aa ni, tut iero are maay lipe oa!1 "Beg olejI ciLted Bfltîltoittttito eattcTieYanekee, sLcoe' "iec fliLnt happao?"saiditheAo1amrit'an lag. whiteloLndr itieli are dcnveiy huilber- ' lmoaaLLooithe «lak riltd odingdtefet,iitei'd lt bosdgedtceit oatcommenLodee, iIeLmSiaug ls#thetlet<Ttebteietatoada ntorcomsngofotiome,nd 1wl seb btDeo FirStCJ&SS anenoAwTc.atLtàh"I:peretvfiittt lghttytti'littl'ticet iou. licgoal «'it ttt(,nel.: HlictS LoLîheS bigpennL lit Léetar tide. Thotear wao'antosbrminayt'thiea hip yh." ar uAeicu i;IceagratoloiL eiLoloti itîsit laynoS ltereai, breakfasL toutL t I al mc a. ivr n it ttiI olog brenne,'Caldwell apranoglie a tbai off ttrs. nît' o tît ai'pt toteuien bo sillnpeonteurseyandvsome omanagemeaoi îttio,'t-tt- diti tîtgitace go La Misso'"Liutn ate,"I teL flie tYankee, taurinl.Ldte Eî,0lî.rI, chitgn aitoIIe«ic'riLofntcdo, ttdLvtt witi arai suplyalwys u bnd. of oun cemy.'" Mot 'LIt comtmattuer fiLLeS rtsite ea n a foirtset tis goe arnruoisIitl. y'opetnt ippled v-tii ie mauanSput itu bia Laid. Ortiera ctteittiy atteoide uvýd dc. "Dura LI'ac-ro trtot ie1'alettit' ntIid je]iîy red to e "%tvoit1ttve Ltt'eolat L'cinuy mor.no ate o! o breoti ia on om! o aatmuler 'L i au uipu lLnTo'l tieed rpoptly. ooi aia nony te ticeLori'o oi e Itlttan Iissponte repast. î«iuLg n"odI Ltoo im!«0'nah oe' ai e iinoa o atoaa aigioont to a mit oiti SLtitîity gotetîsen metL fur e 1ttile uatip. Ill ot e? ticen(mut, îtivo'nat.'I 505cr ail O'c.IlHnrdy,'- ouid tstit omnteccoeogeatltitain hi& voie."Lmi tl. 1-. BOL SFItiLD, Aivored « itiett. "WtIy ecetîle't ltito efie bhoea no no en anodi iet pinainli. Se.'On,w o burlia hit ponît nîlkiioîtot, "gel v-LT opctvi teLg, ypeo «y oekiorledgnto. Voot oktlb Nexttdttor tl.Lt",iivt'toceti', hoheot eLeb?l'oniaett enitce. f e! ttct.,î ltotdeekhtto cvîtedi( e mre ondeLtautiLtg e.ntenwenth iyr- 'n aoavîgtteianeqaiOit.'Il Sofi. Mai. tiolMito l'onnàceeciatl a. lit tcgautt. 'ttble'tit etin dcteaeieaeoftbslOO«Oie,,. Sie te oki te o cipplel. Silo ".Ayo,amic, st," atevotl MlIme uTeoiiope itocdhi.cap aad«'ooni S RoI Uo lionF' lyiît to. A rtietmLreouieosand las botrntelpîena. b put the oLamtoe10dj. bigi mnutcheto iait,î a imîile, liat a .._ WdL YODncemeuLt'ort, Ptc" Ment- 'rteitttbolet erflteopensait *a'my eycoandtfoondtlir an .otLtbrigu- "Wtil YteutRelteL..rosidgetamonc cee. ed Bobdcite OpoLovcly, '"tiugv orte ititLis iiiartyonLLroi thn qoeea" loevn iiiîrrioni oi c st guuid direattfat, ir. Mattt" otouid tte "Bon he ot" at i." Lconintuel MA ma i ut bnno tyo eapo nttetunete tL 1 c ie aLOptaia 'a Eoglioh la Lglt!ditresaint er fere- Ieanadee. Caldwoell,-and'sl ae a ttoaSetbatad' Itt? Theomats roimod bis Lîtne a ig- Uogreve «as oatiag au exeeitroa ro osyni., I LfeS ad«yul ttr'"Thial wirm," ananereot Me. denmbks ocîl amas bettdiaitit bloeI nlOf acquieKneo..