-IT LOiALS l. J. DAz*OWid gbl a in Wli Patae.1 i uu loft an Tn" u MW à L S uTTo unVI K b r d p îwa W U W m d, M in - B rn m jî,n r anarmer. fl n ,,a,.ity.11the RU Pnvm-Noila theiimr f salr.Trahei r. King: sd Jamon 1 1 L o tAApril. C"ýbrn'a babioes Caakburn the panas. st., Hmlon.ltL R EI et swudDta Z- TRrt ok a . I N AND eayN E R Y O PtitNlN 'a y p uod -.. lacet> attend. H.inadka nd . W Fui. 1wekfo reFMO orsB.Cw efthlia ý;&tiDR sesr'Dg. forreTarBoa 3 i,,,IY gnn] n.H ai,,.a larg attend- o rmer bsbuin n bushneass.for the titýHiawNAehS.h ne.. ibtreeor tour yere.-Brmpton Ban. 201gan t. n ' - tn l ig at her condition jeim vn n UP nor 'eaa.7. * Apply ~W arr happy ta smy tht M. Cla.XtYou conhe uble o cll n uîan PnpprrOu dipla O OlI' acuinaaOw oui Of danger and atumii daemroo A h enili lbmo LiceaOrrig MilneyOpnnttke laee-ud rdA ri nda tI ci at a ypor utwun rre uv ta n te Ciety. noli9ianditationaeis xtene t odpulctoe sct o it nd înportio our s ness of choice Cl r . o A . nt a a n t en ea i t a i Tbis brandlefashioable m il inery gonds. W e iosp ar be a n o a ke o r m ll n r e 1 W.A. Las and ca oui Cîrrancfc ample pronf that our efforts in this directinh ebenad reppeatdb 0 fcc.ieginfîn. î-lO La te lite MI. Mandefi, &am.d anîrfct o i r e lcovrdrm arm n hti ogtt e n tesceso tî oto4f n um s fIýMCT01 n,.ýiuodta ig urnd ysteray vecng.He bsUMpeople0'tboftpeole ltonlto andn eespeOiyMiltn.yurgondsar rare , rpric rges beauout veryand milliners îîosîrpassed in city or country. heonsacei)Rton.t OurU iiiesdrrgte rte pO at uPRar riFTrdiyE N n . BE f r. Om id a ct !b ia aa H a -t nd.Gnbeut s.daycndnillmrrs et the Il ov 'sflIl.ooe. t rag oreprmn& paigo 'lltuioryday vrre t amil to ilt O rD " od r tmrrent is overflossîng with the newct and nîost 'l bot htja 0octecs']tihall let o , t . nMtone . R Hf awarrvei ialtlony catagtH8tt.1 latdesîrable gonds the înarkets affor. W nSlpYay~c rr5.pr .P, ;. oklýll'sclo omo u>ttaiuPat.aOh lilîDg Li mise mhioi lotHLLIsuch as do credit t tooorele nd justice to our customers. Ouîr better iles of L ~,l th fac.R.Ho the ircis t ito bcia IR.Hsl HfiqoietalanSO N sithncc dresgoods are al oold in costume lenlgths ;110t wo alike. etl I ath i , i lody r r du thora>t~ ffb aylaia.netasTces_ M p. for Hilton Oî rs- akn sled -Àuah Mo C laTmody. ad îteioboaca llaIFiday of pacartintie1LC tott l ot~> cf Foo o ttr.15 mre, oSconeoSf.oitt ofebonui, m naHad their Grand Mllinery Openilg on 1 become an important factor inOnrbsnesindnaî o wt ilcudlc I"crto, t ,c f ,Tiaga;4 co ftotd tO o rufttttcaoctlpublHclac, riday, Mar. 26th, ahen their millinery guarantee satisfaction to every customer. N o ad u ttoptool er enuon iao a în i-n.Houe and prailngfor