?PNIO of Oakvl 1. 1 a i . 5 e tn n h t i 1 3 ,,l 0upndr MONDAYli lot, 10lon 0u uroil itn.Or daae NhIceNGht Oitr Spis ,[ M 'Diaagia tolte elcv ruil y 3 d A rla a a Gingha-heeac'aat calots,"à...ee.d. Flannelottei or 5c. yd. d vale n Goerie ad oos anhed .1l t e fttIhi( b &om arée hw atit ul tebChanoih ceo esButterpoti n o1o reuslbs.j la : . h aC c a d L lc itttîak i l e . M dle w n e a m p l e p rce ei R a s c te ,., HeIU I 5éD Ai n M il t o n.E 1 S A T e o m e C o ugh , ri e rg h ? *~~el eil Finishettabd SBa y e ' bATBÂ plan aifrn th e ilp a ,akre.-iO 46în "e"ergent etUR A A»e respect 26c.t __pREB MfON galtaIE MdI BESTI jaabo a y ...C ....andeiillOtes uasimwRindeitce.rMiuntrT. S. Iri~~Tfl ~ ~ d o u bl h e elOt t~ cor. tec', riits, t o p - a H ol tee lc h , . e s be. i h v , a g o 7 o l Ito u r t h ee h a rst Id jae e e i ne te b th e r er lui - trhve1»nlu SÀlo fDlrWiea,..rtMisa Etasa Emol. 85c. ut asils teUtaya eore of poptheho hve ued'it dieu.____MIL___»__vua edellav aLvov&,cdcwho ~ lalcaeei oa, canstr Du oil Wist»et eTh 10/4 Witeounli, 7c nd$.5E snoaD oPAaI1t teoàmlv andPuTstSi LarGE BtoTers AD O t ,li f 0 tada'iv e a.a ta .toit e re res se" hiovceb tis.e " reahitencstm astil;n to ai aaTeiIseions c01,e.heJohngT. Mairo.ace î. tas5. Dgandm Saioor $1.d00.111, itol ohar tU.maIrtese a nc Welyvmita fecrv ie delvr o Ilfnl6tc e ïapeu. aoutc b svagessfnm *0 siborm eiegc is. setaal.eceal ie e a uti,$.0 otlem$%.50-u rumk tf eataycodawt res hsdpriethsa hadOet aalaetit l Cai onii ible t hus, tBrlsa. Tbwtrak eaiitêR.IaeslUieniict1aasta Rtiu d a nr25c.aed be eeemes ls.Tecs bt Tpntie1aret l Cttc boleeiesacnîn6c pne50c.bappiiadnimpotintiinot pesine. aneackca cr ebalta ofconfdeestîl9 BeR han receSllie. ed LMhie asprîngo Mdaaconotrtmentustmof îi.gttee. ahet la u tfi. maygtieir" uatscean n tlap o Honstee t aigi pby aet cahB ra r B gv ma re. tiO silne naieeleaî bgan t u prpait Me , ca et Ibsberia lam cenS th antaes stck thes bsiles vaiey the laotien ibme. ite'eaa eaec aeet to ea Mrel .. a bonIe a e 'octn Roore Blindel trod pereoss foro Bl pin Yene. S TURelY. &M N A 1 W L A.T. noces, ofevue" 1.s c ie o ev oe a b sos baitMd . LWc admit ItaWall rs ei t a. " raSir obonta 9Oi 250u t 4 50. Boo'nteeni 5c.I tt1 ac ia 7e,.t-mrosfne al tbie dtury ebepyIdSit. Lno al r1c.ib CdE t a ild e elers d g5,rth 0e . IiOm " .L a E M T p aad Ana cce tata it e v e n ress c m avtitin a o t, e T.W î.cpiee sn a n cirpft r ataat eaie a. tmia... rtFincnBoae tepaSatineFinlehB.................... ErI ........... AND CANADIA et e t ca irtic e l e.K u g d t e e fle . et T ho l e m ie ta t e t a c s lstta6 ci. -t 7 5 . A p o-L iens i deBo d e , a fîîhl.. . . . . . .lin.. . . . . .f -. 'l Ir, LSL . etba m la nd MsandL Il am eslganea t ertadn eoetary aInt arnnaea cossecîlea fast colIN o TH & A G E T S Fla neot c.td aîîind.Ste DMa t oi esh m opef raisto e' ut a oate -iet - range s-.