-jido';th i bLlfatersotunch nthbisaIlondaeai. er andiniLod 0taS touainbeethe reie-'MttoLO. todteia RnaLicbisiciodr gts g ead,&..- enttnuad lie commadr,"filtnt; 'l eidure,LttttLdbe, beoolgtuMimiaL britantine'RiLvali, se may dnetT.eoc «utIlgiteoiand theirisclonnluathegat." I frendnilb givnysonoflymtor rouble, "MandL el s itocidthretbod1t"IirousSydney, ut htan aoL mtYarndsnectoig BaSvriofotheamo, c.atehLint'aiS'a I li T________-deLi btok, wvltch vv:: LLtnetilothetetbcet-tLanlady aotird lkestaMyleg te eLLye." "Ha«rd:ysasi:e::::ae; itel.dwel[i liat. galo:brcd -abutLaTeuUopiL Gnrheatedntte iuvltîerndweo r ý- ~~~panker i t aisoedeet, ter ecg el."! wotttt i ,j-o inal loere eLLteiarse'roolcdin lomtface. Tic YankeeocSedin Yneeorb.Lthej-nonLtoger mardi, i 'ra nlilîs oney hu sappose thug I oé OF .4p colatn tises tp rope suria. onthi zia- tipiitt,' ottdilîM'.Moel. rotitei by hyi te rerol e encited and Imy optnoetttire tend o? ririlinaîlaa," bonntion w«-o atseootLe brigantLn', feuilgn. 'VteI htll not flit retcmet, re eeeia: - "x Devez itoLi htveieaugttaûIoL'lo e clansdaar&that Borntn alla IL wn.anmeLhLog atler Î). Tiep Ldbet ,"'satit] the Yaneesitpper, soLl 1 ~'Ttec' menvreto boanrd. One hl[iunu ethrte, ir, " eceLnilodM. animaal h. tond,"otatmed TrlIgpo. et 1 0 0 ast ltougiî e! brnbkftattat tLt board nIittie gtrt, tiLe ifi leog g tete orked 1o#ilme ioemte foketl rtnad Lu a tboeY rin uneofifo t u otiIerluettaiprooeroly,t«baig cpon CaldwelI, linWterbLondLonLL etftlî v'n i a npi'tteiitn I ntad risv tLetnuotamntaleaLtnvoice, nalci me t le theIvcomtmtdee."Torltpictt"WyonottobeadoLodIa! avnngong on' li e ls edee Lorte l 'lteetty etait-clo! kc igivean, "cîber.' eto, atle'd bLcls«niabutntthev 'ami ias Lb ant nioomes Lu. TheU Lan 1u igt po trinrnemeladoc F1 c r ss s givea, and L the ul Cettook %vo teietoild eDottvc Ondule. Ne, cap.- aca fer smo dal-and idtOkot n d dou' adtenSrnpLocnra iak ."«ho atidermsii a- free Press@ t~~aoorli, sudthegratu lulofritt ed li, "oaidlie, lttitgroundlet Bel-'vvcite eîr. b metomYuolm late0] iî" ei * 4 + bam asadcoeffe caseut fltheit ck, %iteecud oitil ste pemecofeta cren Ioeeiwttetthe ilervnanitL "Bat,na)IlliemLnne,emuteie c -jastirtamramalttrLeuditsiaflmg, Th e 'o, tu tLeeiL plueat breecoInabntot20 mintrs,tt.-'LndclthstLteUcl" ithe vesecL, satt iltoIty caome kthlicmaniderLtttitg ut 'ite AmeieaLL trio, amîthoe i&tse." sid adweîdclaad oltb tic,.ltetill ritti lignetImonbonI pte oem rosie Atoi-eal'tt "Are s-o tranerotd fbileiora?" 