lrgilioa omeîlling r'il ,-otî1. ti v bio nt ncan ulta rpaad.Jha T 0cr o pi at eirn 10 paidu ttobînroom presented a most attractive appear- 5roo.5tti tth Slo o otto, lon.51orrow1LvSOCaKuIaibola Oua r opna ance. BeautitliTrimmcd Hats, Flowers, ; sL P P R -helret tcthtraea aity1h ows r c T.Ian&Itbs 0 Oo headiin earue len ohn Fnîferantoac Ithe arol boona 5 sSilks, elvets Cheffons, La0es and ,î Curtains, Carpets and Floor Oiîs iin beot value.lu evemiyrrinp ofthre operrfamily atnbttv'r of iatttoc.ittipe qRtitt l l I lloi = Lic eHnlMo of ljetaboutct..Ribbons-~pronouflCed to he hy the ladies lo 1)nIt.aol Oder.t withtnlltttag 3fda o afo b n d ocoulanM i ltotaln. cfae îj luiocow e he oein ah a h "f oilOf- y7msan d&u aro s prir ts un o d ietdsla itîiuey ee h 1 t ,o0i.ia aSivrntmmr of saaoab hot 30m pigu.Theo total viaueof theai etdsly o nilnr vrso ni Mine'ilolod. &Dar.irarottnetalinOmpian tab fouitîTiorur cuddte pon ec a Ee- -i .L. I-EMSTREETS ,cliaoac strMnaa taacufiatfo 0a tock a ft avniatoer 2f0. There nor iltot ou . o>,tand leicy 1,000. onea dOl.drckeid car and f00 ingle.Mitn G O t>dnY masEdncrd Flii a s ,Mriooo sttc Man U CSS"lsi s thorout> o =-rcm c mmd Ite stesppmdhfitriy ia ib le op ini the Mitney_____________the____________________________________ t I tto. a pa,efis carinu ttin muttofoud bu t 1 wî.opih2dfî. irgfnai ao ati Hoa r>tidu tara a av bin attentioto tual orders entrusted >teo her. Jo rctt oottaetact ntth i Piroon fbbrongiR.inc s fi. Mr. toatLon iuga tuti oc t.J Mr. -obe. irtrrynan cetadtie ]st oa gooltdenl rcorcigfrin aoseroottforar. and î-eto1,nýe Io.o, trots Of blon eo t eoho nas bLa 10oblaitn photra ootroolt tu t rlihthts cs fadol otar c oc t downaco tho fo fOlienotlttheo 1i r k o av h t c ýIt , toctudat'. OUtIbo L.nd broboooof telenMotttipi eaca ol e * aiooad. oieOff-Aronas Pasre giTc raaiitid. __________________ 1,slri o - lli - ot.rF1Llo,are or g oa tt WJames %I' . -' ian ills outfor ttoa focthrtctoaof offmoecoa&B ". treami o.ltnocavto bin hoaacr. Lae D s, ib on s, Cettl Otf, OivtOf the taiaoar'a ttoet frtafn a uc se fo hibsns.0 I atSi-ttt too ' liu a> yca clt taebrtd tathe baod nl onrtinu ttoc .1a1I ti a l i îo. iflo.Lae siberi s, o k n ro. Aril Ob. k renadyhîslfomitbittedo ot C. cttoGloves, I-tosiery,BO t ev - ho rI cct etftahltos rtdîoooa cale atoirPio lbatt,a emb CtotiMillinery, Curtal 05r W. S.fHAo,.of Hau y, will start fo¼o ltca d'r 'ca ttl- li - So,',CTto f W eat, pto at oo>baalc adiesPU uer Vetawie oeî u get o sarîetyl .iotC ît~ tîo asotto km nr, h ic b olubdm iio co or h aiu iraod uht G ocriS.W h e teu oin . . .i tqocdb, a,:i o..coo(,e tb oe o t Ilo u tt thei batti cholîrfo liedrocd otiz o l ________A._ lotoîoonopio i hav thueirîttacl t obotîcautobcfr.