- in Milton-- foeradt eters ecna iRI1 S RG S AIf itfm9 1' alt etae a hie rareta pre. estaicvalaetotal is .aaieaandadootsa&Shoîs. HAVEaeieUeA ,,;il Ceemieeeesrsl . o or@: and3 th efa tiO i ta et tee l bisy G ar sont la ciaeSChiegeta va iteaeet gse reersto goere anu 3 Bad. tha .pa f te 25c.aeme Dhi e e i u Bu'c 15c.til lb.c t ee rne e ne kstheLieuteant A.clY cgreseetaba subean ete le e asdaenaoainu t er ftai.ts inOJH , MQE as 1,riieeteyreietNo.ns e a tesith Aley semntdl ahr. Te tariraclamd nceaaryce tc ptin atpecodaiut aenr aen rnpiecla ae thne era eaHiou. cnt SNIL PE LETz AD 4SY b-Ot aca.aide Fobrnie ar setavae HOLNAE' L I RAEneF O telcte stare te ea-ft-heicir. te edd AiNDge Speepeses se a taeo la tnts-Brove slcg. îtOnsofwrkrgim . P ReeOFITTHEana E Ba Ygs Taeee. H arv s u t aaine rnePCC el arsdta lanesv egetatos y t eelMILnteTO N.niai ye ,,d. trtPre.Apa ee acteonr', FMis. Unota olie THE:gst taD acenea vitieom ' ttnealul -- lfaucae. ri ie aent dehnsn.Bac.dy Sai R. . araite-le peePorthyMti-gisetria eeethe iTRseprn r e re sn I 'aat ver sced lithe eit ofd, I; e t e c k d e a , piett ui s c r " ' . i - M a y HI _ __;lat ' i w b l L ()Cr 0. 1 i e a ltanlca aro ets. risMnEo am ihIsyYIe "- ý"hvesoe fpo l h a eue 'il 1e4atfer m'obtsled tee -CelstheWhte___e ?The Tow'*'nelhavet D.boTuPI AG hEaviy o r LSprAND.suLd FnOR 25cr ta n wàvsrlt 'tl itarNe arCnres B ev an t il Witeacorporation eleta e n v11 ta e r t in e d a y an a tyàlT e r a r u suAnSa esefid .E . u t onb uu n tett T.E PEh eE ' S O R r o m f r e w no d c iiioetr ilniu t r toena t N e ontinse lm e tac ttaie d etet ntout re kig he ie d. Fortbisetathlp blc, ealy s on ihluetecde h rhin w iiha th ide sti ttcaii. a amteeohar B aa te Sit eis Peretc Pninor. CaueiIi31 AentecIl ciet atFi Plt 4bnT onte. tlnde . .ft h eeig ei avno fehae halg rnt e500a yueu id e eth dspoitd -sao uta caey eAt e a B Tu ea e vs ta te ra n ei brvea l{.c.lenît ee tr t eta tt Il abot the= tnsbfom thoneTheo Deeriugyinuna . abi te tortiaa pel i ne sa a Gentlemaenretaite fic tccrnnttoenSanepeeef LneTtil~ tMeehaltahmte t fcé ato, he rol ioiief rstea ne. Ramlad'.e Oldr mi'xauu 'tep aldful tra & hr ei ewtelnOae'enlla or ..repoteendceier, eeintetoater a thon a nrn a enseisnrM . GRtien 1- aa fjt .e îa s ic. Hnd e C.lcea te Thei t prteatxacusorte l a n t 5 ye g aarn.l l 7 hi p~~~ele anié a ea a sterot t cthfrceet"sapai ppidwilDt el cakCi hik f ,gil4 k.aîî,mea oîititi boteee t e se tiad ense le e lien ar e s t ht J ..... te..... n.. eaesA.cisy ON tainsod merayilentitisitteauittero.teaitrpt- sie ~ tre a.l i nete.emt 'iatd a ent?" mtcort 9Jtf. 2. Hrl eti . ....atStOeCeiattISe iacoree Sîdeee aiinreheaCitalvra ceenpte getee perte1 eettloraSndaeaclacans ,Il sd Am rica)batseey aa*etristg..tes......... e. tt... caoCali rt , p i g e r b e s o . K s ut o r e n e te a s t r a v ea t he .ea, M r ~ C e i ri n g o e n c e d oF l irtei nsid y- b r at r en t u. o - a e H y aA 'kN D W W E H A V E T wH e d M s Ct ea a'ppaBut temn fsal nhgiysfrftnan..... 9 ;c - ýKDUMOC.111,Soit O DiB aranit t se s e te B' e the Ci ét Hiense$5d00taay eenteg.iitfullntinoieceiod % i f i a gei O a edfor atorne t paOn oe s & O I: 0 tagr M e.t . eMo t i dteta tep . J. A stong, sene ta* F tl î o fa te Reateeaad.