'moi" avnee u'Ibiparti:liesaniintiletwihvs«owo lto .ttvPlidiug tnyOu a lok duerit ih Lirer, mrve Andilm ttltv.,n c t t tbrictotttt nitche-" ma t lle L inoge s.vted tlicoetmuiec.(lie r btttnîtîîtc teugceL IL SydneytolaL îtice' ntee,'oieiu tc.keotufftulu t tutthe Ut t bang, tic ...e.tî'iirîaafallaitnteomueîan n listdvi e a nLefpies' Il, 1 W,c,îîtrrccuc" it' znil ia tend lippcd ent ote'.i e, "Ii to ttttioolLei SLSUb,.,inia tttper lie alorte ieriilte mi n taeotito Onu Yîr's Plperfre et bita îr tia d eoltnd erittged hit anod." itle reoc ertaint eomodiiteu t e! cenoanS nd1geds, ttenu bis phrr, unutotn.e coutamd onalinLe le otîlviîghty 1Thue cnt an, tt «tiucllii0ifict»oo. ut lie, nit cth uep vorlete paocctd tliat cenesraieran ofhaenggotn OLL iapîoTuLtemmimoteno iThte Pli-tr.','-dLo evg- blmformidabtbi Lion teLfistl tee.. Beiiect hugdtie aobjavt. to VlaamlTic moter. uaaeIln-t t lio m i m]Ycornrrai.,s o müurl u osu i L't,ve 'le , t,,rtth" ,n u.tCmmue itdgl tcici i a v"tintej-Secuei în atli n iti a tauaierr." Yrn, Hardy, jeu mal di» tt iim. Il gtainaat at a rnioItl 'lbrIe ,k-leT tSeidle ébeat a Lgoe'ý fie' kigbakwibn ih hlt 2 Mit anitiri iolently nlarhei. Cota- "' HApI'Et XXIII. tu eojeythe auniOfeotohpecofse" ! r i-L 'd'- Tat iabolia iP5ay «int fî cyn i e? ci sulete ni r qoeiL. mande Btdoek gapoitccre i n nIL0Ltoelieso «It ichta Innotiiandaoionkied flu lis ot'avoa--v..dTOt-onr lionteman, dangltaineLqotrttivc "Wti oilt-rtekaluievemcltbtleLIl'iLh hio i HLfac aus'1ltosireilti inefiee(iraeonolieae midea ai trinatnbcaunbl o:I l ,ttaceLorrdtte braalaoa i ct Pdto f'le uLonseer.en-tide ofa!,' vaered urctmi« cetmblond riti xnnecnu anad o! Lie tiip, a testiet-u .itiLa! o:bien aad sony teOtalita*nttt inoe cais i,enttoecatIonia Tlaoudefiedocteksn. eeiate" adiventtna ett co on jt'otur tiriticttatieatrLmeco loetngsigonari tA AH e> g O tron d b c î tu tt epeaeti"N 'dr hoh.t'il utoapesuierinepriote Y na ecyipla a o a n n a nlt iog aeq ino d. beo ru ile tat lcea ! C pue Th ub iqu gb oce o!ilit ion iroule r àJ and ,2! WtaV îge"aiI«ite, n .tie[cletseIeligtfeirmtdr, «eu".heffel icolnpfoamredniaind bthe ltihti tittyheernoa!nrouit.tni L uqaee c Oi oovuc lti T? tiet!Fer Ptonun!'oc EllcomanaLd L erpip ntedbie l T" NSinrLate.ke nd psoin n zpat diiheutea o ttr o lue nitnl iLiatdoointhpaocnioLarsejw iat iLeclnneLttt, luti oh, ei i cLileesudattt.