-cttt,lr]citOWcihve Auna IltcOosotuono uottn. Wr otuobî tt îo cc t.d.d oo tt &.eo f t he tttt HOLLINRAKE &SON ARE GIVINO SPECIAL VALUES 1 îo .BuINIL W ' IIT ~ ît toto lt, , g o goa lo1 ltlacIc cio i OflitlO ocodaof n t a t ot EVERY DEPARIMENT>ii B , s *. n~tc> 1t St'tfr, Sittt 5.oot0iOt of 3fr. Hall jootoa. rtooiolt>ettea foaoh t -t]tc LA Wttu ct., agent of --The Mid wooreo.teod Ilte, . teChargoe au 1.5,Ilîîv ckîîte ctîeE fu tselodîi . 11oiit éla itfbDigby Bil au the auna. rode 1o.2t5,t ll.o'hitefitl rt foata. tibJ B ohn puy" aOOfMi oit g C ty em EAL I Na o l . t iýfmi Lot of higitlivide, cSorti Fliiueits5e.-A d.50 ave acturtes iihae b y oug -î'îiît îîîdisuit ho iudt.îoBid fcm,,l fbilmr ageb Wbtof îîBiIyoa o'tyyIaa00IorBillingto tanaoorou Tocsay t<Gingirans 5c. yd. Newpriitst5c. ~ .5 1cteN toris. I havNîlig t igit n oisb nesl t,,cot.,~.fbectitoatof lfe oold svee 'tdootaa'lO teor t o m 0'actin foathe sommt.c Lrotc oto 111 ttotttt o intr nt arigaîooa o ai-iýhmrinoco oL..aarogtceî,dRange Priîîts 10 & 1-21c. 1.75. 14tt'>5 ,nit'ýt ttrtttthe rO. ifo l ai cceac ý.Blu t o mrn a a*,I. ut ole$IchQo. igured )ress Gonds 12ec. 2.00, JH .oORsitn ..lt'tottt lt>cc l et a r Glcob e.O(HAnitatdoYiî c i, hi .tcd hy tto Lace C ra 1s 0c., JOHN T nmm>,a ,ltleol ce92mraesi ttt . Psdacilt ont Cîttutirlsssî'tAmic i Ori e e ltitoatarl; ,nir fnt e CLOrl ý- hea. INthia roin t e lm gr Oofu ttd t 3j- long, $1.00, worth $1.40. 2.25, Ing Lte 001,f on' BuctcccC. r>tcttttondIoutcaitbeailaccacf.gte bin Extra ci ice ltcot).~00,sorth S2.40. 2.50, HAVE YOU A-b ,.îlt i aît Nasacoa uoiurtttgcft GeUorgtown club, aoabrtc Itto oit rncadtq f0ii o~a Ot> trth $1.50. 11I cd kcpertctlt&t hît May îe uiottr ona cectad t-Hou. Scon ittO s-aei tt Ton ht ,Ittltu otdcstly dccnt .sol n;1- r t>'oot. TO . MKay; ood Vtic, o îcid~>~ naucoucb Lot News'Eîîîbrd Edge Work 3e ., worth ,c. st. l îcl, accu loo ocd tor 5aitlero bl smeC u h .ttttoDilî' tetc tttoaceteucfrt. 5. otby tdnlyT;rem,, j . Jcl>m; oIfobi 10,4 -fcntwoc T o bl s m e C ug ,t.,tttOolOAo icou C alrtî L1.lt1h ,%mCrvwsn; ,lC Aioto;of tiglitit and Amorcîrbatjatt Eîtibr'd Misliit, 3 iawîîs. 121e, orth 20c. t.ht lot'tt ittifol. fng etordctiOcoiting 1ur tletr al rdyoou Cot aa'N..0 CeaooS; o2Lctd. ad Ica a1ttlue a ri . to . f0 Blk Fig'dDress Goods oser 50c red ced 10 d o See is 1oB y fîrooctiotut bof Wll s. ouewtio . tr r uc t>.f olO.Blouocd CoOtto matmil ett .cOt cboî. Tubit. Dteper 18c.tu <>et I. N by f'cof îît, rîof o,. lîilada, ntoaaIIOfO.IF SQ. TR Tht ttoc Cite I. CtoIIIttrEt. -On to -tit t -Un~in CarpIt-neiO olot t t i lose .1 iclttu saitnit -- M OoIoFS O ug S ruR- TcaatutT.roItautftr mi (coatc.i .t1 opcou ccug CASH busatess. are 1 ot.o.5 fLTo' " 1itît onlec 0!c'be o cc omrnittteddfoa tttalcO ttoschiarges,--n.ll m s C u h y u r tof..Btll 5Coo n s e. ttr pponasolee. s.'W. F. Dwar. tilo mmoitting perttili c b t o li ttittn t ,I.tea otilctofil ocdia 1b W bas a c ce . Onffaî T>u>tîatftheoicaostsoutatetralofltî he>N WILSON'S SHOE STORE. ia al cait iht>îr.iîîco Iî ut stdiibt fulvatooot, tao. jiu, ito ndsclIc bcope 11.0veiledit t rl>ic ap o acia o rtea , t-t>d en& c Hid sLa u tcr fi le as b ji atici l owt Os it a Jceo pur u .'IN LAREbfit.OTLES ANI)11 OLlD 1lOtI lot il ýýudoeauMnaywil euepaci. lo e nter>Barorge ogea"T he pr-u olur U SE G O D P A Iifl-e - ootac. Col> oyuntouu' potuiac. rJoba Lyou.Seso . Sl st iI igt 4èttertceat osesad e n aeacbaEaad & UO,-. m beu cct tie a ndt' Mfuoicipalsrde fî rprot. Alto n Chc o ffocî e lt Ma v t141, O . Cil> e.iiruggist and Staîlîner, . Mîdical Hall, Milt.i 1 l ; . b e n s e i l i l c e . B r i p . n w i l m o v e b f o l c cr . rllo o ,o o o it ie , o t to >C l t t o o r lavc yoîo tîicoy late by"j~atuSui Ou 'I.. R%ýOD,'HN &Ct,124 Victoari a ot. tth Reîtd Higishot :,,,u,9;..t.tt lt It EO L S T R F'Y U W N -- 1lrea'mfor l.coaSprnat& Su,51.Toroto. tottyr sraoapbtelttTtUEdocoettre:' .STORE e*teml rotintb it. 'ttittOYttO ODRS,"'e tue tntageâeah:A Iiiznîblie, _ 0 U W L.mttcul1.i'the 7tDo'iniolntRIocaIt..t A.lit>tthclttOtt o tmitd itg that yoît Foi' the use ut th u lc Kin t-eio>tt Stotn- aia tn 7 'IV.tDtrFCeutommePI" 1 l.H raao 7tattt. fiefia ti'totc ,.5t0oociosto..Hau1tog Aunil 1,Ibm Douotor bprai t & too6o 21,. uff ...... Tb.- db e croatoti botî,ttaoca Coumpany tutu issue from, ta i ioa.'r e. u BoliitOt il io l i ch baua lWîgRtdo htil t ue o I iwe r. otooCIor cho it off; clii %,Iietiier inteoiding pu'-N OV c Ar .. dc'tt't N*il M Con' ofioCa moocy rdera a a i te lou, oaaî taa ococ Ofh t ac t uliaI Si capp00>0 corfn tiie. at t ,i b ta Ach;îsiiîg or uîotf- ýr!1I er p r n ter iii t enîclet e ve r $8t> ch . c ; ove a a s o p tp o oe d tiol lits ro ad o"to' 0cto at m le> u rf ,lo ti a cst o do c abve o o d usatatd utsi or n o t .~ - v0e i -o r a I C ; e 1 . ne v r '0 I ,tpoincttaoïo tr oy. &ASotITWO FS v e.C OE. ttott i t o tIttiot bo.îver a 13'. et.., $ 0 o 2c.; .$ i Cabror e Stit,;paittlut,01 es lw y W lom W deadS lSomrFn.lSIitMura.A PAIR 0F PANTS netle ot0,»k. odcS40 ct 1r e c", u t h h o e Li , 1 c. ; o a $ 5 0 . ft o o .; O an-6 0 , c ît le a t i l i et D t a , i ntta t o . O n .s o o s a n g t p e f "t . t- --c-a-a- - t iomtuiet u a t il t.ifitca@ vr$,nt>c ovr r$5 5.;oe 7.ý vcp iTee enr llirp Flota peints r la sdcnrb ut nil tfec-Nf Not araeCoocoltotos. fif toeltpncipal tPolot>blCtit i bo e i Wt nUitted' octcst . ue.