&cC Oe, FA ru lu pE u« Se . L RD A iNDSpLn gDcotc S u i n g fîorn staw. . ima pascpa et tte.b car .eo tatao sco e dciettetu iattA si Iel Jahît P.6 l.a ble u i n , a:e Stsfcii 3Occ- - - - - - - - - - -yGar en ,jtll atsdeun l e ro tte peét ietanieM i e l rd fàca e &i no heb ad o e iehta sO elor W l a e lt ioe a ndocatt yg la ahr h esitb nuan etoain tepbieegn ON lM QE1 a .1 a, S luiSho ga e cu ple of no e t e l i ae esiy t m gen t e t ruc~1 e P A O K a g l .**W s f E g a dT o s r n s -i ' ur ebo y ts to u0t1tt h ie t h e n g a st a b e i t ie ' O Ssite -W (A ttmtad e ao r Pstaut . ga-W teaI te tena by aen hteles ceent. Rp o a li lolu.dRouetgTawel- lOca a- - - - - P- r3ilu. t'tICottocliO. .saIEtB STbaAlEoWtEVER I1AD Ily&lnodonteWsdetaet ywa a ve tn li 1 orbtcin, rinprse atp etraItnt r --ble i . a 75 cesla r e sni. A 5py tints trcel h riies.Ue novH t an ton Appîsh the main..t-e- - e foroxA n îiug. tth 12e for a FORST ai T oatront dime t he d ryeva . or sa e . u ise Lec nIbo a plen ,. . &te ea l par pl am rlr etasDenin et ota aofengne.adtatacmiteM c e yW r o ehtoesokdwt itrG n Europe sud ivill bsceré a Ia, bte aca iti arpots abt u h. lu r n eî abi es t C e' teo e ar e. a sn e rt h e A D uta e a in geKthee. I BeRyffr.p r n , n i o d r o in idioas charge i. îmn ee ien eit oa vn1airm.lbMnithe DN leigo acuii.C es teootMllrdittee fos ccSalSTORrE etoa feoraNewteoteebettelioeeep a CAftaueu seuo.kepecNet lia ~ ~Ba attantie ais T.H.Meundtthans terobe W fhepae vierc c.LigM oioe araeaheei«e F co y C ttn h a Oun C sER ares for pasbe foNunîy utw a 1 ie wllcotiuelir ilonsu e m neth BnnttRogebcH Pseae.a te Am itsetaretter ethutbrakngtbatad frinMr ýat.w, i f euran I sar Oh l en cn mpt. Nw wew tittnind u-eltontpyyo ooeroktis oi e e pealetet p ti the taoCue seAmsro I o aeaM w rty th edptclo h i eaplesAnuth Th!tee ted xposon and tsgth eact e xa as1 ,asaa.-. aasîs as l acaice ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k epe tee moment a5 mare tdetn i aaer.- cite frenta tee r te Cosaen Wdinéaap.e Aof ot e sy atp e . e utfg ,C e a aiiaa fortatauta tc eetie.Hallwt aelàa inthé o mci theofWteemleeD nanePen ex- e T he riRD.0155M it Iis nrler nd al T tarien laneletta ra e. p s1,mdgt îtooe. v M E S par e a oien iletu:,« ak o - ,ltainhrpr.rcm edn h ea tt anareve t he e ' lt i1 I .... ln t e et elHam et.trstmb m ne aina otaitan o mf tp1es.W ts~e ie o;rieesmicA M la.J bulleta apaeteety ptdrtru eaon rae l ai ii egetaIbt ie baée anta tbnic ' 1poedAMr. wni ete oi saene. hoM e Ero.i B. exebAns.enta u e iA esa rO W S YLU.H ~ e s m , i u ac aie arn p]et eend aladrlme. t" ndt heeM0A. HBaee h e s c. Oveeta-ap aiesmvanm a nl fe e dt w o r t hese in a este t 'alia Ette b a W l i m oi e t N Is s e é at v t e t -- g e s n riid niet eauiddtesex.tetoipM.vtaeearrse Lles MentoaatS h irtse Jobs batssudartta S saotantauaitea' " e YenseHseV Esacca Ap1A t L odo nia i ttaetatl ata utvaebian Th rve.es. dr htwe hs oi &T efrtCrnBne vri r 83,ant e i ftee xpltao aat e t' i doreltSan dore at -It...h ta ho aou tryintat t- estmil p l. iývn aRcwowee ruesvriof ietha ain Hu Mna rve ig sl h ssee5i etTh in....