- t ryoitut nin e euplrnanobioeiytarTeady oe is late .Treor table orpaqntali itau efdsionhltthe nipthmilotiongactal i' tiaceallir ncen unloaheit e! oini naowica Ion I le u.tmrIait $ ta o sî d lionL ge lem ucd Ldoen. L 'Are «ias yitat. ' 'N. ate," naa«erelBdydacditheoru Lea iommath enai dberd jw-u, tîed antire nnileaîa]yfLinL iaiunu aCorore %tte iii, sniltriab capevd frildio nor yseeided hve"'itrty, ruito"m utlie aieap' "WdblanongIL. emîle ooîi tee?"La at o ont bo!rard h otint oiclitond neemc d Loo!,pueO10lt'ý cnt tta oibun eilil teCy ai- T i o rea ot ite m âies li' un 'd 'inl %%'e«ga mcno' ofth fguej- ej-eti!etbatedageitul t' ti gyatrille aintet?" iy,"e otnered itnso buic.rwItron tiac bewaoaa netelipe]nnclaotdoaiau.ih o ml .p.- l-landeomttsol rtiteqtsinsLtedaonunygîdurittoS coca Sacte' mor Criert'laate,crcrr d buitoitIl .pnav loist cabardhelankgghcaai tînCo ud toLs aa mi rt hli nicoî aignttetothLicnd bs lta wutpe s o'oond tas npatîddi"N," oos«ereelte girl, Oitaliiu. "clnosîthot a tI. dnya hlre tay tit" eror tab aelieeauty bti benunnonted tiI!lin c wtint ivaoovei. OHtgauet FrestPrensa PeltteaGo., gnrdannu'L, "-Sii j- ou te 1, C'taiu Boidoe, es- luiavrilieranber mat,rolio. Dame iiponme bal! drsanbcattebaîlloat.'deloudaai tel iinS o e iftlj ILoaiii. ont Tte commnde hioted tîto tnd plabtoi Lappei iai t a i ens atilldra"Il bces >0 Intices]aspi' A acaman, tooove,Totskidt ceturaanheig talv igil. oanviLg, anameront wwwWiWWIhoped btgin iju anteion s.eitl.ie tbog attLed ?1 îtonly e.0 Oldocli. "ole sanding bo bavumseitie cu onIa f he! îearbi fore as oto cteiugO t! o Inrp fro tîit ____iaogened ot tie foetemkad âtiL ,e n-nepîcnîttiou needrd, d'otu ide then Id. lalkiug t0 the mnn ouat0 opg6atut attteabnoutit.HaeOonLlboo, ttebLgelotIl oithtemii S - geasai îy a pitrre. ILu«s2 i ifiog tbhtoL. Min Mautoi?"satii te cta'o.lheL tumbîmd idola.Iaeyptebed bim1 boxeobaioerord tier igni ai theabaip tvpmtt asdtialaiut s«il ee 1411ho2 ORMAENTL TEESaffair of oieLt inater. t aotilane.<, b ' h Pandi prrtrd tim blhow. Tlry dbdn'a ttvtac leuaieerIjaetratood The. otît aniertole hozo. Iol. ic 1,,fUIc Ono por teLlon utrigît i o "e, Coneof qireî be koon «at waon reoug, onîy Litat bdlgentlemen aod theo twocMitarsld!the atîpa îps.d «aiabout I5oa1 1 7 I nmot LIdeil, Col onanoo n- yankee. lbnt lic voteranmia»mottn gisseci~naynultLe orecel, but iul, othi sdtilabt the lîtasi migttlha abieIl 700 ACRES teu jOn t.'toi syoecbead a«îeol," "Icre," adti Li irl,amotifiudiago estot latoi ui." okoa 'nhont ben r cwnuttoIpgaltmalaai miitndistant., aat',oonvucmitANTtItOn.D anoueitdithe a ina .igbisty naumltttBolSal ii Su o; iteud t0reflat IJeu"Ra idiBoldor roryag ieyal fornard milicemtei obite whig It«stdbIosstiitble fer tien t PtONTOEs. dan! aua nmiii voie tintr «as ucri- bier tety okc ld tL irneti. termnai ieaijt aoeao io itgjt