îHcIGG N O H M &W iieafl ýot( tcio oxial oiim 'ittt c o luO sudtitUp F 0- u i t a I nvü fteilone.F% E FILW e hibetv leIl i l a u u d bci n I l g o n i u ca ca e t » l a c O f r a d ett C iîe a o i O n a . ' Clt a a t i oV I vleIR. Ls , e n z l e iE i eato 01t .H ) oil' lîotutc cloai ofcctheodo Suiced lite meure. FRY OPFC l I Nf COTrONAIIE ( OOfIS. EtaoOL îa. o' .tot>gNJl . s 1ttbt 8,îbein [,.a EocstcllL C.olîS pecialst of Mileu ýO-gave e . fril fu etn >t crffs d .iîca l it o toitoo atray rdAri. No 61 i l T .il , % l m e iT an t . c îl ba rt t»' jo te 28 îb f ttnthe ca e cuVa. l facoul le G r i i e I h l r u e a a r M ccZ I , M r h n a l r liat o 'tio~ciatioa a bo dw n othlo atacntitemiîbrt lutiusa fîtî repoitof tl> cocou î,tColtntaitalDefueBa Ifttopropft________________________ 'o attnd Vi, fau al o Our attaia do tper'ebremt.epîrotuofr 1îerdmcegoenthellttef iste.a re aco 56ak l o .56 ubie'f ble ineun,, M. I;flm. yster nadboeu isposd ohalt' ipuit of rio pocbs3oncfareth for nd othetrboy.ldgSna300 W. J. the >UrltO eq. i cntlda. hofatnr 1 f Iho ppal ct etnuitAv tO>jocu lc 000 ""dols lhiý t e cc I Oc u tthi s I Thel c bPrepar o n t e o d S a t oîudIi>'fi vdaiooa ref arupai o cit -Outt>O A -_nte_____ im of oats er) rops as aiHe mje-Y' PCdcesos, egn I te tadand îîi d e nl cat f McIS e eni ororrc aot 22 iii. Bolier Tovel' rcoî,oodad oboal icottotacfanooSoogtot o caSunt.fTholic uî lacero of Orper u0,ttdndo i copaseti't iino14q. ufilrgb. aoct hefilo a Poo p)rae og t e iyfo prn ,an iiode u lo Sttit1)' wili >oftac tti 'c Hoprtpoe oHc M i prrdtc>at>aa. bcgt of thesuce. oucîrutîpoîe. o6iin.pWhciteîCoouo0c 1sn c n tcubo t elslforIc s0c Pgo monel uît lifri, tohe fte b olnt rbtali lac e uY dlt py it -a gDo cet inlaad t> tocy i e .otl ci i nt aer hortiv,. 3fr.menatf figobda air. oc teno 'c dautrthodp tthClay. t ocomt> ai. itg svrh12c oi >teucoîîovttoci ttkS s'toW iii' t,.t ,tr lalby 1 ao c00 itoaffecte Ivitta. otya cdouplfîcausero nd H aN Ccem.. au i m ai 6i.W ieCto crwed ntlitwa tkn a ý,9t l c fr i dtc lucli; o acoyCotton, Cheap Cash Prices for the Next 15 Days.Sbe,; lisi ltgl vncag rerof thctllrrlei>featd hyn adlerruitotrobls, aeiriy as possible as deietdu bartio %il 1511 thte ord troier; u onf abbcÈtt.oJàcs S5erbtlehdud l>. t>. . tin '.,t>,ua onato. NeîW Cottofldes a.c hunri Iiaitoi ac Of 0 ,bIn h eofa lî h airod i cfstr ionstrc cc idenOlPte ha rct e n o do ff.im. low o doIl n 'tl a itta Sesuci t> e Io eta d n Br . t n s h a tp y yo u o e lu -t i. C r -on e o r theeiof m tiyn folictot a it quIngt >aIm.d rtia iîaioo atu c sBin aaîta a h RrVo ne hrntodctpayo awecd OntirJortltl>0fiin cr N ew Suttfitge, CI'xeapwo dîeanwsu oo