%scout...ta snb s . p c a saa u tor eeta d e ae punetf- M rsta ta ehé nett pom s ée , a t ins le Ob siW.l. A r on geei F ulle e y s ie o f se at te IheA ern y mtatScrcc heisg V o u r t1840 on Caretabahnn receieof the aita tfrnopths. :e tu Collent foAnss teo titI 0aailatiee..ltmdue tha TîrnetheiAustin Me. eMachinvanableetantte aaa i tar 'a .l.te priteipa te tbuhpl eseet aitr cotaiit«- ýlý9qetest kown Pate etdW thé. 1 cs1 _ areY e lentae a e lthce bTa ie buldig. o an ies. Marrees's aeesrneéd, bt enhtWumalA eM pte A Ibmmhe Ce.2Lta. anst . e s C sher oe lB x ev --o k n tarJon a ).pair. up. -10.1 :0!ila u glpel wor_ $0 tin etsiumte etsg ese«ta et andg édiumrth ight, Thr seilrihée tepand Pattrrnth Le ya a hu*lsaiiseai etn y à h r, M e.. % g = t & 6 i n hi e C o t n Partsotoetee ou. pe t e aln e aua tbeelutins s l hérthé. ebof réatnie tes t rérie .coeesastaîmnsnhe................t. a its a n p o t e a si1 ta eT ta e s e n o n ,wfM r .satad e AtO - N . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _R d er a e e m t t P M r t t m 'q, a ccet mtl t '2.anaient r ont n5555opee owInst e a ck ~ Ibi Ce itl h ofq te Ple-. te h ave ,1 Et an. le tonaOf& ( eeh fan 58tasta that an n cb y C ton h a urSRE ae n s r ata h. fooulty n er telpiltaLn fontciShe.aleamesr"ab Gm-of ndestbl t e gc tasiuesvIin plaispal h ea lno A ftaIt Su f htwe g rne et a tho ý a th le s î t i n th a ; e h 5tOf g a i nt lah * vo o a b a u v si b are n s i tlte sp a n etaa dîp rga e ntli__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _g S C b a p a l tiau to ta oae tene Mthé i e. fvr ble t rimeesiabore. Leea Ra 3et ptaatsac. U ee- noh r o iats camai ae o ie ae ini Boy. a Cse rin ispac.lieceoteerd-sThér Ml a i, oeseat ou r ih s .7 ", ai 9 ala Il expel.y1of Brlini wo à-. oti na a1i mll E lemma lots -m ki gýB ý.i , t sarud ba l i ae n o' .kth in 1 M .Eh ' otrofN lo .rec ml' nus ills e nt a cf hc Onér ta in aey alaaeefr. ta leeeu tead isfaehooser frein.eOUbae Gmi lirT heaio . I a it nT me . a a b r e 5i uM m e hibanw . li-a k¶>i e seiat l e r thévi s dient t ios % f am. P w e 0 .T i U R Y C M B , W a e h m a teste. esa asén aTeantahmarik~nse da'et b.taardT obiites em uanm et t. rho e b eelataiee taaîui a eatate obnsn f I uheef ilL esleec.ué!.al_. Il l 180selentthy bd eau@bce________ a c rs let forte a etga vast mess ta ofbansc idie auiâ e .ade tent rges i sînofflo Ele, aleai ose andera tiLs oes .rth~ Uoo ru lee ab laut ehe leat termteil picheta: b the,.~ a i th e bouqes @ s os M iel. hi t ait eal Co,,tbce itoi a * à .o 'I P nd8 mnt 22 that bavd à IlesaOka tsrm e." Abat AstafonC ebavuem deJapm u T ea b ut Itreet. v uerfosseerub b ut th e q 0suta .y notion.sàif an linoCoo (1ni .essVe ermanas et agent iAn le .agé of t o mai ams" P. s u iselme t av 2.00,bmi gl a dsh r » the ehu, teeteeilioftthett-0 The GleSt. &'Y tG-bl om un mUy Anehnlart4oc B isedo' oc 2oef.25 phys i i e s n aeeis Cit ,l u nata. *t a ge . m hi, e heb sn ss Tesm.ui icl m i le anele&roubethé, rte, and >lMM brasl.,,eai»t emsthe miéiennetgaatoll suet e t a1.mthà0 10tee ner -~~~~T . v ei " ii e O uré ~ 2 6 C . o S e .t B