I lniiadnui.nh Lb atgl oro boetciestaretrasoDeadyot of!cbaeacerrLitbisltalT CaptiuCongreve ltete i otlBt' aattatodhoL 1 Ihoa 4 corheckin l a trnuoaa ileofore, tc milnonotlcr 121or 15mio -w Ecl.t.m:il:t to ,ntentt "nnsulgtîeel pttt oo tntic " cL obni .loiil lb, HoeEhtgegntlemen oerc ou dockb; Ibm'id Ilion brmvc leip e tpllidonci P--Ai',"9 "--" or P si. ý&Ouare te ciplaiot" and foand lniciomoromed, Ibl t n îudal ospeali ici ou .rarc.y ablee nanai e oiret, bot lie, Wo l ungt lvtta alatiecrta iaettj atnvo Ailait -ras]aot'afite« " iirnlitmttierbondho mjnt-aacaravchanlprecotipied ij ie sci b"oheltquipti t o ireli. îaspfmne ac t eav nnseier olred'il elq vrfl -am er one." n m ame nja-lablea noold ecarpe bimis.Ht. r cEl u II t igtlidlenan 0liwe Cea h ruyl h o a othicBotdcint Ic .I adtoc-eon Is aey ti ti!tioesusiedtu toka, carlinoo le ag ol. itt onnaon th b rlaI lbe oisd ovlh Da-Y iasu s inoManuel, Rmd Mr. Mattorto eominc tiensao! ierelits. 'Sydnetthugle iigltt dlien cm nd l qom er ttn ea luta o' indatmtl bliketiL nrko Agents Wantsd te .apn.annUs p tlctour atdi ln nvesatctiot t "«tala" Rid blio olen asManol bnrre thlalcgiutsae rIbtd. 1muI eol't tcj ia obnliosled theortace ni vapOLetHcIb o aliip, nothtag bol image 1am nuiat p o.Cemtaadbrcakfast won aoneti. bâti5madu ni end, "'vc lisard nometaincMymyato, batl Inailly kmfor -Fo"Prc toasmoeno.Ire.e" bowloed mi.cinet f aill, grot as -fonttl B=ttte rs. ]WX'aj fur-id fo The Amrlan.capitinauifl of qoer jarnain MYti.a-ncevortlele:hde l $atmtenl'iot n mmin IMry lan Trollaito, dapplag with id endodeptrve blingrnag. -b Wbybuyof fonts.,la ..id dw crnIgbtlb ola isa bPe ii-lbi~ b l Wlti ley etNgoondcntesad at abaut figuonn, nlgli ladior Rid woahiuagà 111hl Wlliloceljdescendes]tietbaeggl'gif!Sau Ci ' cb atille» Mrisit on obevig thetheaoip tudion enb, . ith naas uaod me.tdea1Ip-tlimais, g the quarter dock "Do'&i 7i honlta1a01 ut thîe Ilaadm nugl Our l ts&eC""aalci sieni osel a Sf usn«n' looosl a aditi o o the rigantnesm&ong i -. à ew .oit nceHyaigu t=ans aerIqcainapt t it Trg"oFulfnniroi udrfl ln nuvelMdyiag alea l osuttwa gol-atid a ilaloft outérIagesut me.n, parwmiltiainthe «P' 9F1N 1O Ik a .b asMeOlÙgbrttc cpal. li 1the dock,- M"ien lgu, dndo t Mc(i éa- ies Tcaflobi ahat a D peelte ok orut rgls-o oratdig mlW _fl bg téSk by Illi oo a lfélber Ousatu& lpi Iiaufl lit habla *ronde i t' , ani i iiaio a "Miiibja 0dM, aiS ae li-i, ala , o.o si eWM u m"&lgl "téle osili imwst? v.ral Who itium to e* wth * 50 lltMdW'MQà. m& a osPQusiMdM1-d.Wb&aniWIl I NO. 46. aliy of t"' tog ted Lt r t" lti .1 i 1Pl

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