hihter t > hair i H aa .sedi riigat m r. aoabetr .fssooii as îoit e.au and îou oî vît h lie itappoiiiti. mpuriig n & lmimD , lII. Soo,Fewut ir bealid . n thpliofLz Te gaa ticwi Ed et l'et> o iadnlt cu i bil nai on 5.111, md int5c. ttu i oîi f o r h e rvlgeOIgnt o ito.Ti.teawlkn ls pýptu i o lar 000 ne bi orla' ' othcfgrade pOd r eb amo rt.a re ss al o l t cL ro tb aaint ior te baissW nth igei Tb UiedSasTrf ilw. ocppooraf'>MR- B' padadootot t S3ilo Stora Mcntisoa -Wq rN%'ilciaM BW . rd of ta cat volntfacestikngblu th t> Coted Oh them la futue cid ' ve-'satunta>taf bita aneab a gca ?,,Fatigt he>tforgtm Lres h i t etcbot iaotV otnathtcet>ce.AUen botpy nlrprtntmn usa l aon.' enrthe D tbe apiarhsu.donco tin , tio n îcear tte aîcîrutp taof Men's a tolen irtsyth or1 bacs oico tl>cy a c kilumBMr. acc oBiaf. ht Dopanaa mtrathe acc Wale Wo tiiatDLy rnitfLoultr otr nt dnitiIr[toc. He abolienrieubolre eofabrtskechotoieCraksiD drive r na ilspaitahg flt et a ~ aMitiIlbbavuartetfnigLt' Dre1 otîf i an uS .e""mpui i d auctitea p t- dttsatoc es. Trcî ~iohym, h .,.îîîooc je ca udothr tot u m saiotbortr iatiti siossur bite.o il s&d boi re n t nu cme ta fr Be ta .ti t>i d ibe lcia ne î u lic t , Th 1ta a a ce fuan i d tm w g t 2 c N WE H A EH M ',at tol avnado tt h ile n mthutaito a the ar Dol tite gloo cilo>t otoitiA t a ni liofte ppsaion mfrco talo. oGffnmw sýaiihmutn aroulr om ittitOi fYi Dudrl eyii Aie on. HMens CashmereonldOX, heasy _an CHOICE ( cutter. '. ou Oc &,, a la cati d t he atb te o ubot.C tnte rs, i ta n C i n e --t u c e t d th e d r h p i t e P r Y oT atSL.J lioon Orl J mes -byocpe YA t tbsfi aat o frliellpî na theuii uculta ofait>ee1 twa u tldwhtCDtte tanninu rra iul adei h rs,--bc u wudTnfr Canada ntlu jiera Peot erRaio mMr lt, T r .at fr gtid uc ra lves. e. fle O pîio tu Fi no se s d il er 'iPy t d , l o ar th d r ienalightarr&Il>the!attu athejaitrierai tot uc iat d a he e fIO s , iu'.hpWt, oa iDiltt>b orac- fl l@u e l>f tthceaocoummonae.T erucialu agnts tna i S Ïvhiii bufgaola mu. t> tro o t>eif t eimn etne mce nle e n d amiedo ' tos aie re ch oueîntcone .tce on pp in efr hyar I es.',üog dhc o uaigag ba afyereo brou lldiilirtios yti f oeonFery lut nt iauai e h i Leg>auiiucotn. 0~.obIttiiO adoîolVolcitrour, aiittMa. eoat baiittost ipsre à dt> ihJobut icrnDts.(ah afdmanaaneridmnd pw ilo ro carm > d~Sii..o M im iaso' 0> na hitu o lrt hevd b A u e t m n rad'ëiri t&1 oî>mb rp tso n taprut a e yo tzi d o 25- 1u- HueS Johntuua i o al r.Noniis ete ba r Bf oduaa eibre ue orep cîy fe 'boer '.O'., extso asr.v>0ybr'ct; nhtcdt> fia imadd ' .iUSTNea Spr*--HEg SotchALU tings, A--,, L.eoiey aaval, ctei.a nlîbli .cr Case, and Druggitt. tMA MILTON,